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BoD Daily Update

Randy Orton Update

Orton was not at RAW this past Monday due to a collarbone injury. He is expected to be at RAW this coming Monday at Cleveland.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Reason For Alicia Fox's Increased Role?

Kevin Dunn is said to be a huge proponent of Fox, which is a big reason as to why her gimmick his being featured on television.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Tyson Kidd Update

The proposed luchadore gimmick for Kidd seems unlikely to happen at this point as it looks like he will be turning heel instead.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Kayfabe Commentaries Releases "Breaking Kayfabe" with Troy Martin


  1. Put Alicia Fox under a mask and put her in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship ladder match. Problem solved.

  2. It there a reason why this Breaking Kayfabe is being marketed using Shane's real name? I don't recall them being titled that way before.

  3. Fucking Kevin Dunn, of course

  4. That's how they've done it. New Jack's used Jerome Young, his actual name

  5. Evidently I've missed this. Haha

  6. Why won't this company can Kevin Dunn?

    Better yet, have him face New Jack in a shoot street fight match with the winner keeping/getting a job and the loser being fired.

  7. I think Fox has done well with the time she has been given. She is entertaining at least, can't say that for many of the Divas.

  8. I like it. When she loses, she can throw the tantrum of a lifetime and beat everyone else with a ladder to within an inch of their lives.

  9. Because IT'S A SHOOT, BRUTHA!!

  10. She should be the BOD's favorite wrestler, as she sells losses.

  11. If they put Tyson Kidd under a mask the crowd would be yelling "Tyson Kidd! Tyson Kidd!" anyway.

    While they are at it, turn Natalya heel as well. The disgruntled veteran being upset at the young upstart (Paige) having instant success while she's still tolling to get respect is a nice booking hook. Besides Nattie comes off as a heel on Total Divas anyway.

  12. At least she has something now that makes her distinct from the other Divas, even if it is mental instability.

  13. MVP is out of TNA's PPV.

  14. Thank goodness their fans already got to see that match for free yesterday!

  15. Team them first. Whenever they roll through NC or NY have Beth Phoenix do a quick cameo, and have Nattie and Paige be the new Divas of Doom to really build it up. After about six months ave Nattie just WASTE Paige with a kendo stick/that really cool submission she and Beth used. Nattie should be channeling Victoria here.

  16. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 13, 2014 at 9:03 AM

    Who did they replace him with?

  17. Drew McIntrye.

  18. Give me 3 paragraphs defending WWE for doing the exact same thing.

  19. Wow, TNA is even doing shitty ripoffs of WWE's injuries.

  20. Whatever gimmick you're using, it's not working. It's getting legit creepy and awkward. At least Jobber is straight forward with his dislike of me. You... Just weird.

  21. What number promotion is this for Shane now?

  22. Wow who knew Dunn was down with the brown?

  23. Stack of dimes hurt his collarbone again.

    Shane Douglas is still talking about wrestling? Move on, dude.

  24. Ewww his real name sounds like a WWE developmental creation.

  25. I bet they just throw Lashley in there.

  26. Because all black guys are alike amirite? lulz

  27. Any black dude... all of y'all look the same anyway.


  28. "Hi, I'm Troy Martin! You may remember me in things like ECW, WCW, and that one time I tried hijacking RAW"

  29. Well the Target management training program is hardly compelling shoot material.

  30. Am I the only one having the shitty click bait ads show up at the top instead of the bottom now?

  31. Almost sounds like you have some sort of "dominance fetish" and this turns you on. I'll... I'll just ignore you from now on unless you say something not creepy.

  32. Personally, I'm mostly with you on that (every now and then I find a divas match/segment watchable). I'm not arguing in favor of the women's division being good or watchable, I'm just arguing that us not liking it doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. But you made the exact, correct analogy: the circus. You might not like everything, but someone else likes what you don't and you'll like enough of it to enjoy yourself.

  33. I like the whole character. The crowd seems to like singing along. Working against Zeb is kind of death. I guess it's proof that it's Vince's company no matter what or who else is trying to make things work. It's a shame.

  34. I just saw a thing on TMZ that said Pat Patterson is only now coming out and has been in the closet for 50 years. That can't be true.

  35. I agree completely. And what's crazy is that I don't even know if partying and drinking would merit the PG-13 rating.

  36. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 13, 2014 at 9:34 AM

    So Alicia finally broke down and have Dunn that blowjob he's been asking for, eh?

  37. Interesting that you would get dominance fetish out of "entertain me with your gimmick".

  38. They hinted at that on RAW during a promo for Legends House.

  39. He came out on the LH finale. I think it was well known but he never came out and said it before this.

  40. Probably. The vast majority of females I know who admit to watching wrestling favor Cena and Orton and the like more than the usual smark favorites, but they're all grown adults whose hormones probably made the choices for 'em. But you've gotta figure there's some little girl out there who got into wrestling because their older brother or father watches it - my little sister briefly got into it when I did, but her favorite was Sable so she's an idiot. But if some little girl wants to cheer for a cool, strong, kick-ass female wrestler and the best they get is 90 second matches & Alicia Fox yelling and throwing shit around, then yeah. Nobody's ever gonna get down with WWE's style of women's wrestling.

    Plus (and I can only vouch for myself here) in addition to enjoying good wrestling regardless of the age/race/gender/sexual preference of the competitors, there's just something about attractive women beating the shit out of each other (or at least pretending to) that appeals to my groinular region.

    Come to think of it, there WAS this friend I had in high school who was a lesbian (probably still is) who told me she really enjoyed the Torrie/Dawn Marie match she saw when she came over one night when Smackdown was on, so maybe that's a demographic that Vince has been missing out on.

    My original comment was talking more about the purpose of televising stuff like women's basketball or hockey or shot put or dwarf tossing or golf.

  41. Why does everyone have to be a 411 poster? If you don't like 411, don't read their comment section.

  42. Yeah I actually liked that beautiful people stable in TNA and have enjoyed various tna Tara angles like her Hollywood bf and stuff but I wouldn't lose any sleep if I never got to see that. I just can't envision any scenario where is more than a piss break for the audience and I think that absolutely includes whatever female fanbase the wwe has.

  43. Everyone knew. It wasn't anything shocking.

  44. Now JR's jokes all make sense!!

    /Captain Oblivious

  45. Kevin Dunn has funny-looking teeth. I know this because Jim Cornette told me for the 500th time.

  46. If he's so high on Alicia, why didn't he spend more time making sure her gimmick didn't suck and come off as Super Indy.

  47. What if instead of Divas matches they had a clown come out and make balloons? It'd be something different at least...

  48. Wow. I just assumed he was always open about it.

  49. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 13, 2014 at 9:40 AM

    More upvotes, please. Let's encourage this fine work.

  50. That is one of the things I always liked about AJ (the other being obvious) is that she wants to be a WRESTLER where as your Eva Marie types want to be a celebrity.

  51. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Dunn.

  52. They should be busy in the kitchen anyway AMIRITE?

  53. Tune in for next season, where Patterson reveals that wrestling is not totally on the up and up!!

  54. Getting fucked up and THEN playing Hungry Hungry Hippos actually sounds like a lot of fun.

  55. I think I might budge and get some $30 RAW tickets for this week....

  56. Trent Barrett was blasting Kofi Kingston on Twitter.

  57. He was on track to be management? I thought they were going to hire him for Pharmacy from his Viagra On A Pole match background.

  58. I knew a 19 year old girl (who i totally planned on banging before she moved away) that really looked up to AJ and wanted to be a wrestler like her and was determined to find a wrestling school etc... so my 1 anecdotal example completely destroys your theory!

  59. I'm thinking about going to the Grand Rapids show since I'll be out that way with my friends in Holland.

  60. Yeah. Very rarely, they'll find true talent(Nattie. AJ, Trish Stratus, Charlotte, Renee Young as a non-wrestler), but usually it's Aksana or some other no-talent who looks good on TV.

  61. Is it a RAW or house show? I think I actually prefer house shows.


    Bucky Beaver himself, not to be confused with the character actor.

  63. House show. That's kind of why I'm going. Upside: No main event interview. Downside: Fan voting that could potentially lead to dance contests.

  64. Said it should have been Kofi who got released.

    When Baretta was fired by the WWE, he called Kofi an "Asshole" in Twitter. They have some bad blood

  65. Dance contests are 5-8 minutes, at least you won't be sitting through an hour of commercial breaks.

  66. That came off as a joke to me.

  67. I've watched professional wrestling for 23 years and somehow I can't even remember what Trent Baretta looks like. That's how much of an impression that guy made and I think he's been in ROH, WWE and TNA.

  68. I thought he meant that Kofi would do a lot better on the indies than jobbing in WWE.

  69. He called Kofi an asshole on Twitter they day he was fired by the WWE

  70. Has a legit intermission too and not just everybody running for nacho's during the divas match. The 1/3 to 1/4 full arenas usually lead to a more chill atmosphere and it's just families and the hardcore fans at them.

  71. TJ: Get your popcorn ready fellas, sterling vs the NBA is about to get really interesting


    "Just reported by Executive Vice President of Creative and Talent Relations John Gaburick, MVP has been declared medically unfit to compete. This obviously removes MVP from Sunday’s Slammiversary Pay-Per-View, where he was scheduled to compete against Eric Young inside of a steel cage for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

    MVP, also the Director of Wrestling Operations at TNA Wrestling, is expected to announce a replacement opponent later today. Stay tuned to for news as we get it.

    Slammiversary is LIVE on Pay-Per-View from Dallas, TX on Sunday, June 15 at 8/7c."

  73. That TNA's elite heel stable is all black dudes under 40 is pretty much the only redeemable or fresh thing about the promotion.

  74. Adam Rose and to a lesser degree Bo Dallas, remind me of mid 90s characters. So he parties. And? Is that supposed to make me like him? Hate him? Bolieve in him? Remember the plumbers and magicians? They did nothing that made you particularly attached to them, they just had a gimmick.

    That said, hard to believe anyone can claim the Wyatt family is a failure. Let them get away from Cena and see how it goes but they main evented Raw, have got huge screen time and will probably win the tag titles soon.

  75. Trish didn't start as "true talent." I don't think she had any real athletic background outside of the yoga & it took a looong time for her to even approach being watchable on the mic or in the ring. Of course, she was "watchable" for other reasons, but I'm allowed my crude misogynistic tendencies just like the next predominantly heterosexual male.

  76. Lashley beat him on Impact from the recap I read. I have no idea why TNA would spend so much money on him and not give him the belt.

  77. Yeah. The house shows I've been to I can remember enjoying much more than the Smackdowns or RAW's. PPV's are the best though.

  78. Don't make me pull my Michael Hayes card on you.

  79. Gonna be hilarious.

  80. This whole scenario reminds me of when Ric Flair was president of WCW in 199.

  81. Ric Flair probably was the President of a Wrestling organization in 199

  82. 411 switched back to their new design. Looks like some tablet touchscreen horseshit

  83. You must be a big fan of the ultimate surrender dot com web site then. Gotta admit I'm casual fan myself.

  84. For some reason Detroit gets really dire PPVs. Survivor Series 91, 99, 05; Royal Rumble 99, Night of Champions 13.

    I'm more geeked about seeing MMA live after how awesome the Matt Brown vs. Erick Silva show in Cincinatti was. I'm saving my pennies to go to Tulsa, OK since there's a UFC fight night there on my birthday (actually two shows on my birthday due to the Macau morning one) and a good friend of mine moved to Kansas City recently so it's a flimsy pretext for a road trip.

  85. I am on the edge of my seat awaiting the news of his replacement

  86. Still looks the same to me.

  87. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 13, 2014 at 9:52 AM

    You knew this was coming, and honestly I can't blame Sterling for going down swinging. The man has been completely and utter humiliated and while he likely deserves most of the scorn and ridicule he's received, you can only take so many blows to your pride and dignity before you just snap and go out for blood.

  88. Detroit got WM 3 and 23 though. 23 was so much fun to go to.

    Man, seems like you're traveling all over! I've never been to a UFC show live or any MMA for that matter.


  90. If it's Lashley, I'll throw my laptop.

  91. absolutely agreed. I openly call myself a feminist with no shame or irony. But that said, I've never cared about women's wrestling. ever. Always seems like a 2nd rate version, so why not just watch the men? Same with the WNBA. Women's sports I do enjoy include tennis, volleyball, and soccer.

  92. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 13, 2014 at 9:53 AM

    I also suspect that his wife being granted a role with the Clippers as part of the deal REALLY pissed him off, especially since most agree that they were partners in crime.

  93. Royal Rumble '09* but they suck for different reasons. Yeah, WM3 is amazing but I was a year and a half old. WM 23 was definitely a great show aaaannnd...I didn't go, long story. I got burned on a group I was supposed to go with and I was still in college and didn't have good money for Mania seats. I also had tickets to Wrestlemania 20 that I had to sell, at a significant loss, because I had no car at the time and my ride backed out.

    Honestly I am snakebitten when it comes to attending Mania. And I'm guessing we're not far from them announcing that Mania 33 is coming somewhere other than Ford Field which is what we've been hoping for. I'll probably go on the road to catch one soon. San Francisco is too far though and the outlook for next year's doesn't look amazing.

  94. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 13, 2014 at 9:54 AM

    Doesn't he have a heart condition?

  95. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 13, 2014 at 9:55 AM

    Side note: Anyone else notice the EA Sports World Cup commercial uses "Real American"?

  96. And, hey, don't dismiss the value of the piss break/grab a beer break/get something to eat break/load a bowl break (the last one being for the TV viewer only, unless they're really daring). If it wasn't for DVR I'd be thankful for women's matches for that, if nothing else.

  97. I noted a 2nd reason for the WNBA not being popular last night to the wife. To many non-plural nicknames. Teams should be called the Bears, the Lions, the Tigers, etc. Not the Mercury, the Lynx, the Storm, and shit like that. I swear 3/4 of the league have nicknames that don't end in S. Same reason the Jazz never won a title. You know how many NFL team have non-plural names? None. MLB? I guess technically the Whitesox and Redsox don't end in S but not the same thing as the friggin' Lynx.

  98. Mine never updated. 411's site is so painfully mobile unfriendly I wish they'd get an app or something.

    Then again the app for the BOD always crashes after i try to reload it after not making it my active app so this isn't much better.

  99. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 13, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    There IS a Negro wrestler that was just released from an organization who is cool with MVP.

  100. Yeah, but he tore his meniscus.

  101. I kinda miss the old defend TNA no matter what you.

  102. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 13, 2014 at 10:00 AM

    He was WCW President in the year 199?

  103. I can't defend their main event picture. Take the title off EY, put it on Roode, Aries, or Joe and I'll be happy. Get rid of the evil authority storylines and I'll be happy again.

  104. There's nothing wrong with Adam Rose except the fact that the gimmick is small scale and WWE is big. It plays awesome in Full Sail with 1000 people but not so great on Raw with 10,000. It doesn't require awesome chops in the it's too similar to 3MB which we were conditioned to regard as the jokiest jobbers ever.

  105. that is what pisses me off. She's scum just like him and a golddigger to boot who hasn't cared about his numerous known affairs over the years as long as the checkbook is still open. Yet she gets to be owner emiritus and keep her seats and do charity shit and.... Makes me puke. I have no sympathy for Sterling and save me the false constitutional arguments (recorded conversations aren't admissable in courts in some states. Last time I checked the NBA isn't a court, so save that one). At this point it is obvious that he is mentally impaired just like the wife claims. Heck the fact that he won't take his profit of 1.9 billion or so dollars (before taxes) on a sale shows just how mentally imbalanced he is, along with changing his mind every 3 hours. But ultimately I'm not surprised some lawyer suckered Sterling into paying for a few new yachts while a court case winds through that won't end until after Sterling is dead. Only winner? The lawyer.

  106. yeah I don't even know who that is.

  107. I think he needs a tag partner too. It doesn't feel like an effective singles gimmick. He needs a fuddy duddy type who can play along as a foil.

  108. How the actual fuck did MVP end up heel anyway?

  109. They could just play up the egomaniacal side of the Russell Brand character if they wanted to keep it PG. And Russell Brand himself was just ripping off Noel Gallagher.

  110. He was a fine backup for Mark Clayton and Mark Duper, and he really blossomed for a few years with the Chargers. I have no idea why anyone is interviewing him now though.

  111. regardless of Cornette, Dunn is an asshole and the has been the biggest problem with WWE programming for years. Issue has been discussed in other threads. But thanks for sharing

  112. One of my favorite things about The Honky Tonk Man gimmick is that he acted like Elvis was a rip-off of him, acting flustered and giving "WTF" looks to Mean Gene whenever he busted Honky's balls for being second rate. It was a great touch that made his character far more interesting than if he had just been "Elvis Presley, but not really".

  113. If he came into development now with the name "Troy Martin" they've probably call him "Martin Trevino"

    Is there a WWE name generator? The John Travolta one was hilarious.

  114. More like why the hell didn't he debut heel? How the hell does an egomaniacal sports millionaire character work as a babyface?

  115. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 13, 2014 at 10:14 AM

    I'm trying to look at this from his perspective: his girlfriend (whom he claims to have loved) dumped him and leaked their private conversations to the press (followed by another "friend" doing the same), the NBA fines and bans him for life, the public at large now sees him as a joke and a pathetic impotent old fool, and he's had to sit back and watch while his wife (his willing cohort for years) gets a free pass from the press, has him declared mentally incompetent and worms her way into a cushy role with the team he's being forced to sell against his will. I'm guessing for an egomaniac like Sterling, that's too much to bear, billion dollars or no billion dollars.

    I'll be honest: when those pictures of him in his underwear popped up on Inside Edition, I knew shit was ON. You just don't publicly humiliate someone like Sterling that way and not expect some retribution.

  116. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 13, 2014 at 10:14 AM

    You think she'd be on that future endeavored list if she didn't?

  117. Release Santino and turn Rose into the new Santino. Rose can be the token comedy jobber for a couple of years, Santino can be TNA Champion. Win/Win.

  118. Plumbers keep your toilet working, I don't know how that made him a heel.

  119. Great point Arrrrgh!

  120. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 10:16 AM

    wtf is up with 411

    here at work i have the new layout (since yesterday), where the articles are a day old

    at home last night i got the old site, with tons of new articles

    running the same browser both places, though different OS's

  121. I bet once he finishes it we get some press release about WWE being behind the first black man to get a PhD or something like that.

  122. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 13, 2014 at 10:18 AM

    Nah, I think it's because he can dance.

  123. Having rich divisions full of great talent is a great way to fill 6 hours of weekly television.

    I know some of Rhonda Rousey's UFC main events drew big bucks. If you can get some female wrestlers over enough-and in an angle people care about, it could headline a ppv.

  124. I agree that the Wyatts certainly aren't a failure but you talk about guys like Rose and Dallas reminding you of guys from the 90's, well the Wyatts remind me of a relic for an earlier time too. They're creepy weirdos that say cryptic things in their promos. I don't think they're that different than the hillbillies and voodoo masters of the 80's. Bray wants to "eat worlds." Sounds like a character Vince and Pat Patterson came up with during an all-nighter in 1986. And I'm not trying to take away from Wyatt, Harper and Rowan who are all doing great in their roles. But if they arrived in 1998, they'd be laughed at and dismissed as a hillbilly version of The Brood or something like that.

    As for going forward, like you said, get them as far away from Cena as possible. Even though I'm not into the Bray character, I have to admit he was red-hot going into Wrestlemania. And now, he isn't. And it's because of how this Cena feud has been booked.

  125. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 10:18 AM

    wtf is up with 411?

    here at work i have the new layout (since yesterday), where the articles are a day old

    at home last night i got the old site, with tons of new articles

    running the same browser both places, though different OS's

  126. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 10:19 AM

    read that the releases were due in part to the low performance of the network and they had to save money

    think there's any truth to that?

  127. It's basically the 2001 Vince/Linda/Trish story with the roles swapped, innit?

  128. that is a good summary. I can see that. But like I said, by the time it winds through the courts, he will be dead. Any settlement will still have him banned for life. Take the money while you can.

  129. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 13, 2014 at 10:20 AM

    "the Honkytonk Man (Justin Beiber),"
    ..wait, WHAT?!?"

  130. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 10:20 AM

    just made a post about this... so weird!

    had the new site yesterday at work, old site at home last night, and new site again at work, where articles are still not up to date

  131. why the hell are any of you visiting 411 anyway? It hasn't been good since at least 1998

  132. the load the bowl break is during Orton's entrance. Shit goes on FOR-EV-ER

  133. Ask 411 used to be good, but now I just can't get into it. The writer just rambles on and on and on forever. The "Wrestling's 4 R's" can be good though.

  134. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 13, 2014 at 10:21 AM

    I certainly would. But I think he's been in the "billionaire bubble" for so long that he doesn't see the world the way everyone else does. And, as noted, he's probably a touch senile as well.

  135. btw: that is also why I don't get the mindset (either of the fans or, arguebly, those in charge) that Adam Rose is already a failure. Bray Wyatt and his family didn't really catch in a huge fashion for lots of weeks, too.

  136. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    she sucks b/c she knows she sucks, that's why

  137. I think that's a strange argument. because it really comes down to "ripping movie characters is okay as long it's a success".

  138. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 10:26 AM

    CALLED IT when i saw the ads

    "i bet the big revelation is that patterson is gay"

  139. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 10:26 AM

    yeah, i made a post about it when they showed the ad, that the big reveal was gonna be that

    didnt watch LH, but did the others actually act surprised?

  140. This isn't a true analogy because women's wrestling is as old as pro wrestling itself on a popular level. It was actually a draw in its own right in the '50s. It's just that there wasn't a crop of talented women coming up through the '60s or '70s because Moolah maintained a stranglehold over almost all women's wrestling stateside, from titles to bookings. So a lot of girls were just dirt-poor workers because there wasn't much opportunity or incentive to get better. But if you look at the '80s, Wendi Richter's palling around with Cyndi Lauper was almost as important in establishing the WWF as THE brand due to the attention it drew from media groups like MTV as Hogan was. Women's wrestling would have been bigger had Richter taken Vince's shit deal instead of balking at the idea and asking to look the contract over. That's really the one moment that killed women's wrestling in this country. They even had a killer heel in Mad Maxine lined up so Richter could be the female Hogan.

  141. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    "Put Alicia Fox under a mask"

    and then leave her on the side of the road and never speak of her again

  142. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    whenever they do actually update, they have lots of little news tidbits culled from all around that never get mentioned on the BoD

  143. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 10:29 AM


  144. Why would Bray Wyatt have failed in 1998 when even more cartoonish characters like Kane and Mankind succeeded?

  145. I read fact or fiction and some of Csonka's NJPW reviews.

  146. Not really, just more happy that Pat seemed relieved to have gotten it off his chest.

  147. your "point" could easily be applied to tag teams, cruiserweights, "hardcore" wrestling etc. too.

  148. I'm into black chics, and crazy chics, so I am perfectly fine with a hot, crazy black chic, thank you very much!

  149. He has due process rights he's entitled to under the constitution before he loses his property. They may or may not have been violated. That's for a court of law to decide, not public opinion. What's a few hundred million bucks (the capital gains taxes will be ruthless) to guy in his 80's whose a billionaire already. Might as well set the whole thing on fire and-take everyone down with you.

    Also his Hateable wife saying hes senile is just a ploy for her own interests. I don't buy that. Personally I hope Ballmer gets the team and takes em to Seattle in a few years but I'd also like to see DeVos lose the magic-as I find his anti gay Christian crusading deplorable and if we're taking teams away for not being PC let's go all the way and make things interesting. Also Dan Gilbert and his despicable behavior pre americas economic collapse is something I'd love to see punished.

    I don't really care about any of this either way since this basically going to become a .1%er pissing contest but as a freak show boy oh boy is this gonna be good and Sterling is just kind of non self aware prick curmudgeon who will start the party!

  150. as pointed out before, there already have been certain (although I admit: very few) occasions on which there were womens matches that had the interest of the crowd and were not just "piss breaks".

  151. I'd like to think that if Rick Rude were still alive, he'd call Shane Douglas every January 1st just to say, "It's a New Year, Shane Douglas." That is, if Shane even has a working phone nowadays.

  152. Evan Bourne posing as AJ Styles for the win!

  153. Anyone watching the World Cup? I'm watching it because there's nothing else on now. Mexico has had two disallowed goals because of offsides. The ESPN Mexican announcer guy has been bitching and whining for the last 10 minutes about it.

  154. Also I can't wait until I get to read the depositions of some these owners and David Stern. Its gonna be epic

  155. I dunno. I guess cause Wyatt keeps getting dealt some stupid angles that at the end of the day, have no impact. Turning Bryan into a Wyatt lasted like two weeks. The Cena feud is some stupid it's not worth rehashing. Even though Bray's good in the ring, too much of his storylines revolve around his strange character doing strange things that in the end don't matter. That certainly wasn't the case with Mankind. Maybe Kane to some extent though. Either way, the Wyatts are fun to watch in the ring but I've just grown tired of the gimmick. I just think they're boring.

  156. So if TNA's history is any reference, since some of the Dallas Cowboys will be at Slammiversary, will Dez Bryant be the replacement and win the World title by pantsing Eric Young then rolling him up in 2 minutes?

  157. Becoming "crazy" might have saved Alicia Fox's job.

  158. I threw in the towel when the 411mania era started shortly before all of the decent writers jumped to inside pulse... is that still around? No one ever mentions it.

  159. Any comment that starts with "release Santino" gets an upvote from me.

  160. You really hate the way he does the daily updates don't you?


  162. Naah, they will defend it and claim this was a great planned swerve, and TNA is just about ready to take over the world of Rasslin'.

  163. Not sure is IP is still around. All wrestling websites just rip off news from Meltzer/Keller/Johnson anyway. 411 just has a lot more garbage on their pages.

  164. I could imagine something like this actually happened:

    WWE Exec: Hey Aksana, do you want to be on the next season of Total Divas?
    Aksana: No thanks, I don't want to put my personal life under public scrutiny.
    WWE Exec: Okay. Hey Rosa...

    A few months later...

    The WWE would like to wish Aksana the best with her future endeavors.

  165. They no longer need her, they have a new resident East Euro chic. NIMANYYAAAA!!!

  166. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 10:49 AM

    lol, no it's not that at all

    going to 411 is just part of my routine, and they'll often have little tidbit here and there that really dont need to get mentioned in a big summary like we have here

  167. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 10:50 AM


  168. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 10:50 AM

    no, b/c i'm american


  169. Whatever. You clearly hate Bayless and want Stranger to take over.

  170. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 10:58 AM

    these future endeavors happening to save money are like deleting .txt files in order to free up computer space

  171. They kind of are the Brood, but given more cred against better opponents. I think the "hillbilly" aspect has to do with stuff like True Blood making gothic backwoodsiness hip (or, hip several years ago, AKA Vince McMahon hip)

  172. Or some ridiculously complicated analogy for the same thing because some toolbag is using a MAC instead of a real computer.


  173. Just checked... its still there but it seems kinda lame in design, similar to the new 411 design.

  174. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 13, 2014 at 11:00 AM

    Depends on if she let him record it with shaky cam or not.

  175. The Godfather had a PHD... a Pimpin' Hoes Degree.

  176. Well Slammiversary just got a HELL of a lot better...

    "This Sunday, Samoa Joe is scheduled to face Bobby Lashley and Austin Aries is scheduled to challenge Kenny King. We can now report that the winners of each of those bouts will then be added to Sunday’s Main Event against TNA World Champion Eric Young – creating a Three Way Steel Cage Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Title."

  177. The Godfather had a PHD: a Pimpin' Hoes Degree.

  178. Give him Lance Storm as a manager.

  179. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 11:04 AM

    it's gonna end up being lashley and king, b/c tna

  180. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 11:05 AM

    quit stirring shit, shit stirrer!

  181. I know what will get Tyson Kidd over.

    A losing streak gimmick!!

  182. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 13, 2014 at 11:09 AM

    not a gimmick, it's real life!

  183. Hasn't that been his gimmick since he made his debut

  184. Disagree on Bo Dallas. Great gimmick and he plays it so well.

    Gimmicks can work depending on the performer's skill set and how the writers frame that person. Case in point, Doink the Clown as a heel vs. Doink as a face. One was awesome and drew a ton of heat, the other was lame and terrible.

  185. If this was the Attitude Era, they'd bring back Harry and have Natalya start cheating on Tyson with HIM!

    Also known as "just another day in Alberta."

  186. No "attitude era/russo" booking will ever match the real life drama of the Hart family over the past 15 years.

  187. A Black Gentlemen and one of the strongest guys I have ever seen: BOBBY LINDSEY~! shall replace MVP.


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