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Friday Night Thread

Smackdown is tonight, with the pregame show starting at 7:30pm EST on the WWE Network

Also, Game 7 between the Los Angeles Kings and Anaheim Mighty Ducks starts at 9pm EST

In NBA news, Serge Ibaka will miss the rest of the playoffs with a calf injury. That is a huge blow to the Thunder.

In NFL news, Colts LB Robert Mathis has been suspended for the first four games of the season after testing positive for a banned performance enhancing substance


  1. The Jericho/Bryan podcast is fantastic. Some interesting highlights:

    -Bryan wanted to be called Buddy Peacock.

    -The original plan for Punk/Jericho at 28 was a 10 minute brawl leading to a double DQ

    -Bryan basically said that Punk leaving was the reason he got the top spot.

  2. I caught some of that and what I heard was good.

    Hope to finish the rest this weekend

  3. The more I hear about the process of NXT guys getting names, the less I'm inclined to blame WWE.

  4. Bryan looks like a Buddy Peacock.

  5. AMC will be doing a reality show about Corgan's promotion. Shame it isn't going to be a normal wrestling show.

  6. It'd be cool if they had a weekly show or it lead to something.

  7. I'm bored tonight and don't feel like watch Smackdown. Anyone want to watch a PPV tonight?

  8. The funny thing is all the backstage stuff the show will be about will be just as much of a work as the stuff inside the ring.

  9. Yep and all the backstage stuff will lead up to stuff that we can't even watch.

  10. It will be interesting to see if it becomes a hit if WWE tries to do a version of it.

  11. Total Male Divas!

  12. I'll be watching Smackdown, but I'm not going to be in the thread much.

  13. I guess I'll watch Smackdown tonight then. Might be good, who knows?

  14. Starring Pat Patterson and Darren Young.

  15. Might is the key word.

  16. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 16, 2014 at 5:47 PM

    A private investment firm is making a move on WWE following their hefty stock drop today. Seeking Alpha reports that Lemelson Capital, LLC announced that they had purchased a stake in the company and were calling on the Board of Directors to replace the current executive management team due to "a period of consistent losses, execution issues and material misstatements."

    The firm shorted the stock two months ago and reiterated that fair value of WWE's common stock is between $8.25 and $11.88 with with the current executive management team in place. They said in the statement, "WWE has affirmed that even with one million subscribers for its WWE network, the company stands to lose between $45 million and $52 million in FY 2014, which validates the original short thesis. This follows what we believe to be material misrepresentations by the company about both the performance and operating profit model of its WWE network, which the company has wrongly labeled 'a homerun'"

  17. Stranger in the AlpsMay 16, 2014 at 5:48 PM

    Friday night is cheap plug night. Read my ECW review.

  18. Won't accomplish anything.

  19. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 16, 2014 at 5:49 PM

    why do you speak as if you're an authority on everything?

  20. It'd be interesting if they can spur something up with the other investors to cause a drastic change.

  21. Vince controls all the important stock.

  22. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 16, 2014 at 5:50 PM

    that was my thought, that it was more of a nudge other than an outright threat

  23. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 16, 2014 at 5:51 PM

    i have no idea how hostile takeovers work. anyone able to explain?

  24. Not like this.

  25. They start with two guys showing up where they don't belong and putting interviewers through a stage, then one of the WWE's own would turn on them.

  26. You often see these types of investigations after a stock tanks (and a few that cause such a tank)- here's another press release a few weeks ago (

    That said, if you really believed a company made "material misrepresentations" (in my word, lied), why would you invest in the company?

  27. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 16, 2014 at 5:58 PM

    i think we should all spend friday night like beavis and butthead did in that one episode called "friday night", eating hot dog and nachos at the convenience store, trying to pick up chicks

  28. Please elaborate on the punk/Bryan thing

  29. There are hints that Sting may make his debut during the UK tour.

  30. I'll be watching either Bash 1988 or The John Wayne detective film, McQ.

  31. I'm here!

  32. Pretty good film. My roomie watches fucktons of random VHS tapes and while the majority suck, McQ was decent even if it wasn't John Wayne's best effort.

  33. *blows out football riot flames*

  34. I'm suffering,bus strikes,now police saying they're gonna stop.

  35. Well, there has to be actual "power" stock (mainly voting rights) available to buy. WWE's stock that an investment firm could buy is "common", and as such has minimal voting power.


    For example, Vince owns 100K shares of WWE, and this investment firm also bought 100K shares. However, Vince's shares are of a type where "one share = one vote", while the investment firm's shares are "1K shares = 1 vote". (I think that the "power difference" is even greater in reality, IIRC)

    Who's gonna win a showdown there? Vince, with his 100K "votes", or the investment firm, with their 100 "votes"?

    No matter how many shares are on the open market, the shares owned by Vince and Friends will ALWAYS have a massive edge on the public. And those shares owned by Vince and Friends, if sold (like Steph did), revert to "common" shares upon transfer.

    Why would people buy WWE, if that's the case?

    1: WWE was one of the better dividend-paying companies until recently. Every so often (yearly, IIRC), the company would pull a small chunk of its profits, and distribute them to the shareholders. So, for someone holding 1,000 shares in the company, at $.12 a share (the last big number I remember), they'd get $120 a year for just OWNING the stock. Not a lot, but better than fuck-all.

    2: The recent surge in WWE was fueled by speculators, who would either: buy low and sell high (hopefully), or cash in on higher dividends and such if the company HAD somehow met analysts' forecasts. Every company has to deal with these... for a (not as extreme) similar story see Apple the last couple of years.


  36. Better than my explanation, I'll admit.

  37. Paraphrasing but it was something like "a lot of things had to break right, like Punk leaving, etc etc"

  38. The Purge, coming to Brazil in the near future.

  39. 24 for hour stop.30 billion dollars for stupid soccer cup.

  40. Thanks. Not saying anyone In particular but people are gonna spin that as an altruistic gesture by Punk. Complete unintended consequence

  41. So playin TEW13, and yknow, I kinda understand a few of the issues promoters go through that internet people complain about. For example, I just signed a female wrestler (in the fictional verse that comes with the game, her name is Fuyuko Higa) who is awesome in the ring and has charisma and star quality and stuff. Problem is her first year in this company is gonna be her jobbing to everyone and everything because shes a locker room cancer and if I push her to win my actually serious female title she's gonna Kevin Nash me and bitch about ALL the jobs. Also, I 50-50 book often and rely on DQes and cheap finishes cause you can't do a continuous feud of oneupsmanship unless its like a respect deal (Booker/Benoit, etc).

    Not to mention, since I'm only Cult status (SHWING!), I only get 90 minutes for TV. I don't want to reduce match times, so I only run 5 matches on the TV show and have to use a lot of six man tags, four way dances, and dark match battle royales for no reason just to maintain the momentum and drive feuds forward. I actually do need a 150 minute TV show to book all the stuff I want (and I never want any guys to be like JTG, just sitting around catering collecting paycheques.)

    But hey, at least my company is doing a 0.86! We'll have better ratings than TNA in a few weeks!

  42. Higa... ah yes, "She who always suffers from PMS."

    At least that's what I was calling her after a few weeks.

  43. And enough of stock market discussion. Borrowing from another post:

    This week on BoD Worldwide!

    -A rare visit from Parallax, as he vows to SAVE the Drug Possessor from temptation!
    -Your Favorite Loser versus The Adulterer, in what could become the feud of May 18, 2014!
    -One half of the UnStable are being let out of the institution... hell if we know why... to face the Inattentive Driver and the Jaywalker. Which team will be less able to co-exist: Baker and Dougie or the distracted carman and the rushed footman?

    This Sunday, at 6:05 on TBS!

  44. I love this line from an OctoberRaven diary on GDS:

    "Fuyuko Higa had been talking on Twitter earlier tonight calling Bonnie
    Clyde a "cheap prostitute" and the likes, Bonnie Clyde wasn't happy
    about this and the two almost came to blows.

    Jeez, Bonnie. Take a joke."

  45. Also, a 30 second Tout from Paul Meekin that has already been given 1/2* and called one of the worst movies of the year by the New York Times!

  46. Upvote for the shout out. I wish someone would make a 1992 mod for that game.

  47. Tell me about it.

    I have to book for a pet rock, a racist, and a Hoss who shakes down people for food and wallet all while catering to the top 5 and dealing with pesky midcard talent.

  48. Paul Meekin & White Thunder = The Rybaxel of the BoD

  49. I'm gonna go ahead and assume you don't like soccer which is shocking to me.

  50. I like Soccer,I just don't like money being wasted,where it should've been spended on Health,education,transportation.

  51. You inject the company with a lethal dose of poison.

  52. It's going to be one giant Smashing Pumpkins video.

  53. There's probably a mod within a year or two of that date, if not that exact year. Although it is possible that there aren't that many mods out yet for the newer version.

  54. Nobody has ever said Punk left for those reasons.

  55. ... we do want people to WATCH the show, so stuf like that never gets advertised.


  56. "Bryan wanted to be called Buddy Peacock"

    I hope people remember this when they commenting on how Bryan should use some of his clout to veto specific angles.

  57. It's ridiculous, I mean, I like Soccer too but I can't deny that it's a fucking scam.

    I mean I already knew it was, but Blatter finally admitting Qatar getting the Cup in 2022 was a mistake just got a laugh out of me.

  58. I planned on working on my study guide for my final but I really want to keep reading up on this stock market stuff.

  59. Heath Slater just had a singles match with El Torito...and lost. #watchingsmackdown

  60. It's just a mess.There's no hero in that,not even on the protesters.

  61. And also might be a teacher's strike.

  62. Could you elaborate on what the other side is doing that's so bad? I mean isn't wanting your money to go to more important things a good thing?

  63. I have a 1991 mod, I like it but I rather start off a year later.

  64. Because some dude just go out to break stuff.Yes the police act like hounds,but there always that group of idiots that wanna do crazy shit.

  65. #turningoffsmackdown

  66. Figured there would at least be a close one. I usually prefer staying in the CornellVerse, it's in Wrestling Spirit I prefer the RL mods. Especially the "Territories" one.

  67. Watch Dragon Gate Dead or Alive.

  68. I can't get into Dragon Gate. Makes my head hurt. Too much no-selling and flippys.

  69. I think is fun in small doses,they're wacky without compromising the wrestling like DDT.


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