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QOTD 149: I was Wrong, Hooray!

I don't wanna blow smoke up anyone's ass, but The Amazing Spider-man 2 is pretty goddamn awesome.

The scene depicted toward the left is probably the coolest, cheesiest, most-uplifting, bad-ass thing I've seen in a Spider-man movie.

Heck, during Spider-man and Electro's first fight, Electro's inner monologue turns into a dubstep song about killing Spidey.

What's nuts is that it all works really well, and I HATED the first movie. Even better - at one point I predicted this movie would end in the way I thought it would, but I actually liked how they pulled it off here.


Have you ever been happily proven wrong about a pro-wrestler, wrestling match, PPV, or match type? What about a series you expected to hate but ended up enjoying, or a book you had to read in school, etc? 



  1. Reposting this from Friday Night thread so people can see it, Doesn't work if you click in schedule, but here is the live link for those that may want to watch Clash I over the weekend and not have to wait until Monday morning.

  2. I was wrong in expecting good QOTDs from you.

  3. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 8:43 AM

    I watched Captain America last night. It was ok!

  4. I think everyone was completely wrong about Kazuchika Okada in New Japan.

  5. Alternate QOTD: What's the deal with Ovaltine?

  6. Knuckleberry PinnMay 3, 2014 at 8:50 AM

    This doesn't count as lunch Jerry.

  7. "The mug is round, the jar is round...they should call it roundtine."

  8. Knuckleberry PinnMay 3, 2014 at 8:51 AM

  9. That's gold, OfficerFarva... GOLD!

  10. Not often, honestly. Over the years, I've become a pretty good judge of things based on what we're given, usually trailers. For example, I thought Green Lantern looked like garbage just from the trailer. I'm getting similar vibes from the new Ninja Turtles movie.

  11. You kind of answered this for me. I also disliked the first Amazing Spider-Man movie, am not as big a fan of Spider-Man as a lot of comic book people, and was only marginally looking forward to this one... but was very impressed by how it turned out... thought the ending dragged on a bit but that is my only real gripe.

  12. Now former champion,Bullet Club now is the top Stable.I just have a doubt,who's the leader,Anderson,Styles or Fale?

  13. Styles, no doubt. He's the IWGP champ. He replaced Devitt as leader.

  14. Yeah. I really thought when he took over from Caliber it would be an improvement... and it was at first... then when he came back after leaving for a while it went to... wait for it... shit.

  15. The box office for this one is not very high.

  16. ...its only Saturday afternoon of opening weekend... how the hell do you know?

  17. Well,it would be cool if Machine Gun becomes the 2nd in command.And now they have the Tokyo Pimp with them,bitches in entrance for sure.

    Dammit,I became a pervert.

  18. Rumors.Only Rumors.

  19. This stable is excellent. Surprised Yujiro Takahashi joined though.

  20. I've heard it will break all kinds of records.

  21. "The Amazing Spider-Man 2," the sequel to the 2012 franchise reboot, is expected to gross at least $95 million in ticket sales in the United States and Canada through Sunday, according to people who have seen pre-release audience,0,2501491.story#ixzz30fNTfkXh

  22. That kinda breaks the idea of the Club.And after it was made Suzuki is now relegated to the undercard,alright I love his Feud with Yano,but I want to kill other people.

  23. Robocop remake,Padilha surprised me.I hope it gets a sequel with Jackson as the villain.

  24. CHAOS needs to rebound. Nakamura looks like he'll be feuding with the dumb Gracie's, Okada just lost the IWGP strap, Iizuka and Toru Yano are stuck in the low card, but Ishii is coming up fast. Ishii vs. Styles would be awesome.

    This also means that AJ will be defending the IWGP title against Elgin at the ROH show.

  25. This is absolutely not true.

  26. We have a winner.

  27. Rumors? You know there's hard data that shows how much Spider-Man is going to make right?

  28. With the thread we had a few days ago, yeah, it became that quite literally.

  29. I think Meekin is actually a decent writer. These have been pretty "miss" lately. Maybe there are no kore interesting topics, or maybe its Meekin.

    At this point my favorite QOTDS are the trainwreck threads.

  30. Fuck the Gracies(sorry,but I hate these bastards),Nakamura should leave CHAOS and go solo.His match at Dontaku should've 1 minute of Boma ye's.Okada can stay with Gedo being his mouth Piece.The crowd is begging for Ishii become a official face(he's perfect to win G1).Yano and Lizuka are perfect in their Spot.YOSHI is still a jobber and I don't care much about the Hooligans.

    NJPW is doing gamble this year,somethings are bad,others good.

  31. I heard it only made $5 over the weekend. Not $5 million, just $5 whole dollars! That's the rumour!

  32. I expected to hate the MCU after how other superheroes like Spider-Man all seemed very generic. Then, upon watching the first 5 followed by going to the Avengers, I am a fan.

  33. I was pleasantly surprised by both the 27 and 28 HHH/Taker matches

  34. That's why it's rumors.

  35. Ones where everyone bashes him and ones where we just ignore his topic.

  36. Ishii beating AJ is what I think they will setup.

  37. Love the ones where people just ignore the topic and it spins off into 20 different discussions

  38. LOL that's nearly every one.

  39. I wonder what would happen if he ever did a QOTD where we asked him questions in the thread?
    Like #askdixie

  40. I liked 28 better than 27, but they were both good. **** for 27, ****1/4 for 28. Don't know why Scott gave the HIAC *****. Maybe I'll have to go back and rewatch or something. In retrospect, it should've retired Taker and HHH then.

  41. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 9:37 AM

    That's exactly it. He was doing well, but it jumped the shark and he's too stubborn to just end it.

  42. Give the NEVER to Ibushi,then Ishii wins G1 and starts defending against everybody until the TokyoDome show against Styles with Bullet Club,it's the simple formula of the underdog face Vs Cheating heels.

  43. It was basically a western storyline.

  44. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    28 fucking sucked.

  45. I like 28 better also. Primarily because of the story behind it. It's a divisive match tho...Some people hate it, and I guess I can see why

    I love it.

  46. No,it didn't.

  47. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    I always thought that Daniel Bryan was a talented wrestler to be sure, but also the very definition of vanilla midget.

    Turns out that he does have some personality.

  48. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 9:40 AM

    I didn't really like either, but preferred 28.

    Other than crying Shawn. That was lamesauce.

  49. Well this Vanilla Midget was part of one the most beautiful moments in wrestling.

  50. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 9:40 AM

    Yes, it did. Would have been fine without Shawn and the meaningless Cell stip, but HBK ruined that match.

  51. Agreed. I started to come around when he was in that feud with Henry over the WHC. Huge fan now

  52. Yeah. That work well.

  53. HBK made the match more dramatic,he was trying to save them both from self destruction.

  54. HBK's overacting was worse than the box office for The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

    Though the superkick->Pedigree spot was awesome.

  55. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 9:42 AM

    And to think that all he had to do was grow a beard... I can't grow facial hair for shit, so I'm fucked.

  56. NJPW- I thought I was gonna hate this Puro style,guess what? Fanboy of NJPW now!.

  57. It made him stand out.

  58. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 9:43 AM

    The beard is definitely key.

  59. He showed a ton of personality in ROH, especially after he came back from his European tour of 2003.

  60. Another one: Joakim Noah. I watched him at Florida and thought his ceiling was rotational back defensive center. Had no idea he'd ever get this good. Probably my 2nd favorite guy in the league

  61. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 9:44 AM

    Agree to disagree kid, but no one will ever convince me that that match isn't fucking terrible, and the worst performance of HBK's wrestling career. Fuck that match.

  62. Universal soldier-day of reckoning.

  63. All right.But you're going down Curry at sunday!

  64. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 9:45 AM

    Fortunately I'm not a midget. Or a wrestler.

  65. But you're friend.

  66. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 9:46 AM

    On Sunday. And no, I'm walking out of there with my title. Assuming Kyle shows up, I still don't think he even knows he has a title.

  67. The C team will destroy you.

  68. Cena/Rock 1 was much better than I expected also

  69. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 9:49 AM

    Won't be tomorrow night.

  70. Not a classic,I consider a ***3/4 match,Cena sitting down in the end was cool.

  71. It's gonna be blood bath,and you're the victim.

  72. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 9:50 AM

    Not with that lack of self-confidence you won't.

  73. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 9:53 AM

    Keep telling yourself that kid, whatever helps you sleep at night...

    Why hasn't your aunt called me yet? Did I miss it when I had my phone in a bag of rice for 3 days?

  74. Comparing NJPW with WWE,who thought Okada and Bryan were gonna be the top dogs of the company.So many stuff Bryan had to face to get in to the spot he is today,Okada had to prove to the crowd he was worthy after a meteoric title one month after his return in Japan.

  75. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 9:54 AM

    First one was pretty good, second one was hot garbage.

  76. That doesn't work anymore.

  77. Bro-hug at the end,what a awful mania.

  78. Okada is champion no longer.

    Long live the Phenomanal one

  79. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 9:56 AM

    Busting your balls about your aunt, or the bag of rice thing? Because my still working phone proves that rice can save a phone, even if you completely submerge it in bleach water. Fuck it, at least I know my phone is clean...

  80. I know,but he's poised as one of the main guys in NJPW.I'm skeptical about Bullet Club now,will they add more people,will they hold together as top heels,DOC & anderson are weak champions,the bucks are doing a great job,let's see if AJ manages to be a great champion and leader.

  81. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    29? Opener was OK, Punk-Taker was ****ish, rest of the show ate a bushel of dicks.

  82. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 9:58 AM

    AJ is NJPW champ? Hey, fuck it, smoke it while you got it I guess.

  83. Taker saved it that mania again.

  84. Yes,he is.And leader of the top stable of NJPW.

  85. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 10:00 AM

    But seriously, the rice thing does work. Done it twice with this phone. Key is to IMMEDIATELY get the battery out as soon as you pull it out of whatever got it wet.

  86. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 10:03 AM

    So he's stuck in Japan, while assbags like Ryder and Miz are making more in WWE than most of us will ever see in a year. Fucking horseshit...

  87. Dude,NJPW pays a good amount of money.Not as the WWE but good.

  88. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 10:04 AM

    I wouldn't go that far, it was still a terrible show, just had one decent and one pretty good match.

  89. I bet he's making much more than he would have in TNA, at least.

  90. Given how we're mostly mega-smarks, it shouldn't be that hard to come up with questions. If anything he's going too broad. If someone were to ask something narrow like "What was the best Monday Night RAW of 1998?" you'd probably see a lot of answers and some healthy debate.

  91. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 10:07 AM

    It's not the money, it's the fact that many talented guys are stuck in Orlando or Baltimore or Japan while so many guys that are fucking useless remain gainfully employed by WWE. Then again, AJ has said many times that he doesn't want to work for Vince, and given his reasons I can't blame him.

  92. I had some serious doubts about The Rock/Triple H iron man match going into Judgement Day. Wow, was I proved wrong on that one.

  93. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 10:10 AM

    They're haven't been any interesting topics for a while. A lot of Meekin's QOTDs have been less douchebaggy rehashes of old Caliber ones.

  94. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 10:12 AM

    That's the only Ironman match I've ever seen (never seen Angle/Lesnar) that I like. And by like, I mean I don't say "fuck that match".

  95. I deducted 1/2* for having to watch HBK in panties for an hour.

  96. I actually liked how in both movies they set up the ending to be a false ending then a 'real' ending.

    There's the end of the big climax, but then you still get some time to breathe in the aftermath AND get to that thing with the kid and such that's really creative and cool.

    I wanna see the last one again and see if I like it more now that I see where this one went, kind of like The Dark Knight / Batman Begins.

  97. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 10:15 AM

    That's fair.

  98. Also Andrew Garfield is British. I didn't know that.

  99. Stranger in the AlpsMay 3, 2014 at 10:26 AM

    Sorry, Paul. If the Tomatometer shoots it down (currently at 54%), then YOU are wrong and the majority of the always-reliable critics are correct.

  100. Stranger in the AlpsMay 3, 2014 at 10:29 AM

    What's the deal with risk managment?

  101. But what percentage of those always-reliable critics are comic book fans! This flick feels like a comic-book movie FIRST - paying off tons of little references and world building details that may not be apparent to critics.

    For the right audience it's fucking wonderful. I refer to a Roger Ebert Quote regarding this movie's...doppleganger. "Spider-man 2 may be a great superhero movie, but it is not great art"

  102. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 10:42 AM

    Random TJ: Vanessa Carlton is fucking fine as hell. Just though I'd throw that out there.

  103. Stranger in the AlpsMay 3, 2014 at 10:43 AM

    I would say that this movie is more akin to Raimi's Spider-Man 3: a horde of villains to please the fans.

  104. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 3, 2014 at 10:47 AM

    I HATE that argument. "it's a comic book movie so of course the critics won't like it". That's such a BS argument when Avengers has 92%, Dark Knight has 94% and even Cap 2 has 88%.

  105. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 3, 2014 at 10:48 AM

    That's what I've been thinking from the trailers, I'll hold off judgement till I see it though.

  106. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 10:49 AM

    It's the identification, assessment, prioritization, and mitigation of risk.

  107. Everyone else is saying the movie is crap.
    I feel like we've had a variation of this QOTD several times now.

  108. I was the same way. I remember someone at work asking me, "What are they gonna do for an hour?" And I genuinely had no idea. That's one of the most pleasant surprises I've had as a wrestling fan.

  109. Nah there's really only one real Villian (Electro). One comes late in the film, and a third is used more as a symbolic summation of all things spider-man versus as a real threat.

    Have you seen it?

  110. Oh, that's a good one. Another NBA guy for me: J.J. Redick. As a Duke fan, I watched this guy, and just thought he wasn't going to make in the the NBA. Obviously, he could shoot; that was clear. I didn't think he could stay on the court because of his defense. He's shown to be a good team defender, though, in rotating off double picks and such, so I've been surprised.

  111. A friend of mine forced me to watch the first Harry Potter with her on DVD, because she was going to see the second one in the theatre. I was fully expecting to be bored to tears, but I liked it quite a lot. Lord of the Rings, though? Fuck that movie.

  112. Stranger in the AlpsMay 3, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    I've already spoiled it for myself, as I always do, by reading the plot online.

  113. I think sometimes it's easier to judge a movie's quality when you know what's coming, and you're not thinking, "Oh, that was a neat surprise [or whatever]." This was something I found to be particularly true while taking a film analysis class in college.

  114. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 11:19 AM

    I always read the plot online if I can find it before I watch a movie, otherwise I never know what's going on.

  115. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 11:20 AM

    LOTR was a bit tedious. I thought that of the books too, other than the second one.

  116. Stranger in the AlpsMay 3, 2014 at 11:21 AM

    I have seen judgments of a film be clouded by whatever surprises were contained within. An otherwise mediocre film may get good word of mouth that it doesn't deserve. I mean, Empire Strikes Back was already a good film before the big reveal. But other movies were overrated by reveals.

  117. Stranger in the AlpsMay 3, 2014 at 11:23 AM

    Nobody wants to be that guy in the theatre: "Who's that guy? What's he doing? I thought he was a good guy?"

  118. Mister_E_Studd_Got100ProblemsMay 3, 2014 at 11:24 AM

    Nobody wants to be that guy's wife either, or so I'm told.

  119. That was an interesting (and i think, great) way to end the movie. Wished they didn't give it away in a trailer.

  120. I never really liked first-persion shooters, so I only got Goldeneye on the N64 on a whim. Good job I did, because that game was fucking awesome.

    I never expected to like 'Supernatural', as the promos for it were basically 'two dreamy guys fight monsters and emote', but it's actually quite the badass show.

  121. Yeah, I don't see stuck in Japan--I see free from TNA. Free to be champion of a respected company

  122. I thought Spiderman was great. Frankly, I'm shocked the critical reaponse hax beeb so poor when Cap's was great.

    I loved Cap 2, but it was convoluted as fuck and the plausibility of ANYTHING that happened pushed suspension of disbelief sometimes. Most critizisms I've seen levied against Spidey aply to the Winter Soldier as well

    I laughed all through ASM 2, was thoroughly entertained

  123. it's from the words "egg" and "malt" in Latin.

    ...this may be why no one read my Seinfield Spec script.

  124. Ill co-sign that one 100%

  125. Plus the endless mmm make-a-wish, supporting troops, look at how much we care about everyone else bullshit commercials that flooded the show helped ruin it. Helping also make it the most poorly timed ppv I can remember as well.

    Shit, Rock/Cena 2 didnt even get a hypw video if I remember right they just jumped right into it

  126. I don't dislike it quite as much as your, but I agree. I hated having the cell for the sake of having it.

  127. Yeah, the MCU is on fire. I loved Captain America 2, also.

  128. I don't wanna blow smoke up anyone's ass, but The Amazing Spider-man 2 is pretty goddamn awesome.

    I don't wanna blow smoke up anyone's ass but I'm going to blow smoke up everyone's ass.

    Amazing Spider-Man 2 sucked.

  129. Reddick is a good choice also. It took him a few years to really become productive but he's far surpassed my expectations. I didn't think he'd be able to stay on the court bc of his D

  130. Thought I'd hate Vince Carter for life, but surprisingly found myself happy for him when he hit that buzzer beater against the Spurs in game 3. By the way, glad to hear a good review of Spiderman 2, hope to see it soon.

  131. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 3, 2014 at 4:22 PM

    It never even factored into the match.

  132. First two to my mind-


    Went into that w/ the lady friend and thought DAMN this is going to suck.

    Came out of it really really pleased. Still quote it to this day! I'm just glad you think I'm the best actor slash model, and not the other way around.

    2-Assassins Creed 4

    I played three, being SUPER EXCITED for it since all the AC games were pretty great IMHO (Ezio rules!) and so ten minutes into AC3 I realize IT'S TOTALLY CRAP. GOD DAMN WHAT WERE THEY THINKING.

    So AC4 comes along, and the lady is like 'Well we have to play it' so, meh, whatever we've got nothing else to play let's see what this isHOLYCRAPTHISISAMAZING.

  133. ^He's my protege.


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