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BoD Daily Update RAW Preview

JTG Comments To TMZ About His Release

Former TNA Stars Returning For the Tapings in New York City

Rhino, Homicide, and Low Ki will all be returning for the TNA tapings this week in NYC.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Where is Corey Graves?

Graves, who was in the middle of a feud with Sami Zayn on NXT, has been sidelined with another concussion. He missed time earlier this year with a concussion as well.

Credit Mike Johnson,


  1. So Rhyno is just short term for these tapings? I thought it would be cool if he came in on a more full time basis.

  2. I feel like I've seen JTG more times since he's been released than since Cryme Tyme broke up.

    Post-firing: 1
    Pre-firing: 0

  3. Raw: (snore)
    JTG: Petrock nailed it.
    TNA: Somewhere, Dennis Stamp frowns. And jumps on a trampoline.
    Graves: Yep, that'll be another future endeavor in the next couple years.

  4. Raw Preview: Same old shit.

    JTG: gut a raw deal. Hope he finds his way to NJPW.

    TNA: GORE! GORE! GORE! A Rhyno vs Ashley feud would be money.

    Graves: Who?

  5. I'm going to be disappointed if this go home show doesn't deliver. Last week was pretty lame and disappointing.

  6. Keep up the great work!

  7. The biggest news I see on here today is that Abeyance went to sleep being only 3 comments behind Jobber. I thought for sure he would want to spike the ball before nodding off.

  8. Damn, he went on an amazing run after I went to bed. How many one liners did he drop?

  9. Didn't read the link but how the hell did a guy who got to get paid for doing nothing for years get a RAW deal?

  10. Because they paid him to do nothing. I know I personally would rather showcase my talents than to be locked away in the broom closet and be thankful for a job.

  11. Lanny Poffo would disagree with you.

  12. I can't actually believe how many comments he has, he hasn't even been here that long.

  13. He joined when "Abeyance" became a thing, so that would put it at September 2013.

  14. He said he started commenting in November

  15. But that means he didn't get a RAW deal

  16. The new face of the BoD - ABeyAnce1!

  17. 20k in less than a year?


  18. So, if someone said to you, "Hey, here's a salary. Stay home and enjoy life, you don't have to work" you would be pissed? I'd take the money and chill.

  19. 19K of them being seven words or less, I bet. I'd make the 00s Suns reference, but you're not jobber.

  20. When I first started I thought Abeyance was an automated greeting message.

  21. So post whoring?

    Eh... whatever floats the boat.

  22. That would give him between 250-300 comments per day. How can someone have that much time?

  23. Yep, I bet he just stayed at home, waited for his paycheck and said "Money, Money, yeah, yeah, I say MONEY, MONEY, YEAH, YEAH!!

  24. It can almost be considered spam. He'll go on a run of saying "yup" or something else inconsequential as a response to any number of comments in a thread.

  25. S'what I would do.

  26. He's been mopping up in the night threads lately. Two years ago, he'd still be under 2K posts because there just weren't as many topics/open threads to comment on then.

    And also because a few posters back then would have made it their goal to "break" him after the first dozen one-worders or so.

  27. "almost"

    I appreciate you being PC.

    Its spam

  28. Old Fuj would have smashed him.

  29. Given how frequently posters here are willing to "break" QOTD posters, I'm amazed that didn't happen. There's more than a few people who have said something to him about it. He seems to brush it off better than others.

  30. I keep forgetting I really don't need to be PC here.

  31. I am not sure it counts as that though... I honestly don't think he intends it that way... i think he just has to type whatever happens to be in his brain at that moment

  32. I don't think there's really anything there to break.

  33. AverageJoeEverymanJune 23, 2014 at 7:40 AM

    He's in Grave danger

  34. There is nothing to smash... I don't think he really cares.

  35. If it was some sort of "automated" response system, I'd bust out laughing.

    (clicks on "quick retort", makes sure post makes sense, hits "Post".)

  36. He just likes posting here and conversing. I used to get annoyed by it but he generally means well and just wants to come and talk wrestling.

  37. Either way, Im not trying to start a witch hunt, you pointed it out and given his time here and he is already top 5?

    A lil kabukish to me... Top 5'ers post quality AND quantity

  38. I never thought he was any good but the concussion stuff sucks.

  39. Thats good to know.

    Thick skin is good to have here. The BoD can and have been relentless

  40. Says the guy who would have 100 post conversations with cult status.

  41. Once he hits Top Commenter, we should have an ABeyAnce appreciation thread, where we all post one word comments and responses.

  42. About wrestling.

    And it was a back and forth from different POVs.

    I dont go back and forth about BS

    Unless you consider wrestling BS.

  43. He posts about wrestling too, just not all the time.

  44. I would say he THINKS he is always posting about wrestling, it's just that his posts aren't conducive to continuing a conversation.

  45. It's not so much thick skin as a kind of pleasant simpleness. It's kind of like having a robot pal.

  46. Maybe now Graves can get a better nickname than Saviour of Misbehaviour.

  47. I dont watch NXT all like that, but thats terrible.

  48. Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man.

  49. I can say I never imagined such a in-depth discussion on Abeyance happening.

  50. Stranger in the AlpsJune 23, 2014 at 7:59 AM

    It's not a good sign when you've been staring at the screen for 10-15 minutes and cannot come up with anything. I mean, I was going to say something about Corey graves looking like a huge douche, but that's pretty weak in my estimation. So, I just made a post about how I really have nothing to add to this thread. BURN OUT LEVEL REACHED: Level 9.

  51. You have no comment on ABeyAnce1's sky-rocket to the top of the charts?

  52. Go home Stranger, you're drunk.

  53. I'm with you brother. I'm losing my will to wake up in the morning. Super fucking stressed.
    Everything okay?

  54. Yeah like I said I don't think he means to be a living spambot, but he just can't help himself for whatever reason.

  55. Except not a cool robot like the Terminator or something.

  56. Rhino is the new champion of Lancaster, PA's Lancaster Championship Wrestling of Lancaster, PA after beating Shane Douglas over the weekend.

  57. Tuesdays are usually fun with VinceJordan saying all the terrible stuff on Raw was great and the good stuff that people liked, they should like more.

  58. He's more like the Rocky 4 robot that only says Happy Birthday Paulie.

  59. A bunch of people.

  60. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:07 AM

    We spoke about it. I expected him to do this and be in the #1 spot by July.

  61. Well now you're putting an awful lot of pressure on me... I will try to deliver!!

  62. Oh... tell me you were there live and was the match as bad as I dream it to be?

    Shane is terrible.

  63. No because you normally use the free TV shows to bring people buying your PPVs. If you also want money for the TV Shows, even less people would buy the ppvs, because less people would watch the "advertisement" shows for the ppvs...

  64. I just assume JTG is a guy who takes slot of pride in his art and would enjoy showcasing his skills.

  65. I have the utmost faith in you!

  66. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:08 AM

    OK (TNA booking hat on)
    Last I checked Rhyno was the last ECW TV Champion. Abyss was the last TNA TV Champion. How about a hardcore match between the two to determine the who is the best TV Champ? at the PPV

  67. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:09 AM

    That goes without saying.

  68. Dad's chill. He just sits on his chair and watches Golf. I think he watched golf for fourteen straight hours yesterday.
    Just work and buying a house has my head in scrambles.

  69. The network would go much better, if it would be available in every country and not only in the USA.

  70. You know, for all the defending of the WWE I do, I never get the same amount of hate or attention Vince does. I may be doing something wrong here...

  71. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:10 AM

    New Fuj doesn't give a fuck.

  72. Yeah, I've been saying this for months now. I don't understand why they don't just say something like, "Growing up, John Cena's favorite wrestler was Sting [or whoever]. Folks, if you want to watch all of Sting's matches in his WCW career, the only place to do that is the WWE Network."

  73. CruelConnectionNumber2June 23, 2014 at 8:11 AM

    Graves is the most boring wrestler in NXT.

  74. Ah I see. Let me offer some advice. Get married to an awful woman that will pile up a lot of bills that it will take you years to pay off so you couldn't possibly by a house if you wanted to and therefore don't have to worry about it.

  75. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:11 AM

    That what happened last night. A few of us sat in here, chilled and bullshitted.

  76. Stranger in the AlpsJune 23, 2014 at 8:12 AM

    It's just the candle slow-burning at both ends. I think it's time for a solo road trip.

  77. Its because you are my protege... people don't wish to anger the Franchise Player.

    #IMakeEverythingAboutMe #JustLikeCaliber

  78. CruelConnectionNumber2June 23, 2014 at 8:12 AM

    The guy rattled off like 100 posts in a row, many of them one-worders like "Cool." and "Yeah." Like RVD promos. Post counts are so LOL

  79. I don't hate Vince at all. I will try my best to bring you up in conversation when mocking terrible WWE stuff.

  80. Stranger in the AlpsJune 23, 2014 at 8:13 AM

    I have no issues with Abeyance at the top. He's the Eric Young of the blog.

  81. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:13 AM

    He popped off at me last week and said no matter how many posts I have he'll always be the top draw.
    So I said if that was the case why did we get more people here after you left?

  82. Hahahahahaha, I came close to doing that but luckily I got rid of her.
    That sucks man. Is the new girl at least financially responsible?

  83. CruelConnectionNumber2June 23, 2014 at 8:14 AM

    I have 250 comments total and 203 upvotes. People should really think before they speak. Or they come off as Jar Jar Binks.

  84. Well, I guess. She only recently got a job after graduating and doesn't have a lot in the way of bills... so time will tell. I know when she buys new clothes the first thing she always tells me about them is how cheap she got them.

  85. The fact that we still talk about him months after his flameout makes him think he's the top draw, regardless of there being any truth to it.

  86. Lol. And damn, she's younger than you by a bit?

  87. CruelConnectionNumber2June 23, 2014 at 8:15 AM

    "Dunno." (A bunch)

  88. That wasn't really him. That "The Real Caliber Winfield" guy is actually Onita100 or whatever his name is.

  89. Their next PPV is in October lol

  90. HIV can't be transmitted through blood?

  91. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:16 AM

    Oh, OK. I wasn't sure.
    But then again by the pic that was used I thought it might have been the Blue Meanie.

  92. He's the Brady Anderson of the BoD

  93. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:17 AM

    It means you have time to build.

  94. Not in the slightest.

    Live and let blog.

  95. If it were Blue Meanie I would expect you to slap him around like JBL did.

  96. People would be licking their chops for that match. Throw in Jim Duggan as well, last WCW TV Champion, and you've got yourself some major ticket sales.

  97. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:20 AM

    That means someone posing as Joey Styles would have to slap me around.
    This simply can not be.

  98. Stranger in the AlpsJune 23, 2014 at 8:20 AM

    50 home runs!!!

  99. I'm afraid I don't get that reference

  100. I mean, there are probably some old WCW fans that might return for a nostalgia trip. But how many? And how long would those fans stay for? One six month period? Two? Unless they liked the current product, I doubt they would constantly renew their subscription, just for the right to watch Great American Bash anytime they wanted.

  101. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:21 AM

    The measure of true pimpin' is not giving a fuck about that which does not make you money.

  102. You need to BO-LIEVE....

  103. When the network is available internationally, I think that's going to be a really interesting number.

  104. HIV can most certainly be transmitted from cut to cut.

  105. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:23 AM

    In all seriousness, it would be a good hardcore match between the two, but the TV title is used as an angle.
    If they COULD get Duggan there and job him out it would be a dick move on the level of HHH making all of the secondary champs job to him.

  106. Maybe he meant one guy being cut, while no one else is? I don't know.

  107. There's just so many variables in play. Number of users in an area, number of available connections in that area, what kind of drain the provider has due to user load, what kind of stress the server is under due to user load, etc.

  108. Duggan, sadly, is probably the most over of the 3.

  109. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:25 AM

    We talk about him the way people mention suicide bombers or those kids from Columbine.

  110. Why Jar Jar Binks? I don't get it...

  111. AverageJoeEverymanJune 23, 2014 at 8:27 AM


  112. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:27 AM

    If anything they should see about getting Jay Lethal on the card and beating HIM since he's the ROH TV Champ.

  113. I'm pretty sure HIV was not recognized as the public health crisis it is now in 1983. It was probably not really something wrestlers were even aware of, and if there were it was probably something they felt just affected the gay community.

  114. When did HIV become a true national concern? I was born in 1980, so I really don't know. My first real experience with HIV was with Magic in 1991. I knew of the virus before that, but Magic announcing he was HIV positive is what made it real to me.

  115. Exactly.

    I read Pimpology: The 48 Laws of the Game, over in Afghanistan and it applies to everything.

    I make wayyyy too much money to care about anything that doesnt make me any.

  116. Nope, because the PPVs are, in theory, the special shows where big things happen, titles are up for grabs and stories get wrapped up. Free TV is, in theory, used to show you acts 1-4 of the story and promote that if you want to see the finale in act 5, it's available that Sunday for $40 or whatever.

    It's a business model that worked for wrestling for 40+ years.

    Putting Raw behind a paywall cuts off anyone from becoming a fan except those willing to pay to try a new TV show. That's a horrid idea.

  117. Okay, that's what I was wondering. I was thinking that early on, it may have still been looked at as a "gay disease".

  118. It's highly unlikely but possible.

  119. I feel like Magic was the tipping point of HIV can happen to anyone, not just gay men.

  120. I'm not annoyed by it; I just can't believe someone has that much time on their hands.

  121. Thanks... but don't be. While she is young and pretty there are a whole slew of headaches that come with dating someone that much younger than you... though she did spend her entire day off yesterday cleaning my apartment more immaculately than I ever could.

  122. I'm not sure the context really matters. It's the fact that he's mentioned at all.

  123. Oh, Magic was absolutely the game changer. I'm sure there were people who just assumed Magic was gay or whatever, but his announcement is when people started to wise up to the realities.

  124. Stranger in the AlpsJune 23, 2014 at 8:32 AM

    I don't know, but the country sounds nice. I hear Whitesnake's "Here I Go Again" in my head.


  126. While HIV/AIDS was certainly around in the early 80s, it was a very misunderstood illness that mostly affected already marginalized populations. I doubt many in the wrestling community worried about AIDS at first, as it was an 'urban/gay problem' that didn't really become widely acknowledged until the late 80s. Of course, then you get the Ryan White scares, with parents worried their kids could catch AIDS from being in the same school as somebody positive.

  127. They can be, but... I dunno. Maybe I'm in the minority. I expect intrusive advertising in most if not every thing and can't get too worked up over it.

  128. Oddly enough I play that video in my head quite a bit... Tawney Kitane... mmmmm

  129. This is in no way something that WWE did that TNA could then do in a much worse fashion... it would never fly.

  130. People already knew straight people could get HIV. But Magic used his own style to bring attention and resources to fighting HIV/AIDS

  131. Yeah. It wouldn't have even crossed their minds.

  132. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:36 AM

    Does Tessmacher play Kitane in your version of the vid?

  133. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:37 AM


  134. Yeah, but it was still the stigma of straight people who were drug users, whores, etc.

  135. That reminds me of a question I thought of the other day. The WWF had a no-blood rule back in the early/mid 90s, right? I seem to remember Bret having to claim that he bled hardway against Piper for the IC title.

    When did that rule go away? What was it that caused VInce to say "screw it, go ahead and bleed again?" What was the first show where it was allowed?

  136. Another reason blading is completely unnecessary in wrestling. I don't have a problem with the occasional bleeding in a major angle or match, such as Austin-Hart, but what a guy like Abdulah the Butcher did, for example, is just stupid.

  137. Wouldn't he be all "Millions of dollars millions of dollars"

    ...that was a different guy? Shit they all look alike.


  138. I'm not getting Internet at my new place until Thursday, so my weekly.column will not be posted. Just wanted to give people a heads up.

  139. Well Magic was a whore....but yeah, I get your point.

  140. Basketball players were concerned about getting AIDS from Magic Johnson in the early 90's.

  141. That's pretty damned inconsiderate of you!

  142. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:39 AM

    Your priorities are out of wack, Mister.
    Just fucking with you.

  143. I don't specifically remember the show, but I guess it was the Attitude Era. Austin's bladejob at WM 13 is the first one I remember happening quite some time, but I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.

  144. Austin blading at WrestleMania XIII would seem to be when the blade ban was... I don't want to say lifted, but relaxed. Austin, HHH, Rock, Fiair, Michaels and Undertaker would do it in big matches after that point.

  145. Kid can go in the ring though. I wish they let him have a little more freedom.

  146. If I remember, Karl Malone was really outspoken about being uncomfortable playing with him.

  147. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:40 AM

    I'm sorry.
    Rhyno vs. Abyss for the rights to be the spokesperson for a shampoo commercial.

  148. And that was poor education or a lack of understaning.

  149. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 8:42 AM

    As long as you have people that complain about the current WWE product you will have the inspiration to succeed.

  150. I almost went with "You have a weekly column here?" but I didn't want to be accused of trying to run off another writer.


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