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Daily Network Thread - 5/2/14

The Network live stream schedule for today:

9:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 2/28/94 - Randy Savage vs. Yokozuna for the WWF Championship.
10:00 AM ET - RAW Flashback - 3/7/94 - The Smoking Gunns vs. Owen Hart & Crush.
11:00 AM ET - Beyond the Ring - You Think You Know Me: The Story of Edge.
1:00 PM ET - WWE Main Event Replay - 4/28/14 - Sheamus vs. Bray Wyatt.
2:00 PM ET - Legends' House - 5/1/14 - A bowling competition; the Legends film a commercial.
3:00 PM ET - Best of Hall of Fame - 4/25/14 - Jerry Lawler/Bruno Sammartino.
4:00 PM ET - Wrestlemania III - 3/29/87 - Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant for the WWF Championship; Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage for the Intercontinental Championship.
7:30 PM ET - Smackdown Pre-Show.
8:00 PM ET - Legends of Wrestling - 11/30/06 - The careers of The Iron Sheik and Andre the Giant.
9:00 PM ET - ECW Hardcore TV - 7/5/94 - Tommy Dreamer vs. Shane Douglas for the ECW Heavyweight Championship.
10:00 PM ET - Smackdown Backstage Pass.
10:30 PM ET - ECW Hardcore TV - 11/2/93 - Sabu vs. Shane Douglas for the ECW Heavyweight Championship.
11:00 PM ET - Legends of Wrestling - 11/30/06 - The careers of The Iron Sheik and Andre the Giant.

Recommended viewing today, I'm going for WWE's Elimination Chamber 2010. Two entertaining Chamber matches take up almost half the show, and you have the storyline of Shawn Michaels trying to goad The Undertaker into that final match in a most predictable-but-still-great way. If you like to cheer the heels, this is the show for you.


  1. Knuckleberry PinnMay 2, 2014 at 8:23 AM

    On the Shawn Michaels front. I would have had him come runner up in that 2010 rumble. Really accentuate the storyline they're going for of "close but no cigar".

  2. Is that the chamber match where Morrison climbs up the fucking ceiling, hangs upside down, and just lets go onto Orton? (Cena?)

  3. Stranger in the AlpsMay 2, 2014 at 8:46 AM

    I think that's 2011.

  4. Like it.

    Or maybe show him hooking up with a diva only to get shit down at 2nd base...

  5. I have had 0 life the past week. How have I missed all this awesome nba shit? All 3 series last night pushed into a game 7?

    I almost want to call off Saturday and just get drunk and watch hoops

  6. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 2, 2014 at 9:28 AM

    Adam Rose and Fandango as a tag team would seem logical

  7. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 2, 2014 at 9:28 AM

    This is tremendous. Bravo, sir

  8. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 2, 2014 at 9:30 AM

    At the very least, they should try to make it relevant. The U.S. has not battled the 'Soviet Menace' in a long time now. Vince must have just made it through all the Rocky movies on Netflix or something

  9. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 2, 2014 at 9:30 AM

    On the disabled list.

    Because Christian is there, you see.

  10. If the Mavs win tonight then all of the First Round Western Conference series would go to 7 games. I wonder if that has ever happened before since they adopted this format?

  11. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 2, 2014 at 9:38 AM


  12. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 2, 2014 at 9:42 AM

    It was already the best first round of hoops ever before all three series yesterday got pushed to 7 games.

  13. Houston would have to win too but I don't think all 4 have even gone to six games before!

  14. Ah yes forgot about the Rockets.

  15. The Legends of Wrestling show about Iron Sheik & Andre was fantastic. The stories about the Sheik had me laughing nonstop, especially Michael Hayes' story about Sheik's failed drug test.

  16. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 2, 2014 at 10:17 AM

    hulu plus isn't basic cable, it's more like a premium channel

    at the very least, we could get ads for other stuff on hulu, not generic consumer crap

  17. Knuckleberry PinnMay 2, 2014 at 10:26 AM

    We have a potential night of me passing law school AND the Raptors making it to the second round. Too much alcohol.

  18. I'm going to Mohegan Sun for a bachelor party but sadly their is no sports book there. Still gonna just watch sports and the Mayweather fight Saturday night

  19. Congrats man

  20. hulu PLUS lets you watch certain programs that are not available to free users as well as allowing yous o stream hulu to apps on devices other than a computer.

  21. Funny thing, when he lost, I thought it was a botch. Cause you could see him trying to grab the rope and just missing it. Took me like a minute to realize he actually did get legit eliminated. It might be my favorite rumble ever personally. (I didn't see 1992 live, so that is a big factor in my opinion)

  22. Anyone else read Grantland's WWE prospect list? The Masked Man is truly stupid even for a Bill Simmons' classified "expert." He said that Sami Zayn "trained under legendary luchador El Generico." Really? You can train yourself? ROH, PWG and Chikara are lucha now?

  23. Nice of Bayley to throw some business Al Harrington's way...

  24. Watching the new episode of Legends House

  25. I read that same line in that piece as a "wink and a nod" to his past....not as a statement of fact. If a reader didn't know who Zayn is, it wouldn't matter, but if a reader knew his past, I'm sure it was designed to elicit a chuckle. I know I did.

  26. That makes sense I guess, but isn't that like saying Muhammad Ali trained under Cassius Clay or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar trained under Lew Alcindor? I'm probably just cranky today lol. Overall though it was one of his better pieces of late. I actually thought "wait Cesaro just #3?" but his promos aren't as good as Bray's and Reigns is obviously the next big thing. It was an interesting format for sure.

  27. Not really, 'cause basketball ain't kayfabe and El Generico and Sami Zayn are supposed to be separate; or at least the identities are unacknowledged.

    Of course I hope some day in the future Sami Zayn loses a feud and comes back as El Generico, ala Mick Foley and Cactus Jack.

  28. That would be pretty cool!

  29. To quote Mean Gene "Holy Balls" Tony Atlas is a whiner

  30. That Thunder-Grizz game 7 should be freaking incredible. I really thought the Clippers were closing it out last night. As for the Pacers, literally nothing would surprise me from them this weekend. 11 point win? I can see it. 29 point loss? Sure, why not?

  31. Yeah, 2011, and he eliminated Sheamus.

  32. You also saw Batista try to grab on to him as well.

  33. Jesus, it goes to show how relevant Christian is these days when I forgot all about him. And I'm a fan of his, too!

  34. I'm surprised nobody on the show has yet brought up Tony's weird shoe fetish.

  35. Just saw an ad for the new RAW post show DVD. Why are they blurring out their own logo? Is Vince planning on suing himself?

  36. clothing choices all around for the man are extremely questionable.

  37. I think the show is getting worse as far as no time for the guys to just interact and its all reality situation crap. Some of it can work like if the bowling was the only one of those on this episode would be fine. EVen with all that stuff there are still moments like when Piper is in the pool bitching about Tony and stops and says ...maybe that's why I don't have many friends.

  38. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 2, 2014 at 2:08 PM

    Yeah, I always was too. It's a shame. Dude needs to hang it up. Induct Edge & Christian as a tag team and let them do some of their 2000-era comedy reems.

  39. Yeah I'll be getting fucked up Saturday. I've never seen the warriors play a game 7 in my entire life. Not sure what to expect so I'm getting plenty of drugs and alcohol for that game.

  40. When hbk pops up in that elimination chamber my friends and I laughed our asses off at Michael Cole's call of, "Shu Shu Shu Shu Shawn Michaels!" It's become one of those exaggerated things that we always imitate. I'm sure it wasn't even that bad but we've blown it out of proportion over the years.

  41. Waiting on more RAWs...and some ECW tv before I start that off so I'm starting with the earliest WCCW that is up there.

  42. Serendipity is turning on the network live feed right as WM3 Steamboat v Savage is starting.

  43. He's just keeping Zayn's own personal kayfabe. The official line is that El Generico went back to Mexico to volunteer at an orphanage.

  44. Would this rank as Brodus Clay's best singles match?

  45. I think you're missing some of the jokes there.

  46. Yeah I was being hyper critical after the errors in his book. It was actually a pretty good article.


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