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Ric Flair Returning to a Full-Time Role

According to Mike Johnson of, he confirmed with the WWE that Ric Flair had passed his required medical testing and will be returning full-time as an on screen character.

Credit Mike Johnson, Article on Potential Replacements for Seth Rollins in The Shield.

Chris Jericho to be in a Comedy Central Series?

Jericho will star in a new series that was picked up by Comedy Central titled "Team Tiger Awesome." Jericho's role is a "loose cannon detective" who kills time on an endless stakeout with his by the books partner by sharing feelings with each other

Credit Mike Johnson,


  1. Sign me up for the endless steakout. Sounds delicious.

  2. Two guys fighting crime while carrying a portable George Foreman grill.. I can't wait!!

  3. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 8:21 AM

    Read about the Jericho thing somewhere else--- it's actual a webseries for Comedy Central's Digital Studios, their website. They use the site to test out possible new series for the network though, so it could still end up on TV.

    Either way I'm looking forward to it. Good for Jericho!

  4. I actually like the Cody/Shield idea. He's a much better character when he is in a faction, and he'd look better in the flak jacket. Him and Ambrose would probably make a great team.

  5. What happens when Jericho asks for medium rare and gets..............medium well?


    $5,000 to take out the Spurs momentum player for an entire half and for a win in the NBA finals. What a joke.

  7. Then their partnership will never EEEEVER be the same again!!!

  8. Sami Callahan aka Solomon Crowe would be a perfect Shield replacement IMO.

  9. I think Cody needs to go heel again.

  10. CruelConnectionNumber2June 10, 2014 at 8:28 AM

    Ric Flair hasn't been entertaining since like 1995 so he'll fit right in on Raw.

  11. 1. nothing like taking that young up and comer and giving him a full-time role. Flair brings nothing, and the Rock means NOTHING, to the current product.
    2. No. Shield should be Ambrose, Reigns, Rollins only. Years later when they reunite, the pop will be enormous.

  12. Plus, he's got the backstory of feuding with the Authority. The Rhodes feud was the best part of the Authority storyline in the fall. Easy enough setup: have Goldust get jumped by Evolution/Rollins at some point, just because, and there you go.

    I'd rather see them bring someone up from NXT if they're going to replace Rollins- which I hope they don't- but Cody would work better than anyone on the current roster.

  13. Yep, just like Evolution from 2002 to 2005. No replacements, so it made them more special. So I agree with this.

  14. Cody just needs...something. I think he's a really good babyface. A heel turn would work as well as anything else to freshen his character, but any sort of renewed purpose would be great for him.

  15. I like the idea of a hockey-style 2-5 minute penalty for it, but how do you enforce that? I guess it could be assessed the next game, but that doesn't work the same as enforcing it in the same game. And it's so hard to catch the flopping in real time. Do you make it reviewable like flagrants are?

  16. In this case it should have been simple. The whistle was late, meaning the ref only saw Wade's reaction. If you don't see a foul, don't call it.

    Really, with today's technology, I certainly don't know why there's not an official watching in real time and calling an audible to a bullshit play like that.

  17. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 8:35 AM

    Slow news day so something off topic...

    Daniel Bryan's match at Wrestlemania 31 will be...
    1) Jobbing to Sheamus in a 10-min opening US or IC title match.
    2) Jobbing to Seth Rollins in a 10-min opening US or IC title match.
    3) Last man eliminated in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal
    4) Losing team in a tag team title fatal four-way match.

    I'm thinking it's #2.

  18. AverageJoeEverymanJune 10, 2014 at 8:37 AM

    Jericho buys a roll of tape and marks a line halfway in the car and neither are allowed to cross said line.

  19. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 8:37 AM

    HAHAHAHA. Yeah, in a poker game while they both watch from home.

  20. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 8:38 AM

    I'd say there's like an 80% chance that's actually a plot in one of the episodes.

  21. I think it is more ridiculous to believe that the US or IC title will be defended at WrestleMania.

  22. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 8:42 AM

    Yeah true enough. But I think that level of opponent--- jobbing to heel SHeamus or Rollins--- is pretty much where he's headed.

    Bryan getting some kind of tippy top match against Brock or Cena or being in the WWE Title match just isn't gonna happen.

  23. What? Bryan is a made man now. The worst spot he'll get is a mid card main event match.

  24. Good for Jericho. The more success he gets outside of wrestling, the better for him. Better to be in his position than RVD's at this point.

    Anyone else remember Flair randomly showing up to praise the Shield in front of Evolution, then disappearing? What was the point of that? To test crowd response?

  25. So we're still pretending Bryan is getting buried I see.

  26. Steve Czaban made the point that the $5K fines are ridiculous in today's NBA. That's probably what Wade earns in half a quarter of play. He said that If they really want to make anti-flopping a priority you have to start suspending these guys or making them sit out quarters. That's the only thing that will really hit home.

  27. I finally listened to some Fozzy music, and yeah, I'm not a fan of his singing voice at all.

  28. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 10, 2014 at 8:47 AM

    So here's a scenario:
    Spurs are down one with 45 seconds remaining. Ginobli drives to the basket, Wade flops. Ginobli gets hit with an offensive foul. Heat go on to win the game and the championship. Refs review the tape and say Wade flopped and gets hit with a 5K fine.
    1.) 5K is NOTHING to Wade.
    2.) The fine does nothing for the game. Wade has his championship. You're not going to take it back.

  29. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 10, 2014 at 8:48 AM

    It's not much different from his regular voice, is it?

  30. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 10, 2014 at 8:50 AM

    Wrestlers are seeing that they can use wrestling as a springboard to other things.

  31. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 8:51 AM

    I'm predicting that he's gonna slide into an upper midcard slot because:
    A) The fanbase is no way going to be as crazy for him as they were in the past. Everyone's seen him win the title already, are they really gonna demand that he win it AGAIN? Especially after what a dogshit reign he had? No way. The "highjack the show and accept nothing else" kind of reaction is not gonna be there again.
    2) I have to imagine Vince/HHH/Steph feel pretty burned by how things turned out. yeah it wasn't Bryan's fault, but they reluctantly put teh guy over and then put him over HUGE, and it blew up in their faces. You really think they're gonna be amped up to push the guy to the moon again? No way.

    I'm not saying he's gonna be buried. Is losing to Seth Rollins or Sheamus being buried? No, I'm just saying he's gonna be the popular face who puts over the rising main event heels, and gets into the occassional main event on a B-show. But he's not gonna be #1 Face at Wrestlemania ever again, and honestly I'm ok with that.

  32. That's the frustrating part. The NBA admitted they got it horribly wrong, yet the Spurs still have a loss.

    This, plus the fouls on Kawhi, caused both of those guys to basically play on eggshells for an entire half. Kawhi couldn't even play hard-nosed D on LeBron. You've basically taken them out of the game.

  33. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 10, 2014 at 8:55 AM

    Van Gundy brought this point up on how fouls affect the game. It used to be a coach would pull a player if they got two quick fouls because they would be playing soft D on the person they were guarding.
    Van Gundy would leave them in and tell them to keep playing hard. If the player got the 3rd foul the so be it. Most of the time they didn't and it lent credence to the "Officials fucking up the game" theory.

  34. Which is an excellent thing. The less Scott Halls and Jake Roberts there are in the world (pre-DDP), the better. It's also good that WWE is putting its NXT recruits through financial planning since a majority of them will probably not make big bucks wrestling.

    This should not be the primary option for aging wrestlers to make a living:

  35. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 8:56 AM

    Do you really see WWE pushing Bryan into a match against Brock, HHH, Cena, or a WWE Title match at Wrestlemania 31?
    Because I sure don't. And short of any of those, he'll be facing a midcard heel like Sheamus, Cesaro, Rollins, or Bray--- and most likely using his cred to put them over.

    I love Bryan, I wanted him to win the title and have a great reign, but it turned out to be one of the most dogshit multi-month WWE title runs ever. Not his fault sure, but it was what it was. And I just don't see teh fanbase forcing WWE's hand like they did last year. I'm not saying "Bryan's buried lolz" or anything. Just that I bet Vince/HHH/Steph feel a little burned by how things worked out, and they're probably not itching to push him over the moon again.

  36. Over a million people just watched a show built around him. He is main event for life.

    And knowing how retarded WWE is, they were probably thrilled with Bryan's reign before he got hurt.

  37. He is the #2 face in the company. Why the fuck would he lose in a WrestleMania opener?

  38. No, and that's grating as well.

  39. The Kane feud really wasn't all that bad, people... Seriously, HE WON THE MATCH CLEAN... Compare that to Rey's reign where he lost cleanly in non title matches almost weekly. Seriously, people. IT WAS OK... (and this running away thing was not to make Bryan look bad. It was to try and make Kane look like he had a snowball's chance in hell of winning the rematch. Because the guy half his size was such an overwhelming favorite to retain the title.) This is one of the biggest over-reactions to a feud that I have ever seen.

  40. DWade basically just ate $5,000 on a $19,000,000 salary for a finals win.

    How is this punishment for anything?

  41. I don't have high hopes for this series, but I like how Jericho is constantly throwing himself at projects and seeing what sticks.

  42. The Kane feud wasn't good at all.

  43. Who gives a shit if won the match clean? It's fake wrestling. The angle was dog shit from beginning to end.

  44. And the most over guy in the company. Really, him getting hurt was a blessing in disguise because he is so much better in the chase.

  45. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:03 AM

    And a million people ordered Wrestlemania 20 and saw Benoit and Eddie win the title, and by Mania 21 Benoit was losing a multi-man ladder match and Eddie was losing an opener to Rey.

    YES, Daniel Bryan is a made man. He's not gonna get Rydered. But it took a very special set of circumstances (fans absolutely hijacking shows in rejection of anyone else, batista bombing as #1 face a month before Mania, Punk leaving) to force WWE's hand in making Bryan THE GUY.

    Do you think fans are gonna AGAIN reject everyone but Bryan, especially after how bad his reign was and frankly how whiny & heelish he's looked since Mania? Roman's the new annointed one and judging by the fan response, I doubt the audience is gonna start "Daniel Bry-an" chants during Roman's title chase over the next year.

    Bryan's gonna probably do some big jobs over the next year (1000-1 HHH gets that win back) and slide into an upper midcard role.

  46. "Do you think fans are gonna AGAIN reject everyone but Bryan, especially after how bad his reign was and frankly how whiny & heelish he's looked since Mania? "


  47. Eddie and Benoit were basically given a lifetime achievement run. This is a little different.

  48. Would you have preferred a DQ finish? or a back and forth title switch? They did not know that he would need neck surgery, so this was a placeholder feud to solidify him as champ. Just like Austin's first 2 PPV title defenses were against Mick Foley, who had never had a singles title at that point of his career. I really don't get the hate, other than "We are desperate to complain about something, anything".

  49. The feud was horribly booked, which is why people complained about it

  50. Too bad it didn't work for Double J, and his country music aspirations.

  51. The whole point of Benoit winning the title was to put over Orton and Eddie asked to have the title taken from him.

    He is the most popular man in wrestling, lol why are people going to suddenly stop supporting him?

  52. Who would accept him after the scandalous lip syncing revelation?

  53. Jericho's actually a pretty decent actor.

  54. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 10, 2014 at 9:06 AM

    It should be a percentage of your salary that increases every time you get caught. (with a cap on it of course)
    You exceed the cap too many times and you start getting suspensions.

  55. Terrrible singer though

  56. Right. This isn't a Zack Ryder situation where Vince sees his popularity as a joke, or Vince being pissed because Dolph Ziggler runs his mouth and got concussed right after his big moment.

    Bryan is the #2 face in the whole company. Vince can be stupid and vindictive, but not stupid and vindictive enough to bury his #2 face because of a badly-timed injury. Vince has a history of putting up with a lot of bullshit from his top guys (most notably Shawn Michaels and CM Punk) simply because they were the top guys. And Bryan's bullshit isn't his own doing.

  57. I would have preferred him not facing a jobber and being involved in a terrible DTV horror movie storyline.

    All the lulz comparing one of the hottest angles of all time to the Kane/Steph/Brie/Bryan mess.

  58. You are literally the only person I have seen who thinks that the Kane/Bryan feud was even decent.

  59. DB is the #1 face in the company. Maybe not in merch or in Make-A-Wish, but if DB and Cena matched up, Cena would need to play the heel.

  60. Are you surprised?

  61. I think he meant that nobody really thought that Mick was a serious threat to Austin's title run and was just a placeholder feud for bigger things.

  62. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:10 AM

    It doesn't matter what the behind the scenes reason for Bryan running away was. You're right--- it was to make Kane stronger for their rematch. But what matters is that in retrospect it added another shitty segment to the litany of shitty segments that made up Bryan's title run.

    I'm not taking this from a "WWE buried Bryan on purpose" perspective. I'm saying that to a fan, Bryan's title run was hard to watch.
    - He no-showed the majority of Raws and Smackdowns since Mania.
    - He wrestled ONE match on free TV, beating Del Rio. That was immediately followed by the bad horror movie segment in which Kane ran away from Kane.
    - he defended the title ONCE on PPV, in a passable garbage match that fans weren't exactly clamoring for.
    - Got beat up by Kane in clean fights on Raw twice.
    - In terview segments? The only memorable one was the first Raw after Mania. Otehrwise it seemed like all Bryan did was vow not to give up the WWE title, even though he couldn't defend it. (Which was met with a "CM Punk" chant in Chicago. Not exactly a great show of support.)

    All I'm saying is Bryan's title reign, due to extenuating circumstances sure, was dogshit to watch. I just don't see him having the same amount of insane "nobody but him!" fan support when he comes back. The last two months is damaging.

  63. Its tough work being a contrarian.

  64. Or fine the refs when they do stuff like this.

  65. "Better to be in his position than RVD's at this point."

    Agreed, but not knowing what RVD's financial situation is- meaning, I don't know if his "position" is NEEDING to do come back and work midcard feuds to pay the bills- maybe RVD's doing this because he wants to and he can. Jericho wanted to branch out and do other stuff, and that's awesome. As much as I'd selfishly love to see my second-favorite wrestler ever back in the ring, I'm happy that he's done other stuff that he seemingly enjoys doing.
    But if RVD's happy in the ring, then I say good for him too. Do it as long as you can.

  66. Foley was one of the top guys at the time. What bigger things? There was literally nothing bigger than Austin vs McMahon at the time.

  67. Mick was a lot more serious then compared to Kane of 2014

  68. "Cena would need to just ignore the crowd like he always does."


  69. Yep. This sets up so perfectly to do him and Bork if that's what they want to do. They can retell the odds-stacked-against-him storyline in a way that doesn't seem redundant to what he just did with the Authority.

  70. He was big, but in early 98 nobody believed he'd take the belt.

    And obviously Austin/McMahon got bigger and better as the year went on. This basically just laid the foundation so to speak.

  71. Triple H should go full heel and enter himself in the MITB match. Give Rollins a free spot as well.

  72. Granted, but it served the same purpose.

  73. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:14 AM

    Not "stop supporting him." But it took the entire fanbase going completely nonstop apeshit and rejecting everything except Bryan for WWE to finally push him to that level.

    Do you really see the fanbase reacting to THAT level again just because they absolutely won't accept anyone else but Daniel Bryan as champion again next year?

    That's what I'm saying. I don't see the fans caring enough to THAT level. And I think a response short of that gives WWE enough leeway to place Bryan in the spot they always intended for him.

  74. With Brock/Austin as the double main event.

  75. Foundation was laid WAY before this time period.

  76. HHH winning the title would make me shed a tear of joy. DOO IITTT...

  77. I wouldn't fully agree with that characterization. He acknowledges the fans that hate him, and in big matches- RVD at ONS, Punk at MiTB, Rock at WM28 and Bryan at Summerslam are the four best examples- he subtly works heelish. He won't go full heel but he'll lose the happy-go-lucky mannerisms and babyface pandering. If it's not working heel, it's at least working crowd-neutral in a concession that the other guy is the real babyface.

  78. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:15 AM

    Bryan's title reign was terrible. No-shows, two mediocre televised matches, mediocre promos, and he came off pretty heelish in running from Kane and refusing to give up the title (yet still not defending it).

    I don't think these last two months exactly will make fans be MORE into Daniel Bryan.

  79. You think the WWE is going to have them lose in IC/US title matches at WM as a result?

    Bryan is the #2 face. Batista's face run was a disaster and Punk quit. He is established and he is not going to open Mania in a secondary title match

  80. Aside from the Stunner in 97 and the Mike Tyson thing, Austin/McMahon wasn't the focal point until after Austin won the title.

  81. HHH winning to set up a feud with DB could be entertaining.

  82. Heelish in refusing to give up the title? Jesus Christ

  83. Gotta stick to your lie.

  84. These are the same people that still chant CM Punk. Bryan is going to get a monster pop when he comes back and be just as over as before. And he is going to main event the 2nd biggest show of the year if he is healthy enough.

  85. ........he had a fucking neck injury, guy. Calling his title reign "terrible" is kinda unfair. I'd say "incomplete."

  86. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:18 AM

    Fine, maybe I was being hyperbolic by placing it as the opening match. Though actually it's Mania--- WHC matches used to serve as the opener. Fuck, Bryan/HHH was the opener this past year!

    I'm just saying I don't see him getting a WWE Title match, or a match with Cena, Brock, or HHH. (And Punk's not coming back.)
    So short of that, it's a midcard match vs Rollins/Sheamus/Cesaro/Bray. That level of match.

  87. "HHH winning to cause the ultimate internet meltdown could be entertaining"

    Fixed that for you. :)

  88. Seriously, did I suffer a head injury or did Worst_in_the_World? Because this is bewildering.

  89. Tonight: Ric Flair celebrates full-time return to WWE
    Tomorrow: Ric Flair declares bankruptcy for 16th time, tying title reigns

  90. Plus, any fan with an IQ over 75 can see that Bryan is legitimately hurt and will not hold that against him. The WWE was hopeful they could rush him back soon but it did not work. He is not going to trade wins with IC champions as a result

  91. This is the same Worst in the World who almost had a mental breakdown when Bryan joined the Wyatt's

  92. You're right, we definitely don't know RVD's financials (and weed doesn't cost THAT much). He could just be happy to be on TV.

    How about I switch "Better to be in his position than RVD's at this point." with "Better to be in his position than Flair's at this point."?

  93. If more than four people read my stuff, I'd be bracing myself for the meltdown when I write an article arguing he's been the superstar of the half-year for 2014. (It'd be close between him and Bray if I had to make a pick.)

  94. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:20 AM

    It was terrible to watch. As a viewer, Bryan's title reign was really really bad with examples I've stated above.

    I understand it wasn't his fault, and that they could have even booked his injury (strip him of the title on the night the injury was announced, back when people cared!) to make him look better. I'm not BLAMING Daniel Bryan the person. But his title run ended up being really, really bad.

  95. 1. Bryan
    2. Shield
    3. Bray

  96. "Cena and WWE would need to just ignore the crowd like they always do."


  97. "The WWE universe is just having a good time. Haha!"

    - JBL

  98. Rollins is already a top level guy and Cesaro and Bray are about to be as well. Bryan vs any of them come 31 won't be a demotion.

    And 31 is going to be all about crowning Reigns. Bryan dropping the title to him is just as good of a bet as anyone else.

  99. I wonder how much RVD buys at a time. I never buy more than eighth at a time. It's not even a money thing. I just don't like having more than that sitting around.

  100. Bray? He has regressed so much since 30.

  101. By the paycheck, probably.

  102. I can see RVD growing his own. It isnt really that hard to do

  103. I liked his last IC title run; the match with HHH was fun. It wasn't up to par with his classic years, but was still a good run.

  104. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:23 AM

    I personally am a huge fan of Daniel Bryan. He's awesome. Of course the injury isn't HIS FAULT. (Though I guess it kinda is, with the headbutts and such... but, you know what I mean.)

    All I'm saying is I don't see him getting the Godlike push ever again. WWE never wanted to do it in the first place, the fans just forced their hands. And after the way his title reign turned out,
    A) I don't see the fanbase forcing their hand again, and
    B) I'm betting that HHH/Vince feel kinda burned at how badly things turned out after they finally pushed Bryan over the moon.

  105. The Cena feud was another horrible one. My christ did that feud suck

  106. Triple H wins the strap. Triple H, Orton, Rollins vs. Reigns, Ambrose, ??? at Battleground. Have Bryan appear in Shield gear for one night and have an all out brawl setting up Bryan vs. HHH II for the title at Summerslam.

    Also, I'm a tad disappointed we didn't get a Shield Hell in a Cell match.

  107. The way title reign ended on such bullshit the fans will even be more rabid with him then they were last time.

  108. They will never recapture the same magic they had before his title win.

    However, they have very, very few made guys on the roster and he is a made guy at this point. Plus, he stays out of trouble and seems to be well-liked so expect him in a good position on the card for a while

  109. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:25 AM

    Right! I'm not saying Bryan's gonna get Rydered. I just think his spot by next year will be putting over a rising heel like Rollins.

    But something like "Bryan tapping out Brock in a WWE title match" is a pipedream at this point.

  110. I wouldnt mind HHH with a short title reign. Better than Cena again and there is not anyone else who is ready to carry house shows with the belt

  111. Are we sure its done?

  112. But something like Rollins vs Bryan wouldn't be some throwaway, it'd be one of the big 4 if it happened.

  113. unless people say he deserved it and thought he was doing well. Then it would ruin your gimmick.

  114. I'll tell you whatever you want to know! Just please make it stop!

  115. I think HHH has earned a little bit of goodwill with what he's done with Bryan and the Shield, so I can see the fans being okay with a short run to setup Brock vs. Bryan or whatever.

  116. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:29 AM

    You think? See, that where we disagree.

    Bryan had an entire year of having the title taken from him in bullshit finishes. FINALLY he won the belt, got the biggest celebration ever, and the storyline was gonna be watching Bryan prove he's the best every month.

    And then he had a (not his fault) god-awful title reign and got stripped AGAIN and the Authority gloated again. I kinda feel at this point the fanbase is gonna be up for something new, rather than yearning to see teh same storyline they watched all of last year.

    Fans love Daniel Bryan, no doubt. But there's no way he's gonna get that rabid "we will accept nothing else" reaction he had last year. We've seen him win the belt. In the end, he couldn't totally beat The Authority. It sucks but I think fans will be up for seeing someone else at that level now.

  117. For what little they had to work with, I enjoyed it through EC I mean, Bryan was gone on his honeymoon for a week, then his dad died and he was on Raw for like two seconds. The segment where Kane beat the holy fuck out of Bryan was good and their match was a fun Attitude Era-style garbage brawl. Nothing I'd watch again, but I enjoyed it.

  118. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:31 AM

    Sure, it'd be really good. And both guys will be super over.
    But it'll be a demotion from what Bryan did last year, and a demotion from what we hoped/imagined he'd be doing at Mania 31.

    And I'm not saying he's gonna be buried. I'm just saying he's gonna be pushed down a bit, and honestly I think that's fine.

  119. Any substantial quantity of high quality, organically grown weed is expensive as hell.

  120. Never underestimate the smark hate for HHH. It must be killing them right now that he's doing clean jobs.

  121. DJ Khaled, whoever the fuck he is, is a fucking crybaby whining on first take that the spurs cheated in game 1.

    Fuck this dude.

  122. The same guy isn't going to main event Mania every year. You're worried about nothing.

  123. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:36 AM

    Loved his scene in Macgruber.

  124. I'd buy that argument. And if there was ever a time for him to get a title it'd be now.

    Which is why I really hope he doesn't get it. I don't want to see his evil playing 'keep away' with Bryan and the belt watered down by a respectful title run.

  125. The best weed you can get won't cost much more than 400 an ounce and rvd probably has people give him free weed everywhere he goes.

  126. If we works the show he'll be in the main event. He's the #2 guy in the company by a wide margin.

  127. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:40 AM

    I'm not worried about it at all.
    This isn't me saying "how dare they not push Daniel Bryan!" I'm just predicting that he's not gonna get his superman title run when he comes back. I think he'll get depushed a bit, but I don't think it'll be the big deal it would have been last year.

  128. Bryan needs to shave the beard for his comeback.

  129. Pro tip-he's a gimmick poster who doesn't believe that.

  130. Go back to his 2012 look.

  131. Killing who exactly? "Them" must be the same people that you make up arguments against.

  132. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:42 AM

    No way dude. No way is Bryan pushed as the #1 face at Mania 31.
    Roman's gonna be their golden boy by then, which I think fans will be more than ok with. And if he's not ready they'll go back to Cena.

    I just don't see HHH/Vince holding their nose and giving Bryan ANOTHER superman push after how this worked out. And I don't see the fanbase forcing their hands again.

  133. He should keep the long hair.

  134. Depends on who you know around these parts, I've seen it go for as high as 800/oz. Luckily Michigan is only a 4 hour drive from here.

  135. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 10, 2014 at 9:42 AM

    I like the young Randy Savage look.

  136. Even if he's not, he's not curtain jerking and jobbing.

  137. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:43 AM

    He curtain jerked this year.

  138. No, we're at opposite ends of the spectrum here. I don't mind the beard, trimmed down, but the long hair makes him look homeless.

  139. And was in the main event. You're selective memory is terrible.

  140. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:47 AM

    I'm just saying that the Mania opener doesn't equal "lowest match on the show." It's often now a co-main event or WHC-level match.
    Hell, Eddie curtain jerked Mania a year after being World champ, co-headlining a Mania, and being the #1 face in the company. It happens.

    And anyway, the opening match thing isn't important. All I'm saying is I don't see Bryan getting another Godlike face of the company push again.

  141. Well of course not, you're actively choosing to be negative.

    Aside from Cena and possibly Reigns, who's going to be above him in the pecking order?

  142. "Isn't this GREAT Michael?" - JBL

  143. He's the most popular face on the roster. Its cena, now just the two shield guys and... that's really it for big faces. They have no other stars to sell stuff. They actually are going to need Daniel Bryan for the next year desperately.


    DBry's best look.

  145. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:50 AM

    Definitely Cena and Reigns will be above him, that's what I'm saying.

  146. He curtain jerkee the Royal rumble.

  147. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:51 AM

    He curtain jerked the Raw after Mania.

    Fuck, Bryan really is a jobber!

  148. And was in the main event at the next ppv.

  149. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 10, 2014 at 9:51 AM

    I probably wouldn't even recognize DBry if I saw him on the street looking like that.

  150. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:52 AM

    I will say that the lack of roster depth continues to be a huge advantage for Bryan.

    I know Punk ISN'T coming back, but holy shit you would think he could really hold them up at this point.

  151. Yeah but at mania they run 4 big matches. By default he'll make one of those shows.

    And its also possible the fans go ape shit for him when he does return. Who do they have to cheer. Cena and 2/3 of the shield?

  152. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 9:53 AM

    Adam Rose too dude.

  153. "We the champs! Kiss the ring!"

  154. Seriously, he came off as such an arrogant prick. If I weren't already a Spurs fan, I'd have started rooting for them just to shit this asshole up.

  155. They could have had gotten ziggler and Cody Rhodes over and for some bizarre reason they decided to not make over guys into stars. So now they have the shield (who they broke up) cena and a bombed out depleted roster.

  156. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 10, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    I hate that fat Twinkie sandwich eating fuck.
    "WE THE BEST!!!"

  157. So now potentially being third from the top isn't good enough?

  158. Claims he heard from the streets that the Spurs were practicing without A/C. LOL what a clown. Guy can't even put together a proper and coherent sentence.

  159. "No respect for cheaters!"

    What the fuck ever dude.

  160. Nintendo better give us Wii U Pokemon and a Wii U Metroid game.

  161. It's certainly less expensive than four divorces though.

  162. The best thing Bryan has going for him is that guys like Reigns and Cesaro have to rely on wwe creative to get them to the next level and the odds are better than even they will fuck it up.

  163. Flopping should be a flagrant foul, period.

  164. Quiet day on the BoD....

  165. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 10, 2014 at 10:13 AM

    The league allow the refs to do this. They have WAY too much power.

  166. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 10:16 AM

    I'm not saying it's not good enough! I'm just saying that I PREDICT Bryan won't be getting the superman #1 babyface push again. I doubt the fans will demand it, and I doubt Vince/HHH will want to do it again.

  167. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 10, 2014 at 10:20 AM

    I know you think WWE can do no right, but they've absolutely booked Roman Reigns as well as possible up until now. He's getting really over dude, and part of the credit has to go to WWE itself. They've booked him like a monster but not in an annoying cena-way. He's still getting to be cool and bad-ass.

    I think Roman's gonna be a bigtime success.

    As for Cesaro-- listen, they want him to be a heel, so they're booking him as a heel. We can disagree with them about whether it was the right move (they probably figured the babyface side would be crowded with Bryan on top), but long-run I think cesaro will be fine too.

  168. Was this on First Take? I don't watch ESPN anymore because of crap programming like this. Why bring in this clown? What can he possibly contribute to a discussion on sports more than a typical "Joe from New Jersey" caller? Whenever ESPN has celebrities on, half the time they know nothing about sports (see the hilarious Liam Neeson clip) or they're acting like a moron to promote themselves.

    Well, actually the mindless celebrity crap is only one reason why I don't watch ESPN.

  169. I don't think he's regressed. I think the Cena feud had some really good stuff and some really awful stuff, but in terms of his own personal performance I haven't seen anything I'd call regression.

    I'm not going to hold him accountable for shitty writing, though. He's had three MOTYCs (Bryan at the Rumble, Wyatts/Shield at Chamber, LMS against Cena at Payback), cuts awesome promos and has gotten crazy over. The cage match at Extreme Rules sucked, but again, shitty booking more than poor personal performance.

    Even with Bryan's injury, Bryan/HHH/Bray would be the clear top three in some order to me right now.

  170. It was the opening match but it was the co-top storyline in the company at the time.

  171. Was just about to type the same

  172. I'll always go with this look

  173. I would have no problem at all with that. Their WM30 match rocked

  174. I thought this was gonna be a Virgil link.

  175. Southern Boys vs. Midnight Express from GAB 1990 was a heck of a bout.

  176. what the hell?! @ that price. I was never aware that weed was so much cheaper in Europe.

  177. especially if you have the facilities to do it.

  178. If they link up Flair with Evolution again, it would make sense for him to have been a driving force behind the scenes for Rollins' heel turn. Flair already aligned himself with The Shield, so that gives him an in to at least speak to Rollins and get in his ear. He could have easily told Seth that he's the man of the future, not Reigns or Ambrose.

  179. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 10, 2014 at 10:48 AM

    Flair can show him how to style and profile.

  180. Saying that this was OK because it was better than the worst title reign of all time doesn't really help.

  181. That right there is solid.

  182. The Rise and Fall of WCW is loaded with absolute gems.

  183. Equally valid!

  184. I'm watching the full PPV. Haven't seen it in a couple years.

  185. It was so easy too. You have Wyatt beat Cena at Mania, then go right to a Wyatt-Bryan title feud. They already had history from the winter and the eventual Bryan win would work much better than Kane of all people.

  186. Wow the Freebirds were mega gayed up during GAB '90. Eyeliner, eye make-up, glitter, lipstick. ROFL.

    Vader debut is next vs. Zenk. Hope it is as good as I remembered.

  187. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 10, 2014 at 10:53 AM


  188. In retrospect, I think "the fans forced their hand and they hated Bryan" is wrong. Based on how open they left their options for so long into the Mania build up, I think it's more likely that they wanted to test how over *Bryan* (as opposed to the catchphrase or the angle) REALLY was with the fans before they built the most important show in history since Wrestlemania 1 around him.

  189. Could it be argued though that the million buys for Wrestlemania 20 were due to:

    -The Wrestlemania 20 name in and of itself
    -Return of old School Undertaker
    -Brock vs Goldberg
    -HHH vs HBK vs Benoit

    In that order?

  190. It is. Awesome shit kicking squash

  191. If done right, and they've done a lot right with Daniel Bryan, his return from injury can be HUGE. Keep him off TV for a while and redebut him with a run-in when Triple H and company are beating someone down and the roof will fly off the joint.

    The return/redemption angle can do wonders for Bryan when he comes back, and preferably to lead to another title win.

  192. Wow the Freebirds were mega gayed up during GAB '90. Eyeliner, eye make-up, glitter, lipstick. ROFL.

  193. What a war! My favorite debut ever was Joe's in TNA when him and Sabin put on a ****1/2 match.

  194. I'm on Team Fruity (...) for the both the type of cereal and the endorser.

  195. How come non of my posts get used by the spam bots 😭


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