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Which Shoot Interview Should be Reviewed Next?

For this poll, I thought I would choose four guys who have been with the WWE within the past several years. These four shoots are all insightful and entertaining but not the biggest names in the business.

Here are your choices:

Nick Dinsmore

Shane Helms

Matt Striker

Shawn Daivari

Vote by clicking on the link below. Voting Ends Sunday at 7pm


  1. There has to be a better explanation somewhere. I don't think Sting was hurt. I don't know why this is bothering me that much.

  2. WCW did the house show change at least twice I can remember: that one and Vader taking the belt from Simmons near the end of 1992.

  3. My first thought would be Dinsmore but with you transcribing it, I won't have to hear Striker's annoying voice or his Christian bullshit. Tough choice.

  4. But wasn't Vader/Simmons on TV? Or filmed to be aired on TV?

  5. I can't stop laughing at the Sheamus "heel turn." Like wtf.

  6. WCW aired a short clip of the end of the match, but that's it.

  7. The Miz might take the cake for that. Turned heel, then suddenly was tagging with Kofi again, and then turned heel again or something. I have no idea what in the hell he's supposed to really be now since I don't watch the product.

  8. Are you sure?
    They taped the entire match. With commentary, lighting and everything.

  9. this episode felt the most "reality show" by far. By that I mean all the scenes were massive setups where the guys were told how to act. Brian pointed out the van, but on top of that the whole manscape thing was similar. Now why did only certain guys have to get their hair removed off their chest? Umm, because it made "good" (and I use the term loosely) tv? And then the contrived almost fight complete with Duggan being told to act all butthurt? I prefer it when they are just goofing around being themselves. Is that boring sometimes? Sure, but it is better than watching the stuff we saw this episode that was about as real as an episode of The Hills or Dance Moms.

  10. I kinda feel the opposite. I don't think Hacksaw is that good of an actor.

  11. It's possible... the only memory I have of it is a throwaway mention on the next Clash, and the match being two days after Starrcade (STRANGE timing IMO) makes me think it never aired.

  12. I always laugh whenever people say Nick Dinsmore should have been a bigger star. With his bodytype and general look it's astounding he made it as far as he did.

    I do agree a heel turn as he badmouths the Eugene character could have extended his time on the main roster but he did about as well as anyone could have expected.

  13. The black kid in the front row losing his mind during the pin is one of my all time favorite wrestling fans

  14. People claim he was a GOD in OVW,seen his work decent and that's it.

  15. Nope, full match like Cult posted. Its on I think 2 WWE dvd releases as well

  16. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 10, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    Hey Bayless, When you have a second, send me your E-mail. I have the first design of the BoD belt almost done.


  18. Hold that 10 for Johnny B. BadMay 10, 2014 at 1:37 PM

    They had mentioned it a few times in the build to 17 (which is why I thought HHH would win - it seemed like they were trying to give the victory more levity). That hardly ever seems to get mentioned though. I think even after he wins, the first thing JR screams is "9 and 0!"

  19. And that dude's son freaking out about Taker losing at 30.

  20. My question is when did it air, if it did?

  21. The online buzz back in the day was that he was Benoit 2.0

  22. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 10, 2014 at 1:38 PM

    Check your mail in a few minutes. I want your input on it before I continue.

  23. It better spin.

  24. I feel like as champion, my input is needed.

  25. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 10, 2014 at 1:40 PM

    You know, I'm getting sick of your demands. FIrst you wanted gold, then platinum, the adamantium. Do you know how hard it is to find a fucking mutant blacksmith that can work with that?

  26. Nah, the turn itself wasn't bad, but ultimately the decision to do so turned out to be a mistake. But they gave it a try.

  27. I think they wanted the kick on Ambrose to be the heel turn, the fans didn't boo him, so they're pulling back and waiting for another good time to turn him.

  28. If it isn't vibranium, don't even bother.

  29. Hold that 10 for Johnny B. BadMay 10, 2014 at 1:42 PM

    That'd be fun, but honestly I'm fine with it being a thing that isn't a thing for a while. I think I'd be more game to see someone like a Rollins slowly evolve into the next Mr. WrestleMania.

  30. I didn't realise some people can't count to 3!

  31. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 10, 2014 at 1:44 PM

    Vibranium has been confiscated by Stark Enterprises. Stop being a diva.

    Bayless, check your mail.

  32. Ruthless aggression was never really an era. It was a 3 month marketing term after Austin left and it meant nothing.

  33. Watching Vengeance 2003 ... What was the "payoff" of the Jamie Noble angle with Torrie where he was supposed to get to sleep with her if he beat Billy Gunn? I can't recall a more rapey storyline in wrestling. Even babyface Michael Cole was like, "Torrie's gonna have to sleep with Jamie Noble! I don't think she's gonna like it!" Turrible.

  34. If I can't throw it across the ring and decapitate para....uh..someone with it, then honestly, what is even the point?

  35. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 10, 2014 at 1:46 PM

    ...I'll think about it.

  36. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 10, 2014 at 1:47 PM

    If you want I'll get the edges sharpened.

  37. Yeah, should have changed that when I decided to include the Daivari shoot.

  38. I don't want to cut myself. My name is cultstatus, not Your_Favourite_Loser.

  39. You better be careful, I'm make sure Bayless buries you in the mid card.

  40. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 10, 2014 at 1:49 PM

    LOL At him becoming a champion. Besides his therapist said no belts, or showlaces for that matter.

  41. They wrestled at the OVW Christmas Chaos show and had a pretty damn good match but Benoit dominated the whole thing so I couldnt get a great read on him from that and havent seen enough OVW tapes either

  42. Could fall victim to Nebb28's Pet Rock

  43. After the Regal/Benoit match at the Pillman show everyone in developmental wanted to be Benoit 2.0........and juice hardway.

  44. See Vinson? Your gifs won't save you.

  45. Better that then wanting to be Benoit 2.0 after 2007 and murder people hardway.

  46. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 10, 2014 at 1:52 PM

    Don't "Mitb Briefcase winner" me.

  47. But please, by all means Sandow him Bayless.

  48. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 10, 2014 at 1:53 PM

    With his bodytype and look he should have revised the "Doink" character, especially after the Dark Knight came out.

  49. Your_Favourite_LoserMay 10, 2014 at 1:53 PM

    it somehow turned noble and nidia babyface, after showing all 4 of them sitting in bed laughing (complete with requisite shot of all of the feet sticking out from under the covers)

  50. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 10, 2014 at 1:55 PM

    He could also saddle you with a screaming twin and be perpetually chased by a man that you beat on the regular like one of those films seen on Mystery Science Theater 3000.

  51. That don't work for me BROTHER.

  52. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 10, 2014 at 1:56 PM

    WWE logic: Just because you're the champ does NOT mean you won't job in a million non-title matches.

  53. Even though very few people read my Legends' recaps, can I be a jobber, at least, in one of the BoD shows?

  54. The naming of it was. I always sort of thought the Attitude era ended with the Brand Split.

  55. He had already gotten his walking papers by the time that film came out.

  56. trying to WIN THE MATCH constitutes a heel turn these days?

  57. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 10, 2014 at 2:07 PM

    Belt design was green-lit by Bayless. Should have something in a week or so.

  58. I feel terrible for Kurt. He's killing himself for this business, because it's like he literally has nothing else to live for.

  59. "Should have something in an hour or two"


  60. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 10, 2014 at 2:12 PM

    *Hits you in the head with the MitB briefcase that was loaded with old Penthouse magazines and bricks.*

  61. *kicks out at one and half*

  62. It's a total pipe dream, but I'd buy every year to see which three-man team could beat The Shield's streak. Imagine getting a team mixed in with top stars and legends trying to be the ones to knock off Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns.

    Example: What if next year, Batista brought in the Steiners? Or what if the Usos wanted to take a crack by bringing in Rikishi for one night? Or what if HHH wanted to take a shot by bringing Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash out of retirement? This could have legs.

  63. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)May 10, 2014 at 2:14 PM

    ...OK Cena.

    If you want to see what I did shoot me your E-mail. I don't want to post it yet.

  64. And to one will even see this gem.

  65. Good question. Maybe on a WCW saturday night. Doesn't make sense to film the entire match and give it a tv feel just to show the finish

  66. That'd be a great idea to add Mickey Rourke in there... but only if it leads to the Jericho match we were supposed to get but didn't. I mean, what's Mickey got to lose at this point? His "career resurrection" from that movie seemed awfully brief, it's not like he's doing much at the moment.

  67. Unless this involves gutter sex or beastiality, I am disappoint.

    (looks) Okay, I'm only half-disappoint.

  68. It isn't about being great, not every guy has to be a main event. The reason people were chanting his name is because he funny, had a personality, and they wanted to see him get TV time.

    But weirdos like jobber think that we were clamoring for Ryder to get a WWE title run.

  69. Lol idk. The Reign of Terror era in honor of white boots HHH running raw

  70. He could have just been an extremely over US champ who sold some merch. That would have worked perfect.

  71. Has he lost a match at Bound for Glory? If not, he could wrestle once a year & TNA could rip off the Undertaker's streak... provided they stay alive long enough to do so.

    ...Bound for Glory is basically TNA's Wrestlemania, right? I don't really pay attention to them. At all.

  72. Midcard guy who was over and job to the top guys. It was the perfect role for him.

  73. Apparently not. Can't have an over mid card champ. That Kane-Cena feud needed some heat.

  74. They'd Britta that up by having Kane either A. Kane loses his power, or B. Kane is like. "Where am I?"

  75. Genuine class should be an acronym of Hillbilly Jim.

  76. Screw Ryder, just Miz and Ziggler as a tag would work. They could name them Mizzler!

  77. Both of those sound hilarious!


    The best (and WORST) of Kurt Angle.

  79. When somebody's been at the top of the heap in WWE, of course TNA seems like the minor leagues. But you know a ton of guys would give a limb to be in Angle's spot. As far as pro wrestling goes, he's not slumming it.

  80. That's Alec Guiness. (_8(l)

  81. I thought he did revive Doink in 2003 during one of the Smackdown ppvs.

  82. Ah, Kurt the rapist. What a money spinner!

  83. Lesnar. Virgil. Wrestlemania.

  84. Daniel Bryan is 5'9'' and 200 pounds soaking wet but his fans won't be happy unless he's squashing people like Goldberg.

    Jesus, quit bitching.

  85. Black and white never helps anyone. I'm not asking Bryan to knee people to death in less than 18 seconds every RAW and PPV... but sticking him into a shitty "wouldn't even get greenlit by WWE Films" horror plot is quite wasteful and retarded.

  86. I like how we have to read the dirtsheets to find out when guys turned heel or face.

  87. Not his fault those mags and bricks were cushioned by pounds of used toilet paper.

    You're better off just smacking him with a brick.

  88. -Angle just needs to get out. It isn't worth it anymore. Especially for TNA.

    -So Sheamus did the dastardly deed of winning his match.

    -Big E is almost in ADR territory for me so who cares?

    -And Legends House 2 is instantly "Must See" programming.

  89. That isn't what people are complaining about.

  90. I'm okay with Cena stepping away from the title scene in order to do feuds. Say what you will about how the feud has been written, Bray Wyatt has only gotten even bigger since going from Bryan to Cena. Whether the same will happen to Big E, we'll have to wait and see.

    But honestly, I'm sure I speak for almost everyone when I say we're okay with anything that keeps Cena out of the title picture, at least for awhile.

  91. Oh, so you work for WWE creative?

  92. That's true. And it was incredibly clear that it was SUPPOSED to be a heel turn. Sheamus' turn was anything but that.

  93. Don't know what movie you are talking about as such a title doesn't exist in my world...

  94. I like this idea even better if/when the Shield eventually breaks up, they still get back together every Mania out of pride and kick ass no matter how they feel about each other during a given year.


  96. Levity. You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

  97. Yeah, I know what it was. I was using it to signify something between the Attitude and PG eras

  98. Waiting for your apology.

  99. Close vote and they all sound very interesting.

  100. Yeah. Very tough.

  101. But he won a match.

  102. It was Sharmell's fault!

  103. He's a freak of nature.

  104. Hold that 10 for Johnny B. BadMay 10, 2014 at 4:28 PM

    Indeed. I was a lit major too, so getting mixed up on that definition was absolutely, totally, and in all other ways inconceivable. (Not really inconceivable, but high five for that one.)

  105. It's War Games, Legends House style.

  106. lobsterhead, BIIIIIIATCHMay 10, 2014 at 4:48 PM

    Universally within the community years 2002 thru about 2007 ware defined as the ruthless aggression era

  107. lobsterhead, BIIIIIIATCHMay 10, 2014 at 4:50 PM

    It was actually a 31 man battle Royale so it's 30-0

  108. I literally could not stop laughing out loud while reading this review. Please keep up the good work on this, as your reviews of this trainwreck of a show, are some of the funniest things on the blog.

  109. I think the only way they could pull this off is if it started almost exactly like Taker's streak - in the sense that it isn't even mentioned the first years.

  110. I vote for none. ..I want the Jim Powers shoot lol

  111. No, its depressing and should not be the spot for one of the best pro wrestlers since the start last 2 decades that can still go

  112. Yeah, in theory, Austin's turn was really well done. Just the wrong place and time.

  113. Thank you for being one of the very few readers. I appreciate it! But I'm not sure I'm going to do it anymore. There's not a whole lot of interest. It's fun, though, so I dunno.

  114. All have potential, but I'd pick Striker first, Dinsmore second.

  115. What a strange number for a battle royale... (fires up Wikipedia) well I'll be darned. You're right.

    Heh... in the elimination order on Wikipedia, Sin Cara and Xavier Woods are listed under "participated, but eliminations not mentioned." That'll learn 'em.

  116. I really appreciate you reading this, sir.

  117. Striker's is boring, he doesn't say anything interesting and refuses to be slightly negative on anyone. I'll vote Dinsmore, just because I've never heard him shoot.

  118. Mean Gene's assessment of Jimmy Hart's Chippendale's performance: "No ass. Beer gut." First time I laughed for the right reason at this show.

  119. If they were to actually plan something like that, it'd almost have to be with someone that isn't really a main-eventer, or at least, a young guy that can kind of "lay low" in the mid-card for a while.

    Someone like a Kofi Kingston that can have his nice little under-card match every year, without any real mind being paid to the win-loss percentage, until Vince FINALLY decides that it's getting large enough (7-0? 10-0?) to mention it. I seriously doubt that anybody will ever reach 21-0, or even 10-0, but it'd be a fun little thing to try.

    Sami Zayn, perhaps? Or maybe they should start with someone REALLY young, like Bo Dallas or Paige.

  120. "Gene is being a pervert as Howard is the first to get sprayed, and it's
    a touch confusing to see whether he's excited to see Howard in his
    underwear (which, ew), or if he's into the spray tan chick. Gene tries
    to convince Howard to take off his underwear, which I guess answers my
    question, but raises so many more."

    I totally lost it at this point.

  121. No matter the torture of this show, your reviews of it are comedic gold. Gold I tell ya. I was nearly in tears reading this review I was laughing so hard.

  122. Please keep the reviews of this show coming. I've only watched the first episode, but have laughed so hard at the reviews , I almost want to watch the other episodes and follow along with your reviews. :)

  123. It's battle royal. There is no "e" at the end.

  124. The Miz actually had an undefeated streak until he was dumped during the battle royal.

  125. But then you wouldn't get the 20-minute entrances, and all the classic backstage comedy!

  126. If you want to know when the Attitude Era ends, it's at the end of SummerSlam 1999 when, after the Main Event, HHH beats the crap out of Austin, putting Stone Cold out of action for a couple of months. That by itself is symbolic enough, but then HHH wins the World Title on RAW the next night. After the next few months, the whole show becomes about HHH and Stephanie, Vince wins the World Title, HHH vs. Vince headlines a PPV(!), and Austin does a job to HHH and disappears for a year. At the same time, DX become JTTS, Russo and Ferrara leave, Smackdown! debuts(watering down the brand), Foley retires, and WWE brings in guys who just "rassle" who are most significantly...Stone Cold's place as the badass goes. For much of 97-99 Austin was the badass among a group of sports entertainers. Suddenly, everyone wants to be Austin. HHH drops the "haha" attitude and becomes The game-uh, Val Venis tones down the porn star stuff and becomes badass, Bombastic Bob becomes Hardcore Holly, Undertaker drops the Ministry Dead Man gimmick to become the American Badass, new guys coming in are just badass wrestlers. If EVERYONE tries to make you think they have "Attitude", then no one really does. At this point the most interesting guys in the WWF are The Rock, Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho. But the product is all about HHHH, Vince and Stephanie.

  127. He's never been the same.

  128. From his impression at 4:28 it's apparent that Striker was signed by Dauber from Coach.

  129. What WAS up with HHH's short-lived colored boots thing? Was it another thing he lifted from Flair and stopped doing because it looked awful on him?

  130. A real man wouldn't have room among the smut magazines for the bricks.

  131. So much love for these recaps. So much.

  132. Mero lost at WM 14. And Mr T is 2-0, mama.


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