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Hillbilly Jim

Hey Scott,

With the Legends House bringing him back in the spotlight, I've been thinking a lot about Hillbilly Jim lately.

The guy was huge, extremely over and pretty athletic. How come he never got any sort of a real main event push? I know he drew a bunch in the house show circuit.


I thought he got a pretty damn good push for a guy named "Hillbilly Jim".  He was in the Hulk Hogan cartoon and got intro'd as Hulk's protege originally.  He did OK for himself before the injuries got him for good.  


  1. Kinda hard to get a main event push when you have to high tail it to Mexico because the cops found a dead hooker in your trunk.

  2. Stranger in the AlpsMay 4, 2014 at 3:29 PM

    Now I know Beard Money didn't email this question because the guy said "been thinking a lot about Hillbilly Jim LATELY". We all know Beard Money thinks about Hillbilly Jim ALL THE TIME.

  3. I remember the WM 17 gimmick battle royale, Hillbilly Jim looked f'n jacked. Like he looked in better shape than most of the current roster.

  4. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 3:35 PM

    I've actually always wondered this myself. Jim was big, and had a cool gimmick, and was still basically a nobody.

  5. He consumes the blood of dead midgets.

  6. He WAS pretty shit in the ring, although its not like that would have hurt WWF main event chances

  7. The only match I remember seeing him in was Survivor Series 88. Was he around after that?

  8. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 4, 2014 at 4:01 PM

    ...wait, WHAT?!?!?!

  9. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 4, 2014 at 4:01 PM

    Surprised there was no interaction between him and the Wyatts.

  10. Jim was a hot act upon his initial debut and push, but he broke his leg shortly before WMI and couldn't wrestle for 6 months, and that pretty much killed off his momentum for good.

  11. He came and went until early 1991. One of his lasthigh profile matches was with earthquake on snme in may 1990.

  12. I SO hope this is true and I just never heard of it

  13. Richard HumphreysMay 4, 2014 at 4:06 PM

    I was just watching Wrestlemania 2 and thinking Hillbilly Jim may be the only friend Hogan ever had who didn't turn on him.

  14. Richard HumphreysMay 4, 2014 at 4:07 PM

    You gotta want it!

  15. People allude to it here all the time, but I don't think I ever heard the full story about it. Off to the google!

  16. Richard HumphreysMay 4, 2014 at 4:08 PM

    It happens to everyone sooner or later.

  17. I always thought it was a running joke with Beard Money and Cult. So hope it's true

  18. Is this Jim cornette?

  19. Abeyance does this, but only with Asian hookers..

  20. Dead hookers in trunks is never a joking manner.

  21. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 4:10 PM

    I mean, the man's first meal was a bear that his mother killed.

    A BEAR.

  22. That is because he turned on Hogan, killed him, peeled his skin off, and assumed his identity.

  23. Hillbilly Jim's blood lust begins.

  24. If you type Hillbilly Jim Mexico into the Google, this page is now on the front of the search results.

    Karmic payback for Legends House, I guess.

  25. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 4:14 PM

    Yeah, it didn't hurt King Kong Bundy

  26. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 4:14 PM

    Perfectly acceptable mid-card act, IMO.

  27. What more could he have done in the WWF had he not broken his leg slipping on a wet spot outside the ring?

    He was a goofy midcard act when he came in, and he stayed a goofy midcard act right through his appearance on Legends House.

  28. Wet spot or pool of blood from another victim?

  29. Unless there's a huge conspiracy and a cover up from the powers that be, I'm gonna go with wet spot.

  30. That's some good SEO, I guess.

  31. Life is a flat circle. HILLBILLY JIM IS THE YELLOW KING!

  32. In Bobbys book he explained it as Ham and eggs is/was always on any cafe/bar menu. It is the easiest cheapest option for anyone to order. So people he thinks are stupid and would just order the cheapest thing on menu are 'ham and eggers'

  33. It's absolutely a well-worn wrestling trope that can be revisited. As a regular thing? Like you said, probably gets less effective real quick

  34. One of the biggest moments for me as a youngster was watching Barry Horowitz beat Skip. the jobber won, it was awesome, just like 123 kid before him, or when Brooklyn Brawler beat HHH.
    but now the jobbers (Santino, Woods) are treated like everyone else. like Scott put it a while ago.
    1. Cena
    2.everyone else

  35. That explanation reminds me of the "lost episode" of Chappelle's Show with the Racist Pixie sketch. When they're talking to the audience to see who was offended by it, someone says something to the effect of "everybody likes fried chicken, and watermelon is a delicious fruit." Ham and eggs are delicious, and probably a smart decision if you're a wrestler who works out regularly & needs protein. Plus, what's wrong with trying to save money while on the road?

    I guess "Iron" Mike Sharpe eats plain old ham & eggs, and Ric Flair's breakfast is encrusted with diamonds. Makes his dookie twinkle.

  36. Too bad Ted DiBiase didn't class him up as Hillwilliam James to have a run at Hogan

  37. Lol. I'm embarrassed by how funny I find this little fact

  38. Robert Bradley CurranMay 4, 2014 at 4:44 PM

    Goldberg is in the current WWE game. The "quick match" option makes it really easy to recreate all of your favorite Goldberg squash matches.

  39. He should definitely be the first guy to turn on Sting when he comes in.

  40. Ham Egg chips for me, but I thought it was a cool saying for Bobby, he was too good for ham and eggs.

  41. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 4:55 PM

    The whole "they chant 'Goldberg' at Ryback" thing is pretty telling though. It's not as though they chant his name at ANY other time. They chant it at Ryback in an ironic way, not because they want to see Goldberg. I don't see Goldberg coming back to put Ryback over, nor do I see any point to Goldberg beating Ryback either. I guess there could be money in a one-off Cena-Goldberg match or something though

  42. How am I not the one who sent this? I wonder if I have a split personality who's also something of a Hillbilly Jim afficienado.

  43. I guess there's that. But who is annoying enough to actually be worth the shot but not somebody important enough that Goldberg killing them with no repercussions wouldn't hurt them?


  44. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 4:57 PM

    Good points across the board. I was pretty into Goldberg when he was squashing jobbers. The win over Hogan was huge at the time, but there was never a real definitive moment for him afterward (in any positive way, anyway). Most of it was booking, sure, but a lot of it was his one-dimensional nature too. As you mentioned: no promo skills, no character history, just nothing to relate to.

  45. And notice the bump in Hogan's work rate.

  46. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 4:58 PM

    Does video game Goldberg blow up after more than two minutes in the ring?

  47. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 4:59 PM

    I agree to a point. Plenty of people do know Goldberg. My complaint is more that he didn't really mean much in WWE in 2003-04, so why would he in 2014?

  48. It was a pool of lust from the ladies around the ring side, falling all over themselves to gain admittance to the Country Club.

  49. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 4, 2014 at 5:01 PM

    H. William James.

  50. Well, if they're already dead, and doing so empowers him, why shouldn't he throw back a couple growlers of little person blood?

  51. How I long for the days

  52. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 5:02 PM

    Good question. Guys like Taz, Dreamer, Sabu, Sandman never really meant much outside of ECW. Raven was successful in WCW, but only as a mid-card act. Shane Douglas is out for various reasons. RVD, the Dudleys, and Paul E himself are the only "ECW guys" I can think of who belong as "More than just ECW" players. Oddly enough, Rob was never even ECW champion.

  53. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 5:03 PM

    The Koko Precedent

  54. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 5:03 PM

    Mikey Whipwreck, Nova, and Amish Roadkill are IN then

  55. He wasn't a nobody to everybody.

  56. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    Joey probably deserves it. Taz was big in ECW, but never meant much in WWE.

    Maybe they should throw Paul a bone and let him start an ECW Hall of Fame? I mean, it's not like the WWE HOF is a real place anyway.

  57. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    Both are definite HOFers, so this is an interesting question for sure

  58. You go to Hell. You just go to Hell right now.

    I'm sorry. I'm sorry; that wasn't cool. Just wanted to express that I respectfully dispute your assessment of his ring work. He was a minimalist. It's a style that isn't for everyone.

  59. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 5:10 PM

    If Dreamer is in, so is Raven. Dreamer never meant anything outside of the big Raven feud. Raven was equally big in ECW because of that feud, but at least he meant something in another promotion too. Dreamer can't say that.

  60. Like I said, Ryback. Perfect way to blow off the chants.

  61. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 4, 2014 at 5:11 PM

    A bad foot? :)

  62. Jim never would have needed to nap any kids. He was so popular all he had to do was dance and they would have gladly followed him anywhere with their parents expressed consent.

  63. I always get HillBilly Jim and Jim Duggan mixed up, because their gimmicks were so similiar.

  64. Well, it really was more of a barn.

  65. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 4, 2014 at 5:15 PM

    I'm actually surprised that he's not in already. I figured that, if nothing else, Lawler would have pushed for it.

  66. That's not a bad idea. They could double as dild...

    You know what? Never mind.

  67. They aren't similar.

  68. Randy Mulkey, Jr.?

  69. You might be retarded.

  70. Yeah, every match he turned his 'opponents' into 'victims' once he locked in that country tough bear-hug. No one was gonna escape those hay baling arms.

  71. More impact than Trish? That's REALLY debatable. Trish brought a lot of respect and prestige back to the Woman's title with some really great matches.

  72. With Jake and frigging Warrior in the HoF now, it honestly wouldn't surprise me.

  73. Especially those poor children.

  74. Hillbilly Jim is a farmer. He is what makes America great. Hacksaw Duggan is a poser. He waves a flag and pretends that he's some kind of great patriot even though he doesn't even have a job! See also: Hogan, Hulk.

  75. They were actually evil midgets.

  76. Well she helped get HHH over. She wrestled men...and not novelty matches like Harvey Wippleman wrestling women. Chyna had quality matches with Jericho and was Intercontinental Champion. If not for the rise of Chyna kicking dudes' asses, who knows if Trish, Lita, Ivory, and the rest of them even get a shot in there.

  77. Crowd already chanting YES! that clearly mean the chant is more over than the man (no live thread yet so I figured I'd post here)

  78. The only friend not to turn on hulk hogan,

  79. And Hillbilly Jim never turned on his country! #NeverForget

  80. Yeah, it's something I think can only really be done on rare occasion, but when it's done well, it's great.

  81. There was a John Paul in the AWA for a while, he and Ricky Rice teamed up as the Top Guns. Same guy maybe?

  82. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 4, 2014 at 5:54 PM

    Jim was taller.

  83. Well, she had matches with Jericho.

  84. The DDP match at Havoc was VERY good.

  85. As a kid, I thought Jim Powers was awesome. He looked like a superstar compared even to most big-name guys.

  86. That's what steroids do to a woman who was always really a man... make them continue to have a penis.

  87. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 4, 2014 at 6:55 PM

    Chyna needs to be in a clinic, not the hall.

  88. Remember when Missy Hyatt wrote into the blog to clarify she wasn't a Nazi??

    I'm gonna need Hillbilly Jim to do the same with this thread

  89. Darren Young!

  90. Is it worse than the Rock's, where the narrative switches into third person whenever whoever actually wrote the book is describing a match?

  91. I remember hearing something like that also.

  92. I'm surprised Hillbilly Jim isn't in the HOF yet. He's a memorable character from the Rock n' Wrestling era, he's been going outside-the-ring work for WWE for decades, he seems well-liked by everyone in the business....why not Jim for the Hall?

  93. They have inducted Superstar Billy Graham, Wendi Richter, Bruno, and the Ultimate Warrior. These are people with a lot of heat with Vince. But none of them had a porn career.

  94. All things considered, Hillbilly had a pretty decent run. He was never going to be heavyweight champion. The IC title was not in the cards either, at that point the IC title was still a building block for someone on-deck for a main event/heavyweight title run. I guess a tag team run with JYD or as the Hillbillies with Uncle Elmer would have made sense. Hillbillies vs Moondogs book it.
    Still though, he got to sniff around the main event scene being Hogan's ally, and squared off plenty with Heenan's guys like John Studd, and King Kong Bundy.

  95. Yes I do, sir. Guilty as charged.

  96. Chyna will never go in. She totally went off the deep end, and most anybody would have been embarrassed by her actions. And when the deep end is doing porn, a leaked sex tape with of all people the Bronco Buster, and Celebrity Rehab, you are far from the Hall. WWE does all they can to separate their brand from drugs and former employees associated with public drug abuse.
    In fact I think Vince will intentionally hold off on indicting any DX faction including Chyna.
    Of course the exception is Jake Roberts and Scott Hall. But they are HUGE.....HUGE fan favorites who brought that much more popularity to WWE's brand then Chyna. Plus it took a serious "feel-good", life saving, redemptive story for Hall and Roberts to get in. It got WWE some pretty good pub and press. DDP truly is the man.

  97. Vince McMahon put his own daughter in the "HLA" storyline. His company tries to sell sex every day. Hopefully he wouldn't be so judgmental of one of his former employees who dabbled in porn.

  98. Hillbilly Jim had one of the BEST original theme songs of all time. I hate country music, but I would mark out every time the song came on.. still do.

  99. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 4, 2014 at 11:41 PM

    i like how this was posted as "guest"

  100. Hillbilly Jim never got caught with coke and weed in a car.. and he never made a sex tape with a pig. That's something.

  101. Sleepovers at the Hillbilly Ranch?

  102. Ultimate Warrior had an S & M comic with Santa.

  103. Nice try cultstatus, we know it was you who posted this!

  104. Maybe his estate doesn't want him in.

  105. I wholeheartedly endorse this. Just imagine Randy Orton and his hubris getting the smacketh down from some local yokel who small packages him and does the improbable. They tried that with Bo Dallas and Wade Barrett, but its Bo Dallas and Wade Barrett.

  106. Holy crap, I just assumed he was already in.

  107. YankeesHoganTripleHFanMay 5, 2014 at 6:25 AM

    Ah Hillbilly...thank you for not rescuing little beaver....that was one of the funniest wrestling moments of all time.

  108. You, sir, are a goddamn genius.

  109. No, I wasn't watching TV in their heyday. Im only in my 20s. I only see them in their one time "legend" reappearances from time to time.


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