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This has nothing to do with the WWE

After last week’s shocking return, what will the Fuj have to say to the BoD? Why did he come back to help his former nemesis?

With all of the twists and turns from last week, the GM has ordered a main event of Parallax & Upper Midcard Express vs. Jef Vinson & Adam Curry & Kyle Warne

Despite successfully defending the belt in consecutive days, the GM has booked Culstatus in a non-title match against the unluckiest man in the BoD, YJ2310.

Plus, how will Officer Farva cope after losing his key to the luxurious “Top 5” lounge? With booze, of course. And how will Abeyance react when he first steps into the luxurious “Top 5” lounge?

Speaking of Abeyance, the poll results of who will win the BoD RAW Talk Show are closed. Will we have “Welcome to the BoD” with Abeyance or “Hoss’s Snack Shack” with Todd Lorenz?

GM Bayless will hold himself a celebration after defeating Nebb28 for his pet rock at BoD Payback. What else will he have in store for the BoD Midcard?

Since being viciously attacked by PrimeTime Ten, Beard Money has been out of action. Our own Wade Michael Meltzer has an exclusive interview with him from his farm. Will Beard Money be able to return to action soon?

With our first ever BoD Solid B+ Champion crowned last week, who will be the #1 contender to Hart Killer 09? And will they be worthy or just a 4/10 challenger?

Plus, how deep are the Unstable inside of Mar Solo’s head? The BoD Medical Staff will confront Mar Solo of the dangers the Unstable are causing his mind. And more importantly, will he get that cup of coffee

Also, will our GM finally decide on a name of the 6/29 Special Event?

All this and videos of soon-to-be debuting talents and more on……………………………..

BoD RAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to BoD RAW, folks. We have another jam-packed edition of the show tonight. And now, here is BoD Corporate Custodian, Garth Holmberg, mopping the aisle. I guess he was late to work today? He finishes but now we see Bill Ray, Average Joe Everyman, Rockstary Gary & his #1 fan wearing White Coat Security outfits heading to the ring. After their run-in at BoD Payback, it seemed natural. And now, BoD NXT prospects Archie Stackhouse and Gosh Hopkins come out now, in suits? Finally, here comes Assistant GM, Director of Operations and Paper Goods, Justice Gray. And now, Brian Bayless comes out, holding the Pet Rock that formerly belonged to Nebb28 on it's diamond studded pillow. He then hands it off to Hopkins, as he is holding the pet rock as Bayless prepares to give a speech. Wow, Gosh Hopkins goes from NXT squash victim to holder of the pet rock in the span of a week! That 63 point plan is working to perfection folks. Bayless now steps up to the podium to deliver his speech:

It is with great pleasure that I introduce myself to all of you. As GM of BoD RAW, I set an example of excellence, which is why I showcase my newest acquisition, Nebb28's Pet Rock, which will now be known as the GM's Pet Rock. I pride myself in rescuing this Pet Rock from an inadequate owner and to show my generousity, I have donated $25 to the Pet Rock Foundation so other neglected Pet Rock's across the land can find proper owners, not midcard owners.

And speaking of the Midcard, while most of them know their role, there are three of them that do not. They have decided to take matters into their own hands and call themselves the "Midcard Mafia." Going forward, the Midcard Mafia and any other insubordinate midcard talent will be at home watching the show. Not everyone can be in the main event and the BoD needs midcarders and I can make anyone a midcarder, including recent BoD NXT callups (points at Archie Stackhouse and Gosh Hopkins) with any gimmick (points at Garth Holmberg, mopping the floors to perfection). 

And, as I stand in the ring with all of this talent around me, all of you must be wondering why I have amassed such a large group. Well, let me all welcome you to the.........................Administration. As the leader, I ensure all of you that the rules and regulations of the BoD will be enforced and those unruly midcarders who think they are something just because they post daily, THEY AREN'T SHIT. 

Now, Wade Michael Meltzer comes out. He asks GM Bayless if he has finally decided on the 6/29 BoD Special Event. Bayless replies "no comment" then quickly wraps up the interview. The GM does not seem to have made a decision on the 6/29 Special Event yet. And he is NOT happy at the question asked by Wade Michael Meltzer.

Dock Muraco vs. Tommy Hall

Hall is sporting a Shawn Kemp throwback in honor of Father's Day. His Jason Caffey throwback was stolen by one of Caffey's illegitimate children. Dock Muraco folks....................don't know a whole lot about him. Hall wails on the newest acquisition of the BoD Writing team. Hall has been angry since he failed to capture the BoD Writer's Championship at BoD Payback. Hall picks up Muraco and slams him down then finishes him off with the Vader Bomb for the win. Hall reaches into his pockets and pulls out a fresh e-book dollar, which is not legitimate currency, and shoves it into Muraco's mouth, who is PAYING HIS DUES and getting a good deal on an e-book. Hall then grabs the mic and tells Stranger in the Alps that this is what will happen to him next time they face off in the ring. Hall is angry and the man from the Alps better stop posting threads and focus on Mr. Hall.

We are cutting backstage as The Fuj has arrived. Wade Michael Meltzer is there trying to interview the Fuj, who blows right by him and looks to have his mind on something. We will keep you updated throughout the night.

The BoD Medical Staff are in the breakroom. Mar Solo enters and is immediately confronted. All he wants is a cup of coffee but he is being told the dangers of the Unstable being inside of his head. One of the doctors then shows Mar Solo a video and said that if he does not agree to surgery, this is kinda/sorta what will happen.

Mar Solo looks bothered and said that was a clip of a film and this whole thing fucking ridiculous. He then pushes a few doctors out of the way and goes for the coffee but as he pours it into his cup, it leaks out as someone apparently poked a hole into the bottom of the cup. My money is on Laughing Sting. But, one thing is still clear, THE UNSTABLE ARE CLEARLY INSIDE OF MAR SOLO'S HEAD.

Joe Dust vs. Cabspaintedyellow

These two guys are in the hunt for the BoD Solid B+ Player Championship, held by Hart Killer 09. Cabs is the most generous man of the BoD, donating all of his pocket change and one dollar bills to Easter Seals before the match. And he called and wrote his grandma a "Thank You" card for his birthday gift. Joe Dust is sporting his "Nattie is a Twat" t-shirt and watched "America's Got Talent" and was not impressed at all. Both men start off with a lockup then go back and forth on the mat. They continue to battle as Hart Killer 09 comes down to the ring with his belt over his shoulder. Cabs uses a flying knee smash on Joe Dust, who falls through the ropes. Hart Killer now grabs the mic and says that neither one of these guys are worthy to challenge him for his title and he will not let them contend for his title but will gladly carry them both to a **** classic next week and after the match, with tears in their eyes, they will both tell him that he is by far the greatest Solid B+ Champion of all-time, then kicks Joe Dust a few times and the ref's counts to ten for the countout. Hart tells Cabspaintedyellow that since he won, he will save him a seat at the bar so eh can listen to him tell stories about his career. Cabs seems like he would rather have a title shot.

Backstage, an angry GM Bayless is with Justice Gray, who asks him about the 6/29 BoD Special Event. GM Bayless then turns around says that he is thinking about bringing "it" back as the camera zooms in on his face.

Abeyance and Todd "Hoss" Lorenz are in the ring as we await the results of the "Win-A-Talkshow" Poll. Will it be "Hoss's Snack Shack" with Todd Lorenz or "Welcome to the BoD" with Abeyance? And the results are in:

By one vote, the winner is............


And Hoss is irate. He demands a recount and has begun to storm around the ring. He locks his eyes on a concession worker in the stands, who drops the food and bolts. Hoss now steps out of the ring and heads to the concession stands. Those poor, poor people who have to deal with this monster. Abeyance is now joined by Wade Michael Meltzer, who asks him how it feels to have won his own talk show. Abeyance replies that it is "good" then waves to the crowd. And now, Abeyance heads backstage as he is going to see the luxurious "Top 5" Lounge for the first time.

Next, we see the sit down interview with Beard Money by Wade Michael Meltzer. This was conducted last week at Beard Money's home in Mudlick, KY:

Wade: Beard Money, I would like to thank you for allowing me in your home
Beard Money: Your darn welcome
Wade: Ever since the attack by your former partner, Primetime Ten, what pain have you been dealing with?
Beard Money: Well Wade, my knee was hurt real bad and I couldn't slop my pigs on the farm for three whole weeks. 
Wade: That is a long time but more importantly, will you be able to return to the ring. 
Beard Money: With all of the fans writing to support me, it helped give me the strength to rehab my knee. And don't you worry Wade, granny done got herself a new lucky red bandana and she going to live to see 100 years old, which will be in three weeks. 
Wade: Did she ever see George Hackenschmidt in person?
Beard Money: I reckon I do not know the answer to that .
Wade: How do you feel about your former partner, PrimeTime Ten?
Beard Money: He did a bad thing and that was not nice and he will get his for being a mean ol' son of a gun. And I promise that I will get my hands on him in the ring and I will win when I am ready to return. 

Abeyance is at the door of the luxurious "Top 5" lounge. And for the first time, the doors open for him and look what he sees:

He is in a state of shock as he looks around in amazement. And his eyes are even bigger as he sees his own personal computer:

Christ! Do you know how many posts he can make per day now? A FUCKING THOUSAND, THAT'S HOW MANY. 

YJ2310 vs. Cultstatus

YJ2310, the unluckiest man in the BoD, has had the worst year ever. There are people that survive tragedies and lose loved ones but no one has gone through more than YJ2310, who not only got eliminated from the BoD Royal Rumble and the BoD Money on the Table Match, but was the 14th person eliminated in the last battle royal and he was the 14th ranked poster before reclaiming the 13th spot. Have you gotten all of this yet? Does it seem awful, like a previous WrestleMania main event storyline. Cult comes to the ring and sidesteps a charging YJ2310. Cult takes control and sets up already for the jackknife powerbomb but Jobber123 and Officer Farva run into the ring and attack Cult. They are wailing away but the Fuj runs out as Farva and Jobber clear the ring. The Fuj grabs the mic and looks at Jobber and Farva but pauses. Fuj then throws down the mic and leaves the ring. I do not know what that was about but Fuj has some sort of issue with both guys. 

And now, after several weeks of videos sent in with poor quality, the BoD introduces, CooltrainerBret:

A still $100 camcorder pans to see a police style target silhouette of Tony Garea, for some reason. Suddenly, a whooshing sound is heard.......AND A NERF DART STRIKES THE PICTURE OF GAREA DEAD BETWEEN THE EYES! Suddenly, the guy wearing a Voorhees mask appears, toting a nerf gun in the shape of a Goldeneye grenade launcher.*
"Soon Bayless, you and your crew of vanilla writers that couldn't draw a dime if they had the art skills of Monet........will be welcomed to a place worse than Riverdale.......a place worse than Detroit.....a place worse than even LOS ANGELES.........."
*Voorhees mask suddenly turns.....ITS THE DETROIT PD! Two members of the Detroit PD come out looking for police brutalit-BURNING LARIAT! OFFICER TENDIME HAS BEEN COMPLETELY DESTROYED! Officer Putski fires a taser that......doesn't work? Whats going o-BURNING LARIAT! OFFICER PUTSKI HAS BEEN COMPLETELY DESTROYED!*
"OH COME ON, DON'T ACT SO SURPRISED! EVEN FRANKENSTEIN HAD TO KICK A FEW VILLAGER ASSES TO GET OVER! And since YOU won't let me get over.........soon I'll come......and I'll embarrass you and those vanilla writers so bad only ONE place in this world will want to take them in.......
*Voorhees Mask turns over the Tony Garea police target.......AND REVEALS THE 411MANIA LOGO! BLUE SCREEN! NO SIGNAL!*

Backstage, Wade Michael Meltzer is with the Upper Midcard Express. He asks them why they turned their backs on Adam Curry & Kyle Warne. kbjone tells Wade that they could tell him but do not want to as Petuka pie-faces him as they laugh and walk off. GM Bayless is seen walking by on the phone, telling someone that he is "thinking about it" as Wade asks him about the 6/29 BoD Special Event. Bayless covers the phone and tells Wade to wait until the end of the main event, when his final decision is announced. 

The cameras quickly cut backstage where Hoss Lorenz is destroying the concession stands. He is yelling " I WILL MAKE MY OWN FUCKING TALK SHOW AFTER YOU ALL MAKE ME A CHILI DOG." Someone asks him if he wants relish and Hoss chokeslams him through the discounted merchandise table as Ryan Murphy shirts are all over the floor. 

Jef Vinson & Adam Curry & Kyle Warne vs. Parallax1978 & Upper Midcard Express

Vinson, the BoD Money on the Table briefcse holder, has been a marked man since winning the briefcase. All six men start brawling in the ring and now take the action outside. Curry & Warne simultaneously backdrop the UME over the guardrail as Vinson punches Parallax. Curry & Warne drag the UME back over the railing and beat on them. They finally make it into the ring as Vinson and Petuka are the legal men. Vinson tags Curry, who hits a dropkick and a hurricarana. Warne tags and they hit a double slingshot suplex. Petuka is taking a shitkicking but Parallax catches Warne with a knee to the back. He then tags himself in and gives Warne a beating. kbjone is in and he almost puts away Warne with a brainbuster. Warne's teammates are rallying on the apron but Warne is dragged back into the opposing corner. kbjone misses a top rope elbow drop and tags Petuka but hot tag to Curry and he runs wild. Curry takes out everyone then takes out kbjone with a plancha. Vinson is in the ring and working on Petuka but Parallax comes in from behind to take him out. Parallax and Petuka work on Vinson briefly but Warne hits a springboard crossbody to take them both out. Curry drags Parallax outside then Warne takes out kbjone as Vinson is left alone in the ring with Petuka and gets the win with the Cattle Mutilation. But, as Vinson has his hand raised in victory, Jobber and Farva come in and attack him. Now, Parallax and kbjone take care of Curry & Warne outside of the ring but Cultstatus comes out and goes after his nemesis, Jobber. Farva attacks him but now the Fuj runs out for the save. Chaos erupts then GM Bayless takes the mic and starts screaming: 

ENOUGH! I HAVE THOUGHT LONG AND HARD AND DID NOT WANT TO BRING IT BACK BUT ON 6/29, GET READY FOR......................................................................................................

BoD WARGAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Son of a "GUN?"


  2. While all the other teams were hanging out at the craft services table all night, CURTZERKER were in the gym training. Have to keep in shape if we want to be able to do the TRIPLE DOUBLE CANADIAN PERUVIAN DESTROYER every night as our finisher. And we DO.

  3. The Curtzerker training montages are truly inspiring

  4. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 9, 2014 at 9:17 PM

    What is this CRAP? Something something RSS feeds!

  5. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 9:17 PM

    Now that I have finished #1-#4 on my 63 point plan, I have seen that I am just the bee's knees at planning elaborate, time consuming, and somewhat convoluted plans of action. So, I'm glad our beloved GM has not only given me the honor and priveledge of rock-sitting, but an Administrative post! Gee Wilikers!

  6. We had quitters during BoD Wargames. We called them Kentuckians!

  7. :At Magic Kingdom, chewing on a turnkey leg:
    :checks BoD though iPod:
    :sees BoD Raw:
    I won?
    :chokes on turkey meat:

  8. Do you want a Whitman's Sampler?

    Email with all of your information

  9. Great job, as usual Bayless.

  10. Thank you my man

  11. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 9, 2014 at 9:20 PM

    I wish I had "information".

  12. Love that computer.

  13. an address will do

  14. Really was pulling for your Zayn prediction.

  15. Not just any schlub off of the streets can watch a pet rock you know

  16. Like the Fabulous Ones, only with less chest hair.

  17. How much is Sammy Hagar charging for Over the Top?

  18. And more triple jump phoenix splashes!

  19. *A still, non-shaky $150 camcorder de-statics to reveal Voorhees Mask, clad in his battle attire of a grey and yellow flame jacket, green armbands, red MMA gloves, blue kneepads, black jeans, teal shoes, and a black heart. Two tied up members of the Detroit PD are seen, their faces bloodied, and a police silhouette target of Tony Garea has a face full of Nerf darts. Voorhees Mask leans into the camcorder view to make a point.*

    "After months of waiting, all those asswhippings, all those cameramen gone through like tissue paper, and blowing up a goddamn Honda Civic, and all I get is a brief recap in italics? Bayless.............. it seems to me that by not calling me to appear on your little show to give you the whipping you and the rest of the VANILLA WRITERS deserve, you are TAKING money from MY table. When you take money from my table, it means one thing......war."

    *Voorhees Mask covers the entire camera lens with his face*

    "I will make you EAT that stupid pet rock, EAT every admittedly pretty good shoot interview transcript you've done, and EAT that crappy Tommy Hall e-book cash. YOU WANT A WAR BAYLESS!? YOU' one......"

    *VoorheesMask mouths FPW Returns to the camera right before the blue screen dictating NO SIGNAL appears.*

  20. Tough negotiator. He does not leave money on the table,that is for sure.

    By the way,Guy Chabert and the burning croissant will be coming soon enough

  21. You guys seriously can't make a separate page or board for your silly fan fiction?

  22. Can we be Facebook friends already?

  23. I looked forward to this more than the actual Raw.

  24. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 9:30 PM

    That's so sweet that I almost wish Facebook hadn't deleted me over their seldom used "no friends requests in the first 30 days" policy.

  25. Also, its as much blog-related as Scott explaining the awesomeness of X-Men.

  26. Are you FUCKING kidding me? They have that rule? WHY? HOW? Also, wouldn't you get at least one from a spambot?

  27. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 9:32 PM


  28. You don't like, don't read.

  29. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 9:34 PM

    I was initially concerned when the first 15 seconds of the video was guys stripping off theirs shirts.....then I was okay

  30. Don't get me hungry now.
    That's a rule?!

  31. He seems like such a nice guy.

  32. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 9:38 PM

    It was in the early days, initially to ward off bots that would send requests but not receive any. Ever since I read that awhile back, I enjoy using it to claim unpopularity.

  33. I read his Disqus post history and I mean this in the most sarcastic way possible but this guy doesn't complain enough

  34. Ok, because I was going to be really mad if that was official.

  35. I read it too, it's what he does!

  36. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 9:40 PM

    Not since everyone starting jumping from myspace....I think it only lasted a few months then got dropped.

  37. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 9, 2014 at 9:42 PM

    So I was only attacked last week to go on vacation, right? Well, I'm back!

  38. One. Fucking. Vote.

    and relish? On a chili dog? That fucker deserved a chokeslam.

  39. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 9, 2014 at 9:42 PM

    Why don't you make a seperate page or board for your complaints, guy?

  40. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 9:42 PM

    He REALLY cares about Fantastic Four....that's admirable.

  41. Dude complains a lot. It's funny

  42. Yeah, his feed is hilarious.

  43. Anything Marvel really.

  44. Got to put some nacho cheese on that chili dog.

  45. He's not your buddy friend!

  46. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 9, 2014 at 9:47 PM

    It was not a prediction, it was a hope!

    I'm not nearly that delusional.

  47. As usual, lots of good stuff. "Which will now be known as GM's Pet Rock" and Abeyance's personal computer were definite highlights. Another enjoyable show that made me happier about being a wresting fan than Monday Night Raw did.

    I'll try to chime in with a BoD-instigating 5 second pose with a bag of cheetos, "The History of the IWGP Heavyweight Championship: Volume 4" DVD, some thick framed glasses, and a fat suit in a little bit.

  48. I voted for Kodos.

  49. Funny story, two kids I know did the entire Edge & Christian entrance into the Lids at our local mall back when we were in high school

  50. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 9:49 PM

    *Stands up...grabs mic from the announcer*



    No, I'm not talking about you, Farva...I'm looking at you Jobber.

    Since my ascension I have broke bread with the greats and they anointed ME the one to bring glory back to the Top 5. I've watched you try to hold back Parallax and Cult and NOW you influence that retarded reprobate to try and take me out? What did you promise him, his spot back in the Top 5? That's never going to happen.

    I told you long ago that I am the SUN of which the BoD spins. And some things are smart enough to keep a safe distance away and I provide for them like the sun does for the earth.

    But sometimes....sometimes the sun attracts useless debris that burn bright in my presence. You are foolish enough to think that shine is of your own creation? No. Your greatness is a reflection of ME. And like that debris YOU two morons got dwarfed in the aura of greatness you see before you. You HATED're JEALOUS of it. And YOU will be CONSUMED by it!!!!

    *calms down and sits Indian style in the ring*

    I'm going to provide a public service to the cellar dwellers and peons in the BoD. I'm going to perform a circumcision.

    I'm gonna cut you two dickheads off.

    Come meet your end, boys. Never has the face of death looked this good.

  51. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 9, 2014 at 9:49 PM

    So you can send your hired goons to Canada in order to "neutralise" me? Ha! You must think I'm stupid!

  52. Ha, I would have liked to see that.

  53. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 9:50 PM

    Is he Staler or Waldorf?

  54. Goddamn reptile Ross Perot'd me.

  55. I do not inject the candies with drugs. Promise

  56. Not really, you end up missing Pipebombs and Shawn/Jericho ladder matches that way.

  57. Carl the Complainer?

  58. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 9:51 PM

    You think he'd mind if I call him The "S"? I know he comes off in his feed as an opponent of one letter nicknames but maybe it's because he's secretely hoping to be that guy one day.

  59. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 9:51 PM

    Great work as usual.

  60. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 9, 2014 at 9:51 PM

    Damnit, now I *really* don't want 'em!

  61. He and Brawsome are going to be part of the RSS Stable.

    I just thought this up a few seconds ago

  62. Come and plain.

  63. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 9:53 PM

    I seriously look at old Jake Roberts and Arn Anderson interviews to prep for this.

  64. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 9:54 PM

    I hope their "Squad" has "Spirit"......

  65. Wondering the same.

  66. Jesus. Go fuck a French bitch and relax.


    Roughly what my BoD guy would look like, except the mask is screwee because Fire Pro. If he looks like the definition of 12 year old cool, thats because I made him when I was 12 playing No Mercy, and hes been a fixture in any wrestling game I've played since. Not with this particular character development, mind you, but theres a first time for everything. Heck, hes never been this close to a heel before.

  68. They have mullets and singlets

  69. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 9:54 PM

    I intend to.

  70. BoD is cut throat man! The fuj was like my BoD big brother!!!! How could this happen. I know that cocksucker cultstatus had something to do with this.

  71. Hope you got some left for her.

    Not like it really matters, long as you get yours.

  72. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 9:55 PM

    The mullets make them WAY cooler than necessary

  73. Ok, we don't need to see you guys go another time.

  74. This was a great episode Bayless, I had quite a few laughs. This was definitely better than raw.

  75. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 9:56 PM

    I like her because she knows her place.

    She also swall-


  76. BoD RAW has tighter booking

  77. I always look forward to it.

  78. You are saying that she imbibes your sperm.

  79. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 9:57 PM

    Why yes. Yes I am.

  80. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 9:57 PM

    Dang it....I didnt know Id need my dictionary tonight

  81. I feel like Dusty after the Million Dollar Man bought Sweet Saphhy

  82. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 9:58 PM

    Have you thought about hypnotherapy? I hear it helps

  83. I like how you hold stuff off until the next week.
    Week 1:Battle Royal
    Week 2: Winner revealed
    Week 3 Actual show.
    Smart booking.

  84. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 9:58 PM

    Good job, Bayless. For shits and giggles I think I make make the "Western States Heritage C Minus Championship belt" for your Velocity show.

  85. Can't wait to see it if you do.

  86. I don't know about that color scheme dude

  87. BoD Wargames will be a smashing success...............or not

  88. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:00 PM

    The curtain jerkers need something to fight for.

  89. Everything you make is a success.

  90. Otherwise it's off with Bayless's head.

  91. with guys like "Pistol" Pete Labozetta and Flyin' Brian Gutan hanging around, they need themselves a belt to fight over

    I like the BoD North American Weeknight Live Thread Championship, personally.

  92. The only cure for being fluent in Vinson is an abnormal love of shaking asses. With help, I will get there.

  93. We need to fire up a Fire Pro stream for this.

  94. I spend a couple of weeks not hanging around here, and Abeyance has broken into the top 5? Where the hell did Farva disappear to?

  95. No one knows? Sent him an email last week and no response.

  96. We are worried about Farva.

  97. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:03 PM

    I can do that, but how would it work?

  98. fiction? IT'S REAL TO ME DAMMIT.

  99. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 10:04 PM

    Good job tonight... fucking jobber...

  100. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 10:04 PM

    Consider this my donation to your road to recovery

  101. Another week, another BoD Raw where I ain't featured on the show! Well, Bayless, you may think this is funny, but there's only so long that a brutha like me can allow injustice to stand. See, I'm a bad, BAD, man, and come next week, I don't care if I have to tear through a lynch mob from one of your white devil buddies, I WILL make my name heard and EXPOSE the evils of you no good crack-


  102. and I'll say it again - barely paying any attention to the product now (especially with Bryan on the shelf), but I'll keep popping in to read these. nicely done, Bayless. even if you did screw me out of the rock.

  103. Again, 12 years old when I made this. He has an alt outfit with red w/ white flames and the MMA gloves changed to gold (originally he had DirtBike gloves, no idea why).

  104. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 10:06 PM

    Bayless is running a crackhead angle?

  105. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:12 PM

    Call Farrakhan and Al! Stage a protest!

  106. Instead, someone should call his MOMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  107. Baking Soda on a pole match is headlining the next show

  108. Bayless needs to get laid bad

  109. (Backstage at the BOD arena. Archie Stackhouse pulls up in GM Bayless' car and gets out. GM Bayless barely looks at him as he gets in the driver's side, muttering under his breath "Better take it out for a wax next time, jobber." He speeds off while Archie waves with a cheesy grin on his face. Archie turns to face the camera and takes off his suit jacket; loosens his tie and turns to face the camera.)

    "A long time ago, my daddy took a knee and looked me deep in the eyes. 'Archie, my boy,' he said in that deep voice of his, 'there are things you need to know to survive in this world. Some of these things I can teach you, but some are not things that I can know. You, though - you're special, Archie. I can see it. You just need someone to find it within you.'

    Two days later, my daddy left us. I was 9.

    And my mommy, bless her soul, slicked my hair back, dressed me in my finest suit, and took me to see Uncle Caliber.

    I never saw my mommy and daddy again; only Uncle Caliber. And Uncle Caliber taught me the things that my daddy couldn't. He taught me about the bad people in the world, about the people who had done him wrong, and the people who would do me wrong. But I didn't have to let that happen, because Uncle Caliber showed me the way. He showed me the Riverdale. He gave me a home in the Winfield Dungeon and I was reborn. Reborn in pain, reborn in spirit. Reborn to fulfill a mission.

    He brought me a cake one day, devil's food with white icing. It was the sweetest ever tasted, and nothing has ever been finer. The bite he allowed me in-between my screams as he educated me remains the high point of that birthday.

    I was 14. But it was truly the day of my birth.

    I was born in Winfield Dungeon that day, and I learned so much over the years. I forged myself in steel and hatred. Hatred.....and obedience."

    (All of a sudden, commotion in the BOD parking lot. Farva runs past everyone, screaming "GIVE ME BACK MY FUCKING KEY, BAYLESS! YOU PIECE OF SHIT! As he continues running and screaming, his pants fall down. He doesn't break stride. Archie chuckles and turns back to the camera.)

    "Obedience is one of our finest virtues, when practiced towards those that are deserving of it. When one is deserving of obedience, they are the finest citizens of Riverdale, and the finest of Riverdale deserve the finest of servants. GM Bayless belongs in my Riverdale, as one of it's finest citizens. It is a pleasure to serve at the behest of such a generous soul.

    GM Bayless has promised me my heart's desires in exchange for my obedience, and he knows that Archie Stackhouse cares nothing for his 'Main Events' or his 'Midcards' - for I care only about Riverdale, and bringing those poor masses that need the tree-lined streets of this utopia to way or another.

    Tommy Hall, you're on notice. Buck Nasty, you're on notice. Anyone who crosses GM Bayless, you're on notice. The trip to Riverdale is hard for those that are unworthy, such as myself, and there's only one way to get there.

    And no way to return.

    Make no mistake - all the Bettys and Veronicas and Jugheads of the BOD better take heed - you will be brought to my Riverdale. Resist or obey, the choice is meaningless to me, except as to how hard you choose to make it on me.

    Welcome to hell, my friends. Riverdale."

  110. I do get laid.

    Had sex this morning, FYI

  111. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:14 PM

    Not only did you cure him of being fluent in VInson I think you've scared him off from women in general and made him gay.

  112. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 10:14 PM

    If some sort of Pyrex glass isn't used in the finish I'll be disappointed.

  113. I'ma be feuding with this guy at some point aren't I

  114. A DDT onto a digital scale is the finish

  115. I now know what if felt like to be in the main event of a 99 episode of Nitro....

  116. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:15 PM

    THIS was the one I was waiting to read.

  117. The unluckiest year of all time

  118. Did you go to bed at 4 with a 10 and wake up at 10 with a 4?

    *shot yet again*

  119. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 10:17 PM

    Ok, that will work.

  120. I live with my girlfriend, which might shock GDunn. He could be choking on a Frito right now for all we know

  121. Pretty sure that is not Vinson approved.

    BoD: I advise against clicking.

  122. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:18 PM

    You're gonna need ice trays. Lots and lots of ice trays.

  123. Next week ill be stuck in a Sandow gimmick...

  124. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 10:18 PM

    You did say abnormal right? Haha

  125. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 10:18 PM

    Just get a 25lb bag from the store.

  126. The unluckiest gimmick of all time

  127. Yea aight, I'm convinced

  128. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 10:23 PM

    Again? damn it......

  129. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:23 PM

    More unlucky that Zack Ryder?

  130. Ryder could never get over with what Sandow is doing...

  131. abnormal love. Not abnormal asses.

    and, fuck you. As a matter of fact, go fuck her.

  132. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:24 PM

    It reminds me of when I worked for a restaurant and I had to buy baking soda and ice. When the cops stopped me he thought I had drug pharpenallia.

  133. Aw shucks, convincing you is the only thing in life I want. Really, you are the greatest. Please, tell me the secrets of your success

  134. Gosh Hopkins: Squash VictimJune 9, 2014 at 10:26 PM

    I, uhhh, have a headache....yeah a headache.

  135. I'll send you a link to my Facebook, you can get a glimpse of my life. Will you do the same? I already know the answer to that.

  136. Go right ahead.

    I will do the same

  137. That describes my sex life sometimes...

    I mean, look over there!

  138. That's it. I'm giving up coffee and going back to rum. This shit is ridiculous.

    And no lie, I go to watch that video on Youtube and for some reason Youtube took forever to load. I could have done the Kessel Run in the time it took me to get that video to load.

  139. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 10:37 PM

    +1 for the Star Wars reference.

  140. Still waiting for the link

  141. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 9, 2014 at 10:46 PM

    Bluff called.

  142. I was waiting to catch a glimpse into the wonderful life on GDunn.

    What a loss on my end


    *In a hallway between dressing rooms Jobber123, zanatude, officer farva, and comdukakis are shown having a light hearted conversation. All of a sudden a group of Jeff Vinsons hos walk by. Jobber123 grabs the sassy looking black ones ass very aggressively*

    Jobber123: Hey Baby, you like fast cars? I've got an NSX, wanna take a ride. I'll let you hold the stick!!!

    Vinson's Ho: Sorry. Maybe another time.
    *She tries to walk away, Jobber123 grabs her arm*

    Jobber123: Where do you think you're going skank?
    *The ho pulls away*

    Vinson's Ho: *does finger waving thing* Oh hell no! Looks like you don't got the gold around your waist...*looks Jobber123 over* ...Or in yo pants!!!!! *snaps fingers*


    One Nation Under a Groove blares on must be Jobber123 coming up for a dark promo to send the fans home happy!

    *Jobber123 enters the ring to a now typical 50-50 reaction wearing the new Jobber123 hat, T-shirt, wrist bands and sunglasses*

    Oh boy I just love you guys! *points to the fans* There is nothing I love more than the BoD Webuverse! Everywhere we go you guys like to make your voices heard! Some of you love me *loud cheers with a very deep sound from older rspw types* and some of you hate me *loud boos from early to mid 20's smarks which sounds more gentle and hhh-ish* But no matter what, we love and appreciate each and every single one of you *points at crowd* ESPECIALLY THE ONES RIGHT HERE AT!!!! *crowd cheers for the cheap pop hometown reference*

    Now tonight, I came here to take out that my enemy cultstatus. Tonight I was going to beat him down, and send him to the hospital. *loud cheers* And who comes out to stop me? My main man, my dude with attitude, the fuj! Now the last I knew, fuj was working Thursday nights at Universal Studios. Somehow he gets called back up to the big show... And turns on me? It makes no sense. I believe, this lowlife pimp Jef Vinson got in his head. And now Jef Vinson its time for me to bust yours open!

    Oh sure, you represent that fast life. All the women, and the booties, and the pornographic materials. But me, I represent these people! *points to the crowd* Whether they love me or hate me, I represent the BoD Webuverse! And just like them, I'm an honest, hardworking family man. I value time spent with my family, and good old fashioned America values. Just like these people right here in

    Oh yeah, you walk around with all these women. And call you them beautiful. They're not beautiful. You know what's beautiful? My wife and son!!!! *camera cuts to actors hired by Bayless sitting in the front row playing Jobber123s fake wife and kid* That's my family right there. That's what I fight for! Just like everyone else here. Just like the all the fans.

    *Jef Vinson and his hos appear from back stage on the BoD-tron*
    Jobber123: Oh look, its Jef Vinson! Hey Jef, instead of watching me, you need to watch your girl dogg!!!!!!

    Vinson: I don't need to watch her, all my hos are loyal!

    Jobber123: You better be watching that ass Jef! That's all I'm gonna say!

    *The sassy ho is spun around by Vinson to reveal a "Jef Vinson is poopy" sticker Jobber123 must have slapped on to her ass*

    *One Nation Under a Groove comes on to play the crowd out*

  144. Some people can do more with their free time than nap and jerk off.

  145. Fuck yeah, I made it on BoD Raw!

  146. I called out homeboy on his bluff.

    Still waiting on the link

  147. "I'll send you a link to my Facebook, you can get a glimpse of my life. Will you do the same? I already know the answer to that." -GDunn

    FYI, I called his bluff and still no response from him.

    @GDunn ladies and gentleman

  148. You realize he just wants a sex tape from you, right?

  149. Maybe a shirt to cover up that shitty tattoo? I could understand that request.

  150. Well in my experience only really cool guys document their life on Facebook, that's totally not a femine thing to do.

  151. at least he's not offering to swap instagram selfies.

  152. Neither is a multi-colored tattoo on your shoulder. A manly thing for sure

  153. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 9, 2014 at 11:10 PM

    Hmph. *ripping the sticker off the sassy hoes ass.*

    What you fail to understand it that these aren't mere hoes, jobber. These are my followers. They are smarter than you are. they know their place.

    *Spanish chick grabs soda from jobbers 'son' and throws it in his wifes face.*

    Do you know your place, bitch?

    *Grabbing jobbers 'wife' by the hair*

    Nah, you look like you need some discipline. Ladies this bitch is out of pocket. Get her in line.

    *Women jump on jobbers 'wife' and beat her up while I make his 'son' watch*

    See junior? I'm gonna give you the fatherly advice your dad isn't man enough to give. This is how you you treat a bitch, do you understand? DO YOU?!?!? I'm here for you boy. Shhh....I can help you. Let me hook you up with one of my girls..she'll make a man outta you.

    *sticks the bumper sticker on the kids mouth*

    Never're gonna grow up to be as big of a *BEEP* as your dad.

    *runs off as jobber chases him and his girls with a chair.*

  154. I'd honestly think any male that used Facebook as a "scrap book for their life" would either be gay (which is fine) or a child under the age of 16. For a girl, fine. But if I met a man that constantly updated and fucked with his Facebook page and he wasn't a kid or gay I would have almost no respect for him.

    Twitter, sure. Always texting? OK it's 2014, I do too. Always working so they fuck with email etc? Me too. Facebook...gtfoh

  155. Kessel Run is a Star Wars reference and not an NHL reference? Somethings not right here.

  156. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 12:30 AM


  157. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 1:02 AM

    Pffttt, nerd.

  158. Im not sure why they would want to, but you are right.

  159. They are just clinging to a dead era of the BoD. The misogynist revolution is NOW!

  160. This is easily the best ABeyAnce1 post ever!

    I still didn't vote for you, though.

  161. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 10, 2014 at 6:14 AM

    Han solo bragged about the Millennium Falcon being so fact is did the Kessel Run in 12 Parsecs.


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