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Daniel Bryan = Zach Ryder v 2.0

Why is Daniel Bryan running away from Kane like a pussy?  How is anyone supposed to cheer for a little bitch coward?  What's next after the failed car escape from Monday Night?  Bryan's wife leaves him for Kane?

​Look, all the great World champions were booked like this, it's nothing to worry about.  Steve Austin used to run away in terror in a cheap rental car every week, and he turned out fine.  I can't count all the times that Rock looked like a dork in interview situations.  And don't get me started on poor HHH and how he would always have to sell being afraid of guys he had already beaten cleanly! 

Plus, it's really unfair to make the comparison with Ryder.  Ryder had much better merchandise.  ​


  1. Blame Batista he's clearly the one screwing Bryan's push ;)

  2. Pretty sure Bryan was just trying to protect his wife. The whole segment was still cheesy in the worst way though.

  3. It's certainly different. It's not as horrendous as some posters here make it out to be.

  4. You also can't take someone directly from a reality-based story and then jump into something so cheesy like this. It's too jarring.

  5. Look at it this way, Ryder was squashed like a bug at every turn during his Kane feud. Bryan hasn't.

  6. How was WM 30 live by the way?

  7. Plus he could actually fix his car correctly.

  8. He still looks like a pussy though. And it makes no sense. He killed the guy at Extreme Rules and gave a confident press conference right after; now he's so scared he runs away?

  9. Well, Hogan did leave to take Elizabeth to the back...

    At least he isn't cleaning up after Stephanie's dog. Other than those two, it is pretty bad for a (new) face champion.


  11. Hopefully theyll have Bryan beat the crap out of Kane on raw Monday.

  12. Hey, at least now they're not complaining how he won't be champion.

  13. "Little bitch coward."

    Gotta be Baker

  14. His wife wasn't involved though.

  15. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 11:17 AM

    I got the feeling Bryan was scared and trying to get out of there to protect his Bella. That he knew if Kane got one good shot in on Bryan he could hurt Brie so he wanted to get her to safety.

  16. The question being postulated is: Does Yes, Yes, Yes=Woo, Woo, Woo?

  17. Stranger in the AlpsMay 10, 2014 at 11:24 AM

    On a serious note, it would appear that they have more interest in making Kane into an unstoppable monster (again) in order to make him seem a more credible challenger to Daniel Bryan. At the same time, they are losing focus on what got Bryan over, namely his plucky never-say-die underdog character.

    At least we still have our hero, John Cena, to get behind.

  18. I appreciate the specificity. We know we're not just dealing with any variety of coward, nor, having categorized the style of cowardice, is this a 'bitch coward' of indeterminate sizing.

  19. Daniel Bryan is running away in an un-courageous manner because WWE wants to tell a horror movie type story, and that doesn't work if Bryan just beats up Kane. And anyway, it's not that Bryan is a contemptible coward, it's that he wants to keep Brie safe.

    There, explained it, and eliminated the sexist language too. Hurrah!

  20. I'm not really sure why Brie was added to this whole thing. I don't think it's as terrible as some people do but it's not adding anything to his character and might even be taking away from it. Kane could just kick the shit out of Bryan and Bryan wants revenge. Angle woulda been fine just like that.

  21. I can sort of see why Bryan is running away, if I squint hard enough. I would assume

  22. I wish they'd just moved on, but it does make sense. Bryan already got his revenge for the Tombstones; he beat Kane at Extreme Rules. Like he said in his press conference, but now he's still not done with Kane because he wants to make him pay for threatening his wife.

    I didn't see Monday, so I'm not sure how they advanced the angle, but that made sense as a mechanism to continue the feud.

  23. Bryan just didn't want Katie Vic v 2.0


  25. Kane is actually the underdog in his matches with Daniel Bryan. Bryan won the vast majority of their matches and no one expects Kane to win this set of matches. They are better off just moving on from this feud.

  26. I thought it was obvious that the reason he was running is because Brie is at his side and he doesn't want to see her get hurt/abducted by Kane.

  27. Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella are not Randy Savage and Elizabeth. They are not even Jimmy Garvin and Precious.

  28. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighMay 10, 2014 at 11:43 AM

    This is starting to annoy me. Bryan only runs when he has his wife by the hand. Other than that he goes at Kane. I am not saying I agree with the story but the dude is protecting his wife.

  29. I love the fact that their response to Bryan being a top guy is to book him like Cena. Like they are completely oblivious to how he got there in the first place.

  30. I have feeling that whenever a wrestler kicks an opponent on their knees, it will get the "Yes" chant until the end of time. Same way chopping an opponent gets the "Woo" chant.

  31. I had completely forgotten that Mike Enos was Blake Beverly.

    I also could have sworn the Beverly Brother held the titles at least once. Shows what I know.

  32. One way or another Bryan will put away Kane for good at Payback due to Kane leaving for a bit afterwards.

  33. God, the language used in this question screams low I.Q.

  34. I think everyone understands that the story is supposed to be that Bryan is worried about Brie, but all the majority of people see is Bryan doing so by running away.

    Just have Bryan leave her at home and tell Kane now he's going to pay and let them tear each other apart. But, yeah, right now, Bryan looks like a gigantic pussy.

  35. Daniel Bryan's entering Ron Garvin territory with his title reign so far. At this point just book Brock Lesnar to beat him at MITB next month and be done with it.

  36. Its bizarre to watch because they're clearly trying to make Kane a monster again without booking him to win a match. As a result we get Daniel Bryan winning all the matches but running away from Kane in backstage segments. The logical reason is that Bryan is protecting Brie. Unfortunately, no one wins with this type of booking.

  37. Anyone watching the ROH/NJPW show tonight? Card looks meh.

  38. Even if Bryan was trying to protect his women, that's still a lousy excuse for him fleeing. When Austin was a face, if any heel tried to beat on Debra, he would have stood his ground and opened up a can of whoop ass on the heel. Then when Austin would beat up Debra himself, when the cameras weren't looking.

    This is the second time this year Bryan was made to look like a pussy. The first time was when he joined the Wyatt Family willingly, because he couldn't beat them.

  39. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 10, 2014 at 12:19 PM

    Anytime you put a Bella in an angle, we all lose.

  40. Absolutely awesome. It was fortunately a great Mania. Surreal feeling when Austin came out and and Bryan win the title.

  41. It's impossible to compare the two.

  42. They're trying to make this horror story thing,like a dude said below.

  43. Extreme rules 2012

    Backlash 2000

  44. Don't you get it?

    Bryan is SMALL! Kane is REALLY BIG AND TALL!

    bryan.....KANE! See?

  45. To counter, I will say this: he shouldn't be the underdog forever. The idea all along was supposed to be that he really WAS the best wrestler in the world, and that he shouldn't have been doubted or considered the underdog, because being big and cut and spouting action-hero catch phrases are all overrated and being the best wrestler is the most important thing. That's why he's cleanly beaten a bunch of former multi-time champions cleanly, and none of them via rollups or trickery. The continuation of his storyline should be him just kicking more huge guys' asses and continuing his campaign to show that wrestling ability is the most important thing in wrestling, and that he has more of that than anyone.

  46. "This guy's storyline bares some resemblance in this moment to another guy, therefore he's the new that guy." -- This post.

  47. We knew Hogan was coming out... but then Austin AND Rock?

    Yeah, that definitely was a good start to the show. And Rocky got back some goodwill from last year.

  48. Kane should have left at least five years ago. Dude is beyond too old and too stale to continue wrestling.

  49. Since they've clearly established that Kane wears a wig, why doesn't Bryan just try to yank off the mask/wig combo? Like you went after my wife so I'll go after your most cherished possession?

  50. Maybe that will happen in their match.

  51. Yet another reason to hate the guy, like his Justin Bieber clothing wasn't reason enough.

    Just think, we could have gotten some great promos with him hitting on Bryan's wife instead of this nonsense.

  52. I didn't realize that was tonight. I was really excited about this, but having just checked the card, I see what you mean. I was hoping for more crossover matches. The AJ Styles title win makes it less interesting too because he just had a run in ROH so his appearance isn't really that special. Also it's so lame that Cole's defending against Steen. Good thing we get that match again instead of Cole against Kota Ibushi or Alex Shelly or any other guy who might make this feel like a genuinely special event instead of an exhibition.

    That said, if I'm around I'll probably watch it because I'm sure the matches will still order it out of boredom.

    The card for the next show looks much better, though I still really wish we were getting Elgin/Okada instead of Styles. I guess this is a big chance for Cedric Alexander to make his mark.

  53. My thoughts exactly. As much as I didn't like the segments, I never got the impression that Vince or Hunter thought, "Ok, how do we make this guy look like a cowardly little shit?" They want to Tell Stories, and that sort of stuff either never crosses their minds or they refuse to think that far ahead. They should, and it would make much better TV if they did, but they don't.

    Not sure if that makes any Bryan fans feel any better, but there you go.

  54. What the hell was Bret Hart doing at the time? He was the reigning US Champ (Already in his 3rd reign) and he's not even on the show?

    Maybe they were building to a Bret Vs Warrior match and had to put the kibosh on that when Warrior walked. Or more likely just chalk it up to more WCW incompetence.

  55. The Wyatt thing was him pretending to go along with them to get Bray alone, since he was getting beat down 3-1 otherwise. That feud for both him and Bray more over!

    If the end result of bryan/Kane is Bryan winning clean and Kane retiring, then thats fine.

  56. Come to think of it, remember when Ryder confronted Cena in the ring after Cena kissed Eve? How fucking OVER would Ryder have gotten if he had attacked Cena in front of that crowd? The crowd was already chanting "WE ALL HATE YOU" at Cena that night, they would have blown the roof off the place if Ryder attacked him.

  57. /Scott adjusts official Zach Ryder shades

  58. That's incorrect. They originally planned for Bryan to join the Wyatt Family for a few months. They called an audible and took him out of the family, because the fans weren't buying it.

  59. The majority of Danielson's t-shirts may have been ugly, but that Zack Ryder wig is one of the dumber pieces of wrestling merch I've ever seen.

  60. Right. Now if they're smart, Brie is off television on Raw and then Bryan can be like. Ok. Now that I've protected my wife, I'm ready. But you have a video of Kane at Bryan's home. Not to do anything. Just to let him know he's watching, or some such.

  61. How did Zack Ryder ever become a IWC favorite. The amount of hate a living legend like Rey Mysterious gets, the annoyance with a good worker who had a fun heel act in Del Rio, not liking a great worker like sheamus because he lifted weights with hhh, or even hating guys like Jarrett and Douglas (I'm guilty of some of that too) all goes on but somehow Zack Ryder is this martyr that everyone supports.

    I'm not saying the BoD does this, that's just my general impression of the temperature of the whole IWC from my long experience of following wrestling online. I mean he's OK on the mic and I fully admit he was getting over but he sucks in the ring. And he didn't get better. Unless you're a giant Vince isn't going to push a bad worker very far. Now I don't know why he isn't in at least the spot where 3 man band is, as kind of a character jobber, but this guy would have been a horrible main eventer. I'd dare say he would have sucked more than the Miz, who was also over pretty big for awhile.

  62. That was the moment where he finally died. He was still redeemable at that point. I think it would be hysterical if crowds started ironically chanting for Zack Ryder again.

  63. Hey! Look at that! Jobber missing the mark completely! Good to know the world is still spinning like it should.

  64. Absolutely. Zack Ryder has always sucked. His most entertaining moment was debuting as an "Edge Head." He has never cut a good promo or had a match that I can recall above **1/2. He's generic as hell in terms of his ring work and his upside was being a douchier Santino. Mysterio and Del Rio are orders of magnitude better today than Ryder has ever been. Hell, Miz has done more entertaining things than Ryder.

  65. Exactly, it didn't matter that he couldn't fix a car, or how many times Kane chokeslammed on things while he wore a neck brace, what finally killed him was NOT knocking the shit out of the guy who kissed the girl you liked, KNOWING you liked that girl.

    Wow, Cena is a shitty babyface.

  66. You guys both make a fair amount of good posts and should learn to rise above hate :(

  67. Your parents never loved you.

  68. Yeah Batista Bryan is a better feud for sure. Honestly the Extreme Rules match was as good as Kane can give you. Whatever gimmick they go with for round two will suck. What I don't get is if Bryan is in the sub main event spot (even though he goes on last) why not pair him with a worker he could have great matches with like RVD. At least he was somewhat new then rehab Del Rio for another feud and then move to Cesaro or Brock at Summerslam?


  70. There is like a 66 and a third chance that I will give you an upvote if you reply with the relevant youtube clip of Big Bossman saying that. And that spells disaster for you.


  72. I think he might have been injured at the time. He didn't wrestle at Starrcade '98 and if you check out his 1999 (, you'll see he didn't wrestle a single PPV prior to Owen's death. Yet he had some Nitro matches. Strange.

  73. Yup, and Beau was his occasional partner here under his real name of Wayne Bloom. Enos was actually a seriously big guy and a good worker, but a lack of charisma held him back.


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