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Who will win the WWE World Championship at Money in the Bank?

As of now, the current plan is for John Cena to win the belt in the Money in the Bank match.

Credit David Bixenspan, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

Current Plans for Stardust

If the character gets over, the plan is for Goldust and himself to get a shot at the Tag Team Titles at SummerSlam. If not, the plan is Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust at SummerSlam.

Credit David Bixenspan, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

Possible Reason for the Coffee Skit on RAW?

Apparently, the inspiration for the coffee skit in RAW was a result of a member of the McMahon family recently getting a cup of bad coffee.

Credit David Bixenspan, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter


  1. That "coffee skit" wanted to make me stop watching once and for all.

  2. Gentleman,I have the perfect option for you.Watch NJPW,you wanna see great matches,that's promotion.

  3. That first story might as well be "Spoiler: Cena winz"

  4. If Lesnar if the challenger at Summerslam I'm fine with Cena winning.

    Maybe he faces Cesaro at the July SE?

  5. Cena is the best choice right now, no problem with him winning it.

  6. THEN

  7. I'm alright if this leads to him dropping the title to Brock.

  8. No problem with Cena winning. Just wish there was a better option.

    Don't care about the Dusty brothers.

    Isn't it nice to have your own show? I'd write all of my life's mundane moments into it also.

  9. It's a show about nothing!

  10. Yeah, and it's not like he's pinning anyone to win it.

  11. That's a very nice plan for the Rhodes brothers if true. Hope Stardust gets over though, Cody looked like he was having a lot of fun with it.

  12. If you are referring to Raw then that sounds about right.

  13. Any current plans for fans who are fed up with the product?

  14. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 21, 2014 at 3:21 PM

    Vince as the star of his own "Curb Your Enthusiasm" type show? MONEY.

    Put that on the Network, and watch the subs roll in!

  15. Watching Rumble 92. Christ, that roster was loaded. I wish they would have launched Raw a year earlier.

  16. I just saw the Adam Rose/Titus O'neil smackdown matches, and Rose seemed pretty over with the crowds. Not saying he'll be a main eventer, just saying that he seems to be catching on.

  17. dude seriously needs a camera following him. Isn't it weird that he's damn near never seen anywhere in public? How he's stayed so private in this day and age is amazing.

  18. I'd like to see Goldust turn on him and just get it over it. I think they have gone as far as they can go as a team.

  19. Gee, I wonder why?

  20. Yes. the plans are to keep watching, while complaining about everything. (aka, the same plan since 2003.)

  21. Quit downvoting me, every internet wrestling fan of the past 10 years!

    (damn it, I have resorted to the tired joke.... I am so ahamed)

  22. unless they also had a blue screen where the fans jumped up and down during both pins... I would say no.

  23. Yeah the crowd was visibly into it, probably because he's a "GASP" fun character.

  24. I don't think he goes anywhere. He used to party with the boys in the 80s but after his trial, not so much.

    Nowadays it's probably work home flight home work, etc

  25. MITB: Cena is the easy safe choice makes sense.
    Stardust: Cody - Dustin in an old school blood feud where they both eventually drop the face paint to fight each other man to man would be beautiful. Can't pull it off in a PG workd though.

    Coffee: The worst cup if coffee right now is Adam Rose. DOA. I worry their aren't enough Kevin Hart rubs in the world to save him.

  26. IM okay with Cena winning but I think it sucks they keep having to go back to him over and over again.

  27. They were dealt a lousy hand with the Bryan thing. As long as Cena's a transitional champ I'm fine with it.

  28. It seems like WWE has all but announced that Brock's got the title shot at SummerSlam so if makes sense that Cena would win Money in the Bank.

    They have changed their mind so many times when it comes to a Rhodes Brothers Feud that I won't believe it until I see it.

  29. As Jordan pointed out below he's been getting fairly consistent heat of late. Certainly enough to justify keeping him around for the time being.

  30. I don't think they expected Dustin to work out as well as he did.

  31. Too bad that Royal Rumble had Skinner instead of Bret Hart, i wonder how serious those talks with WCW got with the Hitman.

  32. Stranger in the AlpsJune 21, 2014 at 3:36 PM

    Why, oh why would you look at called strike three down the middle of the plate?? What are you looking for there?

  33. If this is indeed a 2 month transitional title run before a Brock Lesnar coronation, then there's no better choice than John Cena.

    Plus who the hell doesn't want to see Cena/Lesnar II?

  34. So long as Brock wins this one.

  35. I just don't get this.Vince thinks it's okay to puke comedy,but not wrestling.I know I'm just some guy in the internet talking,but please have some common sense.

  36. Extreme rules match again,please.

  37. Cena winning again would be awesome.

  38. I for see a long serious of matches with Fandango is Rose's future.

  39. Said no one ever.

  40. I think he meant just for the internets reaction.

  41. Stranger in the AlpsJune 21, 2014 at 3:40 PM

    What happens if a member of the McMahon family has a bad colonoscopy?

  42. Him seeing people angry on the blog brings him more joy than him actually have his own success.

  43. Won't go anywhere if he can't back it up with legit 5-10 minute matches. Hell Fandango can easily pull those off and he still can't get anything going.

  44. Trolls got troll.

  45. That might be a problem since Rose is a near 20 year vet and still can't seem to be consistent in the ring. He's all character now but time will tell.

  46. 2 McMahons,1 cup.

  47. I miss Vladimir Kozlov. I know it has nothing to do with these threads but dammit I miss him.

  48. Says the portion of the audience that doesn't cheer heels because it's 'edgy'.

  49. Yes,the 5-10 years olds.

  50. Vince: "I had an odd-tasting bagel once back in 1983. WRITE ABOUT IT, NERDS!"

  51. If you don't enjoy the product, may you should find another way to spend your time? Perhaps learning English?

  52. Thinking about corresponding with Chaz Ebert through email...

  53. I already know.It's not perfect,but I know.

  54. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 21, 2014 at 3:47 PM

    I thought you were exaggerating, but he really did debut in 1995. Wow.

  55. Cant they for once make the fans happy and put the title on Del Rio...

  56. I bet he misses Double Double E too.

  57. Some guys peak later than others...

  58. CruelConnectionNumber2June 21, 2014 at 3:52 PM

    Cody is a terrible babyface, Goldust has to be the baby.

  59. Nuh uh! I betcha Del Rio said that LOTS of times!

  60. What the fuck is a bad cup of coffee?

  61. Goldust would have great motivation for turning if they went there. Cody kinda bores me either way. I wasn't a big fan of his heel character.

  62. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 21, 2014 at 3:58 PM

    The face turn teaming with Santino was good fun, he stole the show during the awesome tea time segment with Sheamoose.

  63. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 21, 2014 at 3:58 PM

    Vince McMahon does not function as a normal being as us, thus, he has no common sense because he doesn't know what "common" is.

  64. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 21, 2014 at 3:59 PM


  65. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 21, 2014 at 3:59 PM

    Needs more GODDAMMIT

  66. The more you know...June 21, 2014 at 4:03 PM

    Mae Young comes back from the dead and gives birth to a hand and then dies again.

  67. Gonna watch ROH.

  68. The more you know...June 21, 2014 at 4:06 PM

    Now would be a perfect time to let someone have their Buster Douglas moment by putting the title on someone completely unexpected and little known from the mid-card or NXT. Just the shock alone would be great. You want to get people talking? That's how you get them talking. You want to really shake up the status quo? That's how you shake up the status quo.

  69. Vince: "FUCK YOU."

  70. Vince McMahon is a enigmatic man.Is he a genius,perhaps.Is he a monster,debatable.Dammit,I would love to see Michael Shannon being Vince in a Biopic.

  71. Yup, a Mojo Rawlet World Title reign is exactly what's going to bring in those casual fans.

  72. The more you know...June 21, 2014 at 4:12 PM

    I'm surprised there hasn't been a movie about Vince or the WWE by now.

  73. The more you know...June 21, 2014 at 4:15 PM

    I don't think there's any such thing as a "casual fan" of anything. Wrestling or otherwise. I think the idea of a "casual fan" is a myth.

  74. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 21, 2014 at 4:16 PM

    "Apparently, the inspiration for the coffee skit in RAW was a result of a
    member of the McMahon family recently getting a cup of bad coffee."

    and people bitch about meekin bringing his personal life into his work?

  75. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 21, 2014 at 4:17 PM

    the opposite of a damn fine cup of coffee


  76. If Cena wins that would make him 15 times the World Champion. 1 shy of Flair.

  77. And why is that? I'm genuinely curious as to why you say that.

  78. If you count only the official Flair reigns.

  79. The more you know...June 21, 2014 at 4:19 PM

    "I've got it! We've had bulldogs and birdmen, and gorillas and weasels, but you know what we haven't had, OTTERS! Your new gimmick is OTTERMAN! You're from the sea, you see, and you're fighting on behalf of oppressed sea otters. I'm a genius!" - Vince

  80. Well WWE and Flair himself have always gone with the WOO 16 time World's Champion! So I'm just going by that.

  81. The more you know...June 21, 2014 at 4:21 PM

    Who in this day and age even cares about # of title reigns. Titles have been reduced in meaning and change hands so often that the value of keeping track of the number of reigns has lost almost all of it's meaning.

  82. That shows how the booking must change.

  83. So Jack Swagger in 2010 then?

  84. Stranger in the AlpsJune 21, 2014 at 4:22 PM

    Yay, Vince!

  85. Stranger in the AlpsJune 21, 2014 at 4:22 PM

    Dude, that's just wrong....and very gross.

  86. The more you know...June 21, 2014 at 4:23 PM

    They need to be willing to go all the way and commit to the person winning if they're going to do it. This is all about tying a rocket to someone's ass and not dousing the flame before it reaches blast-off

  87. Cena wins the WWE Championship at Money In The Bank. Next night on RAW Brock Lesnar challenges him for SummerSlam. SummerSlam ends with Lesnar having DESTROYED Cena, standing over his mangled body, wiping Cena's blood on his own chest, holding the belts over his head. Lesnar wins decisively at Survivor Series against Cena, Sheamus, whoever. Wins again at the Royal Rumble. Royal Rumble match then ends with Daniel Bryan coming out at #30, blowing the roof off and winning the match & title shot at WrestleMania. Spends next 3 month running gauntlet of Paul Heynan Guys. Big angle on RAW sees Lesnar give Brie Bella an F-5 and "breaking" her neck. At WrestleMania Bryan beats Lesnar cleanly, becoming the biggest star on the planet.

    ... that's how I'd book it anyways.

  88. You get Reigns winning,deal with it.As matter a fact,him winning wouldn't be bad at Mania.

  89. He had the flu!! Give him a break!! [/mark]

  90. Can't commit to that just yet but maybe.

  91. The more you know...June 21, 2014 at 4:26 PM

    Any fan I've ever met, of anything really, was fully into the thing they're in to. Especially niche products. Nobody goes out of their way to consume something as stigmatized and niche as wrestling if they "sort of like it". I just don't think that's intellectually honest when people say they're a casual fan. People who say that are people who are embarrassed to be seen liking a thing so they add that qualifier of "casual" on there so friends and family will still think they're cool/normal/not one of those weirdos/etc...

  92. He was a great baby new year in January of 1998.

  93. I might be in. Not sure what I'm doing tonight yet.

  94. Oh man getting a bad coffee!

  95. Too soon for Reigns. I know WWE is high on him, but by WrestleMania next year he'll have only been a singles wrestler for like 9 months. Has WWE ever pulled a guy from a team or stable and pushed them to the top in less than a year? I can't think of one at the moment.

  96. Keep on not watching?

  97. I completely disagree. There's no question that many people who enjoy wrestling are, indeed, hardcore fans. But if every wrestling fan was fully into it, why aren't the Network subscription numbers better? How about Raw ratings differing from week to week? I can honestly say I know of people who would absolutely classify themselves as casual fans, who have the time and means to watch Raw every week, but don't simply because they don't want.

    They idea that people aren't "sort of" into wrestling is absurd to me.

  98. I love how the McMahons book their grudges into the product. WWE vs the Denver Nuggets is one of the top contenders, if not the champ.

  99. Hey, I'm sure to the McMahons getting a bad cup of coffee is a crisis.

  100. His gimmick is, he's always getting pinned because he lays on his back for a pre match snack.

  101. Shawn Michaels went from breaking up the Rockers to challenging for the World Title at Survivor Series 92 back when that really meant something.

  102. The more you know...June 21, 2014 at 4:37 PM

    I would counter that those people calling themselves casual fans are deluding themselves for all the same reasons stated above. Also, missing a few shows doesn't make one a casual fan. That's just life getting in the way. Even the most hardcore of fans miss a show from time to time. That's just life. It has nothing to do with a casual interest in a thing.

  103. When you let it sit on the burner too long, or maybe the grounds were too old and got moldy. or its just cheap coffee cut to shit like an 8-ball in a college town.

  104. With a goatee, right?

  105. Yeah but he didn't become top guy in the promotion til after his run with the IC belt. It was a couple years, and of course he had years of experience under his belt by then.

  106. Random note on Reigns: I'm really glad they're just letting him continue to wear his Shield gear and keep the Shield theme albeit slightly altered.

  107. I enjoyed that, it was harmless fun, and even got them mainstream press. It's pro wrestling, you really expect them to take the high road? Heck no!

  108. Ok, that's one.

  109. The more you know...June 21, 2014 at 4:42 PM

    Vince should just put the title on himself and not defend it.
    "Hey Vince, why aren't you defending the title at the ppv?" - Interviewer
    "Because fuck you, that's why. Oh and by the way, youuuuuu're fired!" - Vince

  110. So Eric Young in 2014 then? (I can do this all dayyyy)

  111. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 21, 2014 at 4:44 PM


  112. The more you know...June 21, 2014 at 4:44 PM

    TNA is not the WWE.

  113. But still, it was petty, even for Vince.

  114. The kind you have to walk all the way down the hall to the 2nd of 3 kitchens in your office to make! (I am still outraged about this)

  115. That match led to Kennedy being fired on the spot. so I simply can't do anything other than love it.

  116. Where the fuck do you work? Soviet Russia?

  117. From the clues/hints I have gathered, I do not believe I am the person you think I am. You may be in the ballpark, but not quite.

  118. MITB: Yawn. Wake me when we reach SummerSlam.
    Stardust: Credit to Cody, he's definitely willing to try anything.
    Coffee: Jim Cornette once said something about the WrestleRock Rumble. Something about firing everyone involved, and making sure it never sees the light of day. Too bad that logic wasn't used here.

    And before anyone asks (Looking straight at the usual suspects here): Fuck you. Until Stephanie McMahon/Kevin Dunn gets full control, and truly gets the "wrestling" out of WWE (World Whatever Entertainment?), I'll keep some hope.

    Hope that one day Vince finally retires/croaks, Steph finds something to keep her the fuck away (or is also removed from the picture), and Kevin Dunn is removed through whatever means necessary. Because short of all three (and their "favorite" underlings) going away, WWE will continue to be this odd creature, mostly seeming ashamed to be what MADE THEM THEIR FUCKING "RICHES" in the first place, and trying to be anything BUT wrestling.

  119. The more you know...June 21, 2014 at 4:52 PM

    Stephanie McMahon is going to run WWE for the next 50 years and you're going to sit there and like it.

  120. Can't really complain about the first two...Cena is the safe choice, and a program with Brock (and more importantly, LOSING to Brock) at Summerslam is the best idea. As for the Dust Brothers, hey, at least it's a thought out plan that makes sense. Cody really should be painted silver though, not gold.

  121. Oh! That IS funny! Someone got a bad cup of coffee and they made a skit!

  122. Of fucking course in regards to Cena. Hopefully if he gets the belt, Brock destroys him for it at Summer Slam.

  123. The more you know...June 21, 2014 at 4:57 PM

    The WWE isn't going to put the title on Lesnar unless Brock agrees to work a lot more dates than he is currently willing to.

  124. Right? I mean this sort of thing makes it basically a 8 - 5 prison! I mean I only get like 8 weeks of paid vacation a year!

  125. We've all been there!

  126. You think this is about coffee?

  127. Well, the faster she succeeds in getting that pesky middle W out, and making it a bankrupt man's MAD TV (which was a poor man's SNL), the faster I can say goodbye to them, consider Monday nights a dead zone for wrestling, and consider if following the indies is worth it.

    (Spoiler: it already is.)


  129. Keep up the great work!

  130. So if Brock does win the championship at Summerslam, how long does he hold it and who does he lose it to?

  131. Or they're hoping Daniel Bryan's ready in time for Night Of Champions and takes the belt off Brock then.

  132. Move to Japan. Problem solved.

  133. The more you know...June 21, 2014 at 5:06 PM

    I don't see the point in using Lesnar as a transitional champion.

  134. Rumor was Reigns at WM XXXI


  136. ..............KENNEDY

  137. The rock and triple h.

  138. The "Yesterday's newspaper", "cream of the crop", and "nothing but garbage" promos are all classics, along with the cup of coffee. I miss Savage.

  139. You and Dixie Carter.

  140. I'm sure they weren't serious, despite negotiating with or threatening to leave for WCW 4 times Bret was loyal to Vince.

  141. Both started as singles first, were then part of groups, and spent that period underneath as IC Champ before going to the top.

  142. Improved. This is a much better "update/report", if a little drier. But, dry is absolutely fine for what you're presenting, especially with so many different topics in one report.

  143. Regarding AIW, I recently bought there Best of 2013 comp due to them having a DVD sale. Thanks for the info on the JTL 2014 tourney, I might check that out.

  144. The new version reads soooo much better. I think it's ok to add some flavor with opinions, though, just not only with jokes. There's nothing wrong with saying a match or card was good or bad as long as you have a reason.

  145. Iv been going crazy waiting on the PWG "Sold Our Soul For Rock n Roll" release

    Need my monthly fix of great wrestling

  146. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 21, 2014 at 9:58 PM

    Oh there's nothing wrong with jokes at all, it just sometimes feels a bit schoolboy mentality and a little bit pack'ish. Just cutting the legs off of the guy before he's even rolling.

    Then again, if he's a long time poster/lurker, i'm sure he probably understands that it's all in jest.

  147. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 21, 2014 at 10:00 PM

    Yup, that's better.

    I'd perhaps center align the cards so they stand out from the rest of the text.

  148. It's the best episode I've seen by far. I could listen to old timers talk about the territory days all day long.

  149. God that pissed me off. Ciampa could be money, Lethal is always just there!

    He's never going to be any more popular then he is right now.

  150. You're very welcome.

    You're already showing you won't fall into the Meekin trap at the very least

  151. He really is. He's their gatekeeper, kept strong enough to mean something but the guy everyone gets to beat on their way to the main event.

    Case and point--He's gonna job to blue chipper Cedric Alexander tomorrow night

  152. Hey, you're alive!

  153. Who said it was troublesome? Just emphasising how much crap is posted on here nowadays. Shown again by another tryout.

  154. His offense looks good, but he has zero charisma and any time he's playing heel or doing a long matxh he's not fun to watch.

  155. How about for when nothing is happening with some weeks, doing a review of pwg or roh shows?

  156. I'd like to see more coverage of the stars of lucha and Japan next time. Also if you want some advice on how to write really long winded walls of text that are torturous to the reader, subscribe to my newsletter.


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