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Daily Network Thread - Weekend Edition - 5/3/14

The Network live stream schedule for today:

12:00 PM ET - Wrestlemania Rewind - The Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather at Wrestlemania XXIV.

1:00 PM ET - Best of Smackdown - 4/27/00 - Steve Austin blows up the DX Express.

2:30 PM ET - This Week in WWE - Highlights of the past week.

3:00 PM ET - Best of Hall of Fame - 4/22/14 - Hulk Hogan/Bobby Heenan/Trish Stratus.

4:00 PM ET - Spring Stampede '99 - 4/10/99 - Ric Flair vs. Hollywood Hogan vs. Sting vs. DDP for the WCW Championship.

7:00 PM ET - Legends of Wrestling - 11/30/06 - The careers of The Iron Sheik and Andre the Giant.

8:00 PM ET - Beyond the Ring - Batista: I Walk Alone.

9:30 PM ET - Legends' House - 4/30/14 - "Striking Out" - A bowling competition; the Legends film a commercial.

10:30 PM ET - This Week in WWE - Highlights of the past week.

11:00 PM ET - Beyond the Ring - Batista: I Walk Alone.

Recommended viewing: I was going to suggest WCW's Mayhem '99, but thought better of it. Then I thought New Blood Rising, as I was really hoping to suggest something PASSABLE from the Vince Russo WCW era. Then I thought "What the hell, newer viewers NEED the history lesson." So go watch WCW Mayhem '99 and then New Blood Rising. It is required viewing for anyone who wants to witness desperation.

Also, I think there's some sports today.
