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BoD Daily Update RAW Preview

NXT Champion to Wrestle on the 7/12 Madison Square Garden Show

NXT Women's Champion Charlotte is booked on the show with her father, Ric Flair, in her corner.


Kayfabe Commentaries Accepting Questions for Their Brodus Clay "YouShoot"

All questions can be submitted by clicking on the link below. The deadline is July 1st


  1. I though Brodis would be a mid card fixture for years. A bigger Kofi. I wonder who's hand he didn't shake to fall out of favor so fast. Going from dancing fool to angry big man is such an easy change to make. Especially with Brodus' imposing look. It's a shame really. A damn shame. They really dropped the ball.

  2. Brodus, why did you make Cameron cry? Could you take Vincent in a fight?

  3. RAW: Bet there's at least one more rewrite left before 8PM.
    NXT: Interesting...
    KC: Damn, that was quick. Also, I'll always have the WM XXX memory.

  4. Bray Wyatt's nickname is now The Eater Of Worlds?

    Okay then.

  5. Kevin Hart is going to get powerbombed through a table, right? They have to know he is going to get booed but I doubt they care at this point.

  6. I guess they have Rusev, who is (probably) younger and in better shape to fill that "big monster heel" role. We shall see how it goes.

  7. They've been calling him that on commentary for months now.

  8. Really? I guess i've really managed to tune out most of what they blather on about lately.

  9. Eusebius is going to flop so hard when they change him to a fun loving dancing foreigner and team him up with Santino in 6 months. Just imagine the jokes about him not wearing shoes. "HE'S GOT NO SHOES ON MAAAAGGLE AND HE'S DANCING!"

  10. He's been calling himself that from time to time from his debut vignettes, I think.

  11. If he's that, it's because he already flopped as a monster heel. And if that's the case, why the fuck not have him be a dancing idiot? Doesn't really matter at that point.

    They're making a sincere effort to get him over as a monster heel, and that's all fine and well. He doesn't appear to have the range to be much more than that and sometimes the monster heel thing gets over, sometimes not.

  12. More like the eater of John Cena's pin attempts, am I right?

  13. Would Hart let himself be a shitbag heel and take a bump from, say, The Shield? Because that would be amazing.

  14. You are just partial to Bulgarians due to your experiences with them.

  15. I think he would. He usually lets himself be the butt of jokes in his shows and movies.

    They should have Kevin come out and talk about being a lost Hart brother and his time in the family dungeon.

  16. I agree. Even if he wasn't the Funkasaurus, I thought he was talented enough to be the new Viscera!

  17. He's a self-deprecating guy so I don't think that would be a problem for him. Raw isn't his audience so I don't see the problem being heel, not sure about him taking a bump.

  18. That would be hilarious.

  19. Looks like someone has been reading my VIKING SPACE LORD BROCK LESNAR posts.

  20. He's the long lost Hart brotha.

  21. Now I'm going to be pissed if he doesn't claim to be a long lost Hart.

  22. Foreign monster to (dancing) idiot does seem to be a general progression in the biz (e.g. Koslov), but because crowds are generally on the racist side, they're only willing to accept that with performers of color (which explains why Koslov didn't last long after the change), so I'd say Rusev is screwed too, personally.

  23. I feel bad for him if that is the case

  24. really pushes their nicknames out there. "Cenation leader", "Boom Squad General", to name a couple are used in every article about Cena and Kofi, for instance.

  25. I thought he had so much potential, he's a big man with personality. I don't see what they're missing with him, they never even gave him a chance to get over as a heel.


  27. 1. He has the whole world in his hands.
    2. He's fat.
    3. He's going to eat the world.

  28. Koslov got bounced because he had neither the charisma to be a goof nor the talent to be a monster.

  29. Change the tense to present and that sounds like Rusev all over for me.

  30. Are you the one that started the Viking Space Lord thing? Because "Viking Space Lord Bork Laser" is the only way I even refer to him now.

  31. Yes. I started it when he attacked the Miz.

  32. And they say the Miz is useless.

  33. It's possible, and likely, but I'm OK with giving him more time to prove himself. He just got called up to the main roster and hasn't had a major feud yet.

  34. I don't know, Rusev is sorta getting over. Sticking him with Lana was a good move and he looks like he at least has more natural/physical charisma than Koslov had. Plus, the picture of Putin they put up with his awesome come hither look cracks me up every time. I expected Rusev to flop for all the same reasons, but I wouldn't be surprised if he succeeds.

  35. ... you meant "bulges", right?

  36. Fair enough, I'm definitely counting my chickens before they hatch here, but the camel clutch finisher left me cold from the get-go, so i'm biased.

  37. Yeah, I wish he had a different finish. Even just the thrust kick would be fine.

  38. What's wrong with the Camel Clutch? One of my proudest moments is when I made my friend's older brother cry from that move.

  39. I saw a guy earlier today wearing an orange and blue (Illinois colors) CM Punk BiTW shirt. It was glorious and I wanted it. But alas, it was specially made for his marathon relay team.

  40. yeah, but unless they keep him with Lana - and i'd be shocked if they didn't already have bigger plans for her - that's not going to matter all that much.
    it still boggles my mind that the putin thing is helping at all. the only way that'd still be actually relevant is if it was building up to a feud with Darren Young.

  41. They never even crammed the fact that he was a former bodyguard for Snoop Dogg down our throats. He could have easily been someone's bodyguard. A new age Curtis Hughes who occasionally dances to make Vince laugh.

  42. i don't doubt it's legitimately painful, but it's not visually impressive and hasn't been since Hogan beat the Iron Sheik.

  43. When he got kicked off NXT, that promo was all they needed right there.

  44. I've got my NWO black and white underneath my work attire.

  45. I don't know if it's helping or not. I just think it's hilarious.

  46. Never underestimate the xenophobia of the casual WWE Universe.

  47. Dude is willing to do just about anything to get attention. I wouldn't be surprised.

  48. My friend put it on me when we were 12, and I thought he was gonna rip my neck off. Worst part was, I was screaming "I QUIT", but his hands were over my mouth!! So I let out 2 "Kenny from South park" I QUIT!! I QUIT!!, only for him to say "Do you quit??" UGHH!!!!

  49. Haha, yeah this guy was bigger than us and he used to do the bulldozer move to us, that Bray Wyatt back splash and just generally beat the crap out of us. So when I got this on him I was determined to make him say I quit.

  50. Congratulations to the San Antonio Spurs! My boys redeemed themselves!

  51. Yeah, i just thought they had to be of a different color for that to work. So, um, progress?

  52. Did you take the time to humble him too?

  53. I step away from this place for the weekend and so much crap goes down. Really sorry to hear about Farva he was a funny dude.

  54. I did the time honored wrestling tradition of shitting in his gym bag.

  55. TJ: As predicted, two of's headlines this morning: "Can't pin it on LeBron" and "LeBron's future looms"

    At least the main headline is about the Spurs though!

  56. Ugh, just shut up about it til he signs somewhere.

  57. Those headlines wouldn't be there if people didn't click on them.

  58. Just like the extra John Cena merch wouldn't be there if people didn't buy them.

    (I have no idea where I am going with this. None at all.)

  59. Well duh, which is why ESPN was all Tebow, all the time a few years back and will probably be all Johnny Football, all the time in a few weeks.

    Still doesn't make it less annoying though.

  60. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 16, 2014 at 9:02 AM

    That will never not be funny.

  61. That made me spit my cereal out. Funny.

  62. That should have been reserved for Steen once he gets called up.

  63. I don't even have to look, it gets an upvote on the spot.

  64. I do wonder what's going through his head right now. He has to see the writing on the wall and Wade might not last another two years and Bosh is in decline.

  65. Yeah I think will come down to who he can get to come there. As is, I see no way he sticks around.

  66. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:25 AM

    He's back in the same situation he was in when he was on Cleveland: A star that is carrying a team by himself.
    Although I will say I don't think Bosh is in decline as much as he's playing out of position. You can get away from that in the East.

  67. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:25 AM

    I don't remember seeing a "Heat Index" on the website. *giggle*

  68. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:26 AM

    I didn't know the Spurs won. All ESPN talks about is how the Heat LOST.

  69. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:27 AM

    As little as he is he'd better be getting powerbombed by a Diva or Hornswoggle.

  70. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:27 AM

    The Black Hart.

  71. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:28 AM

    Someone's been watching Dexter's Laboratory.

  72. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:30 AM

    Is Vince Jordan secretly a Negro wrestler that was squashed by Rusev?

  73. He's been calling himself that forever.

  74. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:31 AM

    I swear, Scott needs to trademark "Maggle" before someone else does.

  75. Oh man Tony Gwynn died! Damn, definitely one the best players I've seen in my life time. Wonder if I'll ever see a guy win 8 batting titles again?

  76. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:32 AM

    They should have made him a Muslim. He would have gotten over a lot quicker.

  77. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:33 AM

    If you do it right the pain in the lower back is excruciating.

  78. Yeah what is Vince doing? If he wants cheap heat its right there

  79. I saw others do MAGGLE before Scott.

  80. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:37 AM

    The Sheik put it on the right way by sitting down and putting his full bodyweight on the low back.

  81. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    You watched someone do Maggle?

  82. Yes, Heidenreich.

  83. That sucks. Dude seemed like a great guy. Did he die of cancer?


    FAR too big of a sacrifice!

  85. Yes, from dipping.

  86. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:40 AM

    I loved his interviews. He made Bryan Gumbel sound like Flavor Flav.

  87. RIP Tony Gwynn

  88. A lot of people here are saying "There's No Way I'm taking him back!" which is really stupid thinking. I do think that if we have Kyrie, whoever we take number 1, and LeBron, he'd be playing with a better Cleveland team than he ever did his first time around.

  89. Dude always seemed super smart and was the most consistent hitter I have ever seen.

  90. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:41 AM

    Cleveland HAS a good, deep team. They lack the coach. I hope they keep Deng and draft Embid.

  91. I'm not sure who they're going to take as their coach. Right now, Ty Lue is the front runner, which I can't think would excited LeBron.

  92. I look forward to your reaction comments to the daily update everyday. Keep up the great work.

  93. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:42 AM

    Mark Jackson and David Blatt are candidates.

  94. What happened to Curtis Hughes? I saw him do a promo as Shane Douglas' muscle on an episode of ECW TV, and he did a damn fine job. And the heelish grin was fantastic. After his run with Jericho, he vanished.

  95. I would like both of them.
    I think Jackson would be good enough. Blatt coaches Tel Aviv correct?

  96. Wade might not last another two years? did you watch him "play defense" in this series? He didn't last this season. He really hurt them on D when he was out there. When he wasn't completely lost on who to cover and what to do (which was most of the time) he simply couldn't keep up.

  97. 8 batting titles? In the steroid era?? Never again.

    All the respect in the world to Gwynn and his family. Thanks for giving me a childhood idol to respect.

  98. It was really pathetic to watch. You pretty much nailed it. The injuries just built up too much.
    His All Star days are over unless.

  99. He needs DDP Yoga.

  100. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:47 AM

    Not anymore. he left to get a shot at the NBA. He's a winner on every level.

  101. The Chocolate Hart

  102. Hm, that would be interesting. I would prefer Jackson just because I know what he brings to the table. I think he got the short end of the stick with the Dubs situation.

  103. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:49 AM

    So do I. From what I understand he made comments about gays that he wouldn't apologize for, and that won't fly in the San Francisco area,.
    If Kerr doesn't get them equal to where they were before they Warriors management will get crucified.

  104. TJ: I'm watching the Raws leading up to Survivor Series 94. Did Bundy have a stroke or palsy or something? His mouth is weird and droopy. In a related note doesn't it seem weird that he has not got more play in legends/old school stuff. He was a popular wrestler who had a lot of personalty and got some movie and tv roles back in the day so its not like he is a no charisma drip.

  105. I think Jackson would be a perfect fit for Cleveland. It would be ridiculous if he doesn't have a coaching job next year.

  106. I know there are some Spurs guys on here and others fed up with Heat-centric focus... our basketball loving savant Andrew Riche did a piece focusing on the Spurs victory and how they arrived there...

  107. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:51 AM

    The Heat's backcourt as a whole sucked during the finals.

  108. He's never coached before, I don't get why he's getting all the praise before he ever coached a game (well, I have a feeling I know why)

  109. I thought he was playing bad and then saw the 12 minute montage that deadspin has up of him playing god it was cringe worthy. When he actually tried he was lost..the rest of the time he was out for a nice stroll.

  110. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:53 AM

    Clean-cut white dude?

  111. I'm so mad that a super team with three HOF'ers got another championship handed to them. Right, isn't that how this works?

  112. I think just about any PG would be better than Chalmers. They need to replace him ASAP.

  113. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:54 AM

    I never liked Chalmers to begin with. He was barely adequate.

  114. This was the super team of hall of famers people likes...or at least doesn't it's different.


    Obligatory when Curtis Hughes is mentioned.

  116. At least nowadays kids know that they can tap out.

  117. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:55 AM

    Oh, I see. Racism is fine as long as it served the gay agenda. (which is what happened because gay people protested.0

  118. Scott Steiner's was the worst.

  119. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 9:56 AM

    He didn't even sit down. He put the guy's head between his arms and flexed.

  120. The difference to many is that the Spurs happened organically through the draft and with a strong supporting cast. Miami was viewed as having gone out and orchestrated their team through FA. Honestly, I think it had to do more with two things: 1) The huge gala they threw after James and Bosh signed and 2) That Heat fans aren't really deserving of what they were given.

  121. That and the Boston Crab (original, not the Liontamer version) are back killers.

    Oh, and a Tombstone when the other guy is an idiot, and tries to lean his upper body away from it. (AKA "heavily modified/mutant" Boston Crab.)

  122. Rusev is doing it pretty badly, yeah? It looks off even by my low standards. Something about the arm crossing.

  123. LOL! I know he had an issue with an assistant coach as well.

  124. Ha, the elevated camel clutch. What a crock. Elevating worked for Jericho and the Boston Crab so it must work for this, right?

  125. So World cup time. What do we want to happen here (America wise) A draw so America could be ahead (if they win tonight) or for Germany to win because they will likely move on so that way we would be a whole 3 points ahead of them and Gahna...assume we win tonight?

  126. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 10:01 AM

    Mark was no more temperamental than any other coach, but he's a Pastor of a Baptist church and his religious views rubbed people the wrong way.

  127. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 16, 2014 at 10:01 AM

    He needs to retire.

  128. Fuck, another part of my childhood gone. Yet another casualty of the mutual stupidity in 1994.

  129. I'm pretty sure Germany is going to take it to everyone, so I'm hoping for a win over Ghana and then maybe just maybe a tie against Portugal and for Ghana to real rough up Portugal and maybe tie them in that game so that we can squeak by on (hopefully) goal differential.

  130. I think you nailed it with the gala they threw. That just rubbed about everyone the wrong way. And don't even get me started on Heat fans.

  131. Yea thats what I was thinking...They HAVE to beat Ghana and then US needs at least a tie some where but hopefully Ghana and Portugal can keep each other down.

  132. So it never really had anything to do at all with the "Super Team" thing that everyone screamed for three years about, it was just petty jealousy because Lebron didn't come to their town?

    That sounds about right.

  133. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 16, 2014 at 10:13 AM

    I hope you guys lose to Ghana again!

  134. If we do lose to Ghana, then I'll definitely consider 0-0-3 in play. Until then, anything's possible.

  135. I'm just kidding, I love basketball fans and their backward ass thinking, as though if Lebron had come to their city in free agency it wouldn't have been the happiest moment of their lives.

    I really don't understand the Heat fan thing, how did they not deserve it? Their staff was able to pull off what every other staff in basketball was trying to do that year: Get the best in the world on their team.

  136. Agreed on point one. I think they are looked at as a joke fanbase that leaves early and only cares when they win. Not sure it is true but it is certainly the perception.

  137. That's the thing with both Kerr and Fisher in NY. Um, are we sure these guys can actually coach?

  138. I'm not the biggest NBA fan but I'm guessing if lebron and the decision didn't happen there would be more Spurs hate but between Lebron, the fan base, Pat Riley and so on..there is just too much to root against.


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