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WWE Holds Talent Meeting

According to Nick Paglino of, WWE Talent Relations held a meeting with the wrestlers this past week. Talent Relations reportedly re-instituted another dress code, which is a sore subject among the wrestlers due to their brutal travel schedule as of late. The wrestlers were told that they would be fined for violating the dress code and for showing up to RAW or Smackdown after the designated times. According to a source, the wrestlers are described as "jittery" as they have yet to receive their WrestleMania or Video Game checks.

Credit Nick Paglino,

TNA Going Back to the Six-Sided Ring

TNA will start re-using the ring a Thursday's tapings in New York.

Kayfabe Commentaries Releases Newest Installment in Their "Timeline" Series

2000 ECW as told by Justin Credible was released today.


  1. This story would be more entertaining if the dress code was tied to the gimmick.

    Goldust and Stardust- you've got to go everywhere looking like that.

    Divas- if you're showing less than 80% skin, you're getting a fine.

    If the Wyatt family even looks like they've showered in a week, BIG FINE.

    John Cena- purple and green everywhere. Jorts are okay, though.

    Kane can either dress like Thedemonkane or Corporate Kane.

    Brock Lesnar can dress however he wants, because any time they try to fine him, Heyman shouts "MY CLIENT BRRRRRROCK LESNAR" and they just give up.

    If your outfit matches anything Batista wore in 2014, you're not going to get fined, but you look like a dork.

  2. So Stardust is pretty much David Bowie.

    I like it.

  3. Don't you miss my rhetorical questions?

    Has your life felt less complete since you stopped visiting the site?

    Did this rhetorical questions gimmick get old fast?

    /Dave Schererrerererere

  4. Ha!! So true!

  5. Me: "It's bignasty, just ignore and move on."

  6. They banned my account

  7. Ouch, they get a hold of you sharing their info?

  8. Damnit, I was hoping to go under the radar for one day. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. And the next day.

  9. "Just threw away PPV revenue for no reason."

    Non-WrestleMania, Non-SummerSlam buyrates have been declining for years, with only PPVs featuring expensive part-time guys like Rock and Brock showing any significant increases. While I'm not saying that the Network was the answer, WWE did need to find a solution because that PPV revenue wasn't going to be so reliable in the days of illegal internet streaming.

    The theory was that casual fans might not spend $30 a month on a B-PPV that they'd rather illegally stream (and the number of streamers was only going to grow), but if WWE can get $10 a month from them it's better than nothing. It is a low enough price to make some people willing to pay it rather than bother to find a shitty, unreliable stream.

  10. You must be in your glory.

  11. Don't try to reason with him, just smile and nod and slowly walk away.

  12. There is a lot more that goes into it. You're idea that there is just going to be an automatic direct deposit it wrong.

  13. Maybe Bayless uses the AdBlock Chrome Extension.

  14. Yeah, I should know better.

  15. "Rhetorical questions" by Dave Scherer is the laziest writing I've ever seen. He could make up 20 one-line questions and calls it an article.

  16. Someone probably told them. I use my personal email account to subscribe to the site.

  17. "Kids!"


  18. I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend.

  19. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 9:44 AM

    TJ: LeBron James opts out, is unrestricted free agent.
    ESPN is going berserk.

  20. He's going to hang with Tebow and ESPN is going to have a orgasm.

  21. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 9:46 AM

    With occasional visits from Johnny Football.
    Funny how that news eclipsed the World Cup.

  22. Can you imagine him on the Spurs next year? LETHAL

  23. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 9:47 AM

    I was thinking Thunder.

  24. They're so damn cheap. Do they have the cap space?

  25. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 9:48 AM

    Sign and trade would get it done. The only draw back is that they would have to grind it out through the West where the path through the East is so much easier.

  26. Would Miami agree to that though? I imagine they would have to get Westbrook in return.

  27. I said it in another thread, but I have a feeling he's going to end up with the Clippers. He's smart enough to see the writing on the wall in Miami: Wade doesn't have much left, and Bosh is a really good player, but he isn't great.

    Apparently, LeBron is one of those guys who is very aware of his legacy. Think of being the first guy to win a title for that other L.A. team.

  28. But that may anger Chris Paul, who is obviously the GREATEST POINT GUARD OF ALL TIME with all the Finals and Titles he's lead his team to.

  29. Still would have been better than Russo doing it.

  30. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 9:52 AM

    If he wants to leave they don't have a choice. He's unrestricted. He can do what he wants.

  31. For whatever reason, I see Riley having too much pride in doing that.
    Also, the Big One, the above average Power Forward, and the Decrepit Shooting Guard apparently all met to discuss their future.

  32. But if LeBron wants the max five years- and I concede he may not give a fuck- then that's the only way for him to do it.

  33. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 9:54 AM

    justin credible's interview: then in february of 2000, i became ecw champion, and tanked the promotion

    the end

  34. You should get a prize for that comment. Well done, sir.

  35. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 9:54 AM

    "The wrestlers were told that they would be fined for violating the dress code"

    somewhere in here is a comment about punk, the dress code, his walk out, and farva

  36. What does Brett Favre think of all this???

  37. Dave Scherer is not my friend anymore

  38. Fines from the dress code will be used to cover the losses from the Network.

  39. If they need to comply, they could always borrow some of Farva's clothes. Not like he has any use for them.

  40. How many hack friends do you really need?

  41. TNA is SAVED! The Six Sided ring is back!

  42. Brock has made like $800k just sitting on his couch since his last appearance. There's no way he gives a flying fuck about their dress code.

  43. Stranger in the AlpsJune 24, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    In the break room of WWE headquarters, a group of wrestlers has gathered to air out their grievances with each other. While pouring the last drop of coffee into his mug, Dolph Ziggler looked around at the various faces. “You know”, he started as he took a sip of coffee. “Somebody needs to say something. This is getting out of hand, and I’m holding a lot in right now.” Kofi Kingston looks up from his Vita briefly to add “Yeah, sure thing Dolph, I agree. FUCK! Computer Ghana has tight defense!” Alberto Del Rio walks over to the cabinet and pulls out a box of Snack Wells, “You know, hermano; my contract is up soon, so I have nothing to lose. If you want me to say something for you, I will.” Taking a bite out of the cookie, Del Rio makes a disgusted face. He looks at the box and states “Expired April 11. Doesn’t anyone clean these cabinets out?”. Suddenly, a bright light fills the room, blinding everyone as they shield their eyes. Then a very loud WHOOOOOOSH! The room fills with smoke, and after about a minute, the smoke clears. Before their eyes sat a Volkswagen van circa 1968. Hurriedly stepping out of the side door was a man that looked very familiar to the group. Kofi Kingston gasped and declared “Daniel?” The unkempt and disheveled looking man replied, “Yeah, Kofi, it’s me. I’ve been spending my time off time travelling with Brie. But I don’t have time to explain. LISTEN! Dolph, I’ve seen the future, and I know that you’re unhappy, and it doesn’t end well. I need you to come with me. I’ve got a place where you can go. They’re offering guaranteed contracts, and you don’t even have to work as hard.” Intrigued, Dolph raised an eyebrow and asked, “Where is this place, Daniel?”. In response, Daniel tossed him an NOW t-shirt and said “1997 WCW”. Dolph immediately jumped into the van ahead of Daniel, anxious to get going. “There’s one thing you need to remember, though, Dolph” started Daniel, as he strapped in and began manipulating buttons and switches. “You cannot do anything that will change the timeline. If you even shake hands the wrong way, it upsets the dynamic of the past and changes the future.” Dolph snickered, and replied, “Please, I’ve seen paradoxes in comics and movies before. I know what I’m doing.”

  44. I'd say the XFL was a lot worse than the WBF. A LOT more money went into the XFL and thus, more was lost.

  45. I don't get why LeBron is still invested in Wade's future. The guy has the body of a 50-year-old, and he's not going to do the right thing and move to the bench.

  46. and what about his penis!?

  47. Here is what I think LeBron should do. Let everyone know that he's signing only a 1 year deal for the next 8 years and sign with a different team each year. He can lay out in advance who he's signing with, so they can be prepared to have open cap space and appropriate players around him. Teams like Milwaukee or Sacramento, that would never have a chance to sign him to a long term deal, now get the opportunity to have him for a year. He gets a chance to be the first guy in history to lead 10 different teams to the finals and those teams get a huge boost in the build up to the year and the one season he is on the squad. Win/Win.

  48. That's okay. You can make some nice friends elsewhere on the internet.

  49. He probably isn't which is why I don't get why him returning to Miami would seem so likely.

  50. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 9:58 AM

    "i don't like the break in that pants cuff! $5000!"

  51. BROCK should only ever wear his MMA trunks, sponsor shirt, and a viking helmet.

  52. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 9:59 AM

    i'm your friend

    wait... why are you crying?

  53. Pleated pants are out of fashion! $1000!

  54. Agree completely. The usual talking heads are discussing Carmelo joining the Heat, but am I the only one that sees that not going well?

  55. Lesnar is the smartest man in the history of wrestling. People used to say that about Nash, but it's clearly Brock.

  56. Dolph already fucked up, because Bryan tossed him a NOW shirt.

  57. Jim Harbaugh would be fucked.

  58. I'd upvote this several times if I could.

  59. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:00 AM

    "70's jacket with giant plaid print and a huge collar! i like it! you get credit towards your next fine!"

  60. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 10:00 AM

    LeBron the Mercenary.

  61. That would be a disaster. There's still no defensive help. It's been said before, they need to get a PG and a better center.

  62. Was Dolph the true Disciple of the One Warrior Nation?

  63. Too bad he's a Lazy Fuck [/baker]

  64. "Credit is only good at Michaels in Charlotte!"

  65. "How come Patterson gets to wear chapless pants and I can't wear my jorts??"

  66. Aw, I'll be your friend!

    And yes, that's a threat.

  67. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:02 AM

    "and you have to use ric flair as your shopping assistant!"

  68. I liked Mike Johnson a lot.

  69. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 10:03 AM

    Agent: "Mr. Lesnar, where is you're dress shirt."
    *Brock looks at agent...agent bursts into flames.*

  70. Right. Like, they were saying Anthony to Miami as if he would suddenly turn into a selfless, defensive stud or something. I'm not sure where they're finding a PG at, but there has to be one better than Chalmers available.

  71. There's only four things Brock gives a flying fuck about:
    1) Working on his farm
    2) Banging Sable
    3) Money
    4) Eating the hearts of his enemies

  72. If they could fine these guys enough to knock their take home pay to around $15,000, Vince might walk into the next quarterly conference call with the biggest boner.

  73. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:03 AM

    "Mr. Lesnar, where is your shirt."


  74. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 10:04 AM

    They will rake in the dough when they catch employees wearing white after Labor Day.

  75. Wyatt is fucked.

  76. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:04 AM

    5) rescuing puppies

  77. Chaps have a certain sophisticated sleaziness to them. Jorts are for tubby St. Louis Cardinal fans.

  78. I'm sure there is a lot of crap as far as pay and travel and shit right now for these guys up on time and wear something nice when you get to the building doesn't make my heart bleed for them.

  79. Okay, I'm in the dark. What's going on?

  80. Stranger in the AlpsJune 24, 2014 at 10:05 AM

    I fixed it, dammit.

  81. That's only so he can practice his F-5s on them.

  82. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:05 AM

    good thing jarrett doesn't work there anywmore

  83. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:05 AM


  84. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 10:05 AM

    Auto correct fucks you when you type nWo.

  85. Actually, I take that back. BROCK needs a suit with a huge JIMMY JOHNS logo on the back.

  86. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:06 AM

    "I'm in the dark"

    is this wrestling's darkest moment?

  87. That's just because he wants to see Lesnar act out his weird revenge porn fantasies on Stephanie every week.

  88. Scherer's response to the Bayless account ban:
    "Dear Brian,
    Why didn't I ban you sooner?
    Isn't it fun when you have the power of God?
    Do I look like a pedophile?
    Do I seem like I'm too old to steal money from people by having them subscribe to my website about fake sports?
    I know that some of these questions aren't rhetorical, but why should I give a fuck?
    How cool was that Mojo Rawley vs. Alexander Rusev match?
    Yours unfortunately,

  89. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:06 AM

    "doesn't make my heart bleed for them"

    what about a dull knife right in the left ventricle?

  90. I honestly don't get the point of the dress code backstage. Who does it really affect, aside from the corporate suits? I get if their doing public appearances or have a meeting at Titan Tower, but what does it matter if they're backstage? All they'll be doing is hanging around, shooting the shit, prepping for their matches, etc.

  91. He found out somehow which account was the one I used to post stuff here in the updates (I use a different email for that) and I assume someone ratted him out on me. Whatever, I mean I was in the wrong but I did credit them and have seen the same stuff posted elsewhere.

    He said that he never understood why someone like myself would want to screw them by posting their material, which is right, then he closed by saying that he was not shocked by this, given whose site I post on.

    Guess he is not a friend of Scott, either

  92. He was a good reporter and has a lot of sources in the WWE

  93. When I lived in Chicagoland, my girlfriend's brother used to go to the local Jimmy John's all the time to hit on the register chicks. Good subs, too.

  94. This type of thing is almost ALWAYS someone at the top (i.e.Vince) wanting everything to look a certain way for their own sake; I don't think it has anything to do with how it looks to the outside world. How often do you see Vince in casual clothes?

  95. Minor TJ, spinning off from a short conversation below:

    Which was Vince's bigger failure? WBF or XFL?

    I'm going with XFL because it was on a bigger stage, bigger promises, with a wider audience, and a LOT more money going into it.

  96. NOW that's what I call music, VOL.17!!!! Free T-shirt with every order.

  97. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 10:12 AM

    Then Goldust and Stardust should remake this video:

  98. Scherer banned my PWInsiderelite account.

    Either they figured it out or someone ratted on me for posting stuff from the hotlines in the Updates. I use a different email account for them.

  99. Definitely the XFL. Much more promotion, many more promises. For the most part, the WBF was an excuse to get Lex Luger before his no-compete was up.

  100. 100% the's not even close. The XFL was on F'ING NBC, and in primetime to start off.

  101. Oh. I thought Mike Johnson got fired. Scherer's been doing that stuff for years

  102. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 10:14 AM

    What if Bosh goes with him?

  103. Let's say there was a show on the WWE Network that provided unfettered access to anything involving Vince. It's not fake like a reality show; it's shot like "The Office" and Vince is 100 percent genuine, not hamming it up for the camera at all.

    Would you be willing to pay more for a Network subscription to view this show?

  104. It is up right now my man! Posted last night. Enjoy!

  105. No one would subscribe to them if he got fired

  106. Agreed. Much more in the spotlight too, included NBC.

  107. *placeholder for someone mentioning VIKING SPACE LORD, etc*

  108. This is a move usually done by controlling types who get an itch to flex their authoritative muscles.

  109. I really don't understand why anyone would have anything against Scott. He never starts shit with anyone else, and no-sells it when they start shit with him. Aside from having a "Defense Against the Dark Arts"-level curse on the QOTD job, there's really nothing negative about this site.

  110. That's complete and utter BS. They are trying to ban the sharing of information? Imagine if ESPN tried to ban people from passing along info they read about on an "Insider" page.

    Any info you pass along is credited and heavily summarized and paraphrased. You steal NONE of their thunder. If anything, you've probably given them a few more subscribers.

  111. It really has become a Hand of The King or professor of the dark arts type position.

  112. Currently watching the 84 timeline with Roddy and its starts off crazy but Sean and some great editing makes it a good watch...

    its still 3.5 hours though

  113. I get what you are saying, but if I'm on the road as much as these guys, the last thing I want when carrying bags in 90+ degree heat is that I have to wear dress clothes while doing it.

  114. Dave had to. Get a low blow I guess. I was the one he was pissed off at

  115. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:19 AM

    it's vince trying to convince himself he's in the same league as fortune 500 companies

  116. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:21 AM

    does he go after sites like 411?

  117. I would doubt the idea was made by Vince. I would guess it was a YES-man who thought Vince would like the idea (which of course he does), and then told him about. This occurred right before the YES-man placed Vince's nuts in his mouth.

  118. XFL, I watched 9 minutes of a game and that beginning just made no sense.

  119. Lebron: I'm a free agent.
    America: Thank God we were so bored for a week we were pretending to like soccer.

  120. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:23 AM

    in terms of the big 3 (meltz, keller, scherer), scherer is a distant 3rd. and he was always tied to being a yes man for the original ecw, and employing people with questionable values (ryder)

    he's a non-factor

  121. Someone had to have emailed him, maybe I have an enemy?

    Whatever, I wasn't made at all until his dig at Scott at the end of the email. It wasnt necessary

  122. "LeBron: I'm a free agent."
    But whose side is he on?!

  123. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:24 AM

    whaaaaaaat are you... talkin' about?

    get 'im, kingster!

  124. Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

  125. When did this happen?

  126. I'd put Linda's senate runs above both, which she spent $97 million on.

    The biggest figure I can find is that the XFL cost Vince $35 million and NBC $35 million. That's still not even close to how much two senate runs cost.

  127. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    "would guess it was a YES-man..."

  128. Well, fuck yeah, I would.

  129. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    tj: saw this on

    "CNN) -- Two people were killed and four more wounded early Tuesday in a shooting in Miami, a fire department spokesman told CNN.

    Earlier, police had put the total number of those shot at nine.

    The shooting happened outside an apartment complex in the Liberty City neighborhood"

    i think that last little bit explains everything. i wonder if the shooter has recently activated a rampage

  130. With Jimmy John's, Jersey Mike's, and Firehouse Subs around, I have no idea why anyone still eats at Subway.

  131. Kyle Lowry is he's available would be a good fit.

  132. Yeah, that would lead to a lot of great unintentional comedy.

  133. Heard it on the 'Zoooooone!

  134. Bosh would be crazy to opt out though.

  135. that is the most dangerous part of Miami

  136. PETA is going to be all over this.

  137. Wouldn't it make more sense for wrestlers to be in attire similar to what you see them wear on TV? I mean, kayfabe is dead, but you can still try to make some things seem authentic. Seeing the Wyatt family in business casual attire would just be jarring, especially for the younguns who WWE is targeting their product towards.

  138. OOH! I loved Jersey Mike's. My last week at my job in Chicago, my boss asked me where I wanted to go, he was paying, so I said Jersey Mike's - I made sure to order two wraps, one to take home with me.

  139. I will say this again: Brian credits his source and heavily paraphrases the information. It's akin to one passing along info to a friend, but with one caveat: Bayless is essentially promoting and publicizing their work by relaying a headline or two from them every couple of days. Imagine if other news entities took action against the use of their information--we'd be no longer allowed to say anything because someone else said it first.

    I'm willing to bet a few hundred people or so had no idea Dave Scherer still existed and still reported on wrestling until they saw a report on here.

  140. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:32 AM

    that's why tommy vercetti needs to be running things

  141. Ouch. I have a hard enough time watching those if they're over two hours. I guess a three and a half hour long interview with Roddy would go a lot faster than a two hour interview with Boring Barry Windham.

  142. I had Subway for the first time in forever a couple of weeks ago. Grossest shit ever.

  143. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 10:32 AM

    What about the one that only appear to wear ring attire?

  144. Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner!

  145. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 10:33 AM

    Send Rick Ross down there. He could clean it up. Remember he knows Noriega..
    ...the REAL Noriega.
    He owes him 100 favors.

  146. Boom! Thanks, I checked last night but must have gone to be too early. Great matches on that show.

  147. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:36 AM

    and by PETA you mean the dude from hunger games

    or maybe lois griffin's husband "ohhhhhhhhhhh petah!"

  148. Anyone else here have an account? It would be awesome if you gave brian your account info or just passed along the important bits to him.

  149. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:37 AM

    naked mideon

    that's all i have to say

  150. TNA: We aren't dying, we can afford two more sides than WWE!

  151. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:38 AM

    did anyone else feel like last night's raw had vince's fingerprints all over it?

    the whole vickie/steph thing was straight out of 2003

  152. I don't get the hate for Subway. It tastes just fine to me.

  153. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:39 AM

    when you were in the bathroom

  154. Randy Orton would probably fine with it.

  155. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:40 AM

    what's stranger been up to...


  156. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    they actually just redistributed the ropes

  157. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:42 AM

    tj: just saw a picture of laura prepon with black hair


  158. Hell yeah. Saw that yesterday.

  159. Just googled it. Nice!

  160. Bayless, the fact that Chad Ford keeps obsessing over Vonleh makes me believe that you are correct he's going to end up sucking.

  161. True, but I have to give WWE credit for finally showing Stephanie get some comeuppance after months and months of not getting any. Sure, Triple H got some (he's lost at 3 PPV in a row), but we really haven't seen Stephanie get any comeuppance except when Natural Bella slapped her.

  162. I'm listening to the Ford/Simmons draft preview podcast now. Simmons doesn't like him, if that means anything at all.

  163. THe first reply is delicious.

  164. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:47 AM

    i really liked how vickie went out on a high note

    had me smiling with how the crowd got behind her

    obviously all the eddie tributes, plus how she looked up and said, "i love you" and then shimmied while the crowd had a "thank you, vickie" chant

  165. dude..are you all need a hug or anything I mean this is THE Dave Scherer we are talking about.

  166. You have to just laugh at this shit, considering Scherer doesn't have any contacts anyway.

  167. I figured WCW... oops I mean TNA would go back to the six-sided ring, because different is better. But I would have hoped they'd give their talent a little more notice than a week that they'd be working in a totally different enviornment than they were last week. If the talent didn't know this was coming ahead of time, TNA fans are in for a very awkardly worked show this week.

  168. LOL

    Its the biggest story they broke today I guess

  169. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:49 AM

    donna was the perfect "girl next door"

    too bad in real life she's a scientologist

  170. Man, this man really hates you, want me to call him off on twitter?

  171. good god I didn't know that is how creepy he looks these days till I saw his twitter

  172. I dont think he will be anything more than depth

  173. I'd probably take Simmons word over Ford.

  174. Brian what happened? I mean what did you "steal?"

    And Scherer is like a fifth-rate version of Metlzer so fuck him anyway. He was an ECW mutant and a loser so who the fuck cares about him anyway.

  175. I marked out for the shimmy.

  176. He never told me

    I asked him how he felt about other sites sourcing his stuff and no replies.

    But I am sure he sounds great by saying I stole from him

  177. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:51 AM


  178. I need to see more of him (probably too late now) but I saw Randle play and I thought he could be a solid starter/sometime all star.

  179. I have an account and am about to find this man.

  180. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:52 AM

    there's like, no color she can't rock

  181. Really? Fuck, that just ruined that show for me.

  182. I've had a huge crush on her from the first time I saw her on That 70s Show.

  183. he is coming back to Cleveland!

  184. Its very interesting. He has some good insight once he gets past the ramblings.

  185. Sorry, this pissed me off enough to send a guy I didn't think twice about a tweet. Such a douchebag.

  186. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:54 AM

    god i wish i had had a donna in my life

  187. Because she had low standards and actually dated Eric?

  188. It's no big deal, Brian. Scherer has been doing this "my stuff!!! my stuff!!" crybaby bullshit for nearly 20 years now. He was always a shill for whoever was paying him at the time, no matter how small they paid him or how terrible their product was as well. Nobody considers him a a real journalist or writer anyway.

  189. Shit, really? Fuck. Her and the youngest sibling from Parenthood, both ridiculously cute, neither of them worth it if they're Scientologists.

  190. That was not meant as a knock on you, although I can see where it could be interpreted...

  191. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:56 AM

    i just loved how... real the donna character was

  192. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    yeah, see my link below


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