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Main Reason Why the WWE Does Not Push Dolph Ziggler

One of the main reasons why Ziggler does not get pushed is because the company feels that he is injury prone and cannot be counted on as a top guy if he is constantly needs to take time off in order to recover from injuries.


Sting Update

Sting's "Ultimate Collection" DVD will be released this Fall. There is also a lot of talk within the WWE about Sting into the Hall of Fame next year as the ceremony will take place in his home state of California.


TNA Returning to Six-Sided Ring?

TNA is running a poll on it's website on whether or not to return to the six-sided ring. The results will be announced Thursday at Midnight.


  1. "The results will be announced Thursday at Midnight."

    Starts countdown.

  2. Why would you announce that at midnight when most people sleep? Why not NOON

  3. Ok, I get it. Dolph Ziggler is my generation's Mr. Kennedy.

  4. All TNA matches should be held in a shallow pit lined with $1 bills. Seems somehow appropriate to me.

  5. Ah, yet another year of "Sting going to the hall of fame" thing... I wonder if there will also be an Austin/Punk match, and a Goldberg return. (seriously, nearly 10 years now... Until it's official, they need to stop).

    And that concussion a few years back was the worst timing in history. poor guy.

  6. Ziggler is no worse on injuries than Orton.

  7. I probably won't be able to sleep until the results are announced.

  8. Maybe Jeff Hardy is going to appear with a new vampire related gimmick so they can't do anything until it's fully dark out?

  9. TNA's is about to run a contest for booking ideas."Do you have booking ideas? we don't! please submit them here!"

  10. *Please pay for your own shipping and handling*

  11. Ziggler has a concussion history though and that is the most alarming. Plus, when you add In the fact that Ziggler takes the most unnecessary and insane bumps in the company, I can see the WWE's point of view in this situation. Still, he should have a better spot in the card than he does now

  12. I'm not disagreeing with your point, but it's unfair how some guys are painted with "injury prone" and other guys who have the same track record get title pushes.

  13. I wonder if he harbors any bitterness towards Swagger? I wonder the same thing about Naomi and Aksana since that basically killed her push dead.

  14. So I wonder what the Redskins will be changing their name to?

  15. I agree it's unfair, but part of it is bad timing. I'd imagine if Orton got hurt a week after beating Benoit for the title, there would be some backstage disappointment that could affect future pushes.

    Again not Ziggler's fault directly, but I'd assume it played a part.

  16. Yep, same for Batista. He was very injury prone, but he just happened to have a "healthy streak" during his huge push of 2004-2005, so he was a made guy from that part on.

  17. We should cash in on counterfeit gear until they change.

    Probably Washington Reds. That's what other college/high school teams have done.

    I read that the team was named after a Native American coach, and that he had a nickname of "Lone Star" so maybe the Washington Stars or Washington Red Stars (with no Native American imagery) would be okay.

  18. My issue is if this is the case then let him go. IF you are going to keep using him.. have him win....some. You think he is suspect for long runs? fine don't plan a title run for him but that doesn't mean you can't build him as a title contender. if he goes down to injury he will get a big pop and be a fresh guy in the mix when he comes back. Using him as a jobber the fans are desperate to see just dumb.

  19. Hire Hulk Hogan and Bischoff. Have more of a 'Road Wild' feel to stories with bikers and card games.

  20. "Please also include a self-addressed stamped envelope for our response to your idea. If you don't get a response, it's because we used your stamp to send in our water bill."

  21. Except Ziggler is good.

  22. I think the difference is that Ziggler has also been told to tone down his style and he doesn't.

    Although I'll say the concussion he got from Jack Swagger was more flukey than anything else.

  23. This is the closest Sting has ever been to being signed with the company. Wasn't he in TNA this time last year?

  24. "And, while you're at it, if you want to pay on that water bill..."

  25. The six sided ring was stupid.

  26. Anything that makes them different than WWE helps, so they should definitely go back to the six sided ring.

    And fire all the WWE guys, and bring back AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, make Samoa Joe world champion...

  27. Washington Chief Wahoo McDaniels

  28. And Bray Wyatt is our Hillbilly Jim.

  29. Nevermind I just read the deadspin article...yeah the NFL aren't going to let anybody and everybody make NFL jerseys ...they will be forcing snyder to change. and some dumbasses will ignore everything else and praise Goddell for his bold move.

  30. "Wait, this shit is going to cost us money???"

  31. This thread is showing me hard it is not to speak about spoilers.

  32. Not being able to make any money off of merchandise is a big deal. I'm sure the owners will appeal, but with a strong movement, it might be tough to get that overturned.

    Of course, changing the name and coming up with new logos and merchandise could be fairly costly, too. It won't be an easy time.

  33. Then ratings might go to a 1.2!

  34. Other than that run from about Armageddon 2003 (where he'd come back from like two injuries before that) until he gave up the title at the end of 2005, I can't remember a time where Batisita WASN'T injured.

  35. If TNA does bring the six-sided ring back, I hope they do a three-ring battle royal because the hexagonal shape means the three rings could all come together along the sides and that would be neat to see.

  36. Yea as I replied below I read it though you aren't exactly correct. They will be able to keep making money off of it...the problem is so will everyone else. Much like people who buy name brand stuff instead of the generic brand exactly the same product for half the price, the Redskins can keep selling their stuff and people will buy it. However anyone with a brain will buy it from Jo smo for half the price because they can sell it with out the licensing fee.

  37. They've already trademarked Washington Warriors. They'd make a ton of money off new gear with new logos.

  38. What I don't like about it is it encourages guys to try and hide and work through concussions, which can have SERIOUS brain damaging effects.

  39. That didn't stop the rumors from appearing every month since before WM 27.

  40. Hmm. Yeah, the NFL will likely flip its shit with stuff like that, but in 5 years, Redskin T-shirts will only be worn as retro chic "ironic" clothing via Hipsters and other douchebags I dislike.

  41. Just ask Alex Smith.

  42. If Kennedy actually managed to stay healthy and cash in MITB or stay out of trouble and cash in on being a story line McMahon what kind of impact would it have had? He seems like the perfect definition of mid-carder but his heel stuff is pretty good. With the right story (the lost McMahon family member) I could see him at the Main Event level.

  43. I see where WWE is coming from with Ziggler but it still fucking sucks.

  44. This is true to degree because yes people will need to buy new stuff but its not that simple. You have to get the whole world turned around to your new brand. You don't have the retro jerseys any more and so on. It's kind of like being the WWE in 2003 with this whole vault you are sitting on but you are scared to death to use it.

  45. I'll of this is why I signed with the Broncos instead of Washinton.

  46. Ziggler: This makes sense I mean HHH has missed most of a year twice I guess that is why they stopped pushing him... oh wait.

  47. Big difference between a torn quad from a guy with a safe working style, and multiple concussions from a guy who bumps like Curt Hennig on speed.

  48. Someone explain this to me. I respect strong watching it and all that but your bosses..the people you want to impress, tell you to do less pain to your body and you ignore them....

  49. HHH put in 6 years without getting hurt and was already a top guy when he tore his quad.

  50. Is it weird that this conversation has put Tatanka's theme music on repeat in my head?

  51. I just think of Batista's multiple injuries when I read that Ziggler story. Didn't Batista have to relinquish the title at least three different times?

  52. He was already a made guy by then. He had lucky timing, Dolph had horribly unlucky timing.

  53. Naomi just beat Paige clean last night

  54. He appeared on the Warrior doc on WWE Network, has a DVD set coming out, and is slated to be in 2K15... I'd say this isn't like previous years and speculation.

  55. Batista? Orton? There is definitely a double standard.

  56. Redskins won this the first time back in 99 I think. I'm thinking this time they aren't going to be so lucky. It'll be dragged out for years though I'm sure.

  57. World Cup TJ: Austraila just said fuck me? FUCK YOU!

  58. Batista and Orton both only had one major injury before they became top guys.

  59. 'This lunatic from Illinois keeps sending in ideas like "competitive, long-form matches and a focus on the sport aspect, sort of like Crockett or AWA". I'm calling the cops'.

  60. Re: Dolph, whether it's true or not, that's as good a reason as anything.

  61. I hope the vote is no, only so it can essentially say to TNA, "We thought it was dumb that you ever used a six-sided ring and we think it's even dumber that you're even considering going back to it. You're stupid."

  62. Even before the concussions, they did a constant "stop-start" with his push. He beats Orton clean with a super kick, beats Cena in a ladder match a month later, then loses twenty straight to Cena after Cena kicks out of every single one of Dolph's finishing maneuvers (including the just established super kick).

  63. I really think it is the concussion aspect more than torn muscles.

  64. Yes, a return to the glory days when nobody watched, as opposed to less than nobody.

  65. Absolutely true.

    However, the WWE does seem pretty serious about concussions and makes he performer past testing before they can return to the ring

  66. It also shows that WWE has smartened up a bit. It just sucks for fans of Dolph Ziggler,

  67. If Ziggler could politic the way the other guys do, he'd be fine, too. But he can't seem to get out of his own way.

  68. Other than when he screwed up his ankle during the Wrestlemania buildup for WM 14 and then had to relinquish the IC belt after Summerslam 98 because of a knee injury, you're right.

  69. Here is one from a VKM..."Have Dixie puke on will be soo soooo funny oh and more midgets and hillbillys please"

  70. Two minor injuries in 6 years, cut that fucking guy.

  71. If they really want to be assholes they should change to the Bullets.

  72. I wonder if anyone has talked to Dolph about this. I'm sure he'd slow it down if it meant a better chance to make money. Just going from Hennig to Harley Race in terms of bumping theatrics would be a huge difference. Shit, sit him down in front of Eddie Gilbert matches. He could do that character.

  73. Agreed. I'm not saying it's his fault (though with his bumping, it probably is) but there's no reason to risk a lot of money with your product if a main asset it going to be risky.

  74. Orton's shoulders were a concern at one point IIRC. One time he hurt them when he did his turn-a-round and slam fists into the mat.

  75. Oh, definitely. I love Dolph and he's perma-over. But if you can't rely on a guy to be healthy it's hard to invest the time in him. Yes, I realize some are complaining about a double standard, but not everyone is or should be treated equally. Yeah, someone who's earmarked for being a top guy- or already is one- is going to get more latitude than someone who kinda-sorta-maybe might potentially be one but hasn't ever gotten established at that level prior to being so injury-prone.

  76. They should have just put a peanut on their helmet.

  77. Yeah, and he was mainly kept on Smackdown for YEARS because they couldn't count on him.

  78. I'm surprised Vince never signed Puppet the Psycho Dwarf

  79. Well, if minor means fucking up Owen Hart's face push when he could've been the #2 face at the time and screwing up the second biggest belt (back when it meant something), then yes, it was minor.

    You said "without getting hurt" for six years. I'm saying it's inaccurate, but not worthy of punishment or anything. Let's not pretend that certain things are ignored or swept under the rug for guys they already had faith in.

  80. Isn't there some middle ground between being the #1 guy and a bottom of the barrel jobber? He's still one of their ten most popular acts so why not at least put him in a spot where you have cody Rhodes or Christian.


  82. Can they afford 3 rings?

  83. Are you talking during his 05-06 period or his 2011-13 period. Or both?

  84. Plaster that on the helmet right MEOW

  85. Just put a potato on the helmet. New logo, no more controversy.

  86. You seem to lack a little understanding on how "moral outrage" works.

    (Not really, just having fun with it.)

  87. Actually, those things are pretty minor.

  88. I think I heard on one of the Observer radio shows (the free one) that Dolph has been told to slow down and he doesn't. Hence the depush.

  89. There is no middle ground in the WWE anymore.

  90. Wait.. Is this the same company that gives Christian a title shot every times he comes back?

  91. I've never heard what the wrestlers themselves thought, but I have to imagine that ring was--at the least--something they had to get used to. I know the size difference between WWF & WCW rings back in the day (4 feet if I remember right) used to be an issue for some workers. I guess the fact that TNA did use it for so long before would show that the wrestlers could adjust. Seems an unnecessary annoyance just so the promotion can look different. There's a hundred other things they could do to accomplish that.

  92. Cult pulling troll-like behavior with putting words into my mouth in one post and then avoiding the issue in the next. Congrats.

  93. It was Owen who had the screwed up ankle, not HHH.

    HHH did miss time earlier that year for a sprained knee that kept him out of the 1998 Royal Rumble.

  94. -Someone sent in a one-line response: "Sign more WWE releases."

    -Well, you heard the man, start sending out contract offers. Oh, and release Joe, Storm, and Roode. We need the money for these offers.

  95. You forget HHH grunts a lot and lifts heavy weights.

  96. Okay, fair enough. I remember HHH being on crutches, making Owen look like a punk at the Rumble (I believe), and then having to resort to doing the HHHDust thing for Owen to win the title. It was the beginning of the end of what was looking to be a hot run for Owen.

  97. Orton was definitely injured twice before he joined Evolution, the inital shoulder thing, then a second time in a tag match with the Dudleys.

  98. two amazing goals in such a short time.

  99. Is there a place in the poll for a write-in vote? If so, I'm writing in "Screw the Six-Side Ring, make it a bouncy castle."

  100. What issue am I avoiding? You really think they should have punished HHH in 2003 like they are punishing Ziggler now?

  101. I'm surprised Goddell hasn't already made a statement that they MUST CHANGE THEIR NAME RIGHT FUCKING NOW because this ruling means knockoffs can be freely sold without reimbursing anyone, and the NFL doesn't like people making money off their backs.

  102. It's not Christian's fault... he only asked for one more match.


  104. Chad Ford released his Top 25 draft prospects and he's still trying to defend Darko 11 Years later!

  105. Cult is the most effective troll in BoD history in that a lot of people don't even realize they are being trolled... maybe even him some of the time.

  106. That I could support.

  107. NFL hates losing or admitting they are wrong just as they will probably give appeals a go.

  108. I don't troll at all.

  109. Exactly. Which is why I'm surprised it's taken this long to change the name. Snyder is going to be FORCED to make money... poor bastard.

    Although I guess he does eat the cost of any unsold "Redskins" merchandise... which is probably why he should have done this himself instead of having his hand forced.

  110. Edge was super injury prone through out his career and they didn't seem to stop investing in him.

  111. "but not everyone is or should be treated equally."

    Republican much?

  112. You really can't make TNA any more ridiculous from a storyline perspective, so let's go for the visual perspective next!

  113. And look what happened to Edge.

  114. What is your definition of trolling?

  115. Did he say anything about it increasing ratings? I think he said that they should do something to differentiate itself from WWE.

  116. That wasn't his point. His point is they still pushed him regardless of his injury prone status.

  117. As far as the retro jersey thing, the Jets play as the Titans so I'm sure the marketing guys at the NFL will find away around this.

    And also, this will be one of the biggest stories of the day and the name change will probably be the biggest non-player story this season, so it's not like Snyder is going to have to go on a "Get the F out!" type awareness campaign.

    As long as the keep the maroon and gold color scheme, people will figure it out.

  118. Would you want a drawbridge on that castle?
    -Unshun Sounds good /Re-shun.

  119. That's because they liked Edge. Let's not beat around the bush....they don't like Dolph Ziggler. Maybe because they named him DOLPH ZIGGLER? Maybe because he doesn't shake hands correctly? Who knows, they just DON'T LIKE HIM. Kinda obvious at this point.

  120. no they need to go back to the 6 sided ring so they can go back to making all the mad cash they were back in the 6 sided days.......hey wait a minute

  121. I JUST said...not but 10 minutes ago... that HHH should not have been punished. Smh.

    I also JUST said that we should recognize that people who they initially had faith in (like HHH) are given more favorable standards to meet and are retroactively perceived differently for past transgressions. That's the issue. Ziggler IS being punished while others have not.

  122. Again, not concussion related, and he happened to stay healthy for a long while while building him to the main event. Dolph got concussed at the near exact moment that they were giving him the main event push. Really not that difficult.

  123. Again I think the difference between Edge and Dolph is that when Edge was told, "TONE THAT SHIT DOWN" he did.

  124. The Capitol City Timber Niggers

  125. How is cult trolling? Some people can't take the heat.

    You're over exaggerating HHH's minor injuries in 1998. His ankle injury had no effect on Owen's push. Owen still lost at Mania 14 and Unforgiven. He was never going to be the #2 babyface of the company. Not even close.

    HHH won the IC title in August and they crowned a new champion in October. It was literally the same thing that happened the year before where Austin had to relinquish the belt due to injury. Those 2 minor injuries had no effect what so ever on booking. If anything, it actually helped Ken Shamrock some what because he got the belt out of it.

  126. "One of the main reasons why Ziggler does not get pushed is because the
    company feels that he is injury prone and cannot be counted on as a top
    guy if he is constantly needs to take time off in order to recover from
    injuries. "

    Point out the part where it says he is concussion prone and I will concede your point.

  127. Had a kid with a really hot woman, on a TV show, lives in a ice mountain community... oh, the neck thing. The rest sounds great.

  128. To be fair, a neck injury is just as serious as a concussed brain.

  129. Honest question: What other injuries have sidelined Ziggler?

  130. Main Reason Why the WWE Does Not Push Dolph Ziggler

    They don't like him. Done.

  131. For a lot of people, it's "not agreeing with said person."

  132. Chances are Ziggler is being punished for other reasons rather than being injury prone. Perhaps for his attitude more than anything.

  133. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 10:48 AM

    Edge and Batista were injury-prone, but developed characters. Dolph is a very good worker, but not really a character. He's over in spite of it, but has never gotten to show anything on the mic. If his whole "thing" is that he can go in the ring and takes crazy bumps, then I can see why no one goes all-in with him.

    That, and the shitty name

  134. HHH was hurt with his ankle during this time.

  135. True..and I'm not expert but it is also not as easy as Hey everyone gets new jerseys YEAH MONEY FOR US!! everything has to be changes from the stadium to the website to letterhead to....documentation of agreements with companies to...god knows what.

  136. But he has bright blonde hair. Just like Dolph Lundgren!

  137. I was a huge fan of the Ziggler, Big E, AJ trio. Thought they had good chemistry, think they could have stuck with that longer.

  138. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 10:49 AM

    If they had an Intercontinental title that meant anything, there would be

  139. Going to a 6 sided ring would be like putting a new hat on Malibu Stacy. (Then again, that's a bad example... the hat made money)

  140. I like Cult a lot, but yes, he admits he trolls from time to time to get a reaction.

    And you, too, missed my point by a mile. All I was saying is that it was inaccurate to say HHH was injury-free and that it's hypocritical the way Ziggler is being treated.

  141. Protip for Ziggler: More bagshitting and failed drug tests. Fewer sick bumps.

  142. For me, it's "Being a complete ass while not agreeing." Disagreement is fine, and expected. Needless stupidity and hostility, on the other hand, makes a poster worthless.

  143. Also as much as I like Dolph all of this batista, orton, edge talk is a different era of the company.

  144. Edge was not healthy for a long time. He had a major injury in 2003 that sidelined him for a whole year. And this was when he was getting ready to be pushed HARD. He had multiple injuries when he was already champion something that plagued frequently until eh called it quits.

  145. TBF, that was years and years ago.

  146. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 10:52 AM

    The District of Columbia Redskins. There, we changed it

  147. Hardly anyone in the wrestling business is injury-free. I don't even think I can name one. HHH throughout hasn't suffered many injuries. He tore both of his quads and sprained his knee.

  148. They were giving him chance after chance at the main event but the injuries and the just being stupid put an end to that... then you back suplex Randy Orton wrong and you're yesterday's news.

  149. For that matter what TV show is he on?

  150. GTFO I had no idea. Damn Beth has really made her way around the locker room (by which I mean I know of 2 guys she has fucked)

  151. Trifecta. I think the concussion he got when he finally won the World Title legitimately screwed him more than anything.

  152. Ankle injuries and multiple concussions are quite different and you are also calling back to a time period where the company wasn't public and major head injuries weren't looked at as severely as they are today.

  153. Another honest question: How many officially reported concussions has he had?

    I'm thinking two but can only remember the one. I'm not sure if that really makes him "injury prone."

    I think this is a case of the higher ups respecting what he does, Dolph rubbing them the wrong way (conflicting personalities), Dolph not slowing down enough in the ring to their liking, and then the higher ups just making up an excuse for his lack of push after the fact.

  154. Or maybe they are mad that he teamed with AJ to screw Cena that time!


  155. I keep wondering how the US can't give us just one Tim Cahill. He's a stud.

  156. 1. Dolph is a lost cause. I still think, with like 19 concussions before 35 years of age, he should call it quits and go be a stuntman or an actor or a comedian.

    2. Kind of over Sting at this point. I mean, good on him. I just don't care.

    3. TNA could debut a 14.3-sided ring and still won't draw above a 1.1 rating.

  157. Crushed larynx in that elimination chamber match

  158. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    I like Dolph as a tag team guy. That team could have made good babyfaces too. Dolph playing Ricky Morton is a natural, then Big E cleaning house off the hot tag. Easy stuff

  159. He clearly injured the filter that goes from his brain to his mouth during mainstream interviews.

  160. Enough time to rig the results?

  161. And STILL that mofo didn't take time off.

  162. The funny thing is Ziggler is an All-American amateur wrestler and could probably kick the shit out of HHH in a shoot.

  163. How many concussions has Dolph already had? Just the 2 back to back ones or more?

  164. He's the focal point of my new Varsity Club dream.
    One day...

  165. I think the answer to all of TNAs problems is an eight sided ring.

  166. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 18, 2014 at 11:01 AM

    I always hated the six sided ring. Looks bush league.
    I don't watch either way though, so do what you gotta do TNA.

  167. One side for each audience member.

  168. Edge and Punk had each other's sloppy seconds

  169. What will they do with the 3 left over sides?

  170. I remember AJ Styles said in an interview that the six sided ring was a lot rougher to bump on so although he liked the unique aspect he quickly came to appreciate the change to the standard ring.


  171. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 11:07 AM

    TJ: I fucking hate Michael Cole, especially during "surprises". The announcers will act all "holy shit!" one second, then Cole says "Diesel is back, 6'7", 311 pounds!"

    Why the hell would he know that if they had no idea Diesel was coming back? He did it when Brock Lesnar returned in 2012 too. Really annoying and unnecessary

  172. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 18, 2014 at 11:08 AM

    At the end of the day, that might be A reason that Ziggler is getting buried, but THE reason is that he's just not a good fit in the promotion. For whatever reason his personality just doesn't work with the other personalities.
    His fault? Their fault? Probably a combination of both, and maybe even some "no one's fault", but it's just not working out, and that is unlikely to change.

  173. I'll take Cole doing that if they stop blaring entrance music during suprise run-ins.

  174. Dolph Ziggler got past being a member of the Spirit Squad. He got past that godawful name they saddled him with. He also endured Amy Schumer straddling his face, with only a minor concussion to show for it. The man is a survivor.

  175. And he's now suspended for the Spain match. Damn.

  176. Not really that improbable that a dude who calls wrestling for a living would know heights and weights off the top of his head.

  177. Feed them to Samoa Joe.

  178. That actually makes sense, the sound/truck guys can probably see the gorilla position, and with today's technology, it probably just takes 1 button to set off the music/titantron video. That's never really bugged me.

  179. LOL Australia beating Netherlands

  180. Shouldn't said guy be waiting for a cue instead of taking matters into his own hands though?

  181. Not if she shows job initiative, he shouldn't!

  182. Yeah, but it's still fun to bring up.

  183. this is getting really good right now!


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