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John Cena Update

After being injured from a headbutt by Bray Wyatt at a house show this weekend, Cena is still dealing with swelling around his eye. He is not expected to miss any time, however.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Miz Update

The Miz returned to action Friday night at the house show in Detroit, losing to Sheamus. Before the match, Miz cut a promo calling himself the "WWE's resident movie star" and compared himself to George Clooney and Christian Bale.



  1. You do realize that he WANTS us to roll our eyes when he says those things, right?

  2. Miz has been gone?

  3. I'm pretty sure he wants us to boo the shit out of him.

  4. He's never gone from our hearts.

  5. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 12:10 PM

    Come on. You haven't heard the crowds chanting, "We want Miz!"?

  6. Maybe 2K15 is going to be different, but historically, there has never been a created wrestler that didn't immediately look like a created wrestler in any WWE game. You can't make them look as good as the scanned body models of the actual wrestlers do.

  7. I think he'd get over his AJ hate for the right paycheck.

  8. I bought the NES "WCW Wrestling" video game specifically because Michael PS Hayes was in it. (ok, that is not true at all.)

  9. I HATED Miz as a face, but I've always thought this was the one segment he had in this role that was effective. Just manned up and took Brock on head-on, no smirking, no trying to be cute, even though he knew he was gonna get his ass kicked. I think if they had tried more stuff in this vein with him, he probably would've garnered a tad more sympathy.

  10. The worst is TNA getting one of the Highlanders fired.

  11. Anyone else watching the live E3 coverage on Spike?

  12. Definitely all for a lame grab for attention on their part.

  13. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 12:28 PM

    what do you mean "our" alphabet?

    why you gotta be different and have your own alphabet?

  14. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 12:31 PM

    a quick read of your post comes across as "They paid $350,000 SEX"

  15. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 12:32 PM

    um, he's marrying her


  16. Aw shit, I've been found out!

  17. Sorry if already here, but report from SEScoops that Bryan will NOT be cleared for MITB:

  18. Original War Games at the Omni

  19. This and advertising. If Foley is in the game they can put Mankind, Dude and Cactus on the advertised roster.

  20. Not right now...what's coming up?

  21. What says that their relations are the "hate fuck" variety?


  22. Yep. Congratulations to John Cena.

  23. I even think The Miz as a babyface could work (he was starting to get face pops in the summer of 2012 - although not 100% sure about the date here?!). but it for a "douchebag heel" to turn into "cool, douchebag face" (like The Rock, who not surprisingly is The Miz' favorite wrestler ever) it has to be a lot more organically and less forced.

  24. so his new name is gonna be "Z-Man"?

  25. EA's presentation just ended. It was meh.

  26. Every night? You've clearly never been married.

  27. AND WHOSE SIDE IS HE ON?!?!?!?!?

  28. WM 20 main event. Also Angle/HBK at 21... I was at 19 also so whatever the best match there was.

  29. Yeah. I feel like I'd be better served just reading roundup articles at the end of each day.

  30. Watching on twitch, nothing of interest so far. Very poor from Microsoft.

  31. It'd be an awesome spot if he got to the top of the ladder but couldn't see it because of his injured eye.

  32. ??? Uh, that there is no way I'd believe him besting anyone other than Bryan for the title? And who would he defend against? Rey Mysterio? You can't tell me that this skin and bones is believable defender to Cesaro, Orton, Batista, or even Swagger. There's a reason Cena and Batista are title bait. They look like they can hurt someone. A tiny dude like Rollins doesn't. Your question is a bit disingenuous me thinks.

  33. How far that company has fallen..

  34. The problem is, do you think that there isn't anyone in the world of pro wrestling who's better than him and could draw that salary. If not, fine. If there is? Why not go get the better guy?

  35. Speaking of, I'm trying to think of someone else who made more $ and lasted so long in the business that was originally just supposed to be a brief, one-off character

    Dude rocked that gimmick for years and years in japan when it shouldn't have even made it past Fall Brawl 96

  36. Eddie vs Angle, 2 out of 3 falls.

  37. With Bryan's injury, and the fact that he supposedly has arm issues POST surgery, is it possible his career might be over?

  38. Last week, my paper had an interview with Gail Kim to promote TNA's NYC shows.

    Check out who left a comment today!

  39. did you all make the Cena jokes so I don't have to? Don't really feel like reading all the comments so I'm going to go on faith that you all took care of this

  40. I was reading this as if they are doing some first-run SNME'S, but now I infer they are just the reruns being posted. Sorry, you all can continue on.

  41. It picks up. WCW had this thing about prelim matches on ppv for some reason. I guess trying to be like boxing

  42. The story has been linked to on a bunch of TNA newz sites - must be a slow TNA week - so I feel like I've arrived.

  43. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 9, 2014 at 5:18 PM

    With the belt saying this to him:

  44. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 9, 2014 at 5:20 PM

    I would agree with that partially, but there have been some shockingly bad game models.

    Booker T a few years back, for example. They were definitely better versions of him available online.

  45. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 9, 2014 at 5:22 PM

    Honest to God, put him in for a few weeks.

    You're telling me Hogan dressed up in the Shield get-up and attempting to jump the rail wouldn't be funny?

    Reigns and Ambrose would have to lift him up in the Triple Powerbomb position and place him over the guardrail like a child.

  46. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 9, 2014 at 5:24 PM

    "Y'KNOW SOMETHIN', BROTHERS.... *diminished pop*... Let me tell ya, dude... My new found brothers, the Shield.... We got the wheels rollin' like a house on fire! We got traction, and we're ohhh! Hot and spicy, dude!

    And if those creeps from Evolution, if that's what ya callin' yaselves, brothers.... If those creeps wanna try Hogan's Shield, dude, then you better STEP UP, JACK!"

  47. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 9, 2014 at 5:25 PM

    I honestly think he can't do the big boot anymore.

    Hook the guy up to those invisible strings and lift him slowly, and place him down for the Legdrop of Doom.

  48. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 9, 2014 at 5:27 PM

    Heels make me angry, upset, and want to type a load of smack on the internet.

  49. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 9, 2014 at 5:27 PM


  50. My buddy met him in LA during his run as WWE champ, and said he was surprisingly cool.

  51. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 9, 2014 at 7:05 PM

    Lies. He never wanted Miz, either.

  52. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 9, 2014 at 7:12 PM

    Why doesn't this have a billion upvotes? WHY?!?

  53. The biggest heel in that segment is Paul Heyman for stopping Brock's devouring of Miz's carcass.

  54. IT really isn't. Size is irreverent.

    Which is why Rey mysterio has beaten Big show, Kane, and a host of other big men. It's all about the performance. Rollins is a great performer he can beat, Ceasro, Orton, and Batista.

    If all you needed to be over was to be big. Batastia, Khali,Diesel, and all the other useless slugs employed over the years would have been big draws.

    Also a man who's 5'8 can beat a man who's 6'5 in a fight. Technique, leverage, and skill will play a part.

  55. Is it possible? Sure. Would I bet on it, no. But behind that, I was raised that the little guys were jobbers. I bought HBK as a heel because he was always running away. He KNEW there was an asskicking coming. I'm just not as interested in seeing the small guys. Like I said, I like the larger than life characters. Even loved Diesel, couldn't care less about his work rare or move set. That dude made me wanna tune in.

  56. Yes and Diesel managed record low ratings. In short he was boring tall to be sure but boring. Also does this mean you didn't watch when both Bret and Shawn beat Diesel? Or when Shawn went on a tear beating all kinds of bigger guys?

    Your entitled to your opinion. I just hate the mentality that bigger means better it usually doesn't'. If it did Khali, Big show and Kane would of been on top lately. As opposed to Cm Punk, Daniel Byran and Rey.


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