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BoD Evening Thread - Tuesday Edition

Sorry for the lateness, as I encountered internet issues this evening. 

The Network HAD Main Event Live tonight, followed by all new Wrestlemania Rewind and Countdown.

NBA Finals Game 3 underway.

Get it on!


  1. Heat are going to go up 2-1 tonight.

  2. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 7:17 PM

    God I hate this part of the sports calendar. Thank fuck for the World Cup.

  3. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 7:18 PM

    I'm sorry, but how do people watch soccer? It's more boring than baseball.

  4. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 7:18 PM

    No... it's AS boring as baseball, but not more.

  5. If the spurs don't win one of these next 2, its over.

  6. Baseball, soccer, golf. All boring as shit.

  7. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 7:19 PM

    I like soccer. I know it's slow, I don't care.

  8. So gonna do my Fire Pro tourney tonight, which will be my CAW burying 15 people needlessly. PLACE YOUR BETS.

    MATCH A: Kevin Nash vs My personal CAW
    MATCH B: Low Ki vs Bret Hart
    MATCH C: Rikidozan vs Aleksandr Karelin
    MATCH D: Rickson Gracie vs Mirko Cro Cop
    MATCH E: Great Muta vs Jushin Liger
    MATCH F: Chris Daniels (as Curry Man) vs Hiroshi Tanahashi
    MATCH G: Eddie Guerrero vs Daniel Bryan
    MATCH H: AJ Styles vs Petey Williams

  9. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 7:20 PM

    Different strokes, my man.

  10. 500ft home runs > goooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllll

  11. Stranger in the AlpsJune 10, 2014 at 7:21 PM

    HBK-Cena from WM 23 on Rewind tonight.

  12. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 7:21 PM

    Golf doesn't even deserve to be in that conversation. At least baseball and soccer are sports, golf is a game, like darts or checkers.

  13. Why are you screwing Nash?

  14. The hype around it bothers me. I guess now that I don't watch ESPN unless a baseball or basketball game is on, I won't have to.

  15. Nash screwed Nash.

  16. That match pissed me off. I really wanted Michaels to win.

  17. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 7:22 PM

    I'm asking a serious question. Like, soccer highlights are awesome, but how do you put up the boredom of the other 87 minutes?

  18. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 7:23 PM

    I live in country that hypes up exactly ONE sport (hockey), so it doesn't really affect me.

  19. Caw
    Cro cop

  20. Stranger in the AlpsJune 10, 2014 at 7:23 PM

    What about 0-0 TIES??

  21. I'm watching no way out 2000 and game 3 at the same time. 2014 is a solid era for life

  22. I think the Raw match was the perfect time for Cena drop the belt.

  23. December 1990. Yea what a weird paring

  24. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 7:24 PM

    I like to read while I watch shit on TV so it works for me. Other people... I don't know.

  25. I think it makes a connection with people because everyone has played it at some point.

  26. That match was so awesome watching live. We went nuts in my dorm.

  27. Fuck the world cup.

  28. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 7:25 PM

    Sorry kid, I know it's fucking up your country but I'm still gonna watch. Can't help it.

  29. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 7:25 PM

    That too. Fuck ties, all games should end when they're fucking done. And soccer is the only sport that hasn't figured that out, even the NFL doesn't allow ties in the playoffs.

  30. That was a solid show. Certainly not the best 2000 had to offer but the main event is obviously the shit.

  31. It's probably Cena's best match along Punk/Cena MITB.

  32. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 7:26 PM

    I actually miss ties in hockey now. Shootouts are fucking stupid and gimmicky.

  33. 2000,WWF's high point,WCW's bottom of the pit.

  34. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 7:26 PM

    That's how I feel about baseball, you can watch it while doing something else and not miss anything.

  35. I have no problem people watching,I hate the fact that people got throwed of their houses because of the staduims.

  36. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 7:27 PM

    Yeah that's pretty dumb, especially in country that doesn't exactly have a soccer-stadium shortage, from what I gather.

  37. Not just that,the police abuse that people are taking in the protests.

  38. Had a couple good ones with Edge and DBry too. Would probably round out his top 5 with those.

  39. Might as well post this here, any thoughts on who Goldust's partner will be next week?

  40. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 7:29 PM

    There was an article on Deadspin about how pretty much no one wants the next winter Olympics (the next one up for bid, 2022 I think), because it costs too much.

  41. Yup. WWFs worst PPV that year was probably KotR and it was still better than any WCW PPV.

  42. He would be a beloved babyface if he showed some vulnerabilty,the ring work is solid.

  43. At least Booker T had some reigns as champion.

  44. :sighs:
    Busy day, miss any flame wars?

  45. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 7:30 PM

    For all us Americans complain about the cops, we really get off easy compared to some other places.

  46. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 7:30 PM

    Sadly, no.

  47. It just a way to call private company.That what these events are doing.

  48. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 7:31 PM

    Americans fucking complain about EVERYTHING

  49. So some really good conversing in the threads I see.

  50. Yeah, the argument that he's not a good wrestler is an outdated one, like you said he just doesn't ever sell an ass kicking.

  51. Yeah a little E&C vs the Hardy's, Jericho vs Angle, radicals vs 2cool and the main event make it one of these randomly great shows

  52. I think is more of a WWE booking problem,not 100% his.

  53. Well, he does make goofy faces.

  54. Aren't you on vacation?

  55. Yep, live from Disney World!

  56. I liked ties in college football. Sue me

  57. I remember when Faarooq completely fucked up the dominator.

  58. Why are you sighing in Disneyland?

  59. God that elephant mask was scary to me as a kid.

  60. Angle singing "I am the champion" is still a funny moment,Angle's comedy has really aged well.

  61. There's nothing he does on the field that Jose Reyes doesn't celebrate is there?

  62. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 7:35 PM

    Yeah, it's all kickbacks and shit. There's a good chance that FIFA will pull Qatar's 2022 bid because of corruption (FIFA and corruption, who knew, right), and most cities are just saying "fuck this" because it leaves them with a bunch of shit they'll never use again. Athens is filled with stadiums and arenas from the 2000 Olympics that they have no use for and can't afford to pull down, so they just sit there.

  63. Had to push a family member in a wheelchair in the hot Florida sun all day, takes the happiness out of you after a while.

  64. Spurs can eat shit but what great passing on that play.

  65. I barely watched. I just remember reading that he had won the title (many times) and watching Nitro once in a blue moon. I'd stopped watching WCW consistently in mid 99.

  66. It's a joke.

  67. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 7:36 PM

    It worked there, as long as it wasn't a bowl or conference championship game.

  68. Just leave them behind?

  69. Any plans to tour the studios in Universal where TNA tapes?

  70. Forogt to mention my Fire Pro Toruney was the Barbed Wire c4 deathmatch deal, jsut to make things more interesting. Nash gets KTFOed by the C4 going off in the 10th minute and my CAW advances. Not a bad performance by Nash, really. He used a torture rack and everything!

    Low Ki/Bret Hart next, and boy, if Bret was unconcussed in 2003 he would've compalined about this match in his book.

  71. Its sad how you had abeyance had that falling out...

  72. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 7:37 PM

    I take it you're Canadian?

  73. Sadly no, one day I'd like to hit both that one day and an NXT taping.

  74. Mike Aww sounds like he'll win it.

  75. Meh I hate the spurs

  76. I'm all for ties if it's not a playoff game. If it's regular season and the horn ends with a tied score then game over.

  77. How long are you on vacation for? The week? Is Disney as awesome as they make it seem to be?

  78. Not when everything was prepaid for.

  79. You sir are dead to me.

  80. Leonard has his pants down and is fully Number #2ing all over the Heat's faces.

  81. All the more reasons

  82. Giiiiiinnnnnnnnooooooobbbbbbbbbbbbllllllliiiiiiii

  83. I've been there many times, and yes, it's awesome.
    I'll be back to a regular schedule next Tuesday night.

  84. Spurs gonna put up 164.

  85. Vader and Luger handled the Number 8 tag team in the top ten with ease.

    Were Vader and Luger managed by Race at the same time in late 91-92?

  86. 1. The game is the closest sport that resembles chess, and it takes incredible finesse to become a great player.

    2. Due to its deep history and peoples' national pride, a lot rides on soccer games.

    Hence, Americans don't care about it, and rightfully so. Believe me, out of context, nobody cares about American football and it's not terribly exciting to us either.

    Now - even as an Australian - I have never understood the appeal of cricket. Only like, seven countries play it, and it has the dumbest rules of any sport; "you have to bowl using a certain method" as opposed to "as long as the ball bounces once, it's cool". It's way worse than baseball.

  87. San Antonio just destroying Miami. Keep this up boys

  88. TJ:I made a title belt in FPWR,the CNW(comissão nacional de wrestling) world title.

    The match to crown the first champion was Tanahashi vs Ishii.Tanahashi won after a Dragon Suplex.

    Tanahashi defended the title against Vader.It was a war,for 15 minutes these guys did everything they could to win.In the end,Vader won with a powerbomb.

    He'll defend the title Thrusday against one of those three.

    Bret Hart
    Eddie Guerrero.

  89. Sounds like a fun week for you. You aren't missing much in the BoD world. I finally got the new clothes for Sora in KH II and went to Hollow Bastion and got my magic back. Now I have to go to some bailey?

  90. And I have a heart condition, so my sister needs a ride buddy. The family member that couldn't walk was the answer.

  91. Which heart condition do you have?

  92. Yep, you'll meet some old friends.

  93. Chael Sonnen?

  94. 1)Too much eurotrash
    2)Enough with popovich, we get it you're a prick
    3)Duncan has always annoyed me
    4)they beat my team in the playoffs last year
    5)my team sucks so I adopted Kobe as my guy back in 96 as a kid and I don't want Duncan getting as many rings as him
    6)I'd rather see the heat repeat so when gs beats them next year its more historical

  95. I wish I had the time to make more CAWs in Fire Pro. I only have around 20 made.

  96. Tricuspid artisia(pardon spelling), it's a birth defect where I was born without a tricuspid valve.

  97. That 1st Q reminded me of the first two games in against okc a few years ago where the thunder won but the spurs offense was off the charts in game 1 and 2

  98. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 7:44 PM

    I was being serious, the corruption in these IOC/FIFA deals is just astounding, and every city in the last 20 years that held a Olympics or WC is worse off. Some like "maybe we shouldn't have done that" (Vancouver, London), and some like "now, we're fucked" (Athens, Beijing, South Africa).

  99. Low Ki advances over Bret Hart in the FPW tourney via explosion KO. Bret was toast regardless, he ate like three Ki Krushers beforehand.

    Next: Rikidozan v Aleksandr Karelin (AKA the inventor of the No Mercy Russian Neck Drop)

  100. I only made one so far,Me.

    I'm using a DDT,German Suplex as my finishers.

  101. Spurs are a lot better now than in 2012.

  102. St. Louis WrestlingJune 10, 2014 at 7:45 PM

    This was at a time where Vader was fairly new on the scene, many thought Vader was coming in as a monster heel but the heels found out he wasn't on their side.

  103. I have a bicuspid aortic valve and aortic stenosis. How do they treat yours?

  104. Not quite. Vader took Race as A manager at the start of 92, and Luger was technically there until February, but Luger only wrestler one match that year (Superbrawl with Sting).

    So Luger and Vader never really interacted as stablemates. In fact, Luger eliminated Vader to win the first ring battle royal at Starrcade (that Sting eventually won).

  105. I know,the organization for these thing are awful,Rio is gonna suffer even more with Olympic games.


  107. What's the best UK PPV to check out on the Network?

  108. Everyone should listen to part 2 of Vader's interview on the Steve Austin podcast.

  109. One Night Stand? There's a Rebellion I think is pretty good too. Not sure which though.

  110. I had to have two open heart surgeries by the age of 3, for the rest I have to take 2 pills every morning.

  111. Okay, this Rebellion then. Haha.

  112. Rock/Austin, Edge/Christian cage match

  113. Yeah the spurs won't shoot 80% for a game but when a team can pass the ball around at will like this every shot will be open and in rhythm so the heat had better pull it together because the spurs might get 130 points tonight

  114. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 7:48 PM

    I side with you guys more than I side with us. I used to live in Toronto. I can see Canada from my mom's front porch.

    I'm definitely not the one you want to start this with. Hell, I'm on your side.

  115. Who better than kanyon?

    Too soon?

  116. ACE inhibitor? I'm on Enalapril 10 mg 2x a day. I had a balloon angioplasty when I was 2.

  117. Seth Rollins' heel music sucks balls.

  118. Do not watch the one night only ppv because they cut the amazing Bret Hart vs undertaker match from the show

  119. And his brand new heel attire.

  120. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 7:49 PM

    Pretty much all of WWE's music sucks.

  121. Suppose the Spurs win the title... does it make Duncan better than Kobe?

  122. Has anyone seen a movie called God's not dead,if not,avoid at all costs.

  123. I dunno, I'm digging most of their shit currently.

  124. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 7:50 PM

    I can accept that. I would certainly prefer it to the shitty shootouts they have in the NHL. Gotta have overtime though, I say 10 minutes for any sport. Maybe 5 for the NBA.

  125. With the exception of Bray's,Bryan's and The shield.

  126. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 7:50 PM

    Hey man, I didn't mean like you personally, just in general.

  127. Yes sir.

    Parker and Manu get their 4th too.

  128. I'm not big on knowing what they did again, other than redirecting stuff. All I know is I'm alive today. How scary was it for your parents?

  129. No idea, was just an infant lol

  130. Wow. I've been watching the NBA playoffs for as far back in my life as I can remember. You always get commercials for awful new TV shows that never last. I've seen tons and tons of them. The ad they just played for "how to get away with murder" could be the worst one I've ever seen.

  131. I've heard of it and read the plot, atheist professors don't do that right?

  132. When did Triple H get shorter than everyone else? How many surgeries as he had?

  133. And again Green is open and catches the ball in rhythm.

  134. Nope,it would unethical,and the teacher would be fired.

  135. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 7:52 PM

    Triple H turned into a vanilla midget so gradually, I hardly even noticed!

  136. Rikidozan miracles one over Karelin to advance to the quarterfinals. The match type favored Dozan, cause Karelin was just suplexing the dogshit out of him but couldn't get a critical, and wouldnt go for pins. Gritty effort from Dozan.

    NEXT: Rickson Gracie v Mirko Cro Cop

  137. Ah, the one plot hole.

  138. Spurs on pace to win by like 80.

  139. Rollins is taller than he is. Orton now towers over him.

  140. Duncan isn't making all those 3's are moving the ball like that. The spurs built a great team. The Lakers relied way more on Kobe

  141. What's your Caw style of fighting?

  142. Not for the first three, maybe one of the other 2.

  143. Braden Walker

  144. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 7:56 PM

    No, I didn't take it personally. And the American media will give you a very wrong perception of us, so I can't even imagine how foreign media portrays us.

    And to lump us all in together is kind of fucked up (not talking about you, but in general). Hell, people in Syracuse talk way different than we do in Buffalo, and that's a 6 hour drive in the same state, forget about someone from down south or the west coast.

  145. It's like they used music from create a wrestler mode in one of their video games.

  146. You must not have seen any of those games against San Antonio in 2001 and 2002 where Kobe shredded them to pieces. Its okay I'd block out an ass kicking like that too

  147. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 7:58 PM

    Like I said man, if you want to come to the U.S. I'll help you out.

  148. so far this is the most satisfying night of basketball in a long time

  149. 3/4 of the arena will empty out at halftime.

  150. One of my coworker's daughter wants to date me. Should I?

  151. All around hybrid. Uses a Kobashi Lariat for a finish and a good mix of power moves/strikes/indy finishers/submissions.

    Cro Cop head kick criticals Gracie to advance. Good, physical encounter. NEXT: LIGER AND MUTA BABEE!

  152. They are blowing it for someone to not close their eyes and let one go

  153. you will to quit or get transferred if it all goes south?

  154. I saw them. I'm a Spurs fan.

    It was clearly Shaq's show in the first three. Pau carried him in the series against Boston. Kobe had a horrible game 7.

  155. I'll give it to the Heat fans they are louder right now than I would have thought

  156. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 8:01 PM

    I've tried my best to even understand cricket, and... Exactly what the fuck is going on there? I picked up the rugby rules within 10 minutes of watching a match, but even with Wikipedia cricket makes NO sense.

  157. You can thanks DJ Khaled. "Kiss the ring!"

  158. In another weird pairing, Vader teamed with Ron Simmons as faces on Saturday Night in May of 1991.

  159. Despite San Antonio being up big, I fully expect Miami and the refs to turn this into a close game by the end.

  160. Mine is kinda like that,but he uses a more old school offense.My big moves are a DDT and a German suplex,which is my official critical.

  161. good time out call. don't let this start turning around

  162. I'll help in the house,we will get along just fine.

  163. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 8:02 PM

    I know, I know. People do the same thing with Canada, and it's even more extreme. Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland, these places might as well be on other fucking planets.

    But I was just generally venting frustration, 'cause it's hard to even mention soccer without people piling on and freakin' out that it's boring and they hate it. And those people are, of course, always American. But I then I bash basketball and feel better about it.

  164. I'm so settled in now that the thought of potentially having to submit resumes and doing job interviews disgusts me.

    If things get too bad I could always just take out my 401k and head to Colorado like I want to, but that would be so fucking difficult.

  165. how hot is she and what is the age difference?

  166. Lol thats so funny. How about Kobe averaging 30 5 and 5 in 2008 to beat Duncan's team in 5 games

  167. Well, it's been a while and I'm not much of a ladies man or anything, she's pretty but not out of this world hot.

    About five year's difference.

  168. Mitch, The GodfatherJune 10, 2014 at 8:04 PM

    If she ain't a dime, then don't waste your time.

  169. hmmmmm and has the co worker said anything about this to you and their feelings on you dating their daughter?

  170. Has there ever been anybody brought in from legitimate sports or entertainment who "got" wrestling as immediately as Angle did? That bit was all of 3 months into his full time tenure.

  171. Not by any means close to my House of Cards season in 48 hours, but I am moving through the new season of OITNB like Scott through Clash rants.

  172. Or maybe you liked Kobe averaging 27 7 and 6 in 2004 when he beat Duncan in 6

  173. So Eric Cantor lost tonight huh. Sucks to be him.

  174. Considering she fucking hated her ex, she's okay with it as long as I treat her right. We joke about it and she seems to still be on the fence a little bit, but she's not like completely denying me the opportunity or anything.

  175. The San Antonio Spurzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  176. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 8:07 PM

    Mr. T!

  177. It's the worst, worst, worst. Golf is more enjoyable to watch and I don't even consider that a sport.

    Controversial opinion: if golf is a sport, then so is something like NASCAR or Formula One, despite using vehicles.

  178. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 10, 2014 at 8:07 PM

    I don't hate soccer, just don't understand it. It's like hockey on heroin.

    Anyway, I've only been to the GTA and southern Ontario (did make it up to Barrie for Eden Musicfest), so I can't claim to be an expert on Canada.

  179. Not fair, his momma helped him.

  180. You watched 48 hours of TV in a row?

  181. Five years? Go for it.

    How much do you like the coworker? Cause if there's a super ugly breakup that might be a problem. But as long as you don't knock her up and leave her you'll probably be cool.

  182. Ugh, so the lead's down to 15, eh?

  183. This NBA game is like an early 90's JCP/AJPW tag team match.

  184. Muta beat Liger after the 3rd Shining Wizard finally managed to put him down. Spectacular first round show stealer, about ****1/2.

    NEXT: Curry Man v Hiroshi Tanahashi

  185. well i don't know what has or hasn't happened with this girl already but if you are feeling it I can't see that much harm in trying some dates however you might STRONGLY consider cooling it on the over night stays and anything to physical until it's more serious. If you haven't done anything to the daughter there isn't anything to get mad about if it doesn't work out


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