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Prediction for WWE TV Deal?

Dear Scott,

1- Do you think NBC will announce a new TV deal with WWE during its upfronts on Thursday?

2- If yes, how much do you think WWE will receive?  WWE received $106 million for US TV rights last year, and Vince said a stock analyst could put him in a hammerlock if the new deal isn't at least double 2013's number.

​1.  That appears to be the impending announcement, yes.

2.  ​I think they'll get an increase, but not crazy, and not double.  I'd say $180 million.  


  1. The deal ESPN and FS1 are giving to soccer seems insane. There's no way they're worth that much.

  2. I hope it means RAW and Smackdown replays are immediately uploaded to the network.

  3. Ooh, let's do a prediction game on the new deal.

    I say $162 million.

  4. ESPN Deportes will appreciate their role, I bet.

  5. The Bella's have tweeted out that they are appearing at the NBC Universal announcement for tomorrow and NBC has the rights to match any offer so it's 99.9% that they are staying on USA

  6. Right? It's becoming odd being a guy that gets the PPV's legit but has to steal the television broadcast from the internet.

  7. Hrmm....


  8. All I know is that Montreal just eliminated Boston and that means my Habs loving, raging alcoholic boss will almost certainly take me out to get shit faced at lunch tomorrow.

  9. I don't like staying up late to watch them or be forced to watch them at a certain time. I want to pick when I want to watch them.

  10. Stranger in the AlpsMay 14, 2014 at 8:02 PM

    As part of the new deal, Vince gets $170 mil and sends Damien Sandow, Dolph Ziggler and The Miz to NBC for a pilot about three guys struggling at their everyday jobs, only to suddenly find a briefcase that contains a mysterious object. They hope the object can get them out of their rut, but for various reasons they still fall on hard luck. The show is tentatively called Bending Over.

  11. ESPN is doubling down on soccer on their coverage. They are banking on the sport becoming more popular due to the demographics of the country, but I know lots of people who enjoyed PLAYING soccer, but hate watching it. I hate soccer period, so I could care less. If that sport ever becomes the #1 sport in the country, I may have to renounce my citizenship.

  12. Cancelled after 3 eps because NBC.

  13. I do not mind missing the three hour Raw and watching the 90 minute Hulu version instead.

    In fact between Main Event and Superstars reairing the big angles, do you really need it?

  14. Already claimed.

  15. I hope the new deal goes back to making RAW two hours!

  16. When I was a kid, literally no one gave a shit about soccer excepting a few Euro immigrants. I grew up in a pretty whitebread town.

    Now I meet plenty of people who have a vague interest in it and at world cup time everyone pretends to care.

    So in my little universe it seems to be gaining traction.

  17. Fuck them for cancelling Revolution and Community. TOO SOON.

  18. Sports networks in general seem a bit out to lunch lately. Up here in the hinterland our top sports network TSN lost their cable NHL deal to rival Sportsnet so naturally they announce they're expanding to 5 fucking channels! TSN 1-5.

    How the hell do you fill 5 channels of sports programming in Canada WITHOUT the NHL?

  19. What's funny to me about soccer is that America has taken a game that is popular among the poor in other countries and turned it into a rich person's sport here. When I taught, most of the "preppy" kids were into soccer versus other demographics. I know the admins hated having to go to matches, though, because they said they were so boring.

  20. Ehh, I love community. But with their ratings it's hard to complain about 5 seasons. Never would have sniffed that on any other network

  21. Are you the Logan Scisco posting on ESPN?

  22. Three more channels that just show Sportscentre and That's Hockey over and over!

  23. Revolution was horrible it should have been canceled halfway through the first episode.

  24. What other shows -- besides SUITS -- does USA have in the hopper for original programming. Just a few years ago they had Suits, Monk, Burn Notice, White Collar, Psych and now I can't think of anything left other than Suits, Royal Pains and the Spy show? And a lot of misses (Graceland, the show about the not-lawyer, err.... the stupid one about the Psychiatrist?). I feel like USA has lot a lot of its other original programming in favor of running Modern Family six nights a week.

  25. Threadjack: Roman Reigns Injured at show in Scotland?


    "In the main event, Roman Reigns looked liked he got banged up in a botched spot in his cage match with Randy Orton. Reigns was charging from the corner to spear Orton, who looked to turn it into his turning bodyslam. There was some misunderstanding and it looked as though they clashed heads, leaving Reigns pretty bloody.

    They finished the match (an awesome final five minutes), but Reigns looked pretty out of it."

  26. Yep. Don't comment often unless it's baseball-related.

  27. I think we're all praying for that but the odds seem slim.

    More hours on tv = more commercials. I can't see NBC paying them that amount of money and then saying hey it's cool we didn't want those extra ad dollars anyway.

    I'm more worried about even MORE WWE programming coming our way, the thought of a 3 Hour Smackdown for example give me chills.

  28. Got thrown up against Big Bang Theory. NBC should have expected that.

  29. Unless it is a concussion, doesn't sound too serious.


  31. You were aware about NWST being in Louisiana BEFORE posting, right?

  32. You'll take your 4 hour RAW, 3 hour Smackdown, 2 hour Main Event, 1 1/2 hour Superstars, 2 hour "This Week in WWE", 5 hour PPV's and LIKE IT!

  33. Oh yes. Three hours of Smackdown! would be awful.

    The sad thing is with all this TV time, the roster isn't getting any bigger AND they can't even properly build good midcard angles in that time!

  34. Considering the amount of money it cost to buy syndication rights to a top show like Modern Family it's not a surprise they would cut costs elsewhere.

  35. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 14, 2014 at 8:13 PM


  36. Orton will be crying to Vince backstage.

  37. I misread the headline on the ESPN page and it said "Northwestern" instead of "Northwestern State." Skimmed the article, but missed the crucial "State" detail (I knew NW State was in LA) and then got attacked by everyone on the interwebs.

  38. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 14, 2014 at 8:14 PM

    thanks dr.cultstatus

  39. Where's Farva when we need him?

  40. Yup, that's how she works.

  41. As someone else said, if it was Northwestern, it would have took much less than six innings.


  42. That sounds like the Dana White model!

    Ratings falling? Interest dropping? More shows! Longer shows! with even more guys you've never even heard of!!!

  43. Orton will say he can't work and try to convince the company to give him another big push.

  44. WWE buys ROH, PWG, GFW, PWS, All Japan, NOAH. WWE builds a SUPER roster of 500 guys.

  45. I was really into Burn Notice and after that went off the network I didn't really care to tune into anything else.

  46. Me too! I like Suits enough and Psych too, can't stand much else of what's left.

  47. And it would proceed to release 470 of them because creative "had nothing for them"!

  48. I was just about to post this

  49. I wondered why they were pushing the Raptors so hard last month, at first i thought it was TSN just being it's usual Toronto Sports Network self but then i realized they're desperate to push something to try and replace the NHL.

    Come fall, it'll be NBA and Major League Soccer highlights kicking off Sportscentre now that Rogers has both NHL & MLB rights.

  50. I really liked USA in the 1990s when they had original movies and other interesting series. Watching the old RAWs for my recaps that have the commercials remind me of how cool the network used to be and how it had its own identity. The problem with cable now is that there are too many consolidations and everything is the freakin' same.

  51. Also, NBC IS FUCKING TERRIBLE RIGHT NOW and I get that they need to find hits, but cancelling shows with good cult followings (Heroes too) and replacing them with shit they're going to cancel anyway (HELLO Michael J Fox Show and Sean Saves the World) isn't helping. I can't see how ANYONE in their right minds thought either of those shows would work.

  52. Stranger in the AlpsMay 14, 2014 at 8:19 PM

    Meh....put some WWE-patented Miracle Tape around it and he'll be OK.

  53. NBC has been dead to me once Frasier ended. That was the last TV series I watched episode-to-episode. They used to have stuff I really enjoyed watching like Frasier, Crossing Jordan, Providence, etc., but then all that got wiped out and none of their series have appealed to me since.

  54. You know what Vince is thinking right now? "John Cena NEVER gets injured. Let's give him both titles and a six month run with Randy Orton again."

  55. I'm pretty sure it's Sabu who actually holds that patent!

  56. He just needs some HEAD-ON.

    Apply directly to the forehead.


  58. Stranger in the AlpsMay 14, 2014 at 8:21 PM

    Vince bought the patent in exchange for some hospital bill payments and a new dining table.

  59. I'm too quick, Steve.

  60. You'd think he would've asked for a new camper too!

  61. Damnit it wants me to log in.

  62. Stranger in the AlpsMay 14, 2014 at 8:23 PM

    Also knows as the "ECW Arena Bang Bus".

  63. TJ: Still watching SMW: Episode 6 has the REAL LIFE "Pat" from Saturday Night Live doing some horrific dance in the ringside seats.

  64. Disqus has always fucking sucked.

  65. Julia Sweeney was in SMW?

  66. No, this is some random mark... but he/she would have been PERFECT for that role.

  67. There will be a reckoning for the Community cancellation.

  68. Community is better served on cable.

    Comedy Central would be perfect or even a network like TBS would work

  69. Which is easily the number one problem in the company right now. I had prayed that when Stephanie moved on from her position as head of creative that we'd see some fundamental changes but nope it's the same ol, same ol.

    I know i and many others have said it before but they desperately need to shake things up in creative, the entire philosophy has to change. So many great wrestling minds in the employ of the company, let them loose on the mid-card,JTTS,Tag-Teams & Divas. The Top 20 guys and main event angles can continue to be booked the same but the bottom 50 need some help and fast.

  70. 25-9 all time playoff series in favour of the Habs.

    I think Ric Flair has a better record against Hulk Hogan than the Bruins do. Is this the most lopsided yet still genuinely classic rivalry in sports?

  71. Exactly. This company has no excuse not to be more entertaining and making more money than it is right now. They have a good roster, but the 50/50 booking and treating everything as unimportant except for Cena and 1 other guy has killed the product. The constant TV exposure and rematches over and over has also made the product stale and dull.

  72. Imagine all those new names:

    Johnny Gargano: Alf Steinbach
    ACH: Marlon Suggs
    Chuck Taylor: Elroy Dunphy
    Michael Elgin: Lug Parkhurst
    Mike Bennett: Duke Prescott

  73. A) Nielsen ratings are stupid, do you know anybody with a box?

    B) Measure cultural penetration, Community was a "hot" show critically, it has tons of buzz around it in demographics that matter, namely male, white college students.

    C) This is why we need more money for the NEA. Have the government sponsor good shit that isn't commercially viable.

    D) Alison Brie is a goddess, and NBC will pay for denying us Annie's boobs (and Annie's Boobs).

  74. A: Agreed, they've become outdated.
    B: If the ad money's not there, it's a moot point.
    C: FUCK NO.
    D: Plenty of boobs on the Internet. Of all types.

  75. What's crazy is that it's nearly the exact same spot he gashed open on Raw months ago. That's an unlucky spot for him.

    Pics are on his twitter if you're into stitches and gross open wounds.

  76. Plus re-reading Scott's Clash rants and seeing all the changes that used to take place in wrestling sort of saddens me. Main event guys coming and going,huge booking changes that change the company 180 from year to year etc etc.

    It was just so much funner back then.

  77. They tried to push something new always,it might have sucked sometimes but they tried.



  79. Orton has a good line if they decide to run with this a bit... "How did you ever get that gash running into a... "cream puff?"

  80. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 14, 2014 at 8:48 PM

    that's as bad as foley after rumble '99

  81. UP All Night with Rhonda Shear

  82. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 8:58 PM

    Threadjack: I'm not an NBA player or anything but if I was playing against a former teammate who was THE GREATEST 3 POINT SHOOTER IN NBA HISTORY I'd like to think I would be smart enough not to leave him wide open, especially at the end of a game that would close out my season.

  83. Drinking in a Florida dive bar.

  84. Jason Kidd calls terrible plays off of the inbound.

  85. Remember that sound bite, with KG, Pierce and Ray Ray all sitting there and the guy says, "It's Game 7 of the Finals you're down by 2, who takes the last shot?" And while Ray Allen says "Whoever is open" Pierce and Garnett both instantly reply "Ray."

    Seems like they totally forgot about that interview.

  86. Basically, they thought, "They were big stars here before! It has to work, right?"

  87. Kawhi Leonard is destroying Portland

  88. Agreed. One of the worst shows on TV.

  89. Anyone here watch The Americans? That show is fucking tight Kyd!

  90. Watching Blazers/Spurs.

    Parker got hurt in the second and has not come back. They are up by 17 in the 3rd as Leonard is destroying Portland

  91. Yeah dude that game is brutal! That George Hill for Leonard trade is looking like a parker/manu type pick up for the spurs. I actually saw that dude play in college and went to the game where sdsu was undefeated and jimmer freddette dropped 45 on them for BYU. On the trolley ride my gf and these other people were all like, omg jimmer is going to be so exciting in the nba/wonder if Leonard will get drafted. I told them jimmer was a joke and if Leonard devolped a jump shot he'd make the all star team. I just hate seeing him do it in the spurs.

  92. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 9:30 PM

    My thing is this: you know you're down 2 and there are shooters on the floor. Why don't you stay with your man? If you get beat off the dribble it's a 2. NEVER give up a 3 like that.

  93. Jimmer is already out of the league, isn't he?

    Also, I thought the Spurs should have gone to Leonard more in the Finals last year. He was playing a lot better than Ginobili, who stunk.

  94. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 9:31 PM

    She wrestled for Smokey Mountain?

  95. That was ugly.

  96. She beat Nora Dunn in a bra and panties match

  97. Agreed. Get this site back to WordPress already.

  98. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 9:33 PM

    Another star in the making, but I'd like to think Pop's system makes it so much easier for him.

  99. Jimmer finished up with the Bulls but I don't think he has a contract for next year at this time. Kings bought out his contract and cut him, Bulls picked him up, used him for about 2 weeks and then let him sit.

  100. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 9:35 PM

    How did Parker get hurt?

  101. Yeah, if you're going to air the same freaking movies that TBS, FX and everyone else airs, at least get somebody to host it and make your presentation different from the rest (I hear Joe Bob Briggs is available).

  102. strained right hamstring. He will not return tonight

  103. Thanks.

    His game never translated to the NBA level. He would need a system that could allow him to receive open looks. He is an awful defender and cannot create his own shot and lacks athleticism.

  104. It's made me scared of Russell in the same way Kill Bill made me scared of Uma.

  105. And talking to Jimmy Hart.

  106. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 9:41 PM

    Seriously, if I was that unsure on what to do I would foul the second he steps into 2 point territory. Worst case he hits the free throws and you get the ball back with enough time on the clock to draw up a play.

  107. No! Please don't change Johnny's name.

  108. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 9:43 PM

    OK. As long as he's there for the finals. (Because they are going.)

  109. He can be Slip Karstens, the greatest name of all time

  110. The roster is big, the problem is they have at least 20 guys on the payroll they never use (Why bother even keeping David Otunga around if you never use him? It's not like he'll get TNA any extra viewers if he went there) whereas when WCW had way too many guys on their roster, they made sure that at least 75% of the roster appeared on at least one of their many TV shows every week.

  111. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 9:45 PM

    He's a poor mans Reggie Miller. He needs to run off screens for catch and shoot-type plays.

  112. And only uses 30 of them.

  113. Poor man's Steve Kerr

  114. Homeless Crack Whore's Steve Kerr.

  115. Also, the final inbound play was a complete clusterfuck. What was that about

  116. Third World Prisoner's Steve Kerr

  117. And, btw, how in the hell do you come up with those random WWE names so quickly? They're hilarious.

  118. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 9:47 PM

    Rumor is KG is considering retirement (although his body offically retired 2 years ago and didn't tell his brain). He left without talking to the media.

  119. I work for the Performance Center.

    Honestly, I have no idea. I think of the names and play off of them. I try to think like they would I guess is the best way to describe it

  120. That person had the dance skills of Julia Sweeney and the I.Q. of Victoria Jackson.

  121. That wouldnt shock me. He shouldnt be playing more than 15 minutes per game right now and if he cant play at a high level, he will call it quits.

    I will always remember being at Game 6 when the Celts beat the Lakers for the Title. Best sports moment of my life.

  122. I just want to say, I'm proud how we all worked together to make that Update thread hit 1000.

  123. ME watching Dexter update - I loved season 1. Season 2 is okay, but not as good, season 3 I'm finding it repetitive, and season 4 is obviously awesome. I kind of read up on other seasons and it sounds like it's going to get repetitive.

  124. I seriously think she is pulling some sort of Andy Kaufman-type act.

  125. I don't think so. It's pretty impossible to fake being that stupid.

  126. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 9:53 PM


    KG was one of those players (along with Ewing and Iverson) that I hoped would get a ring before he retired.

  127. I heard she was running for mayor somewhere. I hope she gets elected for the comedy value

  128. Is that... really something to be proud of?

  129. A little against my gimmick, but I've been watching a lot of the anime Durarara these past few days. Saw it on TV years ago and decided to rewatch it again now. Quite entertaining. If you're bored of regular stuff, check it out, and Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood also.

  130. Well, I don't think a daily update has ever hit 1000 before, so yeah.....

  131. She's running in Tennessee, a state that wholeheartedly supports stupid Republicans so she'll probably win.

  132. I'm very excited for tonights episode. The ending last week was so weird.

  133. With each hundred milestone, I thought that thread was dead. Then deader than dead. Pat yourself on the back for that one because I'm willing to guess over 100 of those comments were yours. As long as you, the Kid, and WWF1987 are awake, no thread is safe. There's something oddly endearing about your gumption, I will say.

  134. Meh, it was mostly about stinky, awful basketball.

  135. You on a tape delay?

  136. Watch Bastard!!! if you want a crazy-juvenile thing.

  137. Watch the Peter Weller stuff in Season 5, fast forward through the rest.
    The show fell off a cliff when they killed off Lunde for no reason.

  138. Watch Durarara if you want some interesting twist.

  139. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 9:59 PM

    Did you just call him a bastard?

  140. I think it's jut the name of a show.

  141. Watch Death note.Awesome anime with a awful ending.

  142. I'll have to check it out. Not much of an anime guy, but I'll take your word.

  143. Pacific Standard Time. Its only 9pm here. I gotta wait another hour

  144. The ending is only awful in the anime

    Manga ending was executed excellently

  145. Same mindset that brought us "The Paul Reiser Show".

  146. Never read the manga.I wanted to see Raito becoming the ruler of the world.

  147. Lots of tension between these two.

  148. Best Anime that's not too anime-y, Baccano.

    Baccano is incredible--only 13 episodes, and set entirely in the US. It tells three stories simultaneously and is jumping through time (think pulp fiction)

    So yeah, not just anime, Baccano is ome of the greatest tv shows ever

  149. He has $12 million reasons to reconsider

  150. I don't read any manga as well, all though since I enjoy FMA.......

  151. I shouldn't have stumbled into this thread. I was over it!

  152. Funny enough, Durarara is directed by the same guy who made Baccano. Yeah, now I'm gonna check it out.

  153. Have ever watched Tokyo Godfathers?

  154. It's ok, we made up, remember?

  155. Community lasted 5 seasons

  156. They gave it 5 low rated seasons. They should be praised.

  157. They always cancel shows that are even remotely any good (Just last year, Go On and The New Normal, two shows that could had been huge difference makers for NBC if they just let the damn shows develop were instead cancelled for no reason) and that is why they are doomed to repeatedly getting beat by CBS for the rest of eternity.

  158. B) Community's buzz doesn't mean shit. NBC tried to run a whole network based on buzz and it ended up in 4th place. These white male college students were not watching the show in numbers to justify keeping the show on the air.

    NBC made the right call. A call they should've made years ago.

  159. NBC was the #1 network in the 18-49 demographic last year.

    Heroes got cancelled because it sucked and viewership dropped off dramatically.

  160. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 14, 2014 at 10:11 PM

    I still don't understand why Proxy signed him to that deal.

  161. And besides Parks & Rec, none of their current sitcoms are even as good as The Single Guy and Madman Of The People, let alone Seinfeld, Friends, Frasier, Wings, Lateline and NewsRadio.

  162. He didn't. They guaranteed the deal to get him to waive his NTC

  163. To be honest every season after 4 basically socks and the series finale is one of the worst things I've ever seen. I wouldn't bother with any of it.

  164. Also, what do you think about Kerr being the new coach of the Warriors?

  165. I feel the same way about tennis. Love playing tennis, it's highly addictive once you start playing it but you couldn't pay me to watch it on TV.

  166. I think he's done. Watching him play the last couple of years has been painful compared to what he was.

  167. AverageJoeEverymanMay 14, 2014 at 10:55 PM

    I approve Bennett's name because it is similar to mine and he is drilling Maria.

  168. It's true he will never be a starter in the league, but I maintain he could have value in the right system. Bring him in as a guy who can fire up some threes for a few minutes, hide him on the other team's weakest offensive player, and get him out.

  169. Well aware, I've seen Durarara!! Good but not on par with Baccano

  170. The ending is the same in principle, but fucked in execution

  171. AverageJoeEverymanMay 14, 2014 at 11:01 PM

    Joe Bob Briggs "ratings" for movies were very helpful. Knowing how many "fuck"s, kills, and naked breasts was very important for a pre teen.

  172. Watch One Outs, that is all

  173. AverageJoeEverymanMay 14, 2014 at 11:14 PM

    Great trade for the Celtics.

  174. As respectfully as possible, it always boggles my mind that people from a country where NFL is the number one sport have the balls to call any other sport 'boring'.

  175. Just checked out the opening sequence. They both looked the same in opening technique.

  176. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 14, 2014 at 11:27 PM

    all of their potential woes could be solved with 4 words:

    usa UP! all night

  177. B: Does anybody watch ads anyway? I'm not a marketing guy, but if you have created a product that gets positive buzz and you can't manage to make money off of it...I think you've failed, not the show.

    C: Don't like government involvement or don't like the NEA? I'd support the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation or some other billionaires doing some arty stuff.

    D: I'm aware, But there are boobs, then there are Annie's boobs.

  178. Yankees/Red Sox has been almost completely in the Yankees' favour except for 2004, when Boston got one back in the most epic way possible.

  179. Dexter's problem is that it peaked too early. How do you top "Surprise Mothafucka" Nowhere to go but down after that.

  180. They should've given them 6 low rated seasons. What changed between 2013 and 2014?

    If they were replacing with the Office 2.0, I'd get it. But we're getting more the Biggest Loser, which is a show that's actively evil.

  181. Anything would be better than NBC. I'm pretty sure I know some guys at a drive-in theater that run a better media empire than them.

  182. The networks failure to change to the world is not my problem. I don't know a single person my age who watches anything on television the "traditional" way. It's all about Hulu or Netflix or HBO GO. Even the people I know who follow sports religiously use a computer.

    NBC also produced some of the best shows on TV while running on buzz. 30 Rock got seven seasons, and they didn't exactly burn the house down ratings wise.

    I understand you can't run a business on artistic credibility, but you'd think that critical acclaim could be converted into some sort of capital.

  183. The real question isn't if they resigned with NBC its how much interest was out there? I mean I know its standard business to reject whatever NBC's offer was only to eventually resign with them but I wonder just what was available. I suppose the numbers will tell us something. If its double or more than you know that NBC most likely competed with someone over this. If its not even double then I'd imagine that any interest was lackluster at best if there was any. I don't think we heard of any serious contenders to replace Universal. Really though outside of Viacom and possibly Fox I'm not sure there is a large enough umbrella network out there to support the amount of time the WWE is on television. Three or even two hours of prime time on a Monday Night is pretty valuable time on cable television these days. I can't think of too many networks outside of USA and of course Spike that don't have something going on there during the fall season.

  184. I would say his body retired two years ago but its been in semi retirement since the year after they won the championship. Isn't that the same year they stopped the Heat in the playoffs only to lose in the championship themselves.

  185. I think it's an in

  186. cabspaintedyellowMay 15, 2014 at 1:03 AM

    The North Remembers.

  187. cabspaintedyellowMay 15, 2014 at 1:06 AM

    I don't know if that's what Roosevelt had in mind.

  188. cabspaintedyellowMay 15, 2014 at 1:07 AM

    Come now, who are ANY of us to doubt the unfathomable magnificence of Clap Samuels?

  189. I still see John Paxson's three in my mind sometimes.

  190. "NBC, you make things are going well, it's almost summer, and summers, summers are good to you. But one day it will be autumn, and you'll rake in your summer harvest. But then, when autumn ends we'll see how you host of new shitty TV shows actually do.

    Winter is coming."

  191. Late 90s DDP owes someone a lot of money.


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