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Daniel Bryan Surgery Update

The following was reported by Mike Johnson from

"WWE announced this afternoon that WWE World Heavyweight champion Daniel Bryan has successfully underwent neck surgery earlier today in Pittsburgh, PA.

A WWE news update referred to the issue as a "lingering" nerve issue with his neck and that Bryan underwent a cervical foraminotomy in order to decompress the nerve root. During that procedure, surgeons go in through the back of the neck and shave the inside edges of joints in the neck and spine that are causing compression in order to prevent the eventual collapse of a spinal disc.

Bryan is already out of bed and wearing a soft neck brace. He is expected to be released from the hospital in 1-2 days.

WWE noted there is no timetable yet for Bryan's return but the usual recovery from such a procedure for heavy physical activity is 2-3 months.

Prior to the surgery, WWE sources noted to that they expected Bryan out for about two months and that Summerslam was a likely return.

WWE announced they would officially explain what the status of the WWE World Heavyweight championship is during this Monday's Raw, which will be taped in London, Great Britain."


  1. So maybe a chance for a Summerslam return, but it doesn't look likely. I'd hope if he does come back they'd put him with Hunter or someone, the last thing they need is a guy with recent neck issues in the ring with the slug that can't protect a soul, Brock Lesnar.

  2. Well this ends his one and only time holding the title. I think him and Ziggler will have some good matches on superstars.

  3. Whatever they do, I hope it's not a battle royal. Those are so lame. When Kurt Angle won after Batista had to vacate. And especially when Khali won after Edge had to vacate.

  4. ProbablyMissesHisOldGlassesMay 15, 2014 at 3:27 PM

    This is his 4th World Championship...

  5. One word : BATTLEBOWL!

  6. tournamenttournamenttournamenttournamenttournament

  7. Battlebowl is a *kind* of tournament!

  8. Karate Fighters Tournament

  9. So here's where they get the belt...title...strap...CHAMPIONSHIP onto either HHH or Brock, and build to SS. Works out well.

  10. WWE just announced the NBC deal. Didn't release any numbers and it sounds like Smackdown is staying on Fridays.

  11. This one has purple stuff inside. Purple is a fruit.

  12. Just like Batista getting boo'd was a one time thing?

  13. I'd mark the fuck out for BattleBowl.


  15. As far as anti-snark gimmicks go, Stevie is wrong most of the time and makes terrible predictions but his fighting spirit and never quit attitude makes him my favorite

  16. It is a shame he was banned so I can't quote bomb him.

  17. They'd need to have Sting win it.

  18. I am pro-Stennick

  19. World War 3. For the 5th time. Once in a Lifetime. End of an Era.

  20. 60 men, three rings.

    My money is on Yoshi Tatsu as the first eliminated

  21. aka gratuitous slow motion cleavage shots on Sable and Sunny.

  22. It just wouldn't be the same without Lee Marshall calling it.

  23. I was saying boo-tista.

  24. The Angle battle royal is probably the greatest royal ever and legit 4 stars. Shut your whore mouth.

  25. I live like 5 minutes away from where they probably did the surgery. I should go over there and see if I can find him.

  26. I actually don't remember the quality of the battle royals, just mentioning that crowning your world champion in a battle royal is lame.

  27. Fuck no.

    Why should random tag matches determine who the best singles wrestler in the world is?

  28. It's because of people like *you* that CM Punk can't live a normal life!

    *cries hysterically*

  29. PIC (post-surgery)

  30. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 15, 2014 at 3:48 PM

    I also support the ment of tourney.

  31. Holy shit, I know exactly where that is. Same place where I had my surgery a few months ago. Every room looks the same so no idea what room he is in.

  32. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 15, 2014 at 3:50 PM

    Commercails wit Santino dressed as Golum. Yay.

  33. Any wrestler that can't cope with a randomly assigned wacky tag team partner isn't fit to wear the world title.

  34. BoD Street Team

  35. That's good hospital knowledge. I don't think I could pick out my local hospital (then again you were in there recently & I haven't been in there in years)

  36. The dumb thing about that battle royal was it was just a week or two before the rumble.

    Why not hold the title up and do the rumble for the belt (seriously, why is 92 the only time they've done this?)

  37. Exactly. I bet HHH & Cena weren't on the ward with the ham & eggers.

  38. Anyone else think it's weird to see "first reported in the Wrestling Observer" in all the financial reports about the new TV deal?

    Someone said they doubled the rates, so holy shit if that's true.

  39. Yeah I'm right about as much as Meltzer (Sheamus has been turning heel since he returned half a year ago. Keep reporting Dave sooner or later you'll get it right.) Anyway for those of you that care (all of you) Cesero will not be main eventing at all. No Brock program no Wrestlemania main event against Daniel Bryan that some of you were laughably predicting. My other one is Bryan is done in the main event he was given a token reign to shut people up. Seriously he got the Chris Benoit token reign he won't be main eventing another pay per view this year. What I'll find most enjoyable is watching the IWC melt down when Cesero is de pushed and Bryan is taken out of the main event. The sadness and rage of the IWC brings a smile to my face. On a side note Andy PM and Bayless are atleast reasonable and ar e not near the annoying, apologetic smark fan boys 99 percent of you are.

  40. Meltzer joked about that today in his radio show

  41. I am a hockey fan and Punk in a Blackhawks jersey sticks out like a sore thumb

  42. What you say possibly has a lot of truth to it, but you say it in such a totally fucking obnoxious way that no one would ever care.

  43. In Variety, they said the rates were doubled.

  44. He's apparently going to be singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" at Wrigley soon, too.

  45. Your tears are soooooo tasty.

  46. There's no way they could return the belt to Abeyance after he expressed his controversial views regarding people of Asian descent.

  47. That reminds me of an idea I had. Let's say Seth Rollins wins MITB. Dean wins the title in fall. Reigns win Royal Rumble. Reigns vs Ambrose at Mania, Seth announces he is cashing in making a triple threat.

    Probably too soon to do it this year but that main event would kick ass.

  48. Sounds like it went well, at least.

    To be honest, this whole thing only contributes to his popularity (a feud with Kane definitely wasn't) and there's a readymade "I never lost the belt" angle when he returns.

    Can't say I'll be watching much WWE until then. I barely watched a third of Raw when he was on it.

  49. Needs more Triple H.

  50. Wow, I read almost every thread and I've never been aware of you until now.
    I think that you're wrong on Bryan, if only because I don't see anyone else stepping up so strongly that there won't be room for Bryan to trade the title onto from time to time.
    Cesaro, you may be right about. Pity though, he's a good hand and a decent size.
    You are sort of an asshole though.

  51. "Punk is average or slightly above."


  52. Wacky tag teams are one of my most hated tropes in all of wrestling.

  53. Meltzer wad saying how industry insiders think that even doubling the rights fees might not keep the stock prices up. Some were predicting that they could get triple

  54. I am the 1%

  55. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 15, 2014 at 6:59 PM

    FIrst of all I was talking about Darren Young who is not his real brother so it was a joke. Second of all I made the distinction because Cena DOES (oops I capitalized a word again) have a brother that is openly gay. Lastly if you can't recognize sarcasm when you see it then you are the pathetic one and you need to take your dumb ass off the internet. People like you constantly reach for something that isn't there annoy the shit out of me.

  56. I always wanted Eugene to trick a face IC champ into letting him wear a helmet during a title match for 'safety', KO the face with headbutts and cut a nasty promo that used the word 'retard' a lot as well as the hand movement grade school losers used to mock the disabled. HEAT.

  57. I read nothing of the recap or the comments yet, but I read that WWE booked Eugene as a parody of how Vince/HHH viewed Ric Flair. The "my favorite wrestler is the game" shit is example 1A.

    No idea if it's true but it's funny

  58. He's taking a jab at you. Don't thank him!! Sometimes I wonder about you abeyance1

  59. I know he was taking a jab at me, but am I suppose to have a meltdown?

  60. Sometimes he'd shit in his own gym bag.

  61. CultStatus?

  62. "Hide the strudel". Awesome sauce

  63. Didn't even have to click and knew what it was. You're correct: never not funny

  64. Wait...what? I never heard the Jericho/thigh/pants story.

  65. Jericho was walking back past gorilla after a match, and Vince said something along the lines of, "Pal, why have you been hiding those magnificent legs of yours in pants your entire career?"

    Three weeks later he was thrown into the Scramble Match and made the World Champion.

    Also... just found a Miz story in the same vein...

    "So I go out there, win my match, win my contract on Raw back, and I figure I'm going to go back to my shorts the next week. But walking back from the ring, Vince McMahon stops me and says, 'You look great in trunks, kid. You've got great legs. You should be wearing trunks.' I'm like, but I don't like the trunks. I want to look different. I want to stand out. And he said to me, 'You already stand out enough. Now we're going to make you serious.' I really didn't want to do it, but when Vince McMahon comes up to you and tells you that you have great legs and that you need to be wearing trunks, well, you're wearing trunks," Miz told's Jon Robinson.

  66. I guess if you're in the business of promoting guys like this, I could see Vinces point...

    Or I may be trying to rationalize Vinces strange homoerotic leg obsession of


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