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Bound For Glory 2014 To Be Held In Tokyo


To say this is a surprise is an understatement.  The show will be held October 12 at the Korakuen Hall in Tokyo.  If my memory serves me right, the last major PPV to be held outside of North America was Summerslam 1992.

Thoughts on this?


  1. LOL at anything from TNA being considered a "Major PPV".

  2. At least they're trying something different.

  3. For all the crap TNA gets on this site and everywhere else, I have to give them credit - this is a huge move and it will get them a lot of attention.

    HOWEVER, that being said, the biggest question is going to be the timing aspect of it. Japan is a 13 hour difference from the U.S. If they want to do a live show, it's going to have to be held at 9AM Japan time, I believe. Either that, or they do it on a tape delay, which, in 2014, is a nightmare for your biggest PPV of the year.

    Very intrigued to see how they handle this.

  4. One Night Only.

  5. TNA just wants to kill the company don't they? First they won't have fans, now they will have fans that won't cheer.

  6. That show wasn't available worldwide. The last worldwide wrestling PPV outside of the U.S. was Summerslam '92.

  7. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 1:40 PM

    the funny thing is, when all the wrestlers get there, dixie will be like "surprise! muta owns the company now. this is where you work. see ya!'

  8. I didn't see where Tommy said "worldwide," but okay.

  9. Just remember the motto, Everything is Fine!

  10. Well, I read "major", and I wouldn't classify One Night Only as a "major" show if it's not being aired in the company's home country.

  11. Will she rush out back to the airport leaving them all there?

  12. Taping PPVs and showing them months later hasn't been a problem for TNA, so why stop now?

    Aren't they going to film like a month's worth of TV this week in NYC?

  13. If they want to run a ppv live at 8pm here they have to start it at 9am in Tokyo. I don't love it but then again its TNA so it really doesn't make that much of a difference if they run a taped show.

  14. More like a Major Pooperview, AMIRITE?

  15. If they wanted to have a Bullet Club run in, that would now be the perfect time to do it.

  16. Even after Bound for Glory, the last major PPV to be held outside the US will be SummerSlam '92.

  17. They have trouble running shows in their own backyard, we're going to believe they can pull this off?

  18. Taping PPVs and showing them months later hasn't been a problem for them? Exactly how many buys do those shows get anyway? And they're not even in the same category as what is supposed to be their WrestleMania. Apples & oranges, my friend.

  19. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 1:43 PM

    it'll be via a tout

  20. Yeah! Fuck that chick and the fact that her beloved husband and father of her two children died due to a stupid stunt! How dare she hold a grudge against the wrestling industry!

  21. AXE BOMBAH~!

  22. Screw Sheamus. He sucks.

  23. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 2:48 PM

    nice goodbye letter from vickie

  24. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 2:51 PM

    would you MARK OUT, BRO?!

  25. He's beaten people with some of his other moves.

  26. I'd agree with this assertion, it just so happens that being a good worker is the most important part of wrestling.

  27. Sheamus has more believable offense, much better selling, better psychology. Cena can do better highspots and can give matches a certain about of gravitas but I wouldn't call him a better worker.

  28. Sadly not a lot of wrestling fans in the bunch. I did talk to a kid about his I'm Your Papi shirt when I was doing my student teaching.

  29. She is burying her husband's life's work under a bunch of stupid bullshit about him wanting to be a firefighter. No he fucking didn't, that's what you wanted him to do! She'd have done the same thing if he died in a car accident on the way to the show.

  30. That should be a heel lawyers submission.

  31. It's generic now, but powerbomb is really fucking cool. A very dynamic, informative name.

  32. What's it supposed to be a reference to?

  33. I dunno...I always look at it and see, "Paid Time Off". :)

  34. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 25, 2014 at 3:12 PM

    Improved by leaps and bounds, went from a bumbling promo who drew XPac Heat to an excellent heel manager/GM who could draw legit NUCLEAR heat. She made me remember why I miss managers so much (not GM, actual managers ). Grat run for her, I hope she made enough for her family to live well

  35. I agree with that assertion, but I don't think he's one of the five best in the company or anything.

  36. Sounds like you're an excellent teacher with that level of passion.

  37. Oh I was the worst. I quit years ago and am never going back. Anybody who would do that job is insane and I'm kind of worried about them being around kids since they're clearly nuts.

  38. CruelConnectionNumber2June 25, 2014 at 3:42 PM

    Rey debuted in 1989 at age 14. Tenay always pointed that out back in WCW.

  39. I'm kind of surprised they released his daughter since she's pretty and I heard she's not bad in the ring for how green she is.

  40. Melina will do the introduction to talk about their classic match.

  41. Yeah, it is a crappy job IMO. It takes a person who really has a heart for it (that's not a dig at all btw, I view it the same as people who do accounting for a living).

  42. In my opinion, SuperBrawl IX is what started WCW down the path to being purchased by Vince. Following Starrcade '97, WCW did better business than ever before. Following Starrcade '98, business was still good. Following The Fingerpoke of Doom, business was still good. Following SuperBrawl IX, WCW couldn't recover. After years of bad booking, WCW couldn't recover from some the idiotic SuperBrawl booking. SuperBrawl IX, much like Starrcade '97 SHOULD have been very easy to book correctly.

  43. That was actually a good one.

  44. Put Goldberg vs. Bigelow on Nitro or Thunder. Flair beating Hogan at SuperBrawl was a no brainer. Add Goldberg vs. Luger, Bret vs. Benoit, Steiner vs. DDP and the Outsiders vs. Konnan/Rey and you have a good upper card.

    If Hogan vs. Goldberg is the end game, Hogan can regain the title later (Bash at the Beach? Halloween Havoc?) and drop it to Goldberg at Starrcade.

  45. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 25, 2014 at 4:05 PM

    Yep. An early DTA version of Sheamus would do nicely.

  46. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 25, 2014 at 4:08 PM

    I would love to see them do some kind of heavy-handed retrospective video package: "she broke down barriers for women....she empowered a generation of divas...she redefined the meaning of 'I am woman, hear me roar". . .then have the narrator lose control laughing and cap it off with "and then she left to take dicks on camera".

  47. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 25, 2014 at 4:10 PM

    Same guy (Bischoff) who thought you would want to buy a biker-themed ppv with no paid gate.

  48. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 25, 2014 at 4:12 PM

    Yeah, even by SuperBrawl 9 they STILL had a chance to salvage some bad decisions with an emphatic, decisive WCW sweep against the nWo. SuperBrawl really proved that they would never change. In a lot of ways, it was the show that ruined the company for good, at least for me. Being there live was pretty demoralizing as a fan

  49. I would say she is definitely worthy - she held a prominent role on TV for 8 years (which lets be honest, really isn't an easy feat), she was a vital part of main event programs (granted, Edge did most of the work, but still, she has a catch phrase that will ALWAYS be associated with her (if anyone IRL says excuse me to you, don't tell me you don't associate it with her), and much like Kane throughout his career, worked with whatever they gave her and made it work.

    Also, Koko B. Ware is in. So, yeah...

  50. Even if they want to turn Flair heel in March, that's ok. Have Goldberg run through the nWo, then beat Flair for the title.

  51. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 25, 2014 at 5:01 PM

    I'd even say after SuperBrawl. Something to keep in mind: they had won a night in the ratings as recently as October. With the right storyline they probably could have come back even a few more months later. It was how stupid they were around this time that started crippling them.

  52. Sheamus is an instant "time to change the channel" guy, I have no idea how to recover his character for me to give a flip

  53. I read Vickie's farewell letter. She says to Vince that Eddie thought of him as a dad, and Vince clearly has a lot of respect for Eddie Guerrero. I wonder if Vince sees the Eddie Guerrero Lie, Cheat, & Steal character as one of his greatest creations. Here you have Eddie, a guy known the world over as one of the finest technicians on the planet, clearly has a ton of charisma, and gets over in every promotion he works for...but just didn't have that extra something to make him a main eventer. And it's not even an Austin situation where he wasn't really doing much, and grabbed an opportunity by the horns. It was a multi-year process where the real man developed into Vince's creation; culminating in his epic title win over Brock in 04.

    I don't know, but I feel like this is one of--if not the--greatest combo of a wrestler having all of the tools and Vince finding that last special touch to bring it over the top.

  54. Paige's Torturous Orgasm? She does scream a lot after all.

  55. Man I don't remember any of those. Although I really should have remembered Steviekick.

  56. I don't think he needs to be. He just needs to hold down the mid-card. He does a fine job of that.

  57. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 25, 2014 at 5:48 PM

    You know, with the injury bug seemingly on a feeding frenzy and Summerslam/Network renewal time right around the corner, I'd be a bit concerned about putting my top guys in a ladder match right about now. Yeah, it's not ballet and all that jazz, but still.

  58. Regular, Raw-to-Raw workers?

    For me it goes.

    1) Bryan
    2) ADR
    3) Cesaro
    4) Sheamus
    5) Rollins

  59. Cena is pretty much a Raw to Raw worker and I'd have him ahead of Sheamus. I'd also put Ziggler ahead of him, and I have a feeling I'll end up with Rollins and Ambrose ahead of him but they both have too short of a track record in singles competition to put them up there yet. I really cannot fault Sheamus as a worker at all though, nor do I begrudge those for whom he is a favorite. It's just that I have such general antipathy to his character in general that for him to be one of my favorites he'd have to be having matches like his Bryan or Morrison matches every week.

  60. Cena's peak is higher than Sheamus' peak, but Cena needs a top level opponent in a top level feud to really make something work. Yeah he's great, but when's the last time he's done something enjoyable in a nothing match against a nothing opponent.

    And I think Ziggler is tremendously overrated. Great at bumping, but his offense is laughable. All he does is flop and spin, I really can't think of a great Ziggler match that wasn't forced out of him by a much better worker than can control his excess and make his ridiculous tics mean something.

    Rollins has better upside, but I'm going to wait before I declare him to be a better worker than those top four.

    And Ambrose isn't much of a singles guy, he's got the weak/boring offense problem. He's good at crazy brawls and he can take a beating, but he's not a next level worker.

  61. Next week is the biggest travesty ever in the greatness of our sport: Hollywood Hogan retires Mongo McMichael by throwing Clorox in his face. :(

  62. Mongo vs. Hogan should have happened - even if it had been chicken heel Hogan vs. tweener Mongo. Maybe Hogan reintroduces the hulk up after no selling Mongo's tombstone.

    Anybody know if Mongo is running for mayor again?

  63. Best comment in ages haha

  64. "The Stevie Kick" was so cheezy it was amazing hahah. For years afterwards me and my friends would always, always refer to a side kick as a "Stevie Kick"

  65. In all seriousness, when the nWo do their mocking video of Flair after Superbrawl - I threw my hands up and gave up on WCW for a while. That skit was so unfunny.

  66. I bought it just to see if the detective on the cover solves enough case to be able to afford the surgery to fix her lazy eye!

  67. Where does that leave the tag tournament finals?


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