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Random matches

Just wondered what you thought about these matches that you haven't reviewed or aren't easy to find:

1. Jerry Lawler/Terry Funk empty arena match
2. Bret Hart/Ric Flair Iron Man
3. Bret Hart/Owen Hart Iron Man
4. John Cena/Randy Orton Iron Man
5. DX vs Legacy Hell in a Cell

​1.  Totally did review it when it was on 24/7.  I don't have the review handy, but for what it was, it was a ***** match clearly.  Terry Funk putting up the bluster at the start and then running away like a wounded dog once he suffered the slightest injury put it over the top for me.

2.  ​Reviewed it ages ago, and I have it on a compilation tape from the good old days.  I'd go ****1/4  on it. 

3.  Never sat down to watch it.  I'm kind over Bret v. Owen for one lifetime.

4.  Totally did review it.  Orton tried to blow him up!  How could I have NOT mocked that?   I recall really enjoying Batista turning on Rey Rey there.

5.  Totally did review it.  Hell of a match, and a totally different type of Cell match.  This was just a QND review because I watched the show at the theater and never did a proper one, but you get what you get and you don't get upset:    

" D-X d. Legacy in the final Cell match of the night, and this was a hell of a deal that JUST missed classic status because Legacy doesn't quite have the star power to pull off what they were going for.  Basically Legacy has no chance, so they attack D-X during their wacky entrance and lock HHH out of the Cell after mugging him on the ramp.  Then Shawn gets the everloving shit beat out of him for about 15 minutes, drawing some CRAZY old-school sympathy heat and just selling it like nuts.  Finally HHH retrieves bolt cutters and roars back as D-X destroys them and gets their revenge.  Awesome stuff, as D-X finally starts playing the part of the old war-horses instead of the super-cool upstarts they still think of themselves as.  As a match there's been better, but finally someone takes advantage of the Cell tonight and gives us a DIFFERENT dynamic, and I enjoyed the hell out of this, even if you could see the storyline coming down main street.  ****  This needed Shawn bleeding like a exploded tomato in the worst way, though. "  


  1. Orton trying to kill Cena is the highlight of the match.

  2. If only it were true, Hulk:

  3. I really need to watch some of the 2008 and 9 PPVs. I only bought the Mania's after 2008.

    Any recommendations?

  4. Too bad we never got Orton vs Bret in an iron man match

  5. Wait, Bret/Owen and Bret/Flair had iron man matches?

  6. What the hell's he talking about? Does he think Eric Young is going to jump him on Smackdown or something?

  7. I question Legacy's logic. They could have never won the match because it never would have started until HHH got in the ring.

  8. Bret/Flair had some at house shows around 92-93 shortly before Flair's departure, I'm not sure about Bret/Owen but it must have been sometime in '94.

    Great to read that Orton/Cena review again, the reaction to Orton's attempted homicide may be my favourite Scott moment of all time.

  9. Hopefully you take Shawn out, and make it a virtual 2-on-1, at least long enough to put HHH down for the three.

  10. Flair/Bret's Ironman from Boston is definitely 4-stars. I'm assuming that's the one Scott referenced. I haven't seen Owen/Bret's Ironman(s), but I have a copy of the 7-9-94 Nassau show handy. Their House Show run was a bit disappointing, and reading some old WON, that's a popular opinion.

  11. I'd hope someone "crosses the line" also, and FINALLY puts that old dinosaur to sleep, if only to shut up nitwits like you who are apparently incapable of realizing that Hulk is PHYSICALLY INCAPABLE of performing in the ring.

  12. The Bret/Owen series took place in June-July. I remember local TV advertising shows at MSG, Nassau, and possibly Meadowlands the second week of July.

  13. And that's a fact.

  14. Hardy in a ****+ match,with no gimmick whatsoever.

  15. He was close, but no cigar.....

  16. The draw is the ladder match.

  17. He mistaken the silver dome for the super dome.....

  18. Random match idea that I just had that sounds terrible but I bet it would have been awesome: Taker vs Vince at WrestleMania following the 94 Rumble blueprint.


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