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Place to Be Nation Friday Update

Catching you up on the week that was at PTBN. Have a great weekend!

Highlighted Piece:  

Is WWE's roster too stacked? Ben & Andrew think so and take part in redrafting the entire company, including NXT: The 2014 WWE Draft


Mike Mears discusses the changing landscape of WWE: The (WWE) Times They Are A-Changin’

The PTB Staff counts down their favorite WrestleMania rematches: The Five Count: WrestleMania Rematches

Matt recaps Extreme Rules 2014: Matt's Last Look - Extreme Rules 2014


Justin, Jen & Chrissy reminisce about Saved by the Bell: We Miss the 90s - Saved by the Bell

Josh Richer looks at hypocrisy surrounding the illegality of certain plant based substances: It Ain't Easy Being Green

Nick & Greg look at Batman: The Animated Series: Hard-Traveling Fanboys: Countdown (Batman: The Animated Series Episodes)

Joel Barnhart questioned why MLB attacked baseball related podcasts: MLB-Podcast War


Steve Corino talks Extreme Rules, Wendy's, Mother's Day, John Cena & more: Steve Corino Show - Episode Three

Scott & Justin were joined by Steve, Roger & Chad to watch Monday Night Raw 1/11/93 & 1/18/93: Place to Be Podcast Episode 310: Network Live Watch – Monday Night Raw 1/11/93 & 1/18/93

Chad & Parv recap WrestleWar 1991 : Where the Big Boys Play - WrestleWar 1991


  1. Threadjack:

    So now that Sabin is gone, TNA has gone from the "Future Who's Who of Wrestling" to the "'Who? Who?' of Wrestling"

    Styles, Sabin, Danielson, Shelley, the Bucks, Homicide, Pope... and those are just the ones who are gone. HOW incompetent do you have to be not to be able to build a Fed around this talent? Add in Joe, Aries, Roode, Kazarian, Angle, and Ray who are all still there (and likely waiting to leave), and it's mind-boggling.

  2. By Danielson do you mean Christopher Daniels? They never had Bryan Danielson.

  3. But will Jarrett's league be smart enough to capitalize?

  4. Yeah, sorry. The hazard of typing while you're working.

  5. I think he'll get AJ, but who knows now that AJ's NJPW champ.

    I have no idea regarding Daniels and the rest. I think we can safely assume that Aries and Kazarian (and maybe Joe) will leave whenever their contracts are up. But whether Jarrett will pick them up or not, I have zero idea.

    My only hope is that Jarrett learned the lessons that he should have from TNA. If he did, GFW could be something. If not, no sleep lost. (At very least, he seems to have learned to avoid idiotic "double entendre" names, so there's hope)

  6. GFW is a sucky name too. Doesn't "chant" well.

    I almost wanna send them a resume and see if I can "Eric Bischoff" my way into something.

  7. Doesn't chant any worse than "ECW" or anything with W (like PWG). People will just shorten it to "G-F-Dub" anyway

    And it's miles better than "T-N-A"

  8. You know what makes a really terrible chant? "DUB DUB E! DUB DUB E!"


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