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WWE Cuts NXT's Budget, Talent Cuts Expected

The WWE has already cut the production and post-production budget for NXT and will be evaluating talent, with cuts expected to be made in the next month. For what it's worth, Dave Meltzer said he confirmed this story with WWE officials.

WWE Cuts Head Writer

Jay Gibson was cut this weekend by Vince McMahon. This past RAW was the first one without him and that led to Vince putting in a lot of his type of humor throughout the show.


Hardy Boys Reuniting In TNA

Matt Hardy will be at the TNA TV tapings in New York later this month, to join his brother Jeff.

Credit Mike Johnson,


  1. Layla's about 200,000% hotter thus making her a better babyface plus she's way more sympathetic whereas every single appearence Summer Rae has made on NXT and Total Divas, she comes across as the bitchiest bitch who's ever bitched, that's not going to make anybody cheer for her.

  2. I wanted a bully to get bullied. I said it was an overreaction and I was wrong. But whatevs, keep policing the blog! Wouldn't want a contradictory opinion to break out!

  3. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 17, 2014 at 12:32 PM

    where did you get i was against differing opinions? all i asked was why someone who clearly has an issue with the blog would continue to visit. there's no need to be snarky, and you're only reinforcing whatever negative opinion others might have of you

  4. CM Munk! CM Munk!

  5. This comment is streets ahead. #6seasonsandamovie

  6. So will Vince die by masturbating himself into a dehydrative state while filling cylinders for his closest friends?

  7. He is a 2/2 First Strike Protection From Black for WW

  8. He tweaked with the Super Invader to take on Sting and Ron Simmons

  9. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 17, 2014 at 12:37 PM

    that's why i wonder why i'm supposed to cheer for her: her actions on total divas.

    they really can't push a character one way and insist it's canon and then do an about face (heh) and ask us to forget the picture they've painted of her, especially since we really have no reason to cheer her anyway. she was acting heelish to other face divas even after she returned a few weeks ago

  10. There are little stories here or there by like jobbers who claim that Bill Watts loved them, but not much more than that

  11. I know people trash Matt Hardy and Matt makes it quite easy for them to have reasons to do so but if this makes TNA dump the stupid Willow gimmick then I'm all for it because they need to promote Jeff Hardy and milk his name for all its worth and making him a fourth rate Sting clone that TJ Perkins could have easily played and no one would have noticed a difference was something that didn't benefit him or TNA.

  12. And we have out first "spinning in his grave" moment.

  13. He would love it, and send an upvote beyond da grave. He and I were strong in our "CM Punk is a crybaby bitch" stance.

  14. I liken Vince to the lions in the South Park episode where all the rich black people move into town, and they think it's hilarious when Token pulls his paw.

  15. He doesn't get a lot of things, so no surprise there.

  16. This might be the most unnecessary mash-up ever made:

  17. It would be just like WWE to do a remake of a movie that helped put Revolution Studios out of business. A remake of House Of The Dead (the movie that put Artisan out of business) and a remake of Leaves Of Grass (the movie that put First Look Studios out of business) would surely follow.

  18. Presumably Paige and Barrett would do something with their respective championships. Actually Paige might get the night off for a Layla/Summer match instead.

    I'm assuming that's what the following week's programming will cover now that all of the MITB entrants are set.

  19. OK, I just watched the spiked drink segment. When you have to shoehorn coffee into a backstage interview, the "skit" isn't working.

  20. I'm not sure how promoting a team that was last relevant on the national stage (read: WWE) 7 or 8 years ago is going to help solve TNA's problems, even a little bit.

  21. Once you two got past Victor, I know NOBODY you speak of. And my mom is an avid watcher of that show.

  22. Magic back when I played it. +1.

  23. The Tooth Fairy, TOO: Even Toothier.

  24. If I had to take a guess, I'd say Jeff is the one who came up with the whole thing. Cocaine is a helluva drug.

  25. Would his initials be VJ? If not, color me shocked.

  26. They would improve the product tenfold and save a few million dollars a year by just shitcanning Kevin Dunn. Name one single positive thing that guy has ever done.

  27. D-Lo Brown is always shaking his head. He should really get that checked out.

  28. ...if this were 1998, sure, why not.

  29. Um, no. It's had its share of fails, but overall it's been fine.

  30. The key is to keep them credible in the ring. Fandango had that one awesome match with Jericho (thanks Chris!) and it looked like it could work--then he got shunted into comedy bits and never looking good in the ring.

    Adam Rose...if he's a party guy outside of the ring but get him angry and he's a beast in the ring--that can work.

    Tyler Breeze really started to work when he found a new gear in the ring and could legitimately be seen as NXT's Top Contender.
    Bo Dallas is interesting...because while I'd like to see better work from him in the ring, he might work as a cowardly/self-deluded heel without good ring work.

    But, if all they are going to be are comedy skits and patheti, quick feeds for boring monsters...then, no...none of them will ever be more than what they're allowed to be...

  31. Yes but they still censor commentary, unlike the network versions. Not that I care, given the circumstance, but still. And I know they raise the ratings on DVDs when needed, but is the non-strangulation rule in effect even there?

  32. I just want the Steiners in the damn HOF

  33. All of the Network stuff is online elsewhere, im fine with paying them $0 a month

  34. How is that by the way? I have a friend who keeps getting me to watch it

  35. Downvoted, for your pleasureJune 17, 2014 at 1:01 PM

    So... cue the return of the Kiss My Ass club?

  36. Downvoted, for your pleasureJune 17, 2014 at 1:02 PM

    $40?!?!? Are you nuts?

  37. The Beautiful Disaster/Dr. Doom Cody was always my favorite gimmick he's ran with. It was perfect for him. But they ended it wayyyy to soon

    Didnt he lose his mask in some random Smackdown match with Sin Cara or something?

  38. I've honestly never seen it. Always wanted to because Sandler's serious work has always been better than his "comedy" for me.

  39. Quick answer: It won't.

    Complicated answer: Damnit, it won't. There's no rocket science to this question.

  40. Let's see if he can get over as Kin Corn Cody first.

  41. I'd be happy to do a yearly payment of $149-179...

  42. I can't believe more of us aren't talking about the 1995 King of the Ring on the live feed. This is ppv greatness here!

  43. He said *he* considered it an upgrade. Maybe they weren't as memorable for him.

  44. The Scorpion King: Roman reigns

  45. Yeah I'm sure it was Jeff's idea but the whole thing just reeked of WCW 1991 giving bad gimmicks that any preliminary jobber could have played (Big Josh and Black Blood) to recognizable names (Matt Borne and Billy Jack Haynes) instead of using those recognizable names to get a few extra viewers and sell a few extra tickets.

  46. Jerry Lawler throwing up on ppv! I can't believe I spent $29.95 on this show 20 years ago.

  47. Sheamus didn't exactly captivate me when he was fresh. "I beat ya Cena, and I took yer title" over and over and over every week.

  48. You think Linda and Vince still sleep together? BWAHAHAHAHAHA

    ...good one, WCW1987. Good one.

  49. I think we all know what Scott Steiner thinks of Matt Hardy.

  50. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 17, 2014 at 1:11 PM

    He used this stupid gimmick in his backyard promotion as a teenager. Just goes to show what unfiltered idiocy is allowed to manifest in TNA.

  51. Downvoted, for your pleasureJune 17, 2014 at 1:11 PM

    No Network here in Canada. Still. Hey, wonder how that wwe stock is doing today?

  52. Not everyone, just everyone who's commented on him.

  53. Right. Instead, how about just have Roman storm the battle royal at the beginning without being inserted in the match, and have him win anyway. Then the authority can't deny that Roman belongs in the match.

  54. They fired the head writer so if it's not back in the $20s I'd be shocked. SHOCKED I SAY.

  55. I'd rather see them channel the ghosts of WCW and hire some relatively cheap guys to just go out and put on filler matches that, while they don't necessarily mean anything, are still of good quality a la most of the undercard guys in the cruiserweight division.

  56. Umm.....probably $15. At the most. I used to buy 3-4 PPVs a year and that's still less than the old cost.

  57. Downvoted, for your pleasureJune 17, 2014 at 1:15 PM

    Still hovering in the low 12's where it's been since the great crash of 2014.

  58. I'm really surprised Vince hasn't pulled a Jiro Nishi by now and made himself the lead star and director of his own movie.

  59. Diesel and Bam Bam Bigelo is the most ridiculously random tag team main event pairing ever. They should have kept Bigelow heel and done Sid/Bam Bam v. Diesel/Shawn. Although maybe the injury to Diesel led to a reshuffling of the card.

    Also, Bam just cut a promo where he and Diesel are 220% ready or something (after Deisel said he might be 50% of the man he was a month ago), so I think I just found the inspiration for Scott Steiner's TNA promo.

  60. I'd hate to be Dolph Ziggler if that's the case...

  61. The Poop and Puke Powers EXPLODE!

  62. They did themselves in with me a few years ago when the title program was clearly building to James Storm v. Robert Roode for the World Title, and instead they did Jeff Hardy v. Austin Aries because Hardy used to be a WWE guy. Even when they craft a PERFECT STORY, they'll always table it for an ex-WWE guy. So fuck them.

  63. I couldn't believe the production values of NXT the first time I saw it. When I think of a developmental territory, I think high school gym--but this was like wrestling in a Miami Beach nightclub. And the characters were fun, fresh and, most importantly, over with the crowd.

    NXT is the reason that I subscribe to the network. Getting to watch PPVs that I never would have paid for (as I'd never paid for a WWE PPV before) is a fringe benefit for me. (I'm also watching Countdown, Legends of Wrestling and I'm enjoying the late night programming of old Raw, old ECW and old WCCW...but that's not enough, on its own, for me to subscribe.)

    Cutting NXT talent doesn't surprise me. It's developmental...some are going to wash out and some just won't fit. You clear out the dead wood to let the others grow.

    But with the word that Vince & Dunn don't like Rose or Dallas...I'd hate to think that they'd be ruining a good thing they have in NXT by cutting budgets and lowering production value.

    Honestly, not only is NXT a far better product than Impact...but watching NXT is far more enjoyable than slogging through three hours of Raw. The way to fix that is not by making NXT worse.

  64. Yeah or his convoluted relationship with the Nexus which led to um...

  65. So instead of the plot being Don Cheadle helping Adam Sandler cope with losing his family in 9/11, it can be Roman Reigns helps The Undertaker cope with losing Paul Bearer and The Streak. The kareoke scene will be amazeballs

  66. I'm still waiting for Attitude-era RAWs. Someday, someone's going to explain to me why they're not there...

  67. Or book him as a crazy fucking badass who doesn't take shit from anyone?

  68. Anything over $15 I'll start questioning myself.

    I was good for 3 ppvs at $60, so my wrestling budget was $180 for the year.

  69. I'm quite fine. That's probably my threshold but to be honest I may go higher.

  70. If he can afford it and gets that much enjoyment, then why not. I am sure we all spend cash on shit that nobody else would but do it because its worth it to us.

  71. Downvoted, for your pleasureJune 17, 2014 at 1:22 PM

    That's insane.

  72. I think my tops is $15. I don't care enough about the current product to get excited for any of the shows, so I just use it mostly for the catalog, but even that has it's issues.

  73. Cool. Cool cool cool.

  74. Downvoted, for your pleasureJune 17, 2014 at 1:24 PM

    You know why NXT is more enjoyable than RAW? Because it's 2 hours instead of 3.

  75. Fun fact- Lita lives in Nicaragua now.

    I don't know why I find this funny, but I do.

  76. It's regularly only one, actually. Two hours are for their special events.

  77. Maybe the last few months of television?

  78. Downvoted, for your pleasureJune 17, 2014 at 1:25 PM

    Even better.

  79. TJ: day six of the World Cup. Belgium against Algeria was a strange match (the former one is being considered one of the biggest "underdog favorites" here) - the latter standing in their one half with all of their players for most of the first 45 minutes. in the end Belgium showed their individual class.

  80. ... and the two hour shows really fly by. It makes it seem like one.

  81. Oh, that prankster Roman Reigns!

  82. Downvoted, for your pleasureJune 17, 2014 at 1:30 PM

    Occupy Occupy Wall Street - Investment Bankers Unite:

  83. Downvoted, for your pleasureJune 17, 2014 at 1:30 PM


  84. I think three shows, two of them with one hour and one with 1/2 hour runtime, would result in the best overall product.

  85. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 17, 2014 at 1:33 PM

    Vince and Dunn don't care about the future. They are a couple of idiots and they never learn from the past. They seem to care about entertaining themselves more than entertaining their viewers.

  86. They put Mid-South on blu ray. There be stranglin'.

  87. Very random.

    I think part of the deal in Bam Bam jobbing to LT was a promised main event face run though.

  88. Eh, after losing to LT, you pretty much had to turn him face. What would have been better is if they could have gotten LT to do a tag match WITH Bam Bam at SummerSlam.

  89. reminds me of my favorite Raw sign of this year:

  90. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 17, 2014 at 1:38 PM

    And where it was before the speculators pumped the price up in the first place...

  91. I still remember renting this and being bored out of my mind.

  92. Fine. But slow build it to here, because that tag match was the drizzling shits, PLUS you could have DiBiase trying to buy of Michaels to turn on Diesel, and then when Bam Bam and Sid lose, Bam Bam can do a face turn the next night and feud with Sid through Summerslam.

    Or something. If he was promised a main event face run, they sure as hell didn't deliver it.

    Also I was watching KotR 95 on the live feed, so it's not THAT random.

  93. I am buying a house so that might change things pretty soon. Lol

  94. young version of me even bought the home video.

  95. Yep it will haha.

  96. In fairness Hardy was a top merch moving WWE guy which is the highest echelon of marketability you can get. I'm not saying TNA's pushing WWE guys is good but this is an exception.

    If somebody falls into your failing, ass backwards promotion whose merchandise caught fucking Cena's in terms of sales YOU PUSH HIM TO THEFUCKING MOON!!

  97. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 17, 2014 at 2:05 PM

    I've always wanted to see a Vader/Bigelow heel tag team In the WWE.

  98. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 17, 2014 at 2:06 PM

    In fairness, you're getting someone throwing up on TV for free.

  99. I kind of like Dougie for some incomprehensible reason so I don't mind npp in theory, but I do want to add, once again, a couple of laughs at overweight kids expense while in highschool is just good old fashioned fun, not bullying.

  100. No wonder people made fun of you.
    You have no idea how unlikable you are .

  101. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 17, 2014 at 2:10 PM

    I see what you did there.

  102. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 17, 2014 at 2:10 PM

    He should have gotten the Tourette's gimmick.

  103. I'm not a religious guy by any means, but if I were I'd be sure god put fat people here so we could make earthquake sounds while they walk, fart noises when they sit down, and to whip with wet towels if you ever catch 'em shirtless with their back turned.

  104. I'd go to like 17ish but if they would just PUT EVERYTHING THEY HAVE ON IT I'd go 30

  105. They're taping 4 shows in New York, right? Matt will swerve turn on Jeff to cost him a match and set up a feud between them by the 3rd one at the absolute latest. It's the TNA way.

  106. No matter who the head writer is, always remember that Vince has final say in 90 percent of the product.

  107. Appease wall street...and puke joke lovers.

  108. Then Jeff no-shows the fourth and all is right with the world.

  109. You could bring out Heenan and Gorilla and it would horrible if Vince stayed on as the producer.

  110. Shit, I ordered it on pay-per-view. Was so pissed I didn't get a Shawn Michaels-Undertaker match.

  111. HA! I remember that. Awesome sign.

  112. So you know "all the hardcore TNA fans (the only kind of TNA fan)?"

    You know one guy. Yet you think you know everyone based on that one guy.

    Too bad all guys with Batman avatars are jackasses. We might have had a conversation.

  113. They should ax the entire developmental program. It is a total waste and hurting the product.

    Way better off letting those guys work the Indies. No guy that has gone through WWE developmental in the past decade has drawn a dime.

  114. I'm responding to the statement, "They have to cut payroll to show Wallstreet they're doing something." These cuts aren't going to fix the company; they're token sacrifices. That sucks if you're the guy who gets chopped just because it might settle a jumpy investor. You've really latched on to my use of the term dream job and kind of ignored my main point: that it's unfortunate a real life should be derailed for a bit of Wallstreet psychology.

  115. I'm imagining the two of you lighting cigars with burning $100 bills while you have this conversation.

  116. $20, but they're not close enough for me to start yet.

  117. Cena,CM Punk.

  118. No way. Developmental is good business. Not everyone on a card needs to "draw a dime". You need good hands, carpenters, fat guys and role players. Granted, I think NXT should tour more often and some of the guys, especially when they become stale, should do a tour of Japan but developmental, overall, is good business.

  119. Aiden English in particular will never EVER be on the main roster so enjoy his act while you can.


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