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25 greatest ladder matches

Hey Scott,

Keeping the top 25 train going for a bit, probably until six months after the idea's dead and buried (also known as the WWE Method), and I thought you might enjoy the latest offering: the best ladder, TLC, and Money in the Banks matches from over 20 years of WWE. 

Thats a lot of ladders.  


  1. I'm a 32 year old man, and I still hum "Sexy Boy" to myself every time I pick up or move a ladder

  2. When you go up a ladder and see someone beneath you, do you imagine dropping an elbow on them?

  3. The match is also known for an unfortunate double-entendre that Jim Ross made about Edge and Lita that gained new perspective about five years later.

    This was at X-7, not Summerslam

  4. Solid list, but Chris Jericho v. Christian really isn't that good. There are a lot of matches I would put over it.

  5. That's right. None of that swanton shit.

  6. need a ladder to hum it?

  7. Do we really have to rank 25 ladder matches?

  8. At least he didn't break it up into 25 different page views.

  9. Coming up next, the 25 greatest fatal four way matches!

  10. If I see someone standing on a ladder it's all I can do to not shove it over.

  11. I think my next P2B article is going to be "Top 25 Online Wrestling Lists."

  12. What was the double entendre, anyway? I've seen both matches multiple times but don't know what he was talking about there.

  13. *Imagine*? No...



  16. Yes...."imagine."

  17. Featuring...every fatal four-way in history!

  18. Top 17 Battle Royals Not Won By Mark Henry.

  19. John Cena's Top 25 Losses.... Does Not Exist.

  20. Top 13 weights Big Show has wrestled at.

  21. Good list, if a little overlong. Like that you've rated the Summerslam 2000 TLC over the others.

    I watched TLC 3 again for the first time in years recently, and it's gone way down in my estimation. It's a bunch of spots with no real flow whatsoever, and not a patch on what came before. Would rank the first three way ladder match way above it.

  22. Top 37 Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston matches.

  23. Top 25 Sheamus vs Christian matches from this year

  24. Great, now I want to see that.

  25. Top 25 Christian jobs vs. Sheamus from this year.

  26. Top six PPVs of 2014.

  27. Top 10 Randy Orton vs Cena matches.

  28. Top 12 Neck Surgeries since 2000.

  29. DB's will have to be at the bottom.

  30. The only big omission for me was the RVD/Christian match for the Intercontinental strap that was on a 2003 RAW. Hell of a match.

  31. New WWE logo, yayyyyyyyyyy

  32. 25 Greatest Posts From Vince Jordan Defending WWE.

  33. 39 Greatest Posters Who Complain So Fucking Much, I Have No Idea Why They Watch Wrestling.

  34. Figured they were going to that eventually as the primary logo.

  35. You'd need a month-long tournament to narrow the list down to 39.

  36. 15 Greatest Moments In TNA History That Happened In WWE First.

  37. Well, I'm gonna do the "Top 25 Online Wrestling Lists" and "13 Greatest Weights Big Show Has Wrestled At," then we'll revisit this one in, say, August or so once it's been narrowed down.

  38. TJ: I think we're gonna see some of the NBA dominoes start falling soon. Golden State is now willing to put Klay Thompson in a trade for Kevin Love, which has to make them the favorites. And it sounds like Melo to the Bulls might be more likely to happen than not.

    As a Bulls fan I'd obviously prefer Love regardless of what pieces are left, but Melo is a helluva consolation prize. Playing for Thibs minimizes the defensive weaknesses of any individual player, and playing with Noah and (sigh...if he's healthy) Derrick Rose should make for the most efficient scoring of Melo's career. Plus, his 7-9 boards a game is more than enough even if he's primarily playing the 4, because the Bulls are already an elite rebounding team.

  39. Yeah that match was awesome. I remember rewatching it multiple times when the RVDVD came.

  40. I think Melo to the Bulls would be fantastic, They were discussing this on local radio the other night about how if Thibs can even get Melo to be a decent defender it would be huge (def possible with his coaching).

  41. CruelConnectionNumber2June 19, 2014 at 2:17 PM

    Overrated Jericho/HBK and mis-ranked the two TLC matches.

  42. They have to be at least doing their due diligence on 3rd party conversations with LeBron.

  43. Could the Bulls afford Melo and Bron? I know the owner is cheap but jeez, imagine THAT team?

  44. CruelConnectionNumber2June 19, 2014 at 2:28 PM

    TLC 3 meaning the SmackDown edition?

  45. 25 greatest Undertaker v Kane matches coming soon!

  46. If you included matches where they were on opposite sides of a tag team you could do a top 50.

  47. It'd be one or the other. They still have to do some finagling to afford Melo but it's doable one way or another. Boozer obviously will be amnestied, might have to sign-and-trade some combination of Gibson/the rights to Mirotic/Butler. Might be able to sign him outright. A lot of variables that keeps me from getting too worked up about it yet.

  48. Definitely. It's not a zero percent chance, I'd say, but it's pretty damn close. It's Melo or Love for the Bulls.

  49. Top 4000 wrestlers Bret Hart finds to be better than Triple H

  50. Threadjack: WWE has an article up talking about matches where wrestlers felt they came into their own and realized their potential. Daniel Bryan is the latest in wrestlers to oppose using color in wrestling:

    “My No. 1 match that changed wrestling for what it shouldn’t be is a match against Nigel [McGuinness] that I had in England, and I consider it one of my best matches. I grabbed his arms and pulled him into the post. Once. Twice. Three times. I gave it one more. I pull him in and WHACK. He bled so much. It was his home country and people were going nuts for him. It was such an emotionally charged match, it was just awesome.

    “But, the negatives of that, he had this big welt on his face. The next day, his eyes were all bloodshot. The blood had just drained down. The price that Nigel paid for that match was not worth the reaction that we got. It sold a ton of DVDs and did a lot for an independent company, but if you were to ask Nigel now if that was a good idea, I guarantee you he would say, ‘no.’

    “After that, safety became of the utmost importance.” — DANIEL BRYAN


  51. World Cup: England is very likely gone.

  52. Life sucks and then you die.

  53. Easy list. They're all tied for last.

  54. what do you mean? anyone who watches but disagrees is an idiot.

  55. Top 50 Big Show face/heel or heel/face turns.

  56. A lot of wrestling fans enjoy color and can point to tons of matches where it was integral to the story of the match like Austin vs. Hart at WM13. Can it be done safely? Should there just be blood testing done?

    Also, all of these wrestlers referencing Nigel as being vital to getting them over - I hope they can give Nigel an office job or get him some kind of role.

  57. They're the ones in the ring, not us. So what they individually feel is safe is entirely up to them. Was Nigel supposed to bleed in that match? If he wasn't, then I think this is more about protecting each other in the ring rather than a denouncement of blood in matches.

  58. I think it's a bit more complicated than that. That's the thoughts of Daniel Bryan and Nigel McGuinness, and personally, I agree. But a lot of wrestlers would probably tell you they wish they had the chance to do so if they wanted to, and they aren't necessarily wrong either.

    It goes back to something Triple H said that I agree with about "special effects" in wrestling at the expense of storytelling. He was referring more to big, crazy bumps, but just like with those, they have a place. I absolutely don't miss crazy amounts of bleeding in wrestling, but it's a risk worth taking when the match calls for it once in a great while. The spot Bryan is talking about sounds like it was crazy violent, and a crazy amount of blood. That's a bit much, yeah. I don't need that kind of gore. But a bladejob to the forehead done as safely as possible? It's something that could still have a place.

  59. Number 4000...Steve Doll.

  60. did someone already mention this?

    Curt Hawkins is selling some of his stuff on ebay.

  61. Yeah, Nigel is a sad story. The guy looked like he could become a really big star in wrestling with his size and ability.

  62. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 19, 2014 at 3:18 PM

    *does a diving headbutt off the top rope*

  63. With Noah and a healthy Derrick Rose? Yikes!

  64. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 19, 2014 at 3:23 PM

    *devil's advocate*

    1. vs Punk at Mitb 2011
    2. vs Bryan at Summerslam 2013
    3. vs Punk at Raw 25-2-13
    4. vs The Shield at Elimination Chamber 2013
    5. vs Punk at Summerslam 2011
    6. vs HBK at Raw 23-4-2007
    7. vs Batista at Summerslam 2008
    8. vs Edge at Backlash 2009
    9. vs HHH and Randy Orton at WMXXIV
    10. vs RVD at One Night Stand 2006
    11. vs Ziggler at TLC 2012
    12. vs The Rock at WM28
    13. vs Edge and others at No Way Out 2009
    14. vs HHH at Night of Champions 2008
    15. vs Punk and Ryback at Survivor Series 2012
    16. vs Wade Barrett at Hell in a Cell 2010
    17. vs Kurt Angle at No Mercy 2003
    18. vs Team Nexus at Raw 30-8-2010
    19. vs Randy Orton at TLC 2013
    20. vs The Shield at Raw 29-4-2013
    21. vs JBL, HHH, and Randy Orton at Backlash 2008
    22. vs Barrett and others at Night of Champions 2010
    23. vs Bray Wyatt at Extreme Rules 2014
    24. vs Undertaker at Vengeance 2003
    25. vs Kurt Angle at Smackdown 27-6-2002

  65. It's the tune I work out to!

  66. Just a little heads up that Punk is on Maron in the next episode. That is to say Maron the show not the podcast WTF.

  67. I'm all in favor of banning head shots and stuff like but banning blading is silly.

  68. You're a terrible person.

  69. TJ: So I just had one of the worst few hours of my life.....I apparently got acid reflux and/or heartburn about an hour before I planned to sleep and it got real bad, to the point I had difficulty breathing. I was so tired yet unable to sleep I was hallucinating people doing parkour in an attempt to find the cure for this, and my roomie couldn't find antacids until way later.

    No idea how or why that happened, because I didn't even eat anything particularly bad that day, but holy fuck that was an awful morning.

  70. I was wrestling tights to work out in.

  71. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 19, 2014 at 3:39 PM

    There's not much else to do 5.30am!!! Fuck youuuuu Cena!

  72. I don't even want to begin to try to figure out the logistics, but just with Melo it's a title contender. Melo and Bron together isn't gonna happen. Even if Reinsdorf wanted to pay every penny of the luxury tax, repeater tax eventually, etc. that's possible to pay, it isn't happening. Bron anywhere but Cleveland or Miami would be shocking.

    But DRose/Butler/Melo/Gibson/Noah is the best starting lineup in basketball. (Again....sigh...if Derrick's healthy.)

  73. The IFC show? Sweet.

  74. Nice. Tonight's episode?

  75. Well, then spend a few more minutes to revise this monstrosity, because Cena beat Punk on the 2-25-13 Raw.

  76. Ooooof, trading a glass-leg never-was for team morale cancer in Melo? It's been a terrible few years for Bulls fan.

  77. Yikes. Hope you're feeling better.

  78. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 19, 2014 at 3:43 PM

    lol, thanks, was about to sleep, back to work....

  79. England is like the Chicago Cubs of soccer.

  80. Blading should be kept to a minimum and when it's storyline appropriate.

  81. And seriously, any list where his loss to RVD isn't 2nd is bullshit.

  82. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 19, 2014 at 3:46 PM

    edited, can I go now?

  83. Mitch, The GodfatherJune 19, 2014 at 3:47 PM

    1. Never got the love for HBK/Jericho. May need to watch it again.

    2. Hardy/Punk should be higher to me. That match was awesome.

    3. So glad Hardy/Taker didn't make the list.

  84. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 19, 2014 at 3:47 PM

    I loved it on first viewing but not so much over time

  85. More like the Leafs. Similar droughts.

  86. I was going to say Leafs but didn't want to discriminate against the non-Canadians.

  87. I'm a Leafs fan. I'm glad I'm once ever four years with this or I'd be an alcoholic

  88. I am as well. This past year hurt so bad...

  89. I'd have it third behind Bryan at Summerslam '13, but yes, Bryan/Punk/RVD have to be the top three.

  90. Tanahashi hasn't been in a ladder match, but there's talk he might be thinking of considering it. If he does, in fact, go through with it, look for it to headline the next NJPW PPV and for the match to be five stars and more than likely,the best ladder match of all time.

  91. I'm numb to it at this point.

  92. I'm supposed to pick only 50?

  93. It holds up pretty well for me. Objectively I don't know if the match is better than 3.5ish, but the atmosphere is unreal and it's just an incredible moment. For those reasons, it's a 3.5 star match that holds up better for me than a lot of 4.5 star matches.

  94. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 19, 2014 at 4:02 PM

    Yeah I can understand that...taking everything into account I'd probably bump it up a couple of spots but not much higher. Awesome moment in time, good match.

  95. TLC 2 will always be #1 for me. Best carcrash match iv ever seen

  96. I don't know who you're referring to that's being traded, and I also don't know that Melo's a "team morale cancer." (Then again, f it can't be measured, I'm untrusting of it. People use stuff like that to shape whatever argument they want to make, specifically because it's immeasurable. If I can't be shown how it affects actual basketball games, I'm not all that interested in it.)

    He's shown on the US team how well he can sublimate his game to playing with other great players. He also showed a willingness to sacrifice shot attempts when playing with Amare (when Amare was still relatively healthy and effective as a scorer) and with Iverson.

    But even when playing with those guys, he's been saddled with having to carry an astronomically high usage rate throughout his career. Playing with a healthy DRose and the best passing big man in the league having much of the offense run through him in the high post, Melo would get the most efficient shot types of his career playing for the Bulls, would be less of a defensive sieve than ever and would be counted on for a usage rate closer to 27-30 percent rather than the 31-36 percent he's had in New York.

    I'd prefer Love because he's younger and better, but I think Melo's style will allow him to remain one of the 20 best players in the game for the duration of his next contract. I'd love to have him in a Bulls uniform.

  97. Thanks Dave. This kind of reporting is the reason that I pony up for your paid content.

    Is it true that CM Punk may or may not return on this show?

  98. Not watching unless you tell me that Ricochet hits a double rotation moonsault.

  99. dynamite kid vs bret in a stampede show i saw on 24/7 kicked ass!

  100. Almost got some X-Rated action at the World Cup. That Greek player was very close to NSFW.

  101. Flair is anywhere from 16 to 20 world titles depending who you ask.

  102. "War is bad, it makes me sad."

  103. except the leafs get a crack evey year, not every 4 years...

  104. No blading is an integral part in why the Hell in a Cell match has become such a weak gimmick match now

  105. and my Rangers went from one of the worst teams pre christmas to eastern conference champs :).

  106. That sucks. I have some of that from time to time. Had to go to the doctor for it when I had it really bad in college. I never get it that bad these days, but it flared up on me last night for a bit.

  107. tell that color story to steve austin who owes bret alot of gratitude for cutting him and maing him at wm 13. when done right a little color can really make a difference, thats why i was baffled when punk juiced in that random raw match with jerry lawler a couple years ago.

  108. also thats why in every one of his matches he does the diving head butt, over the top rope plancha and tons of other ridiculous bumps through out the years to make chumps look good.

  109. austin hart was not done safely as steve actually let bret cut him which from what i gather is something no wrestler lets another do, but damn it bretts the man!

  110. Austin gigged Angle. Savaged gigged Flair.

  111. It wasn't random, it was a shout out to Memphis.

  112. That would be perfect. His finisher could be a series of open handed slaps which he'd call Paddy Cake.

  113. And Greece will be playing with 10 for the second half... I'm not a fan of their chances.

  114. *confused sigh*
    I mean...I don't know. Ya know...the thing is...I mean, I don't know. I guess it depends, I mean, if he's talked to Vince, maybe they've agreed on dates, I don't know. But as far as have I heard anything? Nottttt anymore than anyone else. I mean, if I knew, you'd know, but it's possible.

  115. Good. The Network logo is worlds better than the scratch one.

  116. Diesel victory promised to transform the landscape of professional wrestling as we knew it, but it ultimately turned out to be yet another snake in love with its own tail, feasting upon the turnover as quickly as it could over turn.

  117. Best use of Kozlov.

  118. Which is pretty much what Night said.

  119. We'll see about Derrick. He was fully recovered physically from the ACL. He was as explosive and powerful as ever before he got hurt again last year, even though he was off to a slow start. He was absolutely destroying people in the preseason; it wasn't anything physical that had him off to a slow regular season start. The lift on his jumper was there and the speed and explosion were fully back, he just (predictably) needed time to get back in the groove. And as we've seen with Westbrook, the meniscus isn't something that has long-term ramifications.

    I'm not presuming he's going to immediately be '10-11 MVP Derrick Rose after missing almost all of two years with two knee injuries. I think he can, but I need to see it to believe it.

    But it's exponentially more presumptuous to assume he "won't be a factor going forward." His career isn't over. Even if he's only, say, 80 percent of what he was before he's still pretty good.

    I don't know what "Top 20 member of a team" means. I'd need far more information. And that's specific to the roster you have and what your needs are. For the Bulls? There might not be more than five guys in the league you'd want to add to that team instead of Melo. Lebron and KD obviously. Anthony Davis almost as obviously. Kevin Love and Blake Griffin, debatably (they're better players than Melo, but small forward is a much bigger need). After that, the list starts getting really thin on who I'd rather add to the Bulls instead of Melo. Maybe Paul George. Maybe James Harden (who's just the younger, two-guard version of Melo anyway).

    What does Melo have to do for you to judge his situation as having "work(ed) out really well?" Win a title? Because there's not a team he's been on that should have won a title or had any serious chance to come close. Again: he's been on six 50-win teams. I can't think of any team he's been on that's underachieved because of any doing of his.

    tl;dr version: few players have gotten a more undeserved bad rap than Melo. Yeah, he's a mediocre defender. We wouldn't be asking him to come to Chicago to be the Defensive Player of the Year, though. We already have that guy. Not asking him to lead the team, either. We have that guy, too. We just need a dude that can get his own points, in high efficiency, at a high volume. That's who Melo is. Really hope we get him.

  120. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 19, 2014 at 5:00 PM

    It all depends on what they have worked out with Brock financially. Obviously Brock hates travel and gives zero fucks about holding a title, but he of course has his price. (Or he never would have came back to wrestling in the first place.)

    Maybe they pay Brock the right amount to get him to do 2 Raw appearances a month (go-home and day after PPVs) and defend the title every PPV from Sept through Mania 31. All depends on if WWE sees enough value in that (and hey, there's definitely value in attracting subscribers with a monthly Brock title match) to pay Brock more money.

    Not saying I think it's a foregone conclusion, but I think for sure it's in the realm of possibility. It's just working out the dollars.

  121. I'm okay with less color, and I'm okay if DB decides it's not worth the risk. But there are wrestlers who are willing to take the risk, and they should be given the opportunity to do so safely.

    Except for Dolph Ziggler. I suspect he'd cut off his own arm if it would get him a cheap pop...

  122. Thanks again for the concise analysis.

  123. I agree. I know some people don't like it, but for a TV match, it was amazing, and elevated Jeff. It told a great story during a time when there weren't a lot of great stories in WWE. I'm interested to know why some don't like it.

  124. Eh. That scratch logo was great for its day. I'm not digging the network logo- it doesn't really feeling like the logo for a wrestling compa...oh, now I get it.

  125. The problem being, it's going to be a bit tough to get a large portion of the audience excited about that.

  126. Ha, not a bad idea. It becomes the thing that consumes him, and he goes all Austin at WMX7 on Daniel Bryan.

  127. The payoffs wouldn't be worth it to him.

  128. This makes me sad. You used to have a card you could look forward. Now it's you get who you get.
    I remember when the ad said, " over 50 superstars" you knew you were getting a TV taping.
    Those made for a long night, but it was kinda cool to see a month's worth of storylines play out in front of you.

  129. Not really true. He was pushed pretty hard after Survivor Series.

  130. And I was adding on to what he said. Not going against him. Worry about yourself bud

  131. It was honestly the right call. They wanted a single champion on each brand, and Triple H didn't want to be the IC Champ and rightfully so. No matter who the title holder, angle, or circumstances... it was never going to be seen on the level of the WWE Championship.

    Now I wish they would have just kept the secondary titles as well, but oh well.

  132. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 19, 2014 at 5:13 PM

    Unless they make it worth it to him.

    Brock obviously would prefer not to wrestle at all ever again, but they pay him enough to do so. It's all about whether there exists a price point that makes it worth it to Brock to wrestle 5-6 more PPV matches and appear on Raw 10-15 more times than originally planned--- while that price point still making sense to WWE.

    Getting him to do house shows would obviously be cost prohibitive, but having the champ on house shows doesnt mean shit. It's just about paying Brock enough to do more TV.

  133. Exactly. That and he was in the ring with The King of Memphis Jerry Lawler, NOT the dipshit announcer who wastes away with a headset on.

    I would have sliced a fucking artery givin the chance and make Lawler look like the legend he is, not the sideshow WWE puts him out as

  134. They should just mirror Sid's "streak."

  135. Seriously, Santino's Honk-o-meter had some serious legs. It would have been awesome to see him escape time after time with the IC title.

  136. Hardy-Taker is one of my all time favorite matches, and one I like to show new fans as an example of a match telling a great story.

  137. He was able to sneak another one in there eventually. I think they officially recognize him as 8.

  138. I think it is pretty obvious it doesn't make sense to them because otherwise they would have done it by now.

  139. Not even close. Edge was an amazing character and a true star from the night the entire roster banded together to have him kicked off RAW.

  140. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 19, 2014 at 5:23 PM

    But the Network changes their model completely. If they think Brock-as-champ is a unique enough draw to add subscribers, they could be willing to pay to make that happen.
    All I'm saying is it's not out of the realm of possibility. Brock is currently getting paid a certain amount to wrestle a certain amount of dates. You pay him more (and yes, Brock commands a high price because he's already rich and hates to be a wrestler) and he'll wrestle more. The Network model might lead WWE towards doing just that. There IS a price point to make that happen.

    Basically, if Brock wins the title at Summerslam, I'd be willing to bet they've worked out more dates for him and "monthly Brock title match on the Network" is their big homerun strategy, at least for a few months.

    Though along those lines, September is far from a "throwaway" PPV. It's exactly when a ton of subscriptions (6 months back from March/April) will be coming up for renewal.

  141. How about JYD from Jake Roberts in that Stampede Match on the first Ladder Match DVD, lol.

  142. It might get six stars. There will be nothing but rest holds.

  143. how does that happen? all he had to do was tap it, stick his foot out and let it bounce off and he would have to it to the goal, it might not have gone in but it would have had a shot, instead he acts like he is kicking a field goal.

  144. The ending sequence had me screaming. I so badly wanted Michaels to win one more championship. Very few matches make me actually sweat, but this one did.
    Michaels run from 08-Wrestlemania 25 might be even better than his 95-96 run for match quality.

  145. The only way I see it happening is if Brock throws a completely ridiculous number at them knowing they'll never match it and WWE stupidly matches it.

  146. That is probably how they re-signed him in the first place come to think of it.

  147. The scratch logo served its purpose and that purpose ended over a decade ago.

  148. My worry is that he isn't dedicated to staying with the WWE. What if they put the belt on him and then he decides to keep on Roman?

  149. Do it in a mark city then.

  150. I just follow the official ruling.

  151. If this ends 0-0, it might as well have been a loss for Japan.

  152. Welcome to the BoD!

  153. #13 came because of Elizabeth's shoe! Wooooooooooooooooo!

  154. He's just got that voice. You can pretty much tell his mannerisms as well.

  155. I see what you did there.

  156. Seriously finesse around the goal is not Japan's strong suit. They are like little kids playing putt putt golf just swinging away with all their might even if they are a foot from the hole.

  157. Charles Robinson who was Sid's "referee" is still employed by WWE.

  158. If there is such a thing, that may work for one night... but I'm talking about the buildup to the match. If they said it on RAW 5 times an episode for 4 weeks, it's going to get grating. Plus Cena takes a lot of unnecessary backlash as it is.

  159. I thought Gene was going to get into Shiek calling him, "rich, intelligent Jew businessman."

  160. TheRealCaliberWin held up alot better than you bud

  161. With the Top 3, I'd go:
    TLC 2 at WrestleMania 17.
    Michaels-Jericho at No Mercy 2008.
    TLC 1 at Summerslam 2000.

  162. I think it's fun once every week or so.

  163. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 19, 2014 at 5:49 PM

    One cup since '40.

  164. Don't fight. Let's all be friends.

  165. Bret knew how to do it properly, though.

  166. Remember when he plugged the number on one of those throwback RAW's recently... to no reaction except for a couple dudes?

    Gene quipped: Well, at least SOMEONE got it!

    Fucker was 70 then, and still on it. Sharp as a tack.

  167. Any tomato sauce destroys me. Did you have any of that?

  168. If you included matches where they were on the same team you could do a top 100.

  169. When done right and not so obviously fake

  170. You got pwned, dude.

  171. Cena's loss to Edge at New Years Revolution 2006 belongs in the top 5.

  172. Worst ladder match: Kurt Angle vs Mike Haywood, March 10th 2005 Smackdown.

  173. It'd be funny if it really was him being a big parody of himself.

  174. Damn, so close. Ivory Coast, you fuckers.

  175. If the brands were still around it would have worked.

  176. My cousin who was getting into wrestling snobbiness at the time and he dismissed the entire match because Hardy's hurricanrana was awkward.

  177. I am positively shocked HHH/Nash didn't make the cut. It was the culmination of the Summer of Punk!


  179. Ah the old Nash texted himself ordeal.

  180. No, Bret was pushed pretty hard as the defender who takes on all comers.

  181. There's no excuse for not having any baking soda in your house. So many uses...

  182. Yeah, everything is just random now.

  183. It was the whole time for me.

  184. The wrestlers aren't the only people involved. The referee is also at risk from catching any blood-borne diseases that the bleeding wrestlers have. Even the ringside fans are at risk if the action spills outside.

  185. I don't think that Steve Austin gets any less over if he doesn't bleed at that point.

  186. I thought it was no falls from 15+ feet.

  187. Popped in my head the whole time.

  188. Good job as usual Bayless, very interesting stuff.

  189. After the match, Austin pulled Bret aside and told him, with blood in his eyes, that that was the best blade job of all time.

  190. I like that match actually


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