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Daily Network Thread - 5/21/14

The Network live stream schedule for today:

9:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 6/6/94 - Tatanka vs. Crush in a KOTR qualifying Lumberjack Match.
10:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 6/20/94 - The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Nikolai Volkoff.
11:00 AM ET - WWE Countdown - 5/20/14 - Top ten memorable debuts.
12:00 PM ET - Wrestlemania Rewind - 5/20/14 - Hulk Hogan v Randy Savage from Wrestlemania V.
1:00 PM ET - WWE Over the Limit 2011 - 5/22/11 - John Cena vs. The Miz for the WWE Championship in an I Quit Match; Christian vs. Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship.
4:00 PM ET - RAW Backstage Pass - 5/19/14.
4:30 PM ET - Best of Smackdown - 4/12/01 - Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H for the Intercontinental Championship.
6:00 PM ET - WWE Main Event Replay - Mark Henry vs. Cesaro.
7:00 PM ET - WWE NXT - 5/15/14 - Tyson Kidd vs. Sami Zayn vs. Tyler Breeze for a shot at the NXT Championship.
8:00 PM ET - Best of RAW - 8/20/01 - The Alliance celebrates 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin Appreciation Night.
9:30 PM ET - Best of Smackdown - 12/13/01 - Rob Van Dam & The Rock vs. The Undertaker & Chris Jericho; Steve Austin and Booker T at The Green Frog.
11:00 PM ET - Best of RAW - 8/20/01 - The Alliance celebrates 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin Appreciation Night.

Relive King of the Ring '93! It was the Bret Hart show here, as he had awesome matches with both Mr. Perfect and Bam Bam Bigelow during the tournament. There are times when Bret had been dogging it in the ring, but on this show, he had his working boots on. The match with Perfect on THIS show, in my opinion, ranks higher than their match at SummerSlam '91. You also get the added bonus of Yokozuna beating Hogan, in Hogan's final appearance in WWE for the next 9 years.


  1. Steve Austin and Booker T at the Green Frog.
    "Price check on a jackass!"

  2. Stone Cold Steve Austin Appreciation Night
    "The Billion Dollar Princess has become the Dairy Queen!"
    I remember when wrestling had memorable lines.

  3. Both were perfectly fine for what they were. Just that one was the main event of the 2nd biggest show of the year.

  4. Yeah Kane vs. Kane was a sideshow. Undertaker vs. Undertaker was a major storyline that went on for about three months. And also the fake Undertaker didn't resemble the real Undertaker, so it really was dead on arrival. At least the fake Kane could wear the mask.

  5. Last night, I randomly chose a show from the Network archives to watch, and landed on WrestleWar 92. The War Games match was good, of course, but the thing that stood out to me was The Steiners v. Fujinami and Iizuka. It was a decent match, but it was almost depressing to see...

    ...because Scott Steiner used to be SO GODDAMN GOOD, and should have ruled pro wrestling throughout the 1990s. But sadly, what most people remember of Scott Steiner is the crappy Big Poppa Pump thing, where he was so over-steroided that he could barely move.

    Sigh. What could have been...

  6. Quake did zero TV jobs in 1994 and ditched the company because he didn't like his role as an undercard program with Yokozuna.

  7. I think I remember Lawler addressing that by saying he didn't like the Hart family but he was glad that Bret finally came around to see why he (Lawler) always hated the fans. He was also embarrassed by the USA being represented by the faces haha.

  8. It's almost like they are two separate people. He did an amazing job of reinventing himself, which ended up putting him in the main event, despite his in ring work.

  9. Due to Paul Heyman currently being The Man right now I'm marathoning all the Dangerous Alliance shows from HH 91 to WW 92. And probably the remainder of 92 just to see it peter out.

  10. "Pardon me, sir... do you have any Grey Poupon?"

  11. The rest of 92 progressively gets worse.

  12. Yeah, once 1992 becomes the big Bill Watts circle jerk centered on Williams and Gordy, a lot of the magic is lost.

  13. The Canadian Chrises v. Two Man Power Trip took place today in 2001. Wonder if they'll replay that Raw!

  14. Given the involvement of a certain someone on the big stage, I'd say the likelihood is pretty low.


  16. It's amazing how someone can ruin the Miracle Violence Connection, but there Watts is.

  17. KOTR '93 is pretty good overall, but it definitely has some dogs. Mr. Hughes having any kind of involvement in anything drags the quality down a bit, and Tatanka/Luger isn't worth the 15 minutes it gets by any stretch. For Bret putting on a showcase and the "End" of Hulkamania, however, it's definitely worth a look.


  19. Did Earthquake leave in 93 and come back in 94, or out with an injury or something?

    I remember him eliminating Typhoon and them arguing at the Royal Rumble but didn't see either of them again until Earthquake came back here...and I think Typhoon came back for a while to?

  20. Agreed on all accounts of how awesome KOTR '93 is. The Hart/Perfect match is ***** in my opinion, and better than the '91 SummerSlam encounter. It's my favorite match of all time.

  21. Bret Hart being uptight about something? I'm shocked.

  22. Tatanka/Luger was very unique, in that it was the heel Luger that got all the near falls near the end of the match, then it was, again, the heel Luger who suggested 5 more minutes. Bizarro world!

  23. Hacksaw, Brutus and Earthquake should have been the nWo.

  24. Yeah that tournament as a whole was pretty solid. I think it was better than 94, aside from the Owen/123 kid match.

  25. I should add the tournament on the show was pretty good, not as an actual whole.

  26. Yeah, it was that. I was trying to figure out who they could be talking about.

  27. LOLing at Mike Rotunda's Captain gimmick in 1990. He's decked out in a sailor jacket, hat, and tights.

  28. Love the KOTR match/

  29. "Thanks Book! GOT MILK!!??!"

  30. And that match was AFTER his arm injury that thru his career off track

  31. His HHH matches sucked. His Lesnar matched sucked. And all that was like 11 years ago.

  32. I love the match, but it's very similar to the SummerSlam one, if I remember. Obviously the finish is different, but I found myself wanting more.

  33. Well, well, well, the first Raw with no Daniel Bryan is the lowest rated Raw of the year. Oh wait, Raw was taped this week? Never mind

  34. He jobbed some at house shows but the last time he lost by pinfall or submission in a match that wasn't Survivor Series or Royal Rumble was actually in 92 when the Disasters lost the belts to Money Inc.

  35. Yeah, the taped RAW's usually gets low ratings but you would have figured that the announcement regarding the title would have sparked some interest

  36. If he gets paid, he will wrestle

  37. RAW: I bet that's not a "PANIC!" rating, just yet. I'd say a couple more tenths, and blood will flow. (Also: Bryan IS DRAW!... nah, too many variables for me to say that and defend it.)
    Goldberg: Goldie-Brock II is the only interesting idea I see. And that's only for the "How ugly can this get" aspect.
    NXT: Soon to be called up? Sure.
    RoH: Who will draw more: RoH or TNA? Place your bets.

  38. I think he'd be a dumb investment by the wwe and whatever match he'd be in would suck, but I'd mark out if he did a run in or his music randomly hit for a surprise return

  39. and yet he'd make stupid money for them based on his DVD sales

  40. Yeah and I'm sure he wants some insane amount of cash.

  41. Him doing the Sid or Vader guest spots from what, 18-24 months ago now, would be a nice use. But WAY too costly, unless he did several.

  42. I bet he does and it probably won't happen because of that

  43. In-ring, Scott Steiner was basically Kurt Angle before Kurt Angle.

    Sadly, he didn't learn how to have screen presence until after his body was shot.

  44. "Well, he's already the Captain... just make him the captain of something else!" - WCW

  45. I'd pay to Roman Reigns spear Goldberg.

    Then cut his head off with a sword and sacrifice it to the horse gods.

  46. Agree - Bret/Perfect from KOTR '93 is my favorite "scientific" match of all time. Just absolutely incredible, even better than their previous match.

  47. I don't want him on TV. I never cared for him after 1998. I was in FIFTH GRADE the last time I cared about Goldberg.

  48. "Over the Limit, 2011" was an all-around terrible PPV, but it has one saving grace - that Orton/Christian match was absolutely fantastic.

  49. For some reason I thought he jobbed more than he did to. The Natural Disasters weren't the dominated team I figured they'd be, so I guess I thought of that as jobbing, and I thought he jobbed during this singles run. I guess not.

  50. No Punk and no Daniel Bryan makes Homer something something.

  51. Nobody puts baby in the corner!

  52. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 21, 2014 at 10:04 AM


  53. I tossed on Rumble 93 as I was falling asleep last night... I have always underrated that opener. It was way stiffer than I remembered. Rick kills one of the Bevs with a release German and then wrecks both of them with a double clothesline. Right after that, Scott comes in and just violently shoves Blake into the corner and then almost ends his life with the Frankensteiner.

  54. However, counterpoint: the spoilers revealing the announcement was "I have no announcement" and revealing the rest of the show was a giant pile of nothing probably hurt.

  55. He does. He's never been closed to working with the WWE again. He just wants an insane payday.

  56. There was literally no news at all to report yesterday. The biggest item I found was Adam Pearce working as a guest trainer in NXT this week.

  57. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 21, 2014 at 10:10 AM

    you should start throwing in fake news items to see if we catch them

  58. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 21, 2014 at 10:11 AM

    if you pay him, he will come


  59. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 21, 2014 at 10:12 AM

    random posty b/c i'm pretty sure i have a stalker now who waits for me to post so he can downvote me

  60. It's that one chick you gave the best loving of her life that one night but never called back. This is what you get

  61. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 21, 2014 at 10:13 AM

    she's downvoting so she sees the 0 which reminds her of the O face i gave her

  62. Bill isn't a stupid guy. He doesn't need WWE, so why not hold them up for some money? Unlike other legends, he's been smart with his health and money. Good for him.
    Dream booking: Goldberg heads 2015 HOF class, comes out during the Reigns - $BIGTIMEHEEL match and spears the piss out of whatever heel is trying to interfere, allowing Reigns to get the pin, then maybe a tag match the next night on Raw where someone eats jackhammer.

  63. You didn't think Mick Foley's big announcement that he was going back to the Fanny pack was worthy of a news item?

  64. I was considering putting up items from the old Observers that I have and doing Farva's "What If" segment with those.

  65. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 21, 2014 at 10:17 AM

    he also teased working with the wyatts

  66. Yeah. That'll happen.

  67. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 21, 2014 at 10:18 AM

    cut off one head, two more will take its place

  68. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 21, 2014 at 10:18 AM

    it'll put butts in seats

  69. Buck Nasty practices the Four F's

    1. Find 'em
    2. Feel 'em
    3. Fuck 'em
    4. Forget 'em

  70. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 21, 2014 at 10:19 AM


  71. Ratings are down? Shit! Quick, throw some more McMahons on!

  72. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 21, 2014 at 10:19 AM

    quit downvoting me, john garrett

  73. Also, Goldberg will return for the right amount of money. In other words, a ridiculous, overpaid amount.


  75. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 21, 2014 at 10:21 AM

    minions are always a winion

  76. Lawler crying during the reunion put it over the top. That was a man that used to care about his craft.

  77. The low rating doesn't surprise me. In cases like this we're able to read the results to see if the show sucked without having to confirm it ourselves over the course of three hours.

  78. Goldberg was an interesting wrestler up until Starrcade 1998. I haven't given a shit about anything he's done since then.

  79. Good point.
    Plus, if you read the spoilers, there wasnt much worth watching

  80. You know what Bayless... I think Stargrave's innocent for once. Reading last night, and if this isn't Stennick, I'd be surprised.

  81. Stranger in the AlpsMay 21, 2014 at 10:32 AM

    Brian, this is a sorry, sorry bit of news. The Board of Directors might be considering a new BoD RAW GM.

  82. When is my performance review so I can prepare

  83. Big Stevie doesn't seem like the down voter type. He just responds.

  84. May is trying its best to dethrone December as the worst month in wrestling.

  85. Memorial Day RAW will probably have a lower rating than this

  86. According to the bylaws of professional wrestling general managers, you have one month to right the ship before going in front of Little People's Court, Kangaroo Court and the members of the Scott Keith Kiss My Ass club.

  87. If Goldberg really want his son to see him wrestle live at least once, then, he shouldn't care about the money, right?

  88. Who down votes this? That's what the zero means, right? What am I, Your Favorite Loser?

    For shame, mystery down voter! For shame!

  89. I have some killer ideas that will boost the promotion. My slow and steady booking will culminate into a Summer worth of great feuds and characters.

  90. There was a Memorial Day Raw a few years ago where Big Show was the focal point. I gave up two minutes in. Can't remember what he was doing but I just couldn't do it.

  91. Goldberg's priorities:

    1. Money
    2. His son seeing him wrestle

  92. You'll have to negotiate the length of the probation with the BoD's head of talent relations.

  93. I like that. Those old Observers are such awesome reads

  94. Okay, unless you use the old Purple Haze coming out the ocean angle with the UnStable and Stennick, you're gonna fail.

  95. Or:
    2. Money
    3. Money
    5. Paycheck
    6. Dinero
    7. $$$
    6. His son seeing him wrestle

  96. Who is that?

  97. Probably another heel turn or some crap like it

  98. I'm just going to pick Adam Curry right now as the new head of BoD Talent Relations. His second in command is clearly the Brazilian Kid and Abeyance.

  99. Big Stevie is in line for a push.

    I also have a few other gimmicks that will emerge soon.

  100. He always struck me as a fairly self-effacing guy who didn't take himself too seriously, so I'd be surprised if it was the case, but he may have objected to being presented as having his legit Sumo background and then jobbing to a fake Sumo wrestler. I'd always heard that his sudden departure was more a result of WCW offering a boatload more money and the chance to main event with Hogan.


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