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The SmarK Rant for Monday Night RAW–05.09.94

The SmarK Rant for Monday Night RAW – 05.09.94

Apparently we’re back to proper dating now, so yay!

Taped from the Burlington Coat Factory, VT.

Your hosts are Vince McMahon & Randy Savage

King of the Ring Qualifier: Razor Ramon v. Kwang

So to recap, we have a guy from the US playing a Cuban, facing off against a guy from the Caribbean playing a vaguely Asian martial artist. Wrestling, kids. They trade armbars and Ramon fights off the deadly chops of Kwang and clotheslines him to the floor. Kwang refuses to stay down and necksnaps Ramon to take over, then blows his green mist for psychological effect. On the bright side, at least it would match Ramon’s tights. Kwang works him over in the corner, but misses a charge and allows Ramon to work on the arm in exciting fashion. Kwang comes back with a leg lariat RIGHT IN THE MUSH. And indeed, it’s a see-saw matchup, back and forth, so you know it’s a good one. Ramon appears to be bleeding from the mouth off that lariat, so Vince promises they’ll go to a wide angle if it worsens. Due to the children watching, you know. Geez, if they went to a wide shot you’d be able to see that the arena only holds a little under 3000 people. They slug it out and we take a break. Back with Ramon making the comeback via chokeslam for two. They continue to slug it out and Ramon catches him with a Razor’s Edge attempt, but Kwang’s ass causes him to fall over. So having messed up the finish once, Ramon tries it again, and this time finishes at 15:02. **1/2

King of the Ring Report: Todd Pettingill gives a pre-taped interview with Roddy Piper, where he accepts Jerry Lawler’s challenge in exchange for proceeds being donated to charity. Todd quickly clarifies that it’s a PORTION of the proceeds. How would they even determine that?

Crush v. Raymond Roy

Vince goes on this whole deal about how Crush must be drug-free because he’s got such a good body. Striking a nerve there, Vince? Also, the irony of course is even more striking given Crush’s later jail time and death. Crush puts him down with a superkick and backbreaker and pounds on the back. Press slam and the HEART PUNCH finish at 3:33.

Duke Droese is coming soon. Right after he’s finished with a giant pile of garbage.

Meanwhile, on Superstars, Jerry Lawler and Doink seemingly team up and humiliate Dink, but it turns out to be Jeff Jarrett, in one of the earliest examples of the Vince Russo trope of guys dressing up like other guys, five years before it became a thing.

Doink the Clown v. Mike Terrace

Doink and his pet midget frustrate the jobber with some wacky clown shenanigans and he finishes with the Whoopie Cushion at 3:00.

The King’s Court with Yokozuna, as we get a neat little Earthquake video detailing his sumo history, which naturally leads to Jim Cornette accepting his challenge next with a Sumo Match. That sounds like…something.

Meanwhile, more people claim to have seen the Undertaker.

Mabel v. Mike Bell

Bell attacks to start and gets chopped in response. Mabel puts him down for a big fat legdrop, and the Bossman slam finishes at 2:25.

Earthquake officially accepts the “WWF Style Sumo Match” for next week.

Next week: Did we mention the Sumo Match?


  1. "Also, the irony of course is even more striking given Crush’s later jail time and death."


  2. It's sad how Earthquake passed away, but he was still a pussy that ran away from the world of sumo as soon as he
    was elevated beyond fighting high school dropouts half his size.

  3. It seems that Razor and Vega were real life friends as Razor gave Kwang quite a bit of offense in that one when Kwang was nothing more than a jobber.

  4. Do you have a source for that? It's my understanding that he quit due to not liking the strict lifestyle-and life in Japan in general-and also because he would have been forced to have his tattoo removed due to the negative social stigma tattoos carry in Japan (although, given that he later had the tattoo turned into a shark without complaining you never know...).

  5. Probably knew him from their WWC days.

  6. The Droese gimmick feels like it was a leftover from potential Dusty gimmicks. Dusty The Dumpster Rhodes!

  7. I always enjoyed one guy dressing as another. It was usually a lot of fun, and I thought it was fine in this case. My favorite example would be DDP as La Parka.

  8. I know Vince was worried about prison and all, but who the hell thought that was a good gimmick? Did creative think fans would identity with Droese, because of how much they loved their own garbage man?

  9. Or when Goldberg dressed as Stone Cold Steve Austin?

  10. The Ghost of Faffner HallMay 20, 2014 at 2:27 AM

    It's been pointed out before, I'm sure, but the gimmick was Droese's--he was known as Garbage Man on the indy scene in Florida before he got hired by the WWF.

  11. With a lot of tweaking Droese probably could have gotten over during the Attitude era if he was kept to the hardcore division and used the trashcan as his personal weapon.

  12. That was a good one, too.

  13. He made his Vega debut helping Razor also.

  14. Or Sting as Sting.

  15. I marked out for that one at the time.

  16. "Meanwhile, more people claim to have seen the Undertaker."

    Is it just me, or is this Heyman hyping up the streak ending kind of feel like there's a chance for Taker to come back next year for redemption? I'm not saying it would be a great match, but if he keeps rubbing it in constantly for a whole year, it could be a feel good moment similar to when Malenko kicked Jerichos ass.

  17. I was thinking that too. I think Taker wrestling singles matches are behind him now, unless he's in the ring with a safe worker that can protect him, but I can see Taker working a tag match at next year's WM.

  18. I know they were on-screen buddies, but I'm guessing real life too as it seemed Razor wanted to help him out.

  19. Razor always seemed to be cool like that though. He let plenty of guys get their stuff in, most notable being Waltman.

  20. after reading several of these reviews, it's difficult to tell who they are trying to make a star. Guys beat jobbers then end of show.

  21. Wrestling tv was different in those days. You didn't have all the stars appear every single week. The purpose of the tv product was to build guys up to make them strong leading to the PPV.

  22. They had the "main event" lead off several times. Nice change, I thought.

  23. Gary The Rock Star's #1 FanMay 20, 2014 at 5:05 AM

    Left off again. Fuck you guy. I'm going to William Regal an episode.

  24. It's different today because WWE is the draw. In those days they were still trying to get people to the arena. If Bret is the champ and supposed draw he shouldn't be seen on the same level as HBK, Ramon, and Earthquake. Not saying he should be far and away above them, but enough to signify he is the headliner.

  25. That's why he was champion. ;) But: he could main evented shows with HBK, Ramon or even Earthquake and we would have accepted it as a legit main event.

  26. I guess my issue is they were all booked to be so interchangeable. Ramon, Diesel, and HBK were in the midcard at this point but were promoted to be on the same level as the champion.

  27. But that was always the case. The difference between "Main Event" and Midcard before 95 was always much smaller than today. Remember IC champions like Mr Perfect, Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Bret Hart...

  28. Lol. No idea why, but lol

  29. But in the "new generation" era it was non-existent. Rude, Warrior, and Perfect were not too far behind Hogan in 89 but you still knew they weren't on his level yet. I don't have a problem with having a small difference between midcard and main event, but there needs to be one.

  30. BrazilianKid: Disney World is fun.
    Abeyance1: It is
    BrazilianKid: I know
    Abeyance1: Me too
    BrazilianKid: What are you talking about?
    Abeyance1: I am saying that Disney World is fun
    BrazilianKid: I know it is
    Abeyance: I know too

    So perfect, I'd swear this was but and pasted

  31. Seriously, who the fuck doesn't like Snickers? Is this really true of The Hoss?

  32. An article in Sumo World magazine many years ago. I've long since lost it, and cannot find an online source for it.

  33. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 6:01 AM


  34. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 6:02 AM

    This goes without saying.

  35. "You had the stars and the jobbers and the stars were more or less on one level."

    what? guys like IRS, Adam Bomb, Virgil or Kwang were definitely not "on one level" with the top stars and were really never portrayed as such.

  36. I'm just happy you made a post without a smiley in the middle of it.

  37. Yeah nobody questions the integrity of Sumo World! It's not like they could have an agenda or something.

  38. Abeyance feels okay insulting Asians because he once gave an Asian family Mongo's old chihuahua. For dinner.

  39. Sounds like a lucky (?) girl there.

  40. Sting avenges Undertaker.

  41. short-haired Droese would have had the right look, too.

  42. ... subtract about 85% of the talent and double the douchiness on Punk's side and you nailed it

  43. btw: I didn't remember using Crush using the heart punch at this point already. somehow I thought he first started using it when he came back in 1996.

  44. So time for one more WorldWide before Payback:

    This Sunday, on BoD WorldWide:

    -Gary The Rock Star and his #1 Fan team up in action!
    -Gideon Stargrave looks to downvote some unlucky opponent. And everyone else within his flyswatter's reach.
    -And in the main event, Todd "Hoss" Lorenz faces Deke Hurley. It'll probably be a long night for the debutant, as the Hoss is HUNGRY! And PISSED! And HUNGRY! And ANGRY! And did we mention he's HUNGRY?!

    Sunday, at a SPECIAL start time of 8:35 on TBS. (You know, Braves game and all screwing with the schedule)

  45. I'm getting furious I'm not getting booked.

  46. And didn't they notice him only because he was #500 on the PWI 500?


  48. so basically it is like the real RAW

  49. Well, I was on the card at least. Yay?

  50. Or you could just look at his sumo and realize that he had no technique, and obviously also lacked the desire to persevere and learn it.

  51. No wonder you have a medium name. Are you legit gypsy with your mind reading?

  52. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 7:15 AM

    It depends on the colors I make the actual belt. Part of me wanted to make one with red leather.

  53. AverageJoeEverymanMay 20, 2014 at 7:31 AM

    The Steph segment about Daniel coming in next week to hand over the belt made me think of 3 things.
    1 and 2 = Stephs great boobs
    3 Next week Bryan should come into the ring, talk about how he was downing a couple DBweisers in the back, give the stunner to everybody present, and then down a couple more beers.

  54. didn't Kozlov appear in at least one ppv title match?

  55. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 7:32 AM

    You don't have to be booked to do that.

  56. Yep, and he had a 100% clean win over the f'n Undertaker on Smackdown. Then, Wile E Coyote drop, and Santino's lackey. WTF?

  57. If there was a way for Steph to be stricken mute, she would be the hottest woman in the company, and possible the U.S.

  58. He had a small problem called "ZERO charisma as a Russian heel". Sound familiar?

  59. Maybe he needed an insanely hot blonde valet to accompany him? That can always help.

  60. Okay, so since tournaments are awesome, how about a 32-man tournament for the title culminating with the semis and final at MITB? Set it up so that the semis are, say, Cena v. Reigns and Cesaro v. Orton.

    Then Bryan can challenge for the title at Summerslam since he never lost it.

  61. I'll give you a hint... they weren't trying to build Mike Terrace.

  62. "Archibald Peck"???

    That is the greatest heel name I've ever heard. Team him with Damien Sandow post haste.

  63. The only issue I have here is that Bryan already beat HHH clean at Mania. I'd add some other stipulation to the match to stack the deck against Bryan.

  64. Even better. Do you know what his gimmick was?

    HE WAS A DRUM MAJOR FOR A BAND! He was essentially one step up from the Spirit Squad on the "street cred" ladder!

  65. so did Khali. pinned the Undertaker with one feet on his chest.

  66. Why am I not at least on the commentary team?!?

  67. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 7:46 AM, because you're dead?

  68. he was a good fit with Santino, though.

    problem: the WWE didn't seem to get that someone who is funny can be a credible threat at the same time (Santino and Kozlov could have easily been a bigger deal in the tag team ranks, with Santino usually playing the face-in-peril and Kozlov being the huge guy that gets the hot tag and clears the ring).

  69. CruelConnectionNumber2May 20, 2014 at 7:47 AM

    He was also using the tilt-a-whirl back breaker as an alternate finisher on jobbers (and a signature move against name talent).

  70. Well...shit.

  71. What a poopy show.

  72. Could someone that speaks Dougie let me know what he's trying to say?

  73. Who could blame him? I'm sure that people were all very clear explaining what he signed on for.

    Of course, there's no shame in dropping out in the Makushita ranks. That's better than most aspiring rikishi ever achieve. But to make up some bullshit excuse about how people are holding you back to cover your ass is a pussy move any way you look at it.

  74. I think Vince was waiting for his next Hulk-esque star but the New Generation didn't really have one. He tried with Diesel but Nash couldn't do it. And you could always tell that Vince never had full support of Bret and Shawn.

  75. You only speak Hungarian?

  76. Raw has officially started to suck. Razor vs. Kwang going 15 minutes? That's another of those "it was decent, but my God was it boring" matches.

  77. Happy to at least get Curt Hawkins status.

  78. I'm pretty sure he worked a similar gimmick on the Indy's before being signed.

  79. Kwang did the job in almost all his features, but was always made to look strong in the ring against guys like Razor, Bret, and Tatanka.

  80. I.R.S. was above the other three. He was a center piece of the Tag Team Division for a year and a half, then worked an IC Title program with Razor, then worked a co-headlining main event with Tatanka during the Summer of 94.

  81. Yeah! I think you and Prime Time will make it to the finals.

  82. Finally, I thought Rock Star Gary and his fan should be a team.

  83. Wouldn't be surprised if it was.

  84. You'll get your moment soon enough.

  85. They're still a few weeks left.

  86. Another great promo.

  87. I didn't know Crush used the Heart punch back then. I thought he had debuted it with his jail gimmick when he returned a few years after this. Learn something new everyday.

  88. Quite correct. And considering the wrestling business, I actually have little problem with Cena not "rocking the boat" by offering to do"extra jobs". But from a creative/entertainment perspective, it's been stale for quite a while now.

  89. The word lucky is used very loosely here.

  90. But will they be able to co-exist, or will RSG abuse his fan, or will RSG just grow tired of the attention? So may possibilities.

  91. Tune into WorldWide to find out!

  92. That's why I used the question mark... maybe she's not lucky after all.

    (I'm using some old porn/female logic here. One female/multiple males = happy female. One male/multiple females = unhappy females... unless they're at least bi.)

  93. They need to pull the trigger with Heyman's ongoing hype SOON because as much as I love Heyman, it's starting to get old.

  94. At least the crowd was entertaining.

  95. Which would go to Cena sadly....

  96. Don't you think you shouldn't be so open in your WWE criticism, JTG? Because if WWE finds out, you might never get the sweet, sweet catering ever again.

  97. 2, Survivor Series 08 and EC 09.

  98. Yeah, May was the start of the summer Raw doldrums during the mid-90s. In '94, '95 & '96, things would really go downhill during the middle months. That's one of the reasons '97 rocked. They had a great angle (Harts vs. Austin, Canada vs. US) which made a WWF summer good for the first time in years.
    Scott's got his work cut out for him for the next little while.

  99. Yeah, they worked fine as a tag team.

  100. The tea party where they were trolling Sheamus was quite awesome.

  101. I was just thinking of that, gonna need to rewatch it again.

  102. ...would it be okay if Brie won?

  103. Yeah, such a strange turn of events for him, don't forget about the sick kid.

  104. Well, I like here slightly better than here don't have a problem with it.

  105. He really did take the high road.

  106. I absolutely agree that IRS was not a jobber but a solid midcard guy. but he was still not presented in the same kind of "star" like Bret Hart, Lex Luger (pre-WrestleMania X) etc. were (his program with Ramon is a good example for this: the more important feud at the time already was between Michaels and Ramon).

  107. Change that name back, and give him that gimmick.

  108. Everyone will get on at some point.

  109. Will Jobber the belt back?

  110. I was in the first row at this event, and sucked. The merch was nice though. I bought a replica pet rock (why the fuck are these things ACTUAL ROCKS) and an UnStable t-shirt (which, in a brilliant marketing move, are just nipple pasties.)

  111. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 9:29 AM

    Only if you're fucking Lita.

  112. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 20, 2014 at 9:33 AM

    A winner is you?

  113. Glad you liked the merchandise.

  114. New storyline idea: Abeyance1 getting carpel tunnel syndrome and subsequently losing the use of his hands due to posting at absurd rates

  115. Yea, I agree. Some kind of stipulation or gimmick match

  116. Respect the bookerman

  117. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 20, 2014 at 9:58 AM

    I'm more than happy to be the new Guiding Light of the BOD.

  118. On previous podcasts they would refer to him as Keith.

  119. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 10:37 AM

    no, ralph... you failed english

  120. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 10:39 AM

    lots of whiners on here, whinin' aboot not gettin' booked

    earn your way on to the show!

    i realize that not everyone is cursed blessed with a unique gimmick like me, but ya scrubs gotta do something to make yourself stand out


  121. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 10:40 AM

    "The word lucky is used very loosely here."

    so is the person lita

  122. No idea why he didn't keep using the cranium crusher. And as a dastardly heel, he could have kept it on long after the bell, so brain damage could be teased to the helpless faces.

  123. So I'm watching the third In Your House, and I'll just say it: Shane Douglas is a huge crybaby. The Dean Douglas gimmick wasn't that bad, and could have easily evolved into something more had he stuck with it.

  124. (Not an actual suggestion)

    Bryan vs HHH: If Bryan wins, not only does he become champ, but WWE Creative is FIRED on the spot. Replacements will be taken from the road agent/backstage ranks.


  125. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 12:00 PM

    nikki's boobs aren't fake, they're "enhanced"

  126. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 12:00 PM

    lol, i had the same thought

  127. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyMay 20, 2014 at 12:01 PM


  128. So NOW being a smark is following the book by cheering the faces and booing the heels. You internet dweebs are so confusing sometimes.

    By the way, I cheer who I like and boo who I don't. That's the standard in which should be set for everyone else as well.

    And you do realize that it's WWEs fault as to why they're cheering Wyatt, right? Because he's being booked against Cena, plain and simple. They didn't cheer him when he fueded with Bryan, nor Kane for that matter. Booking a heel against Cena is the kiss of death when it comes to drawing heel heat because it'll never happen. Not to mention with all of this, Bray Wyatt is a fresh and COOL character, which is naturally going to get him cheers. Sorry, I'm not going to "cheer" Cena and boo Wyatt at a live show when my feelings towards both are the complete opposite. Stop being such an internet smark.

  129. "You" internet dweebs?

    You're on an internet website dedicated to wrestling.

    You're one of us. But dumber.

  130. Wouldn't the fact that he's coming back from neck surgery be enough to stack the deck?

  131. They should find a way to have Adam Rose make his entrance through the crowd. But they probably won't because it would be deemed too similar to The Shield, even though it would have a totally different vibe.

  132. I like to be dictated on who I should be cheering or booing... dude if I ENJOY something I'm going to cheer it because I'm entertained. This reaction is far far better than NO reaction like the majority of spoilt American fans give, we have a right to be enthusiastic because we only get Raw twice a year! Take this crowd away and this RAW was total filler.

  133. I'm on the internet but am not a dweeb. You are on the internet and the text book definition of a dweeb. See the difference? I'm the cool internet guy that doesn't over analyze something as simplistic as professional wrestling. I'm the one that doesn't pretend like I could write for WWE in an attempt to impress other internet dweebs that think they can write for WWE. Out of curiousity, where in my post am I wrong enough for you to deem me dumber than your internet dweeb self?

  134. OK. Dweeb.

    And you just exude an aura of stupidity.


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