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Inside Scott's (In)Box 4: Best / Worst Announce Teams

Jason Bellomo writes: 

Often, fans talk about the WWE announce teams being subpar (which seems to be a correct assessment, especially when comparing the current product with the older stuff on the network). If you had your choice of anyone (currently alive and well) to comprise the RAW and Smackdown announce teams, who would you pick? 

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Well Jason, I'll respond to you with the team that really set the wrestling world on fire. The team that made wrestling feel legitimate in ways that are nearly impossible to describe, but also too countless to count. 


  1. I just rewatched HHH/Jericho HIAC from judgment day 2002. Loved it. Scott only gave it 3 stars...I'd go a lot higher actually.

    What do you guys think of it?

  2. Actually have never seen it.

  3. For me around *** 3/4 - **** . Its sad watching how awesomely brutal, bloody, violent and important the pre-PG Cell matches were.

    Now we get standard, blood free wrestling matches with little heat, minimal cell use and the icing on the cake: pink fucking ropes *tear*

  4. RAW: Heenan and Monsoon
    Smackdown: Russell and Ventura
    Main Event: Joey Styles solo
    Superstars: McMahon and Crockett - best team ever.

  5. I like JBL and Cole for Raw, and William Regala and one of the other NXT guys for Smackdown.

  6. And holy shit, threre's a Old School card from MSG from 1997!! Featuring the Undertaker and Vader in a casket match and Furnas & Lafon v. Owen & Bulldog for the tag titles. March, 16, 1997. I looked it up on Wikipedia and apparently there are two MSG shows from early 97 that were taped for MSG. Oh and also Rocky Miavia v. Hunter Hearst Helmsely.

    The originally MSG tapings stopped in 92.

  7. JBL, Cole and Lawler

    - said no one ever

  8. I think he's like 15.

  9. What happened to JBL? His first stint as a color commentator on Smackdown with Cole was really good.

  10. Vince producing his commentary

  11. Best = Gorilla/Jesse, Gorilla/Heenan, Ross/Lawler (until early 2005, and even that might be pushing it), Ross/Bob Caudle, Solie/Caudle, Tony Schiavone/Jesse (Tony was good, pre 1998), Vince/Jesse, Ross/Cornette, Ross/Heyman, Joey Styles (by himself).

    Worst = Don West/Anyone, Cole/Most others, Ross/Lawler post 2005, Booker T/most others, USWA announcers, GWF announcers (although I liked GWF), WCW announcers from 2000- end

  12. Tony/Jesse is one of the most underrated broadcast teams in pro wrestling history. They were decent together in the WWF, but really gelled quite nicely in the early 90's WCW, before Hogan made the jump and Jesse stopped giving two shits about the quality of his work.

  13. What does "like 15" mean? Some number that's similar to but not 15?

    That would be...16? 14? 51? !5?

  14. I will say one thing about that picture above. I'm still amazed everyday that Jerry Lawler has a job. The man shows up to work in front of millions of people in shitty douchebag-branded t-shirts, calls the action like your grandfather suffering from Alzheimer's stuck in a loop of old Don Rickles gags, and generally gives off the attitude that he just doesn't a fuck about anything happening on-screen. The only way he could show less concern is by wandering out to ringside in sweatpants reading a copy of Seventeen.

  15. Clearly he was implying that he's 15 1/2.

  16. Hugo Savinovich and Carlos Cabrera.

    People praise Michael Cole for the way he handled things during Jerry Lawler's heart attack, but those guys worked in a war zone on every single PPV.

    Hugo took bumps and chairshots that would make Mick Foley cringe.

  17. I still laugh every time I see that.

  18. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 11, 2014 at 9:25 PM

    Hogan's lack of giving a shit is awesome

  19. It was a really great dynamic, with Jesse playing the heel beating up on dopey good guy Schiavone. Their work at Summerslam 89 was just brilliant.

  20. It didn't last very long, but Raven was a good color man for Sunday Night Heat


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