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Daily Network Thread - 5/20/14

The Network live stream schedule for today:

9:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 5/30/94 - Tatanka vs. Crush in a KOTR qualifying match; The King's Court with Bret Hart.
10:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 6/6/94 - Tatanka vs. Crush in a KOTR qualifying LUMBERJACK Match.
11:00 AM ET - WWE Countdown - 5/13/14 - Top ten ladder matches.
12:00 PM ET - Wrestlemania Rewind - 4/1/14 - Triple H vs. Chris Jericho from Wrestlemania X-8.
1:00 PM ET - ECW Hardcore TV - 10/11/94 - Mikey Whipwreck vs. Jason for the ECW TV title; 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Matt Bourne.
2:00 PM ET - WWE Rebellion 2000 - 12/2/00 - Steve Austin vs. The Rock vs. Rikishi vs. Kurt Angle for the WWF Championship.
4:30 PM ET - Legends House - 5/15/14 - "Express Yourselves" - The Legends participate in a charity art gala.
5:30 PM ET - Legends of Wrestling - 2/1/07 - The careers of Ric Flair and Sgt. Slaughter.
6:30 PM ET - Beyond the Ring - Randy Orton: The Evolution of a Predator.
8:00 PM ET - WWE Main Event Live - Mark Henry vs. Cesaro.
9:00 PM ET - Wrestlemania Rewind - Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Savage from Wrestlemania V.
10:00 PM ET - WWE Countdown - Top ten memorable debuts.
11:00 PM ET - WWE Main Event Replay - Mark Henry vs. Cesaro.

Recommendation time! WCW Souled Out '98 ranks as one of those shows where memorable stuff happened, even if some of it didn't make sense, and the match quality was very satisfying. The Luchadore eight man tag to open the show, Benoit vs. Raven, Booker T vs. Rick Martel, Ric Flair vs. Bret Hart. Then you had angles like the Dusty-NWO turn, Kevin Nash botching a powerbomb on The Giant, and the show ENDING with a Luger-Savage match that was horrible. It should have ended with the Flair-Hart match, since that was the marquee match of the show. Of course, almost immediately after this, RAW started winning the Monday Night War, as fans were starting to tire of the NWO angle. So what do they do? Create the Wolfpac. It just gets convoluted from there.


  1. Flair/Hart not main-eventing was a joke and disrespectful to both wrestlers. Huge alarm bell that WCW was going to screw up their shot with Bret.

  2. Come to think of it, booking Bret vs. Flair as Bret's first wrestling feud was dumb. They had a shot to offer all these new opponents, and they put him up against a guy he ran the circuit with only 5-6 years earlier. And how did they follow that up? With Bret vs. Hennig. Like we hadn't seen THAT before, either. Morons.

  3. Well, a lot of WWF fans never got to see Flair vs. Bret so I could see why they did it, but there were piles of fresh opponents including a Bret vs. Hogan match they could've built up.

  4. I think I am going to watch that tonight after work plus Spring Stampede 98. OH YEAH!

    Also, I wonder how fucked up the booking committee was for WCW in 1998.

    Why create two separate factions for the nWo then have the guy who has been trying to destroy said group for the last year and a half, JOIN IT!!?!?!

  5. I actually found that smart. Good way to settle Bret in. I actually would have done the same when Hogan came in around 1994, have him start with feuds with Orndorff and Meng for example, instead of immediately getting the title shot.

  6. They were deemed "Too old".... 5 years ago. They never cease to amaze me.

  7. I was watching the network on the iPad last night and I ran a search for Big Boss Man and I discovered 4 or 5 episodes of smackdown from 1999 that haven't aired before and aren't listed in the vault. You can watch the entire episodes. It makes me wonder what else is hiding on the network right now.

  8. Capital Combat 1990 was originally called "Armed and Dangerous"? I never knew that. Jim Ross was closing Wrestle War and said we'll see you at our next PPV then called it that. Wonder why it got changed?

  9. Tim Duncan at 38 still capable of getting double-doubles is pretty insane.

    I'm a bit biased, but I really hope they end up with the ring they should have had last year.

  10. They better include Earthquake in the top debuts. Totally underrated. Bringing him out of the crowd like that for a push-up contest and then crushing the Warrior? Heel brilliance.

  11. Anybody but the Heat.

  12. Sucks that they have turned Mark Henry into a jobber again.

  13. Well his career is close to ending, and he's put over guys like Brock and Roman Reigns several times. At least it's being put to good use. When he jobs to Fandango or 3MB, THEN the alarm bells will ring.

  14. You can pinpoint the exact moment that happened. When all the former world champions were in the ring, trying to make a huge deal about Orton vs Cena to unify the belts... only to hear a chorus of chants for Daniel Bryan...

    ... Mark Henry raised the man's hand to a monster pop. I'm sure that was frowned upon.

  15. I thought he just signed a 3-year deal? Plenty of time to still get some mileage out of him.

  16. His more frequent absences due to injury can't help, either.

    He sure does get beat up a lot by Brock Lesnar, though. Oh well. Mark's had his big awesome run and his career is winding down anyway.

  17. A rematch from last year would be so much fun. Last year's final was awesome.

  18. When does the Hulu RAW version go up? Is it by today?

  19. I've been going through the ECW Hardcore TV episodes in order (somewhere in 1994 right now), and I like seeing how these feuds and such developed. I also like how they hyped up the big Saturday night ECW arena shows.

    I discovered The Public Enemy at the tail end of their ECW run, when they jumped to WCW. They may have never been good in the ring, but holy shit, they keep me laughing during their early promos. Like when they jacked up Tod Gordon and he threatened to call the cops ("Not the Po-Po! Please, no Five-O!!"). What an awesomely fun gimmick.

  20. Maybe even one more title run.

  21. Don't let WWE know of this.

  22. That and the Thunder. Fuck both those teams.

  23. totally disagree. the signing of Hulk Hogan might have been the biggest thing that ever happened to WCW (up to that point). putting him anywhere but at the top of the card would seem out of place (and the Flair/Hogan program worked in a big way, too: Bash at the Beach and Halloween Havoc almost had twice the buyrate of most of the other WCW ppvs that year).

  24. The way I see it, he would have popped a huge buyrate for his debut match no matter what, then as he very quickly went up the ranks (Beating say, Orndorff, then Arn Anderson in a "If you beat me, you are #1 contender" match), then the title match with Flair on PPV #3 would have been equally as big. That's just me though.

  25. so he should have main evented his debut ppv against Paul Orndorff?!

  26. Him being handed a title shot on match #1 seemed kind of strange to me. Just made the rest of the WCW roster look like garbage.

  27. First iv heard of that as well

  28. It's HULK HOGAN though. The setup with Flair worked great, the fans got the match they never saw at WM8, WCW got a big buyrate, it worked.

    Orndorff was on the doorstep of being awful at that point anyways. By 1995 he could barely work a match that wasent sloppy with missed spots

  29. I get what you mean, I just think they could have stretched it out a bit. Like they could have had a 3-4 month build/chase, and they did it all in 1 show. And once Hogan won the title, it was of course welded around his waist for 2 years, so it got really old, really fast.

  30. I actually can't watch early Public Enemy promos anymore. They feel like two white dudes putting on blackface. It's so fucking awful I can't imagine what Heyman was thinking at the time.

  31. Eh, I think his reign in 2011 alone is fine.

  32. That's kinda like how the July 2001 PPV was still going to be called Fully Loaded before the Invasion happened.
    I doubt that they could get away with "Fully Loaded" today. But then again, they changed all their good PPV names.

  33. Didn't think he was booked well enough once he got it, should have held it till 28 and Bryan should have won it there.

  34. I think they had to take it off him prematurely because he was injured.

  35. Your downvotes only make my resolve stronger.

  36. Credit needs to be given to both Big Show and Orton for putting him over so strong during that period too. Both made him look like a monster.

  37. Co-sign on Souled Out. I remember really digging the Booker/Martel match; Martel may very well be one of the most underrated technical wrestlers from the 1990's.

  38. Scott's reviewing '94 RAW rather than '14 RAW at the present time. Check out Andy's RAW rant if you want a recap.

  39. to me this would be like claiming like Austin or The Rock jumping ship to WCW during the Monday Night Wars and immediatly getting a title shot (just for being who they are) would make the rest of the roster look weak. imo it wouldn't: everyone would have known that these two are "better" (in kayfabe) than most of the roster anyway.

    the same can be applied for Hogan in 1994. his whole signing was presented as being the biggest deal ever. he could have fought Alex Wright in the undercard but that wouldn't have meant anyone would perceive the midcard or undercard as being "on the same level". they were clearly beneath him.

  40. isn't this a bit like claiming Austin or Rock jumping ship during the wars and getting a title shot just for being who they are would also make the rest of the roster look like garbage?

  41. I guess it reminds me a bit of any ex WWE guy immediately getting the world title in TNA. Even when Flair went to the WWF, he wasn't handed the title right away, he had a hot feud with Piper to start off. Nothing wrong with 1 non title feud when you start.

  42. Not looking for a rant, looking for when Hulu puts up RAW. Moved and don't have DVR capes right now, and wasn't able to watch the show last night.

  43. Speculation on my part states that Luger and Savage had clauses in their contracts to main event at least 1 PPV per year and WCW gave it to them at that point. WCW PPVs in '98 were all screwy.

    In addition giving talent complete creative control over their character can fuck things up six ways to Sunday.

  44. Yeah, they did a great job.

  45. WCW at the beginning of 1998 was pretty great for so many of the guys that always had been in the mid- or undercard getting crazy good crowd reactions and a little more spotlight than before (from the later "Radicalz" to Raven, Guerrera, Booker etc. ... hell, even someone like La Parka got over enough to justify something better than just being stuck in the undercard forever).

    .... so of course, in the span of just a few months most of those guys got their legs cut off (can't have some vanilla midgets get reactions that are getting closer and closer to some of those of the real stars!).

  46. No worries Rock Star Gary. I wasn't clear.

  47. I am now clamoring for the "SPECIAL MAIN EVENT MATCH" between the Demon and the Wall.

  48. Savage even headlined another ppv that year: Uncensored 1998, which is one of those shows in 1998 that still had Hogan on top despite him not being the world champion anymore (that pattern would of course even continue with Goldberg).

  49. Killer heel Mark Henry is awesome.

  50. Hogan was the biggest violator of the "complete character control" clause within WCW. As a longtime WCW fan I watched WCW so that I didn't watch Hogan. When Hogan arrived in '94 I (along with several other Hogan haters) booed him out of the building. We'd already seen Hogan go over Monster #1 of the month in the WWF in the 80s and didn't want to see it in the 90s. His heel turn freshened up his character; however, it fed his ego tremendously. I believe it was Hogan who helped to manufacture the nWo Wolfpack so that he could survive as a heel.

  51. Yea I was skimming thru all of the 1995 ppvs last night and god does the Hogan stuff just kill the entire year

  52. Co-sign.

    It was the early 90's and they were over. Get over it

  53. Souled Out is such an enigma in that they weren't going to do Sting - Hogan II until Superbrawl, so with one ppv before that they created the Hart-Flair "who's the better wrestler storyline" to headline.

    If I recall, the show actually did a good buy-rate too. The wrestling nerd in me wants to believe it was because of the prospect of a great match, but the reality probably was that fans were interested to see Bret wrestle for the first time since the Screwjob.

  54. Was Norman the Lunatic the original Eugene gimmick?

  55. No. Norman wasn't an "idiot savant", just a lunatic.

  56. He had teddy bears.

  57. Think I'm going to marathon all the Dangerous Alliance era WCW shows available starting with Halloween Havoc 91. When was the "official" end of the group?

  58. Wrestle War 92 is when they started dismantling.

  59. Mean Mark vs. Johnny Ace. What a treat this is going to be.

  60. They should have disbanded into 2 different groups, feuded with each other and still dominate the show for 3 years afterwards. (oh wait a minute...)

  61. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 10:42 AM

    Watched SummerSlam 2003 after raw last night, solid PPV. But why Di they not put the title on Goldberg there? The crowd was molten for him to win.

  62. and hhheeerrreeee we go with that one again!!!! (I have tried to argue this several times, with people basically answering "LA LA LA HHH BURIED GOLDBERG AND RUINED HIM LA LA LA LA LA LA LALALA"

  63. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 10:45 AM

    He was freaking injured though (thus the short tights he was wearing) so how was it not a good move to have him get beat here instead of a couple of months later?

  64. Should've done HHH vs. Goldberg in singles for the belt at Summerslam then HHH wins it back in the chamber at Unforgiven.

  65. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 10:46 AM

    I was watching some ECW TV and in a surreal moment Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko beat down Tully Blanchard.

  66. the singles match was officially announced on Raw for Summerslam, but the injury made them delay it for a month, and so they added the "smoke and mirrors" of the Elimination Chamber match, to build up for the real 1 or 1 match, where Goldberg completed his chase and beat HHH 100% clean.

    (or HHH buried goldberg).

  67. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 10:48 AM

    First, you can't really do a singles match at SS since HHH hada torn something (groin?) so that's out. And the chamber wasn't a bad idea, have Goldberg plow through all these guys and then beating HHH. Makes him look like an unstoppable monster.

  68. Ah ok. I vaguely remember it at the time. I was more of a Smackdown guy.

  69. normally goes up shortly after midnight I believe. Its always up by 6am on Tuesday

  70. When does the Hulu RAW version go up? Is it by

  71. You would be on WorldWide next week, but it's preempted for Payback.

  72. Not really. Even the ECW crowd picked up on it. Watch watch happens when the Gangstas show up. The crowd pretty quickly sides with the Gangstas and the Public Enemy are reduced to a joke.

  73. ... I have a CRAZY hunch that the intent was hitting him over the head. Maybe there was a slight botch, but COME ON... You all make it sound like he pedigreed him then pinned him with one foot on his chest.

    If the Goldberg character is dead and buried after one fluke loss, then it's an incredibly fragile character to begin with.

  74. They mimicked them in doing the wave your hands in the air shtick. They would have the entire crowd doing it. That's over

  75. Goldberg looked strong in the match, HHH looked like a chicken crap scared man hiding in the pod then cheated to retain. Nothing wrong with that.

  76. TJ:

    Bayless here is my required NXT name:

    Sir Phillip Oliver Krevises

  77. What looks better:

    A) Goldberg clears EVERYONE in the Elimination Chamber and looks like a dominant badass while winning the title?

    B) Goldberg clears EVERYONE in the Elimination Chamber and looks like a dominant badass until he gets hit in the ass with a sledgehammer, but will win the title a month later.

  78. King of the Ring 1994. All I remember is Art Donovan, Randy Savage, and Gorilla Monsoon as probably the worst 3 man booth of all time. Plus Gov. Schaeffer in the crowd being interviewed by Todd Pettengill where he mentions Hulk Hogan who was in WCW promoting that Bash at The Beach

  79. Because ZERO heel champs in the history of wrestling have ever retained their titles in a fluke manner, to build up a rematch the following show? It's called a chase. It's happened more than once in pro wrestling before.

  80. I remember in 1996, the WWF would run AOL chats with the stars during the Pay Per View. So I asked Savio a question that they actually didn't censor. Think it was SummerSlam 1995. I asked him if he was Kwang? He said he wasn't and how he was going to ask for a match against him, except he was long gone. Ah, the days of kayfabe.

  81. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 11:18 AM

    Question for the comic book/movie nerds out there. With the way the licensing is set up for the different Marvel properties when it comes to movies, how is Quicksilver able to be in both Cap2/Avengers2 and X-Men: Days of Future Past?

  82. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 11:19 AM

    Raven in his prime.

  83. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 11:20 AM

    R2D2 is the coolest bot I ever knew.

  84. They need to start rolling out REAL Raws. 1993-1995 Raws are horrible and by time they get to 1996, a good portion of subscribers (like myself) will have decided not to re-up. They NEED to roll out the following:

    -Attitude Era Raws/Smackdowns
    -nWo Era Nitros/Thunders
    -Coliseum Videos
    -Saturday Night's Main Events

  85. I think it's because they started out as Avengers technically before they were X-Men characters?

  86. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 11:22 AM

    That was a pretty bad injury. Never understood why HHH didn't sit that one out. His critics would bitch regardless.

  87. You didn't answer my question.

  88. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 11:23 AM

    It's a matter of what he does after the loss. You could argue that he was more damaged losing to Nash than to HHH.

  89. Both studios have the rights. Fox can't mention the Avengers and marvel can't mention mutants or his father magneto.

  90. Bayless needs to be fired.

  91. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 11:24 AM

    I'm not here to say this was HHH politicking or it was even his decision. I don't know. But that crowd was going crazy for Goldberg and they were totally deflated when HHH won. Also the guy was injured! I mean what champion actually keeps the title after an injury, that's such an asshole move, HHH is a monste....oh wait. It's just this felt like the right time to pull the trigger on Goldberg in the WWE is all I'm saying. And as you asked before, yeah Goldberg is a pretty fragile character. He was pretty deflated once his streak was beat in WCW (although other things killed his character there as well to be fair).

  92. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 11:25 AM

    True. This is why you don't see Oscorp in the Avengers movie and you don't see Stark Towers in the Spiderman flicks...even though they are both in the same city.

  93. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 11:26 AM

    True, a champion should never hold onto the title after a serious injury.....

  94. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 11:26 AM

    Are the refs, divas and superstars going to stand in the ring and protest?

  95. Srsly past 1pm and no daily update?

  96. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    But this is the same organization that lets people go months without title defenses.

  97. I think that's his point -- they worked with him, but made him look bad. I'm not saying it's valid or not, but I think that's always been his point.

  98. Well, Bret vs. Kid is coming up soon.

  99. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 11:28 AM

    I thought the way it was set up was Marvel studios couldn't even have anybody that was ever mentioned as being a mutant in their movies.

  100. If it's a Caribbean Strap match, Savio has the edge. In a martial arts match, fugetaboutit. Kwang all the way!

  101. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 11:29 AM

    I know, what kind of asshole doesn't defend their title for 2-3 months....

  102. He was never a top star.

    As a kid, I viewed him as a joke. Sure, he would beat the Virgils of the world, but he was one of those guys Bret or Savage got to beat on TV to get ready for the real stars.

  103. Quicksilver and Scarlett witch are included in the avengers rights

  104. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 11:30 AM

    That match paints you into a corner. They should have done everything possible to keep him out. HHH winning but Goldberg ripping the door off the cage and stomps him into wine would be appropriate.

  105. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    Pick one a secondary champ at random.

  106. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    OK, I get it, just the way the studios seem to hang on to every character rights they have I'm surprised this slipped through for both companies to use him.

  107. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 11:33 AM

    I think the joke is flying over your head a bit.

  108. They didn't make a deal or anything it's just been that way since before they started making these movies.

  109. Feel like I should actually learn how to cartwheel now.

  110. The only time he looked bad was when he lost the IC Title right after he won it.

  111. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 11:37 AM

    I realize they didn't make a deal (although a crossover movie would be great with Avengers/XMen/Spiderman) I just assumed they had all the characters divided up with clear cuts on who can be used by which studio.

  112. Souled Out '98. Saturday Night PPV. Super Bowl Weekend. I love when Jericho is telling the crowd not to boo him and then goes "ok I'll give you something to boo" then proceeds to beat the hell of Rey Mysterio all while yelling "boo" into the mic. Jericho was the reason I kept watching WCW in 1998 even after it was obvious the bottom was falling out.

  113. Even then, he had his foot on the ropes, so he wasn't buried or anything.

  114. Triple H was already losing the title to Goldberg, so what's the harm in him winning on the second biggest show of the year in a huge clusterfuck and then beating Triple H in a rematch a month later in a title defense?

  115. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 11:39 AM

    Actually I did get it. But the point still stands.

  116. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    I remember the moment I became a fan of Jericho, he had been good but nothing standout. Then in 98 he beat up the ring announcer and ripped the guys suit, that got my interest but I didn't see how great Jericho was until the next week with a sincere apology, a new suit and a new chair for the ring announcer. Then he went on to beat the shit out of him AGAIN after he lost the match. This went on for a few more weeks and I was hooked on Jericho.

  117. He was sooooo good back then. I was hoping to see that Jericho in WWE but he just wasn't the same.

  118. Thanks. Just watched the YouTube show. That Jericho debut STILL gives me goosebumps. I don't see how they can ever top that.

  119. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 12:02 PM


    i mean, the daily update

  120. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:02 PM

    Segregation at work.

  121. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:03 PM

    You stole a Transformer away from me?

  122. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 12:03 PM

    didn't he give a 10 min steiners/luger-sting match from '91 the full monty?

  123. Robert Bradley CurranMay 20, 2014 at 12:04 PM

    Nah, their first appearance was in X-Men as part of the Brotherhood. They've both spent more time as Avengers, though.

  124. Maybe he's not okay. Maybe he's hurt or sick or something. Maybe he went outside for some fresh air and a stampede of velociraptors attacked him. Maybe Bayless fought them off valiantly with his own patented MOVES OF DOOM but is currently succumbing to a variety of wounds made by the raptors' razor-sharp talons. Maybe he's in a ditch somewhere crying for help while heroically trying to Hulk-Up and make it to medical aid but the's just too much...

    Okay, now I'm worried.

  125. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 12:05 PM

    my friend at the timed summed it all up perfectly

    at summerslam, the crowd was rabid for goldberg to win and we were hanging on every moment, and then they went and had hhh win

    when goldberg won the title at unforgiven, we weren't even paying attention really to the ppv and when it was over it was like, "oh hey, goldberg won the title"

  126. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:06 PM

    Make sure you dress like the Grand Wizard.
    The wrestling manager...not the KKK guy.

  127. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 12:07 PM

    except that it killed the crowd and killed any interest in goldberg winning the title, when it happened in a heatless match a month later

  128. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 12:07 PM

    who doesn't?

  129. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:08 PM

    Harlem Heat theme?

  130. Did they? I thought they were introduced in very early X-Men comics and then showed up as Avengers one day. Early on in the X-Men stories you could tell that they had problems with Magneto's beliefs (they were part of the first incarnation of Brotherhood of Evil Mutants but never introduced as Magneto's children), which could explain why they became Avengers.

  131. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 12:08 PM

    Fine but all you are doing is causing Daniel Bryan more pain and suffering for your enjoyment.

  132. Just like all the other wrestlers!

  133. Just checked on the hidden Smackdowns and I found at 6 from late 99 (2 from September and 4 from December). Also there are 2 Smackdowns from January 2000 (including the Mankind is now Cactus Jack episode).

    Shhhhhh. I never said this.

  134. Shawn vs. Razor is a few weeks after that. I recall that being ****+ (8/1 episode).

  135. Speaking of football. When was that RAW Bowl exactly. Early 95?

  136. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 12:10 PM

    dont act like you weren't tappin' that can

  137. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:10 PM

    I'm willing to risk it.

  138. Savage tried his best, but Gorilla became quite unreasonable by the mid-way part of the show from frustration, and Art Donovan... oh my GOD.

  139. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:11 PM

    ..or maybe he's working.

  140. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 12:11 PM

    At least with other wrestlers they usually only kill or injure themselves. Daniel Bryan's title reign now has killed two people and injured the neck of one. Brie is probably the next casualty in this title reign.

  141. Oh. Right. Yeah, he's probably at work, yeah.

  142. Could happen in real life.

  143. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:13 PM

    Respect the booker or you'll be jobbing to pet rock.

  144. A Nation of Domination?

  145. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 12:15 PM

    Speaking of comic book movies how do you guys think Superman & Batman will turn out? I'm not sure and not because of Affleck, I think he'll do fine as Batman. But Man of Steel didn't do much for me, I didn't hate it but it felt very blah. Also it sounds like they are trying to squeeze other Justice League members in there (Wonder Women and Cyborg) and I think it's going to be too crammed in.

  146. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 12:16 PM

    He needs a gimmick change to Pet Rock Lobster.

  147. Bulletproof logic!

  148. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:17 PM

    Threadjack: My friend is going to a signing for me (so he can get signatures on my X Division Belt) and Lita and Trish Stratus will be there. So if you want to get AIDS...I mean autograph from Lita go to

  149. Glad I'm just following the MCU then.

  150. Early 96

  151. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 12:19 PM

    indeed sir, it can't be a coincidence that right after Daniel won the Title his biggest fan died and then his father died and then he needed neck surgery. That Title is Monkey Paw bad for Bryan.

  152. You aren't just getting old and new X Division champs to sign that thing?

  153. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:20 PM

    I am, but there is going to be a bunch of other wrestlers there...and Virgil.

  154. I don't see it going well... it seems like a whole lot of story to cram into 1 movie... and I don't know how their 2 separate cinematic universes will fit together... if Batman is in Metropolis during Man of Steel he is just as dead as everyone else there.

  155. Got get a Virgil autograph.

  156. Robert Bradley CurranMay 20, 2014 at 12:21 PM

    I'm in the same boat you are. I wasn't crazy about MoS and there's a distinct possibility it will be more about setting up the shared universe than anything else. That said, I'm really interested in seeing how Affleck and Eisenberg do, and can probably be pandered to if they just straight up adapt the end of Dark Knight Returns.

  157. You must have meant Layla is going to be there because she has AIDS from having SO MUCH UNPROTECTED SEX WITH STRANGERS!!!

  158. And don't forget about Warrior.

  159. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 12:22 PM

    Even as a kid reading comics I was always a bigger Marvel fan so I am a bit partial. It's just the Marvel movies are so much better done. I am more hyped for Guardians of the Galaxy than pretty much any movie this summer. Seeing Rocket Racoon and Groot in a fucking movie just blows my mind.

  160. Yeah, I'm more excited for GotG than I was for Captain America.

  161. Uh oh, now it's personal.


  163. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 12:25 PM

    The DC movies seem to want to rush to a Justice League movie without having the patience to do what Marvel did to expand the Universe first before throwing all the characters together. Although I get not making an Aquaman movie, nobody wants that.

    It's funny, DC seems to be killing it on TV but not so much at the movies, Marvel is the other way around.

  164. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 12:26 PM

    Lita has Super AIDS, one spoonfull of it in your butthole and you're dead in three years.

  165. Hope you make that marriage worth it Punk.

  166. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 12:27 PM

    Everyone has AIDS! AIDS AIDS AIDS AIDS!!!

  167. Yeah, Vince has lots of AIDS.

  168. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:28 PM

    I expect the autograph signing to look like Jonestown 5 minutes after she gets there.

  169. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:29 PM

    Lita's tampons are made from asbestos and the linings of Hazmat suits.

  170. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:30 PM

    I'd be thee all day for that. You know there's going to be a line.

  171. I think there are issues with the DC movies and the various rights being held by different people keeping the JLA movie from happening (could be wrong though) and yes Arrow is Awesome. Flash/Gotham look as if they will be as well... Agents of Shield? not so much.

  172. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:32 PM

    Lita: "YOU get AIDS, and YOU get AIDS, and all of YOU get AIDS!!!"

  173. I have no problem with them rolling Raws out over time. I'm so sick of people crying about not having everything up there. It's just annoying.

  174. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 12:38 PM

    Arrow is amazing, at first I thought it would just be another CW show that ruins something great (Beauty and the Beast) but once I got into it, I was sucked in. They do everything right with that show. By the way, did you catch the quick Harley Quinn tease in the Suicide Squad episode? Flash looks good, I like how they established Barry Allen a bit in a few Arrow episodes first. There are talks of having Bruce Wayne show up in season three. Gotham, I'll give it a chance but I'm not sure about it. Seems too much origin story stuff with little payoff. Shield, I keep feeling there's a better show in there somewhere. It did get better after the Cap 2 shakeup but it just isn't where it could be.


  176. I wish Affleck was directing it as well.

  177. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 12:41 PM

    I don't think they can adapt DKR at least on a whole but I'm sure they can pick from it like other Batman movies have. Have you checked out the two part cartoon for DKR? It's good and stays pretty loyal to the story but the art style is different and it really hurts the finished product without that Frank Miller style.

  178. You will get Monty O'Bannon and like it!

  179. Yeah I agree. With Avengers, each movie was good enough to stand on its own, but you saw the goal building. Each one of the DC heroes is good enough to have their own movie (as long as it doesn't suck - GREEN LANTERN HOW'D YOU GET IN HERE), but the bigwigs are trying to rush to the end without going through the middle.

    It's going to feel more like Batman and Robin than something epic.

  180. Stranger in the AlpsMay 20, 2014 at 12:50 PM

    It wasn't me! It was Stranger in the Andes!! Always riding my coattails.

  181. Yeah, but I think the point was the move itself didn't put him down for 3, he just put his foot on the rope to break the count instead of getting his shoulder up and the ref missed it, so he was kind of protected if they wanted to keep him in the mix - but he sucked, so they didn't.

  182. Stranger in the AlpsMay 20, 2014 at 12:51 PM

    Why did Green Lantern have to suck? As soon as news spread that they hired Ryan Fucking Reynolds, I thught it would bomb.

  183. But Ric Flair said he ruined wrestling!

  184. That wasn't the only reason. The special effects were hokey, the plot was thin, and the movie was basically a comedy. I love Green Lantern (obviously) and think if he were ever written properly he would be the most popular comic character ever... sadly writers seem to think all he should do is make giant green baseball bats to hit bad guys with.

  185. Didn't he drop guys across the top rope for a while there to? Like he did to Savage on the guardrail?

  186. ...Is what you say to anyone that touches Layla

  187. Because he is also working the concessions at the same time?

  188. Because she is so amazingly hot everyone dies from a heart attack or kills themselves when they realize they will never have her (ala Matt Hardy)?

  189. Maybe he had an incident during a talk show like Hulk and Richard Belzer where he squished the host's brains out while demonstrating his finisher.

  190. I think it was Stark Tower appearing in Amazing Spider-Man.

    Seriously, after watching the past two Spider-Man movies, Spider-Man 3 looks like the Dark Knight.

  191. I wasn't sure to be perfectly honest, but it seemed like it was possible.

    Regardless, Whedon is doing a better job with the characters than Singer is.

  192. Stranger in the AlpsMay 20, 2014 at 1:38 PM

    I want to thank Brian Bayless for not showing up for work today, making the Daily Network Thread THE must-see thread of the day.


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