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QOTD 158: Pastamania

To the left is an affront to God. It's a Spicy Pepper Jack...bagel.

Bagel. With the Pepper Jack...goop on top instead of in the middle.

It costs 4 dollars.

It's...really gross.

What's the weirdest / grossest / strangest food you've tried? What's your favorite pro-wrestling related food? 

Bonus: Have you ever had a KFC Double Down? How did the subsequent triple-bypass go? 

I had a wannabe European roommate back in the day who was obsessed with all things foodie - so he got me to try whatever it was Anthony Bourdain was going on about from week-to-week, including Foie gras, which tasted like a mashed up Slim Jim.

The only wrestling related food item I can remember eating was a strange ice cream sandwich on a stick with a drawing of The Rock on it. It was strange.  

I have had a KFC Double Down, and ya know what? I liked it. It helps it was part of a group of us deciding to just go and get them ironically, but regardless I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of whatever pride I had left at the time shrink my arteries.

I also hosted a stupid-ass food show back in College (and it was bad) where I tried (or tried to try) all kinds of weird foods: See below as we try Ethiopian food (apologies for several jokes that, upon looking up various geopolitical facts about the country, are not true / not funny).


  1. I have had a KFC double down and I hated myself for it.

  2. It feels like the extra-marital affair of food. A terrible idea at all times save for the 5-10 minutes you're enjoying it so much you don't really care.

  3. I'm not processing how that pepperjack bagel could possibly be gross. It looks and sounds amazing.
    I haven't eaten too exotically, but the Wisconsin State Fair tries to trot out some shocking dishes every year. Probably my weirdest eat there has been a cheeseburger served in a Crispy Cream donut. I think I also had some chocolate covered bacon on top of it.

    For some reason I associate Doritos with wrestling more than any other snack chip. If I buy a bag of chips to eat while watching a PPV, it's always Doritos.

  4. Always enjoy a KFC Double Down.

  5. I'm so intrigued by this crispy creme donut burger you speak of

  6. I dated this fitness freak girl in undergrad who would eat insanely healthy except for eating potato chips and dipping them into sour cream.

    Not sure you can get grosser than the old Monte Cristo from Bennigans. I bartended there in undergrad and loathed anyone who would order one

  7. Just straight sour cream? Or like sour cream and onion dip? Because potato chips and sour cream and onion dip....not much better in life.

  8. I don't know if it's a strictly New England thing but we have all these little craft stores that sell plants and spices and penny candy and giant pickles and they always have insane dip mixes that you really can't find anywhere else in big stores. It's wild.

  9. Man, I was sick of all this great wrestling talk show recaps. Lets talk about all the shitty food Meekin has shoved down his palate. To top if off, for a shit desert we get a shitty video of Paul not being funny.

  10. Straight sour cream. It was so weird

  11. Down the street there’s a sign that says “Deaf Child At Play”. But the family with the deaf kid moved away last year.

    They took the deaf kid with them, but they left their sign here.

    This bothers me for two reasons. One: It seems fraudulent. A sign like that makes everyone in the neighborhood liars. Two: it seems like a waste of a perfectly good deaf kid sign.

    I tried calling the city to see if they could do anything about it, but I looked in the phone book and online for hours searching for a listing for “The City”. It’s just not there.

    I tried the post office, but they said "deaf kid" signs weren't their responsibility. I said, "If everyone felt that way, what kind of world would we be living in?" If you can't trust signs anymore, what's left? Billboard?!. They change every month. But I didn't want to make a scene at the post office, so I bought some stamps and left. They had Harry Truman's picture on them.

    I decided that if anyone is going to do anything about the fraudulent sign, I probably would have to do it myself. So I did.

    What I decided to do is this: Once I week I round up some deaf children (They’re easy to catch. They can’t hear you sneaking up on them) and bus them into the neighborhood so they can play by the sign for about an hour so before I ship them all back home. This way the sign would be honest again.

    I used to join in the “fun” with the kids, but I don’t anymore. I found out that most of the best games don’t really work very well when you’re playing them with a bunch of deaf kids. The “Marco Polo” game never even got off the ground . Then we tried playing “Red Rover” but that was a bust too. We just ended up standing in two lines holding hands and staring at each other until we all started to die a little inside.

    Anyway, I ate hummus once because no one told me it was really just mashed up peas. That's baby food. Grown ups shouldn't be eating stuff like that.

  12. Hummus sucks.

  13. ok. that's a little odd.

  14. Lol. Missed the video on first reading. Why did I watch that?

  15. Meekin is poopy is the lesson here.

  16. It was honestly pretty good. Like, I've been trying to clean up my diet a bit, but I wouldn't not order one were Crispy Cream and Burger King to climb into bed together.

  17. You know, everyone likes to pick on Meekin, but I think there's one thing we can all agree on. Man, or woman, straight or gay I think we all can say that given half a chance we'd all like to fuck Paul Meekin.

    I mean, I'm straight, but those chubby cheeks and high pitched voice... it's adorable. It would be like fucking a Care Bear.

  18. Foodies might be the most obnoxiousness sect of people in the world. We get it, you like food...just like EVERYONE else in the fucking planet. The difference is most people are normal about it as opposed to foodies who have the urge to turn it into a pretentious attention gimmick.

  19. The hipsters of the diner.

  20. Yeah, I don't think eating should ever be considered a hobby.

  21. God that's a great description of them.

  22. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 17, 2014 at 10:06 AM

    I always found the "Deaf Child Area" sign kind of silly. I mean, I used to date a deaf chick, and outside of the fact that she couldn't use a phone (this would be a good thing, BTW) she was a totally normal and well-adjusted chick, seems kind of offensive to single them out like that.

    Funny story: just before my parents split up I was rolling around with them, and my dad seen one of those signs, and he pulls over and yells at some random kid "Are you deaf?" The kid screams back at the top of his lungs "NO, ASSHOLE!" No wonder my mom left him, fucking dickhead. Though that was funny as all hell.

  23. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 17, 2014 at 10:07 AM

    The store bought kind does, you gotta make that shit yourself.

  24. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 17, 2014 at 10:09 AM

    Do I count as a foodie? I don't think I do, it's my craft, but I can see how people would get that impression.

  25. Well, need to homemade then.

  26. "Then we tried playing “Red Rover” but that was a bust too. We just ended up standing in two lines holding hands and staring at each other until we all started to die a little inside."

    This made the long post worth reading

  27. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 17, 2014 at 10:10 AM

    I forget off-hand how to do it (damn concussions...), but it's pretty easy.

  28. I wish I had a grill. If I had a grill I would be cooking food on it. Stoves and microwaves suck.

  29. Did you enjoy Man vs Food?

  30. take some chick peas - smash them. Serves how many ever people you can fool into eating smashed up peas

  31. I don't think I enjoyed it though. KFCs around here are a cesspool and Amish/Mennonite restaurants around me have great fried chicken. I'd rather do that instead.

  32. Naw, foodies are like porn...tough to describe but you know it when you see it.

  33. What about ovens?

  34. Never watched it actually

  35. do they take credit cards?

  36. Just watch the South Park episode to understand better.

  37. What's the point of hummus? I put chick peas in a lot of stuff though.

  38. They suck too. For the longest I've wanted to say fuck it and put an open fire grill and pizza oven in my kitchen.

  39. To did anything in it, like Spinach dip.

  40. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 17, 2014 at 10:15 AM

    Pro wrestling related food? I didn't know such a thing existed. I mean, I did have some pretty slamming chili at an indy show one time, though the lack of available Tabasco sauce was disappointing. Do I gotta carry a bottle of that shit around with me like it's fucking Visine or something?

    Weirdest thing I ever ate was that Japanese puffer fish thing that can kill you on the spot if it's not cut right. Fogu or some shit? I dunno, I just woke up... Anyway, it sucked.

  41. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 17, 2014 at 10:15 AM


  42. There's Hulk Hogan's Pastamania, The aforementioned WWF Ice Cream sandwiches, and I'd imagine throughout the years there's been fruit snacks / etc.

  43. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 17, 2014 at 10:16 AM

    I just think I should automatically be excluded. I mean, it'd be different if I worked in a bank or something.

  44. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 17, 2014 at 10:17 AM

    Spinach dip is the shit.

  45. Reminds me of when my neighbor bitched out our local grocery store for letting The Salvation Army donation people take donations there

  46. Vince had a Virgil based watermelon and fried chix food line back in the day

  47. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 17, 2014 at 10:19 AM

    Oh, OK, I gotcha. I mean, to me wrestling related food is nachos, shitty pizza from the spot around the corner from the fire hall, and $2 Labatt drafts.

  48. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 17, 2014 at 10:20 AM

    Vince as in McMahon, or Vince as in Virgil?

  49. I see what you're doing here, and it's making me giggle.

  50. I ordered a durian boba from a local Vietnamese restaurant once. I'm not sure if people have boba in other parts of the country, but it's a smoothy-type drink where they put big tapioca pearls in the bottom. When you take a sip, you get this chewy thing, kind of like a gummy bear. Anyway, that part is ok. The durian is what ruined it. It tastes like someone mixed tropical fruit and rotten chicken.

  51. I suppose I should have said Wrestling-branded food. Like those Herb Adams cookies.

  52. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 17, 2014 at 10:21 AM

    Oh man, that sounds fucking gross. And I love southeast Asian food.

  53. You're lucky. I don't know porn when I see it. I've pissed away a fortune away on Reader's Digest and Encyclopedia Brown books, just hoping that there would be something in there I could jerk off too.

  54. I used to live in Little Vietnam in Chicago and the crazy shit they had there was insane. Pho is awesome, and then they had those cool little rice buns / cakes where the outside would be some kind of sweet dough and inside would be either chocolate / beef / pulled pork / egg and ham / it was awesome.

  55. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 17, 2014 at 10:22 AM

    To be fair, I didn't really read the post, just skimmed trough it.

  56. I'm not sure if you've seen the episode of the Golden Girls where everyone suddenly wants that one guy who doesn't understand why everyone wants him, but my life is kinda like that. I just fall into people (literally in some cases!). It's weird.

  57. Glutton for punishment (See what I did there)

  58. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 17, 2014 at 10:32 AM

    Chick peas? Fuck that, they're fucking garbanzo beans.

  59. French toast and ranch dressing: two of my favorite foods growing up but disgusting together.

  60. I think ranch dressing needs to usurp mayonnaise as the default third condiment nation wide.

  61. It's gotten to the point where I really don't enjoy anything fried anymore. Even like fried chix I have a tough time eating

  62. Please explain ranch dressing on pizza. Is it just a southern thing? "Ranch" was never a pizza accessory growing up in NJ

  63. WWE may be sitting at a crossroads right now.

    So here's a question about fucking food.


  64. Eh, the thing with Salsa is that unless you're doing some sort of scooping motion you're really just getting tomato sauce.

  65. I had hákarl in Iceland, which is pretty much just fermented shark meat that was too rotten to eat fresh.

  66. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 17, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    did anyone ever try mean gene's burgers?

    doesn't victoria/tara have a smoothie place?

  67. I figured you all had...72 hours or so to talk about wrestling through various posts, and perhaps wanted to discuss something different.

    But I also understand this is literally the only post on the blog and if the question isn't about wrestling there's no one there place here to talk about it.

  68. steak sauce makes a lot of things better

  69. I've put it on sandwiches, burgers, etc before. Different but I liked it

  70. also - russian dressing on french fries

  71. I realize that was a little harsh, so here's some constructive criticism:

    You are completely misreading your audience here.

    The BOD is not a casual spot for casual fans to try to draw them into a casual discussion. The commentariat here represents the smarkiest of the smarks.

    Now, I'm going to take a wild guess about your approach to the QOTD. What you do is select a general topic, then try to spin it into wrestling. If this is a casual spot for casual fans to have a casual discussion, then that is an A+ perfect approach. But here... it's completely off-base, and when you have a group that would prefer to go in-depth about one of their favourite hobbies, it's practically insulting.

    So here's my advice: instead of starting with a general topic and working professional wrestling into it, START with professional wrestling and look for something in there. You have dozens of regulars who are eager to go at it for hours on end on a question like "What match at WMX was better? Bret/Owen or Shawn/Razor" or "What Flair/Steamboat match was the best?" That's the type of stuff we're coming here to talk about.

    Seriously, Paul. You're involved in entertainment. You KNOW that understanding your audience is important and you're completely missing the mark. Wake up.

  72. Melted peanut butter between two waffles. It will make you believe in god.

  73. "So here's my advice: instead of starting with a general topic and working professional wrestling into it, START with professional wrestling and look for something in there"

    Well said. I lile having a non wrestling thread of its a good topic but these have jumped the shark.

    Stuff like "favorite wrestling dvd" or "is Randy Orton underrated" would be light enough but would spur tons of conversation

  74. We lived in the south when I was little, and when we were driving around in a mostly black neighborhood and wanted my dad to stop at a McDonald’s, and he didn’t want to, he would tell us that we couldn’t because they put chitterlings on their hamburgers there . If we wanted to stop to use the bathroom he told us that we’d catch black plague from the toilet seats.

    I know that’s a pretty racist thing for him to have said, but it probably did save him a lot of time and money. Life is full of trade-offs like that.

  75. Being Scottish, Haggis is obviously up there.

    Must admit I'm quite partial to the odd pizza crunch - take a cheese pizza, dip it in batter then deep fry it. Mmmm.... heart attack in waiting...

  76. Hey, at least people are on topic here for once.

  77. Sort of like bubble tea? I don't like bubble tea.

  78. I love to grill and BBQ, but there's plenty of good things to make in a pan too.

  79. I'm not huge on spinach dip, but I like hummus as a sandwich spread.

  80. I don't know

    Can I take over the QOTD?

  81. I answered this in the Vince thread.

  82. What would you be asking

  83. Definition of a Foodie.

  84. Wrestling related questions

  85. Various livers, tripe, haggus, kidneys, sweetbreads.. And I go to Chinatown for dim sum a few times a year and there's some pretty exotic stuff there that I've tried, although I couldn't tell you the name of any of it,

    I don't think that I've ever eaten any wrestling related foods.

    I haven't been to a KFC in like 15 years or more, but otherwise I would totally try the double down, even if I don't think I'd like it much. I'm not big on most fried stuff.

  86. You have to thank Caliber for all this, it's because of him that the QOTD's aren't 100% wrestling related.

  87. You should really only double down if the dealer is showing slaw or gravy.

  88. Aren't Foodies refined food snobs? The Man vs. Food contests always seemed to traverse the spectrum of extreme blue collar indulgences.

  89. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 17, 2014 at 11:41 AM

    Pain in the ass to make though. I mean, if you're just making enough to eat for the night it's easy, but when you're making 40 pounds of the shit? That's a fucking workout mixing all that shit by hand.

  90. You need to compile and publish these crazy but hilarious ramblings.

  91. Anthony Bordain has to be one.

  92. one word - Melt.

  93. I have a grill and the weather is shitty and rainy so I can't use it.

  94. I eat Fruity Pebbles with John Cena on the box. Does that count as wrestling food?
    It was so fun to watch a jokey insult from The Rock grow into a full-blown marketing campaign with Cena on the damn box.

  95. reppin C-Town to the fullest. Johnny Football style.

  96. Favorite Melt was the Turkey Bomb.


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