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Daily Network Thread - 5/1/14

The Network live stream schedule for today:

9:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 2/21/94 - Razor Ramon & The 1-2-3 Kid vs. The Quebecers; Bret Hart vs. Tom Prichard.
10:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 2/28/94 - Randy Savage vs.Yokozuna for the WWF Championship.
11:00 AM ET - WCCW - 12/26/82 - David Von Erich & The Freebirds go for the WCCW Six Man Tag Team Title; 18-Man Battle Royal Pole Match.
12:00 PM ET - WCW Spring Stampede '99 - 4/10/99 - Ric Flair vs. Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting vs. DDP for the WCW Championship.
3:00 PM ET - Best of Hall of Fame - 4/23/14 - Pete Rose/Ric Flair.
4:00 PM ET - Best of Hall of Fame - 4/24/14 - Gene Okerlund/Shawn Michaels.
5:00 PM ET - Journey to Wrestlemania XXX: Daniel Bryan.
6:00 PM ET - WWE Countdown - 4/23/14 - Top ten greatest tag teams.
7:00 PM ET - Wrestlemania Rewind - 4/29/14 - The Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather from Wrestlemania XXIV.
8:00 PM ET - Legends' House - A bowling competition; the Legends film a commercial.
9:00 PM ET - WWE NXT - NXT Divas Championship tournament begins; Adrian Neville vs. Brodus Clay for the NXT Championship.
10:00 PM ET - WWE Superstars - Sin Cara vs. Damian Sandow; Natalya vs. Tamina Snuka.
11:00 PM ET - Legends' House - Replay of the earlier episode.

From WWE, try One Night Stand 2005, which was meant to be a tribute-type show to ECW and led to the revival of the brand. Chris Jericho vs. Lance Storm, Benoit vs. Guerrero, yet another Masato Tanaka vs. Mike Awesome showcase and Sandman/Tommy Dreamer vs. The Dudley Boyz. I promise this show is widely available. WIDELY.


  1. loved One Night Stand. Have it on DVD. Only downside is of course the lack of original music. They sprung for Metallica on the live ppv but of course didn't on the DVD release. I still plan to transfer all my ECW vhs tapes over to DVD at some point because it's the one show where music really matters. I'm not thrilled with the music edits on WCW or older WWF shows (and how haphazard they are with certain songs being taken out of one show and not another) but I can live with it. ECW without the music loses half the fun.

  2. Legends House is just awful television. It makes other reality programs seem like Citizen Kane in comparison.

  3. it really sucks when hollywood hogan comes out and rock house is playing instead of hendrix. also why dub over ddp and jerichos kick ass wcw themes?

  4. I've heard it is because they are knockoffs of Nirvana and Pearl Jam and WWE is so deathly afraid of paying a single dime for any music rights that they won't use them for fear of being sued. Of course if WCW never got sued when those themes were running in the middle of prime time on the highest rated show on cable when those bands were a bigger deal, not sure what Vince is afraid of, but ultimately WWE truly seems to believe music means nothing to the show and won't risk even a one in a trillion chance of having to pay a penny related to music.

  5. I got rid of hundreds of events on dvdr's after I signed up for the network but kept all my original ecw stuff for the same reason.

  6. I'm not expecting for the Network to ever put up all the ECW commercial tapes like "It Ain't Seinfeld," Cyberslam, Three way dance, etc. Too many issues with music rights, New Jack, language, and I'm not even sure what the legal relationship is since RF video originally released them. Not sure if when WWE bought up the ECW video library they got that stuff too or if RF has exclusive rights to those "house" shows that were never on ppv but they released on video.

  7. intestinal fortitudeMay 1, 2014 at 8:00 AM

    Dumb question - what is a Battle Royal Pole match?

  8. Let's do this Jeopardy style:

    Answer: Battle Royal Pole Match

    Question: What is another stupid Russo creation with convoluted rules that don't make any sense and expose the business?

  9. placetobepodcastMay 1, 2014 at 8:09 AM

    Pretty sure there is a big difference in rights with playing music in arena vs. using it on DVD/VHS/Video releases.

    Not defending WWE, but that is why WCW (and ECW and WWE) could do so, because of certain allowances for playing music in arena.

  10. Crap, I just assumed that was a late WCW match and not WCCW. Not enough coffee so far this morning.

  11. oh there is. But WCW released tapes to home video with the songs too and my point was that if those bands didn't think they were knockoffs that infringed on copyright then, they wouldn't now. But yes, there is a higher cost for putting a song on DVD than using it live.

  12. If you decide to watch One Night Stand, when Tommy Dreamer gets to ringside, pause the stream and go watch this.

    You're welcome.

  13. The participants have to be thrown over a pole set up in one of the corners to be eliminated........

  14. intestinal fortitudeMay 1, 2014 at 8:16 AM

    I just double checked to make sure I had read it right myself - there's never enough coffee....

  15. Losing Enter Sandman really deflates the moment in a way that a lot of other music edits don't. I can live with almost all the other lost music, but that one - man, talk about important to the feel of the match.

  16. oh I forgot. I believe WWE is in litigation with the guy who wrote the WCW themes, which is why they are being edited out. Pappas is the guy's last name or something like that. Can't believe I forgot that. So forget most of what I said. It's a lawsuit thing.

  17. There were dumb matches long before Russo. Dusty Rhodes and that god-awful Bunkhouse Stampede where you had to force a guy over the cage or out the door, resulting in horribly convoluted spots and guys climbing the cage for no reason other than to get dropped over the other side.

  18. Stranger, have you changed careers and taken up used car sales?

  19. A fair point, and duly noted. Maybe Russo was running ideas past Dusty to see what the Dream thought of them...

  20. I think that is the big one for almost everyone, although I think lots of ECW guys really need there music. While it sucks to hear generic synth music it really wasn't a big deal to have Dusty Rhodes lose Purple Rain because most of the wrestlers weren't identified with the songs, they chose big hits to enter too. It's when the song is identified with the person or tag team such as Demolition or Slick or Dusty in WWF that it sucks to have it edited out.

  21. In reality though, I do believe they have a pole set up in a corner with something on the top of it, and the basic idea is to be the first person to get it while trying not to be tossed over the top rope.

  22. I also cringe whenever they lose Demolition or Jive Soul Bro, but that's mostly because I really love those songs.

  23. You know Dusty was a lot like Russo. Some fantastic ideas over the years but also some real stinkers. Dusty threw a lot of shit up to see what stuck and some did, like Wargames but like Russo you also got the bunkhouse stampede, the dusty finishes, the awful midget movies, Cactus with amnesia, etc. Can you imagine Russo and Dusty booking a promotion together?

  24. intestinal fortitudeMay 1, 2014 at 8:25 AM

    I guess that makes sense - I'll have to check this out later. It can't be more impractical than the Bunkhouse matches, it just can't

  25. Russo and 1987-89 Dusty would be gloriously bad, probably coming back around to cult classic good.

  26. This is the show where DDP won the title, right? That was certainly very.. strange?

  27. Let's start a petition for Jarrett's new promotion to hire Russo and Dusty to do booking! Best idea ever!

  28. James Papa. He says that WCW profited from the Slam Jam era stuff, without receiving any compensation. There is also a claim that WWE cost him money by using a Jim Johnston version of Badstreet, USA, after he was contacted by THQ, to acquire permission to use his.

  29. Michael Hayes was in one of the video games?

  30. I read that it was for the Legends of Wrestlemania game. I never played, that I can recall, so I don't know if he actually was.

  31. Stranger in the AlpsMay 1, 2014 at 8:40 AM

    I've got a Yugo with your name on it, baby!

  32. By the way, does anyone remember why Shawn was stripped of the I-C title in '93? Was he actually negotiating with WCW to leave? Or were drugs somehow involved?

  33. placetobepodcastMay 1, 2014 at 8:46 AM

    IIRC he failed a steroid test.

  34. ONS 2006 is what restarted the brand not 2005. Another lie! WHO CAN STOP THIS MONSTER!?!?!?!?!?!?

  35. "This is Tommy Dreamer's last hurrah"

    Always loved that line from Styles. Sure it wasent in retrospect, but at the time it felt that way

  36. Stranger in the AlpsMay 1, 2014 at 8:53 AM

    Ow! My tumors.....must...reach.....radiation therapy....machine.

  37. The main reason I dont check out the ECW material from the WWE Network, just kills it for me

  38. RF sells Fan Cams of ECW house shows (shot with a single camcorder), plus they recorded everything ECW aired on TV (Hardcore TV, TNN, PPVs). They are not the master tapes, but VHS recordings from TV that have been copied to DVD. Heyman gave them permission to sell them when ECW was in business.
    WWE has the master tapes of all non-Fan Cam shows, so they will be the ones releasing any ECW footage that never aired (which they have, as some WWE Home Video releases have ECW matches that never aired at all or were only aired in highlight form).

  39. The James Papa thing seems to be resolved, as several weeks ago, WCW PPVs were disappearing from the Network, then would return about a day later with the SJ music restored.
    The thing with WWE dubbing over WCW themes that were ripoffs of real songs is very odd, as the Network is the first time they've not left in those themes. Until the Network, there was no issue with the sound-alike themes of guys like DDP, Jericho, Jarrett, Douglas, etc. And what's weird is that Sid's 1999-2001 theme is a Jimmy Hart-composed total knockoff of "China White" by the Scorpions yet that's not dubbed over on the Network.

  40. You better get a time machine to get the right's is probably too senile to remember the really good/bad shit.

  41. thanks for the info. Still not convinced we will ever see the individual shows that were once released on VHS due to the music issues, New Jack issues (related to music), language both from wrestlers and the crowds, and sadly even the violence issue since WWE is schizophrenic on what is too violent or bloody from day to day.

  42. 2005 led to the revival. 2006 WAS the revival.

  43. Stranger is never right about anything.

  44. Thankfully I recorded the live feed direct to DVD. Whew!

  45. Does anybody even watch those Best of HOF shows?

  46. Sounds like a Vince Russo idea.


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