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Monday Night Open Mic

Howdy Blog O'Doomers!

Not much time for chatter tonight so I'll say enjoy the show or the NBA/NHL Playoffs and come out swinging but make sure to keep it clean. I'll be back in a few hours.



  2. Heat play tonight? Hope they lose.

  3. A cute girl I know is a Bruins fan so.....LETS GO BRUINS!

  4. Apparently there is a rumor going around that Daniel Bryan was seriously injured.

  5. Not sure if this is legit, but would INDEED suck if true.

  6. Fuck it, fly in Brock, let him destroy Bryan, vacate the title, let Bryan heal up until SummerSlam, boom there is your main event.

  7. Have a two show tournament to crown an Interim Champion and unify them at Money in the Bank. Okay no, but I'm surprised WWE hasn't done more Interim Champion angles with their rise in MMA.

  8. "with their rise in MMA."

    That is your answer.

  9. TJ: A couple of you had expressed interest when I mentioned it a while back, so here's a link to the blog where I've been posting about the 2+ month USA road trip I'm on. Currently about 2 weeks in and in Memphis, Tennessee. (I have trouble saying that without thinking about Andy Kaufman's mocking tone coming into my head.)

  10. Fuck, really don't want to watch Raw anymore but I really want to see how they handle Bryan being injured.

  11. I can smell the money.

  12. I just realized they kinda did that during the Summer of Punk when Cena and Mysterio fought for the title then unified with Punk at SS.

  13. If he truly is hurt, you gotta feel for him. His first angle is wrestlecrap and then he gets injured.

  14. That title is a curse for him. First his dad, then Connor, then the terrible angle, and now this.

  15. Bryan being injured is the case, time to have a tournament to see who will be the #1 contender for the US title!

  16. Even if I wasn't a Bruins fan, I couldn't bring myself to rooting for the Canadiens.

    Go B's.

  17. You're right.......this is getting really strange.

  18. Replace Brock with HHH (or Batista) and WWE Creative will hire you in a minute. And the rest of us will want to kill you about 30 seconds later.

  19. Could not agree more if the injury is legit.

  20. Wait, Bryan's hurt?

  21. Neck injury, surgery, out to at least Payback.

  22. That is the news sadly.

  23. from the tombstone kayfabe wise?

  24. I wouldn't mind seeing Bryan/Batista or Bryan/HHH 2 so I dunno why those ideas are so terrible.

  25. The thought of Kane being WWE Champion scares me greatly.

  26. Did Bryan get injured having to carry that angle last week?

  27. Hey, he needs to avenge a short reign too.

  28. Sprained his neck running away.

  29. WWE wants to find singles stars to help carry the brand. Not saying I agree with it, just how it is.

  30. if Furnas and LaFon could have time travelled to 2000 when it changed to a more "athletic" style they could have been a so much bigger deal.

    (I remember seeing them at the 1996 Survivor Series and being amazed by the stuff they did)

  31. They did a good job booking him in his first 3 weeks as champion, but now looking at the spoilers they've basically forgotten abut his fighting champion gimmick and they're now treating him like every other guy on the roster.

  32. Good for them. Why work if you aren't getting paid?

  33. + "keep it up, my n***a!"

  34. at least the booking still made kind of sense. I would take 1994 over 1999 almost all the time.

  35. ...............crap............

  36. Well, you had RVD staying loyal to ECW back in the 90s because he believed in it despite the fact he could have made more money elsewhere.

    And I know in hindsight it's silly to say because Punk and Bryan ended up becoming megastars, but I'm pretty sure they would never had dreamed the success they ended up getting, so Punk and Bryan would have likely stuck around in ROH because they would want be the big fish in a small pond.

  37. What's the story on Terry Funk's short lived stay? He comes back, gets a main event run and then is gone again within 6-7 months?

    Is it more money related Jim Herd nonsense ala Ricky Steamboat?

  38. THIS.

    Not only was he booked as a goofy clown for YEARS but he just comes out of nowhere to become this dominant fighting champion. It's silly and illustrates just how clueless TNA is.

  39. I agree. The six-sided ring made them DIFFERENT and that was better. I was listening to the Austin/Bischoff podcast and Bischoff said, "I knew that I cou;dn't be better, but I made list of every way i could be different." The six sided ring made it different and distinctive.

  40. Are they done with Magnus as a big deal now? Because it seems kind of pointless to have Magnus be the guy who ends Sting's career and then he's just another guy who can't beat Eric Young two months later.


    I was so onboard in 2006 and Russo just killed my interest dead.

  42. I think you have to have tv to be "mainstream" at least mainstream in the sense of being seen as somewhat on par with WWE.

  43. Yeah I'm being SUUUUUUUPER generous with that estimate, it was probably closer to 300.

    I mean, I would go back. I just hope the guys there... let me tell you a story. I have a buddy who is in a cover band that plays around local bars. My buddy is a teacher like me, and he's getting a couple bucks to play a show and drinks some beers and then goes back to his real job. I hope the guys wrestling this show are like that -- they have real jobs and are just doing this on the side for kicks. That they don't think they're going to someday main event WrestleMania when they're 5'7" and have no muscle definition.

  44. I thought the "guy network" thing had appeal, but then they decided they wanted to start catering to women and other groups and it hurt programming. I have liked a few shows on Spike like Deadliest Warrior, Bar Rescue, and they had a Survival show on in 2009 that was really cool (e.g. how to survive a mall shooting, nuclear attack, etc.). However, I haven't watched much on the network in forever.

  45. I think print books/bookstores still have a niche. Granted, there are a good number of them closing, but I hate reading digital books and need something physical. I read somewhere that lots of Americans still feel that way.

  46. A lot of indy guys are like that. At the university I worked at now, we have a student who is a pro wrestler and does it for enjoyment on the weekends. He wrestles a show or two a month, but is a regular student the rest of the time.

  47. Another fun story from the Paul Heyman podcast. When ECW went out of business, they were $7 million in debt. One of the cable companies owed them $4 million. When Paul went to the cable company to get the money, they told him to fuck off. The cable exec said, "Look, if you can survive, we'll give you the $4 million. But if you can't, it will be cheaper for us to get sued by your creditors in bankrupcy court."

    Anyway TNA is losing $7 million a month. If Paul had figured out a way to make the product more main stream in 2000, they could have still been in business.

  48. Yup, seems like they're done pushing Magnus and it looks like Bram is TNA's newest flavor of the month. I think the only reason they pushed Magnus in the first place was because TNA was about to tour England and needed a guy they could headline with since they couldn't use Hardy or Angle.

  49. How's the guy that told me letting Bad Influence go didn't reflect a real problem for TNA?

    How bout now--or is the crew making unreasonable pay demands too?

  50. It was 2.8 million, IIRC. And the $7 million number isn't confirmed in any manner... not saying Paul's a liar... wait, I've already said that.

  51. Yeah...puts it in perspective when you relize ROH selling out Hammerstein is HUGE by indy standards

  52. I'm a history major at university.

    Fuck deadliest warrior and it's half assed history and analysis

  53. Imagine Hennig turning on Flair to join the Dungeon of Doom!

  54. Edge and Christian were/are highly overrated as a team. Their only good matches were heavily gimmicked (ladder against Hardyz, TLC I & II). They both only got good as singles wrestlers.

  55. I'm starting to feel bad for TNA, next time they are in town I'm going to throw a few pennies at them.

  56. Seriously, who gives a fuck? We all know TNA has been struggling.

  57. Obama should step in and bail out TNA

  58. I think it could be done, but the circumstances for it to work would have to be so bizarrely specific that it may as well not be possible. You'd have to have enough people doing the various aspects of putting it on Blip that are good enough at their job to make it worthwhile but not so career oriented that they're going to make the venture prohibitively expensive. The wrestlers have to be good and in it for the fun more or less, as do the people running the show, and the people shooting it and editing it and setting the ring up (many of those jobs will probably cross over into other jobs).

    If a big group of friends started a backyard promotion when they were young, just happened to have the space to have a ring hanging out, and just messed around doing it for so long they got pretty good at it, and had people in the group who could shoot and all that, then maybe they could make it work. Odds of that are slim, but I don't know that I'd say zero.

  59. Eat, Sleep, Default, Repeat

  60. The other teams carry the work... I just want the MAXIMUM amount of potential douche.

  61. In his defense, 2006 TNA was an awesome place. If they had kept going on that track, they wouldn't have beaten WWE, but they sure as hell could be giving them a run for their money right now.

  62. They went from being "the network for guys" in that they just showed typically male-oriented things in the somewhat moderate, classic sense to being the network for douchey bros.

  63. You realize there's nobody saying they couldn't have Panda's type of backing.

    A lot of people may not like Jarrett, but he SOLD his product to Panda. It isn't like ROH couldn't have done the same.

  64. TNA are like Paul Heyman's broken promises without his talent. Maybe the worst promotion ever in wrestling on a major scale. Nay, definitely. Can't wait until they fold.

  65. I've thought Young was highly annoying as a comedy character before and honestly he is a poor worker but so are most of TNA including Magnus.

  66. As a kid I always thought that Woman was awful because she was in WCW and everything WCW was awful just on principal, but she was pretty hot in her day.

  67. Russo also came in when everything was going well and there was no need for outside consulting.

  68. Who came up with the Cena character? Was that all him?

  69. You can find a lot of bargains, particularly used that are way better deals than the e-books. When I first got my Kindle 3 years or so ago I found all kinds of cheap books that I was interested in. Now? Everything is 9-15 bucks unless I want to read drivel that someone put together by stealing info off of google and calling it a biography.

  70. But if Bret did, you know it would be the best damn tire-changing of all-time. Kane would be too in awe to even attack him.

  71. Hah! "Doug Dillinger is a CIVILIAN!"

    That made me laugh.

  72. Man, those crew members are petulant children, threatening to walk out like that.

  73. And Orton and the Shield, who were pretty fucking protected at the time.

  74. I think he was super straight manning you.

  75. Hogan and Russo yet again kill another company. Geez.

  76. In 2006, that was a legit opinion I could of gotten on board with.

    If TNA kept up with what they were doing in 2005-2006 and then actually expanded out to the West Coast and built up a fanbase here, I don't see why Vince wouldn't be shitting his pants when they announced a move to Mondays a few years back. They would be a legit threat.

  77. Dixie Carter is Queen Elsa. Panda Energy is Arendelle. TNA is her ice palace on the mountain. And her ability is the uncontrollable urge to create bullshit.

  78. Too small to fail?

  79. Clean dicks now, Dirty Dick Slater.

  80. I'll never forget, me and friends bet on Deadliest Warrior for fun in High School(don't worry it was small amounts like .50 or a dollar). That being said I lost just about everytime because of some bullshit.

    I'm suppose to believe 1 IRA member can take out 3 Taliban on his own? Fuck that.

  81. On the plus side, at least they have gotten too old to kill any more companies. As long as Jeff Jarrett doesn't hire Johnny Ace or Kevin Dunn after Hunter fires them or Greg The Office Boy after Sinclair cans him, the future looks pretty good for wrestling.

  82. Dixie needs to do one of those Ted Turner style telethons and beg the audience for money. Of course if she did that, Spike TV would cancel Impact on the spot because it would cut into valuable Cops rerun time.

  83. Why does keep crawling back to wrestling anyway?
    Shouldn't he be running a Family Video by now?

  84. They only exist to give the Bryan And Vinny Show new material at this point. Granny cuts a better promo than Dixie Carter, that's a warning sign right there!

  85. Yeah, it's funny they have Austin Aries, Bobby Roode, James Storm, MVP, Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe on the roster yet the show was soooo much better when David Young, Mikey Batts, Jerrelle Clark, Shark Boy, D-Ray 3000 and Sonny Siaki were wrestling almost every week. Gee, whose fault is that?

  86. Considering that cable is more devoted to reality shows than ever now, it's really surprising FOX pulled the plug on FOX Reality before that movement hit it big on cable. You'd think they would have rode that Pawn Stars/Storage Wars/Duck Dynasty train for all its worth instead of shutting it down before that train even took off.

  87. yes and no. Reality shows tend to have limited shelf life and limited replay value. If they wanted to really invest in a lineup of new and original reality shows, mixed in with some "classic" reality shows it might have worked. But reruns of American Idol, Survivor, and other competition type shows have proven to be a failure. Some of the cooking shows do ok wth reruns though. And then other reality shows tend to have a short shelf life. Look at Honey boo boo. Thing was huge and then dead in two years. Real housewives was hot, now it's dead. The whole hillbilly craze seems to be dying out. heck even Duck Dynasty has lost it's buzz. Ghost shows were all the rage a few years back. Now? Dead. It's such a boom and bust cycle with reality shows that it leaves the reruns with limited value. Even Pawn Stars is long past it's peak dong half the ratings it once did, although it still does ok overall as far as cable goes. Seems the new craze is house flipping shows.

  88. Even stranger, OVW has both a bigger ring and better production values than TNA and they're run on a such a tight shoestring budget that they can never possibly lose any money.
    Danny Davis should be handling their finances.

  89. He was a good wrestler yea. The Buzz fued took years of more quality work from both men

  90. No doubt about it. Watching some 1996 pre-NWO WCW when her and Elizabeth managed Flair, good god she was smokin

  91. Combination of injuries and broken promises, probably. I've read rumors he was promised the IC belt several times, and that obviously never happened. The lingering back problem was probably the deciding factor (and the money he was making to sit out wrestling rather than further aggravate the injury was too sweet to pass up, I'm sure)

  92. I have not one, but two of Scott's books in a drawer in my bathroom for reading material when the deuce hits. Tonight... In This Very Ring! and Wrestling's One-Ring Circus to be exact.

  93. AverageJoeEverymanMay 13, 2014 at 7:08 AM

    2 out of 17 on this one. But roughly half.

  94. AverageJoeEverymanMay 13, 2014 at 7:13 AM

    Woman to me was hot from the neck down, I could never get used to her catlike face.

  95. richard householderMay 13, 2014 at 7:45 AM

    I really enjoyed Meltzer's Eyada show.

  96. Haha yeah seems like the type of guy to hold onto CDs and DVDs and calling broadband technology a fad.

  97. They had offers and Dixie's ironclad deal of being attached killed them. Maybe they're thinking that TV deal is a big draw if others fail? Like "we lasted 12 years and have national clearance!" I agree they should close up or sell but that's my hypothesis of why they haven't.

  98. Neither did Scott Steiner, and how long did he work there?

  99. I'm just impressed Cena had anything at all to do with a job

  100. Anthony RatcliffeMay 13, 2014 at 8:24 PM

    It's Delaware math.

  101. I think Scott short changed that us title match. Incredible match. I'd say its almost 4 stars

  102. This why was why Luger was voted GOD of the world in 1989

  103. You crazy. I loved those bedroom eyes of hers.

    FUCK Benoit.

  104. Why?

    As far as mega stars he's done more jobs than many others ever did.

  105. I swear Lance Storm referenced this in an interview once and seems to believe that as well.

  106. I never knew he had any problem with Hogan.


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