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BoD Payback

This has nothing to do with the WWE

Sadly, the BoD Preshow Battle Royal was cut out for time restraints and will appear tomorrow night on BoD RAW.

Welcome to BoD Payback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First, since the start time poll for BoD RAW tied between 10:35 and 11:35, vote again and the winning time will be decided at noon tomorrow.

BoD Solid B+ Player Championship
WWF1987 vs. Hart Killer 09

What an opening match this is going to be, folks. Two B+ guys competing for a B+ title on a B+ show. Heh. WWF1987 is riding on the fumes of his running off of Caliber Winfield from the BoD. He needs to step up his game if he wants to advance to the finals. Hart Killer 09 is a favorite to win this tournament as many of posters came up to him with a tear in their eye and have said that he is by far the greatest B+ poster off all-time. Hart Killer has been telling people that he is more than just a guy who makes fun of Bret Hart. He also hates people who cut in line and loathes Jam Bands. Anyway, this match starts with both guys taking it to the mat. Hart Killer works the leg until WWF1987 reaches the ropes. According to Wade Michael Meltzer, several wrestlers have came up to Hart Killer 09 with tears in their eyes stating how he is without a doubt the greatest solid B+ poster of all time. WWF 1987 now escapes and chokes out Hart Killer against the ropes. He stays on the attack but Hart Killer fights back. He hits a spinebuster then puts on a sharpshooter but immediately breaks the hold and starts to laugh. He measures up WWF1987 for a clothesline but he whiffs and WWF 1987 takes him down with a neckbreaker. A slugfest ensues and that ends with a double clothesline spot as both men are down again. WWF 1987 is up first and he sets up for a DDT but Hart Killer breaks that up and he uses a Russian leg sweep. Hart Killer heads up both but WWF1987 cuts him off. He then tries a superplex on Hart Killer, who stops that and picks him up and put him on his shoulders and uses a super rolling fireman's carry slam and that gets the win. Hart Killer moves on to the finals of the BoD Solid B+ Player Championship Tournament in an exciting opening match. 

Mar Solo vs. Jesse Baker w/ The Unstable (Elvy Landa, Gideon Stargrave, Steve Stennick)

The question on everyone’s mind is will Mar Solo be able to function with the Unstable clearly inside of his head? Despite beating the Unstable at every turn, they remain inside of his mind at all times. Solo came to the ring with a cup of coffee and his phone, keeping up with all of the BoD threads in a timely fashion. He walks by Gideon, who is whacking himself with his flyswatter yet again. Baker hides under his cape and struggles to take it off. The cape is now over his head as Stennick and Landa assist Baker as Gideon is screaming and hitting himself harder. Mar Solo continues to play on his phone as Stennick calls him a “fucking smark.” Mar Solo finishes his coffee and puts it down as the bell rings. Jesse is out of the cape and inside of Mar Solo’s head even further can before. Jesse charges at Mar Solo with windmill punches but Mar Solo sidesteps him and then picks him up and hits a Death Valley Driver and covers one, two, and three!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Gideon Stargrave is being escorted by White Coat Security as he was banging his head off of the ground. Steve Stennick storms off and that leaves Jesse all alone in the ring. He rolls outside as the BoD Medical Staff comes out and check on Mar Solo? They ask him if he is alright. Mar Solo says he is fine and that he barely broke a sweat beating that “dipshit.” The Medical Staff seem worried and huddle as Mar Solo is confused. Jesse struggles to pick himself off of the ground as the Medical Staff order Mar Solo to get on the stretcher because the Unstable are inside of his head and they have to perform surgery to get them out! Mar Solo asks what they are talking about and refuses to comply with the recommendations and leaves. One thing was made clear today folks, the Unstable is deeper inside of Mar Solo’s head than ever before.

TLC Match for the BoD Tag Team Titles
Curtis Williams & theberzerker1 vs. Paul Meekin & White Thunder vs. Upper Midcard Express vs. Adam Curry & Kyle Warne (Champions)

All eight men are staring up at the Tag Team Belts, which are suspended from the ceiling. One team will walk out of here the champions and it could be any one of these fine duos. There are two ladders, four tables, and several chairs outside of the ring that can all be used in this match. And this match is underway as everyone immediately goes after each other. ITS FUCKING PANDEMONIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Upper Midcard Express take out White Thunder with a double dropkick. Meekin sends Williams & the berzerker1 to the floor then the champs fly out and hit them with suicide dives. Curry sets up a table but the Upper Midcard Express takes everyone out with springboard dives. Meekin is all alone in the ring as the fans chant "JUMP, MEEKIN, JUMP" Meekin shows us all what eight days of DDP yoga can do for you and climbs up top and flies like an otter but doesnt go far enough and smashes through the table!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT. White Thunder opts to grab a ladder instead of helping out his partner and slides it into the ring. Curtis Williams follows him in and they start to brawl until Warne takes them out with a springboard missile dropkick. Warne sets up the ladder but kbjone spears him in half. He climbs up but only makes it halfway up until Curry yanks him down. theberzerker slides in and hits Curry with a lungblower and now goes to set up the ladder. Petuka comes in and he and Curry climb up the ladder. They are getting closer to the top but here comes Meekin and he charges at the ladder and knocks it over as Petuka and Curry crash down. Meekin picks up the ladder above his head and uses it like a helicopter and knocks down everyone that comes at him. Meekin now sets up the ladder and goes to climb but only makes it up one step and looks down. Meekin looks frightened as and steps off. MEEKIN IS AFRAID TO CLIMB THE LADDER, FOLKS. He yells for his partner, White Thunder to come in and climb the ladder. There is no one around and he is too afraid to go up. Williams and theberzerker come in as Meekin tries to fight them off. kbjone comes off the top rope with a body press but gets caught by all three men but Petuka comes off the top with a missile dropkick and takes them all down. White Thunder makes his way back inside but gets a chair smashed in his face by Warne,  who then takes down Petuka, kbjone, theberzerker, Meekin, and Williams. Curry slides a table inside and places it in the corner. He goes to Irish whip Meekin but that is a big mistake and Meekin sends him in the corner and through the table. Meekin then clotheslines Warne as White Thunder sets up a table outside of the ring. Thunder then slides in a few chairs as Williams and Petuka are slugging it out. kbjone takes one of those chairs and wedges it into the corner. He picks up Curry and sets him up for a Russian leg sweep but Curry escapes and rams kbjone head first into the chair. theberzerker slides in the second ladder and sets that up as White Thunder has Warne in the figure-four. Curry goes for the save but Petuka takes him out with a chair then Williams takes out Petuka with a chair. As Warne is in the figure four, Meekin prepares for the earthquake splash but theberzerker pulls down the ropes and Meekin goes through another table!!!!!!! theberzerker climbs up top now and is getting close to the top. Thunder breaks the hold and runs over to smash theberzerker with a chair on the legs but it does not knock him off. Thunder goes up top and he battles with theberzerker on the ladder until kbjone comes over and pushes them off as both men fly outside and onto Meekin, as he was getting up. kbjone frantically sets up the ladder and heads up but Williams stops him and tries to take him off but Petuka is climbing the second ladder. He is inching is way to the top but Curry climbs up on the second ladder now after Williams took down kbjone with an electric chair drop. Petuka is within reach of the belt but Curry reaches the top of the second ladder and takes Petuka down with a hurricarana as the crowd breaks out in a holy shit chant. Williams sees his opening and tries to climb but Warne is up and plants him with a super kick. Warne climbs up top and he grabs the belt for the win in a fantastic match!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Semifinal Match
BoD Solid B+ Player Championship
PrimeTime Ten vs. Joe Dust

PrimeTime Ten has once again disgraced the BoD by mockingly coming out to Beard Money’s “Don’t Go Messin’ With a Country Boy." He has the stolen red bandana wrapped around his wrist. PrimeTime attacks Joe Dust before the bell. The happiest man in the BoD is getting stomped in the corner by PrimeTime. Primetime hits a few suplexes for nearfalls then does another cartwheel mocking the injured Beard Money. PrimeTime slaps Joe Dust on the back of the head as he is acting very cocky right now. A big change of personality as this guy turned on his partner then injured him after a vicious attack and even stole grandma's red bandana. PrimeTime comes off the top with a fist drop but Joe Dust moves out of the way. Joe fights back and hits PrimeTime with a big backdrop. Joe Dust hits a Samoan drop then puts PrimeTime in the corner, who then uses the ref as a shield when Joe Dust charges as the ref is down. PrimeTime goes low on Joe Dust but wait a minute!!!!!!! WE HEAR DON'T GO MESSIN' WITH A COUNTRY BOY!!!!!!! PrimeTime looks around and we see twenty-five grandma's wearing red bandana's around their wrists to either so show support for Beard Money or that they are member of the Bloods. PrimeTime is at a loss then Joe Dust comes from behind and uses a reverse rollup and gets the win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  HA HA HA HA, PRIMETIME TEN DONE MESSED WITH A COUNTRY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And with that, Joe Dust advances to the finals of the BoD Solid B+ Player Championship Tournament and will face Hart Killer 09 tomorrow night on BoD RAW. 

Winner Gets Ownership of Nebb28’s Pet Rock
Nebb28 vs. Brian Bayless

This is the story about a boy and his pet rock and the evil, power hungry man who is trying to steal it away. When young Nebb28 was just seven years old, his father gave him that pet rock and they have had an inseparable bond ever since and that son of a bitch Bayless wants to take that away from him!!!!!! White Coat Security is present at ringside, to make sure the Midcard Mafia do not interfere. Bayless points and laughs at Nebb28 then points over to our wonderful time keeper, Mister E Mahn, who is guarding the rock at this moment. Bayless and Nebb28 go at it for a few but neither man can gain the advantage. Bayless then cheap shots Nebb28 off of a break and goes to work. Bayless busts out the FIVE DEADLY MOVES OF GAREA, with an extra jumping side headlock takeover thrown in the mix. Bayless is on the attack and not letting up one bit. He uses a hiptoss as his Garea-like offense is wearing out Nebb28, who is trying to find a way to fight back. Nebb28 dodges a charge by Bayless and takes him down with a super kick as both men are down. Nebb28 is up first and he is angry because someone is trying to take his pet rock away from him. Nebb28 reaches from deep within his soul as he is hammering on the evil GM with lefts and rights. A member of White Coat Security jumps up on the apron to distract the referee as we now see Bill Ray, Average Joe Everyman, Sweet Lee, Rockstar Gary and his number one fan pull out Nebb28 and ambush him outside of the ring. THE GM HAS LOWER CARD WORKERS DOING HIS DIRTY WORK! But look at this, the Midcard Mafia is coming through the card and going after the lower guys. Piers is taking on both Rockstar Gary and his #1 fan. Ferrari is working on Bill Ray and Magoonie Teddy Belmont is taking care of everyone else. White Coat Security runs over as the numbers game is catching up to the Midcard Mafia. Nebb28 rolls his battered self into the ring as Bayless comes over and plants him with a DDT. He climbs up top but Teddy Belmont breaks free from the scrum and hits Bayless from behind and throws him off of the top turnbuckle. Nebb gets up and covers but the referee is distracted as he is ordering Belmont off of the apron. The wild brawl outside of the ring continues but speaking of dirty work, BoD Corporate Custodian, Garth Holmberg is now outside. WHO CAN MOP THE FLOORS AT A TIME LIKE THIS. The referee pays attention to the competitors as Holmberg picks up his mop bucket and throws the water into the face of Teddy Belmont. Hold on! That was not water, IT WAS FLOOR STRIPPER, DAMNIT. AND THEY GIVE THIS MAN A KEY TO THE PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER!!! White Coat Security has Ferrari and Piers held down and they administer haldol shots. OUR GM IS TRULY SICK, FOLKS. The chemicals permeate through the BoD Arena and in the ring. The referee yells at Holmberg but a member of White Coat Security slides in a mop to Bayless and he cracks Nebb28 over the head! Bayless covers and its one, two, three!!!!!!!!!!! A TRUE MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE AS A BOY JUST LOST HIS PET ROCK, GOD DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!! It took a dozen men and a custodian to prevent Nebb28 from ever holding his pet rock ever again. Timekeeper Mister E Mahn holds the diamond-studded pillow that carries the pet rock into the ring and hands it to our GM, who then holds it up for all to see. 

BoD Writers Championship Match
Tommy Hall vs. Stranger in the Alps (Champion)

Tommy learned that you can by throwbacks, off-brand smartphones, and knock-off designer shades but you cannot buy the BoD Writer’s Championship off of Stranger in the Alps. Hall is sporting a Luc Longley throwback tonight, with his Champion sweatpans. Hall taunts Stranger with his Panera rewards card but the man from the Alps is not impressed. Stranger takes Hall down and pounds away. He is not selling his championship to the e-book tycoon. Hall reaches the ropes but Stranger pulls him back and continues the assault. Stranger hits a suplex and covers but Hall kicks out. Hall crawls towards the corner and Stranger follows but Hall hits him low. Hall uses clubbing forearms and takes control for a bit but Stranger fights back. Hall ducks outside and Stranger follows and chases him around but Hall grabs the belt. Stranger goes after Hall, who kicks him low and smashes the belt into his face and the ref rings the bell for the DQ. Hall now grabs a chair and whacks Stranger then poses over him with the belt as this feud is far from over. 

Number One Contender Match for the BoD Heavyweight Championship
Officer Farva vs. Jef Vinson vs. Parallax1978

These three men have been in a war with each other. Farva has yet to come out to the ring. Parallax and Vinson are brawling in the ring. These two top 5'ers are showing why they get a key to the luxurious lounge. Vinson uses a dragon screw and works a chokehold on the mat. Parallax escapes with a thumb to the eye. Parallax stays on the attack but it doesnt last for long as Vinson fights back. They go back and forth but as Parallax charges, Vinson back drops him to the outside! Vinson tries to get himself together but a stumbling, disheveled man comes to the ring holding a bottle and cracks it over Vinson's head as the ref tends to Parallax. WAIT A MINUTE, THAT IS OFFICER FARVA!!!! Farva covers and the ref see this and looks and recognizes Farva then counts one, two, three!!!!! Farva returns and does not appear to be saved any longer, folks, but he is now the number one contender and will get a shot at the title on tomorrow's BoD RAW. 

Archie Stackhouse vs. Buck Nasty

Oh yeah. Nasty comes to the ring with the Skank Patrol, who carry him to the ring. Folks, Chang O'Reilly's is a life changing experience. Stackhouse is a BoD NXT prospect who has been paying his dues as a parking attendant and already shot up to the head attendant in the BoD garage. Stackhouse runs over and attacks Nasty from behind. Stackhouse stomps him in the corner until the referee steps in between. The Skank Patrol are worried as Stackhouse hits a powerslam but Nasty kicks out. The crowd chants for Buck Nasty as he makes his comeback. Nasty uses a flying headscissors and then a leg drop. Nasty whips Stackhouse against the ropes and catches him with a dropkick. Nasty then uses a slam and signals that he is heading up top. IS NASTY GOING TO DROP THE ELBOW? He heads up and he DROPS DA 'BOW as the ref counts to three and Nasty extends the streak to two wins in a row. The Skank Patrol come in and swoon all over Buck Nasty as they celebrate down the aisle and get into the limo to head to the Cellular Twat. 

BoD Heavyweight Championship Match
Jobber123 vs. Cultstatus (Champion)

And Jobber comes out in the 1995 Infinity, bumping the Ruff Ryders song from the Funk Flex & Big Kap tape that remains stuck in the cassette player. He is also sporting the Adonal Foyle throwback. Jobber exits his car out of the window but Cult immediately tackles him. Cult smashes him against the car and sets up for the big boot but Jobber ducks and his foot goes through the window. Jobber takes Cult and rams him into the steel guardrail. Jobber rolls Cult inside and covers but that isn't enough to put away the champ. Jobber beats on Cult then stops to post about how Alberto Del Rio is awesome. He turns his attention back to his opponent, who fights back. Cult takes him down with a lariat and then drops an elbow. Cult works a crossface but Jobber makes it to the ropes. Cult pulls him from the corner and grounds him for a bit. Parallax comes outside as a spectator and locks eyes with Cult, who flips him off. Parallax is pissed and that gets the referee's attention but from behind comes and drunk and stumbling Farva with a chair who nails Cult on the back. Farva then whips Jobber into the referee, who flies out of the ring. And Parallax and Farva are destroying the champion. Jobber gets up and they go for the triple powerbomb but a bandaged and bloodied Jef Vinson runs out and breaks that up. The three-on-two assault continues as the referee slowly gets up. Farva and Parallax hold up Cult for Jobber but from behind comes the masked man who yanks the chair and uses it on Jobber. Vinson flies and hits Farva with a clothesline as the masked man and Parallax are going at in on the floor. In the ring, Jobber sets up Cult for the Razor's Edge but Cult turns that into a sunset flip and gets two. Jobber tries to whip Cult but it is reversed as the masked man trips of Jobber, who flips out but Cult comes in from behind and hits a big boot before finishing him off with a jackknife powerbomb for the win as the champ retains!!!!!!!!!!!!! The brawling continues outside as Cult is victorious and that is all the time we have, folks. See you at either 10:35 EST or 11:35 EST tomorrow night for BoD RAW!!!!!!!!!



  2. Solid, as always - despite a distinct lack of Hoss.


  3. Again, I am not booked on a PPV... Enough is Enough and it's time for a change!!!

  4. Dude, as much as I think this whole e-fed thing is silly, you really do put a lot of effort into writing these up. Bravo, Bayless.

  5. I blame Theme Music, not Beard Money.


  6. Yeah, grandmas know what's up! You can hurt the man Prime Time Ten, but you'll never defeat the myth. Don't go messin' or I'll teach you a lesson.

  7. Sadly, the BoD Preshow Battle Royal was cut out for time restraints and will appear tomorrow night on BoD RAW.


  8. Gary The Rock Star's #1 FanJune 1, 2014 at 4:28 PM

    This is once again bullshit because I was not involved.

  9. This is bullshit,I'm not on the ppv.

  10. WTF, I got Bam Bam/Kamala'd?!

  11. No effect on the buyrate.

  12. If you look on you'll see that jobber is 0-2 against me. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck it.

  13. Also, they're called "Specials" now.

  14. Your partner is holding you back. Might be time to call Beefcake and arrange for some promo time near a barbershop window.

  15. I'm rising star of this blog.

  16. *holds up #JustinStitution sign in the crowd while doing awkward arm wave that 95% of the audience doesn't understand*

  17. This is wrestling, you're a foreigner. You're ceiling is monster of the week for the top babyface.

  18. I'm gona be the exception.

  19. Well, that was pleasantly nuts.

  20. Bayless should book the REAL RAW.

  21. Congratulations.

  22. I'm the happiest man in the bod? Clearly this was written before I went nuts on the Nattie/Charlotte match.


  23. I am saying this with the least amount of disrespect possible, but... You have a lot of time on your hands.

  24. Good job dude. I enjoy reading these.

  25. Better than the real Payback.

  26. Just like the real Payback, we aint on the show, meh.....

  27. My bump onto Meekin carried the show.

  28. Stranger in the AlpsJune 1, 2014 at 5:04 PM

    Bayless!! That title belt is made out of fucking CARDBOARD!! CARDBOARD!!

    I hope Tommy Hall cashed his most recent e-book check, because his next one is going to BOUNCE......because I'm putting him out of business!

  29. Eh, he's holding the midcarders down....

  30. Stranger in the AlpsJune 1, 2014 at 5:06 PM

    WTF? Upvoting your own post? What the fuck, indeed!

  31. Stranger in the AlpsJune 1, 2014 at 5:07 PM

    Shut up and dance!

  32. Says the guy who watches 3 hours of terrible TV every Monday.

  33. You're damn right I'm guarding that rock.

    You don't fuck with the time keep or you get put into the Mister_E_Lock.

  34. He pulled a Farva.

  35. *The not-shaky and actually completely still $100 camcorder is at it again, showing a row of effigies of Brian Bayless, Tommy Hall, Stranger in the Alps, Paul Meekin, Logan Scisco, the comic book poster, every member of the Place to be Nation, the Masked Reviewer, and Bob. There is also a tub of vanilla ice cream in the shot, clearly labeled VANILLA: DO NOT TOUCH HOSS. Suddenly, a canister is poured in the effigies and some lyrics-butchering singing begins!*

    "Mr Sandmaaaaaaan......Bring me a dreaaaaaammm....make it the cutest....that I've ever seeeeeennnnn......Give her two roses and cloverrrr........then tell me that my lonesome nights........arrrre.......overrrrr......"

    *Voorhees Mask appears and flicks an expensive metal cigarette lighter.*


    *The lighter is tossed on the effigies! The vanilla ice cream is melting! Hall's e-book pennies are turning bright orange from the heat! A blue screen with the words NO SIGNAL appears!*

  36. It's what I DO!

  37. You wouldn't say it so rudely to her face!

  38. Nebb28 vs Bayless stole the show. Five stars!

  39. No one wants the belt in may and June anyways. Business is always dead. I'll get back when the build to mania season starts.

  40. I actually didn't realize I had... I guess I was distraught over the shitty booking! GM Bayless had better watch his back.

  41. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:28 PM

    *superkicks archie*

    who was that?

  42. What's that? I'm sorry I can't hear you when you all the way down on the mat staring up at the lights.

  43. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:30 PM


  44. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:31 PM

    hmm, the crowd seems to be chanting for someone

  45. The crowd is going to shit all over everything tonight.

  46. .... but you were:

    A member of White Coat Security jumps up on the apron to distract the referee as we now see Bill Ray, Average Joe Everyman, Sweet Lee, Rockstar Gary and his number one fan pull out Nebb28 and ambush him outside of the ring. THE GM HAS LOWER CARD WORKERS DOING HIS DIRTY WORK! But look at this, the Midcard Mafia is coming through the card and going after the lower guys. Piers is taking on both Rockstar Gary and his #1 fan.

    Hell, you got two mentions.

  47. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:34 PM

    we need a live thread

  48. I concur. Very displeased.

  49. THIS! The crowd does seem to have something on their mind...

  50. What is booking mean? #kayfab

  51. Perhaps we should destroy the BoD universe and rebuild it in our image (only to have it retconned out later)

  52. And then have everything else retconned again. I think that's a brilliant idea, sir.

  53. If its the obvious one, I actually feel quite pissed at the wrestling fanbase right now. Hes taken his ball and gone home, and if he cared he wouldn't be at the fucking Kings game right now.

  54. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:40 PM

    it's a good thing i like mayo, 'cause my chicken sammich from burger king is slathered in it

  55. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:42 PM

    kofi just said "your wife's 1st goal is to have your back"

    i thought he was gonna say "baby" for a moment

  56. God forbid we support wrestlers and not blindly goose step in line with the WWE.

  57. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:42 PM

    i guess this is the official live thread till we here otherwise?

  58. I need a live thread for wwe payback. I'm
    Jonesing man!!

  59. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:43 PM

    i know!

  60. Again, WorldWide was preempted this week, mainly because I'd rather do the Good, Bad, and Ugly.

    Also, who cares about jobbers (or the unfortunate jobber) when there's real wresling around?

    BoD Payback:

    The Good: HartKiller vs JoeDust should be good. Mar Solo's INNOCENT! That tag title match will go down with the great TLC battles of years past, ones that I don't feel like making up now.

    The Bad: Farva vs. Cult for the title? Unless this leads to a Vinson cash-in... ugh. Buck Nasty in a match that wouldn't make RAW most weeks? I know he needs the bump, but hell, give him an actual opponent.

    The Ugly: Poor Nebb. Also, Poor me. Also, Meekin on a ladder.

  61. The bull's fucking tail is going back.

  62. Hes clearly done and has shown antagonism towards his fanbase. Yes, a lot of it was justified, and yes, he was an epic performer between 09-13, but clearly hes not coming back. This is like chanting for Bret Hart in March of 98! Its over people! Get over it! Chant something productive towards the 7 other wrestlers on the show you like regardless of alignment!

  63. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:44 PM

    not gonna lie, i love it

  64. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:45 PM

    "mountie for jinder"

  65. Please. Just because a dude doesn't like to be bothered at the airport doesn't mean he hates his fans.

    And hijacking shows by chanting Bret Hart back in 98 would have been totally justified.

  66. That guy dressed like a clown in the front is going to freak me out allllll night.

  67. They are cheering "let's go hawks!" during the midget match. If this ppv isn't awesome at every turn this crowd is going to shit all over it.

  68. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:48 PM


    you deserve to be #1 on the BoD

    hey, this is fun!

  69. He was in the shot in MitB 2011 when Punk walked out with the title, right?

  70. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:49 PM

    The announcing is BRUTAL.

  71. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:49 PM

    'swaggle and torito bringin' the workrate

  72. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:49 PM

    Like, more so.

  73. Looks like they found Beefcake's clippers in storage

  74. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:49 PM


    i like you, you're neat

  75. Where's the live thread?? There's a MOTY candidate going on and we can't talk about it!!

  76. Rey thinks he is Brutus Beefcake now....

  77. One day a woman will find you attractive

  78. Anybody gonna make the thread for the actual show?

  79. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:50 PM

    You're beat yourself, one presumes.

  80. Fact: I actually want 3MB pushed. I think they'd be fun chickenshit heels.

  81. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:51 PM

    Drew McIntyre: a guy who could have been great if they hadn't pushed him so hard, so fucking soon.

  82. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:51 PM

    'swaggle with a tope suicido into a flip!

  83. No one seems to care. Much like the audience watching this match.

  84. KENTA should slot nicely into this division

  85. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:51 PM

    "this is awesome" chant

  86. Ain't gonna lie.. for sheer stupidity.. this match is actually entertaining...

  87. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:51 PM

    A HTM run with the belts would be entertaining as shit, and at least as worthwhile as what they're doing with the titles right now.

  88. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:51 PM

    we're lying, not telling certain truths!

  89. All this match needs is some slow-motion action.

  90. 3MB deserves infinitely better. The scumbag wannabe guitar guy is an easy gimmick to understand and can get proper heat when booked right.

  91. It's bull if Hornswoggle wins

  92. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:52 PM

    actually i'm crying :(


  93. Red Vyper vs The Mountain is going to destroy anything WWE has to offer tonight.

  94. Getting beat up by your wife might have affected his locker room cred just a tad.

    Remember WWE is basically high school.

  95. I'd consider it a 'small' victory...

  96. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:52 PM

    I've already pre-written my review. Can't wait.

  97. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:52 PM

    i see what you did there

  98. Pre show battle royal got bumped for this?!

  99. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:53 PM


  100. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:53 PM

    parallax would advise you otherwise, not to lie

  101. I hope they deviate from the books just to make you rewrite it.

  102. Not that Torito isn't talented, but I think it speaks to my missing of luchadores how excited I get to see him.

  103. What battle royal?

  104. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:53 PM

    Don't worry, Swoggle. Being bald doesn't mean you can't still be Hand of the King some day.

  105. HTM + Freebird rule the Tag/US titles?


  106. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:54 PM

    If you somehow will that into happening, I'm comin' for that ass.

  107. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:54 PM

    over/under on 'swaggle bleeding?

  108. The one I was booked to win....

  109. I don't read that nonsense.

  110. Calm down.

  111. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:55 PM

    could you create a live thread?

  112. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:55 PM

    Awww, he looks like a little Paul Heyman.

  113. The only thing worse than this segment is its commentary.

  114. They really shouldn't put the shaving cream on until after they cut the longer parts off.

  115. That sounded truly gay... not that there is anything wrong with that

  116. It's an improvement, *says the bald guy*

  117. 50/50

    If he does I predict .5 on the Muta scale.

  118. Its better than the nonsense we watch...

  119. Leave a skullet

  120. Trying to be vague for non book readers, but based on the casting job they did this season, I'm kinda hoping they do.

  121. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:55 PM

    leave it his hair like this so he'll be like devin townsend used to look

  122. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:55 PM

    I always cringe at how nonchalantly the razor blades are used. They're just DANCING those razors across his forehead, like they're not insanely sharp.

  123. "An absolutely unbelievable conclusion to this match."

  124. Um. Are we not getting an actual Payback thread?

  125. So, after making about 10 new threads/posts over the last 24 hours or so, everyone collectively dropped the ball and forgot to make a live thread.

  126. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:56 PM

    "what love life"

    fuck you, cole. you wouldn't have said that if he wasn't a dwarf

    dude's married

  127. Seriously.... I think e need to start a hostile take over of the BoD

  128. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:57 PM

    More importantly, are we getting any Renee Young on this preshow? Genuine question, I got here really late.

  129. I have never, ever wanted to see King Kong Bundy as badly as I did about 15 mins ago.

  130. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:57 PM

    "fuck you, cole."

    Could have just stopped there.

  131. No more gayer than trying really hard to make sure everyone knows you bang married women.

  132. Huh. Anyone else think Dustin would fucking kill Ryback, given half a chance?

  133. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:58 PM

    I imagine a lot of dudes would wreck Ryback if given the chance.

  134. So.. Heel Turn tonight or what??

  135. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:58 PM

    Shit, I mean...fuck.

  136. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:58 PM

    ugh, telegraphing cody and goldie splitting

  137. Do really need to see the midget's ugly deformed skull?

  138. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:58 PM

    They wouldn't have mentioned that the brotherhood was born here otherwise.

  139. They've been telegraphing it for weeks now.

  140. Your slightly gay Freudian slip is showing.

  141. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:59 PM

    bayless is responding to posts; i asked him to create one

  142. Good post, you should upvote it.

  143. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:59 PM


    WWE is smart. They knew if they announced Rhodseses vs. Rybaxel and Kofi vs. Bo beforehand, they'd have lost whatever buys/subscriptions they might have gotten for this show.

  144. About that... wasn't their brotherhood born at... birth?

  145. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 5:59 PM

    yeah, but they just used the sledgehammer of plot

  146. No. She's currently busy tossing my salad.

  147. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 5:59 PM

    Good point.

    WWE probably didn't think that far back.

  148. Im thinking about it after Bayless left me off the card...

  149. Later on tonight.. An interview with the Rhodes Brothers on the Barber Shop...

  150. They could have gotten away with 6 matches and the Bryan-Stephanie segment, I think. Adding matches now is unnecessary.

  151. Like you would ever have a salad

  152. They booked those as fill in when they realized that the Shield could only sell HHH's pedigrees for a max of 13 minutes each.

  153. So Bo Dallas starts with Sin Cara, then moves onto Kofi. Presumably next week he'll get into it with Xavier & Killings...

  154. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 6:01 PM

    no live thread? the service at this free blog is unacceptable

  155. He already defeated Woods.

  156. I thought this thread had nothing to do with the WWE.

  157. No open mic thread? I know this PPV's going to be bad, but even Impact gets open mic threads.

  158. It's positively WCW-esque.

  159. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 6:01 PM

    like i said below, the service at this free blog is unacceptable!

  160. The irony runneth over now.

  161. This is the Payback thread, Bayless is so good, he already knows what happened...

  162. For Russia! I bet his full name is BORIS Dallas!

  163. Stranger is credit to BoD team!


  165. I demand satisfaction!

  166. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 6:02 PM

    didnt happen in the wwe, so it didnt happen at all

  167. I guess with the network, the WWE has me watching their pay per views which rarely happened before

  168. Stranger in the AlpsJune 1, 2014 at 6:02 PM


    You're welcome.

  169. This thread is getting way more comments than usual.. I think Bayless is purposely not putting up a live thread.. #consipracy

  170. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 6:02 PM


  171. cabspaintedyellowJune 1, 2014 at 6:03 PM

    Scott's Blog of Doom

    Make Your Own Thread, Assholes

  172. RE: the pre-show match

    It's beyond depressing to watch Drew McIntyre bust out new shit and nearly kill himself, knowing that none of it's ever going to be recognized and that nobody gives two shits about his improvement.

  173. % chance Wyatt vs Cena will be good? WM match was fine, if underwhelming, Cage match was horrid. Third time?

  174. Well, it's about time...

  175. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 6:03 PM


  176. 3rd In Your House of 2014!

  177. Alright,I had a bad afternoon.

  178. You still got it! clap clap, clap clap clap.... or something

  179. The time to do that was when Hunter was up his ass, yeah.

  180. There was a 3rd man on the grassy BoD knoll.

  181. What happened?

  182. Ha, points for honesty i suppose.

  183. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 1, 2014 at 6:03 PM

    cue the punk chants

  184. The broken glass looked like the WWF logo for a second.


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