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QOTD 159: (T)here Comes (Goes) the Money

WWE Stock - Lifetime
WWE U.S. Audience Profile:
  • 61% are male
  • 15% are ages 12-17
  • 67% are ages 18-49
  • 41% are males 18-34
  • 33% are non-white
  • 29% have a HHI of 75K or higher
  • 15% have a HHI of 100K or higher

So the WWE lost a bunch of money, huh? Over a TV deal and a gamble on the WWE Network. Thankfully it's more-or-less theoretical money and I doubt the stock dive will affect attendance / the fanbase.

If you were the WWE what would you do to solidify investor relations? What can the WWE do to generate the same massive positive impact the WWE Network had on stock?

  My theory? I present to you "The Troll Zone"

Reality TV owes quite a lot to Pro Wrestling - they both in a sense dramatize competition and feature largely manufactured interpersonal drama between cast members. The only issue is that Reality TV still has Kayfabe. I vote the WWE shows it who's boss.

With WWE already having a presence on Total Divas and such - it'd be easy to have feuds and story-lines branch out to things like concerts, MMA fights, sporting events, TMZ, and so on.  In my world I envision John Cena throwing out the first pitch at a Red Sox game and getting attacked by Bray Wyatt, or "The Whole World in his Hands" music coming on over the PA system.

If TMZ catches Triple H in an airport, I want Triple H complaining about Daniel Bryan / The Shield etc - in a way that's still professional and 'out of character' but still enough to juice the given feud. Remember the time Bret Hart went H.A.M on Will Sasso and the cast of Mad TV? How AWESOME was that as a kid (sure the feud turned to shit but the moment was cool!)

Even better is if the WWE captured these things in a way they didn't deliberately acknowledge (but actually did themselves). For example if they obtained some disturbing 'fan captured' footage of Kane shopping at a local hardware store for implements of destruction for his PPV match.

If the WWE did this right, they'd find themselves in a situation where they're getting coverage on a variety of networks, TV shows, and internet sites that the buzz would grow rapidly just because of how interesting and wide-reaching it could be - especially if they kept the media outlets they're trolling mostly in the dark. Sure, most people would know it's fake, but the fact we wouldn't be 100 percent sure, would make it worth talking about.

Essentially I want everything the WWE does that isn't a typical promo, to feel dynamic enough where we have no idea where the next plot point will come from - a youtube video, public appearance - anything. Change the WWE from "Anything can happen in the WWE" to "Anything can happen where the WWE goes". 

But what we'll get in reality is probably a consolidation and the WWE Relying on the tried-and-true. I got a chance to talk to a pretty popular TV producer a few years ago and she made a GREAT point about television.

Essentially that when things go rough for a TV show that relies heavily on ratings and they start to wane, they focus on the things that they ASSUME their audience is there for. So for CSI it's all the cool science / gruesome stuff. For Scrubs it was smaller stories self-referential humor, Lost double-downed on the characters, and so on.

So for the WWE I thiiink this means if we see a change at all, it'll mean more Cena, more Triple H, more Shield, more Bryan, and I would imagine more special attractions. Don't be surprised if the WWE backs up a BRINKS truck to CM Punk and Steve Austin at some point because they're known commodities that put asses in seats.


  1. Finally a good QOTD, but it has been done to death for the past two days. Anywho, I thought I remembered reading that WWE's audience was a female majority now.

  2. My stats are straight from

  3. >67% of its audience are adults aged 18-49
    >Dumbs down for children anyway

    WWE, ladies and gentlemen!

  4. Stranger in the AlpsMay 18, 2014 at 11:19 AM

    Remove some of the polish of the production values, dump the horrible commentary, stop shilling yourself, and realize that the smallest portion of your audience is who you're catering to. If 67% of your audience are adults, then give them more mature programming. I'm not talking Attitude Era near-nudity and swearing. I'm talking just having more of an edge.

  5. So the dirtsheets lied? SAY IT AINT SO MEEKIN!

  6. If the Mattel deal is why they can't go back to TV-14, why can't they push to the edge of PG then?

  7. See that's tricky because I imagine those adults also watch with their kids who may be hardcore into it? Also us "adults" may represent the audience, but how many of us represent the majority of merch sales? Does the 20 percent of the audience that are kids buy up MORE merch than the entire 67 percent of adults with their finger on the Daily Motion button? Ya know?

  8. I mean I think they are. I don't think the issue from what I've seen is a lack of edge, we had wrestlers saying ass, Santino made a funny joke about tits on WWE Countdown the other day, and it seems to be less about edge and more about storyline quality.

    Like I don't think anyone wants Pixar movies to be edgier, and we can all agree those are universally well made and put together.

  9. You ever go to WWE's Corporate site? It's a wild world. It's funny because it's obvious they have all their shit together THERE, but because they're ultimately a creative entity it doesn't get a lot of credit.

  10. Ever since The Rock's return in 2011 they've been looser with the language. From 2008-10 everything was super neutered but since The Rock's promo "ass" and "damn" are said on a regular basis again and we even get the occasional bitch bomb.

  11. Here's some more cool WWE Stats:

  12. I like how they're doing things. Wyatt is spooky but not gross. He scares kids the same way The Wicked Witch did - which I think works best, if he was hanging folks and shit it'd be an over-the-top eyeroll.

  13. Language and blood aren't what they need to add. They need tougher heels who you believe have the faces in trouble. And a real mid-card you can take seriously.

  14. Side note: if the Mid South DVD was 20 dollars, that entire production made about 1.6 mil total.

  15. Not so bad as a youngin' though:

  16. Stranger in the AlpsMay 18, 2014 at 11:30 AM

    It's not even about sugestive language really. Build stronger heels by letting them go over on RAW and Smackdown. Not overkill, like The Authority vs. Daniel Bryan last fall. Don't be letting Cena get the final word in dueling promos....stop making midcard heels look like utter goofs.....stop with the 50/50 booking....let feuds actually END. Bring back blood where it's appropriate (ie, cage matches). I mean, that's a start.

  17. Stranger in the AlpsMay 18, 2014 at 11:30 AM

    You and me, Joedust....we're on the same page. We should book BoD RAW every week and hand it in to Bayless.

  18. If they are doing the Yes! chant at Pirates games and hockey games, why don't they get Daniel Bryan in front of those crowds to lead the chants? That could potentially create new fans.

    Even better, get Bryan there and then shoot an angle for the next ppv that might lead to people buying through the Network! instead they're chanting YES! at Pirates games and nobody knows why.

  19. Stranger in the AlpsMay 18, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    Yeah, but the problem is that 67% of adults believe that Cena will win at every turn.

  20. I paid probably $25 I think for the Blu-Ray version.

  21. Yeah but can you blame them for not? Audiences today have trouble with characters they're supposed to hate.

    People who watched Dexter hated Rita even though she was SUPER IMPORTANT to Dexter's they killed her to keep the audience happy.

    People who watched Breaking Bad constantly hated Skylar and hoped for her character to die beacuse she was so 'annoying' and 'bland' - despite the fact the entire point of her character was to serve as this mundane foil to Walter's new exciting life, etc.

    If we got a heel on top with the title that we really did hate, that beat everyone, we'd be in Triple H territory from a few years ago, where every win for him didn't feel like 'building a strong heel' but instead 'holding down the rising star'

  22. They won't if he'd start losing some matches. And not like that cage match at Extreme Rules, but actually getting fucking pinned.

  23. Moral of the story; The WWE is going to be a-okay!

  24. I agree. I want to see the WWE Universe collide with our real world in strange and funny ways.

  25. I buy one type of merch -- Blu-Rays. I've occassionally bought a t-shrt but none of the other merchandise appeals to me.

  26. Stranger in the AlpsMay 18, 2014 at 11:35 AM

  27. Yes! Exactly like that!

  28. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 18, 2014 at 11:38 AM

    The merch sales are not that big. They could make that money back by having more people watching the product. Of course since they've made the product $10 a month, I guess that gets a little sketchy

  29. This is a good question Meekin. It's habit that I try and derail your threads but I'll refrain. However, I'm at the beach sipping Stolis so I have nothing to contribute.

    Maybe CultStatus will give us some great ideas like "redo WM 9" or "stage a Shane McMahon invasion stroyline".

  30. They've made the PPVs ten dollars a month which I think at the worst equates to about the same year-long revenue in the long run. You're locked in for 60 bucks, which is about the cost of Wrestlemania, and since most folks already buy JUST one or two PPVs, it kind of works out.

  31. Well, except I haven't bought a dvd since. Cause you know the network and stuff.

  32. They got another 60 dollars of your money. So I mean if there's 500k subscribers, that's...30,000,000

  33. I can give you what they can do but Vince can pay me for it first.

  34. Here's a thought that could help the network, but they'd probably never do -- partner with a MMA promotion to put their events/archive on the network. Hell I don't even know if they COULD do it -- what's left beside UFC (who obviously would have no interest) or Bellator (who has a relationship with Spike, right?).

  35. Yeah, one of the things that bothers me about this sky is falling mentality is that they've made 36,000,000 on the network and 50,000,000 more on their new TV deal.

    I wish I was having that bad a week.

  36. I always thought that if indie promotions offered to split any of the streaming revenue 50/50 of their shows they'd have themselves a nice backup plan.

  37. What WWE needs

    Better midcard
    Threatning heels
    More sympathetic Babyfaces

  38. ROH decided to fill the void on traditional PPV though, right?

  39. I don't think going the reality tv route is necessary cause they have tons of tv time already. HBK and Bret showed that work/shoots shouldn't really be a thing.

    Pro wrestling shouldn't be that hard. Want to make the fans happy just put on something watchable. How do you make investors happy? No idea.

  40. Weird, I'm watching his match at No Mercy 2000 right now.

  41. What I think they could really use is maybe some shows with these characters that aren't wrestling related, there's no reason they couldn't build a cartoon around DBry or Cena that doesn't effect the actual product in any way but gets the names and brand out there to a wider audience.

  42. You make investors happy by growing the fanbase.

  43. Give the people what they want=money.More money,more investors happy.

  44. Just watched his debut at Clash 22.

  45. it's simple in theory but who knows how much crap you are having to get through in order to do that.

  46. As Bischoff showed, it's not that simple when dealing with suits.

  47. WCW was really a hell.As much we criticise Vince,it's better him in charge than people than do not love the business.

  48. Man Bill Watts as a fucking idiot in 92/93. Both the tag champs and the challnegers get jobber entrances at Clash 22. No music or nothing.

  49. True that but a the same time Vince still can't book whatever he wants when he wants.

  50. What suits is WWE dealing with? It's more Vince crazily changing the directions from week to week, and saying that it doesn't matter what goes on in the midcard because no one follows it anyway.

  51. No shit right? Listening to Eric on Austin's podcast and he's talking about how even the television crew would be shuffled around every week because Turner looked at WCW as part of their sports brand, so maybe your director is just gone next week to go cover the NBA or something.

    What a total goddamn nightmare.

  52. They absolutely should be backing the BRINKS truck up to CM Punk's apartment in Chicago to headline Payback. If they strip Bryan of the title, Punk should be the guy to get it and set up a Bryan/Punk showdown at Summerslam.

    Payback is in CHICAGO for god's sake.

  53. I cannot imagine in any way that Punk gets to come back to Hunter's company with a push.

    And Hunter's right.

  54. He was in Bushwacker luke's gym other day.

  55. They still have investors and network people to deal with. Yeah, he has his share of the blame, but from what I understand he can't change the overall direction of the company (Cena) without getting an ok.

  56. Hunter's right not to want to make money?

  57. Which means Cena on top for the next 10 years

    Darth Vader Nooooooo!

  58. Wow, I didn't know it got that deep. I would really be interested in a movie on that time period or even a tv show.

  59. Vince wasted him on midcard when he was WWE champion,they had the opportunity to create a legit star.

  60. At the risk of pushing him just for him to walk out and now you've wasted your investment?

    Punk brings nothing, that show in Chicago will be sold out regardless and the company won't have to deal with a congenitally unhappy person in their locker room.

  61. I don't want to get into that again, but the show is stale. I believe that part of the reason for that is Vince can't change it. I would have to think he would if he was able to.

  62. Another thing they should be doing: PUT COMMERCIALS ON THE NETWORK. Most of the shows in the archive have built-in commercial breaks anyway. Do the thing and throw in a three commercial/90-second break.

  63. Eric does FOUR shows with Austin, they're fascinating.

  64. If they, they should absolutely announce it ahead... a surprise doesn't help them pick up subscribers but if they teased heavily that Punk will be there and deliver they could pick up a good number heading into the show.

  65. If they offered an ad-supported network I think it'd made for some interesting...ideas.

  66. That's the problem,attitude era had flaws(they were many) but had this anything goes type of feeling,it had this timeline,you saw people rising slowly to stardom.

  67. Right the show is sold out, but the repuation of Chicago ppv crowds and Punk returning would help make the random June ppv suddenly a must-see event, along with the crowning of a new WWE Champion who could be Punk, who could be the only guy that HHH would want as champion less than Daniel Bryan? I mean it's a great storyline. Then you can do HHH/Punk at BattleGround (or Money in the Bank or whatever is next).

    It's about trying to increase network subscriptions. Punk *CAN* do that.

  68. He never reached it's full potential,tons of PPV he was defending the title on the midcard,Cena was still the top guy.

  69. Don't get me wrong, it would make great television.

    But as a company I don't see why you hire a guy back that did everything in his power to fuck you and then you REWARD him.

    Sometimes it's not about the money, it's about the cancerous attitude you're inviting into your surroundings.

  70. Network people yes. Do you think investors are really giving a shit about storylines? The stock price wasn't dropping when the WrestleMania main event was Batista/Orton.

  71. It's not just that. As we all said before nothing has changed. The set, the wrestlers, the announcers. They even put the divas match on at the same time every Monday, that's how predictable it's gotten.

  72. He can't turn Cena heel because he's afraid his merchandise numbers will dry up.

    Once Cena stops selling shirts, he'll turn heel.

  73. It doesn't have to make him a heel,just make him more vulnerable.

  74. I think Eric is going to do JR's show soon, too.

    Also, isn't Schiavone doing JR's show? That one I'm really looking forward too (and I generally hate JR's podcast because he spends most of the whole show putting himself over).

  75. Even if it's just network people, Vince still doesn't have 100% creative control. How much does he have? Who really knows, but I don't think the climate they exist in gives much for long-term booking or creative freedom.

  76. His podcast is so irritating, it kind of gives me an understanding of why Vince loves shitting on him. I don't know about Schiavone but if he does I will defniitely listen.

  77. We've been through this before but the wrestling business has a history of this. Punk wouldn't be the first guy to pull this and get what he wants from it.

    It's a different era though so guys in the back may not look to fondly on it like in years past.

  78. Evidently CM Punk has been playing a lot of Sega Genesis NHL 94'. He has also been working out at the gay Bushwhackers gym. I'm certainly not the captain of the fan club but that is cool.

  79. I found JR to be a smug asshole. I get the feeling he hates the business and the fans, mostly the fans.

  80. For sure it's happening, but generally there's a period of humility for the guy that goes rogue.

    If they get him back for Payback he will have basically sat out six months of the year and then gotten instantly rewarded with a new deal. I just don't see Hunter not letting him go spin his wheels in a bingo hall for at least a few months first to make his dumb ass realize that he walked out on his alleged dream job.

  81. haha, honestly anyone who knows ANYTHING actually like, useful about this kind of thing is too busy making money with real companies and real stocks to care AT ALL about the WWE, and everyone else talking about it is just kinda spitballin.

  82. I'm actually shocked the cable / satellite companies didn't want to play ball with WWE about carrying the network. Wrestling, although viewed as trashy and low brow, has historically done huge cable TV ratings even in the worst of times. During the best of times they are one of the highest rated things on TV.

  83. One of the reasons they're not getting the increases they want is because us wrestlinf fans are fucking inbred slack-jawed morons, even though 660,000 of us just signed up for a service that requires high-speed internet and some kind of internet TV accessing device that costs anywhere from $100-$500 (Apple TV to a PS4) to use. So the Network does present them the opportinuty to put their own commercials in the network programming, and if it's for stuff like Kindles, video games or other higher-end products, they could use that market research to help show that expensive brands want to advertise with WWE.

  84. I respect your opinion but I don't see it that way. Punk paid his dues so I don't see him as this ungrateful dickhead. He believes his value is X and he's going to hold out for it. If the WWE brings him back it's because Punk was right and that his value is X.

  85. All I want is a Toys R Us gift card and Gerbers in catering

  86. True. I mean that's the reason golf is still on tv. Only 300k or so people watch it, BUT the people who watch it every week are the people buying rolexes and lexuses and shit. It's wild.

  87. Gay Bushwacker? I wonder how many kids caught the gayness from being licked by the Gay Bushwacker.

  88. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 18, 2014 at 12:29 PM

    BUt if he's gay why would he be a Bushwacker? I thought gays didn't like bush?

  89. I completely agree with you Meekin. This is exactly the kind of thing that I think they should be doing, it's what TNA has been *SLIGHTLY* better at, and I think it would give a lot of that edgy Attitude feel back, without it being all "PUPPIES!" and chair shots.

  90. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 18, 2014 at 12:33 PM

    How about doing something free VIA the internet? Does the WWE have a show they can maybe run through youtube?

    Run a show on youtube like the old Gorilla Monsoon/Bobby Heenan show capped off with a title match. I still think they missed a golden opportunity with Zack Ryders Internet CHampionship.

  91. "One of the Bushwhackers once entered a shower and put his mouth around Adrian Adonis' dick. When Adrian jumped, the Bushwhacker said "Blew your gimmick, mate!"

  92. WHAT?!?!? Punk left because not only was he not getting the main event, he was being pushed further down the card. He was not going to be missed -- he wasn't getting the main event so he left. And again we can reargue whether he was right or wrong all over again, but he'd fulfilled his contracts dates so they couldn't make him work anyway. If they wanted him to stay, they could have put him in a higher profile match.

    I mean, Batista left and he was rewarded with a Rumble win. Hogan left and was awarded with a high profile match against The Rock. So did Austin.

    And the WWE is rewarding him by giving him the chance to help THE WWE make MORE MONEY.

  93. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 18, 2014 at 12:33 PM, ew.

  94. They just missed with Ryder period. He could have been an opening match guy that popped the crowd for years.

  95. HOW LONG DID IT TAKE ADRIAN TO JUMP? Like seriously if I'm in the shower and someone jumps in with me I'm out.

  96. Before the network, I was watching a ton of legit stuff via Youtube on the WWE Channel.

  97. How fucking wild would it be if Punk actually won the belt on that show and then Cena turned heel and beat the shit out of him. Back up the Brinks truck to Titan Towers.

  98. They did this right with the Godfather. Godfather's music could hit tomorrow night and everyone is going to jump up.

  99. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 18, 2014 at 12:36 PM

    This is an area where TNA does better and can expand on. They use the internet for special interviews and things like that. The post RAW show is only available on the network.

  100. That would be even better than my plan.

    But unless Cena stops selling T-shirts it's not gonna happen.

  101. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 18, 2014 at 12:37 PM

    What good is it if no one knew about it?

    The let us know about Tout and whatever bullshit is trending on Twitter though.

  102. Light that blunt up . . .

  103. That one is probably not true.

  104. I had heard the gay Bushwhacker rumor long before I read that list.

  105. Punk doesn't want to comeback. Sorry.

  106. Oh my cracker they would be selling black Cena heel T Shirts like hot cakes.

  107. I mean him putting his dick in Adonis' mouth.

  108. Playing NHL 94' all day is a pretty awesome way to spend they day.

  109. I love NHL 2002 personally.

  110. Yeah I had that on PS2, great game.

  111. I don't know, if he was all pilled up and shit he might not have noticed right away, it was the 80's.

  112. I think NHL 2000 you could shoot from center ice and it would go behind the goalie. In NHL 2002, you would just go up to the goalie, fake him out and score.

  113. I don't think they were in the company at the same time

  114. Punk has to want to come back. The guy was making noise about leaving when his contract was up. Maybe that's why he wasn't main eventing Wrestlemania or was going to eat a Pedigree from HHH.

    Punk could've stayed and made tons of money. He chose not to. I'm sure he'll come back eventually, but you're just perpetually setting yourself up for disappointment.

  115. He was going to face HHH at Mania. The year before he fought the Undertaker. At 28 he was world champion. Punk is the one who complains about his status on the card, but then complains about life as a celebrity.

  116. Adonis and the Whackers had multiple runs in a multitude of promotions. Likely they worked the same show at some point. #toolazytoresearchthis

  117. I'm not going to read all that because I'm assuming it is retarded.

  118. Don't worry, I want it to be true too.

  119. I looked up the transcript for Punk's pipe bomb promo from June 2011. Everything he said then remains true to this day. Nothing changed and that's why I'm sure Phil Brooks is comfortable being retired. That being said the WWE has a senile Vince problem. Paul and Stephanie aren't that much better because as much they understand "this business" I don't think they understand much outside "this business". They assume everyone in the audience is stupid. Which is why you have a product catered to low information dolts.

  120. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 18, 2014 at 12:48 PM

    And screwing DIvas is a nice little perk too.

  121. The CM Punk world tour is coming to a end.He's doing a big bachelor party to celebrate,every chick he banged is gonna be in there.

  122. Wrestling is an interesting case study as the audience is split between intelligent fans with jobs, houses, degrees, etc. and dumb hillbillies or Juggalo types.

  123. Dumb hillbillies and Juggalos are only 5%.

  124. If he really is getting married he will be back to work in no time. Women can blow through money like an 80's stock broker doing coke.

  125. What's funny is that Vince cut a promo 15 years ago saying he was no longer going to insult the fans intelligence. Yet, here we are.

  126. I wouldn't be so sure about that.

  127. Have you been to a wrestling show?

  128. No,so you can downvote me for that.Forgive me.

  129. Oh, it's awful. Cena should throw out the first pitch at a game and be attacked by Bray Wyatt

  130. Oh,the irony.

  131. Yea, it's way more than 5 percent

  132. Aj already has 2 Million,how much punk has?

  133. no way AJ made that much

  134. AJ is late 20s and Punk is in his early 30s. Regardless of how much they have, no way they have 'fuck you' money. Unless he lives all frugal and shit, and I don't see him living that way.

  135. BTW,nice avatar picture.

  136. A Steiner mug shot in an nWo shirt, the 90's ruled.

  137. The JBL and Cole show. It is excellent.

  138. Once she squirts out a kid or 2 they will realize how little they really have if they want to maintain a certain lifestyle.

  139. I wonder If got never had the arm injury and never became a freak?

  140. More like half

  141. It must be interesting to see CM Punk as father.

  142. Is Slammyversary today?

  143. That's not a bad theory about exploiting hound media to forward angles. It does bring up security issues. If a detail is told that some guy in a wifebeater and straw hat is about to attack John Cena in the middle of a ballpark, it opens the door for something bad to happen. ie: that guy in Edmonton during the RVD/Eddie ladder match.

  144. Here is a legit question: I know we have a lot of atheists in the house (myself not included). I also believe CM Punk is an atheist. What is the point of getting married if you are atheist? There are no other worldly consequences for things like adultery and essentially marriage would just be a government piece of paper, so why bother?

  145. To add to this, I would argue that October 2013 - January 2014 (with Orton and Cena as champions) did severe damage to the brand. This was during the hype period for the Network, and WWE had a huge chance to re-invigorate the fan base. Instead they gave us 2010, which was the worst year in WWE since 1993/94.

  146. Benefits. Also, religion didn't invent marriage.

  147. benefits is a really weak answer.

  148. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 18, 2014 at 1:18 PM

    I think it's more of a symbol of how much you care about this other person. Also as cult said, benefits that you wouldn't get without that piece of paper.

  149. Aren't benefits sort of outweighed by the idea of losing half your shit?

  150. I don't see CM Punk getting married without signing a prenup.

  151. So I decided to sim ahead in a game of TEW to see what would happen. Started in Feb. 88 and stopped in Feb.90 to see the results:

    Honky Tonk Man is WWF World Champ, defeating Hogan at a SNME in Oct. Andre the Giant won the 89 Rumble. The main event of WM 5 was Honky successfully defending his title against One Man Gang. All the lulz.

    Flair dropped the NWA title in August 88 to Bobby Eaton before jumping to WWF. Dusty is now Heavyweight champ.

  152. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 18, 2014 at 1:21 PM

    What kind of weird alternate universe is that?

  153. Funny thing as the start of the game WWF was national sized and now they are global and number 1 in the game. HonkyMania is running wild!

  154. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 18, 2014 at 1:22 PM

    Prenups, also two people can really believe it will last. Another thing is as a society we've been told marriage is just something you do. You have a ceremony (doesn't have to be religious) and you get married to person you love. Also socially this should all be done before 30. Then you pump out a kid or two.

  155. Don't Be Cruel.

  156. Interesting forward thinking people would actively reject religion yet conform to societies accepted norms. Seems like a bit of a contradiction, no?

  157. My atheiest ex girlfriend REALLY wants to be married. You should ask her.

    And just because you don't believe in God doens't mean you don't believe you want to live with the same person and love them for the rest of your lives and want your friends to celebrate those things by buying you stuff from Target.

  158. When you can save a fair chunk of change on your tax bill, it's not that weak an answer.

  159. Thanks. I'm 36 and not married. Maybe I should just jump out the window.

  160. I don't know, I got half a chub reading that. Of course, when I read it, I was one of the Bushwhackers and Roman Reigns was Adrain Adonis.

  161. Not believing in god isn't about not conforming to societies accepted norms.

  162. Then why do homosexuals want marriage equality?

  163. AJ Lee: "If we get married, I'll let you put it anywhere."

  164. Probably shouldn't let a psychopath inform your thinking.

  165. I agree, but really if this it, I would be trying to find as much self gratification as possible. Making others feel good or sparing there feelings would only be worthwhile if it gratified the person. Unless you by some self righteous moral code. But why bother none of it matter anyway, right?

  166. I find the steroid tie in to relevant as both as a fan or wrestling and metal.

  167. If religion is the only thing keeping you a normal human being, you have serious mental problems.

  168. The agenda of pushing homosexuality past tolerated and into normalization. I have no opinion of this.


    Just spitballing around, on $250K the difference between single and married (NO other exemptions/credits) is a little more than $10K. (Single was just under 65K, Married was just over 54K)

    That's a little more than couch cushion money...

  170. TEW real world mods are very fuckee, hence the existence of the Cornellverse. Even that, though, can get weird towards the end. (Jim Force as USPW champion, anyone?)

  171. interesting theory

  172. Not every mod is fucked, but some do have SERIOUS balance issues.

    (I still remember the argument on the Hardys' Charisma/Sex Appeal/Mic scores, back in the mid-00s.)

  173. I can't get into the Cornellverse. I only play mods.

  174. I've seen one of the Heabangers body slam the Philly Phanatic back in 1997. Not the worst thing ever honestly.

  175. You're hitting every red flag in the asshole department with this thread.

  176. TJ: Our long national nightmare is finally over. Punk's broken Twitter silence...for hockey talk of course

  177. good answer, I love facts.

  178. It's not cheap to start up something that big so a year one loss was a given, but most of the financial panic is because WWE raised their break even point for the network at between 1.3-1.4 million subscribers.

    What people seem to fail to realize is that number is a worldwide subscription base and that it also is supposed to cover for the 100% Total Loss of PPV revenue not only in the US but worldwide.

    PPV Revenue is obviously going down but it's at least a year or 2 away from being eliminated entirely.

  179. Honestly, one of my biggest peeves with the Network is that I'm not getting Raw and Smackdown on it. If I can't watch the episodes live on the Network as it airs like I can with "Special Events" then at least allow me to watch the latest episode of Raw after it airs.

  180. Have you seen Noelle Foley? I'd be shocked if he hasn't already got to her!

  181. That's idiotic. Half of you guys are either newbies or somehow forgot how huge Sting was in the 90s. Christ...he was the biggest star WCW had for the duration of the company. Get that BS outta here...

  182. They are working on that with NBC Universal.

  183. I understand NBC's hesitancy to allow those shows to air on the network live, that would make zero sense for them.

    But why they're not uploaded to the network at worst 8 days later on a tuesday morning i don't understand.

  184. He meant like, no more plumbers and dentists.

  185. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 18, 2014 at 2:10 PM

    If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward then, brother, that person is a piece of shit.

    I agree with this 100%.

  186. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 18, 2014 at 2:12 PM

    Nope, just because you don't believe in a god doesn't mean you don't want to be like everybody else in society.

  187. Yes he was, but Daniel Bryan wasn't.

  188. Actually it'd make a ton of sense for them if they kept they just reached a deal to show all the same ads, too - that way all you're really doing is having your audience in two places. Count the connected 'network' views and the actual TV views, and then you have a far larger number of eyeballs than you're used too.

  189. The moment Mick gets his hands on him...

  190. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 18, 2014 at 2:17 PM

    Bobby Brown or Elvis?

  191. Geez, we Ohio people are part of a big Bible Belt.

  192. I'm not a very religious person at all actually.

  193. It was a sacrament though. It'd be like an Atheist being obsesses with getting First Communion.

  194. And they make us fell like idiots.

  195. But Raw and Smackdown are supposed to be driving viewers to the Network. Putting Raw and Smackdown on there doesn't help that purpose.

  196. It'll get rebooked into a heatless elimination tag match?


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