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What the World Was Watching: Monday Night Raw - June 8, 1998

by Logan Scisco

-A small video package is shown for the Junkyard Dog, who passed away in an automobile accident.

-Jim Ross and Michael Cole are in the booth and they are taped from Rockford, Illinois.

-Vince McMahon, Pat Patterson, and Gerald Brisco come out in black tie attire since McMahon is being recognized for charity work tonight.  McMahon argues that we only know the “public” Vince, but tonight he will be named “Humanitarian of the Year.”  He adds that Steve Austin will be joining them for the presentation.  This was a subtle promo by McMahon and full of exaggeration.  1 for 1

-Opening King of the Ring Qualifying Match:  Ken Shamrock defeats “The Godfather” Kama Mustafa via submission to the ankle lock at 2:42:

The WWF was really starting to emphasize Kama’s “Godfather” nickname at this point, but he has not started his pimp gimmick yet.  The Nation is not allowed to accompany Kama to ringside.  This is Shamrock’s first match back from the beatdown Owen Hart and the Nation gave him after Unforgiven.  Kama works Shamrock’s leg, but gets too cocky and caught in the ankle lock and Shamrock advances to face Mark Henry in the first round.  After the bout, D-Lo Brown tries to attack Shamrock, but Dan Severn makes the save.  Severn and Shamrock eye each other to keep building the possibility that they may meet in the King of the Ring finals.

-Footage from the recent Madison Square Garden show is played.  Ross announces that MSG will play host to SummerSlam.

-D-Generation X is shown walking through New York City and talking to people about SummerSlam.

-Call 815-734-1161 to get your “Don’t Trust Anybody” Steve Austin t-shirt for $25 (plus $6 shipping & handling)!

-Faarooq & Steve Blackman defeat “Marvelous” Marc Mero & “Double J” Jeff Jarrett (w/Jacqueline & Tennessee Lee) when Blackman pins Jarrett with a schoolboy at 3:26:

Jarrett and Mero are an odd pairing since they are scheduled to face each other in a King of the Ring first round match in a couple of weeks.  Sure enough, Mero starts posing in front of Jacqueline on the apron and ignores the match, which allows Faarooq to push Jarrett into his partner and help Blackman secure a victory for his team.  Rushed match, but it at least does something to make people care about the Mero-Jarrett tournament match.  Rating:  *¾  (1 for 2)

-DX keeps roaming around New York City.  They get two consecutive segments for this.

-King of the Ring Qualifying Match:  Owen Hart beats 2 Cold Scorpio via submission to the Sharpshooter at 5:16:

The Nation is barred from Owen’s match like they were the Kama’s earlier.  Based on the booking of both guys, this should be a squash, but this is an Owen Hart match, so we’re going to get some solid workrate.  Scorpio misses a dive off the top rope, injuring his knee, and Owen locks in on the injured body part to secure a clean win.  This is the third and final time that Owen qualified for the King of the Ring (1994, 1996, and 1998).  Owen will face the winner of tonight’s Dan Severn-D-Lo Brown match.  Rating:  **¾ (2 for 3)

-The Undertaker shows up at the arena and is searching for Vince McMahon.

-We get video footage of Darren Drozdov playing for Denver Broncos and throwing up on a football.  The NFL on NBC announcers made a big deal out of his tattoos at the time, but now it is common for athletes to have them.

-Chainz beats Darren Drozdov with a Death Valley Driver at 2:55

This is Droz’s singles debut on RAW and this match is an extension of the awful LOD 2000-Disciples of Apocalypse feud that we have been treated to for the last month.  A decent brawl, but Chainz wins in a puzzling development since he was ice cold in terms of momentum.  This was a signal that Droz wasn’t getting a strong push out of the gate, but if the booking didn’t do him in then his attire, which looked grungy and unconvincing, would have done that anyway.

-Right after the bell, the Undertaker shows his disapproval with the LOD 2000-DOA program by chokeslamming Chainz and Droz and tossing them out of the ring.  Or maybe the Undertaker is taking revenge on Brian Lee for allegedly stealing his wife and/or stealing his gimmick in 1994.  The Undertaker says that he wants McMahon, but McMahon is busy backstage talking with his charity folks so the Undertaker heads back to the locker room.

-DX comes out and does their usual spiel, but before Triple H can rip the Nation, LOD 2000 walks out.  Animal demands a title shot due to their win at Over the Edge and Triple H agrees to give it to them.  This brings the DOA out and they say they are still owed a title shot based on beating the New Age Outlaws on RAW several weeks ago.  Triple H tells both teams to suck it and cancels the match, but Commissioner Slaughter comes out and books a triple threat match between all three teams for the WWF tag team titles.  This entire segment was a big mess as Triple H’s sophomore humor fell flat, Animal spewed nonsense, and one of the Harris brothers literally screeched while giving his promo.  2 for 4

-The Undertaker is shown destroying things backstage.

-Edge’s new vignette says that people are lost and scared.

-Jerry “the King” Lawler joins Ross for commentary for the second hour.

-Mark Henry and Vader wrestle to a no contest after the Undertaker interferes at 2:45:

Well, Vader’s pledge to go away for a while and find himself didn’t last very long.  Henry and Vader engage a fun brawl until the Undertaker walks out and chokeslams both of them.  The logic of this is probably to keep Henry strong and not damage Vader’s credibility, since he will face the Rock in a King of the Ring qualifying match next week.

-Steve Austin’s chairshot to Dude Love at Over the Edge is the JVC Kaboom! of the Week.

-A video package recaps Sable’s loss to Marc Mero at Over the Edge.

-King of the Ring Qualifying Match:  Dan Severn defeats D-Lo Brown with a modified bow and arrow submission at 3:10:

The WWE bookers didn’t think through a lot of the tournament brackets since they had lots of potential Nation matchups (Kama-Henry or Owen-D-Lo in the first round) and, since the odds of those matchups were low, that made the qualifying round too predictable.  D-Lo gets dominated by Severn here and the finish is notable because it was said that D-Lo suffered an injury to his pectoral as a result of the bow and arrow, thereby necessitating his use of a chest protector in future matches.  Since that gimmick gave D-Lo personality, you could argue that he got more out of this loss than Severn did a win.  After the match, Owen attacks Severn, but Ken Shamrock runs in to make the save.  Rating:  *½ (2 for 5)

-A video tribute to Sable is aired.

-Steve Austin is shown shaking the hands of Chicago football players before today’s show.

-Val Venis wrestles Dustin Runnels to a no-contest when the Undertaker interferes at 5:29:

Remember that Runnels is wrestling without pay due to his defeat at the hands of Dude Love a few weeks ago.  The match has an interesting story as Venis showcases a lot of the sexual antics that Runnels used under the Goldust gimmick and now he’s outraged by Venis’s behavior.  Runnels pushes Venis to the limit, but the Undertaker interferes and ruins what was Venis’s best match to date.  The chemistry that these two displayed here may have convinced the WWF brass to create a long-term program between these two.  Rating:  **½ (3 for 6)

-The Undertaker attacks Commission Slaughter in the locker room when he cannot tell him where McMahon is.

-Triple Threat Match for the WWF Tag Team Championships:  The New Age Outlaws (Champions w/Chyna) defeat LOD 2000 (w/Sunny) & The Disciples of Apocalypse when Billy Gunn pins the Road Dogg at 7:37:

This match requires two men to be in the ring at one time, so it does not utilize the triple threat variation where a member of each team is engaged in the ring at all times.  Under these rules, I’ve never understood why a team voluntarily tags itself out, since they might not get another opportunity to re-enter the bout.  The Outlaws get tagged into the match by the LOD and DOA, but they intelligently take advantage of the situation to retain the titles.  Each team rotated enough to keep this interesting and the finish was well crafted.  Rating:  **¼ (4 for 7)

-An army of police officers are shown assembling in the backstage area.

-Al Snow shows up in ridiculous coat and tie attire and interrogates Lawler, but security escorts him away.

-Vince McMahon comes out for his “Humanitarian of the Year” ceremony to the music that was used for celebrities at WrestleMania X.  As McMahon enters the ring, police officers corner the Undertaker backstage.  Steve Austin comes out wearing a black tie with the rest of his ring attire, which irritates McMahon.  As McMahon receives his awards, he is told that his contributions were not what he promised and that it took several times for his checks to clear.  As McMahon gives his acceptance speech, promising to take his awards and place them in a future Hall of Fame, Austin picks his pocket and gives the $1,200 in it to the foundations present.  Austin proclaims McMahon the “Jackass of the Year” and druids carry a casket to the ring as the lights go out and the Undertaker’s music plays.  However, Kane pops out of the casket and Mankind joins in.  They toss Austin in the casket and Kane stands over it and signals for his pyro as the show plays out.  A pretty tame segment compared to the great work that Austin and McMahon have done up to this point, but the heel beatdown and closing shot were great.  5 for 8

The Final Report Card:  I didn’t care for the Undertaker’s rampage during the show, since it ruined Venis-Runnels and defied logic (why could the Undertaker not find McMahon in the backstage area during the ENTIRE show?).  In contrast, the show had enough entertaining segments like the tag team triple threat, the closing segment where Austin one-upped McMahon and then McMahon got immediate retribution, and Owen-Scorpio.  I’ll give this week’s effort a neutral score because although Austin-McMahon was fun, their segments on this show were arguably the weakest between them since their feud began after WrestleMania, and this show seemed to lack the energy of previous broadcasts.

Monday Night War Rating:  4.3 (vs. 4.0 for Nitro)

Show Evaluation:   Neutral


  1. Harlan Leverage IIIMay 20, 2014 at 3:39 PM

    The end of the triple threat match is one of my favorite random Raw moments. I always liked when there'd be multi-team tag matches in the future, the announcers would mention the "Outlaws Rule" and say that two partners couldn't be in the ring at the same time. That's the kind of detail that makes wrestling look a little bit more like a real sport -- someone found a loophole in the rules, so the people in charge closed the loophole.
    I'm also a big fan of Severn's victory over D-Lo. I liked how Severn put the hold on, and when D-Lo didn't immediately tap, he made it very obvious that he cranked back on the hold. Again, it's something that brings a little bit of realism -- instead of just maintaining the hold or flailing around aimlessly, he made a deliberate motion that looked like it hurt, and D-Lo sold it excellently.

  2. Brock does that with his Kimura lock right?

  3. We might need a LScisco vs Brian Bayless match at the next BoD ppv. Love these reviews man


  5. Disagree. The two of them sucking each others dick 200 posts at a time is one thing that prevented me, and I'd guess others, from posting here for a long time.

  6. Hey, when the formula works, it works. YMMV, some would say.

  7. Paul Heyman: whenever he speaks, I think he is lying or am trying to determine his ulterior motive(s). Told so many lies and stories and soliloquies and promos and conspiracy theories during and about ECW that he forgot what the truth was. Blasted WWF at the same time he was getting money for the talent that had jumped.

  8. Bradley vs PAC man 2 did 800k, Floyd's 2nd to last fight did 2 million. People will buy it if you've got a product. The wwes problem is that no one cares

  9. Here's why.

    There's a large number of people who only ever order WM on PPV. We all agree about this, yes? The numbers prove it. That's the audience the WWE chases by having Snooki and shit on the show and that's the audience (or one of them) they need to convert to network subscribers.

    If you only ever order WM, that's $60 a year for one PPV and for many people, the cost is split (you have people chip in $5-$10, it covers beers and chips, etc.) and the best part? All it takes is one button on your remote. That's it. Boom. Done. That $60 is on your next bill and you're done.

    The Network? You have to go to the website, signup, CC# info, address, etc. All that. Emails, confirmation emails, set up the Network on whatever device you're gonna watch it on, check the stream, make sure you cancel before it auto-renews (it does auto-renew, right? I'm assuming), etc.

    Now, is this carrying buckets of water across the desert to your mud hut in the blistering sun? No, of course not.

    But it's a lot of work for someone who has no interest in the archives (most people) and isn't gonna watch the other 5 PPVs.

  10. Your moms mouth is like a vacuum?

  11. Boxing PPV's are a lot more rare so people don't have to be as picky which they buy either.

  12. True. Theres probably 3 or 4 cards a year. Big diff for sure

  13. But boxing isn't putting on a ppv every month, right? Or feeding Raw/Smackdown. Boxing is a different beast, and aren't UFC numbers in decline, too? Not as badly as WWE.

  14. You don't wax nostalgic for cultstatus telling people they suck and fantasy booking the wwe main event scene?

  15. They tried that. There was absolutely zero interest from any cable or satellite provider in adding the WWE Network to their lineup. Vince would have jumped at the first offer they got.

  16. That's all I got here. *runs off in shame*

  17. Abeyance is also less than 1K from the Top 5 so the way he posts he will be there by Friday... who was the last different person we had in the Top 5? Fuj?

  18. This will never, ever happen. Cable will die before this happens. They need you to have those garbage channels on your lineup.

  19. I know, it is hard to fathom, but no I sure don't.


  20. Holy shit. Anyone else remember the days of Stuart Chartock as a top 5 player? Those were the days

  21. It always bothered me that when Godfather joined the RTC, he didn't go back to calling himself "Kama Mustafa".

  22. Which is why they need to put some blockbuster shows on in the next few months AND have Night of Champions be an almost WrestleMania worthy show. And putting a CC into a website isn't that big of a deal.

    If they really want to see what D-Bry is worth, hold is return off until Night of Champions and see him getting his belts back on that show drives a good number.

  23. You Might Miss Vinson?

  24. The summer of 1998 is my favorite as a wrestling fan.

    I loved the Highway to Hell storyline.

  25. Your mileage may very

  26. Murphy was there for ages as well.

  27. "And putting a CC into a website isn't that big of a deal."

    Good thing I mentioned it's more than that.

    Yeah, if they could make every show a big time blockbuster, that'd be ideal, but they can't. They'll never make every show a WM-caliber event and without that, you're not going to convert the casuals to people willing to toss $10 in the coffers monthly.

  28. They come and go...Murphy was a weird one. I liked his articles a lot. He was doing some music write up for inside pluse that was great. His Indy reviews were awesome. Great writer. He even had a post about almost killing himself that was strong. But I never got the drunk posting thing, and he circle jerked it a lot.

  29. I think I was the first heavy posting poster to be nice to people. I like to think I opened the floodgates for lurkers. Theres pros and con's to that though.

  30. The drunk posting, and the removing comments/banning people that called him on it is what I had against him. Had he not been a mod I probably could have tolerated him a lot more.

    Zanadude would be near or that the top if he hadn't gotten banned that time.

  31. Watching those early clashes (especially the shopping spree one) has made me realize Nancy was probably the most underrated piece of ass in wrestling. Dude she was fucking lights out in 89

  32. No, what you did there was try and making putting a credit card into a website sound like rocket science.

  33. Fuj was/is generally nice... but he has a massive ego that he needs to keep fed and will keep arguing forever even when he has clearly been proven wrong. I enjoy just saying "LOL" in response to him because even that he can't resist responding to.

  34. The 'tude is one of my all time favorite posters. I'm almost positive everything he posts is sarcastic. I always have a soft spot for the all in smart ass.

  35. I'm not a fan but he didn't deserve to be banned... Flair4DaDouche just liked flexing his mod privileges.

  36. *rubs temples*

    All I said was that it's more involved than pushing a single button on your remote.

    And it is.

    Quick story to illustrate the point: Years ago, I had an XM radio unit and the service on a three month billing cycle. The unit got stolen from my car and I was more worried about getting my car window fixed than canceling my billing for the unit (plus I was hoping that they'd somehow find it).

    They never found it, I got the car window fixed and thought nothing of it until 3 months later when I checked my account on my phone and saw I got billed for the service again.

    "Fuck me. I gotta cancel that thing."

    I need to be home for that, though. Need to have my account number and all that handy and I'm out running errands now.

    Get home about 5 hours later and I'm not thinking about the XM anymore.

    And I don't until I get billed again. Why would I? Without the unit and with the car fixed, it's out of sight and out of mind.

    Now, am I kinda dumb and easily distracted? Sure.

    But so are a lot of people.

  37. That was an outrage. Especially since he posted fake spoilers from a fake dolphins1925 that had been outed as a fraud as a joke.

  38. 10 year old Parallax had a HUGE crush on Robin Green when she was Rick Steiner's girlfriend and I didn't even totally get the concept that girls lacked cooties at that point. THAT is how hot she was.

  39. That whole thread was. He banned James that night for saying "Orton is going to win" meaning in his opinion Orton was going to win the match but Flair took it as him posting a spoiler and banned him... then refused to apologize when he got called on it.

  40. The problem with booking lots of blockbuster shows is that I don't really think this company can do that 12 months out of the year. They used to be able to and I hope as a fan of wrestling that they put together something exciting. Instead, I fear they'll hot shot everything they have and that will exacerbate the situation.

  41. I just pulled this up on the WWE Network and Harley Race actually says "A boy like you," not "a negro like you."

    And obviously, the first guess would be that WWE dubbed it or something, but you can clearly see Race's lips when he says the line. It's definitely "boy" which is.....I guess, sorta better?

  42. Not really, no.

  43. Joe, I think you are dramatically underestimating how technically adept the average WWE audience member is. To a lot of them, putting a credit card into a website *is* rocket science.


    *guitar chord plays as a black and white image of a nerd at a keyboard is shown.*

  45. Stranger in the AlpsMay 20, 2014 at 5:49 PM

    I thought I was pretty clear. I DIDN'T MUMBLE!

  46. Jobber, nice?

    Perish the thought.

  47. Never saw this it sounds pretty sweet. I'm all about a full Clash of tag team tourney matches. That's awesome. Some cool teams too.....Steamboat and Koloff, Pillmqn and Liger, Rude and Austin? C'mon, straight gold baby. The generic squads are pretty comedic, but you have to absolutely respect the Steiners, MVC, Double A and Eaton, and Windham and Rhodes had legs too.
    Pretty stacked card of teams. Kind of a lost aspect of pro wrestling, throwing two guys together and making it work, while adding a little value to the tag titles. Totally miss tag team wrestling.

  48. Says the guy with the Ben Stiller avatar.

  49. I enjoy the Fuj but dislike anything associated with NPP. Leaves me torn on him

  50. I'm always nice. Especially compared to others

  51. Fuj is dope IMO

    You watching the draft lottery? This needs its own live thread

  52. That's an impossible task, let me have the spot, then he'll lose interest

  53. Sage Steele isn't hot, or is she? I'm really confused by her

  54. Not confused about the daughter of the kings owner though. God damn!!!

  55. Why Sunshine why?

  56. Bryan got to be one of the non ones.

  57. Mallory Eden...wowza I usually don't find super rich girls that hot but this one is a looker. I hope Dr J smashes it

  58. True; then again, it wasn't like they had Rey at that point. Mike Graham and Scotty Flamingo weren't exactly known as high-flyers.

  59. What the nuggets get 2 draft picks???

  60. Ooooo the magic got fucked. Drop back to 12...

  61. We know what you mean.

  62. So much randomness. Loved it!

    If someone has entered multiple King of the Ring tournaments, it's a good sign their career has gone nowhere.

  63. Lolololololol the Lakers slide down to 7 go fuck yourselves

  64. I love how the Lakers bottomed out and got fucked by the draft. Good thing they won the last two games of the seasons hahahahaha, hope going 27-55 instead of 25-57 and getting a better pick. Man how far that team has fallen

  65. Cavs get first pick...again. What a embarrassment

  66. The NBA draft lottery is fucking disgrace

  67. Yeah, didn't sound like a pretty site.

  68. Brian Pillman,Jushin Liger,Chris Benoit,2 Cold Scorpio maybe if the division sticks around they give Dean Malenko a full time job a couple years early etc etc

    Lots of good things could have went down.

  69. I remember that.

  70. You're on a roll tonight.

  71. That Bucks girl though!

  72. It'll be next week.

  73. I won't lose interest.

  74. I agree Meekin.


  76. He doesn't want to lose his spot.

  77. So much better than what went down.

  78. Right now I hope we take Wiggins.

  79. All of them.

  80. The Love-Matic Grampa!May 20, 2014 at 6:54 PM

    HHH was such a condescending schmuck in that documentary. Bury the guy you're going over clean in a racist angle at the biggest show of the year within the context of a non-kayfabe interview? Really?

  81. He's yelling at the banned guy.

  82. Agreed and i think it's mostly because of the 5 hours (7 hours if you count Main event and Superstars on the network) of television to fill every week.

    In order to fill so much TV time, the ability to make each and every ppv amazing becomes nearly impossible. It's not about hotshotting everything, it's just that inevitably wwe will gave away every money match not involving Lesnar or Rock you would want to pay to see by the time the ppvs roll around.

  83. Yep, Jef is gonna take his rightful place on the blog eventually.

  84. Did he get banned, or did he quit in protest? I thought that he quit over something.

  85. How do you manage to lurk in every thread at once?

  86. Dan Gilbert should be in prison for the shit he pulled that crippled our economy. He's 10000% worse than Sterling but he gets the #1 pick AGAIN LOL OK NBA

  87. 2 computers.....
    Just kidding, I just look at each one individually.

  88. You're very thorough.

  89. Hey, Gilbert never said he didn't want black guys at games.

  90. Can't read that guy, ever.

  91. If there is a place for me to comment, I comment.

  92. No he just committed large scale fraud and made tons of cash betting on the failures of mortgages he gave out, but he didn't say something in private about blacks at his games so no one cares.

  93. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontMay 20, 2014 at 7:06 PM

    Speaking of being full of shit, was just watching The WrestleMania rewind for the Mega Powers Exploding and at one point they cut to a talking head of AJ Lee. She said she remembered when Savage was picking a manager and ended up picking Miss Elizabeth. She wasn't even alive when that happened!

  94. You comment everywhere.

  95. Mallory Eden or the Kings owners daughter...harder debate than Durant vs Lebron

  96. Ha, oh Gilbert. We've had several fraud cases up here recently.

  97. She's just THAT BIG of a true fan!

  98. Well, Abeyance is everywhere.......

  99. Maybe this year we'll win.

  100. I thought the kings owners daughter might have been hotter but yeah, Mallorie eden was smoking

  101. I don't usually pay a lot of attention to upvotes, but your ratio of posts to upvotes is a bit sad. Here, I'll upvote this entire thread of ours.

  102. Thanks, I'm aware and my upvotes will probably never beat out my posts.

  103. I have a black hat. I only wear it to special occasions though.

  104. Kane standing on the casket that had Austin in it doing his pyro bit was an amazing visual. WWF TV in 1998 was fucking phenomenal

  105. For what again?

  106. Same. I enjoy "smart ass" but his brand of smart ass isn't funny or amusing at all.

  107. Parlez vous francaise?

  108. Amd the Cleveland Cavaliers select......AARON GORDON!

  109. Geez, that's like me when I first appeared here with my gimmick.

  110. Cleveland Strong!

  111. Black guys play basketball


  112. I'm really hungry at the moment.

  113. Think you GOTTA take wiggins. I'd always skew towards super athlete vs more polished so I'd take him over Jabari, amd Embiid is just to risky with the back.

  114. Cleveland is in Ohio

  115. If she was that big of a fan of Elizabeth she would have fucked Savage.

  116. Which is right by Lake Erie.

  117. Lakes contain water

  118. It's a little Japan-y, but yeah, it's got it's charm.

  119. And water contains hydrogen and Oxygen.

  120. Yea. Holy fuck. D'Antoni can't even tank correctly. I was opposed to trading this pick for Love but think I'd do it knowing the pick is #7. They aint getting a franchise guy at 7

  121. One is Asian?

  122. Wiggins in C-Town, sick as fuck

  123. Fwiw steph curry went #7 to golden state

  124. Thankfully, you've persevered. Eight words at a time.

  125. Sage is SO pretty imo. Not the porn star type of hot but really pretty. I wrote Simmons an email asking him about this a few weeks ago. Hopefully it'll make an nba mailbag

  126. White Collar Crime > Racism

  127. Liger's name was spelled wrong.

  128. Not in the perception of america, and Gilbert probably got a medal from our government, not charged with a crime, but he should be sitting in cell with lots of other people.

  129. Simmons is saying its a no brainer to take Embii. I strongly disagree.

  130. Make no mistake, you are the best at what you do.

  131. I was thinking that today but then they zoomed in on her face and it was bad. Lanky and bug eyed

  132. Completely disagree with that also. If the medical tests on his back come back clean, guess you gotta consider it, but there really aernt any question marks with Wiggins.

  133. White collar crime is the best crime in America. Make millions and do little or no jail time.

  134. Thank you Studd, that was probably sarcasm, but I'll take it as a complement either way.

  135. I do the same, generally close the thread tabs at the end of the day. I just don't post anywhere near as often as Abey.

  136. The Outsiders actually teased that finish about a year earlier, but both the Nasty Boys and the Faces of Fear broke up the pin. But the Outlaws were indeed the first ones to get away with it.

  137. I do it too. I'm just not as on the ball I guess.

  138. He looks like the real deal. Rudy Gay with a better shot selection is what I'm hoping for. The next Scottie Pippen would be a bonus.

  139. So let me get this straight. NBA says homophobia and destroying the America economy with predatory lending and betting on the same bad mortgages failing is perfectly OK but saying something racist in private while being a 2x NAACP life time achievement winner is bad. I might have to tap out on the NBA if warriors don't win big next year and this new commissioner keeps being a fucking twat

  140. I am frequently very sarcastic, but this is not one of those times.

    There is only one Abeyance.

  141. It took one of the dumbest draft decisions to do it though. David Kahn isn't walking through that door!

  142. There are no powerful African Americans looking to buy a team in Cleveland.

  143. Does anyone think that overall up votes have gone down since they got rid of downvotes?

    I personally don't up vote anything anymore. If somethings awesome, I'll say it in a post. It's fucking retarded downvotes went away

  144. The "Nash never jobbed" stuff is a bit exaggerated. People act like he booked himself to win the title and refused to lose it for 5 years. He didn't show up to a pay per view to face the Giant, and the excuse he and Bishoff have given is that he thought he was having a heart-attack because he was around the age his father was when he died and he's freaked out about it. He missed a match in TNA years later because of suspected heart problems and he's mentioned in shoot-interviews his concern about it because of his father dying young. He did jobs in WCW and didn't seem to lose any more or less than another else at the time.

    And isn't it common knowledge the Punk match was cancelled because Nash couldn't pass the physical at the time? The guy jobbed to Test in 2 minutes on Raw, he's hardly above doing jobs.

  145. I know I would have gotten a fuckload of downvotes for certain posts.

  146. Yeah, because I took the name Abeyance1, thanks for not making it one of those times.

  147. Well the cavs will fuck up and take someone shitty off the board, the bucks will probably take who ever they think is most likely to resign and that could leave LA with some options. The big 3 will be long gone though.

  148. Yeah, the place isn't as fun anymore without them.

  149. This would have been so.much netted if LA, Boston, and NY for picks 1-3

  150. Albert Belle got some deep pockets though

  151. I just came in here to commend your dedication to using tags with your posts.

  152. Yeah, the place isn't as fun anymore since CultStatus came back.


  153. Seriously though, my original gimmick was that I was going to answer everyone and respond like this.

  154. I always enjoy your avatars

  155. Albert belle owning a sports team would be the greatest thing ever. It would be like that movie soul plane translated to sports ownership

  156. I'm glad you went with the Welcome to the Blog of Doom thing.

    Kinda sorry that I was here before you. No one ever welcomed me.

  157. Soul Plane? Is this a real thing?

  158. have an upvote

  159. What would it hurt if they just gave the 14 non play off teams an equal chance to get the 1 pick. Just have a true draw where they all have a 1/14 chance of winning

  160. I envy you for never having seen it. Your soul is pure

  161. I try to see if anyone has low post counts, and if they do and are recent enough, I welcome them.

  162. Lol. Im pro Cult but I decided that for such a regular/recognizable poster, we don't rag on him enough. I've been trying to start the trend

  163. Honestly, its a nice touch. You're a class act abeyance1.

  164. You make this house a home.

  165. I actually never really got along with him and he is a god awful fantasy booker. Also he might actually be Shane Douglas.

  166. Thank you Jobber.

  167. Wasn't that one of the proposed ideas for eliminating tanking?

    I wouldnt really mind that actually. Would make the draft more impactful imo. Imagine like If the Suns had the first pick.

  168. Out of the Top 5, he gets less shit than Vinson and maybe Parallax.

  169. Exactly. That would be awesome. How many fucking lottery picks do the bucks and cavs need to suck anyways?

  170. "He might actually be Shane Douglas". Lol. He does hate him some Ric Flair

  171. He fucking hates Ric Flair, there was a thread about the best WCW matches or some such shit and he made like a top 10 or 20 with like 1 Ric Flair match. LOL

  172. For all of the lurkers, yeah, we're not talking about money.

  173. Im sure Bill Simmons is mad we got the top pick.

  174. Why you guys butt hurt about C-Town getting love. Just wait until LBJ returns. Kyrie / Wiggins / James #newbig3

  175. Favorite player growing up. Miss those days.

  176. Wow, I don't even remember that finish to the tag match.

  177. I know I asked this before, but if the BoD had a convention, how would it be set up?

  178. We could easily do BoD Cleveland

  179. Yeah, 5 of us are in the area, and 3 are in the top 20.

  180. I would be in the top 20 but my job doesn't allow me to fuck off on the computer all day.

  181. You're getting close.

  182. Mine does, and I'm still sub 20.

  183. You're getting there as well.

  184. There are plenty BoDoomers in Florida, and I would guess Hell is a better location than Cleveland for just about anything....


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