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BoD Daily Update

Undertaker Update

Despite the fact that he is back training at the gym, when asked, the Undertaker said his chances of returning to the ring at next year's WrestleMania are not good.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Ric Flair Update

Flair was in Pittsburgh on 6/2 for a physical in order to return to TV in a full-time role. At the moment, there are several different ideas being suggested for Flair if he does pass the physical.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Rey Mysterio Update

Vince McMahon made the decision to renew Rey's contract for another year, citing the amount of time that he had been out of action during his previous contract due to injuries. Rey was planning on leaving when his contract expired last month. At the moment, Rey is on the injury list and there is nothing being talked about regarding when he would return. Dave Meltzer states that it is a "potential legal situation that has yet to play out."

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

WWE Investing Money in Diamond Dallas Page?

According to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the WWE has "quietly" invested money into DDP, paying for people who are experienced in rehab to help out if there are any problems.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter


  1. Doesn't Rey still sell merch? If he does, than they mine as well keep him.

  2. "When asked to comment on the contract, Mysterio broke his arm as he went to put the mic to his mouth. He will be out another 6-12 months."

  3. I feel bad the end of Rey's career isn't winding down so good. He is one of my all time favorites and had awesome runs in all 3 major promotions. I can't stand the smark hate he gets as of late, dude was a pioneer.

  4. He really was. The smark hate is awful. Dude was a major part in helping establish the Smackdown brand.

  5. All with that jump into the cage.

  6. Flair taking Ziggler under his wing and managing him is clearly his best use at this point. Flair might give him a little bit of the credibility back that he lost after jobbing to Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio 10,000 times each.

  7. Just saw a DDP infomercial today, I can see why they would pay him.

  8. He also helped carry the 3 hour Nitros with awesome matches nearly every episode. He put Jericho on the map bit time in WCW. I can't wait until the network goes through his time in ECW, it is really something to see.

  9. If only there was another masked Mexican star that WWE could get some merch money out of.....

  10. We know this, Ziggler knows this, Flair knows this... WWE knows this... which is why Flair will be paired with the Miz.


  11. While I have no particular hate for any of those 3 wrestlers, I would be fine with all 3 of them retiring to be honest.

  12. Hey, don't bad mouth the company while under contract.

  13. Yeah, each one to a varying degree is starting to get sad.

  14. Rey's knees must be completely gone at this point. For his own good, he should quit

  15. "Hey kids, you know he can't go right?"

  16. Rather see that then him being in a wheelchair.

  17. UT: Retirement time. Don't come back just to put on one last DUD at WM31.
    Flair: Manager, fine. Just keep him out of the damn bars.
    Mysterio: What is up with "old" wrestlers in the news today? Another long, great career, another needed retirement.
    DDP: Kudos to WWE. Anyone doubting their ability to do good things is truly a jaded ass. Now if they could do good things with the on-air product... ;)

  18. It's not so much hate, but more of being concerned.

  19. I think his legend is solid. Does he really get hate? Most of it is jokes about his constant injuries, which probably stems from how we all want him to retire with his health somewhat intact.

  20. Undertaker, time for your career to just rest in peace.

  21. 80% that, 20% his offense is so damn... "weak" now. He's not a "believable" opponent for anyone larger than, say... 260-270 lbs. now? Not without some rather exposing spots, at least.

  22. By that logic you could say CM Punk and Daniel Bryan don't look believable against 260-270 lb. opponents.

  23. I hear they are keeping Rey just so they can remake Unbreakable, with Rey playing Mr a Glass.

  24. Someone explain this Rey thing to me. Vince thought they didn't get their money out of him? So he renews Rey's contract and then is going to sit him on the bench?

  25. It's not just the look, it's the offense used by the wrestlers. Rey's high-risk based stuff is weaker than Bryan/Punk's striking/submission based stuff, IMO.

  26. Given that DDP has worked miracles in not only keeping Hall and Roberts alive, but actually getting them (relatively) healthy, that's no surprise.

  27. Flair and Ziggler is a horrible pairing.

  28. I have a feeling that part of the hate is because he was #30 at the Royal Rumble, and not some other particular guy.

  29. Speaking of Flair, I read a hilarious interview with him being literally dumbfounded that Bryan went over HHH at 30. And it wasn't some kayfab interview either.

  30. I'd like to see him get healthy enough to give it one last go at WM in a match with someone who can carry him to a decent showing without having to use a lot of high impact moves. A "respect match" with Cena would be great if Taker can go.

  31. Knuckleberry PinnJune 6, 2014 at 7:30 AM

    I need a link like I need air.

  32. He will use him in some way to squeeze a few more bucks out him.

  33. And that he interrupted the promo of the new favorite BNB.

  34. That would be funny if it was true.


  36. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 6, 2014 at 7:35 AM

    I said this on another board. They should do the :"Knightfall" storyline. Undertaker picks a wrestler (Roman Reigns comes to mind) as his avatar, trains him and he goes over Lesnar.
    Maybe they do a few tag matches together and then Taker puts him over in his last match and pass the torch. That would MAKE Reigns.

  37. Wrestlers at various points get possessed by Taker.

  38. This company is really turning into WCW now.

  39. No, the anti Rey sediment has been building for some time no.

  40. You already have like 72 useless posts in this thread, making a run at jobber today?

  41. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 6, 2014 at 7:38 AM

    Give Reigns Takers old "Ministry of Dakness" look. IT would be badass:

  42. He's also remaking the film The Village as an ironman blindfold match starring Emma with no opponent. Rowan Wyatt cameos.

  43. Outside of those 2 instants, I haven't seen any. Could it be because he can be like Cena from time to time?

  44. The WWE remake of The Happening starring digitally inserted footage of Gorilla Monsoon is due 2016.

  45. A remake of the Sixth Sense that is Rey watching the network and he keeps repeating "I see dead people."

  46. " Undertaker picks a wrestler (Roman Reigns comes to mind) as his avatar"

    Then he could have a triple threat match at Wrestlemania against HHH's avatar and Vince's avatar.

  47. I would like to see that as well.

  48. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 6, 2014 at 7:40 AM

    I thought it was because the fans felt Rey went over wrestlers that he shouldn't have. Could be wrong though.

  49. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 6, 2014 at 7:41 AM

    Yeah. That's what I thought.

  50. ... Because they gave 1 more year to a guy who has been a strong draw and a loyal employee for them for over a decade, and can still sell lots of merch? *THAT* makes them WCW?? You're really reaching.

  51. Yep, quantity does NOT equal quality.

  52. No, how they are paying him to sit on the bench.

  53. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 6, 2014 at 7:43 AM

    That actually doesn't bother me in the least. Better than Vince and Taker getting in the ring at this point.
    They should be using their influent to get over people anyway. This is where I hope HHH is going with Rollins.

  54. If this is about Vince rewarding a guy for one more year thats fine. Yet that is not the vibe I'm getting from a "potential legal situation that has yet to play out."

  55. This isn't exactly a Leaping Lanny Poffo scenario...

  56. I would give then an extra point just for the pathos of that comment.

  57. Well, in retrospect...

  58. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 6, 2014 at 7:44 AM

    But there are only 55 comments (including mine) at the time lol

  59. They were booing Rey at MSG at RR 2008 against Edge, and have been booing him consistantly ever since. I'm not sure why, I'm guessing "worn out his welcome".

  60. Rollins should have been Taker's avatar. Then he could have brought back his "Keep Rollins Rollins Rollins" theme song.

  61. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 6, 2014 at 7:45 AM

    Too bad they couldn't have pulled the trigger on that mask idea they had for Wrestlemania.

  62. Given what DDP has apparently managed to accomplish with Jake Roberts and Scott, two of the most notorious substance abusers in wrestling history, I think it's great that WWE is investing in him.

    And given how old and decrepit he looked in his last match, I sincerely hope WM XXX was in fact Undertaker's last match.

  63. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 6, 2014 at 7:46 AM

    Nah, I want him to dress up like a young HHH and come to the ring spitting water.

  64. Don't forget the girdle.

  65. Or he could be part of an evil force, they could call his stable "Revenge of the Seth".

    (I am on fire today!! *self high five*

  66. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 6, 2014 at 7:47 AM

    "That's what Lita said after servicing the entire lockerroom and giving them the clap?"

  67. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 6, 2014 at 7:48 AM

    I'd like to see him work with the Undertaker.

  68. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 6, 2014 at 7:48 AM

    Yes...we are going full retard.

  69. It annoys me too. I think the hate comes from his repetitive offense in recent years. He basically runs through the same 3 or 4 spots. But he's a legend, unquestionably.

  70. I didn't see Signs. The baddies are are grey, wrinkled and defeated by simple drinking water. How about Ric Flair, Scott Hall, Jake Roberts...

  71. Yeah....the audience was uh...dead. No pop whatsoever

  72. One that was overlooked: The Road Warriors turning on Sting in 1988, then punctuating their heel turn by stabbing Dusty Rhodes in the eye with a spike when he confronted them

  73. ANYTHING involving Linda McMahon deserves mention among the worst

  74. You know what? He did.

  75. What I loved about the 1990 angle is how Ole basically just told him really calmly: "Sting.....It's OVER. You're not a Horseman anymore" - then of course, the beatdown ensued

  76. But Mr. McMahon called me into his office and HE FIRED MY butt.

  77. That was Sting's fault. Sting should have left the ring, but he thought he and Flair were buddies. Come on Ric talk some sense into Ole. And then boom --

  78. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 6, 2014 at 8:36 AM

  79. I think his daughter broke/injured her leg on one.

  80. If so, that sucks a lot. We're still dealing with mom's broken ankle five months later. She had surgery, they put a plate and screws in the ankle... it's "healed", but the swelling isn't going anywhere just yet. We're approaching the "early limit" on when the swelling might start going down, but it could be another half year before it finally subsides.

    She's mostly in a wheelchair scooter, she does walk a little (bathroom, mainly), but it's painful.

  81. I'm guessing someone did, having seen how every trampoline video ever ends.

  82. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 6, 2014 at 10:29 AM

    jordan has been there since the beginning of nxt

  83. That one was weird. They were turned back good-guy in just a couple months. I was said that MidEx were practically made to look like jobbers in losing the belts to them. People while about savage never beating Hogan, but did Eaton and Lane (or the Godwins) ever get a clean win over Hawk and Animal? Why don't people rip on them?

  84. that I'm thinking about it:

    Did Scott turn heel on Caliber, or vice versa? I mean after all, Scott never "picked up the phone"....

  85. Mojo Rawley really needs a new finishing move.

  86. No love for the Bo Dallas video?

  87. TRAMAPOLINE! That episode is so brilliant - the bit that always cracks me up for some reason:
    "Mr Simpson, it smells funny in there!"
    "No it doesn't."

  88. I just can't take Mojo's ass-based moveset seriously. Like Scott used to write about HHH USING THE KNEE, maybe Mojo could be USING THE ASS.

  89. Thankfully the tag division picks up some stream in the coming weeks. Jordan and Dillinger might consider a heel turn though.

  90. Well the XPress were jobbed out unfortunately at the height of their for the Godwinns, well....they sucked. They never SHOULD have gotten a clean win over Hawk & Animal.

  91. Maybe Darren, but they also then shouldn't have been put up against them so many times to LOSE.

  92. Well that I can agree didnt help their cause.

  93. Bret Hart did, and that was 20 years ago... so kinda old days.

  94. But how often did individual fans see a title defense? I feel like it was maybe once per month.

  95. I remember Lawler just embarrassing JR on commentary during the Hell in the Cell where JR was ripping on HBK for hitting undertaker with a steel chair and how that isn't what a ref is supposed to do and Lawler brings up HBK getting spit in the face and Hart bringing the chair into the ring and JR just shut up for about a minute.

    JR's over the top love for babyfaces and hatred for heels was very annoying in 1997.

  96. This was absolutely my first thought when reading the review. Glad to see I wasn't the only one.

  97. I appreciate the attempt to capture me so fantastically, but the whole ordeal was weird. It was like an homage, but still trying to make fun of me, I didn't really get it.

    Also, good money is the other guy is The Fuj. He's the only one with enough love for his boy Caliber to do the job.

  98. To be honest, it was originally supposed to be a Black Scorpion type of deal with a different person as the "Caliber Character" every day but it kind of went no where as expected. There was a 3rd person I think, no idea who it was though

    And it was never meant to be mean spirited so I hope you didnt take it that way, although I could see how it could be taken that way


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