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Create a 'Legends House'

So, who's been checking out Legends House on the Network?

I think it's some light entertainment. It is what it is. It doesn't seem as badly scripted/contrived as Total Divas, at least.

Anyway, to the point.

If you could book the next season of Legends House (Which would appear to be an inevitability), who would be your eight contestants?

And don't forget to include an all important HOST! (Ashley from the Pussycat Dolls in the current series)

I'd probably do a House of Hardcore spin-off, myself:

1. Sandman (Funny/clever guy, full of hilarious stories, amazing chemistry with Levy)
2. Terry Funk ('Middle-aged and crazy')
3. Raven (See 'Sandman', but up the IQ)
4. RVD (An opinionated, out-spoken guy. Him and Sabu are good pals, but you haven't seen as much of them two together as Sandman/Raven)
5. Tajiri (Apparently can talk more English then he lets on. Be interesting to get to know him a little better)
6. Sabu (Watched a YouShoot with him and he seemed like a cool guy)
7. Tommy Dreamer (I heard he does a lot of funny shit to 'pop the boys'. I think that's kind of what his WWE 'Jackass' style gimmick was drawn from)
8. Paul Heyman (Oh c'mon...)

Host - Don 'Cyrus the Virus' Callis (Just a fucking great talker. Would be awesome)


  1. Host - Zooey Deschanel

    House Guests:

    Iron Sheik
    Dynamite Kid
    Bret Hart
    Shawn Michaels
    Ric Flair
    Jim Cornette
    Shane Douglas

    I'd reckon Flair and Bret would spend a lot of the show arguing who is better. Iron Sheik would be wandering around naked spinning his clubs. Cornette would be talking about how he would've booked everything. Dynamite Kid would be doing horrible pranks to people. Douglas would be cutting promos on Ric Flair on a daily basis. Sunny would get nailed by all of them in the season finale (and each periodically throughout the season).

  2. Andrew ChampagneMay 1, 2014 at 3:03 PM

    Scott, that sounds, in part, like a wrestling version of "Celebrity Rehab."

  3. Sorry man - It was me that posted that, not Scott.

  4. Ok, that's just great.

  5. Andrew ChampagneMay 1, 2014 at 3:06 PM

    My fault! Didn't see the author name; my apologies. And yeah, the host probably needs to be Dr. Drew. :)

  6. Flair, Hogan, Nall, Nash, X-Pac, Scott Steiner, Eric Bishoff and Bret Hart.

  7. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 1, 2014 at 3:10 PM

    1. raven
    2. x-pac
    3. bret hart
    4. scotty riggs
    5. buff bagwell
    6. kidman
    7. cm punk
    8. ric flair (80's flair, please)

    hostess: gianna michaels

    yeeeeeah, you know what kinda house this would be

  8. Oh my God, Scott Steiner...

  9. I'd also add Goldberg to that, somehow.

    I'd love to see some worked argument culminating in a Spear through gimmicked glass doors.


    Had to Google her. Good God.

  11. In the ECW house, you gotta have New Jack in the house somewhere

  12. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 1, 2014 at 3:14 PM

    i know someone who went to high school with her (on the gulf coast)

  13. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 1, 2014 at 3:14 PM

    well yeah, 'cause he'd be on house arrest

  14. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 1, 2014 at 3:15 PM


  15. 1. Heyman
    2. Vince
    3. Cornette
    4. Russo
    5. JR
    6. Watts
    7. Trips
    8. Big Johnny

    Host - Todd Pettengil

  16. Fair point. Trade him for Tajiri!

  17. They must have been some ridiculously early developed breasts. Or are they just faker than hell?

  18. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 1, 2014 at 3:17 PM

    very very real

  19. Missy Hyatt
    Iron Sheik
    New Jack
    Tammy Lynn Sytch
    Lex Luger
    Jim Cornette
    Jim Neidhart

    Host: Artie Lange

  20. That's borderline scary.

    But y'know what? That's just fine with me.

  21. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 1, 2014 at 3:19 PM

    the angle of that pic is a bit exaggerating, but yeah, they're still pretty DAYUM

  22. 1. Ken Resnick
    2. Marc Lowrance
    3. Bill Mercer
    4. Bob Caudle
    5. David Crockett
    6. Larry Nelson
    7. Ron Trongard
    8. Lance Russell

    Host: Craig DeGeorge

    (Some of those guys might be dead, I know)

  23. New Jack
    Greg Valentine
    Balls Mahoney
    Iron Sheik
    Terry Taylor
    Bruno Sammartino
    Jim Neidhart
    Ricky Morton

  24. That's a totally random cast.

  25. Vince McMahon, Ric Flair, Jimmy Snuka, Jimmy Valiant, Ricky Morton, Billy Jack Haynes, New Jack, and Paul Heyman. Host: Who cares at this point?

  26. And that is why I chose it. A total train wreck waiting to happen

  27. Scotty Riggs
    Harvey Whippleman
    Harvey Whippleman's Wife
    Brian Christopher
    Buff Bagwell
    Missy Hyatt

  28. Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Scott Steiner, Brian Knobbs, Shane Douglas, Kevin Nash, Roddy Piper with your host, Mean Gene Okerlund

  29. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 1, 2014 at 3:34 PM

    Afa or Sika
    Road Warrior Animal
    Scott Steiner
    King Kong Bundy
    Jim Ross
    Lanny Poffo

  30. My new friend Mr. Bob Backlund would have to be involved....

  31. As long as Scott Steiner is on the cast, I don't care who the other 7 would be. Imagine Scott having that same blender problem as piper.

  32. Flair would get murdered by the end of the first week. And EVERYONE else would be a suspect.

  33. Harvey Whipplemans wife
    Scott Steiner
    Pat Patterson

    Open bar and 24/7 drug dealer on call also

  34. The fact that Harvey's wife is a whore will never get old

  35. "On the first night I manned the barbecue, whipping up burgers and hot-dogs for the boys. Later that night, as I was getting ready for bed, Flair and Shawn stopped by my room to again compliment me on my burgers and ask if I had any more. As Flair was leaving my room he shook my hand, looked me in the eyes and said "My friend, you truly do barbecue the best burger in the business".

    I spent the next day coming up with ideas for that night's meal. I came up with a beautiful spot where I would stuff a hot-dog with jalapeño peppers and was surprised when I walked out to the barbecue to see Shawn grilling up steaks. Dynamite shot me a look as if to say "this is bullshit", and I nodded in agreement. Shawn avoided eye contact and cowered over the grill while Flair was the first to speak up. "Shawn's going to take care of the food tonight, brother, take a night off." "This is bullshit!", I yelled. "Everyone in this house knows that I barbecue the best goddamn burgers in the business! You think Shawn Michaels is a better cook than I am? Is that what you're saying?" Flair's jaw dropped and he stood speechless. I walked up to Shawn. "You're a snake!", I yelled. "You're a liar and a phony, and there's nothing wrong with your leg!"

  36. They should just turn it into a reality show-like competition and people have to vote each other out like Big Brother. Throw in about 8 people who have had heat with each other or combos in the past and it could get interesting.

  37. Even without Heyman, because no way they'd get him to do it, that line-up would be a must-watch for me. Put New Jack in there as suggested below and that would be some wild shit.

    Shawn Michaels
    Scott Hall
    Kevin Nash
    Triple H
    Host: Shane Douglas

  38. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 1, 2014 at 3:59 PM

    plus sophie dee and eve laurence

  39. I said this before but is there ANY doubt that Vince recently saw the Real World recently and got the idea for Legends House?

  40. Trish
    Michelle McCool
    Kelly Kelly

  41. All I'm picturing is Bret sitting by himself in the corner watching his old matches as the others are drinking beers and socializing

  42. Never. It's the gift that keeps on giving

  43. I do wonder who has the most legit heat within the business...past or present

  44. Swap out Heyman for New Jack, and let Heyman host, with his choice of bimbo as co-host. Challenges could include "Don't Let Your Check Bounce!" (first four to the bank to deposit their checks actually get paid that week), "Hide the Drugs" (Cops make a "surprise bust" on the house, except Paul's warned the guys a day before. See who's really an idiot.), and "ECW! ECW! ECW!" (Either the most pathetic appearance on any show that week, or "Has New Jack been arrested recently?")


  46. Only if the XXX stuff gets its own episodes.

  47. 1. Melina
    2. Alicia Fox
    I'm at a loss.

  48. The Brooklyn Brawler, Kim Chee, Abe "Knuckleball" Schwartz, the third Doink the Clown, Vinnie Vegas, Master Blaster Steel, Oz, and Yokozuna's corpse rigged up like a marionette.

  49. ooh a Raw everday. 6 or 7 years from now they will all be posted. And as for Clashes, they apparently posted one, of which it is impossible to find on anything but a PC, and only if you search under very specific search terms. Yeah they sure are getting that content up. As for Total Divas, my wife watched some of that show. You know how much WWE network she has watched? None. You know how many Raws she has watched in the past 10 years? None. You know what she knows about wrestling? Only what she picks up from me. I'm not convinced the audience for Total Divas is anywhere near exclusively the type of people who are interested in the network.

  50. not sure that just a million viewers is "incredible." See another topic on TNA where I posted that about 12 different networks AVERAGE over a million viewers each and every night.

  51. If there's a 50% crossover from TD to Raw, I'd be impressed.

  52. Best thing that could happen for WRESTLING (as in not WWE style sports entertainment) fans is for Bonnie Hammer and Kevin Dunn to go far, far away. They are huge haters of actual wrestling and it impacts the WWE each and every show.

  53. I hold no ill will towards Bonnie. Kevin Dunn can die ASAP.

  54. Speaking of useless, that's my one and only problem with the show - the fact that the entire experience, entertaining and compelling as it was, was rendered pointless after the fact once they completely buried the winner. I loved the SCSA season, but I couldn't help but feel cheated of multiple hours of my life once What's His Name won and then received a prompt shit-kicking on RAW the following week.

    I suppose it doesn't help that the WWE talent is probably resentful of the winner(s) considering how they punched their ticket into the business.

  55. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 1, 2014 at 5:19 PM

    Nothing you said here is false.

    I think that in an ideal world they would really like to draw people in who aren't interested in any of that.

    There are something like 10 million people that will watch a show about duck calls or pawn brokers. Maybe there are a few million that would watch old wrestlers doing stuff.

  56. and the two aren't mutually exclusive. Hell I've watched the first two legends house episdodes and I'll watch the third. Now will I watch some of the other suggested ideas that I've seen on a list for WWE reality shows? Probably not most of them. I think the frustration is that content is being put up so slow. If WWE wants to fixate on the current roster (which is quite understandable) and entertainment type programs (a little less understandable but par for the course with Vince) then equal it out with some serious vault content. Again, and I've said this repeatedly, there is a ton of stuff from the 24/7 on demand channel that has already been sanitized for our protection and is ready to be put on the network. I think many people would be more than thrilled if they just put up a bunch of unedited (for time) house shows and a bunch of WCW saturday night and wwf primetime episodes.

  57. If I am reading what you said correctly you are suggesting WWE is trying to attract non-wrestling fans based on reality shows and eventually non-wrestling programming? If that is the case I think Vince is just as off his rocker as when he thought that people wanted to watch roid freaks pose, much less roid freaks posing with characters and angles.

  58. ... I'd watch another season of Tough Enough.

  59. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 1, 2014 at 5:50 PM

    Yes. I am very sure that Vince would like to attract a wider audience than the hardcore wrestling fan. Why wouldn't he?

    Yes. I think that he will try and do that via reality shows. I also agree that this is probably one of the most cost effective ways of doing it.

    Is he off his rocker? Maybe. WWE certainly doesn't have a good track record with non-wrestling stuff. But you never know. If I'd told you in 1995 that in fifteen years one of the biggest shows on cable would be about a bunch of scumbags bidding on shit in storage lockers, you probably wouldn't have believed me.

  60. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 1, 2014 at 5:58 PM

    Ok, sure, I don't really have an opinion on content because I can't get the network yet.

    I think the PPVs and a few new hours a week isn't anything to sneeze at though.

  61. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 1, 2014 at 6:01 PM

    I'm good with a new season of Tough Enough, I've liked watching them. And with it being run 100% by WWE it should be better than the last incarnation.

    So how is WWE going to be doing a year from now with The Network. Yeah they'll have international but how many people are going to stick with it past two six month periods? I hope they gain more subscribers as that's better for us but I'm not sure.

  62. quite a bit different selling storage wars on a normal cable channel and selling non-wrestling programming to non-wrestling fans on the WWE network. And the media, if they even pay attention would have a field day making fun of Vince for trying to mick Pawn stars, Storage Wars, or god forbid the hillbilly/redneck reality show craze (and we all know Vince loves him some hillbillies)

  63. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 1, 2014 at 7:22 PM

    If a show were to get good word of mouth, then it would be treated respectfully enough.

    Look, I'm not saying that it's a likely thing that WWE will hit the jackpot that way, but I don't think that it's impossible either.

  64. It's incredible in the sense it's c list divas and when it was announced nobody here gave it a chance to succeed and it's currently the second most succesful show on the network. I would call that a success and yes incredible.

  65. Actually a raw everyday is 30 weeks a month. So we get a half of year of raw every month they would have every raw up in just over two years. Honestly you're just talking without having any information or research to back up anything you said. You're saying "I don't like these things so no one else will and it won't work despite two succesful examples of it already working in two separate environments in the last year"

  66. ooh two years. How exciting. LOL on the research. I have just as much as you. It's called google and it's how I found average ratings for primetime which blew a hole in your theory about the amazing ratings for Total Divas (just because expectations were low doesnt make the ratings amazing, it makes them a pleasant surprise). The two successes are what? A show that gets the average ratings for primtetime and a show that we are told by WWE is the highest rated on the network when it is shown 12 times a week and advertised like crazy? That is success? Really? Look I get that people like reality shows. Now whether the audience that likes reality shows is the same as wrestling is more difficult to decide. It might be, it might not. Neither you, nor I know for sure. Again my complaint is not that WWE wants to run reality shows. Of the lists I've seen, most sound stupid to me, but I don't generally watch reality shows on regular TV. But hey if it does work, great. But my point has been and will continue to be that WWE is missing the boat in making sure the absolute easiest audience to please continues to subscribe. The best way to get yourself a guaranteed base of 100k or so is to have the vault content that the hardcore fan wants. It ain't rocket science and it costs almost nothing to do. So put up all the reality content they want, just don't neglect the vault stuff. IMO 2 years to put up all the Raws is far too long. Netflix doesn't dribble stuff out, they put it up by season or in the case of shows that are no longer on the air, they put up the entire run.

  67. But if it's the top viewed show, then it's bringing in more viewers than anything else.

  68. I don't know the answer to that, but according to what they're telling us, more people are watching the network exclusives than the historical content. I understand that that means that portions of the audience are watching DIFFERENT historical content versus, say, a specific episode of Raw. But if you look at the graphic of the top ten shows being watched, not a single one is ANY form of historical content.

  69. Without the actual numbers there's no way to contextualize it. If the top 10 shows account for 5% of the viewing on the Network then they need to focus on the other content. If the top 10 shows are 50% of the viewing then it would be wise to focus on more original programming. But without that knowledge we're not really able to make any really informed judgments on their decisions.


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