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QOTD 156: Impressions

If you listen to any of the Stone Cold Steve Austin Podcast, you'll notice that pretty much every guest does impressions of other wrestlers. DDP did a Randy Savage, Heyman did a PITCH PERFECT Vince, and there are countless others someone should assemble a supercut of.

Thus: What are your favorite impressions wrestlers do of other wrestlers? What's your favorite instance of a wrestler stealing another wrestler's finisher, or impersonating them in costume? 

For me, this question has only one right answer:... 


  1. Axl Rotten Impersonating Iron Sheik and Tommy Rich as FBI members in his RF Video Shoot Interview

  2. Your midget announcer joke sucked the first time, and it sucks this time too

  3. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighMay 12, 2014 at 12:12 PM

    Black Machismo

  4. Dean Ambrose's Dusty Rhodes (which he busts out on the bloopers episode of Countdown) is GOLD.

  5. Jason Sensation as Owen Hart, "What the hell am I?"..Hilarity ensued.

  6. Owen Hart's version of Stu was so good, it got Bruce Pritchard in a little trouble once.

    So I'll go with that one.

  7. I gotta rewatch that again. Those Countdown shows are some of my favorite Network stuff.

  8. "It is Owen Hart!"

  9. Backlash 2000 where Big Show becomes "the Showster" doing a dead-on Hogan impression that had the entire crowd howling. I literally had tears in my eyes watching it.

  10. Maybe it's a joke that's too good to be funny, but too silly to be taken seriously. Like Sportsnight!

  11. That was so great. Wasn't that one of the first times we got a Hogan reference in WWE in years? Like it was almost a waters-testing thing to see how the crowd would react to that nostalgia?

  12. Big Show was on Austin's podcast and did some other good ones, but the Hogan one is scary good.

  13. Jay Lethal. I'll put his Flair feud against anything WWE has done. Great segments.

  14. The only bad one they've done is the villains episode. Sorry, any countdown without Flair in the top 10 villains of all-time has no credibility. Still, when they do offbeat stuff like bloopers, gimmicks, etc., it's generally excellent.

  15. Is he doing TWO seperate podcasts? because I only get one of his twice weekly shows on my podcatcher app.

  16. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 12:23 PM

    Jay Leathal did a GREAT Ric Flair impersonation.

  17. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 12:24 PM

    That's a good one as well.

  18. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 12, 2014 at 12:26 PM

    i didn't pay much attention to him before that feud, even with the black machismo stuff. but his flair feud was awesome

  19. Austin has 2 podcasts. The family friendly one, and the uncensored one.

  20. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 12, 2014 at 12:26 PM

    "i look a damn road sign!"

  21. Kevin Steens impersonation of an athlete is pretty good

  22. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 12, 2014 at 12:27 PM

    in b4 someone else mentions "dx as the nation"

  23. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 12, 2014 at 12:27 PM

    your impersonation of a doctor, not so much

    /obligatory ragging :P

  24. The midget as Bret Hart.

  25. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 12, 2014 at 12:28 PM

    remember the AWESOME rosie o'donnell fudgy the whale bit?

    anyone, anyone?

  26. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 12, 2014 at 12:29 PM

    hbk as hogan on larry king was awesome

  27. Fudgy the Whale was actually going to be the name of the massive shit QOTD.

  28. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 12, 2014 at 12:29 PM


  29. That MATCH was awesome. Are there any more instances of a wrestler being so deliberately and awesomely unprofessional in a match?

  30. The Great Khali impersonating a wrestler.

  31. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 12, 2014 at 12:30 PM

    also hhh-as-vince and hbk-as-shane ('06) was pretty funny (esp hbk/shane)

  32. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 12, 2014 at 12:32 PM

    jarrett as dusty (end of wcw)

  33. You know, I kind of actually liked NWO Silver Jarrett. Sue me.

  34. Paul Heyman does the best Stone Cold impression I've ever heard... he also has great ones of Vince and Terry Funk. I feel like he's been holding out on us.

  35. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 12, 2014 at 12:33 PM

    this wasn't nwo silver jarrett, though

  36. Comparing your "jokes" to Sports Night highly offends me.

  37. Was that when Cornette thought he was talking to Bruce doing Stu Hart and it actually was Stu?

  38. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 12, 2014 at 12:34 PM

    jbl impersonating an effective heel color guy falls far from the mark

  39. Magnificent Seven Jarrett?

  40. Didn't Kane do a pretty boss Hogan impression at one time?

  41. Tom Zenk did the best Dusty I've ever heard.

  42. That's it. I just love the use of the old-school land line, and Owen coming into the room from the OPPOSITE side from where the wire was going.

  43. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 12, 2014 at 12:35 PM

    yeah. he and flair had the kiss my ass match with dusty/dustin, where dusty prepared by eating a bunch of burritos

  44. Where I used to work we normally would we get our paychecks on Thursday, and I would get it cashed during my lunch break, but one Thursday the people in payroll didn’t get their stuff done in time and the main office in North Brunswick didn’t mail the checks until Friday. We all had to wait.

    Since I was expecting a check I didn’t bring any money to eat on. I only had two dollars and twenty-five cents in change that I got out of the ashtray in my car.

    When I tried to get a little pack of beef jerky out of the vending machine for $1.25, it got stuck on the coil. Luckily, when that happens in a modern vending machine it’s not a bad thing. They have a motion sensor at the bottom. When nothing passes in front of it for five seconds it pushes another one through. When it did that, it knocked the first one loose too, so I got a free pack of beef jerky.

    My glee was short lived, however.

    On my second break I took the remaining dollar and tried to buy a coke, but it took my money. And the coke machine isn’t nearly as advanced as the machine hat has the beef jerky in it , so I was out of luck.

    I just went to my car to listen to the radio for the rest of the break. While I was digging around The backseat looking for something to read, I found a box of pudding cups I had bought on Tuesday and forgotten about. They were warm, of course, but pudding is still pretty good even if it is warm.

    So everything worked out okay, and I was still ahead a quarter thanks to the bonus beef jerky.

    When I went out to go home there was a black and white cat in the parking lot that was trying to chew on the value on one of my tires. I still don't know what the fuck that was all about!

    Then when I got home I watched an old rerun of MASH. This happened in the summer, like I said, but they don’t match up the reruns to the actual current season- sometimes you get a Christmas episode in July. I've tried to complain to the tv station about that once , but they said it was out of their hands, which is bullshit. How hard is it to get an intern to come in and sort the episodes into the appropriate seasons? I offered to do it my self, if they would cover the cost of gas from my house to the tv station. But, they didn't want to do that, so the whole thing is out of my hands. I can only do so much, and I try not to let it bother me much anymore.


    The episode I saw that night wasn’t a Christmas show, but it was set in the winter. It was the one where Hawkeye’s dad sent him some long thermal underwear and everyone is jealous of them and tries to trade for them. Because, I guess, when you’re in a war you don’t mind wearing underwear that some other dude was
    wearing like six seconds before.

    Hawkeye’s tent-mate - I can’t remember if it was Trapper or BJ - was sick so Hawkeye felt sorry for him and gave the underwear to him. Then he lost them in a card game to Radar. Radar traded them to the cook for a rack of lamb. Then Frank got them from the cook…and so on like that. At the end of the episode just about everyone had traded for them until they finally ended up back with Hawkeye again. …

    Wait, it must have been a “Trapper” episode because Frank Burns was still there! When BJ showed up Winchester took Frank’s place. So it must have been Trapper.

    Anyway, I guess it was pretty cool when they Boogeyman dressed up like Santa and ate some worms that one time. You don't see something like that very often.

  45. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 12, 2014 at 12:36 PM

    what is this, i don't even...

    but thumbs up for m*a*s*h

  46. I read halfway through, and hit the upvote button. And I'm not even gonna finish reading it.

  47. "While I was digging around The backseat looking for some -weed-, I
    found a bunch of -shake I had dumped- on Tuesday and forgotten
    about. It was -gross-, of course, but pudding is still pretty good even
    if it is -gross-."

    fixed that for ya.

  48. Big Show does a pretty good Stone Cold too. Him telling the story of Austin telling Vince that he didn't want to job to the Big Show, while Big Show was standing there was fantastic.

  49. I'm listening to that Podcast tonight during Raw now.

  50. I'm not getting a reply nor edit option on mobile disqus for this thread. Maybe it's gods way of telling me to stop contributing to these bad topics

  51. I'm not getting a reply or edit option on the PC disqus for this thread. Its probably that damn Meekin's fault.

  52. Disqus is all fucked up again. Can't reply to posts

  53. Rene Dupree does a really funny Johnny Ace and Danny Doring does a lot of hilarious impressions, including Paul Heyman and Tony Garea of all people.

  54. I can... I'm on Chrome.

  55. Hmm. Disqus is messed up eh. If someone responds to this comment in the next 30 seconds I'll never say Otters again.

  56. Meekin, I'm responding to you. You didn't say I had to reply.

  57. Charles Robinson as Lil' Naitch was the best.

  58. Stranger in the AlpsMay 12, 2014 at 1:12 PM

    Meh....I don't find impressions all that funny, but especially in a wrestling setting. To me, it lacks originality. If you're going for funny, why can't you just stand there and make, you know, funny jokes. These days it's hard to laugh at a parody when a shill like Michael Cole is laughing WAY TOO HARD, in an attempt to tell the audience that this is supposed to be funny.

  59. Piper calling the Gooker "A hit!" at SurSer, while the booing is quite audible: Hilarious.

    Cole fake-laughing through another business-exposing skit: Die Cole Die.

  60. How will the waitress know what to bring you?

  61. I can too. .I'm on...Well, I don't know really. They're little green and white pills, if that helps any

  62. I was actually just watching the Rock before Armageddon this morning!
    That's gotta be my favorite. The HHH one is glorious. You could kinda tell though that he was nervous to do the Austin impression.

  63. He doesn't even know what he is. One minute he's cheering on the heels, the next he's marking out for Los Matadores.

  64. I swear to god mini-lawler is Wee Man.

  65. Somebody already mentioned Jason Sensation and his great Owen Hart among others.
    I liked Mideon as the fake Mankind and Edge and Christian as The Conquistadors.
    The worst? Vince doing JR.

  66. But are either as good as Punks impersonation of a mature adult?!?! Tune into Nitro to find out!!

  67. "I literally had tears in my eyes watching it." There's a Bret Hart joke in here somewhere.

  68. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 12, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    Mideon did a GREAT Mankind impersonation.

  69. Not sure if this was mentioned yet but Heyman did a great Austin

  70. TJ: This has nothing to do with wrestling but I just needed to say that Chromeo's new album is amazing and everyone should buy it.

  71. Just watched the above The Rock video. I remember how great it was at the time as well. It really launched him into the next level. Just watch how quickly he switches expressions. This should be played when he goes into the Hall of Fame.

  72. Burns and Hunnicut coexisted for a season or two before Winchester arrived, but you still get an upvote.

  73. Stone Cold's. There's several great Show/Austin stories on that podcast. I'd love to see the match that had 8 stunners in it, and the spot where Show gets pissed and picks Austin up by his trunks, giving him a wedgie for the next day and a half in the process.

  74. I didn't know vending machines like that existed. Do they? I want all the candy and chips I've lost over the years.

  75. Hold that 10 for Johnny B. BadMay 12, 2014 at 2:01 PM

    For stealing a move: On (I think) the go-home Smackdown to Survivor Series 2002, Angle has a singles match with one of the other 5 guys from the Smackdown 6, and the other 4 all end up at ringside. Eddie taunts Angle from the outside. In retaliation, Angle slaps The Lasso from El Passo on his opponent. Eddie starts flipping out, yelling "That's my move! That's move!" Meanwhile, Angle is in the ring, cranking away, and yells "This move sucks!" while still applying it to his opponent. Thinking about it now still made me chuckle.

  76. The bit in 2010 where Santino does an impression of Jericho with wig and suit. "All of you peep-holes...are plotting against me. I am the best at whatever it is I do. There is a conspiracy against me. Jesse Ventura should investigate."

  77. Hold that 10 for Johnny B. BadMay 12, 2014 at 2:04 PM

    Gotta love Santino reviewing Austin's movie too for Raw's 15th anniversary show. "No one is going to stomp a mud pie. J.R. will not nearly reach the point of orgasm."

  78. Most of it would probably be expired by now.

    The machines are real though, These are the days of miracles and wonders.

  79. I could watch promos all day

  80. Crap, an hour late.

  81. Shawn Michael's favorite impression is Jericho's Doink impression.

  82. I do, I have it on DVD.

  83. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 12, 2014 at 2:24 PM

    I find that Armageddon HIAC promo by Rocky kinda goofy, aside from the legit funny "I'm gonna drink a big glass of milk!" That promo could've easily come out of John Cena.

  84. That skit should have been 2 min tops. It went on waaaaaay to long to be funny

  85. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 12, 2014 at 2:27 PM

    As far as the question goes, Jason Sensation as ______. I think his SCSA is dead on.

  86. Shawn still defends his actions, saying he did the same for many large guys like Nash. Bullshit

  87. That pic is going to get old real fast.

  88. Hogan was still entrenched with wcw at the time and the stooges used his theme from 99-2001. They weren't testing

  89. It's good in....

  90. Except for the miz commenting on EVERYTHING. The fact that he thought the rock was really cool in 1999 and made him like wrestling makes me really hate the rock right now.

  91. Why did your folks change their mind and start calling you Paul instead?

  92. I watched that match the other day actually and it was weird. I really liked it but in that case I think having known the details through osmosis alone it felt a little underwhelming, especially the foley v. vince stuff.

  93. Will Sasso does quite a few good ones as well.

  94. Stone Cold Shark Boy always cracked me up for some reason. Loved Jay Lethal's Flair impression, as well.

  95. Harlan Leverage IIIMay 12, 2014 at 3:04 PM

    HBK doing the Undertaker's entrance on Raw during the buildup to the first HITC.

  96. No love for the so terrible it was awesome impersonation that was Kevin Nash as AA?

  97. Yeah.....I stand corrected - the best EVER Hands Down!

  98. I think it'd be cool if, for the next "Old-School RAW," they have current wrestlers pay homage to old-school wrestlers ... just for one night drop most of the current storylines and have it be an NXT-style show that's more focused on wrestling and gimmicks. So even though Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler are babyfaces and wouldn't normally wrestle each other, for this night they would if they were playing the roles of, say, Bret Hart (Bryan) and Rick Rude (Dolph).
    Bryan would come out to Bret's music with a Bret-like outfit and wrestle a Bret-style match with Bret moves, even cut a Bret-like promo beforehand. Same for Dolph as Rude. And play it semi-serious and let the crowd figure it out, instead of Cole/King ruining it in every match with, "HA! LOOK-AT-DIS! HE'S BRET HART! KING LOOK, IT'S A GOAT PLAYING BRET HART!"
    I think it'd be cool because you'd get to see some wrestlers mix it up and change their styles a bit, and if they're playing guy they grew up watching, they'd obviously be having fun and it would come through on screen.

  99. Oh, and find Stone Cold ET on youtube and get ready to laugh.

  100. Harlan Leverage IIIMay 12, 2014 at 3:33 PM

    Of course, we are all embarrassing ourselves as wrestling nerds for forgetting to mention either DDP as La Parka or Dean Malenko as Ciclope.

  101. Edge's Ric Flair "Road Rage" impersonation is the gold standard of impersonations.

  102. Masks are cheating.

  103. For all the times that I hear about Cena burying an opponent, or no selling them as possible threats, I think of Rock, and how he was a gazillion times worse. I mean he's about to go into a cell with 5 main eventers, and he basically makes a big joke out of all 5 of them. And he did this ALL THE TIME. Granted, it was funny, but it's not fair to criticize Cena for it, when Rock was so much worse.

  104. My friends and I marked out like crazy when he Hulked up and hit the big boot and legdrop. That should have been the finish, but Angle kicked out. It was a prelude to losing our shit all over again during Hogan vs. Rock two years later.

  105. I loved the crowd's astonished "holy shit, he sounds just like him!" cheers when he said "Well enough is enough, and it's time for a change!"

  106. Heyman's Austin impression on the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD is spot on. "Those fucking assholes, they fired me!"

  107. The mouth made it.

  108. I've heard several people do an impression of Vince - Kevin Kelly, Jim Ross, Heyman....and ALL of them use the word "pal" excessively ("Sorry pal, we can't do that tonight"). Now I just imagine every backstage Vince convo using it once per sentence.

  109. Knuckleberry PinnMay 12, 2014 at 4:52 PM

    And also get ready to....WHOOOOOP VINCE MACK-MAN'S AYYAAS!

  110. Knuckleberry PinnMay 12, 2014 at 4:54 PM

    I really like "TONIGHT-UH, I AM THE GAME-UH."

  111. Ok, that was good.

  112. Three responses to Rock-Cena:

    1: "LOL ROCK WINS" is NOT a meme for a reason. "LOL CENA WINS" IS a meme for a fairly similar reason.
    2: Rock's stuff was at least moderately witty and fresh at the time, Cena had the same positive during his "Wigger" run. But Rock didn't do that stuff for NEARLY TEN YEARS NOW.
    3: Heel Rock: Cool. Face Rock: Not Cool.

  113. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 12, 2014 at 5:11 PM

    Oh yeah, his Austin impression in that segment with Jericho was great. "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THE RATTLESNAKE SAYS, IT MATTERS WHAT MY WATCH IS TELLING ME!"

  114. Heyman's Vince impression is one of the greatest things I've ever heard.

  115. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 12, 2014 at 5:14 PM

    I also remember from a Botchamania a clip of a shoot with James Mitchell who did an amazing Sandman impression. He was talking about how a flash paper stunt went awry and he was bleeding profusely and everyone thought it wasn't real with Sandman yelling "AWWW, RED GUY, THAT'S THE BEST ONE YET, THAT'S A GREAT GIMMICK!"

  116. 2003 Hollywood Rock, any promo was gold.

  117. Even when I'm doing Vince on the blog, I know to use pal. He just looks like that kind of guy, you know?

  118. the crowd doing a "Hogan" chant was hilarious.

  119. I don't think it ruins that match in any way (I generally think that match is underrated).

  120. Different because while when the Rock did it, a)yes it was funnier, and b)there wasn't this inevitability that the Rock would win unlike Cena. I remember my dad and I were watching wrestling around this time, and he made the comment something like "man, the Rock sure gets his ass kicked and loses all the time". I think there's a difference making fun of everyone and not necessarily backing up your talk vs Cena where you get the feeling he'll make fun of everyone, AND win the match in convincing/non-chalant fashion.

  121. Wait, no love for Nash as Double A?

  122. Well, apparently I'm 6 hours late.

  123. That Rock promo makes me feel like there hasn't been any promos with such a hot crowd in a while

    I mean Heymans have been pretty good, but that crowd is hyped

  124. Anthony from Opie and Anthonys Angry Vince impression is good enough to have influenced how Vince Mcmahon actually talks



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