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Breaking News Regarding the WWE World Championship

The following was just reported by Mike Johnson of

Just a warning, this does contain spoilers

"A new WWE World Heavyweight champion will be crowned at the 6/29 Money in the Bank PPV in Boston, MA.

WWE sources indicate the decision was made late last week after Bryan was sent to Pittsburgh for additional tests when his physical therapy was not leading to him responding as quickly as originally expected. originally reported that there were some in WWE who didn't realistically expect Bryan back in action before Summerslam, but there was cautious optimism that he would be back by MITB, at least, and he was advertised for all of the July house shows in main events.

WWE will have quite a storyline gap to fill as Bryan has already stated, on television, that he would not hand the title over, since it would negate everything he accomplished from Summerslam 2013 through Wrestlemania and more importantly, everything the fans accomplished with their support. 

WWE now finds themselves in a position where they have to take the title from Bryan without damaging his character. As I wrote earlier, I expect this to be addressed in some capacity on Raw. "


  1. Give it to Rollins and have him feud with Ambrose and Reigns for a bit.

  2. Why don't they just have the winner of MITB be an interim champion and then when Bryan is ready to wrestle, the winner is the undisputed champion.

  3. I don't care who holds the title, just so that it leads to Brock F5ing a sofa on to Miz.

  4. I was rewatching some 80s PPV on the Network last week and Gorilla Monsoon drops some shit about how the title has to be defended at least once every 30 days, with Ventura concurring with him--noting that's WWF policy. WHOA.

    They should pull that out of their ass and hock the Network in the same breath.

  5. Why not just do Flair-Funk 89 v2.0? Have a heel you want to hotshot - let's say Rollins because he's freshly turned - attack him during an interview and "break his neck". Rollins is suddenly a killer and Bryan goes home with the title to heal and train for his revenge.

  6. I don't think taking the title from Bryan will damage his character too badly. I think most fans are smart enough to realize this is a real, serious injury.

  7. Get Rikishi and a car. I'll handle this.

  8. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 3:09 PM

    Fuck yo' couch!

  9. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 9, 2014 at 3:09 PM

    Everyone here has better ideas than what we are most likely going to get.

  10. Really, that's what should have happened with Kane weeks ago.

  11. Have someone attack Bryan and then have step steal the belt.

    I'd have cena win the title, then lose to Brock at summerslam.

  12. I agree.....but to a point. As long as he's on TV he may be OK, but with the way they book things, it's unfortunate.

  13. "I did it for da Roman"

  14. So did HBK train Bryan to lose his smile too?

  15. If Daniel's not medically cleared, he can't take bumps period. If he does and gets hurt it opens up the company to lawsuits out the ass.

  16. Really, this is paving the way for the only individual who is worthy enough to hold the title. He's been without the title long enough, and this will finally put the exclamation point on his redemption story.

    The 33-year old title drought of the Brooklyn Brawler will end at MITB!

  17. You want them to literally hand the title to Seth? As far as first reigns go that would have to rank near the bottom.

  18. Never will happen, but a returning Jericho laying his rightful claim to the title as the first Undisputed Champ and official "Best in the World" title could beat down Bryan and align with the Authority for the summer.

  19. Didn't he basically jack up his neck long before the surgery, with the multi-tomby-stones?

  20. I don't know, seemed like more of a long term injury finally reaching it's limit as opposed to a one night Stone Cold dropped on his head deal.

  21. I don't think he's ready but I'm in favor of fresh feuds. So naturally we will get Cena and Orton again.

  22. That's what I meant - when Kane buried him (no pun intended), he jacked up his neck kayfabe-wise. They should've done the injury angle to that and taken the title from him then. THEN, if Bryan's OK, have him regain at MITB, only to lose to Brock at SS and start his Rocky 3 Redemption story.

  23. I just checked out Fozzy's tour page and the last live date listed was a show on May 31st. It has a More Dates Added Soon message but nothing official.

  24. What should happen: Seth Rollins or Cesaro wins the vacant title in MITB

    What will happen: Cena, duh

  25. I always thought that was common wrestling knowledge. I think WCW adhered to the same "policy".

  26. Well if they knew he'd be out with an injury this serious he probably loses to HHH in the Mania opener.

  27. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 3:25 PM

    read somewhere that vince is personally taking over all booking decisions for dbry

    not sure what that means, though, since you'd think he'd have the final say anyway, and he can't be the only one throwing around ideas

  28. So if there's going to be a MITB match for the belts, does that mean they're going to have a second MITB match for the briefcase (as was hinted on the blog before)?

    Let's say there is: then the match for the title should include (IMHO) Sheamus, Barrett, RVD, Cena, Ambrose, Kane, Orton and HHH, with Hunter winning to set up a big return for Bryan.

    The briefcase MITB should have Reigns, Rusev, Big E, Dallas, Harper, Rowan, Swagger, and Cesaro, with Cesaro winning and cashing in before the end of the year.


  29. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 3:26 PM

    they have been referencing the 30 days "rule" recently in regards to dbry

  30. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 3:26 PM

    that up and comer ABEYANCE is finally get another shot at the big time!

  31. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 3:28 PM

    i wonder how this will affect the buyrate of the ppvspecial... will people make it a point to tune in or will they be like "i'm over it"?

  32. YES! No stupid briefcase this year!

  33. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 3:29 PM

    punk will return


  34. Give it to that one guy who makes those crappy movies for them and shills their company nonstop. That's right The Maz!

  35. Are you kidding? He "lays down for Ab-So-LUTE-ly No-Onnnnne"

  36. Are you kidding? He "lays down for Ab-So-LUTE-ly No-Onnnnne"

  37. Bad idea. It's overkill. One big ladder match for the belts is enough.

  38. ADR has to be in there based on beating Ziggs.

    In general, I think you need some more of the Kofi/Ziggler types (Dolph can go in the qualifier while ADR goes for the title) to take the bumps/do the high spots.

    I'd do 6 people in each match instead of 8 (just too much going on, plus some of your nominees are borderline- Rowan? Swagger who just lost to Rose? Big E who got squashed by Rusev?).

    Also, why would HHH allow Ambrose or Reigns in the match? Plus, no Rollins?

  39. The Muz rulez, and he's got a built in backstory for them to ignore to boot!

  40. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 3:31 PM

    real life: why we can't have nice things when it comes to wwe

  41. I was just thinking off the top of my head. I know I missed some folks in there. And six instead of eight would be fine by me - one thing that sucks about MITB is two or three guys at all times have to lying dead outside the rings for several minutes before re-emerging.

  42. Bryan's vacated two WWE titles. He lost a WWE title to Orton in 8 sec. 18sec loss to Sheamus is his longest title loss.

  43. I mean, it's a horrible time for an injury, but there's nothing they can do. At the very least, when he comes back, there's an angle ready to go, with Bryan challenging the champion immediately upon returning.

  44. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 3:32 PM

    that's what happens when you're a b+ player

  45. The Muz? I thought it was The Meez?

  46. This will make ABEYANCE a five time WWE Champion! The five timers club!

  47. A winner is you.

  48. He's no match for The Mize. Hall of Famer and a fearsome slugger.

  49. The Muze gives great promos.

  50. Couldn't they just wait until the night after MITB and have the winner cash in on a still injured Bryan?

  51. Man, this company is in some shit. If they draw sub 2.8 until Summerslam theres gonna be some huge problems.

  52. I dont think ratings really matter any longer...

  53. Lesnar should get the belt at mitb.

  54. Time to break the (money in the) bank and bring in BROOOOCCKK LEZZZZNARRRRR for a run.

  55. They do, because WWE likely guarantees a minimum rating to advertisers for their show, and if they don't deliver that rating they have to make good on it with free ads/partial refunds and such. Not to mention they signed a new TV deal that they aren't living up to.

  56. The Maze has been quite on a perplexing route reaching legend status.

  57. One of those really unfortunate stats that WWE should really really not emphasize in any way.

  58. The Mez has been stuck between the lobby and the second floor of stardom for some time now.

  59. I have to find the article but it said that ratings really didnt matter any longer...

  60. Sorry if I came off as too critical; I could understand each pick from a storyline perspective (e.g. Rusev-Big E).

    Yeah, the lying outside should happen to sell the high spots but can be a little dull; however, I think this would happen no matter how many people are in the match.

    I would actually agree with The_Bo; one MITB would be better than two, because each would try to do many dangerous spots just to stand out from the other match.

  61. Meez rhymes with Bees...Sting should win the title in his debut!

  62. Which belt?

    And who should get the other one?

  63. Can't argue with that logic.

  64. Ratings always matter. Granted, its not like USA will cancel them unless they hit sub 2.0 or whatever they consider an emergency, but ratings always matter. Advertising companies look at ratings to determine if they should advertise, and it shows what demographics are actually watching the show. WWE, however, places too much value in the short term because clearly the company is sensitive to ratings changes, otherwise Raw wouldn't be rewritten multiple times on the day of the show.

  65. Where's that guy who's always saying Hogan should be world champ again? Sounds like this is his bat signal...

  66. I'm pretty sure NBC/Universal makes the TV ad deals and gets the profit generated from them.

    But yes i'm sure WWE has a minimum ratings "guarantee" for their shows. What happens if they don't meet those goals is a mystery.

  67. Can Bryan work a match? Even one where he is heavily protected could be a problem.

  68. Off-camera attack backstage and a quick pin in the ring?

  69. Actually, I think WWE handles their own ad deals and then gives a certain amount from them to USA. They did this with Smackdown and Raw around the time of the TNN and UPN deals according to a book, I think it was Sex, Lies, and Headlocks, which went rather in-depth about some of the business stuff like XFL/the nature of the UPN and TNN deals/etc

  70. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 3:50 PM

    If there was ever a time to beg Punk to come back, this is it.

  71. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 3:51 PM

    "that guy who's always saying Hogan should be world champ again"


  72. They're not championship-level yet, dude.

  73. Actually, before Bryan's injury would've been a decent time when it was clear they were just spinning wheels until Brock Lesnar.

  74. Sucks for Bryan and sucks for the WWE. This dude is still the most over guy in the WWE.

  75. Give it to Bray! Than he can feud with Bryan when he comes back under the grounds that Bryan has been unable to beat him fairly.

  76. Which would be nice except for that part where Cena took all his momentum for no adequately explained reason.

  77. He'd just be a transitional guy.

  78. For who? Top babyface besides Cena that doesn't exist?

  79. He keeps the belt just to give it back to Bryan in the rematch.

  80. Why would NBC pay them $160 million dollars a year and not get the ad dollars?

    How do they possibly make money getting only a portion of the ads?

  81. No. Have him win the MITB ladder match with Hunters help. Have Orton get jealous and quit Evolution.

  82. And I say Rollins should win the belt.

  83. Honestly, it should be a face, given that WWE has no up and comer on the heel side sans maybe Rollins and thats still up in the air. Now might've been a good time to just go for broke with Cesaro but hes a heel not a face, which is actually now biting them in the ass cause Bryan injury.

  84. Yeah, they've really only got two championship-level faces in the entire company right now. Bryan and Cena.

  85. The choice is obvious.

    El Torito.

    This is documented by science, and cannot be refuted.

  86. I say that I should have been a rock start before my 21st birthday; that didn't make it so.

  87. ITs yet to be seen if this Rollins turn is the right kind of turn though. Is it "I WANT DEAN AND ROMAN TO BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF SETH" turn or a "I WANT THE SHIELD TOGETHER CAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME AND/OR SEXY DEPENDING ON MY SEXUAL PREFERENCE" turn?

  88. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 4:05 PM

    BREAKING NEWS: On 6/29 at Money in the Bank the WWE Championship will still be just a prop that nobody in management gives a fuck about.

  89. Rollins is awesome. Go all the way with him on the turn.

  90. Isn't it a little too early for Rollins?

  91. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 4:08 PM

    I want to see Brock F5 himself onto Miz while Miz is F5'ing himself onto a keyboard with the F5 key taped down.

  92. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 4:09 PM

    ... onto a table. Cause, why not?

  93. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 4:09 PM

    And Cena is a heel to half the crowd. That's why I was saying in the other thread that now is the time to strap the rocket to Reigns.

  94. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 4:09 PM

    Hi, this is the WWE booking committee calling, just want to know if you've been watching the show the past few years?

  95. IMO, they should do what most promoters in this situation would do: God push someone who is a potential star but might not be ready and just go completely for broke.

    Roman Reigns pinned Trips with a Spear, has won big matches on 3 consecutive PPVs, and has a natural feud if they choose to got that way. Maybe he'll go up in flames, but it wouldn't be the worst idea in the world.

  96. If he only holds it to Summerslam then yes. If they give him a proper reign until say Survivor Series then i'd be all for it.

    If Daniel's back by Summerslam and they want to put the title on him when he gets back then i'd say just put it back on Orton or Cena.

  97. Because you're in meetings with Stephanie McMahon?

  98. If DBry can be back for SummerSlam, you can maybe put the belt on someone like Cesaro or Sheamus to then have them beaten by Brock at the next ppv, then book Brock vs. Bryan at SummerSlam for the title.

  99. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 4:11 PM

    No, because I've been watching the show the past 10 years.

  100. I imagine they view it as more than a prop.

  101. Rollins being over as part of the shield doesn't automatically make championship material yet.

  102. I hate to say it but I think Cena should win the title, setting up Cena/Bryan II at Summerslam.

  103. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 4:17 PM

    Only way I want to see Cena get the title is if Punk is coming back to challenge him for it. Punk vs Cena is money. And the WWE could sure use some right now...

  104. Someone get me Brock Lesnar in the telephone.

    - Vince McMahon

  105. I really wish they would do that kind of ppv/special again.

  106. I agree with Zanatude down there, if this becomes a 6-8 man ladder match for the title at MitB, after so many regular MitB matches, the show becomes that much more interesting for me. Hell, they could still do 2 MitB matches, one for the title and one for the briefcase.

  107. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 4:20 PM

    "You don't undahstand Vince... he's INSIDE the phone. He's literally INSIDE de f**king telephone!!!" - Pat Patterson

  108. "And he's angry, Vince. He sound like he's going BANANA!"

  109. Only way he's coming back is if he gets his Mania main event along with a part time schedule aka Bye-Bye house shows.

    I still see it happening but not until Royal Rumble time.

  110. Ah, okay. I can see that, but like i said above i don't think a short 2 month reign for Seth does him any favours.

    So if they're serious about Seth on top, i'm all for it, if it's just a keep the belt warm for Daniel Bryan until Summerslam then less so.

  111. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 4:31 PM

    "Oh hey look, there's a title belt inside the briefcase. I wonder why none of the past winners bothered to open it up to see what was inside?"

  112. Anyone else watching E3 coverage? I'm watching the Ubisoft press conference and they're releasing 3 AAA games in October/November. Assassin's Creed # 458,The Crew & Far Cry 4 back to back to back.

    How does that make any sense? Why do video game publishers still treat the christmas period as the end all be all of the calendar? I can't afford all this stuff in the final 2 months of the year every year.

  113. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    What you should really be asking yourself is, how long will the buying public keep buying sequels to sequels to sequels of sequels?

  114. Then have the first briefcase winner cash in on the champ.

  115. Fuccccccccccck

  116. Considering rubes genuinely get excited at HD remakes of 25 year old Nintendo games i'd say it'll be a long long time.

  117. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 4:35 PM

    If the newest COD (Ghosts? I can't keep track...) game's sales are any indication, for a long time.

  118. It could be interesting, half interested in going to Raw the next night in my neck of the woods

  119. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 4:36 PM

    Any Zelda game after LTTP is really overrated. There, I said it.

  120. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 9, 2014 at 4:37 PM

    Barack Lesnar

  121. Haven't played a Nintendo game since the 64 era. Gimmick controllers and endless rehashes of old franchises that i played as a child hold no interest to me.

  122. When you consider they need a Summer champ to sell house show tickets for the Summer, Cena is the best option for that

  123. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 4:41 PM

    Wind Waker is severely underrated.

  124. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 4:41 PM

    There were some great games on the GC, particularly the Metroid Prime series. I have a Wii, haven't played it in over a year and only have one game for it, and it's a pinball game. I'd give it to my niece, but she already has one that she doesn't play either. The WiiU isn't a bad console (my ex's son has one), but third party companies have all but given up on Nintendo, so there's no games for it worth buying.

  125. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 4:42 PM

    Is that the one where you spend most of the game on a little boat? That game sucks.

  126. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 9, 2014 at 4:43 PM

    Yeah, wasn't that the deal with Hogan? He was only getting away with violating the 30 day thing because Bischoff was nWo?

  127. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 9, 2014 at 4:45 PM

    There is a significant amount of "oh shit" panic type stuff converging in WWE right now. I'm pretty sure Cena is going to be their reaction, in terms of WWE champion.

  128. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 9, 2014 at 4:46 PM

    CM Punk's potential leverage increases by the day

  129. It's really hard to top the greatest video game of all time.

    The sequel (A Link Between Worlds) came pretty damn close though.

  130. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 9, 2014 at 4:47 PM

    In the sense that he's getting fatter by the day, yes.

  131. There's a lot of games worth playing, basically, anything made by Nintendo.

  132. Rollins turned heel last week joining Evolution. What better way to put him on the map and give that turn extra credibility than having joining Evolution bring him directly to the title? I'm not saying give Rollins the strap(s) in order to base the whole company about him, but rather, to give a white hot heel an exciting run before losing it to Reigns or Bryan.

    As for Cesaro, same thing. Won a prestigious battle royal at WM, got the very best representation on his said in Paul Heyman. Rides that momentum to the top prize, and creates interesting storyline possibilities with Lesnar.

    Or, have it your way, give it to Cena or Orton. The fans were so hot for that in January...

  133. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 4:48 PM

    "Here's what I want Vince, I wanna fuck ALL the divas. Oh wait, I was already doing that... never mind..."

  134. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 9, 2014 at 4:49 PM

    A Royal Rumble of Divas....count it down to who he bones next in the middle of the ring.

  135. Those snacks at Wrigley are meant to be eaten you know

  136. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 4:50 PM

    Make Lita the winner for her second live sex show on Raw.

  137. The Shield is awesome and sexy no matter your sexual preference.

    Trust me, I have dreams of Reigns singing "I'm a little teapot" to me. He says I'm his little teapot.

  138. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 4:50 PM

    I go back and forth between that and GTA: San Andreas as the GOAT.

    A Link Between Worlds is the newest one, on the 3DS, right? Haven't played it, I just can't do portable systems.

  139. Meh, he's gone. I can't see him wanting a Brock-like schedule nor HHH granting it. He seems like too much a perfectionist to be willing to part time it and risk lousy, rust laden matches. And if he wanted to come back to the status quo, he could have been back already I reckon

  140. They are?

  141. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 4:53 PM

    The new Mario is pretty good, but not good enough to drop $300 on a new system. I have no interest in any 3D Zelda game, and I haven't played the new Mario Kart, if it's even out yet. Make a new Metroid (and NOT a sequel to Other M, that game was horrible) and F-Zero and we'll talk.

  142. BUZZZ!!!!


  143. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 9, 2014 at 4:55 PM

    It can't be! It's CHYNA!!!

  144. Which belt?

    And who should win the other one?

  145. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 9, 2014 at 4:56 PM

    More money for less work is hard for a lot of people to turn down.

  146. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 4:59 PM

    In Boston? The crowd will shit all over it.

  147. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 9, 2014 at 4:59 PM

    I still think HHH: Lord and Master of The Universe declaring himself champion is the way to go.

  148. The Christians might take that the wrong way.

  149. True, and again, easy for me to say, but it just seems it'd take a hell of a lot more money for Punk to come back. Even without the Mania ME, he had probably the best nearly 2 year run of anyone not named Cena in what, 15 years+? Seemed miserable the whole time. Just seems like he'd be able to get a similar paying gig with Nerdist (or some other pop culture related thing) without all the shit that drove him away

  150. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 5:01 PM

    Fuck that cash-in bullshit, I hate it.

  151. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 9, 2014 at 5:02 PM

    I don't know how to tell you this but... you may have The Gay.

  152. Working Raw and 12 PPV's with an occasional Smackdown = 50 matches a year easy.

    That's not rust-worthy schedule, that's the dream of every main event pro wrestler ever.

  153. They should put the belt on Cena and stop the bleeding while they can. They need to cover those July house shows and he'll do the best job.

    Man that's a bummer. I thought he was a lock to work mitb since they made it an angle. I think the best bet for the wwe is to have Bryan come out and say his neck is fucked and he can't wrestle for months if even ever again. If they make it a authority based storyline the fans will shit all over it and potentially even Bryan for going along with it kayfabe.

  154. Dude, it's so worth it. It brought me right back to playing a Link to the Past for the first time.

  155. Mario Kart came out on May 30th and it's awesome. Gorgeous graphics, the usual fun gameplay. It's a blast.

  156. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 9, 2014 at 5:06 PM

    I see no way that either Cena or Orton isn't walking out of there with it. And I totally agree on Bryan.

  157. More Cena? While I agree he's probably the only guy that could carry the company due to the horrid booking, I really don't want another Summer of Cena.

    That said, I literally can't think of a better option unless they decide to put the belt on Brock. He doesn't show up on TV a lot or do house shows, though.

  158. If they give Orton the title again, I will laugh my ass off.

  159. Agree....just be honest....if they want cheap sympathy, have him bring up his father too. "I'm hurt, I thought I could come back, I can't"......then go radio silent on him until he's healthy or even save him for night of Champions to pump the network with a unification match

  160. Isn't every summer the Summer of Cena?

  161. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 9, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    Time to put the belt back on Hogan, brother.

  162. NICOLE BASS IS NUMBER 30!!!!!!

    "Oh fuck you, I quit... again...." -CM Punk

  163. Can he no-sell the Superman punch?

  164. It'd be sort of cool if they had a mystery entrant in the MITB match and it turned out to be Punk.

  165. At least Barack Lesnar could cut a promo. I'm not a big Obama fan, but his angry speeches are better promos than most of the WWE roster.

  166. I get why the system is shit on by hardcore gamers. But for someone like me, I love it. Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Skylanders (so sue me, my kid loves it), Super Luigi Bros., The Arkham Games, Assassins Creed 3 and 4, now Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Brothers coming soon.

    Doesn't hurt that between deals and rewards certificates, I only payed about $150 for it. But for someone like me, who isn't as hardcore, I think it's a dynamite system.

  167. If it's not Cena, and cm punk won't come back who on the wwe roster today could draw on the house show circuit as champ? Orton? OK sure. Hhh? Please god no and I don't see him dropping everything and working 4 nights a week for an ice cold title reign. Wyatt and Cesaro are over on TV but do you trust them to draw 6500 fans in Topeka? If they had spent the year building ziggler up instead of burying him every week he might have been an option. Its Cena or bust.

  168. Agreed. I'm over the MITB concept. It was nice the first few times, but now it's just dumb.

  169. Yeah they'll be shooting their business in the foot if they make it another authority angle. Just tell the truth and move on.

  170. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 9, 2014 at 5:14 PM

    DOOL's "Sami"?

  171. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 5:14 PM

    If ever there was a time to bring back King of the Ring...

  172. Hey, he can climb a ladder AT LEAST.

  173. Barry Horowitz would be a better choice.

  174. So now Triple H has a great reason to stop jobbing!

  175. Yeah, Steph has referenced the 30 days, but then she doesn' do anything about it. Stupid.

  176. No matter what angle they use ( if they even do) bryan should be taken off tv immediately and stay gone till his neck is good. Rarely even mention him after tonite and have him return in a couple months as a surprise and just beat the hell out of evolution or the authority or whatever they call themselves. He says he wants HIS title back. Simple as that.

  177. Well, the biggest criticism of the product is that it's stale, right? I say go ahead and put the damn title on Roman Reigns. Yes, I guess it would rob him of a "WrestleMania Moment," but this company needs a kick in the ass. The crowd loves the guy, so pull the damn trigger and see where it goes. I know I'd be more willing to watch on a regular basis if Reigns was the champ.

  178. Have the belt be up for grabs in a MITB match. Would make it all the more interesting. Who wins the match though?

  179. Sadly yes, which is why I want something else.

  180. Well I would finally tune into RAW atleast

  181. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 5:20 PM

    A returning Shane McMahon.

  182. The know he is the WWEs resident movie star.

  183. I guess Batista shouldn't have quit, eh?

  184. Will he sell house show tickets and can he work a 20 minute singles match? Maybe but maybe not and no would be my two answers. Cena time bro.

  185. The first Mass Effect for me. Although I wouldn't argue San Andreas

  186. Why can't they have a one on one title match at MITB and still have a MITB ladder match thats actually for the briefcase.

  187. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 5:23 PM

    Have Edge do an awkward run-in and everything.

  188. It's worth a shot to find out. I don't think Reigns needs to work 20 minute matches either. Hogan did fine working 10-12 minute main events when he was the champ in the 1990s.

  189. Call me crazy but put the Belt on Bray....we all know Brock or or Bryan is going to have it by Summerslam. Salvage Bray from the Cena burial by going over strong at MITB for the belt....maybe even beat Cena for it. He proves he is a player in the game gets the belt for a couple months and there you go he is on the next level.

  190. This company is really screwed. Bryan hurt for an indefinite amount of time, CM Punk and Batista left over money issues, Triple H is a part-time old guy, and Orton has been emasculated to a degree that he doesn't matter. Cena is 95% getting the title since no one else has been booked worth a damn.

  191. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 5:23 PM

    He didn't quit though. He had to leave to do contractually obligated promo work for the movie.

  192. That was partly a kayfabe comment, but I do understand his promo work. I'm just saying that if he were around, they'd probably put the belt on him.

  193. too bad he lost his qualifier to The Electrifying Alberto Del Rio

  194. WWE needs to place a call to John Morrison. Not saying he's the next champion, but he'd be a breath of fresh air in the upper midcard right now.

  195. ST3 - The search For DownvoteJune 9, 2014 at 5:25 PM

    I highly doubt anyone gets paid much for working for Hardwick's nerdist team.

  196. Yea the only logical reason for that is to say fuck u to ziggler. Which I'm sure is wat they did


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