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TNA crew threatens to walk out over pay

Even this kind of crap didn't happen in WCW when they were bleeding money.


Man, MVP is sure doing a lousy job of running the company thus far.  


  1. Might be time to start a UNION!

  2. Jeez. Seems like TNA really is just a loose tooth tied to a doorknob at this point.


  4. If any TNA people are reading this thread, I will work for 2/4ths of whatever you're paying the guy you'd want me to replace.

  5. TNA isn't going away unless PE pulls the plug.

  6. So you work for free?

  7. Wha...MVP is a heel now!?

  8. They'll pay you 8 dollars for the night and you can take 2 popsicles out of the freezer

  9. Don't worry. He'll probably go back to being a face again in 2 weeks.

  10. Or one Rocket Pop

  11. Public Enemy?

    Anyway, if the production team doesn't work, then there is no plug to pull.

  12. The TNA creative people are being PAID? To come up with THAT?

  13. If they lose TV, they are done

  14. Knuckleberry PinnMay 12, 2014 at 4:40 PM

    I remember flicking through the channels one time and seeing TNA.

  15. Hey, if MVP can be an "investor"...

  16. They're paying to work for TNA. So you need to double your offer, not halve it.

  17. Aren't the production people covered under some sort of union.

    The wrestlers aren't, of course, but I thought production people would be.

  18. What if they sold shows as DVD?

    I bet nobody has thought of that business model before.

  19. seeing as DVDs are a dying medium that seems unlikely. People are switching to streaming, rental stores are dead, and retailers give dwindling space to selling DVDs and Bluray. Content providers would like nothing more than to switch everyone to "buying" content on the cloud such as Amazon, VUDU, etc. They can charge just as much with fewer costs. Just see how prices for Kindle books have jumped over the past 1-2 years as print books and bookstores have also dwindled.

  20. kbwrestlingreviewsMay 12, 2014 at 4:46 PM

    MVP is only in charge of wrestling operations. This is Dixie territory. Am I the only one that watches TNA?

    Serious question.

  21. I'm... pretty sure Scott was joking.

  22. Or if Spike undergoes another "network image" overhaul and it's decided that pro wrestling no longer has a home on Spike.

    Impact isn't getting blow away ratings that Spike can't manage with other, cheaper programming and no other network is going to be that interested in picking up a property that hasn't proven itself after a decade, can't pay their bills on time and comes with all sorts of financial entanglements for the network.

  23. ROH relied on that business model in their beginning.

  24. Everybody...everybody calm once the 445 PPV buys from our last PPV comes in you will all get the mean time..I have they buy one get one free Jimmy John coupons.

  25. No one will buy them

  26. Brock Lesnar runs the marketing there?

  27. and Spike is in network purgatory. They really lack an identity. The whole "guy network" thing faded. Unless they are looking to be the network that shows lots of Bar Rescue and Cops reruns, they have no identity. Which is why Dish Network shipped them to a sucky channel range full of religious stations and home shopping (and also WGN and Tru TV, two other stations that are far beyond their shelf life)

  28. Like seriously, how much do you think you deserve to be paid if your big idea for the world title is to pick the guy on the roster that looks like the WWE World Champion and give him your title?

  29. That's gold Jerry!!! Gold!!!

  30. All is well!

  31. Honest question. Could an Indy fed be successful running company online? Put shows up on BlipTV to make money off each view. Save some money by doing 80s WWF promos (studio green screen) and try to have a strong internet precense? I've wondered this for awhile but not sure if it would be financially viable.

  32. They are done. They just don't know it yet.

  33. Don't hire him TNA, he doesn't even know how fractions work!

  34. ROH was filling a niche roll for work rate freaks that TNA couldn't hope to fill.

    I'd like to see Spike come to a deal with ROH.

  35. Why wouldn't you just say 1/2?

  36. I'll be cold hearted and ask...why don't they give up? They aren't making money and if you cant build an audience that can draw out on the road or build your TV audience after 14 years why bother? What can they possible do in the future that they have not been able to do in 14 years to....pardon the pun..make an Impact.

  37. No Rocket Pop.

    He's not TALENT for Christ's sake.

  38. Sinclair broadcasting now owns ROH so they'd have to sell to Spike.

  39. What they save in production costs, they'll end up spending that and more on buying ad space on other websites to promote themselves

  40. probably not because you still have to pay talent. Talent that is good enough to make people watch or atleast a name or two would blow your cost structure. It is the same issue TNA has and the same reason ROH has been content to stay small.

  41. not much. I used to root for TNA simply as an alternative and a place for guys to work, but now they barely pay the talent. Guys are finding they can make more working indies and doing tours of Japan.

  42. I just wonder what the hell the thought process is at this point. I mean they tried to sell and couldn't get a deal, when that happened they should have closed up shop because they can't possible think..oh we just need to {fill in the blank} to turn things around.

  43. they are just waiting for the next ex-WWE guy to turn it all around. Angle, Nash, Foley, Steiner, Sting, Hogan, Mr. Anderson, none of them were the right one. Maybe Batistsa?

  44. I know that in WWE, there's a traveling production crew with the company and then local unionized stagehands/laborers do much of the setup as far as the stage and titan tron go. Not sure what the deal is with TNA.

  45. There are like two dozen really good indy feds with a strong online base as legit alternatives to WWE now. ROH, Chikara, PWG, AIW, Beyond Wrestling, AAW, and 2CW just to name a few. And that's not even counting New Japan.

  46. ....god that would be the most TNA move of all TNA moves..if they signed Batista soon.

  47. Think about this: I was at an Indy show on Saturday that had mick foley there signing autographs. They maybe had 500 people (that's being really generous) charging $12 a pop ($10 if you bought ahead of time). That's $6000 to split with Foley, Shane Douglas and 23 nobodies, 3 referees a production crew (sound, video and pictures, assistants for Foley, ticket takers etc) of about 10. How does anyone make money in that scenario?

  48. none of them allow you to work full time and make a decent living though without heading to Japan.

  49. And 500 is a damn good number for an indy show.

  50. That makes TNA all the more embarrassing doesn't it? I personally have not kept up with ROH in years but think of ROH with the money and machine behind it that TNA has had for 12 years and picture where they would be.

  51. Well no but they are still more fun to watch than Impact.

  52. nowhere. ROH is full of guys that don't' look like wrestlers to 99% of the world. Half of them are just terrible spot monkeys. It is a niche product that appeals to a small demographic of wrestling fans. Chikara is a company that appeals to a very limited demographic (not even sure what the hell that is either, stuff is awful nudge/nudge wink/wink crap)

  53. as i stated, my interest in TNA staying alive was never about it being a quality product. Outside of when Christian was around it pretty much sucked. But I liked the wrestlers to have a place they could make a living, particularly the mid-card guys like a Chris Sabin or Alex Shelley. Sting's got his dollars. Lot of these other guys are screwed, left to spending 52 weeks on the road going from small show to small show

  54. I like Chikara because they don't take themselves seriously and just try to have fun. The nudge nudge/wink wink stuff isn't done with malice or mean spiritedness either.

  55. They should have never ditched the six sided ring. It gave them a distinct look and an identity. Its really too bad becausein the mid-2000s they really had something going IMO. Sure Jarrett and Sting where there but we also got some of the best work out of Christian in a role WWE was never going to give him. The X and Tag divisions were just in fire, they grabbed a still relevent Kurt Angle and has some legit burgeoning stars in guys like Samoa Joe and Abyss among others. The last time I cared aboutTNA was the Roode-Aries feud.

    What a waste.

  56. thanks for those numbers. That's my point. Most indy shows are filled with guys basically working for free once you account for travel costs. The big names make some, get to sell gimmicks. Now imagine no TNA and a bunch more guys trying to make it in the indies. Most would get nowhere near a Douglas fee, much less Foley, and they wouldn't sell as many gimmicks.

    Now transmit that to an internet company. Unless you have a ton of workrate guys to get the ROH crowd you have to have some names. Blows any chance of profit (as well as the ad costs mentioned by someone else)

  57. How did you like the 1 second you saw of it?

  58. no it isn't but it isn't for me, plus I would hate to be the parent who takes their kid to one of their shows thinking it is regular wrestling and have to explain that hypnosis or grenade stuff.

  59. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryMay 12, 2014 at 5:09 PM

    "I got one thing to say about six sides: you had it, and it only got you so far. Now we're takin' ya all the way, Jack! No more eight sides, no more six sides, no morestinkin' playpen rings!"

    --Hogan on the night of the new traditional ring

  60. When Angle arrived and they had Joe and Christian, that was the one point I thought they really might get to a higher level. Didn't turn out so well.

  61. Knuckleberry PinnMay 12, 2014 at 5:09 PM

    I recall that they had a six-sided ring.

  62. And then a heel again 2 weeks after.

  63. I would and have.

  64. no obviously Chikara is not something that could go national but I disagree about ROH. It might not have worked but if they had Panda behind them in the mid 00's I think they would be bigger today than TNA.. I could obviously be way off but thats my opinion.

  65. if they combined the guys they had then like Punk, Bryan, Tyler Black, Samoa Joe etc. who could make it in a bigger company and Panda's money, then maybe. But Elgin? Steen? Edwards? The rest of the stick figures they trot out that look worse than I do? America ain't buying.

  66. The good old days.

  67. I would make fun if TNA, because I make fun of everything, but I was always supporting them, cheering for them. But Eric Young seems to have done it for me. It's just such a stupid decision there's no defending them anymore.

  68. Angle facing Joe on his first night in the company was the only good moment they had.

  69. Eric has been a pretty decent champion so far.

  70. Captain Obvious changed his name?

  71. The ring they use so SO small looking, especially after you watch WWE. It really looks low rent. The ROH ring is more impressive.

  72. He's fine enough in the ring, it's just that he's been a goofy joke for most of the last 8 years and nobody was asking for an Eric Young title reign.

  73. K....I've heard what you guys have been saying and if Dixie reads this I'll buy the company..well actually trade my 1993 Louisiana Class 2A MVP for the company. Don't worry I have one for 1992 also.

  74. Spike really had a thing going when they had rights to James Bond, rights to Star Wars, wrestling and UFC. They had a real identity brewing.

    It all just fell apart so fast.

  75. Cornette revealed his TNA DVD royalty cheque which came to about $5, so DVD sales aren't doing too good either.

  76. Bah, like I'm supposed to be able to detect sarcasm on the internet.

  77. 2006, right before Russo took over, was great. Long-term, old school booking. People feuding because one has a title and the other wants it, or because they're pissed off at each other. Russo takes over and it's Abyss's childhood and reverse battle royals, Canadians defending America against Mexicans and the champions that were built up for months before hand lost their titles immediately.

  78. They need to upgrade to HD. I bet they could find a HD DVD distributor that will work real cheap.

  79. I used to go to the former WWE developmental territory Deep South Wrestling around mid to late 2006 and there was a hardcore TNA fan there that was certain TNA would overtake WWE by the end of the decade.

    Wonder what he thinks about the company today.

  80. Agreed, 2006 was good.

  81. I imagine if ROH had Spike/Panda's backing then guys like Punk. Bryan and Joe would have been more loyal to the company and ended up staying because they would all want the ROH product to succeed.

  82. Young also never beat anyone worthy in the eyes of the fans. Say what you will about how WWE booked Bryan at times but during his rise to the top he got clean wins over Cena, Batista, and HHH.

  83. Eh, I doubt that.


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