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QOTD 155: Somebody Call my Maaamaaaaa

Happy Mother's Day Blog Otters. Lets talk about our Mommas. Or about other Mommas. Or MILFS, Mommas we'd like to funkify! Or just talk bout whatever you want. I don't care.  Here's a link to a cool game, Cart Life, that simulates being a Momma and is really fun! 
What'd you get your momma for Mother's Day? 

Has your momma ever contributed in a direct or indirect way to your pro-wrestling fandom? 

What's your favorite momma-related wrestling storyline or character? Remember Shelton's momma? Good God. 

Have you ever found Parallax in bed with your Momma? It's okay if you have, you're among friends here. 

As a side note I've gotten 4 "Happy Mother's Day" calls at work today thinking I was a momma.

Anyway - for Mother's day I got Last Vegas for my mom, who I believe has a secret crush on Kevin Kline.

My favorite wrestling related Momma is the May Young / Hand cameo from Raw 1000

My Mom purchased me Have a Nice Day for Christmas and I was never the same again,

And no. No I haven't.



  1. Isn't it also fair to say the show didn't draw that well because people just didn't buy Steamboat as champ, at least with his heatless wife clinging by his side looking like a fifth rate Miss Elizabeth?

  2. So TNA in 2014 = WCW in 1989, minus the great matches or stars to care about? Cool.

    Teddy Long's fast count is downright outstanding, and is one reason why I'll have fun with him (TAG TEAM MATCH, PLAYA!), but still respect him to this day. He was a decent ref, a good manager, and an acceptable authority figure. And I never got sick of him, PLAYA!

    Flair/Steamboat here is the greatest "I need a nap" match ever, and coming from me that's a MASSIVE compliment.

  3. Is Long even still employed? I'd love to see them give him one more run as a heel manager, only if they give him some actual talent to work with and not Rodney Mack.

  4. Flair and Steamer went one minute for every 100 people in attendance. They truly are giving souls.

  5. If WWE ever tried the Nation 2.0, Teddy HAS to be the Nation's "spokesman/manager".

  6. Something something tag team match!

  7. Titus, Big E, Mark Henry and Teddy Long...yeah I will take that.

  8. Yes, he had turned into quite the parody.

  9. No, your post was awful.

  10. 55 minutes for a 2 out of 3 falls match......
    :shakes head at today's generation:

  11. Junkfood Dog is top notch.

  12. We weren't allowed to not be serious?

  13. Eh, all those guys have decent enough mic skills.

  14. You're giving me an aneurysm.

  15. Xavier Woods too because every stable needs a designated jobber.

  16. I blame the marketing department for the small crowd. Rumors are that on the very same day, 30000 people were in line in front of the Silverdome....

  17. Or if Teddy is unable to do it have Booker T be the "spokesman/manager," SUCKA!

  18. I wish Michael Hayes had done more commentary. Even as Dok Hendrix he was very good.

  19. So what is the best 1989 Flair/Steamboat match? Their first is definitely the most exciting and fast paced. This one was slower but more technical. The last one is a bit of an amalgamation of the first two but with a botched drop kick that sticks out like a sore thumb.

    I'm going to say the first one.

  20. And they only feud with Xavier Woods, R-Truth, and Darren Young because we can't have these colored folk mixing in with us white people.

  21. I have a copy of the house show featuring the 4th Match between them that Meltzer rated ******. Haven't seen it yet myself though

  22. I'm assuming the house show took place in Japan.

  23. My nose is bleeding.

  24. The one he is taking about is Landover, MD. There is also a handheld of a match in Philly from the same day.

  25. In the book "King of New Orleans," it's stated that only a thousand tickets were sold, they had to paper it to 6000 but claiming it was 25,000 despite the arena blacked out. Also, JYD had missed eight shows beforehand and would have been fired but they'd already put together a big video package on him and New Orleans wrestling.

  26. Partial to the first one too as I'm a Dragon mark and seeing Steamboat as World Champion was a great moment for me.

  27. Here it is:

  28. Better quality and Youtube:

  29. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 11, 2014 at 2:49 PM

    Very fair.

    Bonnie was no Elizabeth. She wasn't even Sapphire.

  30. If they were so worried about falsely advertising JYD, then why did they falsely advertise JYD for the following month's PPV even after they clearly knew he wouldn't work the show?

  31. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 11, 2014 at 2:53 PM

    Hayes was always surprisingly good on commentary. If he'd stuck with it, he could have been the next Ventura (and I actually think that's why WWE brought him aboard in the first place, to fill that void).

  32. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 11, 2014 at 2:54 PM

    Because WCW.

  33. I could have bought a bootleg of this show at an indy show I was at last night.

    I could have bougth A LOT of bootlegs.... they had Japan stuff, Georgia, Mid South, Mid-Atlantic, MSG, old NWA World title defenses... it was crazy. Ultimately I didn't buy anything cause I have the network.

  34. Is that still a thing at indy shows? I remember I bought King of the Deathmatch 95 and another hardcore Japan tape, FMW I think, at an ECW show years ago. Think I still have the Deathmatch tape laying around somewhere.

  35. Because you're in the nose bleed seats.

  36. George South is an idiot. The whole reason you are doing the match adnd the screwy finish is to draw interest at Wrestle War. Why wouldn't you want every fan watch -- EVEN IF THEY ARE WATCHING FOR FREE! -- to see the screwy finish and controvery and then PAY TO SEE THE REMATCH.

    Isn't this Booking 101?

  37. I guess Memphis wasn't going to riot at the thought of not getting JYD like New Orleans would?

  38. intestinal fortitudeMay 11, 2014 at 3:05 PM

    Agreed. I watched the first In Your House today w/ him and Vince, and he was better than expected

  39. The big blow off would have to be a dance competition.


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