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QOTD 153: Gear Heads

Are you into cars? If not, what's your favorite use of a motor vehicle in a pro-wrestling space? 

I've always been fond of things like the Stone Cold Steve Austin Beer Truck legacy, which went on to include Kurt Angle and milk, and hopefully Daniel Bryan and...I dunno, Soy Milk?

I also secretly loved the Black Hummer angle in WCW, even though I don't think it ever paid off.
Also if you happen to know why a 2001 Chevy Lumina would turn over, idle for a few, then die, now not turn over at all (and seemingly leak gas), you'd be kind of a hero. 



  1. My first car list...

    2001 - 89 Buick Century pd $150 cash
    2004 - 94 Buick Century pd $2,400 cash
    2007 - 99 Chevy Blazer pd $5,000 cash
    2014 - 07 Dodge Nitro... owns me for the next six years at $11,500

    Also, everything I know about cars, I learned from the Beach Boys.

  2. Also, your fuel lines might be shot.

  3. Are those expensive?

  4. I'm not really a car person, but I say that my favorite use in wrestling would have to be JBL's limo.

  5. His music is wonderful too.

  6. If you know a mechanic, you can go to an auto parts store and purchase one for close to $30, and just pay him labor. A garage will charge you at least $60 plus labor is $100/hr where I live.

    Nothing is really cheap when it comes to your car... always going to be more than expected.

  7. Austin's Cement Truck or Zamboni

  8. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 9:41 AM

    I have an idea what's wrong with your 2001 Chevy Lumina. See the car is trying to kill itself Paul and its slowly succeeding. Killing itself in this manner is extremely painful for the car. But the car will continue to kill itself in this way just to rid itself of you. It would rather die a horribly painful death than spend another second with you inside it.

  9. Ah that makes complete sense. Thanks!

  10. Well Angle's already missed the past 8 years. What's another 4-6 months?

  11. I think if there are 2 absolutely unanimous feelings on this blog, it's
    1 - Miz sucks
    2- Kurt needs to retire, for his own well being.

    And I didn't see Raw, but I heard that Sheamus didn't really show much sympathy for Ambrose being screwed out of the title, so that's a nice first seed planted for a heel turn. Sounds good to me.

  12. Kurt is not going to be able to walk when he reaches 50 years of age. He might die in a ring.

  13. Yep, his drive to never quit and be the best might be what ends up killing him. It's sad.

  14. "There's no faces or heels anymore"...yet 1 face meant to appeal to the kids hits another NOT meant to appeal to the kids, and that's supposed to instantly turn him heel? Unless it was just supposed to be the first chapter of his gradual turn...try again, guys.

  15. I'm curious, did this "no faces of heels anymore" thing actually come from WWE? Or from an "inside reporter"? I remember the start of the Attitude Era, Vince said something like that, but not lately.

  16. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 9:55 AM

    I know right? You are very welcome. By the way, just reading that over that sounded really harsh and mean, you know I'm just fucking with you right?

  17. I would honestly be happy if they just completely stole the Sheamus storyline from WWE 12 where Sheamus ends up winning all the titles, then immediately loses the WWE one to HHH.

  18. He has to go balls out in everything he does. Its a sickness at this point

  19. TAKE MY MONEY!!!

  20. Miz is no worse than many other talents today and Kurt just needs to retire in ring.

    I just want to be difficult.

  21. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    Actually you can get it for free at certain establishments with a bi curious mechanic. There's this place in my area and I get all my car related issues fixed for free.

  22. Supposedly Vince said that recently. Either way, I hope this was the first part of a gradual turn, b/c just winning the battle royal idn't gonna do it.

  23. I pride myself in trying to find the positives in every wrestler, but... The moment Miz turned face a few years back... There is just ZERO about him.

  24. Definitely. Like I said, it's a great first seed. He just needs to really act cocky about it now, and it should be all good.

  25. I hate face Miz, but I like heel Miz just fine. They need to make the group with him, Ziggler, and Ryder's a good idea, and at this point will literally save their careers.

  26. Angle: He's not John Cena, so that prognosis is likely accurate.
    Sheamus: As mentioned below, good first step of a heel turn. But horrible, on it's own, as an attempted "turn".
    Cena: Sure, why not? Somebody's gotta remind the former Mr. Langston to DANCE!
    Legends: WOOOO! I need money, WOOOO! Where's the mini-bar, WOOOO! I love you guys, WOOOO! I can bang the host, right? WOOOO!

  27. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 10, 2014 at 10:01 AM

    "I think if there are... absolutely unanimous feelings on this blog, it's"

    3. DAT LANA

  28. Cant argue that one.

  29. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 10, 2014 at 10:05 AM

    1. Miss 4-6 months of what? Was he even working?
    2. Booting a dude in a battle royale was supposed to signify a heel turn?
    3. I'm all for Cena working with up-and-comers. Big E probably makes more sense as an ass-kicking heel anyway.

  30. Stupid question.

  31. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 10, 2014 at 10:06 AM

    Vince said it in 1997 too. Meant just about as much then as it does now

  32. What do you drive?

  33. Not saying Angle is fully healed at that time, but Angle always returns from injury sooner than expected. He never milks an injury.

  34. I'm having fun with SuperCena's quick returns.

  35. His talking heads are CONSTANT on the network. Its like he waits around for filming. He's awful

  36. You're missing out. Check out Real Racing 3 on iOS for funsies.

  37. I wanted news updates on Dixie's weird tweets :(

  38. Unrelated: I'm the world's greatest sporcle wrestling player.

  39. As long as Cena jobs for the Up-and-comers,I'll be fine.

  40. Legends house season 2,the junkies edition

    Hardy boys

    Host: Dr.Drew or CM Punk.

  41. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 10:24 AM

    Angle needs to retire already, just go on to managing and training.

  42. 2011 was really Angle's last great year.

  43. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 10:26 AM

    I still like my idea of hiding drugs and alcohol all around the house. The rules are last one to stay sober wins a million dollars. But if you do slip you stay in the house and if you can tempt someone else into using you get a bunch of your drug of choice.

  44. Miz is best served as the mouthpiece of a heel tag-team, like he was with John Morrison.

  45. I smell ratings!

  46. RVD is also undefeated. 4-0 Baby!

  47. Or with Thruth.

  48. I can see some heel with staying power trying to top 21 as part of their gimmick, but I doubt anyone ever will. I mean, the original streak only became a thing around, what, 18? Before that, they weren't trying to keep Taker undefeated or even cognizant that he was. He was just a popular guy who won matches.

  49. But yeah, if WWE were smart they need to push a new WM undefeated streak just because Undertaker's streak has been the big draw for the last 9 years and now with Taker defeated, WM business will probably go down a bit.

  50. I think he also needs to embrace what he always was as a face: a dickhead bully. Attack people after the bell, backstage, whatever and when asked why, answer "because I can."

  51. So THATS why Goldberg is coming back...sure it will take til he's 70 to catch Undertaker but he can a 30 second match each year...or not.

  52. This is the problem with WrestleMania today: the lack of a real undercard. Seven matches on a four hour show? If they had more undercard matches, someone would be on a little bit of a streak that they could take advantage of.

  53. 2. worst heel turn ever.

  54. And it's probably cost him years of his life and certainly has cost him of his sanity.

  55. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    Yeah, I'm not much of a car guy so this holds little interest for me. Oh, by the way, you know if you'll be in town during Battleground? I figured even if you aren't going to the show we could get together for drinks or a bite to eat.

  56. He's already 45. Damn, I selfishly want him to have one more WWE moment.
    I can't imagine the crowd pop when his music hits.

  57. Scenario #36 of leaving money on the table with the streak: Why the fuck did they never put a young guy on a Goldberg esque undefeated streak of 12-15 months and book him vs Taker at mania? Would have been huge if they had chosen the right guy

  58. AverageJoeEverymanMay 10, 2014 at 10:46 AM

    I want Legends House 2 to be a Big Brother/Survivor type game. One team is Flair and his boys (Arn, Windham, etc) and the other is Hogan and his boys (Saggs, Beefcake,etc). I'd watch it.

  59. Maybe they can put Alexander Rusev on a streak for Goldberg to end at Mania 31. I mean, I know it's not nearly the same thing but it's something.

  60. Only superficially: cars with nice bodies/paint jobs that look like they were/could have been in the Fast and Furious franchise; I know nothing about the insides.

  61. He got a ** match out of Wes Briscoe last year. That's a miracle!

  62. Cena's still the man. He doesn't have to go in Jericho mode and job to everyone.

  63. So Ambrose trying to throw Reigns out of the Rumble is "every man for himself in the rumble" and Sheamus kicking Ambrose in a battle royal on Raw is him turning heel....

  64. "I DRIVE married women to cheat"

    Standard bad Parallax1978 response

  65. 4 wins stretching out a period of 12 years....RVD will have the steak tied in about 2075!

  66. I smell a feud with 3MB!

  67. Not everyone,but if they wanna build a new guy,winning a feud against Cena will make him.

  68. At least that one was original.

  69. And somehow Kevin Nash returns and brings back WCW.

  70. Complete with War Games!

  71. And Austin Aries saves the day.

  72. There was even the random scene where HHH and him were talking to each other on the phone, in the same room.

  73. My CAW unintentionally looked like a red headed Aries.

  74. I think the CAW feud with Vince in SVR 2010 is the only good storyline they made.

  75. Heel CM Punk. but instead of "this place" he yells: "THIS THREAD..........SUCKS!!!!!!!!!"

  76. My caw looks like Brandon Lee or AJ styles Lone wolf persona.

  77. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 10:58 AM

    Parallax is understandably getting a bit sick of that running joke. Why don't we shelve it for a while and only pull it out on special occasions?

  78. Worst ones were of course any of the Undertaker storylines.

  79. Just stop Angle, for your own good just stop.

  80. I see a Misawa scenario.It's sad how Kurt is been,years ago he was still in a solid shape.

  81. They had one in 2009.

  82. I was sure this was where they were going with Ryback

  83. Yep, Shield are 2-0. My money is on Reigns being the only one to keep it though.

  84. Meh. I'm probably just gonna start mocking it.

    To answer your battleground question, I'm not gonna be around that weekend m. Gotta go up north. I'm always down for watching some raw and grabbing some drinks or something tho

  85. But then they hot shotted him into the main event title picture and.....

  86. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 11:03 AM

    Alt QOTD #1: What's the most fucked up or best way you got revenge on somebody who wronged you?

  87. RVD could be an interesting choice.

  88. Making them read Meekins QOTDs.

  89. Was gonna gonna go with "made them read Abeyance1s posts" but he hates asians enough already

  90. I see the same scenario as well.

  91. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 11:06 AM

    One of the exes who cheated on me, we had one last "thing" and while I was taking a shower I pissed in all her shampoo and conditioner bottles and shook them up.

  92. With Paul Bearer returning and Masked Kane,at least you could the masked Outfit.

  93. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 11:07 AM

    Yeah, he's one step away from just murdering you to help cleanse the population. I would watch out.

  94. :stares at Farva:

  95. I see this involving a lot of poop.

  96. Yeah, like his theme as well.

  97. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 11:10 AM

    Did you get a bad prediction from a fortune cookie and that's what started all this?

  98. Made them take down a banner. /caliber

  99. I doubt it. Punk/Taker always seemed like it was the end goal that mania season. Maybe if Ryback got over huge they would have audibled

  100. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 11:11 AM

    That was just way too harsh, I mean I get getting revenge on somebody but there are some lines you just don't cross!

  101. No, but it did taste bitter.

  102. Which lead to a nicer banner.

  103. Great explanation. You've changed my mind

  104. "Sit down, E. Huh ha. First, I'd like to apologize about the whole becoming-enamored-with-your-boobs-and-giving-you-a-championship (not a fucking "title" or "belt," goddammit) and subsequently-becoming-distracted-by-a-new-toy-and-forgetting-about-you thing. Much to your discredit, however, I did see you sneeze on March 14th after clapping that chalk around.

    "Anyway, E, I have some fortunate news for you--John would like to feud with you. We're going to take your already lukewarm character and make people care even less about you. You're going to lose at two consecutive Special Events. And you bet your titties we're going to make jokes and the-computer-photoshops-pictures of you in embarrassing situations. Congratulations."

  105. Anyone up for a PPV watch tonight at 8 PM EST?

  106. Angle needs to just relax and wrestle 1-2x a year. No reason to be wrestling every week.

  107. Moved everything on their desk in inch to the right except their stapler.

  108. Since I'm too lazy to email Scott and wiki isn't giving me any answers, I'll ask here: Why did Sting drop the title to Flair on a house show in Jan 91?

  109. most unnoticed heel turn since Powers of Pain joining Fuji at Survivor Series

  110. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 11:25 AM

    They could have Dolph Ziggler go on a 25 year losing streak.

  111. Hogan? Seriously?

  112. Maria Menounos had the biggest streak during her one Mania match.

  113. Cocaine addiction.

  114. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    Yeah man, we'll have to set something up in the future. Maybe meet at Hogans place, do they play RAW there? They should.

  115. What the WWE need to do with Big E instead of having him feud with Cena (Big E does not need a heel turn) is incorporate his online persona into his in-ring character. If they did that then Big E would be a big time face.

    Speaking of which, I hope Bad News Barrett fumigated the Intercontinental title after he won it because who knows what type of things Big E done to (if you saw Big E's Instagram video this week about his last days as IC Champion, you'll know what I mean).

  116. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 10, 2014 at 11:32 AM

    Although if Jimmy Harts there I'm gonna deck the fucker for being a dick to me as a kid.

  117. Wasn't it last week when they reported that plan was not to turn Sheamus heel until after the European tour.

  118. Legends House 2 should just be the "Odd Couple" of Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. Let's face it, with those two in the house no one would pay attention to anyone else anyway.

  119. Because he's been in and out of rehab so much? You could literally pick 300 wrestlers that have more of a documented history of cocaine abuse than Hulk Hogan.

  120. If Sheamus is supposed to be a heel now, it sure didn't look like it on Smackdown, the guy was celebrating with the fans like normal.

  121. Since I'm too lazy to email Scott and wiki isn't giving me any answers, I'll ask here: Why did Sting drop the title to Flair on a house show in Jan 91?

  122. "According to Bryan Alvarez, when Sheamus kicked Dean Ambrose in the Battle Royal from RAW, that was supposed to be his heel turn."

    all the lulz

  123. Jesus, you will defend ANYTHING. It's bordering on parody at this point.

  124. He should lose in the next 2 manias to go 4-2-0. Get it? MARIJAUNA!?

  125. That'd just be 9-10 weeks of Flair doing Hogans laundry & washing up in exchange for being tossed a stale bread crust now & again (and doing five alarm bladejobs if the crust hits him in the forehead)

  126. Finishers = Heel/Face turns

  127. Ok cool. I think there were a couple others yesterday interested as well. Show suggestions?

  128. Leaving money on the table is WWE's whole MO.

  129. How the hell do they think a face attacking another face in a battle royale using a completely legitimate move is a heel turn? Are they paying these writers minimum wage? I actually thought the interview afterwards where he was uncaring for Ambrose was the beginning of a slow burn heel turn. I didn't realize he was already supposed to be a heel. However now, actually trying to win a match today means you're a heel. Appearently WWE thinks face means giant pussy. That must be why Bryan is scared of Kane.

  130. You know, it's hard to imagine anyone having a run anything like the one Undertaker had. He started at the tail end of Hulkamania, continued through the New Generation, Attitude, Ruthless Agression, and Pg-13 eras. That's kinda amazing.

  131. I don't know. Would Austin's heel turn at WM X-7 be worse? He was still cheered, despite the turn. And that was in the world title picture AND main event at WrestleMania.

  132. Actually, the only drug I've heard Hogan seriously linked to was marijuana.

  133. Oh God, Oh God!

  134. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 10, 2014 at 12:13 PM

    If Ryder's fate is any indication of how WWE feels about such things, Big E might be better off leaving his "online persona" exactly where it is and and doing everything Vince and the writers tell him to do.

  135. The other factor is that he spent so much time as a "special attraction" that it was fairly easy to keep putting him over. Really, until the Kane match at 14, you can't really make a decent storyline case for him doing the job. Then X-Seven with HHH, you could see it, but not really, and by the time you get to Flair at X-8, when the story would have made more sense had Flair cheated to win or some such (I mean, UT went and beat up the guy's kid!), the Streak was already a thing and not worth giving up there.

  136. The main difference is that Big E doesn't use his online presence to complain about his lack of a push.

  137. It would probably be more like 9-10 weeks of Hogan picking up Flair from whatever bar is stupid enough to give him a tab. Meanwhile Flair would be begging Hogan to pay whatever bills he could not pay for himself.

  138. I may be remembering this wrong but didn't the Punk/Taker match only come about because of Punk winning a 4-way (the stuff with Bearer only came later right?)

    There was no compelling reason for the match to happen prior to that.

    So Ryback could have just as easily been slotted in to that slot, though they would have obviously had to change round the whole booking of the autumn so Ryback didn't spend his time jobbing to Punk and losing all his heat.

    Not that I'm complaining as Punk / Taker was massively better than anything Ryback might have been able to put on

  139. Kurt Angle? That should read "4-6 days".

  140. Yea, the Punk/Taker match was a result of Punk winning a 4 way. By all accounts, Rock/Cena 2 was penciled in for a year with Punk/Taker essentially being planned for months.

    If you remember, Ryback was already jobbing ppvs in the fall. His winless ppv streak lile 5 months in the fall/winter of that year. That doest really scream of them building Ryback up for Taker

  141. A list of every undefeated wrestler in WM history....

    4-0....Rob Van Dam

    3-0....Hawk, Animal, Ax, Sable

    2-0....Virgil, Terry Funk, Tatanka, Chyna, Shane McMahon, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose

    1-0....AJ Lee, Lawrence Taylor, Wendi Richter, Vickie Guerrero, Corporal Kirchner, Alundra Blayze, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Red Rooster, Dusty Rhodes, Sapphire, DDP, Mo, Mr. T, Fabulous Moolah, Maria Menounos, Floyd Mayweather, Snooki, Akebono, Goldberg, Butterbean, Cesaro, Boogey Man, Chuck Palumbo, Dory Funk, Tom Zenk, Tenryu, Kitao, Haiti Kid, Texas Tornado, Michael Cole, Pat Tanaka, Kato, Little Beaver, Marc Mero, Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Tama, Terri Runnells

    2-0-1...Rick Rude (draw with Jake Roberts at WM4)
    1-0-2....Bad News Brown (two no-decisions due to double-DQs)
    1-0-1...Vader (draw with Owen/Bulldog at WM13)
    0-0-1....Billy Jack Haynes, David Sammartino

  142. Looking at that list, two comments....

    * Heyman shoud start claiming that Cesaro has the 'new Streak' since he beat 30 guys in the battle royale and is now allegedly 30-0.

    * Lesnar should target Animal, Ax and RVD at the next three Manias in order to give his wife the longest unbeaten streak in WM history. Hawk could be difficult.

  143. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 10, 2014 at 12:55 PM

    so rocky v is on, and it was the very beginning where it was revealed that paulie once again was an idiot

    seriously, if anyone ever deserved to be fredo'd, it's him

  144. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 10, 2014 at 12:57 PM

    flair would somehow find a way to mortgage the legends house and then default on the payments

  145. I hate pot/420 humor. It's all "420. Hee hee get it?" Yeah, real subtle.

  146. NO shit I saw a DeLorean driving down the street today.

  147. The head knock/foot on the rope one? Lousy finish to boot

  148. Is there footage of that? I've never seen it. The title change was right after the Black Scorpion stuff.


  150. Thanks. lol at the awkward crowd cut when Flair blades. Is the full match available?

    Also, always loved Sting's neon green/black combo. Flair's flesh colored gear is all the lulz.

  151. I drive a 1999 Chevy Lumina. (said in Will Ferrell voice. "I drive a Dodge Stratus!!" SNL)

  152. I think Flair was promised it for doing the Black Scorpion thing. Probably an attendance boost thing.

  153. WCW was a strange, strange place.


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