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QOTD 162: How you got to teach a course in anything is totally amazing!

One of the funnier things about being a wrestling fan is that you're never sure when someone is completely full of shit during an interview.

While Kevin Nash is an infinitely entertaining personality to listen too, his reputation as a meddler makes you take everything he says with a grain of salt. Though his "It's FAKE, Bret" line from the Stone Cold Podcast is awesome.

Thus, lets talk about the bullshitters, opportunists, manipulators, and liars we love to hate in our crazy little not-quite-sport.

On average, who in the wrestling world do you find to be full of the most shit by volume? Why?

1. Eric Bischoff - Just can't stand the guy for some reason. He's like 'Tony A" to Paul Heyman's "Tony B" - better looking, more 'professional', better dressed, etc. But for whatever reason I have a hard time listening to a word he says.

2. Shawn Michaels - Unlike Bish' I don't mind listening to Michaels talk, but I always get the sense there's something he's omitting / always covering his own ass. If you saw the Bret. Vs. Shawn Rivarly DVD you can tell that even though they buried the hatchet, Bret was just a biiittttt irked that Shawn was able to absolve himself of his sins by saying "Hey man I was in a dark place". He may have gotten clean, but he still seems to be a sneaky bastard (in a cool way).

3. Hulk Hogan - Hogan's important, sure, but outside of the Warrior documentary I didn't really find a lot of what he said to be super insightful, mostly because you always get the sense he's 'in character'.


Also if you want to 1) See a bunch of your favorite wrestlers lying through their teeth 2) Get some nostalgia going 3) and watch a good documentary (that's fake), let me suggest you watch "The Unreal Story of Professional Wrestling" which is so bad it's good. See below:

Tweet @MeekinOnMovies 


  1. 1.) Hogan
    2.) everyone else

  2. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 20, 2014 at 12:33 PM

    1. Flair. And I say that as a fan of the guy.
    2. Russo.
    3. Hogan

  3. JR. Holy crap, McMahon could literally take a dump on his head, and JR would talk about how awesome it is, and McMahon "knows what he's doing".

    Jim Cornette. I can't stand that moronic blowhard. He basically repeats the "IWC Line" and everyone talks about how great of a mind for wrestling he has. But his great mind can't book for s***, despite him constantly talking about how he could do it better.

  4. See I love Flair. I guess in a way he reminds me of my dad in that sure he gets a little boozy, but he works hard, provides the best he can, and has done more in his life than ANYONE judging him.

    He's maybe full of crap a lot, but it's the kind of crap you love to listen too, roll your eyes at, and smile and nod.

  5. 1.pre 2002 Shawn
    2.pre 96 Hogan 03 Bret.

  6. I think JR is a lot more complicit in the things they do to him than you'd think. He's a wrestling guy and he gets that the more legitimate he is, the better the heat will be when something dumb or stupid happens to him?

  7. 1. Hogan
    2. Hogan
    3. Hogan

  8. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 20, 2014 at 12:36 PM

    Pretty much. He's that one uncle everyone has who's clearly a blowhard, but you love him anyway.

  9. 3. My friends and I call Post 03 Bret High Indian Chief Bret Hart.

    He talks in this low, wise, elongated sentences that make every thing he says sound like a profound take on life, like he's taken enough shrooms for a lifetime or something.

  10. Strokes suck.

  11. I had the exact opposite reaction to the Bret-Shawn interview/DVD. Every bad thing Bret did came with an absolving excuse ("My character totally would've attacked you personally and crossed the line...yeah") while Shawn basically apologized for two hours. It was uncomfortable after a while.

    They're my two favorite wrestlers of all-time, but Bret still slips into bitter territory now and then.

  12. It's what happens when you read and own his book.

  13. That's what being screwed and getting a stroke would do to you.

  14. Bischoff came across pretty humble in the bit of his podcast with Austin I listened to. I think he is definitely a bullshitter in some respects but he keeps it real too. He admitted he was never a very good announcer.

  15. Cornette can sure bring a fast food joint to it's knees though.

  16. Well, we have SO97 to prove that.

  17. Even Scott has acknowledged Bret got way too wrapped up in his character and led to so many problems for him down the road. You can see on that DVD Shawn fighting not to roll his eyes when Bret still acts like dropping a title would have been the greatest tragedy in Canadian history. At least Shawn is up front on what a total asshole he was but Bret still plays the victim card far too much (let's not forget, he could do diva stuff like only dropping the IC belt to the Mountie if they put out the story he was suffering from the flu) and acting like above the politics everyone plays.

  18. That's like Hitler admitting he wasn't very nice to some jews!

  19. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 20, 2014 at 12:43 PM

    I go back and forth on JR. While he clearly took his share of unfair abuse, he also did his fair share of corporate bullying (fat-shaming Vader in the Ross Report, for example) and kept renewing that contract year after year while simultaneously whining about his shoddy treatment by Vince.

  20. It's just interesting how the 2 had the complete different paths after Montreal. Shawn wins, gets injured, and then after 4 to 5 years is back and better than ever. Bret loses, wrestles for a few more years, gets injured, then has a stroke, and never is the same again.

  21. I don't know how I'd react if I had to live through the same circumstances. But listening to the many interviews he's given over the last few years, it truly sucks to see him so scarred by things even after all of the apologies, appreciation nights, and "buried hatchets" that have followed. Wish things were different for him.

  22. Didn't he fall off a bike and hit his head while recovering from his concussion as well?

  23. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 20, 2014 at 12:49 PM

    I find Bret to be as totally full of shit as Shawn.

    No one is going to mention Nash, as entertaining as he is? He's come up with like a half dozen excuses for no-showing Starrcade 97. And Vince has to be up there too.

  24. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:51 PM


  25. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 20, 2014 at 12:51 PM

    I get where Bret's coming from most of the time, though. He was basically forced into a very shady business at a young age by a well-meaning but misguided father, grew up in a dysfunctional home surrounded by bizarre relatives and unstable hangers-on, spent years away from home and his family while putting his body through hell on a nightly basis, had his worldview shattered more than once, lost several people close to him in a relatively short span of time, had two failed marriages and of course the stroke.

    Granted, his story isn't that different from other wrestlers, but I can understand the bitterness.

  26. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:51 PM

    You want to set Bischoff off ask him how he feels about Obama.

  27. Nash might be #1, but he doesn't seem to believe his own BS at times like the others do. He just says things to throw people off his scent or to mess with people. The conscience disappears from time to time with Nash. While a guy like Hogan might live the lie and do everything possible to make his lie into the canon of pro wrestling.

  28. Hogan, Bret, Shawn (pre-Jesus), Verne Gagne.

  29. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 12:54 PM

    foley is really starting to get on my nerves anymore

    i also dont think good ol' jr is the downhome good ol' boy he's been made out to be

  30. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 20, 2014 at 12:55 PM

    See, I think that Vince is one of those people who (outside of corporate doublespeak on conference calls) tells you exactly how he feels and what he thinks most of the time. In fact, at times he's TOO honest about himself.

  31. Actually I think Bret is past bitter and into matter-of-fact territory, like Wrestling's Tommy lee Jones from No Country for Old Men

  32. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryMay 20, 2014 at 12:55 PM

    Agree on both counts.

  33. I'm more talking about his reports now than when he was working for the company. It seems like he can't turn the WWE Shill Machine off in his head.

    "This weekend Vince ran over my cat. Repeatedly. I don't know his plans, but I have to assume it's best for business."

  34. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 12:56 PM

    i think in a lot of ways, JR is synonymous with disdain, and it has nothing to do with his treatment by vince and co.

  35. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:56 PM

    Does your dad come home, throw his jacket on the floor and start elbow-dropping it?

  36. You're dead wrong about that, but that's okay. Bret still describes himself as bitter about certain issues of his career. His interviews on podcasts and comic cons are always just a tad uneasy because of it.

  37. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 12:57 PM

    "JR. Holy crap, McMahon could literally take a dump on his head, and JR
    would talk about how awesome it is, and McMahon "knows what he's doing"."

    it's not so much that JR would go out of his way to stress that vince knew what he was doing, but rather that we the fans didn't

  38. Warrior

  39. Agreed. Foley started to lose me after his 3rd book where he was making entirely too big a deal out of a match involving Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer in 2006.

    And JR sounds like a dick on his blog.

  40. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 12:58 PM

    superstar billy graham

  41. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:58 PM

    He pissed me off when he invites people to ask him questions but comes across as an asshole when he answers them.

  42. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 12:59 PM

    He was an ingrate in his book.

  43. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 1:00 PM

    meekin once had a QoTD thread that was full of shit

  44. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 1:00 PM

    it made me want dairy queen

  45. Fun Fact: Meekin's body is made up of 60% shit.

  46. In Bret's book, he negotiates/considers/threatens going to WCW no less than 4 times, which seems like a lot for a guy who's loyalty has never been questioned.

  47. Hogan.


  48. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 1:01 PM

    my intent wasn't to start a flame war against him, so, stop and stuff

  49. I'll say it - Ric Flair.

    Love the guy as a wrestler, but he really tried to paint a picture of himself as a complete victim in his autobiography. He completely glossed over the times he had power in WCW and focused solely on the times he was mistreated.

    And trying to watch the legends roundtables with him on it is unbearably bad.

  50. He has ruined every roundtable or panel discussion he's been a part of. Maybe WWE will learn not to put him on one.

  51. It came off as if Shawn just wanted to put it behind them and was willing to take the blame for everything for the sake of making good, where as Bret wanted to make a list of various things Shawn did wrong and have him explain himself and apologize one by one. It's kind of funny that Bret's harping on Shawn wanting to work with Clique members and claiming that's why he knew he shouldn't be champion when the guy spent a good portion of his title reigns feuding with his brother, or his brother-in-law, or teaming with his brother-in-law against his brother and his other brother-in-law, or forming a stable with his bother, brother-in-law and other brother-in-law.

  52. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 20, 2014 at 1:04 PM

    I've mentioned this before, but I remember being annoyed with Foley when he mentioned how surprised he was
    that Al Snow was actually upset about the constant ribbing in his first book and elsewhere. I felt like
    he was being deliberately obtuse.

  53. Bret Hart ruled. However he's as much of a phony as the rest of them. I wonder how many "apologies" he gave Julie, only to go back on the road and hook up with ring rats nightly.

  54. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 1:04 PM

    thing is, foley *still* takes shots at al snow every now and then

  55. I was just answering the QOTD

  56. I like in his book where we'll say Julie became jealous of his fame and can't seem to figure out why she'd get mad at him. I know this much about women - if they know you cheat on them, taking them to events where you've cheated on them in the past, while they can see various women you'd likely be cheating on them with at the moment if they weren't there, is likely to piss them off a bit.

  57. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 1:07 PM

    i wouldnt say he's full of shit necessarily, but it always strikes me as odd that justin credible dolls out wrestling advice on a regular basis

    like... the most heatless ecw champ ever?

  58. Right. Same with how he got pissed at the Sunny days comment. Well shit Bret, if you weren't screwing women (and probably sunny) nightly, perhaps Shawn wouldn't/couldn't have gone there.

  59. Hulk Hogan is just hilariously full of shit. In case you never read it:

  60. I will say that if I listened to more of Jeff Jarrett, I'd probably say him; I cannot think of a wrestler with a more over-inflated sense of their own value to wrestling, and I've heard Paul Roma claim that Flair was jealous of him.

  61. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 20, 2014 at 1:09 PM

    He spent so much time trying to defend that behavior in his bio. Sorry Bret, but "I was lonely" doesn't excuse constant infidelity.

  62. Including to the point of getting JR fired. Oh, I mean, "retired."

  63. I don't remember Tom Thibodeau or Gregg Popovich lighting it up in the NBA, but they're two of the best coaches you can find. Knowing and executing are two different things. I think it's pretty apparent that Credible knows his stuff as each show/segment has plenty of merit and insight. In terms of his ability to execute things, he was pretty average.

  64. I actually work with an independent promotion in Northern Michigan and we brought Foley in back in 2009 and he was awesome, and I loved his first couple books and loved so much of what he did up through the Orton match in 2004. He's also done some amazing charity work all around the world and he deserves respcet for that. But he started to fall out of favor with me when he tried to talk up Melina as the greatest thing ever, defends anything he did in TNA as being watchable, or crying about Vince yelling at him. The final straw was when Ultimate Warrior died, and he made it all about himself:

    "I was thrilled to see someone I knew at the 3:10 moment of the video clip - my own daughter, reacting to the historic moment - smiling, clapping; making sure that at least one Foley gave this iconic figure - and a well-deserved inductee in to the WWE Hall of Fame the goodbye I should have had for him."

  65. Bret's on my list, but I don't think he knows he's full of shit. I think he just really believes things are the way he sees them.

    Flair for sure - he'd call Ricky Steamboat an over-rated wrestler if you gave him $100.

    Hogan goes without saying.

    I'm not sure about Nash. There are times in his shoots where he says something that's not accurate, but it could just be memory. But also there's times he says something I find to be a fair point that nobody mentioned before.

    Shawn's questionable - I don't think he was so much a liar back in the day, he was an asshole. And he was proud of it. I think now he probably remembers more than he admits to be talking about pissing on woman or shitting in hotel rooms isn't something he's proud to acknowledge in his new life.

  66. Hogan is typically my go-to answer to this question, but I tend to give him a pass for being biggest star ever in wrestling for a long time.

  67. All of them. We like to think that because wrestling knocked down the 4th wall and admitted it was fake that they're all speaking openly when they do podcasts and shoot inderviews and stuff, but really 99% of the time wrestlers still think the fans are all marks and they're still trying to work us.

  68. True, but since almost the entire history of 1980s and 1990s wrestling revolves around Hogan you'd think he wouldn't have to make stuff up.

  69. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 1:38 PM

    In his book he talked about banging some stewardess from Newark and feeling guilty about it, But every time he came to Jersey he was laid up with her.

  70. Born again Christians are the worst.

  71. I think who ISN'T full of shit would be a better question. Wrestlers are
    carnies until the bitter end, and I never believe a word any of them
    say about anything. That said I think Hogan is the obvious choice... the
    problem with that motherfucker is that everything he says is bullshit,
    it is never the same bullshit twice and he seemingly believes whatever
    bullshit he is spewing at the moment... like at least someone like
    Bischoff knows he is a snake oil salesman and is just always working
    you... Hogan buys his own bullshit and then loses it in a divorce before
    buying even more of his own bullshit.

  72. Yeah, as a life-long Foley fan the 3rd book soured me on him. As I've said before, the Melina creeping made me cringe and the "why didn't Vince devote more TV time to Terry Funk" BS was an example of an old-timer who doesn't know when he ought to bow out.

    However, nothing disgusted me more than his tweet during Warrior's HOF speech ("Personally, I think my #WWEHOF speech last year may have been better than this one.") It doesn't even matter that Warrior died 3 days later. It was a classless move and completely uncalled for to tweet that during his speech. Warrior's death and Foley's attempt to backpedal (with the whole thing about his daughter... not Warrior's daughters, but Foley's daughter) was tacky also.

  73. Hulk Hogan
    With all due respect to some all time bullsh*tters like Bret, Rob Feinstein, Superstar Billy Graham, Shawn (pre-Jesus HBK), New Jack (who lies every time RF Video opens their pockets), and Billy Jack Haynes (how much time you got?), the King is Hogan.
    * Hulk taking credit for Inventing the "iz" carny (actually made popular by Snoop)
    * Body slamming the 8-foot, 700 pound Andre right before he died (7 years???)
    * Singlehandedly making Vince McMahon
    * "No I have never ever touched a steroid a day in my life...."
    * "No seriously, Brooke IS talented brother....her musical talents will take Hulkamania into the 21st Century and beyond" (Seriously??????)
    * The entire mess involving his sex tape
    * That story re: his suicide attempt being all of a sudden stopped by a well-timed call from Laila Ali

  74. In her defense, they were the reason WWE didn't hire her back.

  75. Meekin, you listed all great games under your "Ruined by the Hype" article. FOR SHAME.

  76. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 20, 2014 at 1:40 PM

    Cornette, as much as I love to listen to the guy 90% of the time. I don't mean "full of shit" in the sense that everything he says is false or made up, just in the sense that the guy runs his mouth and pretty much considers his take on things to be the only reality. Not a knock exactly, just an observation. That dude is a fucking character either way

  77. Flair, Heyman and Shawn leap to mind.
    I'd be more interested in hearing who people see as the most honest guys are. My top as it stands would be Ole. I buy into his reasons for that shitty WCW booking. When something is the exact opposite of anything you've ever done and Jim Herd is around, something is up. I don't agree when he says Flair never drew, but I think he believes it.

  78. TJ: Has anyone heard Wale's wrestling freestyle over the Razor Ramon theme yet? I thought it'd be really cheesy but I actually really like it.

  79. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 20, 2014 at 1:42 PM

    To phrase it another way, is there really anyone you would consider a "straight-shooter" in the business? I can think of plenty of people I would guess are "full of shit" but draw a blank on anyone who *doesn't* fit that description. Even the relatively likable guys, like Foley, seem to have delusions of grandeur.

  80. Meekin has made my day by referencing Annie Hall

  81. Triple H:

    - "What big star ever laid down for me?"
    - "The backbone of the Attitude Era!"
    - "Is Booker T the next Stone Cold? No. Could he be? Absolutely, the only thing Booker needs to work on is consistency." (during 2003 when Triple H was stinking up the ring with EVERYONE)

  82. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 1:44 PM

    In his defense....look at her. You have half-naked Divas walking around you and female fans throwing it at you and you come home to that?

  83. foley is really starting to get on my nerves anymore. not that he's full of shit, but he's full of himself

    i also dont think good ol' jr is the downhome good ol' boy he's been

  84. Stranger in the AlpsMay 20, 2014 at 1:45 PM

    I would think that most guys are full of shit because of the copious amounts of drugs and alcohol, creating some fuzzy memories. "Yeah, I was there when this occurred.", actually means "I was out of it, but here's what someone else told me."

  85. Just imagine the hilariously pathetic shoot videos we would be watching from Hunter today if he never got involved with Stephanie. They would probably be extremely bitter toward Rock and Austin.

  86. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 20, 2014 at 1:47 PM

    HHH was pretty consistent in 2003....just not in a particularly good way

  87. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 20, 2014 at 1:48 PM

    I bet. Fat as fuck after getting turfed in 2003. Bloated, ironically, like your avatar at the end of Dodgeball, bitching about how Austin & Rock held him back

  88. In an alternate reality, I like to think that Triple H and Shane Douglas switched places. They both came in around the same time with "The Dean" and "The Blue Blood".

    Geez, could you imagine? COO of WWE Shane Doulgas.

  89. The Immortal Hoke OganMay 20, 2014 at 1:48 PM

    If Shane was piping Stephanie? Yes, I could imagine.

  90. Ole Anderson. He's so repellent he can't be working anyone. I've never heard anyone call him a liar, just an asshole racist scumbag.

  91. Nash has serious afflictions: notgoingtolaydownitis, imnotlayingdownforchrissabinitis, and whatdoyoumeanihavetolaydownforcmpunkitis.

  92. I didn't know Bret was related to Diesel, Bob Backlund, Yokozuna, The Kid, Shawn Michaels, the Patriot, and the Undertaker!

  93. Agreed a bit - He made some announcement about an announcement he was going to make on Sunday and I was like...oh my.

  94. I always think I rip off the "So you know the first kiss is super awkward so lets just get it over with now because we both obviously like eachother" from Annie Hall, but it's actually from Hannah and her Sisters.

  95. The other 40 % is concentrated power of will, though, so it works out.

  96. That's what caused the stroke actually.

  97. Wow. Alternate Reality 2003 HHH is now my new favorite character. No doubt he would end up in TNA at some point with Road Dogg and Billy Gunn is a pseudo-DX.

  98. Bret was right in that regard, he mocked Shawn's character for superficial shit, Shawn came right out on television (stoned out of his mind) and basically said Bret was cheating on his wife.

  99. Except you were right the first time.

    Alvy Singer: Hey listen, gimme a kiss.

    Annie Hall: Really?

    Alvy Singer: Yeah, why not, because we're just gonna go home later, right, and then there's gonna be all that tension, we've never kissed before and I'll never know when to make the right move or anything. So we'll kiss now and get it over with, and then we'll go eat. We'll digest our food better.

  100. Stranger in the AlpsMay 20, 2014 at 2:07 PM

    It's a bot, Paul. That comment is from earlier in the thread made by someone else, and then the guy cut and paste with the link to his stupid website. There was a bot in the live thread last night doing the same thing, and I believe it got flagged.

  101. Did Shawn ever say he planned to work ONLY with his friends? Or did anyone other than Bret himself ever even confirm this story?

    And Shawn worked with Bulldog, Owen, Vader, Sid, Mankind, Goldust, etc, so I don't see how him doing programs with guys he's friends with along the way is any different than Bret working with Owen for a year, with Bulldog various times.

  102. It's not just what happened on TV thought - Bret was using his Calgary Sun column to take shots at Shawn while he was off after Wrestlemania 12, implying he was gay, saying it was inappropriate for kids to dance in the ring with him, and questioning what kind of parents Shawn had for him to turn out the way he did - which Bret claims is just a work, of course, and entirely different from evil Shawn saying Stu's so old he's dead and doesn't know it. I'm not defending the Sunny Day's comment at all but it's pretty convenient that Bret can say what he wants and it's all in character but anything Shawn says is just because he's a jerk who wasn't worthy of being WWF Champion.

  103. Funny, Paul. That song has always amused me, so I dug the reference.

  104. "I just don't get it, all Rock had were those damn catchphrases and Austin had that shitty brawling style. Man, I would go to the video library every day and watch Harley Race, Buddy Rogers, and Ric Flair matches for the stories they told! But where was my appreciation??"

  105. I'd like to see a HHH shoot, actually. It'd be an interesting point of view to hear.

  106. I'm such a huge Woody Allen fan. I saw Annie Hall and Sleeper in theaters and thought I was going to get kicked out for laughing too hard and loud.

    But yea, that's Annie Hall.

  107. Bill Watts. He'll tell it like it is, and his shoot with Cornette was fascinating.

  108. It would be useless.

    He's the heir apparent--he HAS to go with the company line on all issues.

    We already know the company line

  109. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 2:27 PM

    yeah, it was my comment! hah

  110. I believe DDP for some reason. He seems like a genuinely good guy who is a straight shooter.

  111. Oh yeah...I remember now.

  112. A reason to dislike Laila Ali? :(

  113. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 2:35 PM

    Ric Flairs run is cut incredible short in the WWE or is no existent and HHH isn't there to build Flair back up so Flair ends up ODing in a bathtub. Wooooogurglegurgle

  114. Nonsense, Flair would finally become Spartacus.

  115. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 2:38 PM

    That's bullshit though, nobody forced JR to drink before a live panel. JR should have been a good alcoholic and waited until after his job was done, then get shitfaced.

  116. That's a good analogy.

  117. At the same time, when Bret is asked about his opinion, it's nice that he actually gives an opinion. Whether you disagree or agree is fine but he's not conditioned by WWE or trying to say the right things so he can get hired by WWE.

  118. It's pretty obvious that if Diesel and Razor hadn't left, Shawn would have tried his hardest to only work with those guys.

    After all, this is the same guy who had to be convinced to lay down for Steve Austin the DAY OF THE SHOW when his back was totally fucked.

  119. Probably Del Monte too.

  120. True. I remember him saying point blank that his success is because "wrestling's a rotten business and you have to be a rotten guy to survive in it."

  121. Don't forget wrestling at Wembley Stadium for Summerslam '92 (?) and looking for a Make-a-Wish kid that was meant to be there, then seeing an empty chair and realizing the kid had died already. Another Hulkamaniac in Heaven...

  122. I lost respect for JR when he talked about how much Oklahoma bothered him and ended his children's desire to watch wrestling. Then Vince does the same mocking of Bells Palsy on WWE TV and he says nothing.

  123. On the program, Shawn openly says he can't remember saying but given what he was like at the time, not denying he did.

  124. As opposed to the guy who couldn't be convinced to lay down on his way out of the company at all?

  125. not buys: if you marry someone you usually (unless it's agree to otherwise) commit to each other.

    and btw, Julie Hart in the 80s:

  126. does anyone know who Shane Douglas' favorite wrestler growing up was? because that guy ends up with the Flair spot.

  127. they would still do the Voodoo Kin Mafia, just as a trio.

  128. "Controversy creates Cash" is horrible.

    in short, pretty much everything he did was cool and innovative. anything bad was just because of someone else interfering with his/their cool ideas.

    although that book was published in 2007 and at that point he was totally proven wrong, he still defends the idea of unmasking Mysterio for the sake of "him being more marketable" in it (all while WWE has probably made millions due to mask sales).

  129. A column only Canadians read.

    This was broadcasted to a nationwide audience.

  130. I hear ya, and I agree. I'm a biased Hulkamaniac, though.

  131. The Sunny comment? Yeah, I'm not defending it - but I don't mind any of Shawn's other rants because Bret had it coming. He would rant and rave about how much of an undeserving prick Shawn was through any medium available but once Shawn fires back it's the crime of the century.

  132. Oh no I'm talking about something on Facebook.

  133. Yeah, I've heard that Jarrett legitimately thinks he's every bit as big a star as Austin or Rock, and just didn't get the proper chance or something.

  134. That was my point. The Hype ruined the reception of those games. You'll see I say that most of them are actually really good, but ultimately couldn't live up to our imaginations.

  135. That tends to happen in male friendships a lot, from what I've noticed. Guys spend so much time giving each other shit for pretend things that every once in a while someone's feelings really DO get hurt- my friend actually got worse for this once he joined the police force (cops are REALLY bad for doing this to each other).

    It's probably annoying to Snow since Foley's a hundred times more famous and successful, and Snow's own attempts never went over well on TV (he got browbeaten by WWF heads when he did in on commentary one time). It made Snow look like a loser.

  136. It's funny that the whole Fingerpoke of Doom & "Booking Himself To Beat Goldberg" (I can't remember when he actually started booking) things overshadowed the rest of his stuff so badly- because the times those two get refuted make it look like "oh, so Nash wasn't so bad after all".

    Though I will say that Nash tends to get very few public haters in wrestling; at worst, they all have that "Nash is the smartest man in the business" comment that comes across like a back-handed compliment, because it's like they ADMIRE that he's so smart that he avoided doing big jobs for years.

  137. I seem to recall 90% of Shawn's stuff being that he was too high to remember any of it, which seemed to be pissing Bret off. I mean, Bret's bitter, but can you imagine trying to get something out of a guy who was basically "yeah, I was a shit back then, but I don't remember any of what you're saying".

  138. Yeah, there's not many guys who would flat-out call Triple-H overrated and not a great worker these days- most WWE performers go out of their way to verbally suck Hunter's cock.

  139. Nah...unwitting accomplice she didnt know......besides, Have you seen Laila Ali? What straight man would dislike that?

  140. He seems pretty guilt-ridden by it as well, especially when he admitted right from the beginning that he could never be faithful. At least he didn't pull the stupid Flair/Blassie thing of "HAW HAW I BANGED EVERYONE MY LIFE WAS AWESOME!!!" then turned around in one late chapter and was like "aw, but you shouldn't do what I did because it's bad".

  141. The same thing happened to me with Lance Storm when he threw a huge tirade over someone using an unprotected headshot in TNA ("I'll never watch them again!" he ranted), but then when HHH and UT did it a few months later (I don't care that his hand was "kind of up" -- it was still an unprotected headshot), he didn't make a peep.

  142. Hulk Hogan. It's not even a contest. Yes, Bret's full of himself, but he talks mostly as a straight shooter. Hulk still talks in kayfabe, inflates his own ego, and over-exaggerates.

  143. Haven't read these yet but if there isn't a Randy Orton joke in here...this blog has failed

  144. I like his movies, except for that nervous fella who's always in them.

  145. He's full of it but in a good way.

  146. There has been a disconnect somewhere between Stranger's words and Meekin's brain.

    Oh, and I flagged this bot. Probably along with a few others.


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