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BoD Daily Update

Shield Update
According to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, he was told by WWE sources after TV this week that there will be no formal split of the Shield and that they will just go their separate ways.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

WWE Using the New Logo Going Forward at SummerSlam

The company sent out an internal memo noting that as of SummerSlam, all WWE products, licensees, and company-related products will be using the logo that was debuted with the launch of the WWE Network.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Stardust Update

According to Mike Johnson of, the Stardust character played by Cody Rhodes is here to stay going forward.

Credit Mike Johnson,


  1. Hogan vs. Rock at WM18. Amazing.

  2. I was there too. Never seen anything like it.

  3. The Benoit-Angle RAW cage match at the Richmond Coliseum. Certainly sadder in retrospect, but jaw-droopingly amazing at the time.

  4. I've been lucky enough to catch some cool live moments.
    -Foley's first title win. Crowd went bonkers and stayed that way hitting the exits and parking lots.
    -Royal Rumble 92. Hogan loudly booed!
    -WM 29 and the Taker/Punk match that saved the show.
    -The Raw where Austin bumped Vince off the apron. "The Rock thinks you should fire him" (also DX strip poker / Sable nearly naked/ and Tom Brandi called a "jobber")
    -The first ladder match (Bret/Shawn - had no idea at the time this would become a thing)
    -Seeing Owen win the title on a taping with a full heels come out celebration before it was finally reversed.
    -Seeing Papa Shango make Warrior puke. Hard to tell what was happening without a big Tron screen.
    -Funniest was my only Boston Garden show. A Paul Bearer look-alike contest where all the Pauls starting attacking each other in the ring. Crazy.

  5. CruelConnectionNumber2June 20, 2014 at 8:48 AM

    I have seen:

    HBK pin Bret clean (in a 3 way with Sid).Dreamer win the original ECW Title.

    Mabel winning KOTR.

    Mankind/HBK at Mind Games.

    Benoit win the World Title.

    The Rock's return after a lengthy absence (in 2001 and 2002, Philly & AC).

    ROH/CZW Cage of Death (the greatest War Games Match *ever*).

    Ric Flair's retirement match.

  6. i've seen very little of significance live. I DID see the Steiners first WWF Tag Title victory, which was a shocker, and has inexplicably never seen the light of day despite being the dark match at a Challenge taping.

    I've also seen D'Lo Brown become the first Euro-Continental Champion, and two of the worst PPV main events ever (Undertaker/HHH at KOTR '02 and HHH/HBK "Lie Down and Sell in a Cell" at Badd Blood '04).

  7. CruelConnectionNumber2June 20, 2014 at 8:52 AM

    As pretty much the biggest Steiners mark alive, I envy you. That sucked so bad that they just "got the belts" (same thing happened in 1992 in WCW) at a house show. 9 years old me wanted to see it!

  8. Same choices for me regarding matches

  9. WrestleMania X-7, WrestleMania XIX, No Mercy 2008, The Raw in Tacoma that had the debut of WCW in 2001, and a few other Raws and Smackdowns in Portland, OR, and my first ever show at the Met Center in Mineapolis in 1988, where I saw Andre, Duggan, Demoltion, Rude, Jake, Bret, Ultimate Warrior, Bam Bam and Honky.

  10. I was there live, to see the crowd shit all over Mabel's coronation at the 95 King of the Ring.

  11. THAT was a hot crowd.

  12. Scott's response makes me happy.

    The answer for me is Wrestlemania XX main event. I've told the story before so I won't bother again.

  13. "Man, even Scott is dumping on Meekin's QOTDs?"

    You're Welcome

  14. And to think WCW did all it could to kill that crowd before the match... Steamboat (Charlotte resident) in a slow, boring draw with Regal... a heel champ in Rude wins with a sunset flip out of nowhere... then Sting & Hawk go almost thirty minutes before a CHEAP DQ.

  15. I used to travel a LOT on business so I always had loads of airmiles and hotel reward points to burn. As a result I went through a phase of flying out from the UK to Wrestlemania most years (WM X-7, WM22, WM23, WM24, WM25 and WM 27).

    So I've got Rock / Austin from WrestleMania X-7, the Shawn Michaels / Ric Flair retirement match, Taker vs Bastista, and Michaels / UT (the first one).

    Seeing Hogan live at a Raw in Montreal was something and seeing New Japan live was different. I've seen Brian Danielson wrestle in front of 200 people at Wolverhampton Town Hall.

    Supercard of Honor III also has fond memories and may be my favourite live card from top to bottom. I went to get a drink in the middle of a Briscos / Age of the Fall match when the decided to brawl into the audience and more or less demolished my row of seats.

    The one I'm most annoyed at missing was the Raw taping in London where
    Michaels and Cena went Broadway. It was back-to-back with a Smackdown
    taping and on the toss of coin I picked Smackdown to get tickets for.

  16. Lucky you. My company's just opened a Glasgow office so I'll catching an ICW show soon hopefully.

  17. I was at that one too. The Rosemont Horizon (sorry I just can't get used to the Allstate Arena) is a toilet but the crowd was just molten for so many of the matches that night.

  18. Wow - reading the comments there's a lot of us who've been around wrestling for a logn time.

  19. Seen plenty of great moments

    Saw Flairs last WWE match
    Saw the streak break as well as Daniel Bryan having his WM moment
    Saw The Rocks first singles match in over 8 years against Cena
    Saw Taker go 20 - 0 at Mania
    Saw the Nexus form
    Saw Mayweather and Kevin Federline wrestle matches
    Saw Mysterio win the Rumble
    Saw Batista and Taker wrestle HIAC

    So much more but that's all I remember for now

  20. Holy shit you were at the ROH/CZW Wargames match!? I was just thinking about that match last night while watching old ROH stuff. Im jealous.

    Tell me how nuts the pop was when Homicide showed up...

  21. Your new gimmick is obviously getting over.

  22. I have a sister out in LA, if I ever visit her ill plan it around a PWG show

  23. Except it is a shoot and not a gimmick

  24. Really dig that bullrope match. Their matches together were brutally awesome

  25. Being at the Raw the night after CM Punk won the wwe title and kicked off his 400+ day reign was retry special too.

  26. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 20, 2014 at 10:08 AM

    Being from Australia I've only been to the two WWE shows, Wrestlemania 28, and the Raw after. Both really amazing live moments in their own way.

  27. I was front row, camera side when Eddie beat Brock in San Francisco and he jumped right on top of me. Nothing else comes close. He put a lump on my forehead that I showed off at work the next day.

    As a kid I got to see Andre wrestle as part of the Colossal Connection, also at the Cow Palace. Royal Rumble 1993, Mania XIX, Rumble 2005, Mania 21, Summerslam 2010. Got to see the Rock Concert in Sacramento, Eddie/Angle 2/3 falls, Benoit/Brock from smackdown, Regal/Punk at a house show. Lots of great moments.

  28. For me it was seeing Ric Flair at the Chi Town Rumble. I was in the front row, scribbling notes for my newsletter. I always thought the match would be even better if Tanahashi and Bob Sapp could find a time machine and travel back and be in the match. As it stands, ***** match! but you know, plans change.

  29. I got to see a comedy match at Kings Dominion between The Big Boss Man and Mankind in August 1999. Having Foley best the tar out of Boss and having him grab the mic and say "I got to go to the bathroom" is legendary. This was before Foley made his comeback on TV at the time.

  30. And I saw Hogan slam Paul Wight live in Memphis in 2007.

  31. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 20, 2014 at 10:34 AM

    Edge & Christian vs. Hardys vs. Dudleyz at Wrestlemania 2000.

    I've been to Nitro (99), Thunder (98), Smackdown (2000), SuperBrawl 9, and Wrestlemania 2000, so not a huge sample size for me.

  32. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 20, 2014 at 10:37 AM

    I've seen two groan-inducing main event results live: SuperBrawl 9 (Hogan over Flair) and Wrestlemania 2000 (HHH retaining)

  33. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 20, 2014 at 10:37 AM

    Could you hear the muscles in his back tearing?

  34. Dave do you remember when we hung out together, brother and you lied and told me I was your favorite wrestler, dude? And then Mike Jones came out of nowhere and because Mach no showed - I had to wrestle him?

  35. No but I heard Jazz sing. Saw two fat guys brawl and saw Jimmy Valient skinny and without a beard.

  36. Movie-The Grey

    Comic book: Punisher Born and Valley forge,Valley forge.

  37. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 20, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    Which version did you watch Meekin?

  38. Greg Valentine was roaming around. Bubba Sponge claimed to be a wrestler. Brutus worked a surprisingly good match -- but it was hard to tell because half the fans were bubba marks.

  39. haha I watched the regular one, then, I watched Redux.

  40. It was a strange night.

  41. I only watched Redux.

  42. Regular one is better - I like Willard more when he's callous and pissed off the whole time. In the redux he's more human and normal and it's kind of meh.

  43. That's what the film tries to do,it's trip to hell on Earth.

  44. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 20, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    Since Redux came out that's the only one I watch. It's longer, yeah but it's a superior film.

  45. I feel pretty fortunate that I was at Mankind's "that'll put butts in seats" title win (still the loudest pop I've ever heard), Rock/Austin WMX8, and Bryan's WMXXX title win. Hard to pick a favorite between those three...

  46. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 20, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    The first time I listened to The Crimson Idol by W.A.S.P. I felt this way. Absolutely amazing album and very emotionally draining.

  47. Brando was pitch perfect was Kurtz,you could see by his gestures what's going on inside him.

  48. Dude, it's insane. Like, I'm not a drinker - at all - and it made me want a stiff shot of something. I'm now obsessed.

  49. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 10:46 AM

    The ending of Last American Virgin fucked me up as a young Porn Peddler.

  50. CruelConnectionNumber2June 20, 2014 at 10:46 AM

    The dueling crowd was a thing of beauty. CZW fans, where I sat (about 400) trolling the ROH fans (about 1000) with "ROHHHHHHbotss..." and chanting "You Can't Wrestle" at Bryan Danielson and "Green Lantern Fan Sucks -- Dick!" and damn, what a night. Homicide pop was legendary.

  51. Schindler's List. I was a 2-disc movie and I had to take a break between discs from the intensity of that film

    Pan's Labyrinth. I just sat there in awe in the theatre as the credits rolled.

  52. Sources indicate that most people are dumbfounded that you are still allowed to write here. It's a popular opinion that you are a shrill, feminine douche, and that the general feeling is you'll be in the next round of talent cuts. Look for an in depth story on why you are worthless in this weeks Observer. That being said, fuck you, Meekin.

  53. There's TV vignette that passes before the film,it describes it prefectly.

    "This is a war where the wounds don't kill the body,it kills the soul."

  54. CruelConnectionNumber2June 20, 2014 at 10:47 AM

    I guess we'll see.

  55. Everyone gets everything he wants. I wanted a mission, and for my sins,
    they gave me one. Brought it up to me like room service. It was a real
    choice mission, and when it was over, I never wanted another.

  56. Well I guess if it gets my name in print I'm all for it. Where can I buy one?

  57. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 20, 2014 at 10:48 AM

    Movie: Life of Pi

    TV: Six Feet Under

    Book: The end of the Dark Tower books

    Comics: Watchmen

  58. You just NOW saw Apocalypse Now and you "knew" Roger Ebert or whatever? Man, get the fuck outta here.

  59. That scene on Mars in watchmen is my idea of what happens after you die. You just see everything in front and behind all at once from a place of wisdom and solitude and solemnity.

  60. You understand there are like thousands of movies, and the problem when you're a big fancy movie critic person with two jobs and the duties of managing social media and writing and website stuff is you rarely have time to keep up with current releases, let alone go back and watch old ones?

  61. $10.99 a month gets you full access to our archives of newsletters and audio. Make sure you get a parents permission, as it would appear you are a 14 year old girl. Thanks, Cubby.

  62. On the positive side,when first saw The Avengers I got out with smile from ear to ear.

    Meekin if you want another great Vietnam Story,check Punisher Born and it's "sequel" Valley Forge,Valley Forge.The first it's about the war,the second is about what happens after the war.

  63. How the fuck do you regularly write about movies and haven't seen Apocalypse Now?

  64. Well to be fair that movie has been out for a hella long time and a lot longer than you had all these crazy jobs...


  66. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 20, 2014 at 10:53 AM

    Platoon is fantastic as well as Full Metal Jacket

  67. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 10:53 AM

    There is a guy at my gym that gives me crazy movies. Some are banned in the US. If you ever get a chance look up a movie called Johnny Got His Gun. It's about a WWI soldier that step on a landmine gets his face blown off and arms and legs amputated. Because he lost the ability to see, smell, taste and use his hands he doesn't know what is real and what isn't anymore.
    It was banned by the US because it was made around the post Vietnam era and was viewed as an anti-war flick.

  68. Take for a minute the idea that each year, hypothetically, there are 5 movies that are "The Best". Lets start with the first ever Oscars. So that's 86 years where there are at least FIVE amazing movies, that's 430 movies.

    Multiply that by how long a movie is, lets round it to like 2 hours. that's 5136 hours of film to get through while working, going to school, writing about NEW movies I am OBLIGATED to see, and so on.

  69. According to notes from our sources, you claim to be a huge movie buff/expert, yet haven't seen many films deemed as all time classics. That would be like me never having seen all the great Flair, Sapp or Tanahasi matches. I take pride in my journalism and expertise. You take pride in eating.

  70. I was at the Raw in 1999 when Rocky turned face and Backlash 2000.

    I also had the pleasure of watching Kurt Angle break Bob Holly's arm with a bad moonsault.

  71. 2011: A Space Odyssey on acid. I'm pretty sure I completely understood the meaning of life after watching that. Could've been the acid though.

  72. What I like about FMJ is that it show how the are already crazy before the combat.

  73. Holy shit that movie is fucking sad.

  74. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    My friend regularly goes to see movies after taking acid or getting hopped up on E. He said Avatar was an experience all it's own.

  75. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    Yeah. They did him dirty at the end of the movie.

  76. You're a movie critic who has NEVER FUCKING SEEN Apocalypse NOW until like yesterday? Dude, it is considered one of the best films ever according to many critics and myself and it took you forever to see it?

    I'm sorry, I don't get it.

    What the fuck dude?

  77. Now Video Games.The ending of the first Yakuza

    Twisted Metal Black endings of Roadkill and the police officer.

  78. IT CAME OUT IN 1979! Shit I saw it in like 2002 when I was 16 and was blown away.

  79. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 10:58 AM

    In that situation you had to be.

  80. Weird thing is, on the Update segment running down all the tag title switches, they appeared to have stills from the match. So it LOOKED like it was taped even if it could have been a slick editing job.

    I was always amazed at the Steiners' ability to be so over in Columbus, Ohio. They got pops as big as any babyfaces with no hint of a backlash despite their UM swag (at a time when Michigan was dominating the rivalry).

  81. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 10:59 AM

    ...and THAT'S a FACT!!

  82. Yep. Watching pretty much anything on acid is the best. Not too down with E, hate the jaw clenching and follow up depression.

  83. War is just stupid,and people still fight.

  84. That would be fine if we were talking about off year Oscar bait like Ordinary People. Apocalypse Now not only is regularly on critics' all time top tens, but was re-released not too long ago. There is no reason to have missed that if you fancy yourself a movie critic.

  85. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 11:00 AM

    War boosts the economy if done right.

  86. When Bully was revealed as the leader of Aces and Eights.
    When Goldberg turned heel at GAB 2000.
    When Chavo cost Rey the title at GAB 2006.

    ...oh we are doing movies and art? F that.

  87. Wrestlemania 25. Taker Shawn. It was transcendental.

  88. There's Metallica song perfect for this


    Economy boosted by blood.

  89. A movie fanatic, expert, critic, who worked under Roger Ebert, has never seen one of the best films of all time. I remember you also admitting you hadn't seen some other classics way back when, but the river of bullshit you spew has washed them from my memory. You're a hack, your opinion holds no weight, unlike your gelatinous midsection. I never took you serious before this revelation furthers uh. Just GO AWAY.

  90. I usually don't get worked up about much but when you claim to be a "movie critic" and haven't seen some of the greatest films of all time before you start critiquing films. I'm sorry, but your opinion doesn't hold weight.

    I have sort of let some of Meekin's posts and QOTD slide by but this is REALLY FUCKING IDIOTIC.

  91. I saw Zombieland in theaters on acid... I knew I was in for a good time the moment I saw topless women running from zombies in slow motion set to Metallica.

  92. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 11:06 AM

    No Hogan joining nWo or Taker losing?

  93. Redux is such an overlong bore.

  94. I just remembered something. Didn't Meekin call Armageddon a cultural phenomenon or something retarded.

    Meekin on Movies: Where our reviewer has never seen Apocalypse Now but has apparently seen Armageddon repeatedly.

  95. You understand that the difference between a critic and a fan, right? You get that it's possible to have a valid opinion on a subject without knowing and seeing every single 'great' moment from it, right?

    A critic knows how films are made, what goes into a script, what rigs create what kinds of lighting and how framing, focus, depth of field, and score can combine to create an emotional reponse. To say a person's opinion is invalid because they haven't seen the great films is like saying an NFL coach isn't qaulified because they haven't watched every single Superbowl.

  96. But you don't GET IT!!! He's busy and can't keep up on every movie ever!!! Just the really shitty ones!

  97. Actually a better comparison would be a TV analyst not watching the greatest games of all time before calling and breakdown a game. You aren't coaching movies.

    And if an analyst hasn't seen the top games, they are probably not the best analyst.

  98. Sometimes the shitty ones are more fun...

  99. I was going for the more obvious turns.

  100. The first time I watched Pulp Fiction ('twas on videotape), I had such an impossible time following what was going on. I think I was probably 12 or 13. The moment the movie ended, the different pieces of the movie clicked together in my brain & I decided that it was so awesome I had to rewind it and watch it again immediately. Never done that with a movie before or since.

    Also, when I went to see Shaun of the Dead with some friends I was completely silent after leaving the theater while they were all discussing it. I was silent to the point of my best friend being worried. He asked "what's wrong, you didn't like the movie?" I responded "no, dude - I LOVED that movie. I'm pissed off that it exists, because now I can't make it." Seriously, I'd been trying to write a horror/comedy for years, and this thing had to come along and be amazing and fuck it all up.

  101. You should check out The Godfather next, I've heard that's decent.

  102. This is like a TV football analyst not knowing what the Super Bowl is.

  103. The problem is you have long fashioned yourself as some kind of movie expert, with all your insider experience in the industry, etc. so no back pedaling now that you've been called out as being ill qualified. Go watch Armageddon again and tell us all about the deep subtext that we wouldn't get, but you would, because you worked for Roger Ebert.

  104. God I hate that excuse... you can't have it both ways. If you are too busy, don't do it or hold yourself out as an expert. If you are going to do something, fucking do it. Everyone is busy and has a lot of shit going on. Excuses.

  105. I alaways liked the Golden watch more than Julius's story.

  106. After watching, A Clockwork Orange, I just kind of sat there like "WTF did I just watch?" this was a couple years ago.

  107. How do you know how to be a good critic when you haven't seen films that most critics declare as the best of all time?

  108. Right, not all Super Bowls are classic and/or best games. A football analyst should have seen the greats, same as any type of analyst or critic.

  109. Has anyone here ever listened to X-Japan,they made this 29 minute song!

  110. Kubrick it's just this crazy genius.

  111. I did around 50 in the RT test,looks like I'm not qualified to talk about movies.

  112. Felt that way after watching Kids, Spring Breakers as well.

  113. WM XX which needs no explanation as well as the RAW/Smackdown SuperShow where HBK turned on Hogan and Muhammed Hassan was carried on the shoulders of his followers. I was the only one in Arco Arena to cheer the Showstopper that night after his heel turn.

  114. Spring Break for life.It was strange but good.

  115. I did enjoy it, I liked how outside the box it was.

  116. Back in college when I was coming off of an acid trip, and hit that early morning introspective part, I watched American Beauty for the first time while smoking some weed. I had planned on going to bed around 7 am, but just stayed up because I was thinking about the movie. Ended up just staying up the next day.

  117. Rumble 2000 is the best and biggest show I attended, with Cactus-HHH, the Tazz debut and the Rumble match itself (I particularly liked the Rikishi dance break).

    I also went to the summer '02 Raw in New Hampshire with the Hardy-UT ladder match, which I thought was an excellent job of storytelling with the usual Hardy highspots. That show also had Flair-Lesnar.

    More under the radar, I was at a Nassau Coliseum house show in '92 when the Bret Hart title win had happened, but he hadn't been on TV with the belt yet. They announced it in the arena that night, and made his scheduled match with Nailz a title match.

    Also on the Coliseum list is a '97 house show that featured Dude Love and the British Bulldog in a "Long Island Streetfight." It was basically the kind of comedy match that Mick writes about having with Owen, but Owen was concussed or something around that time, one of several injuries, so the advertised Owen-Bulldog vs. Austin-Dude match became Dude with Austin in his corner against DBS with Neidhart in his corner. Mick won when Austin hit the stunner on both heels. Fun night.

  118. Great movie. Kevin Spacey is the man when not throwing a baseball.

  119. Hey guys I'm too busy to watch On The Waterfront. Let me go watch Freddy Got Fingered 5000 times instead........

  120. I should see that film and Fight Club back to back.They have tons of things in common,.

  121. Haha I forgot about the ROHbot insult

  122. Did around 50

  123. Also I am a fan of films and know all about that stuff as well.

  124. I think the gripes I would have about the match was the short length of time Danielson and Joe were in it (but they were running their angle, so it made sense), no Super Dragon and fucking Ace Steel being a part of it

    Still 5 stars in my book anyday

  125. 33. Though there are some I think I may have seen but forgotten.

  126. Wasn't that used in a Mettallica video?

  127. Communist Hippie! Death to everyone that disagrees!

  128. Two weeks from now....

    "I just now watched The Godfather for the first time and was blown away by what a gangster movie could be."

    "Do you have movies that blew you away by what they could be?"

  129. Man that Godfather movie is a classic. You know since it came out in 1972.

  130. Gotta love Tony Montana.


  131. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    He spends too much time smoking that marijuana and daydreaming instead of vacuuming the Top 5 Man Cave/Strip Club.

  132. Make sure no one spoils The Usual Suspects for Meekin.

  133. Of course played by the legendary Robert De Niro.

  134. If I was sure I could find all of these without dropping much coin I would try to to 100 movies in 100 days just to say I had seen them all

  135. WM 26, HBK/Taker

  136. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 11:32 AM

    That's something Vince MCMahon would say.
    "I just saw Gone with the Wind". We need a Superstar with a gimmick based on that movie NOW.

  137. Meekin probably has never heard of that movie.


  138. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 11:34 AM

    Anyone seen the movie "Irreversable" That was a crazy film.

  139. He'll check it out in the hope that's it's another disaster movie.

  140. "Have you ever listened to a song, watched a movie, or witnessed an
    event that gave you pause to the point of being literally dumbfounded?
    Has a piece of art ever moved you emotionally to the point of shock? "

    Hot Rod opening the Matrix and becoming Rodimus Prime

  141. OH MAN! A movie about tornadoes. I wonder if it has Bill Paxton in it?

  142. You just spoiled it for poor Meekin

  143. Wrestling-related QOTD-Jack:

    What is your favourite puro match?

  144. He said Armageddon was one of the most iconic films of the 90s and it made Ben Affleck a movie star. It wasn't and it didn't.

  145. Probably the Misawa vs Kobashi matches from 98 and 99.

  146. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 20, 2014 at 11:40 AM

    I have a feeling Meekin will only ever watch the Bay movies, never the original cartoon movie. I may have squirted a tear or two when Optimus died.

  147. As a huge fan of Booker T and KING BOOKAH, I freaked out when Chavo turned.

  148. Now was it the movie, the event or the song?




  149. Optimus dieing wasn't as chilling as "Arise Rodimus Prime... Optimus" and then Galvatron fucking losing it when he realizes what just happened.

  150. All of it... I legit still get goosebumps during that scene.

  151. This isn't the best explanation.

  152. I somewhat get your point but I don't think it works that well. You should probably have seen like the 50 - 100 movies that are in the best ever discussion.

  153. Ultimo dragon vs shingo ohtani 96 first time I saw puro 'man up' blew me away

  154. Movies - There's a low budget Aussie movie called The Boys with Toni Collette and David Wenham that is like a kick in the guts.

    Music - Me and a Gun by Tori Amos is an a Capella song about her rape that's extremely intense.

    TV show - the finale of Forever Knight smacked me across the face.

  155. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 20, 2014 at 11:46 AM

    Yeah that scene is amazing. The Optimus Prime death was just such a shock because kids shows never had a character much less a main character die like that. Six year old me was in shock. Damn it, you realize how much the Bay movies suck when thinking about the original.

  156. That and the way that Megatron killed Ironhide... "Such heroic nonsense" :: Bazookas him in the face point blank :: NO WAY does that scene get made today.

  157. I had to sit in the theater after Buried, Kill List, Martha Marcy May Marlene and Fruitvale Station.

  158. There's just absolutely nothing wrong with that movie. It's infinitely quotable, it has one of the funniest edited-for-TV cuts I've ever seen, and even actors who I usually don't care for (Willis, Travolta) are great in it.

  159. Is the spoiler that it's not very good?

  160. That scene alone was worth the movie, and it made Megatron look like a badass unlike any other cartoon villain.

  161. Martha Marcy May Marlene was one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

  162. Also, there was a deleted scene where Ultra Magnus didn't die from getting shot - he was drawn and quartered by the Sweeps. It was changed at the last second b/c it was deemed too graphic. Listen to the sound he makes as he dies and you'll see.

  163. Misawa/Kobashi vs Kawada/Taue 6/9/95, Misawa vs Kawada 6/3/94, Misawa vs Kobashi 1/20/97, Misawa/Akiyama vs Kawada/Taue 12/96

  164. Watching "Screen Junkies" murder "After Earth" was glorious.

  165. Meekin, did you kill Roger Ebert?

  166. I've heard about that but never seen the scene... but yeah the change in tone with the movie from the TV series is JARRING... like that movie was NOT written for children.

  167. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 12:00 PM

    I HATED Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime: You make the one that is responsible for Primes death the new leader?

  168. Elizabeth Olsen really hasn't taken advantage of being the breakout star she was supposed to be. I guess she's about to with Godzilla and next year with The Avengers, but the elephant in the room is that none of her post Martha movies have done dick or been any good.

  169. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 12:00 PM

    We staged an adolescent riot.

  170. Now I have to dig out VHS and watch this again soon.

  171. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 12:01 PM

    Prowl dying first fucked me up because I was like, "Wait, I didn't know they cold die?!?!?!"

  172. Transformers the Movie was freaking awesome. Although I'm a way bigger Megatron fan than Optimus Prime. Hated when Megatron died and never actually came back, he became Galvatron, who was also cool. But eventually they brought Prime back in the original series.

  173. There are so goddamn many movies out there will be some that you just haven't gotten around to seeing. I saw Rocky for the first time last year. Started the Godfather, never finished it. I've never seen a Karate Kid film except the one with Hilary Swank, which I'm sure fans of the series would rather not even count. Sometimes it just works out that way. Y'know what my reaction to Rocky was after I'd been hearing my entire life what a "classic" it was? I didn't really like it. Y'know why I never finished watching the first Godfather? It wasn't really my thing. When I finally got around to watching Citizen Kane maybe three years ago, I appreciated it for what it was but knew I'd probably never watch it again. I don't really like Scarface that much either (but I dug Carlito's Way). Your "classic" will always be different from anyone else's "classic." They can't all be Expendables 2.

    ...and I'm sorry, but I would personally describe Freddy Got Fingered as a classic. Tom Green was popular enough at one point that a major film studio gave him millions of dollars to jerk off an elephant onto Rip Torn. That feels historically significant to me, even if it's in a Holocaust-like "never let this happen again" way.

  174. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 12:03 PM

    Killing Prime the second time destroyed the series.

  175. Did you see it in the theater? My brother took me and it was greatest thing of all time... I can still remember exactly where I sat in the theater.

  176. Wresltemania 13, Bret vs Austin, the match that shifted so much and so glad to be there live. I was cheering Bret at the start but by the time it was over, full-on Austin fan and as much as watching it on TV is good, being there live for the crowd changing like that was incredible experience.

  177. Then they brought him back... again!

  178. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 12:06 PM

    Kenta Kobashi vs Steve Williams

  179. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 20, 2014 at 12:07 PM

    The 1/20 match between Misawa and Kobashi is even better than the 3/1/03 match on NOAH IMO.

  180. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 20, 2014 at 12:08 PM

    I was flipping through the channels and caught the Ebenezer Scrooge part and nearly cried laughing. I watch that movie on a regular basis ever since.

  181. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 12:08 PM

    It was too late then.

  182. No kidding... I was just expounding on the Russoesque booking of it all

  183. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 12:10 PM

    I did. Fucked a young Porn Peddler's head up. We had to see it twice because all the kids broke down, cried and started throwing shit at the screen.

  184. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 12:10 PM

    Maybe his dad wrote the original script.

  185. Yeah it was a crazy experience... PRIME DIED? WTF! Popcorn was strewn everywhere. What a day.

  186. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 20, 2014 at 12:11 PM

    i wrote that below

  187. I'll just say this about Apocolypse Now. I watched it for the first time four years ago when I was 26. My girlfriend had to watch it for one of her graduate classes so I figured I'd jump in. We had to take breaks from watching this thing. I thought it was one of the worst movies I had ever seen, and was just waiting for Brando to show up because I had heard amazing things. I thought it sucked. Sara hated it even more.

    A year later, I gave it a second viewing on my own, and I turned the corner. It's one of my favorites.

  188. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 12:13 PM

    I like the Boogie Nights version of the song too.

  189. 56. I was surprised. I watched a bunch of movies as a kid.

  190. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 20, 2014 at 12:14 PM

    Never mind. I was thinking of the movie Hot Rod. 7 hours of total sleep in 7 days makes for a very stupid table.


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