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BoD Daily Update

SummerSlam Title Match Update

As of now, whoever the champion is at SummerSlam will be facing Brock Lesnar, who will be returning n storyline because he wants to be the champion. It was originally going to be Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan but that is no longer an option due to Bryan being stripped of the title due to injury. 

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

How Do The Top WWE Officials Feel About Cesaro?

While HHH is very high on Cesaro, Vince McMahon is reported as not being sold on him yet. 

Credit Wade Keller,

Miz Update

Miz was backstage at RAW this past Monday and set to return but was not written into the show. 

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Highspots Producing a Documentary on Harley Race


  1. That Wrestlemania 24 match with Edge vs Taker is one of the strangest matches ever from my perspective as the first half of the match is boring as hell, but the last half of the match is exciting as hell.

  2. You know the only thing I don't like about Lesnar?

    We are never given a kayfabe reason for his part time schedule. He comes back with one goal... to win the title. But he doesn't and then disappears after ending the streak.

    Where does he go? And why?

  3. "Miz was backstage at RAW this past Monday and set to return but was not written into the show and no one missed him."

  4. Your comment leaves me confused as to whether or not hell could be described as boring or exciting.

  5. Sounds like he's in a good, positive place about this. I can't imagine that, not even knowing if you can arrange to attend a wedding, in case your paymasters come a-calling, your job probably riding on you saying yes. What utter bullshit. Good luck to him!

  6. Vince isnt sold on Lesnar? WHAT THE FUCK DOES THE GUY HAVE TO DO??

  7. I would have no problem if this was mix's role on a weekly basis.

    Just backstage as various road agents walk past saying 'yeah sorry Miz nothing this week... maybe next week'

  8. Cesaro: just tell McMahon a good poop joke and you're a made man.

  9. SummerSlam: Guess we'll see if ending the Streak was wasted. No odds until after MITB.
    Cesaro: Vince not being into a freakishly strong wrestler? Color me surprised.
    Miz: Matt nailed it.
    Race: Cool.

  10. You mean Cesaro?

  11. You know what I like about the British?


    I must have seen that movie... twice!

  12. To your last two questions:

    Bang Sable until Vince/HHH offers him a title shot.

  13. Back into the fiery chasm from whence he came. He shall return when his thirst for terror and destruction is unwieldly.

  14. Beat me to it.

  15. I believe in Hell that your backside gets besmirched by fiery demons over-and-over again.

    Or, if you don't choose that option, you're forced to watch 1991 Coliseum video "fan write in" matches on loop.

  16. That would actually be a hilarious character. Every week, he talks to HHH/Stephanie/whoever about getting on the show. And every week, he gets, "Sorry, maybe next week."

  17. "While HHH is very high on Cesaro, Vince McMahon is reported as not being sold on him yet. "

    That could be a problem. After all, Steph was supposedly very, very high on Evan Bourne. Mind you, anyone within 10 feet of him got a contact high.

  18. Grow a personality?

  19. Brock vs. Cena again please.

  20. So he's Kenny King on TNA?

  21. Cesaro: "We the poople, AMIRITE?"
    VKM: "You're in."

  22. Yeah, late edit. Sorry for wrecking thread integrity.

  23. ... Miz is joining the Authority, isn't he?

  24. I don't get why Vince isn't sold on him yet. And beside that point, if your audience is behind a guy, I'm of the philosophy that you should push him, unless you have a good reason not to, such as injuries or drugs or whatever. I know this isn't how Vince operates, but if it's just a vague "I'm not sold on him," who the hell cares? (Besides Vince, obviously.)

  25. That would be Russo-riffic, but in a good way.

  26. I want to know whose idea it was to have Cesaro do that awkward strut to the ring that he's started doing for some reason. Seriously what is that?

  27. Oh god, Miz is going to be the new member of Evolution :( That's why Seth Rollins hasn't 'officially' joined :( He's going to turn on Ric Flair :( And be the 'new' Ric Flair :( Of Evolution :(

  28. Has Mark Henry found him yet?

  29. It almost inevitably will be that, surely.

    What other baby faces can they use? Too soon to throw out Roman Reigns as world champion, especially versus Brock.

    Sheamus? Would anyone care about Sheamus vs Brock?

    No, it will be Cena again.

  30. How long do you think until it's only HHH's opinion that matters?

  31. Stranger in the AlpsJune 19, 2014 at 7:30 AM

    FYI, the only network update so far today has been the addition of episode 89 of RAW, from 12/5/94. It features The British Bulldog vs. Jeff Jarrett, and the debut of The Roadie. They seem to be adding one RAW a day, so three more and we're into 1995.

  32. Yes... Yes!

    ...That's not too bad.

  33. TJ: World Cup! Spain are out! How INCONSISTENT of them.

    Today, I probably wrongly predict:

    URGay 3 - England 1
    Ivory Coast 2 - Colombia 0
    Greece 1 - Japan 1

  34. When Vince AND Steph die.

  35. Because he has no mic skills and his charisma level isn't up to main event tier?

  36. $5.99 gets you the official IWC t-shirt:

  37. Only thing I could see is Cesaro turning face by pushing Heyman away.

  38. Poop and Urine. All in one joke!

  39. "Uruguay sounds like 'you're a gay'." - Pierce Hawthorne

  40. Well Daah... He is clearly a lazy fuck. [/Baker]

  41. That would be good, and a possible motivation for the feud between the two of them. But Cesaro, world champ? No. Not at this point.

    If you had asked me the night of WM30 I'd have said yes.
    If you'd have asked me the next night I'd have said 'maybe'.
    Now? Nah. Especially since he has the music suggestive of Saturn and Scott Steiner, and Cesaro is another name with a lot of s-s-s-s-s-s-s-sibilance to it.

    So no. It's just not fated to be.

  42. The mic skills can improve, and that's what Heyman is there for, anyway.

  43. Pretty sure that's what the plan is all along. He finally gets tired of Heyman always short changing him while bragging about BBBRRROOCCKKK LEESSSNNAARRR. *THEN* we get the huge face turn (which could be perfectly timed, now that Bryan might be on the shelf longer.)

  44. I know it's not traditional, but I was referencing Homer Simpson consulting a globe with calm delight in "Bart vs Australia".

    Bit of a risky move, but I'm hoping it pays off.

  45. Must be freakishly strong AND have nice thighs.

  46. Cesaro is the only guy on the roster whose offense gets a pop with Bryan gone. What else needs to be sold?

  47. To destroy worlds, fuck their women and eat their souls.

  48. Needs to work on his thighs.

  49. If Cesaro can make Gerald Brisco vomit with some sort of poop/vomit bit on Raw next Monday, he will get a two year reign as champion.

  50. I'm excited for Cena to be the guy that beat the guy that broke the streak. That is money.

  51. Simpsons references?!

    No one gets those.

  52. I mean kayfabe wise as in they acknowledge his inactivity on screen.

    Although it would be refreshing if Brock came back after a break and said... 'Right I've banged Sable until my dick was sore now I'm here for a title shot!'

  53. I think his mic skills are good. His accent is kinda charming; his promos are way more fun to listen to than whatever 20 minute HHH ramble is happening this week.

  54. Me fail English? That's unpossible.

  55. He hasn't cut a promo anywhere near the quality of the "I'm gonna go home and get on top of my wife!" promo from the strawberry jam fight with Mir.

  56. This is the company that did everything in their power NOT to push Bryan when sold out arenas were begging for more of him.

  57. See? Utter gibberish.

  58. I legit laughed out loud reading that.

    You know, we saved your ass in World War II.

    Yeah but we saved your ass in World War III

    That's right.

  59. Vince is just a strange cat. Cesaro has been around two years, gets great reactions, consistently has good to great matches and speaks well. Of course he's not marketable. Then again Vince put Savage on top while thinking he wasn't marketable either.

  60. He sure helped Ryback and Curtis Axel!

  61. Good point. I wouldn't be surprised if Vince has already looked into being cryogenically preserved to return at a later date and take over the world.

  62. Three years dead and hasn't wrestled in the WWE in 20 years and not in their Hall of Fame and still people chant for Macho during the WWE's boring Cena/Orton main event slop.

  63. Ryback is a great talker. He's funny and charismatic; if they let him be himself and be controversial he'd be money. Axel can't be helped by anyone.

  64. Like I said, it was a risky move. This isn't really the target audience for that sort of thing.

  65. If Lesnar is going to challenge the champ at Summerfest, the only logical guy to win it is Cena. Reigns would be interesting, but I don't think we're ready for Reigns/Lesnar yet. Neither guy needs to lose that match. My guess is Triple H will cost Reigns the match and that leads to Reigns vs H at Summerslam.

    Another possibility is Lesnar running into the mitb match and taking the title for himself.

  66. If it's good enough for Disney!

  67. TJ: Adrian Neville vs Sami Zyan has been booked for all 3 WWE Japan dates. -prints money-

  68. He looks a bit like Vince power walking, and Vince isn't high on him, so I'm gonna say he's emulating Vince a bit.

  69. Vince: Maybe we should give him a hilarious accent. Like the one with the sock puppet.
    HHH: Maybe we should let him wrestle
    Vince: I got it. Do you think he can dance? Probably not. Even better!
    HHH: Just let him do what he is good at - wrestling.
    Vince: I got it!

    (Flash forward to next weeks Raw)

    Justin Roberts; Ladies and gentlemen...please welcome the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin!

    (Cesaro comes out with Lana and Rusev dressed as Putin)

    Vince: (Cackles to himself while everyone else groans)

  70. Didn't he make Titus O'Neil puke after a giant swing just last thanksgiving?

  71. I couldn't disagree more with the idea that Cesaro isn't charismatic.

  72. We call that "the Broadus Clay debut build up"

  73. Daniel had 1 clean loss in the past year and a half. Against Wyatt at the Rumble. Every single other loss, he was incredibly protected. So again, how was WWE not pushing him?

  74. I'm pretty sure Paul Heyman gave a promo that said he was going away until someone gave him a shot at the title, but I might have been imagining that this time around.

  75. Lesnar doesn't run, he teleports. But kidding aside, I like that idea. Have Cena about to win, have Brock join Evolution/the authority. Have Daniel Bryan vs. Brock at summerslam.

  76. Flair: "Hunter, Hunter! Here he is! Woooo! Here's your new member of Evolution! Wooo! Say hello to the future - The Miz!"

    Triple H: "What? The job guy from the Real World? What is this, 1993, Ric? Sober up and then come back to me with some ideas."

  77. At least Sheamus-Brock is a new matchup. But Sheamus with the title is a bad idea.

  78. Vince: "HA HA HA! 1993 RIC? WHAT IS THIS, THE FUTURE? HA HA HA!"

  79. I've got to say, I'd actually like that. The Putin stuff is SO fucking over the top, it's hilarious. It's turning my girl into a bit of a fan of Rusev (and of Lana, good for me). Like it's so unbelievable, it's somehow stunned and shocked her into being entertained by it.

  80. And Cena makes even MORE money off of those members of the IWC who hate him.

  81. I wouldn't mind either (and I kind of feel it will happen) but just not Cesaro. I say that because he kind of has a Putin look going on and I can see Vince making that connection.

  82. I thought we just established above that Bryan isn't available for SummerSlam?

  83. What, a British guy with a strong Northern accent and a Canadian guy fighting each other? For a secondary title? In a country outside of America??!?!!?

    Who would be interested in that?

  84. You think? I always think he looks like he should teach P.E.

  85. Man, we came so close to living the dream from 'Mania to Summerslam. Would have loved so much to have seen Bryan vs. Lesnar. Now I guess we just have to hope Bryan is able to wrestle again. Damn the X curse.

  86. Daniel Bryan not being an option is literally right in the post

  87. Well he looks like that too...I mean obviously he isn't a twin of Putin, but it's close enough that I could see it happen if he were some nobody in the minor leagues

  88. Yeah that's Zack Ryder's old character.

  89. Upvote for making me remember an old Tom Hanks on Wayne's World SNL appearance:

    "Check. Check. Check one...sibilance..sibilance"

  90. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 19, 2014 at 8:19 AM

    He looks like a Jason Statham stunt double.

  91. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 19, 2014 at 8:22 AM

    Vince isn't going to die.

  92. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 19, 2014 at 8:23 AM


  93. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 19, 2014 at 8:23 AM

    Only if Brock gets his win back.

  94. I think Cesaro has been regressing since being paired with Heyman. Maybe it was the about face on his turn at Wrestlemania, but it seems like he's in neutral now.

  95. True. *covers ears * "LA LA LA LALA BURIED LALALA LALA"

  96. You guys are just giving Vince more ideas for a repackaged Cesaro.

  97. 50/50 booking!!!!

  98. The way I read it was that Daniel Bryan won't be the champion at Summerslam, not that he was unavailable to compete. I thought that was still unclear (which is why they stripped him).

  99. Putting Cesaro with Heyman only confused the fans who so desperately wanted to cheer him. They should just did an all out face turn with him.

  100. I didn't know he'd been ruled out for Summerslam. I thought that Meltzer was saying Brock wouldn't be challenging Daniel Bryan for the title. I was going with dirtyearsbill scenario where Brock takes the title at MITB and Daniel Bryan is hypothetically cleared to compete. I hadn't read that Daniel Bryan was definitely out for Summerslam.

  101. it was baffling what they did

  102. Just his walk to the ring has more charisma than almost anyone on the roster.

  103. I wonder if it was Vince's or HHH's idea to pair Cesaro with Heyman.
    It hasn't worked. Fucking Ryback got more heat from his pairing with Heyman.

  104. It's called long term planning. They knew he'd be in the shadow of Daniel Bryan anyway, so they basically delayed his big face moment until later, by putting him with a very credible heel in Paul Heyman. The big moment is coming up. I think it's going just fine.

  105. He also doesn't shave his chest and rub baby oil all over his body, so Vince isn't physically attracted to him.

  106. WWE Office: "Hi Curt, we'd like you to come back."
    Curt: "What time is my flight?"

  107. You give the WWE writers way too much credit.

  108. LOL at that scenario happening.

  109. LOL at sold out arenas. Wishful thinking

  110. That was on Smackdown so technically it never happened. Tree falling in the woods etc etc

  111. Yeah. Especially if he's just going to lose it within a month, as a transitional champ. I don't like Sheamus but that's to do with how he's booked. This wouldn't help.

  112. From what I heard, they are hoping he will be available for SummerSlam and has been ruled out for the July PPV.

  113. And on the other side of the coin, most people here give them way too little credit. I guess there's a happy medium somewhere. they DO get some things right.

  114. Not strking while the iron is hot is a terrible move, especially when he was at his peak from winning the Mania Battle Royal.

    Wrestling 101 is that if you turn and the fans are behind you, they are a face. Why on earth did they align him with Heyman? Now they are giving him another heel manager to break away from so he can get over as a face? Much less people will care the second time around

    He is floundering with Heyman.

  115. I'll never understand Vince's obsessive rule that you have to be good at something besides wrestling to get a push. Isn't it enough for a guy with great wrestling acumen and freakish strength to go out there and manhandle the shit out of his opponents?

    Give Cesaro a midcard title, let him do stuff like his matches with Regal and Zayn, and watch what happens.

  116. I give them credit for the way they made Rusev and Reigns look Monday night but what else do they have going on that is good?

  117. Hopefully we still get Bryan/Brock down the line.

  118. Ending one of the biggest gimmicks of all-time (the Wrestlemania Streak)? Decided four hours before Mania.

    Rollins turning heel and breaking up the hottest act they had? Decided within 24 hours of the turn after they had their biggest victory yet.

    Bryan going Wyatt? Flip flopped on that within two weeks.

    I think their track record is pretty clear.

  119. You're right, they should have just waited it out with the Rock because Austin was way too popular.
    Also, they should have made sure that Foley and HHH didn't sniff any success as well. GENIUS!

  120. It's gonna be the reenactment of Rocky vs Drago.

  121. I just see it as a slow build. Fans are indeed begging to cheer for him. Patience. (if he's still a heel in 2 months, I will take it back)

  122. That Cena feud did wonders for Bray too.

    Now both of them are over less than they were before.

  123. Don't forget about 'Thug LIfe' John Cena. We might want to wait 5 years to pull the trigger on that jabronie.

  124. Wow, talk about revisionist history.... You DO remember that Rock turned heel for 4 months as the "corporate champ", right? And he was booked extremely weakly, as foley had him beat every single time they faced, then he lost clean twice to Austin, then lost to Taker. Then he only won the title again about 8 months later.

  125. I can see why Vince wouldn't be sold on Cesaro. Every over wrestler has identifiable personality characteristics that make them who they are and make them relatable or hateable:

    Austin: Anti-Authority redneck
    Rock: Loudmouth jock
    Flair: Arrogant high-roller
    Bryan: Never give up underdog
    Brock: Unstoppable monster
    Cena: Always positive hero

    This extends to upper midcarders too:

    Jericho: Flashy rock star
    Jake: manipulative creep
    RVD: happy go lucky stoner

    Even charisma black holes like Benoit and Ryback have archetypes of "single minded berserker" and "big stupid asshole." Cesaro is literally a blank slate.

    Making it worse, if you try to explain Cesaro to lapsed fans as a guy who giant swings people it sounds like something Santino should be doing.

    I love Cesaro in ring but he needs something, anything resembling a personality to hit top level.

    End rant.

  126. But who will care if they break Cesaro away from Heyman within the next two months? The partnership has been a dud and it will probably hurt Cesaro more than it would help.

    It was a terrible move from day one and nothing has been done to prove otherwise.

  127. All based on Meltzer, not as fact.

  128. *sigh*... like CM Punk, I quit.

  129. Shawn Michaels decided to make up random BS about the streak and broadcast it to the world on JR's podcast?

  130. All those were based on everyone who reports on wrestling, actually.

  131. Keep fighting the good fight

  132. I wouldn't say the Cena feud necessarily helped Bray but would argue the point that he is less over than before. His entrance now has the entire crowd involved.

  133. He was still booked as a star. Cesaro is nowhere near Corporate Champion Rock right now.

  134. Vince McMahon could come out and take a shit in a box in the middle of the ring Monday night, then mail you the box, and you'd still defend it.

  135. I think Wyatt's crowd reaction has noticeably declined in the last 3-4 weeks. He probably should've been given the last win against Cena. Cena's teflon at this point and didn't need it. Just my opinion, and not a very enthused one at that.

  136. Which was a re-enactment of David v. Goliath.

  137. I just don't see why when a guy is getting over they don't just let him STAY over. Cesaro doesn't have to be WWE Champion to stay over. He doesn't have to be at the top of the card. Just book him as a good guy who can beat anyone at any time because of how awesome he is in the ring, and hear the fans cheer and buy his t-shirts. It's not rocket science. No "PULLING OF THE TRIGGER" required.

  138. "if he's still a heel in 2 months, I will take it back)"

    No you won't.

  139. Sometimes, I think this runs through his head

  140. Except this time DAVID won...

  141. I like the Swiss Superman idea. Use his strength just to overpower people like when he lifted Khali or bodyslammed Big Show over the top rope. That's how he got over in the first place.

  142. He has plenty of personality; he just needs a persona. If you listen to some of his non-WWE interviews, he's seemingly a very bright guy. And he has stumbled upon some neat things in his run during app and Smackdown segments for it to literally never be heard about again. I'm not sure who's to blame, but he needs more to work with in terms of building that persona.

  143. It's not a slow build as much as it's a holding pattern.

  144. He's always been neutral.

  145. Have a thought about Cesaro: why not play up his swiss background on how they are neutral on everything. He never fights anyone else's battles and only wants the title.He doesn't want to be on the face side or heel side because swiss never take sides. He doesn't want to fight Rusev because Swiss don't fight against "evil people." He is not pro-US either because Swiss are neutral people. All he cares about is chocolate, army knives, cheese, and protecting the pope.

  146. I know this is off-topic, but how does anyone feel about the way Bryan's injury has been portrayed on TV this month? The folks at the Torch and seem to think he's getting the short end of the stick. For instance, when has anyone's optimal recovery timetable been made so public? Usually, they give a more pessimistic view so that an early return is a surprise. When Bryan can't wrestle after they announce a potential match, it makes it look like Bryan let the fans down.

    Also, why doesn't Cole or others speak out more about how serious the injury is and that Stephanie's portrayal of Bryan is unfair? And why did Bryan have to be so submissive to Stephanie in any of their face-to-face meetings? I miss the Bryan who did the Raw takeover, who refused to slap Cena in the face before Summerslam, and who told AJ to shut up again and again. Where was that guy?

  147. David doesn't win every time?

  148. That's what I was hearing in my head! I'm either remembering it, or someone else referencing it.

  149. I'd love it if he became a super cocky face about being the Swiss Superman.

    "Beat Kane? Why WOULDN'T I beat Kane?"

  150. Yeah, I got that wrong. It's definitely a persona problem. He has little bursts of cockiness but nothing concrete personality wise.

  151. Some huge guy should do a mock-underdog story where he's got a match against a smaller guy and wants to prove once and for all that it's possible for a Goliath to defeat a David.

  152. On the bright side for whoever's on the brink of stardom in ten years, the roman numeral for 40 doesn't end in X.


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