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BoD Daily Update

Other Matches Currently Planned for Money in the Bank

Matches that are currently scheduled to take place are:

Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose
Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns
Rusev vs. Mark Henry

Credit David Bixenspan, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

Future Matches for Roman Reigns?

Right now, the plan is for Reigns to face Seth Rollins at Battleground then to go up against HHH at SummerSlam.

Credit David Bixenspan, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

Jim Ross Update

Ross, who was hospitalized on Thursday night, tweeted that he was hopeful to go home today. He has undergone a battery of tests that have all turned out negative so far.

Credit Wade Keller,

Tamina Snuka Update

Tamina has underwent surgery on her knee and is expected to be out for six months.

Credit Dave Meltzer,


  1. Those are 3 solid matches. And I completely forgot about a PPV between MITB and SummerSlam. WWE really needs to overhaul their PPVs/Specials.

  2. Add Harper & Rowan vs. Usos and the MiTB match and you have a solid card.

    I wonder what happens with Cena and Wyatt? Do they wrestle again or are they in the MiTB match.

  3. Considering no else really matches up with Bray right now and Bray/Cena again would be death, I'd bet on them both being in MITB. And I'd also bet a ton of money on Bray winning.

  4. I hope to christ they do not do Cena vs. Kane though.

  5. I would love to know how they consider Kane a top guy again. By what possible metric does he deserve to be in top programs again?

  6. I'm guessing the push is the result of his movie coming out because I cannot think of anything else

  7. Think I figured it out. Brock ends the streak. He wins the title very soon. He is unstoppable. Meanwhile THEDEMONKANE is equally as unstoppable. But at wrestlemania kanes team got beat by the shield in like a minute. The only logical way kane could get so good after wrestlemania is if undertaker channelled his powers into kane and together they make one unstoppable DEMON. And there's your wrestlemania main event next year simple as that.

  8. I like how a lot of people wanted to see Seth with the world title when he turned heel, but now it seems he's only there to make Roman look good.

  9. Shesel has a bad leg?! The Kevin Nash comparisons never stop!

  10. Kind of curious to see what they do with Ambrose.

  11. I'm sure that's how WWE wants it, too. September will probably see him facing Rollins and Ambrose. I would have Reigns face both of them at SummerSlam in two separates single matches, and when he wins, he gets Triple H through the fall.

  12. I am all in to watch Rollins vs. Ambrose. I hope it gets enough time to develop into a solid match.
    This Rusev thing can not end fast enough for me. Remember Kozlov? Flashbacks are what I'm having right now.

  13. The presentation alone with Rusev makes him better than Kozlov.

  14. From the looks of that layout, Ambrose will lose at MITB, and Reigns will win at Battleground, then probably beat HHH at Summerslam. Really predictable. I dunno, maybe it's just b/c their babyface run was so hot and they were more over as a team than ever before, but I have a bad feeling this Shield breakup is going to fall apart dramatically. Things will keep up fine while they're feuding with each other, but if the Summerslam match is focused strictly around Reigns/HHH and not The Shield/Evolution, things may not go how they want them to.

  15. I think Kane has been around so long and they know he's dependable, that sometimes they will rotate him in for a while.

  16. Who is David Bixenspan? Just curious, as I've honestly never heard of him.

  17. Rusev vs. Henry? That's terrible. Turn Mark into the monster heel again. WWE needs heels right now.

  18. I'm sure Roman will get the immediate big push of the trio, but I'm sure Ambrose and Rollins will get their opportunities later down the line and they just need to be patient.

  19. Apparently, Alvarez has him doing the news columns in the F4W Newsletter now. Guess he is all about the radio shows

  20. HHH can cause Reigns to lose against Rollins by interference to set up their SummerSlam match

  21. .... Heels like Rusev, who is gonna go over Mark Henry?

  22. For a board that keeps begging WWE to push new guys, I don't get the hate for Rusev right now. Maybe he'll turn into another Tensai/Kozlov... or maybe he'll be the next UU-MMAAGGAA, who was quite over and effective in his WWE prime.

  23. evil foreigner heels were passe in the 80's. It's 2014

  24. Yeah, if he was a big, scary foreign guy, it would be fine, but JINGOISM! is going to rile up the crowd.

  25. Heels like Henry, who would actually get a reaction from the crowd other than apathetic silence.

  26. All these black dudes Rusev is ploughing through need to form the Nation of Domination ASAP

  27. The weirdest thing about Rusev is that Vince believes there are no down-the-line heels or faces because nobody in 2014 is completely good or bad...yet it's 2014 and he apparently believes Americans and Russians still hate each other.

  28. Of course Rusev is going to wrestle Mark Henry. Once Rusev wins that, I think he'll have gone through every black wrestler on the roster, and he should go right to the other end of the colour chart and wrestle Sheamus for the US Title. It seems to make sense the way they're going with the xenophobic stuff.

  29. Bix. He posts at prowrestlingonly. Did some work for Scott's book, but they had a falling out. He was really into Benoit's death and is friends with Punk

  30. Racist Rusev! It's just a terrible, terrible joke at this point.

    Probably good for Tamina to go away for a while. She was directionless without AJ.

  31. I'm thinking maybe a feud with Darren Young when he returns. You know the whole Russia "gay propaganda" law debate.

  32. They sort of do, don't they? Maybe not the populations of both nations, but we are in the midst of a new chill in U.S.-Russian relations.

  33. The only heel foreigner gimmick that was unique and could've been bigger was Muhammed Hassan. Of course, they quickly ditched his "I'm really an American and people are racist again me" shtick and turned him into a generic sympathizer. Still, if they are going to do an evil foreigner, it has to be THAT sort of gimmick and not something out of Europe.

    Then again, maybe something from China would work too. Yokozuna was sort of the embodiment of fears that Japan was taking over the U.S. in the 1980s and 1990s.

  34. Needs more Big Show to really put butts in the seats!

  35. Fine. Turns out big shows father was actually Paul bearer. The one bossman drug in the coffin was a SWERVE and show just wanted to keep his true fathers identity secret...... till now. And he will never forgive kane for how he and taker treated his father over the years. He tells kane he was always the bigger and better son. Make show the referee of the wrestlemania main event. LIKE HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN AT WM15..... see that continuity. And boom there is your next boom period of wrestling right there.

  36. Has more to do with Putin and less to do with Russia. We're far past that point.

  37. Rusev continues his racism!

  38. MITB: Eh, not bad.
    Reigns: The crowd is gonna go bonkers when Reigns finally gets his hands on Rollins. Same for Ambrose.
    JR: Hope all goes well
    Tamina: K.

  39. Maybe he just saw Red Dawn?

  40. Rusev is new and inexperienced, and doesn't have much heat. That's fine and all, and he can learn how to be a heel while he wrestles.

    Henry is a proven star. He gets reactions. WWE can use a generic monster heel, which is why they CONSTANTLY go back to Kane. Henry can fill this role as well. Assuming he is healthy...use him. He's been off-camera long enough that people have probably forgotten Shield took Henry out a while ago. So he's still fresh for Reigns and whoever else is heading to the top of the card. Henry has his limitations, but he can still put people over.

  41. Vince is so slow on current events that the USA vs. Russia/USSR thing works again due to the Crimea annexation.

  42. Darren Young could be available, and JTG, and Titus.

  43. They would get super over if that happened.

  44. Rusev :That's what I do!

  45. Come on, Cena never embraced the hate.

  46. Good, now WWE will have a new batch of fans to tell who Snuka's dad was.

  47. MaffewOfBotchamaniaJune 7, 2014 at 3:15 PM

    Legit hyped for Rusev vs. Henry.

    Big guys tossing each other around?


  48. He's a jobber squash monster who finishes with a terrible Camel Clutch. Just have him put Cena over at a down PPV already and be done with it.

  49. Darren know how Putin feels about the gays.

  50. The original.

  51. I'd mark like a mofo if Simmons came out with all of them and that music.

  52. I think people take the "no faces and heels" thing waaaay too literally.

  53. if you can't beat him, join them: black Russian stable.

  54. That's actually a smart move on his part, as audio is probably the way to go now, versus the newsletters. By the time a newsletter is published (even if it's available online) the major story of the week has been covered elsewhere, so readers are basically just looking for analysis from Meltzer, Alvarez, Keller, or whomever. That was something that Keller was really smart about years ago.

  55. You're just in it for the botching....


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