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Matt's Main Event Recap - 5/20/2014

Welcome to your regular Tuesday Night thing.

Before I begin the recap, the big news is that Vince McMahon is now poor.

If, by "poor", you mean that he can only buy the mid-priced private jet instead of the one that has stripper poles for the Divas and MH370-like stealth capabilities then, yes, Vince McMahon is now poor. 
How did we get here?

It's funny when something like this happens. Everyone is suddenly an expert in the subject under discussion, everyone has their opinion and everyone thinks the answer they have is the right one. In the past 72+ hours, I've heard it all:
  • "Nobody likes Daniel Bryan." Seriously. Somebody said this.
  • The WWE Network, once hailed as a great idea (and I still think it's great) by pretty much the entire wrestling community, is now the "worst" idea Vince has had, In fact, not only has that helped erase a chunk of McMahon's bankroll, I've now seen several users compare the WWE Network to the WBF and the XFL. I can't even...I just can't.
  • Bad storylines. Ok, fair point.
  • Reliance on ancient talent or talent that's past its prime or freshness. Yeah, I can see that. Added to the one above, that makes ratings tank.
  • Aliens (Giorgio only)
And how does he fix it? I've heard those solutions, too:
  • Mass firing of wrestlers
  • Fire Daniel Bryan / put him back at mid-card status
  • Cancel the WWE Network or take the PPV option away, re-pricing them at $60 a pop which, in my opinion, is the most backwards move you can make seeing as though streaming television and on-demand viewing is the future.
  • Send the Network back to cable as part of a sports package with several other channels. 
  • Make Orton champion again (Forum quote: "Stocks were WAY UP with Orton as the face of the WWE.")
  • Hire people from TNA because YOLO.
Long story short, Vince went from really, really rich to just really rich. The stock market is wonky and driven by greed, manipulation, short-selling and all sorts of fun, shady shit. McMahon will find a way to recover and this thing will be over faster than the Duck Dynasty racism controversy because, in the end, nobody cares. It's a rich dude with a corporation dealing in fake fighting. If anyone thinks WWE is on the way out or that McMahon will go broke, you're right. That'll happen as soon as the entire city of Los Angeles becomes a bird sanctuary.

In other words, everyone chill the fuck out. 

The Network was JUST BORN. It's taking its first steps. It needs some improvement (such as a better rewinding/forwarding system and slider) but this is impressive stuff. Saying that it "needs to go back to cable" is utterly ridiculous. This was designed to move AWAY from the TV format. That was the whole point. Saying that the network has failed after a few months time and needs to improve by going back to Network TV is like suggesting Tesla should go back to the combustion engine because their first-gen electric cars can only go 200 miles on a charge and probably won't improve.

LONG-TERM. That's what this is about.

As for the financials, if anyone doubts there'll be a recovery, they haven't seen the Stock Market since 2008. These people buy and sell if the person next to them sneezes wrong. The WWE has been here before and will probably be here again. Yeah, the product needs changes if the average RAW and Smackdown shows are any indication. 

But it will end up surviving. There's no need to blow everything up and start over. that I've set the mood, let's move on to Main Event which won't feature Daniel Bryan getting his ass kicked. Not unless the McMahons wanna prop him up with giant puppet strings or beat up a mannequin that looks like him. And, after the ludicrous Kane spots the last couple of weeks, I gotta say, I would not be surprised to see them do just that.

Please welcome your WWE Champion, Nordberg!
We are still LIVE(!) from smarky little London, England!

Your guys on the mic are Byron Saxton and Tom Phillips.

Paul Heyman is in the ring to start. Heyman would like to try "something new" tonight. He says he was speaking to his client about the name of the show, "Main Event". He wants to change the name of the show to "Paul Heyman's Main Event", then hits the "MCBLCTUUSAW" button. If I have to tell you what that means, you haven't been watching nor annoyed with it at the same level I am. Heyman introduces Cesaro.

Cesaro hits the ring. The crowd cheers for him. Heyman calls them "wannabes". He says that Cesaro is the greatest athlete in Europe today. Heyman says he beat Sheamus on Monday and Sheamus was forgiving for NOT getting his hand shaken by Cesaro. He says Henry will forgive Cesaro for getting beaten.

Henry hits the ring. Heyman tells him they're not done speaking. Henry says they're done speaking when HE says they're done speaking. Henry says HE is the Strongest Man in the World, not "Swiss Miss over there". Heyman says Cesaro is NEVER number two. He's always number one. Cesaro decides to walk up to Henry and poke his chest. 

Henry grabs him and bear hugs him. Cesaro manages to escape and leave the ring.

NEXT: Oh shit...Sandow's dressed like Sherlock Holmes. 

Main Event was the "#1 Show on the WWE Network". Interesting.

MATCH #1: Damien Sandow vs. R-Truth
After break, Sandow Holmes hits the ring. Sandow says he's "on the case". He's good at solving problems. That's why he's here. He calls the crowd a bunch of half-wits. Random events aren't random. Sandow does the "eliminate the impossible" spiel. That brings out R-Truth just when I thought this couldn't get worse. He mocks Sandow for dressing like Magneto and Sherlock. He even says his "Little Jimmy" was insane. He knows that. He says that Sandow is "seven colors short of a rainbow". AREN'T WE SUPPOSED TO HAVE A MATCH?!

Finally, the bell rings. They lock up, then break, and Sandow adjusts his suit. They lock up again and nothing happens. R-Truth does the splits. The crowd chants "This is awesome" because, why not? Finally, Sandow kicks Truth who holds the ropes off a run, dances, then arm drags Sandow to the mat, locking in an armbar. Sandow gets under the ropes and rolls out of the ring. He grabs his magnifying glass and examines his arm with it. Another lock-up and Truth slaps Sandow in the corner. Sandow punches back and tries a hip toss but Truth counters, hitting a roll-up for two. Once again, Sandow rolls out of the ring and grabs his pipe. Truth follows and punches Sandow, knocking the pipe out of his mouth. Truth gets back in the ring and shouts, "WHAT'S UP?" and we go to a commercial. Dear Triple H: I don't think this match is as epic as you think it is that it deserves a break.

After the break, Truth tosses slams Sandow's head into the buckle as Saxton and Phillips get cute on commentary. Sandow hits an Irish Whip but Truth kicks Sandow in the head. He charges but Sandow tosses Truth out of the ring. Sandow follows and starts slamming Truth's head against the mat. He rolls Truth back in and drops some knees and stomps at Truth, telling the crowd they're welcome. Sandow slows down the match's already-glacial pace by putting Truth to the mat and locking in an armbar. Headlock on Truth who finally makes it to his feet and punches away. He charges Sandow and gets dropkicked. Sandow chokes Truth and hits the Russian Legsweep. He hits the Elbow of Disdain and gets two. ANOTHER headlock but, this time, Truth counters with a chinbreaker.

Truth rushes at Sandow who hits a drop toehold and then beats on Truth as he's draped on the ropes. More punching. Sandow elbows Truth in the face and throws him to the mat, then taunts the crowd. Sandow kicks at Truth who is on his knees. Truth starts no-selling like Warrior but Sandow just beats on him. FINALLY, Truth trips Sandow who flies into the second buckle. Truth pumps up and starts hitting punches. He hits a forearms off the ropes and then a Reverse Sitting Suplex for a CLOSE fall. Irish Whip and Truth hits a Flying Roundhouse Kick for two. He misses the Scissor Kick and Sandow hits You're Welcome for the win at an unbelievably long and boring 13:11.
WINNER: Sandow via You're Welcome
GRADE: 13:11 of C+ action. Sandow can wrestle but Truth is SO one-dimensional. Way too much Truth Peril.

Clips of Steph not stripping the title from Daniel Bryan. 

ON RAW: WILL DANIEL BRYAN SURRENDER THE TITLE? If he doesn't, will they beat him up again? Will Bryan run and hide as Kane gingerly chases him around?

NEXT: Naomi vs. Aksana because Total Divas DEMANDS IT.

MATCH #2: Aksana vs. Naomi (w/ Cameron)
Naomi starts beating on Aksana's eye, then tries a Sunset Flip but misses. Naomi ends up tossing Aksana around and then butt splashing her and rubbing her ass in Aksana's face. That's the best way I can describe it. Naomi gets pulled off the top turnbuckle and put into an Abdominal Stretch but Naomi gets out of it and hits an Enzuguri. Naomi gets up and hits dropkicks, then hits a Falling DDT off the ropes using her legs for two. Aksana comes back with a Spinning Sidewalk Slam for two. Aksana tries a Side Suplex but Naomi lands on her feet and hits a quick sitting slam and the Rear View for the win at 3:26.
WINNER: Naomi via Rear View

UP NEXT: A look at Cena vs. The Wyatts in case you haven't seen Cena say he'll fight or heard Wyatt sing Public Domain chart toppers.

RAW REBOUND: Cena and the Wyatts.

At Payback, it's Cena vs. Wyatt.

THIS FRIDAY: Hogan for some reason. Also, Ziggler vs. Batista.

There's five minutes left to go on this show. With Cesaro's entrance and probable celebration, we're looking at three minutes. Oh, and Heyman is on the mic for a spot. So, this will be two minutes. He says that he'd like to apologize to Henry for a mistake. He made a mistake accepting this match. Cesaro's already beaten him. It's not fair to wrestle again. He says Henry and Cesaro should arm wrestle. Henry: "DEAL." Heyman stutters to death as if he's being paid by the syllable. Henry goes outside and starts taking apart the the Announce Table. We have two minutes left. At least this will be over soon. Heyman says "He's calling our bluff." Cesaro: "OUR bluff?!" Heyman backpedals and says he believes in Cesaro.

MATCH #3: Mark Henry vs. Cesaro (w/ Paul Heyman) in an Arm Wrestling Match
The two lock arms, Heyman touches Henry, Henry looks at Heyman and Cesaro uppercuts Henry and dumps the table on him.
WINNER: No contest.
GRADE: THIS was WCW-level bullshit. F. If I could give less, I would.

And we go off the air tthat way.

OVERALL: F. This was the worst Main Event show I've ever seen.


That's it. Thank you to Scott Keith, who has your NXT report, Tommy who has your weekend covered with the Smackdown recap and AndyPG for the shout-out each week and who will also start your week off right with the RAW write-up.

Thank you to all my readers and if you wanna read more of my stuff, please visit WE HATE YOUR GIMMICK at and, of course, visit us on Facebook at


  1. What type of stories the announcers are trying to tell anyway? It's certainly not the story of what's going on in the ring.

  2. 96 / 97 Lawler was good, often great. His pairing with Vince, whilst a copy of the Heenan / Monsoon relationship, gets overlooked I think, because everyone always associates Lawler on commentary, today, as him with J.R.

    He's now basically in the Walmart Greeter spot.

  3. Punk made some of those episodes of NXT Season 3 bearable. He was great, especially his remarks about how wrestlers shouldn't be near his commentary table because they'd mess up his Diet Pepsi.

  4. With a 3 hour show, I'm baffled as to why they don't rotate the commentary teams. Let Josh and Regal do the first hour, Renee and Lawler (if we must keep him around) do the second hour, and Cole and JBL do the third hour. It lets the company see what they have in prime time and would help freshen each hour of the show up.

  5. Bad story lines is a fair point but I don't see how any rational person can use the "Reliance on ancient talent or talent that's past its prime or freshness" argument.

    Kane? Like it or not he's still got credibility, even if him being in the main event is iffy at best.

    Batista? OK maybe but he's been working hard and is drawing great heel heat.

    HHH? He can still go and again, still has his credibility.

    So in short WWE is doing just fine in the talent department, they just need to be more consistent on the storytelling.

  6. That's a great point. Mid-1990s Lawler was all about making fun of the Hart family and he sort of languished during the Dark Ages.

    He and JR were firing on all cylinders in the early stages of the McMahon-Austin feud, though. They do a great commentary job that really enhances the Austin-Dude Love match at Over the Edge 1998 with Ross flipping out over the rule changes and Lawler acting irritated that Ross doesn't realize that Patterson's announcements are "reminders."

  7. The Gorilla-Ross pairing was death, but I guess that's to be expected of two play-by-play guys. I hated when they put Gorilla in as a color guy. He wasn't good in that role.

    As a kid, I really liked Gorilla because he was a grandfather-type figure. Listening to his commentary made you feel that someone old and wise was giving you the low down on wrestling. The company lacks that same feel today.

  8. That's probably replaced the Google "I'm feeling lucky" search when you type in "French military victories" and getting "Google couldn't find any results for French military victories...Do you mean 'French military defeats'," as my favorite unintentional internet search joke of all-time.

  9. Apologies, in advance, for the formatting. Blogger, it seems, just doesn't give a rat's ass tonight.

  10. It was pretty effective though in the raw before Mania when Bryan jumped HHH on commentary and you heard it before you saw it. Not quite the same thing, but Cole reacting to something before you can see could give that brief "not part of the show" type feel.

  11. I guess stories like:

    *Daniel Bryan looks like a goat! (Counterproductive, no?)
    *Buy WWE Network! It's just like Netflix, but better! (I guess...)
    *Old timers are better than the stuff now! (Cue Cole & Lawler laughing at the legends all the time)
    *WWE Universe is great! (Whoever made that phrase deserves the death penalty)

    I'm sure I've missed many, but that seems to be the overall gist of the product.


  13. You know, they did that for Nitro and even if it wasn't the most spectacular commentary it at least changed things up. I think most of us would take the sub-par Nitro commentary teams over the awful commentary now. We really had no idea how much worse it could get.

  14. I'd take Tony Schiavone back in a heartbeat. Wouldn't even hesitate.


  16. I used to rip Tony every week back in 97/98 for sucking. I was so wrong, I fully admit I had no clue what bad wrestling commentary was then. No clue. Now going back and listening to wcw is like hearing Heenan compared to today.

  17. When Tony sounds better, you know commentary is bad.

  18. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 20, 2014 at 8:48 PM

    I will beat the dead horse forever. This show should have been at one venue with the Hogan vs Piper blowoff on top. Have Roddy put Mr T on the shelf with a beatdown to build heat. Or put T in the battle royale. Bundy is fine as Andre's biggest competition in the battle royale. As mentioned here, Bundy just wasnt a big name, the Piper-T boxing thing failed, and the three city idea was a mess

  19. I remember when I rented SummerSlam 1989 and my mind was blown when I heard Tony Schiavone on commentary. I was like "I thought that guy was WCW all the way!"

  20. I never knew that bit of info, so you just blew my mind right now.

  21. That's fine, still good review.

  22. I think the vibe they're going for is "3 friends hangin out having a good time!" (which would explain why they say "What's Up" with R Truth and JBL screams "I love when he says this" when Barretts about to hit the catch phrase)

    Either that or by "stories" management means the 3 talking points each wrestler has, that get rattled off each week (SHADES OF DADDY!, WORLD'S TOUGHEST VEGAN! Rollins is the architect)

    As a side note; I caught the last couple of ROH tv shows and Kelly/Corino on commentary was freshest breath of air I've had in some time.

  23. Yeah they're almost never seriously discussing a story. Usually if they're talking about an angle it's patronizing. They love when they find a way to mock and laugh at whoever is in the ring though.

  24. I think if anything it proves it wasn't rigged

  25. 15 is horrendous.

  26. Love that match for so many reasons, and their commentary is one of them

  27. I prefer Gorilla/Jesse over Gorilla/Heenan, but it's close.

  28. Kofi is just FUN TO WATCH MICHAEL!!!

  29. I too have noticed this, and wonder why WWE can't make the simple tweak of portraying their stuff as serious, legit competition. Yes, everyone knows it's fake but it's better when we all play along. It would make things so much better and requires literally zero effort to do.

  30. When Tony gave a shit, he was up there as being good to very good. During the triangle match with Sting/Luger/Flair, Sting and Luger get in the ring, and he effortlessly rattles off the last time they faced; SuperBrawl 2 in Milwaukee.

  31. Joe Buck is the worst.

  32. He and Aikman ate terrible.

  33. Russo was out of control with some of that shit. And if Vince was his filter, he should be ashamed....

  34. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 9:05 PM

    Oh yeah, no fix on THIS basketball game...none whatsoever."

    * - Denotes sarcasm.

  35. Good point. The whole purpose of wrestling, like a magic show, is supposed to have the audience SUSPEND their disbelief. People have crappy lives, crappy jobs, etc. They want to escape. So facilitate that process.

    For all of Vince's talk about how they want to make movies, he does a really poor job of it because his company screams at us "HEY THIS IS FAKE!" That'd be like the studio putting up a big disclaimer before Godzilla reminding us that the movie is fake and then having actors during the show point that out.

  36. Aikman is the most vanilla color guy ever.

  37. Yup. That was the reason the NWA didn't take off. It was the announcing. Good catch.

  38. I do agree with the Hogan/Piper thing but Piper wasnt going to lay down for Hogan...

    As far as Bundy, I remember him being a very credible threat after the attack on SNME on Hogan...

  39. Rude - Warrior commentary from that show is some of the best ever.

  40. I'm actually surprised some feminist group out there hasn't blasted their treatment of the women's division. The commentators treat that like a joke and intentionally note the botches that the performers make. I'd be the first to say that the divas division is awful, but if you are going to have it then treat it seriously. What kind of message is that sending to young female fans of the product? Hey, you suck?

  41. Lawler vs Hart was like a natural evolution of Ventura's hatred for all that Hogan stood for, and was wonderful.

    Up until he became That Puppies Guy, Lawler on commentary could do wrong, in my book. He was great at being officious, as you say, irritated by Ross. Such a suck-up, such a great old school bully. Always happy if he's on the 'winning' side, and only there through cheating. Wonderful.

    Sad. Nowadays the only entertainment I get from him is the hilarity he causes in my girlfriend, who likes to see each week which flavour of 'Relentless' energy drink (like Monster) he is wearing.

    In that picture he appears to be wearing the original flavour. Very old school of him.

  42. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 9:09 PM

    Sloth may love Chunk but he hates Cole.

  43. Too bad we never got Pat Summerall and John Madden calling a wrestling promotion.

    Guys were amazing like Monsoon/Heenan

  44. Love Jesse losing his shit on Tony. "So, what, are you telling me if the Warrior had a gun, he could shoot Rude, cause it's outside the ring? You're stupider than Monsoon!!"

  45. Ventura was such a mark for Savage, Rude, and Vader. If anyone tried to hate on those guys, he'd rip them a new one. His commentary with Monsoon for the WM V main event is criminally underrated. You have the feeling that he and Monsoon are about to come to blows during the match.


    Monsoon: "Maybe you would know these things Jess if you EVER had a manager!"
    Ventura: "I DID have a manager! His name was Classie Freddie Blassie!"
    Monsoon: "And he sent your career RIGHT DOWN THE TOILET!"

  46. cabspaintedyellow please stand up. He stated that the problem with commentary is that only Vince can really do "Vince commentary" well with his over the top carny selling. Cole and JBL suck at it and Lawler is just a freakshow.

  47. I'll take him over Greg Gumbel ANY DAY

  48. Would upvote this 1,000 times if I could.

  49. Ha, that's funny. I haven't watched RAW since WrestleMania, but good to hear Lawler is advertising products that could ruin his heart some more. The only laugh I got out of Lawler last year was when he lusted after a Sonic's chesseburger put by the announce table just a few months after having heart surgery.

  50. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 20, 2014 at 9:14 PM

    I'm with you on both points. They did a fine job of building Bundy.

    I also don't disagree with the point some have made in the past: that house show business was still more important than the one-off annual show, so Hogan-Piper shouldn't be blown off yet.

  51. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 20, 2014 at 9:15 PM

    The NBA is unwatchable.

  52. What is Summerall even doing these days? I haven't seen him on TV in forever. I have heard him on Fox Sports radio, though.

  53. PS - I'm sorry I didn't use your suggestion today, I wanted to put together 2-3 days of actual wrestling questions before i shit all over the positive energy :)

  54. He passed away calling the heaven football league now

  55. I think you are rather glib if you don't recognize what a huge part of WWF's boom period in the late 90's Jim Ross was.

  56. They're actually more mean-spirited with AJ who actually is a really good wrestler

  57. Tonight's game was really good

  58. My god do you guys like ANYTHING about pro wrestling? Seriously just stop watching. Its boring and tiresome how everyday there are all of these people on here complaining about something to do with.....this business. Yet you guys sit around like uncontrollable addicts watching 3, 5 or sometimes 6 hours of this current day product that is supposed to be so horrible.

    I know...I know you only DVR and you fast forward through the dumb stuff....except you don't because you come on here and recite it word for word. Seriously just stop watching. Someone said something about "even the kids that will eat the remote if their parents don't hide it". You guys realize you ARE those kids. Seriously even the special needs kids will stop doing something if its not fun anymore.

    What fully capable, fully functioning grown men would continue to watch an ENTERTAINMENT product for a DECADE that is supposed to be so unwatchable and unentertaining? JUST STOP WATCHING.

    Yet you won't, you'll come on here and continue to complain about how awful the show is and when I call you out on it again the tired masses will bring up some excuse as to why they still watch or they'll proclaim they just read the online review of it. Thats an even worse excuse than lying about fast forwarding through the dumb parts or turning the sound down.

    If everyone could just stand up and say "I'm completely addicted and I complain about this product as a vessel to express the inner hatred I have for my weak will power and inability to find something else to do three hours out of the week". But I guess thats like asking an addict to put the spoon or pipe down, if it were that easy you would. Seriously I'm not sure which group of people are the worst, Republicans, Christians or the IWC. You're all fairly delusional.

  59. Very much agree with this. Honestly, when I first got into the WWF in 1995, Ross was doing the Action Zone with "Dok Hendrix" and sometimes with Todd Pettengill and I just saw him as a C-rate announcer (I paid a lot of attention to the announcers and referees since I knew I had no athletic ability and might want to one day get into that side of the business). Didn't really see what the big deal was. I could tell he wasn't bad, even as a kid, but just didn't think he was great.

    By 1998, though, I thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. He added some great energy to the product and really put the "A" in attitude for the period.

  60. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 9:18 PM

    I freaking LOVE Adam Rose and am super into the gimmick but Cole screaming his praises and showing us how to do the dance while JBL trashes him makes me enjoy it a little less.

  61. He played a great straight man to Vince Russo's world of madness and he just put over guys like Austin and Foley huge.

  62. Whoops. I got him confused with Pat O'Brien. *Shows self the door*

  63. And you're just seeing things crystal clear aren't ya Stevie?

  64. Whoa brother, switch to decaf. I actually don't watch the product right now, partly because of the bad commentary. Doesn't mean I can't rant about how bad it is!

  65. Why are you complaining about us complaining?

  66. As I've said before and elsewhere, Vince and Lawler is an underrated commentary combo. And Vince alone, sure, there is NOBODY who could match his level of enthusiasm, and whilst sounding sincere. Schiavone sounded way too cynical and 'too good for this'. Don West was too incoherent.

  67. Horrible person to boot. My friend cleaned his pool and he was the only guy who didn't throw him a tip at the end of the season. He's hated in this area which is sad because his dad was a legendary baseball announcer here.

  68. Well it's ok

    One gets super drunk and drunk dials people......

  69. Fuck Buck!

  70. Michael Cole actually has a pretty impressive resume (not saying he is good or anything, just saying he has done some impressive stuff in his career) I also think he can be good when he is allowed to be himself... both times that has happened.

  71. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 9:22 PM

    I can't speak for anybody but myself but I enjoy watching RAWs, PPVs and NXT. I enjoy a bunch of things about the product. Like I said earlier I love the Adam Rose gimmick, I am really into Shield vs Evolution, Bad News Barrett, Bryan, Cesaro, etc. But there are problems with the current product, announcing being a big one. While I do enjoy watching RAW I can't ignore the groan inducing things that will come out of RAW.

  72. I remember Buck's exaggerated rant when Randy Moss simulated mooning Packer fans. I was like "Chill dude, it's NOT that big a deal."


  74. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 9:23 PM

    Because he needs to point out how he's better than us.

  75. I was watching NFL network today, and they were showing Jim McMahon *actually* mooning fans, and people thought it was hilarious.

  76. Exactly. I just think to myself Packers have 13 NFL championships, I'm sure they hardly gave a shit.

  77. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 9:24 PM

    Nope, Steve says you aren't allowed. You know what, let's just shut down the whole blog to make Steve happy. C'mon, pack it in boys.

  78. I feel humbled as if Iron Sheik just stopped by my house.

  79. Cause he's white. Randy Moss does it, Buck is ready to call the Klan.

  80. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 9:24 PM

    He was a war reporter at one time wasn't he?

  81. I'm glad he came here to tell us we're delusional! How else would I have ever known?

  82. I feel like the current goofy presentation is an ill fated attempt to win over casuals who have the "You know this is fake, right?" mindset.

  83. Jesus loves you.

  84. Yeah, Kosovo I think.

  85. Complaining about something you don't even watch is somehow worse.

  86. It's sad that they've basically given away the con about winning not being the point and still screwed it up. The great announcers like Russell, Solie and Trongard would play up the sport side of it and would sell the angle too. How Vince is the best promoter there's ever been AND not a good wrestling guy is just weird.

  87. At least with a guy like Collinsworth, all I want to do is gently lead him away from the announce booth, and tell him to stop talking. Forever. Buck you just wanna punch in his stupid, smug face. Repeatedly.

  88. Not much new to add, but I would be on board with Vince doing commentary. I would encourage you all to go back and watch halftime heat. Vince did the commentary and it was amazing how he was able to get over everything he wanted the fans to know about his product.

  89. Lance Russell could teach a class in dealing with insane wrestling gimmicks and everyone including Vince would be better.

  90. Yes. From Wikipedia:

    "Coulthard began his career in the media as a journalist, working for CBS Radio. His first high-profile assignment was to cover the failed 1988 US presidential campaign of Democratic Party nominee Michael Dukakis.[6] In 1992, he reported on the presidential campaign of Bill Clinton.[6] Coulthard covered the 51-day siege at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, in 1993. The following year, he spent nine months covering the Yugoslavian civil war.[6] In 1995 he was also selected to cover the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing.[6] He returned to the presidential campaign trail in 1996 to cover the campaigns of Steve Forbes and Sen. Bob Dole.[6]"

  91. Just finished watching the basketball game. Van Gundy and Mark Jackson can be polarizing but at least they are allowed to be themselves. WWE and NFL guys are so micromanaged on commentary that it's nigh impossible to be tolerable.

  92. I have also abandoned watching the current product after Wrestlemania and am enjoying reliving early 90s WCW thru the Network because for all the misfires, it was still presented in a real way. I'll take cheesy gimmicks presented seriously over the current clusterfuck.

  93. Van Gundy is great. Fuck Miami

  94. I like Van Gundy also. I have to disagree with your second assessment.

  95. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 9:34 PM

    He also opened my eyes to being an addict. Maybe Steve can be my WWE Anonymous sponsor.

    HHH grant me the serenity to accept the WWE I can not change
    Courage not to rant on the things I don't like
    And the wisdom to know the difference between complaining and loving the product.

  96. When you say vanilla, you really mean worst

  97. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 9:35 PM

    Just got a text from Jesus. He does not love Steve. He's also going to be here at 8 in the morning to mow my lawn.

  98. Worst announcer my ass, Meltzer

  99. I honestly don't know if I ever really noticed commentary. Like, I would if there was none, but I can't recall ever really picking up on what was actually being said.

    I fully admit that this might be the result of commentary being so awful for so long that I tuned it out, though.

  100. I would be down for Vince just doing the video game commentary. Hearing Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler call matches with even less enthusiasm than they do on Raw is maddening.

  101. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 9:39 PM

    Can I ask you something Dougie, you seem to like comic books right? I don't know if you read it at the time but if you didn't wouldn't you bitch about Spiderman:One More Day just a bit. The horrible storyline and direction they took the character?

  102. If that ever happened I don't think I can express the joy I would feel.

  103. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 9:40 PM

    This triple threat match on NXT is pretty damn good.

  104. I'm glad he hasn't gone back to coaching. He has no problem calling out anyone. It's nice to see. God knows why teams keep hiring coaches who have never coached at any level but bless 'em

  105. I've never read it. If something sucks, I don't read or watch or listen to it. I'm not a miserable person. I do things I like.

  106. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 20, 2014 at 9:42 PM

    Diesel vs. Shawn was good. So was LT vs. Bigelow. Bret vs. Backlund was boring, if not technically bad. It doesn't even fall into the "one-match show" category.

  107. Its infinitely worse. Why waste your time complaining about something that you're not even watching? Seriously that would be like me complaining about women's soccer. I don't watch it so why am I wasting valuable moments of my life to not only complain about something I don't watch but its ultimately completely hypocritical. How can you complain about if you don't watch it? Just because you HEAR its bad? Everyone on here has a movie, or a song, or a book that they love that NO ONE else enjoys. So complaining about RAW based on a Andy PG (he's one of the few quality human beings on this blog) review is mind numbingly stupid.

  108. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 20, 2014 at 9:43 PM

    I'm with you. WM 11 was not bad, just didn't feel like Wrestlemania. I feel the same way about WM 16. I was even there live and didn't feel like I was at a Wrestlemania-level show

  109. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 20, 2014 at 9:43 PM

    Nothing redeeming about it at all, til you get to the all-time greats in the main event.

  110. The constant blowing of athletes gets annoying so it's great having Van Gundy around.

    Big names to sell tickets. Never known anyone to buy a ticket to see a coach, but here we are.

  111. Yup, nobody here has enjoyed anything about wrestling. We hate literally everything which is why we have favorite wrestlers from the minor league territory we'd like to see on the big stage. Yup, rasslin is all we've got! Go hang out with any fandom, dude. Is all the same.

  112. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 9:44 PM

    Complaining about people complaining about something they don't watch is better? And I think there's only a few regulars who don't watch ANYTHING from the current product.

  113. You don't strike me as the type who would be able to effectively express human emotion, no.

  114. Dougie is the second smartest man on this blog. If you don't like something don't watch it. If you like it don't bitch about it. Don't complain about Triple H, and the "WWE main event style" and Vince and commentary, and production values, and indy darlings not getting pushed and then when you're called out on watching something that you hate say "oh well I like this one thing so I do like it". Seriously I think most everyone on here enjoys Daniel Bryan, the Shield and Bray Wyatt. But even then you guys BITCH about how these guys aren't being USED right. Seriously for everyone "man those guys are awesome" post there are a 100 "man the WWE is fucking them up" posts. Its a good thing none of you can get girlfriends because there is no way you'd be happy anyway.

  115. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 9:46 PM

    But wait, you claim we suck, that this blog suck and the people here suck yet you read us all the time. Flaw in your logic buddy.

  116. Tyler Breeze has improved by leaps

  117. Foley wore out his welcome a long time ago.

  118. Al should fuck his wife.

  119. Thanks, ABeyAnce. It even showed up on my other blog with the wrong font color. Sometimes, Blogger just doesn't play nice, no matter what you do.

  120. Billy Jack Haynes easily. His Conspiracy Theory shoot has more lies in the span of 3 hours than Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels and Eric Bischoff can think up in a lifetime.

  121. Yep. He even wrote and performed a dreadful song about it called "Another Hulkamaniac In Heaven" and claimed that the proceeds from the song went to pay the young boy's medical bills. Although as he was presumably British I'm not sure what medical bills those would be...

  122. Knuckleberry PinnMay 21, 2014 at 5:27 AM

    Damn this is a good review.

    Give the matches star ratings and just give the overall show a yay or nay (with degrees of yayness and nayness) and it's probably my favourite non-Scott review on here.

    Of course, maybe the majority prefer grade ratings and in that event I can go to hell. All I can do is just give my personal preference. Nonetheless, this review is good, and I really like your conciseness and bluntness.

  123. Thanks for the very kind words. When I first started these recaps a few weeks back, there was a debate between stars and grades. I chose grades because I don't really know how many stars I'd use and, if I did use stars, I'd go with four, not five. :)

    I'm glad you like the review. I wince every single time I hit "POST". :)

  124. Come on, we all know where the disconnect was. (Hint: not you.)

  125. The WWE Network Top 10 lists!

  126. That book was so heavily ghost written I wouldn't feel right completely attributing anything said to him.

  127. This is a great read. I actually have started looking forward to these reviews every week. Good stuff.


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