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The PG Era Rant: Raw, 5.12.14

When last we left our heroes, they were stuck in movies brought to life. We know what Kane did last summer, and Daniel Bryan has to awaken from his own nightmare on Elm Street. The Shield will die hard against Evolution, and for Triple H, the world is not enough. Bray Wyatt, the Devil's advocate, finds himself destroying John Cena's will, leaving him vs. the World. Payback approaches, but who has the Right Stuff to make it over the top?

The PG Era Rant for Raw, May 12, 2014. Episode #1094.

Live from Greenville, SC.

Your hosts are Michael Cole, JBL, and Jerry Lawler.

Your notes from the Pre-Show:

SPECIAL ANALYST (WHO WILL NOT BE ON RAW): Jimmy Hart. Well, that doesn't help. But Damien Sandow hijacked the pre-show and said that accidents happen and that he believed his destiny was to team with Yoshi Tatsu and never hold a mic again. I don't know what that was about.
SUPERSTARS MATCHES: Titus O'Neil v. Kofi Kingston; Drew McIntyre v. Sin Cara.
RAW PREVIEW: Usos/Cena v. Wyatt Family (rematch from SD); Will Kane's horror show continue; Can the Shield adapt or perish.

PREVIOUSLY ON RAW: Dean Ambrose lost the United States Title to Sheamus in a battle royal, then the Shield lost to the Wyatts and got destroyed by Evolution.

The Shield begin the live show in the ring. Ambrose starts by saying last week was something you don't see every day: the Shield laid out. Yeah, they got killed, but that's okay. The Shield goes down, but doesn't stay down, and they're up more than they're down. Tonight, they stand tall in the ring. Ambrose makes himself clear: they want Evolution. Rollins clarifies that they're not running FROM Evolution but TO them. And if Evolution is real men, they'll accept the challenge for a rematch, and the Shield will run THROUGH them. So when Evolution shows up, the Shield will hunt them down. Yeah, Evolution is good – they are former World Champions who main event WrestleMania and all – but they were good. But now? They're not Evolution because they're too set in their old ways to evolve into what it takes to beat the Shield. Rollins makes sure Reigns is okay, and then hands him the mic. Reigns (who has been pacing more or less the whole time) glares into the camera and says that a week ago, they were victimized, ambushed, bloodied, etc. All of that made Reigns realize: they don't have anything else. If that's true, they have a serious problem. Justice from the Shield can be slow and cold. Evolution will believe in Payback, believe in the Shield, and believe in Reigns in particular.

At this point, the limo arrives. The Shield are watching it pull in, and out comes Evolution. With that, the Shield leave the ring and go after the limo. HHH signs in with the valet as Orton and Batista wait. Evolution head from the parking lot... and the Shield FLY into the picture and attack. WWE officials have to restrain everyone, but the Shield fight like hell not to be restrained. It takes a half-dozen stripes to keep them separated, but Evolution got the worst of it, all holding their heads in pain. It's on.

Later tonight: Usos and Cena face the Wyatt Family!

Rob Van Dam is on his way to the ring for a match. He has a black eye from last week's match with Cesaro.

Zeb Colter asks for quiet from the crowd in his pre-match promo. See, last week, he was unveiling the all-important Deportation List (as important as the Bill of Rights, you know), when Adam Rose interrupted and got his name on the list. He's an Englishman with leftover hippies and Rocky Horror rejects. See, a man who hangs around with a full-grown bunny has questionable morals and adds nothing to society. He tells Rose to keep his distance. WE THE PEOPLE!

Rob Van Dam v. Jack Swagger. But wait – before the match can even begin – by which I mean 2 seconds after the bell rings – the Exotic Express is back and boogies down the aisle with Adam Rose. Is that Eugene dressed as a gladiator? Does that mean my argument is invalid? And OF COURSE there's a guy dressed as Waldo too. Swagger can't catch Rose before Rose stage dives onto his entourage. Rose and company distract Swagger enough so that when he turns around, RVD kicks him down and Five-Stars him for the pin at 2:05. This was an angle instead of a match. JBL: “What, is the Gobbledygooker in there?” RVD of course joins the party. Cole tries to teach JBL how to be a part of the Exotic Express.

Later tonight: Paige in action. Here's a video about her.

I Bo Lieve I Can Fly...

Non-title: Paige v. Alicia Fox. But first, Alicia Fox tells Paige (on behalf of everyone in the locker room) that Paige has alienated everyone. There's something about Paige they don't like. And she slaps Paige. Alicia stomps away on Paige, refusing to give her enough air for the referee to check in on her. Paige slowly pulls herself up and says she can go. Fox with a kneelift and smashes to the jaw, then a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. She tosses Paige to the floor from a sidewalk slam position, then runs her back into the apron. She throws Paige in, getting two. Fox with an arm-wringer, elbows, and a Northern Lights Suplex for two. Fox goes to the chinlock, wrenching the neck. Crowd is so happy with Fox's domination they want CM Punk. Fox slams Paige down, then lands another tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Fox shows off for the crowd and covers, getting two. Back to the chinlock, transitioning to a surfboard, into a bow-and-arrow. But Fox's shoulders are on the mat – which the ref doesn't see – so she throws Paige face-first out of the hold. Fox with a mat slam on Paige, and back to the chinlock. She switches to a headlock, pounding away, but Paige with the Paige Turner out of nowhere to win at 3:55. 3/4* Needless to say, Fox is furious, taking it out on Paige's jacket and the announce table. And JBL's beer. “What are you looking at!?” She even shoves around a timekeeper and leaves with JBL's hat. Alicia Fox shows some heelishness. About time they had character.

Switching gears to last week and Daniel Bryan getting caught in a horror show, droogs. I'd prefer to focus on how he had a great 15-minute match with Del Rio, but hey, I'm just a mark, right? Anyway, up next Daniel Bryan will speak to the audience.

So let's review: a NXT wrestler debuts the night after Mania. She unironically congratulates AJ, who acts like a stuck-up jerk and demands a match with her. Ms NXT wins after getting one move of offense. She then has matches with the lower card in which she sells more than she attacks, coming out like the master of upsets. You know, I have to say, this is a great way to book Bayley as Divas' champion, isn't it?

Here's Daniel. If he's hurt, he isn't showing it, although he's in jeans so odds are he has the night off. Sign in the crowd: “Randy Kills Ovaries”. Everyone's doing the YES. Bryan thanks them and all of us at home because of how long the road has been to be champ. From the moment he won at SummerSlam – even for that 30 seconds before the cash-in – he knew it was an uphill battle. It's just the hill is steeper than he knew. Crowd does more YES. “So that's what it feels like to be John Cena.” Everyone from Orton on down got thrown at Bryan, but somehow – largely because of the fans – the odds were beaten. Bryan walked out as the champion. But, when you're the champ, you've got the target on you. And as soon as he got back from the honeymoon, Kane beat him down. He got three Tombstones, none of them in the ring, and because of that, Bryan was in a neck brace. But he was going to come back and beat Kane, which he did at Extreme Rules thank you very much. But there was a price. See, the reason people cheer for Bryan is because he's paid that price with his body.

Unfortunately, he paid that price with surgery. This Thursday he's getting surgery. He's not happy about it – it's cutting down his dream. What's frustrating is that Stephanie and HHH are happy that he needs surgery. To them, his career is over. (Crowd: NO!) Bryan says there's a chance it could be done... but it WON'T be. When will Daniel come back? He doesn't know, but he WILL be back! (YES!) Bryan gets to walk out on his own, with no one stripping him of the gold.

The announcers discuss this. There is no timetable for his return.

Up next: a six-man tag as John Cena and the Usos face the Wyatt Family! We look back at Extreme Rules and at Bray Wyatt's declaration of victory over Cena for the hearts of children. Then, we get Cena's rebuttal on Main Event. Whether it's editing or the original, Cena's speech was well done.

The line I'm hearing is it's minimally invasive and they think he can get back by Payback. What happens if this is more serious?

Meanwhile, apparently Alicia Fox quit on the WWE App. Yes, they had her show fire and heelishness as a prelude to her walking out. I don't get it either.

John Cena and the Usos v. Wyatt Family. We see footage of John Cena as the grand marshall for the Race for the Cure in DC. Bray has stopped saying the city name in his intro. Harper starts with an Uso – according to Cole, it's Jey, so I'm going with that – and Harper forces Jey into the corner. He smashes Jey across the ring but eats boot and gets cradled for one. Jey with uppercuts to Harper, and he adds a diving clothesline for another one. Harper with a dropkick (surprise!) and uppercut as the announcers compare Harper to Bruiser Brody. Rowan with a front slam, and he fish-hooks Jey's nose as the dueling chants begin. Bray in now, and he stomps away on Jey. Harper back in, and he smacks Jey around. Back elbows in the corner, then some stomping. Hammer Throw follows, then chops in the corner. Another Throw, but a charge misses and Jimmy's in. Superkick to Harper's gut, then a kneeling uppercut and Samoan Drop. Ten punches in the corner, but Harper shoves him off only for Jimmy to get a spiral backsplash for two. Rikishi hip check, but Rowan stops it and Harper lands a big boot for two. Bray tags in, and he floors Jimmy with a right. Knee smashes to a seated Jimmy in the corner, and he picks Jimmy up for a running uppercut. Harper enters, getting an elbowdrop for two. Gator Roll follows, into a headlock. Neat touch: Cena drops down to the floor so he can look Jimmy in the eye and encourage him. Jimmy up now, and he punches off only to get caught with a running elbow by Harper. Rowan in, and he lands a kneedrop. He gets a backbreaker, then tries to kick Jimmy to the floor. Bray laughs as Rowan drags Jimmy over. Bray in with a stomp. Jimmy with an upprecut to start a slugfest, but Bray wins it ad sends Jimmy into the corner. Avalanche by Bray and he picks Jimmy up again, but Jimmy with a spinkick. Cena gets the hot tag (as the crowd is 100% positive) and he runs over Rowan with the usual. Five Knuckle Shuffle is stopped by Harper, but he gets floored. Rowan is dumped over the top, but Harper with the wheelbarrow slam to Cena. Jey dives off onto Harper, but Bray lands an uranage to Jey. Jimmy with the Dragon Whip to Bray, but he runs into Rowan and regrets it. Rowan is then caught by Cena into an STF, but Bray with a senton to stop it. Bray glares at Cena and picks him up for Sister Abigail's Kiss, but Jimmy out of nowhere gets a superkick, as does Jey. Harper eats two superkicks as well, and it's stereo planchas to Bray and Harper. Rowan and Cena are alone now, and it's the AA to win at 9:43. Crowd was red hot for this match. ***1/4 But Bray has something to say: thank you. Thank you? Yes, because Bray finally knows what he has to do. No hint as to what that is, as Bray just laughs and stares a hole in Cena.

Evolution will be here next.

And indeed, after the break, Evolution comes out in a nasty mood, with HHH and Orton still checking their jaws. We look back as to why they're in a bad mood. JBL and Lawler argue over whether the Shield was justified. Orton starts by saying he's had enough. It's time to take the gloves off. They need to kick the Shield's ass. It's time to put the Hounds to sleep. Batista's also had enough of this. HHH agrees it might be time to end it. At Extreme Rules, the Shield proved they were good – but hey, HHH knew that. It's why he made them who they are. But now, the Shield is too big for themselves. Maybe HHH was wrong about the Shield. He's disappointed at that so-called attempt at an ambush. The Shield has no idea – they're an undisciplined bunch of kids. It ends. If the Shield wants a rematch at Payback? You want a rematch for a match you won? So be it. And this time, the gloves are off, and Evolution will do what they do: take them apart one by one. They'll start with Dean Ambrose. When they're done humbling Ambrose, they'll pull the wings off of Seth Rollins. And they'll go for the big dog in Roman Reigns. If you want Evolution to believe in Roman... they will take their time with Roman and make an example out of him. The example is that Reigns will be the one whose career ends at Payback. Roman will not adapt, and at Payback, he will p...

...wait, Seth Rollins trips HHH from behind and the brawl is on! Evolution is taken apart, with each one dumped from the ring in turn. HHH tries to get back up, and Reigns sends him flying. Play Shield's music as we have a staredown! But Batista says he's had enough of the Shield. He calls Reigns out and demands a match TONIGHT. And now Evolution's music plays as they leave. Cole: “We'll find out if that's all he got.”

Wow. The Shield is getting the best of Evolution twice tonight. This is a chance to put the trio over HUGE as three future World Champions... but at the same time, can you afford to punk out Evolution? Then again, Batista's the rental, so he can afford to job... but at what point does... I know Evolution won big last week, and... I'm intrigued by this match. I don't know how it should go.

The Total Divas are at ringside, meaning Brie, Eva, Cameron, and Naomi.

Nikki Bella v. Natalya. Apparently, this was set up by Total Divas last night. This does not explain why the other four are holding judge cards. That's right – this is about the painting. Natalya isn't happy. They lock up, and Natalya gets a hiptoss and chokes away for one. Another try, and Nikki gets a monkey flip for one. Cameron gives it a 10. Nikki grabs Natlaya's leg, but Natalya reverses to a leglock. Naomi gives it a 6. Nikki to a headlock, but Natalya shoves out oly to get floored by Nikki. Natalya with kneelifts in the corner before she gets separated, and Nikki with a second-rope leg shot for two. Of course Brie gives it a 10. Natalya slaps Nikki, who slaps back. This gets back ad forth until Natalya gets an abdominal stretch. She even hooks the toe. Gorilla Monsoon would be proud. Nikki reverses it (Brie with an 8), but Natalya flings Nikki into the ropes. She pounds away on Nikki in the ropes, but Nikki reverses (Eva Marie: 6, Cameron: 9) and a catfight breaks out. Natalya shoves Nikki, who shoves back and gets a cradle for two. Natalya with a cradle for one. Natalya with a wheelbarrow cradle, but Nikki sits down for the win at 3:29. Eva Marie and Cameron give 10s. Meh, 4/10. 1/2* Nikki hangs out with the others as Natalya rips up Cameron's number cards and appears very hurt by all this. Naomi tries to console Natalya.

Later tonight, Batista faces Roman Reigns and all indications are everyone will be at ringside!

Hey – I know most of you don't want Total Divas forced down your throat, but if they're going to intertwine stories, it's fine by me. Natalya as the TD's outcast could lead to a heel turn, or it could lead to a lesson in bullying, or they could all close ranks when AJ returns. I'm not going to write it off yet, especially since the Divas' division getting stories can only be a good thing.

Your Slam of the Week was Dean Ambrose losing his US Championship to Sheamus.

Curtis Axel v. Sheamus. The crowd didn't get the memo that Sheamus is supposed to turn heel. Ryback and Axel can't decide who gets the match, so they flip a coin. Heads Axel wins, tails Ryback loses. Curtis said that. Ryback fell for it. Axel backs Sheamus into the corner, but Sheamus with a headlock takedown. Axel with knees in the corner and some CLUBBERIN. Sheamus returns in kind, getting a back elbow and kneedrop for one. Uppercut from Sheamus, and he sends Axel into the corner. Axel with a kick and running knee for one. Axel punches away and stomps Sheamus against the bottom rope, but Sheamus recovers with right hands. Axel with a dropkick. He stomps away in the corner, but gets caught running in with a Finlay Roll. Running kneesmash by Sheamus, and he goes up, but Axel crotches him. Shots to the back and Axel with a neckbreaker to knock Sheamus off the top, getting two. Axel with a Perfectplex attempt, but Sheamus reverses, catching Axel for the Cloverleaf. It gets the submission at 3:18, but Ryback charges in and mauls Sheamus. We got another one!

Ryback v. Sheamus, in progress. Ryback is working the chinlock coming out of commercial – of course – as Sheamus fights back. Ryback with the press into powerslam for two. Ryback kicks Sheamus like a bully, but that ticks Sheamus off and he fires back. Slam by Ryback, but the splash hits knees. Sheamus wins the slugfest, climbing the ropes for a ten punch, but Ryback tries a powerbomb coming out. Sheamus is on his feet and lands Irish Hammers. Shoulder to the gut follows, then a running knee. He charges, but Ryback throws him to the apron. Sheamus catches Ryback and it's Ten of Clubs time. He tries to launch himself back in, but Ryback catches him in a carry jawbreaker for two. Axel thought it was three. Ryback is ready to end it as he lines up the Meathook, but he runs into the Celtic Cross for two. Sheamus tries a Cloverleaf after some gut stomps, but Ryback fights out. Brogue Kick misses, and Ryback gets the Simmons spinebuster for two. Axel: “STAY DOWN!” Ryback pounds away on Sheamus and sends him into the corner, but runs into an elbow, then a mule kick, then an Oklahoma Slam for two. Sheamus appears to have an idea, and it's Brogue Kick being called for. Axel with a distraction, and Ryback lands the Meathook. Shell Shock is tried, but Sheamus gets out and it's Brogue time for the second win at 5:31 shown. The whole thing was actually pretty good, with Sheamus and Ryback doing fun power moves to each other. *3/4 combined.

Still to come: Batista, Roman Reigns, and a ton of outside interference!

Okay, my minions are now telling me they were misled and someone made up the Alicia Fox quitting thing. GOOD. I could go back and change my comments earlier, but it's fun to see me look like an idiot, right, guys?

Meanwhile, our Main Event main event is Sheamus facing Cesaro in a non-title match.

And now here's Stephanie. Abeyance is getting warmed up in the back. She recaps that Daniel Bryan had a story about overcoming the odds, winning the title, defeating Kane, etc. Yes. Yes he did those things. But now he has to undergo neck surgery on Thursday, which just proves that Stephanie's right (as much as it kills her). This shows Daniel Bryan can't be an A+ player. His body couldn't keep up with his heart. His heart WANTS to do it for the people. He has the heart of a champion... but not the body. He can't pull through for the fans. And Stephanie was trying to protect him, but now, they have to do what's best for business. So Stephanie asks Bryan to come to the ring.

No Daniel. Stephanie asks again.

But instead, Kane. And Kane is dragging what's left of Daniel's body with him. Stephanie is bug-eyed in the ring and Kane deposits Bryan on the stage and walks off. Officials check in on Bryan as Stephanie looks horrified. The stretcher comes out to carry Bryan off. Brie is out too. Stephanie even checks on Daniel. Brie is begging someone to tell her that Bryan is okay. The crowd is chanting loudly for Daniel Bryan as they load him up. Stephanie asks them to be careful with his neck. Brie tries to encourage Bryan as he's wheeled off.

There. Happy now? No horror show stuff, just a massive beating. Brie needs to beat Stephanie in a match. Period.

Backstage, they're loading Bryan in the ambulance. Stephanie's apologies draw a dirty look from Brie. After he's loaded in, Stephanie tries to apologize to Brie, but Brie just tells her to back off before getting in the ambulance. Stephanie looks around as the ambulance drives off.

Dolph Ziggler v. Fandango. Total Divas footage of Fandango making out with Summer Rae before he dumped her. JBL calls Fandango “Gene Kelly crossed with Ken Shamrock”. There's a visual we all needed. Fandango with a waistlock, but Dolph reverses to a headlock and knocks Fandango over. Leapfrog sequence, and Fandango with armdrags and dancing. Dolph returns in kind, adding a dropkick before being dumped out. Back in, it gets two. Fandango with crossface blows to Dolph as the crowd demands Ziggler win this. Dolph fights out but runs into a kneelift and snap suplex for two. Fandango to the chinlock now, but Dolph jawbreaks out. Crowd rallies Dolph, who gets a Stinger Splash and ten punches. Rude Awakening follows. Famouser misses, and Fandango with the Falcon Arrow for two. He goes up top, but has to leap over Dolph, who follows with the Famouser for two. Layla hops on the apron, so Dolph calls her off and gets planted by Fandango for two. Now Layla's stuck in the apron and Fandango checks on her, which allows Dolph the Zig Zag for the pin at 4:48. Fandango needs to go away. Now. 1/2* Layla tries to apologize. Fandango lets it go because he's in love. He gets lost when she's in his arms. Dolph may have won, but Layla won Fandango's heart. He confesses his love for her, and they seal it with a dip and a kiss. JBL wants this off the air. Cole calls him on his whiplash, since JBL was talking about what a great couple they were during the match.

Batista! Reigns! Tonight! (What would the main event have been if this didn't happen?)

Extreme Rules was the most watched show of last week.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan in the house! Big deal alert: he gets his own hashtag. HOOO! JBL: “As articulate as ever.” Duggan fires the crowd up and talks about how great it is to be at a live event, especially after Legends' House. He gets more excited about it... and here comes Lana. Really should've seen this coming. “Hoxah Jim Doogan” symbolizes everything about America: a great nation in decline, with a crumbling empire. China has passed the US as the biggest economy. This is why Alexander Rusev is proud (“USA! USA!”) to represent Mother Russia and Vladimir Putin, whose picture gets more heel heat than Lana.

Duggan cuts Lana off and fires the crowd up in a huge USA chant. Lana says it proves the US' inferiority. So here comes Rusev. Lana with a nod, and Rusev heads to Duggan in the ring. The announcers tell Duggan to run, but Duggan goes to a corner. Duggan has the 2x4 ready to strike, but Lana tells “Doogan” to beg for mercy OR ELSE. Duggan says heck no, so Rusev steals the 2x4 and breaks it over his knee. Now Duggan is scared, but he won't back down. So Lana gives the order to crush...

...but wait, here comes Big E Langston to a huge pop. Rusev catches E and takes him apart with a shoulder ram and superkick. Langston exits the ring as Duggan checks on him and encourages him with a USA chant.

A look back at how the Shield has gotten two up on Evolution already tonight. The two sides will meet again at Payback, but tonight, it's Batista and Roman Reigns!

Well, if they have him throw Langston around, I think it might get Rusev more over. Assuming anything can get him over with his negative charisma.

Damien Sandow v. Cody Rhodes. Damien Sandow smuggled a microphone to the ring. He says people are afraid of what he has to say, and they don't want to hear it. He could come out and say what he's feeling... but... and he's cut off. Sandow with a waistlock, but Rhodes blocks and gets a fireman's carry before mocking Sandow. Cody with a wristlock, but Sandow elbows out only to get caught with the Brisco rollup for one. Cody with shots in the corner, and he gets a punt, but Sandow avoids the Disaster Kick and nails shots of his own into a ground and pound. He chews Cody out, calling him a punk, while smashing him around, then gets a suplex for one. Sandow with the headlock, but Cody hiptosses out and gets a cradle for one. Small package gets one. Sandow sends Cody into the ropes and lands crossface blows on him, adding a running hip check. Russian legsweep leads to the Cubito Aequet, which misses. Sandow pounds away on the apron, adding a Cubito Aequet while he's at it, then jumps back in to get two. Back to the chinlock. Cody fights out, landing Ted Jr's following lariat. Springboard dropkick follows, then a Holly low kick. Cross Rhodes misses, and Sandow with shots to the gut in the corner. He keeps punching away, drawing a warning from the referee, so Cody gets an eye rake and Disaster Kick for the pin at 4:52. No heat whatsoever. 3/4* Seriously, remember when this was a upper midcard feud last summer?

Next, our main event! Batista battles Reigns!

It's amazing how fast the show cools off when you have two straight meaningless nothing matches.

Show your strength from within. Achieve what you thought you could never do. Bo Lieve, and you will succeed.

We look back at Daniel Bryan announcing his injury and getting mauled in return, complete with Brie ready to attack Stephanie.

Bray Wyatt says John Cena is acting human, and all humans are flawed. It's their ignorance and greed, their lust for power that prevents them from thriving and makes them parasites. Cena's no different. He has boundless narcissism that leads Cena to Wyatt, but when does it end? Will Cena return home with the head of the beast so he can brag about his fights? The beast is waiting. Last week, Cena said he'd never give up, even if he was the last man standing. Bray likes that – so at Payback, he wants to test that theory. When mountains crumble, Bray stands. When oceans boil, he stands. And when everything burns around Cena, he is standing. How far is Cena willing to go to take the devil down? More singing. Burn.

Here come the participants for the main event, and indeed Roman Reigns has his Shield mates with him.

Last Man Standing? I Quit? Inferno? Ring of Fire? Uh... did I miss the stipulation? Hard to tell when Bray's voice modulates like it does.

On SmackDown, John Cena will respond.

Main Event: Roman Reigns v. Batista. Both sides have backup. Batista with a double-leg, but it goes nowhere and Batista shoves him away. Lockup, and Batista with a kneesmash and shots in the corner. Reigns reverses and goes nuts with shoulder shots. Hammer Throw to Batista and he bails. Both seconds get closer as the two men fight by the barricade. Reigns sends Batista into the steps. He rolls Batista in after smashing him into the steps, but misses the Superpunch into the corner. Batista with a charging clothesline. He sends Reigns into the post shoulder-first, then brings him back for one. Running soccer kick by Batista, but Reigns gets back up with headbutts. Reigns puts his head down, and Batista with a kick and Hammer Throw, but Reigns bounces out with a clothesline. Everyone gets on the apron to stop a follow-up. Batista recovers, but runs into some right hands before landing a knee. Blind charge eats boot, and Reigns goes coast-to-coast with a clothesline. He knocks Batista over and tries the Drive-By Dropkick, but HHH and Orton cut it off. Rollins and Ambrose dive onto HHH and Orton, and the Drive By connects. Someone goes into the announce table, so HHH pulls Reigns out and gets set up for the Pedigree when Rollins attacks HHH. The ref throws it out at 4:18. * Shield work over HHH and roll him in as Evolution is groggy. Shield stands over Evolution, then go on the attack. Stephanie calls out the locker room to protect Evolution, and those 11 guys empty to target the Shield. (Sort of – Brodus Clay replaces Alberto Del Rio.) They isolate Reigns and mug him. HHH gets a chair as Evolution looks on and Reigns is down 1-on-14. HHH raises the chair... and gets speared! Ambrose and Rollins get their own chairs and start to clear the ring of everybody. Evolution scatters, so Fandango gets a bulldog driver on one chair, Axel gets the Blackout to another, and Heath Slater is the oly one standing... until he gets Superpunched. Ryback is speared HARD by Reigns. Triplebomb time, and Ryback is planted. They call for Evolution to come get some, and Evolution just walks off. It's a three-on-three staredown as we see replays of everything and end the show.


With Daniel Bryan's future unknown, tonight was all about the Shield. As much as I like the idea of the Shield using chairs to get even, and while Evolution did run off before getting hurt, there's still the fact that the entire locker room just got beaten up by the Shield. Although, on another note, all the hired guns ran off when the chairs came out. What I'm saying is, they have to be careful or it'll get Uncensored 1996 level ridiculous.

The big problem with making the entire show about one story like this is that it leads to downtime. There were bright spots – the Total Divas getting a story, Alicia Fox getting a character, Sheamus winning two decent matches – but the third hour dragged HARD. There was also only one good long match, which takes my grade down a notch. So... yeah.


MATCH TIME: 50:19 over nine matches, only one of which went over seven minutes
WORST MATCH: Dolph/Fandango
NIGHT MVP: The Shield, though Sheamus is a close second.

RATING: Meh, 4/10. It had its moments, and building the Shield was a sign that they have a backup plan for when Daniel Bryan is incapacitated, but my goodness so much downtime. The first hour showed promise, and the second hour was okay, but I don't blame you if you fell asleep before the main event.

Matt is on deck, Scott is NXT, and Tommy concludes the week. See you in seven, if not sooner. I wonder if the locker room is already mentally halfway to England.


  1. "Wow, the payoff to the Rhodes/Sandow feud was great!" - WWE Alternate Universe Fans

  2. Lana went to the Bill Watts School to learn how to pronounce Duggan's name.

  3. Ambrose on Backstage Pass: "I hate those guys. And their suits... and their limos... and their stupid ties... we came here in a Lumina and we still won the night." Great line.

  4. Shield is like 1994 Bret Hart right now. Carrying the show on their back kicking and screaming.

  5. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighMay 12, 2014 at 9:23 PM

    Bray vs Cena in last man standing seemed seemed clear to me.... I enjoyed the Alicia Fox match start to finish, the oddly enjoyable Sheamus vs ryback and I really like the Cody story thus far. Slow burn but he heeled it up to sneak a win.

  6. 'Well Ambrose, lemme tell ya, you better keep an eye out for that security system and fuel sensor because the last time I checked those things aren't breaking down on Limos you asshole! '

    - Me, Saturday, after my Lumina's security system and Fuel sensor shit the bed and we had to let like a half a tank of gas out of the car to fix the flooded engine and do some fuse voodoo to get the darn thing running again.

  7. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighMay 12, 2014 at 9:28 PM

    Cody beat him clean at summerslam... Wasn't a great feud but at least it led to a match on a marquee show.

  8. The problem is that this match is between two guys with zero heat. Sandow is just going nowhere, and the Rhodes Brothers have just come screeching to a halt for reasons I can't fathom (unless it's "Oh, you won't fight each other? Fine, no push.").

  9. 4/10?

    Buuut.... that rating MAKES SENSE!

  10. I like to mix it up just to keep you on your toes. :)

  11. BREAKING: Eric Young to have neck surgery this week.

  12. OK, that made me laugh!

  13. I'm confused. Sheamus is a heel, right? Then why is he beating 2 guys? Isn't that something a FACE would do? You know, like later in the show, when 3 faces beat up 75 different people while drinking Slurpees?

  14. Couple of hours late, brah.

  15. Hey, it's new to me, dammit!

  16. He's not a heel.

  17. Wha? Didn't he turn heel a week or two ago?

  18. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  19. Why would you think that?

  20. I have got to go watch wrestling that makes sense.

    I'm gonna go watch some TN... ummm. Nevermind.

  21. Sheamus is a heel? That's news to me.

  22. Am I alone in thinking Sheamus feuding with Ryback for the US title would be pretty good? Two big fucks stiffing the shit out of each other. So of course they put Sheamus over after having already beating Axel. Stupid.

  23. Any combination of Sheamus, Barrett, Cesaro, Ryback, and Big E would be entertaining.

  24. One of the production guys will win the vacant TNA title, in an agreement that will keep him working an additional two weeks without pay.

  25. Too late. I already got the TNA title when Dixie accidentally stepped on my foot.

  26. By that logic, the Michael Cole/Jerry Lawler feud was a rousing success.

  27. Coulda sworn I read it in one of these recaps.

    Must've been Hornswoggle.

  28. I didn't see this joke in the live thread but my bad if I bogarted it.

  29. You should've assumed it!

    ... brah!

  30. There was a report from Bryan Alvarez in which he heard from someone in the company that Sheamus turned heel after he kicked Ambrose last week on RAW.

  31. The brah thing is gonna get over, I feel it. You just need to use it a few more times and it will catch.

  32. According to the sheets, the big angle at the wrestlemania that just past was Vince vs Hunter for control of the company.

  33. Meltzer reported Wyatt vs. Cena also.

    You win some, you lose some.

    Weird that Vince hasn't been on TV lately. Then again, he looked really old the last time he was on

  34. It's amazing how fast the show cools off when you have two straight meaningless nothing matches.

  35. Threadjack:

    Kayfabe Commentaries is slipping in quality.

  36. How many times do we need to hear about Montreal? Enough already.

  37. Good review Andy.

  38. Didn't you call 1800-FELLA?

  39. Has Rusev beaten a white opponent on television yet?

  40. Does Zack Ryder count, or is that more of a rite of passage?

  41. Aaaandd tonight we get reminded of why Fox hasent touched a microphone in the 6 years she's been with the comfortable. Instead of looking "heelish" and "badass", it came off as awkward and lame

  42. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 12, 2014 at 10:09 PM

    Really you could watch the last 2-3 minutes of the show and not have missed much, other than DB being hurt, but he's not telling you something you didn't already know.

    ALSO, RIP Fandango, that looked a bit nasty

  43. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 12, 2014 at 10:11 PM

    I thought it was pretty good, Ryback's dumbass jock character is gold. Too bad Rybaxel is so worthless they jobbed back to back. At least have Ryback freaking win.

  44. O right, he did beat Ryder. Nevermind, I thought they were subtly trying to claim Rusev and Lana were racists, because I only remember him facing Woods, R-Truth, Kofi, and then he beat on Big E tonight.

  45. The main event Shield thing just makes me realize: the WWE should re-split the brands. When they merged, the midcard more or less died. They have so many jobbers right now who can't get a push because the divide between upper card and them is too big.

    Look at Sheamus tonight, for example. Was there any doubt he'd win twice? Ryback has no momentum, because without a midcard, he's a jobber. Look at Sandow/Rhodes -- neither man has any momentum because they prop up the upper card.

    Seriously, just let it happen. Or just make SmackDown a supplemental show permanently.

  46. Is he talking about Hogan jumping to WWF in 98 at the end? Seriously the first I ever heard about that

  47. You know what? I'd take a poorly acted character over no character. But that's just me.

  48. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 12, 2014 at 10:16 PM

    How can you re-split the brands when you have only a handful of top guys and 6 of them are aligned in groups of 3? It's not the split they need, it's logical booking. Sheamus is down a peg, he's supposed to turn heel, but instead he beats two heels clean. And those two heels will eventually challenge for the tag titles.

    Sandow foreshadows something, he jobs clean with no advancement.

  49. Someone on uproxx was trying to tie it in to Rusev and Lana being Clippers fans. Strangest thing I've read not involving QOTD.

  50. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 12, 2014 at 10:20 PM

    It worked for Crush.

  51. They need some upsets. They need a logical midcard. The reason I bring up splits is because it would require them to book a midcard. Something, anything. It's... just... you have the deepest roster in ages, there should not be dead matches!

  52. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 12, 2014 at 10:24 PM

    They have a deep roster but no top guys.


    Sheamus, I guess now.


    That's pretty much the extent of it. There's fringe guys like Barrett and RVD who can be pushed up, but everyone's a fucking jobber. You can't split that roster. When they did the split they had stars coming out of their ass.

  53. IIRC, it was all in regards to Hogan's WCW contract ending soon and was never all that serious

  54. Well, let's discuss this. Where do you start? I mean, the last segment showed the big issue: they brought out 3MB, Swagger, Fandango, Clay, Ryback, Axel... and none of them, even combined, felt like threats. How do you build threats? And which ones do you build first?

  55. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 12, 2014 at 10:28 PM

    And don't get me started on Bray essentially being taken out by the Usos. Jesus, you just lost one of your top guys, no reason to make another one look like a chump. Let Rowan eat the pin from an Uso when Bray and Cena are brawling outside.

  56. Upvote for the last sentence.

  57. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 12, 2014 at 10:36 PM

    The only way to do it is to have legit midcard feuds. But you gotta have them to build the guys up. Barrett's getting over just for having a good gimmick and winning a few matches. It's not that hard, it's just the 50/50 shit. Ryback is someone that is going to get back over with this gimmick, so why blow him off like that?

    It's not too much to ask to have him SURVIVE the match against Sheamus?

    They're actually worse off on the face side because there's so few faces that are really over and aren't being cooled off. The first thing they should do is take an over heel and turn him. Like... now. Problem is that the most over midcard heel is getting his heat cooled by Heyman and is probably booked in advance into a Lesnar match.

    Their "two top guys + part-timers" model is biting them on the ass. The first one quit and now the second one's hurt.

  58. It's the biggest issue since Stephanie took over Creative back in the day. She puts all her eggs in one basket. She needs to assign someone to the midcard and stand aside.

  59. Okay, my biases aside, here's an example of a lost opportunity.


    Swagger is being used to make Adam Rose look good in his debut, which is fine. Swagger's a mechanic, it's what he does. But RVD could lose from here to kingdom come and still be over. So why not have Swagger pin RVD in the match, then post-match have Adam Rose's music play instead of Swagger's, and have Rose annoy Swagger then? Swagger gets cred, which he can pass on to Rose, and RVD doesn't lose any heat because he never does. Wouldn't that have been more useful?

  60. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANMay 12, 2014 at 10:45 PM

    Yep, Cena and the other guy. Either something happens to Cena and it's panic time, or something happens to the other guy and now you have to overexpose Cena. If DB's hurt badly, gee, who's getting the title? Cena, or Wyatt to give it to Cena.

  61. Your thinking isn't *nearly* convoluted enough for the big time, mister!

  62. Hit the nail on the head. Give these guys feuds. Pretty much every guy should be doing SOMETHING and have some beef with somebody else.

  63. RVD became pretty heatless in TNA becayuse he was losing on a weekly basis. RVD needed the win more because when someone they plan to push beats him (like Barrett or Cesaro) it'd mean something as opposed to Swagger, who the company has no plans for.

  64. They already have a brand split.

    WWE and NXT.

  65. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 12, 2014 at 11:07 PM

    Nah, Swagger's a lost cause at this point. He's just there to job from now until whenever they eventually release him. Other than against a Yoshi Tatsu, there's no reason for Jack Swagger to win ever again.

    RVD should be used to selectively job to guys that WWE has actual plans for. Not Jack Swagger.

  66. The WWE badly needs to create stars.

    The depth on the roster is shallow.

    They have talent but for some reason like to bury guys to the point that they can never be taken seriously again.

  67. Worst_in_the_WorldMay 12, 2014 at 11:15 PM

    So if Bryan is actually out for a few months or a year, and they need to vacate the title... who do they put the belt on? I mean, it kinda has to be Cena, right?

    Orton: No chance. He just had it for 7 months and bombed hard. NOPE.
    Batista: Maybe, but he's pretty much been reduced to a background Evolution chump. Plus he'd feel like a continuation of the Orton run.
    HHH: Nah, he's not doing house shows.
    Roman Reigns or Bray Wyatt or Cesaro: No way, way too much of a hot shot. Would be a waste of any of their first title wins to come up now. Plus, I don't think WWE sees any of them as being ready yet.
    Kane: No way, fans would absolutely reject it, and he seems ready to retire anyway.
    Big Show: Hmmm, MAYBE. It'd be a disaster but I guess there's a chance.
    Del Rio or Dolph Ziggler: Nope. Both midcard fodder now.
    RVD: Maybe, but unlikely.
    Sheamus: This I could see, especially if they turn him heel.

    So yeah, in the end it basically comes down to a slight chance for Sheamus, but probably Cena. Unless they really pull a rabbit out of their hat and get Punk to come back and win the title in Chicago, which could be the only way to save that show if Bryan isn't on it.

  68. That's where someone like RVD or Mysterio comes in. They need people who have reputation and not much else, and they need to feed them to the stars to make them stars. Heck, even an occasional upset can make a star. Say Ryback beats Sheamus. He'd earn a US Title shot, and that match would be a 12-minute powerfest that would get him over even in defeat.

  69. just make money in the bank for the title this year since it's next month anyway. stretch out some contender matches until then.

  70. They could have made Swagger tonight as a midcard babyface just by having him successfully save Hacksaw and feud with Bore-is Badenov. Let Dutch do a promo explaining their change of heart and be done with it. We the People is over, so let it be a face thing.

  71. Look, this RAW deserves 10/10 just because of how excellent Hacksaw's hair continues to be!

    Excellent, excellent hair. Hooooooooo!

  72. The problem is that the only guys they're trying to push are the fucking SHIELD. It took the fans nearly rioting for the WWE Morons to realize that the fans like Bryan. So they put the belt on him, but then make him an even more useless nerd. They go out of their way to make every guy who isn't John Cena or a member of the Shield look completely and utterly useless and pathetic. So you've got a lot of talentless worthless cowards, John Cena, and three overpushed midcarders for three hours. That's a recipe for disaster.

  73. I was wondering that myself last week. Since his debut -- and even in his last few appearances on NXT -- Rusev has been feasting on minorities: Woods, Truth, Kofi and Sin Cara.

  74. I don't get why they cut so many entrances short. Even Daniel Bryan didn't get his full entrance tonight. They have 3 hours to fill on RAW and obviously they're having to stretch to fill those 3 hours (despite a deep roster), so wouldn't airing everyone's full entrance save them an easy few minutes?

  75. The kick was supposed to turn Sheamus heel, but obviously the crowd didn't react to it the way WWE wanted them to, so I think they're pulling back and waiting for another good time to turn him.

  76. You're only a chump if you get beat up by a chump, and the Usos are far from chumps. They're credible threats. Honestly, I think they're sneakily two of the best workers in the company right now. It's not like Bray got beat up by Los Matadores, he got hit with one of the tag team champs' signature moves.

  77. As much as I like Ryback, aren't people on here always complaining about champions being jobbed out? Having Sheamus go on a winning streak after winning the US title fits what the fans have been saying they want.

  78. So, is Daniel Bryan officially the first WWE Champion in history to do this many stretcher jobs?

  79. Trying to think of champs who never did stretcher jobs ... Taker, Kane, Rock?

  80. Agree, but that would derail the "Rusev hates non-whites" ratings train... :(

  81. Rock did a stretcher job during the nWo beat down that led to the semi truck destroying the ambulance. Don't think he did as Champ.


  82. You're not alone Dougster. Two big guys potatoing the shit out of each other is always great fun, I highly enjoyed the 2011 Mark Henry/Big Show feud for that very reason.

  83. blahblahblahblah5May 13, 2014 at 3:00 AM

    I dunno, the whole neck surgery thing seemed kind of like a work to me. Probably an abort-button push on Kane/Bryan trainwreck storyline. Hopefully, anyway.

  84. I think you're delusional that they went "we're going to randomly stop this storyline and say he has to have neck surgery".

  85. So why is it ok for Evolution to beat up so many people at once but if this was Evolution taking out all the faces or even when John Cena beats up a bunch of guys all on his own its bad? I anxiously await the logic gymnastics that it will take to twist and bend this into some how being ok because the IWC likes these guys.

  86. I think this could work in their favour, they could come out of this making Daniel Bryan look even more heroic and strong while pushing someone else. Sure the easy answer is to give kane the title and have him run with it strong until Daniel comes back for revenge, but it's a great way to repackage Sheamus or push the button on Barrett...or even Rusev, Big E etc etc. Just have them win a battle royale or tourney for the vacated title, and he can be Stephanies shining example of what a new fresh A plus player should be, defending the title constantly and coming off as a really strong champ. Kane can spend the next couple of months taunting Bryan, and once he comes back, he beats Kane decisively and then the next month he beats whoever the champ is for the title.

    There, you've put heat on the kane/bryan feud and given it a logical ending, you've given someone new and fresh a push for a couple of months, and you've made Daniel Bryan the returning avenging hero which makes him look stronger without him losing much of his heat.

  87. Doesn't seem like it's gonna be one of those injuries that takes a year or few months, either way injuries tend to mean big returns which tend to endear the crowd to the person even more, so i think Bryan will be fine, but yeah i could see them pulling the trigger on cesaro/wyatt or even barrett. Sheamus also seems likely. It feels like they building Reigns towards a big WM win so i think he's out.

    Punk returning for the belt in chicago would be an absolute godsend.

  88. Man, Bryan has had a crazy few months. Mania, wedding, his father dying, Connor passing away, and now this. Even more reason to root for the guy as far as I'm concerned.

  89. If its longer than a few weeks and will be several months, here is how I'd book it.

    Move the reigns rumble/title win by a year. Have cena get the title, and then lose it to Brock. Have Bryan be a surprise entrant in the rumble. Wins it, and then have Brock v Bryan for wrestlemania. Have the story be Brock is literally going to kill Bryan. Heyman can sell the hell out of that.

  90. So even god is burying Daniel Bryan now.

    But in all seriousness, this sucks for him, hope he comes back very soon, but worst case scenario, at least he already got his big moment at WM.

  91. Well it does make sense. He's a 200 lbs face against a bunch of angry/jealous heels that are twice his size. If anything, it makes him look very resiliant, as he keeps coming back to win matches. It just would not be realistic for him to always come out on top during sneak attacks against bigger guys.

  92. But then he is being "shoved down our throats" you see. So... I really have no idea what they want.

  93. It's funny b/c that's how it was pronounced when he was in Mid-South. JR and Bill Watts used to say "Doogin" instead of "Duggan" for the most part.

  94. Interestingly, now that there's only one main title, do they cut back on the MITB matches? A tag team MITB might be a glorious trainwreck.

  95. How many times to the Wyatts lose to Cena before all heat for the feud is lost? I think we're reaching that point.

  96. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighMay 13, 2014 at 6:56 AM

    A lot of guys have zero heat right now (not a good thing), but they have to have matches on RAW. I didn't see the pre game show so I wasn't sure what Dandow was referring to in his pre match promo but he can get over with the mic. Still hoping for a faction of underutilized guys. They could wear shirts about being loved or hated by IWC and just roll with it. I liked the Cody stuff last couple weeks.

    - loses
    - shoves brother in frustration
    - repeat
    - loses to Axel
    - brother defeats Axel
    - uses an underhanded tactic to get a singles win.

    That to me is good stuff.

  97. People were bitching on the live thread that Bryan was being buried...but uh, he's got a neck surgery coming up. Its not like he's going to be bouncing around like a ping pong ball and risk getting hurt more. Heels putting faces out of action to cover for injuries has happened since the beginning of time. People need to chill (btw Roma and Hercules buried Shawn Michaels at SS 90)

  98. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighMay 13, 2014 at 6:58 AM

    I see what you are saying. I guess my point was that was really a nothing feud. Besides the fact they shouldn't have broken up when they did, it wasn't a good rivalry. Sandow one MITB by betraying his partner. They had a pretty good match at summerfest and went their separate ways.

    Cole and Lawler was a joke, we all know that.

  99. I am convinced that they so badly WANT to believe that he's being buried, that they will ignore all logic, and just keep believing it no matter what. I have given up on trying to convince them, I just point and laugh now.

  100. Rock did the stretcher job to end all stretcher jobs after his match with Ken Shamrock.

  101. Running away from Kane was still stupid.

  102. AverageJoeEverymanMay 13, 2014 at 8:16 AM


  103. "there's still the fact that the entire locker room just got beaten up by the Shield"

    The Shield matters about a billion times more than those 11 dweebs combined. It wasn't the "entire locker room" even of just heels. The Wyatts didn't get beat up. Neither did Cesaro, Barrett, or Rusev. A bunch of jobbers did.

  104. "As
    much as I like the idea of the Shield using chairs to get even, and
    while Evolution did run off before getting hurt, there's still the
    fact that the entire locker room just got beaten up by the Shield."

    Okay, but look at who the Shield decimated - every one of those guys is a JTTS and SHOULD get mauled by main-event talent like the Shield. If the gang-beatdown had involved, say, the Wyatts, Sheamus, Barrett, Kane, etc., then it would have been counter-productive.

    In the context of the story, it made sense: Evolution beat the Shield down last week, and now it's the Shield's turn to look strong. Frankly, if this leads to another ****+ six-man match at Payback with a good stip (cage, HITC, street fight, etc.), I'm all for it.

  105. I thought it made sense. He was getting his wife out of harm's way. We'd just seen him kick Kane's ass and leave him laying, anyeay.

  106. The only good thing that can happen at Payback is for Bray Wyatt to pin Cena clean. If Cena goes over, then the Wyatts are lost as a major heel force.

  107. Is that the match where, while layed out on the stretcher, Rock still held up the I-C title belt? That was awesome.

  108. Barrett is doing pretty well as a singles guy right now, why change that?

  109. Right. So why wouldn't he just kick Kane's ass again then calmly go have sex with his wife?

  110. am I missing something? neither did Cena quit or nor did he hurt?!

  111. you can always tell how high the WWE is on certain guys due to those segments.

  112. The Shield are the new Midnight Express.

  113. I find it a pretty funny running gag that whenever the Shield take out a group of people, Ryback is always, without fail, the guy who gets Triple Powerbombed.

  114. Returned to my PPV-only status as a fan last night, Raw is just the biggest waste of time

  115. Stevie, why the name switch?

  116. Yep, and we still remember it to this day.

  117. I'm watching Raw now and I have a feeling the cartoonish nature of the last few weeks for Bryan is going to hurt the serious promo Bryan is about to give.

  118. When did Austin ever do a stretcher job? He got his neck broken against Owen Hart and only needed the ref to help him get to the back.

  119. Nattie is the worst Diva's wrestler on the roster. And she also sucks as an artist.


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