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NWO Souled Out '97 WrestleCrap induction

My friend Art jus inducted the unmitigated disaster that was NWO Souled Out '97 on WrestleCrap

and a plug would be much appreciated. Thanks! 

My feeling is that it's still a show that is worth watching once so you can see something truly different in a PPV.  



  1. Wrestlecrap went downhill after RD stopped giving a shit

  2. Yep, was going to say that I miss when Wrestlecrap was actually a good site.

  3. Thanks, I appreciate your support!

  4. Should add I would be interested in hearing how we could improve the site.

  5. It should go back to just you writing all the inductions. Or Justin Henry. The two of you are excellent, but most of the hangers-on are pretty poor. Especially the tweets in history guy.

  6. The Wrestlecrap forum would be much improved if users didn't insist on ginormous signature pictures in every post.

  7. This makes a lot of sense as an induction. It's easy to look back now and see it as an experimental idea and a complete departure from normal PPV's, but at the same time, people were expected to pay money for an entire card filled with foregone conclusions (because of the Nick Patrick thing). The only match that really had any sense of drama was Eddie/Syxx.

  8. Oh God -- Bischoff and the fat biker chick. WTF was that shit about? I'm so glad I had a cable descrambler back then and didn't pay for this show...

  9. If you find a picture of Harvey Whippleman's wife, you will have the greatest website of all time

  10. That's bugged me since reading the recap of that shoot.

  11. More Pro Wrestling Desecrateds!

  12. I like the crawl on the main page, and the meme event's.

  13. I actually miss the old layout. The new one is just so...bland.

  14. I am amazed at how many local wrestling celebrates come here.

  15. That is some bullshit. But it isn't 2003 anymore so no one gives a shit about WC.

  16. Souled Out was a cool idea with horrible execution. The NWO was supposed to be a group wanting to take over, so giving them a show was a good experiment.

    The mistake was having all the matches be screwy with Nick Patrick. Instead they should have just ripped off ECW and made all the matches No DQ.

  17. You could make it more mobile friendly. The design doesn't look all that great on my phone

  18. James M. FabianoMay 2, 2014 at 1:25 PM

    Wasn't she inducted on Wrestlecrap and is a former WWF women's champion?

  19. Have it redirect to Botchamania.

  20. Yeah, like why would any of the WCW guys even bother to show up and wrestle since they knew in advance Nick would screw them over?
    Wouldn't it have made more sense to combat the nWo by not showing up at all thus making the nWo fight themselves?

  21. Eddy/Eddie Guerrero looked like such a mid-carder for life back then. The mullet, the ring outfit,jacket.

    Amazing how he turned his career around not once but twice.

  22. Someone read the induction.

  23. The fact you haven't seen a pic of her yet?

  24. A shoot interview where someone said he banged Harvey's real-life wife and none of us could find a photo of her.

  25. Yes. I mean there are pics of EVERYTHING!

  26. Bland would be a nice word. I actually think they have interesting content, but the layout is very frustrating. Having to click on a thread to see a one-liner Tweet joke isn't much fun at all. I know it probably helps stats somewhere, but it probably depresses the overall audience to the point that it doesn't really matter.

  27. The new layout is basically why I stopped going to the site.

  28. I just wanna say I appreciate you writing death of wcw..

    It gave me many hours of laughter.

  29. WCW guys were stupid from 1996 to 1999. Every single week, they outnumbered the NWO in the locker room around 100 to (number ranging from 3 to 15'ish), and they just stayed in the lockerroom every single week.

  30. The full archives were nice. It was a bit like Youtube, as once you finished with 1 induction, you saw a link for 3 others, and you just stayed on the site for hours.

  31. The biggest...the biggest.....the biggest icon in wrestling

  32. Layout Issues: Only site I visit where I have to empty my cache on Google Chrome to see the latest inductions (when I clicked on the Active Inductions page a few seconds ago, the Jericho-Nash was the first listed). The new site looks more "professional", but I miss the old layout with the 3 Classic Craps (often related to the new induction) listed on the same page as the most recent inductions.

    Content Issue: I know you're busy, but I miss your (RD) content, particularly inductions. Art has a different style, plus can't choose from some of the obvious Wrestlecrap content that has been covered in the past 10+ years. When RD and Triple Kelly were doing inductions, I kept refreshing the site on Thursdays/Fridays to read the new induction; I don't do that any more, even before I had the aforementioned issue on new inductions not showing up.

  33. This crosses the line into overthinking, but that was always the dark secret behind the NWO angle: okay, they're there to "take over." If they accomplish that, then what? Just wrestle each other?

  34. They should have played up infighting in WCW more. Like show Jericho laughing at Nash using Rey like a dart or Raven leave the ring when DDP gets attacked during their match etc. WCW guys are more concerned with petty feuds than fighting the nWo from taking over. Maybe have Hall and Nash spreading rumors to corrupt things more and that's how they recruit Bagwelll, Konnan and Giant.

  35. I'm assuming Harvey's wife is the same person who was "Uptown Karen" in circa 1995 USWA. She was a Scottish chick who was married to Harvey on-screen and I believe in real life as well. It shouldn't be that hard to find footage of her.

  36. The Mexican Jumping Bean!

  37. That match is even pretty weak and they botched the finish. WCW just didn't get ladder matches.

  38. To me, the problem with the NWO (forgetting about the Souled Out show specifically) is that WCW didn't seem to know what it wanted it to be. Was it going to be a major angle? If so, Starcade '97 was clearly the place to end the angle and move on. Apparently, they wanted the NWO to eventually act like a separate brand altogether. Fine, move give the group Thunder or something. Change the name to National Wrestling Organization or something and see what happens.

  39. I was young then and thought exactly that way. What exactly were the nWo taking over? Cool, you kill WCW, then you're just gonna fight them all anyway. I guess they tried to expand that Bischoff's challenges to fight McMahon, which nobody bought.

    I defend the Souled Out idea, though.

  40. Thanks to everyone for their comments on the site. I will take them into consideration in the future.

  41. I can't believe there is no mention of that atrocious metal band singing "welcome to the new world order".

  42. The nWo completely jumped the shark when Bischoff joined.

  43. It reminds me of the plot in that godawful Jeepers Creepers sequel where the monster spent the entire freaking movie stalking a bus full of people; he didn't even kill anybody, he just stalked them while stalling so much that Larry Zbyszko would have called him slow. Anyway, the whole time I'm thinking "There's like 20 people in the bus and only one monster and the monster's not even doing anything, just gang up on him and kill him already".

  44. Why would you sell any wrestling move if it isn't a shoot? Wrestling is, was and will always be something where logic has no place.

  45. Holy crap! It's 2014 and the Wrestlecrap losers are still making the same unfunny jokes they were making fifteen years ago. This takes perversity to a whole new level of dumb, as these idiots make fun of guys like Hogan for doing the exact same thing over and over for years with no end in sight...

  46. I don't think anyone gave a shit about them back then either.

  47. Yeah, shut it down.

  48. Yup, it was a very FUNNY book. It just had nothing to do with what really happened in WCW.

  49. Yep, that's us! Thanks for the kind words.

    BTW, you can access the archives online, it's a one time donation and they're all yours. Experience all our unfunny jokes from the last 15 years for just $14.95!

    Again, we appreciate your support. You're a beautiful audience!

  50. oddly enough, I only ever wrote two inductions: WrestleMania 27 (which half of the readers gave me hell over, though in rewatching it this year, I feel it was justified) and The Truth Commission (which was kind of bland on my part)


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