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Hey Scott

Figured out why they changed Tyler Breeze's entrance music (aside from it being kind of funny that he's 'singing' it) ... it's a production track.

Heard the original theme during a couple of Good Morning America promos yesterday.

Probably explains the new cuts for Zayn and Mojo ahead of Takeover, as well.

Yeah, I understand the reasoning behind wanting to make money on iTunes and such.  It just sucks as a fan.  I wish they'd hammer this stuff out before bringing them to TV is all.  


  1. I'm not sure it's that simple though. I mean, literally every big name got into the HOF (including Hogan and Warrior), but specifically not Savage, not even considered? I doubt that there was no grudge or personal reason.

  2. AverageJoeEverymanJune 11, 2014 at 8:30 AM

    yeah I agree they should have (for this appearance at least) used the Evolution music. To follow up; how does Cesaro still have that god awful music?

  3. That Sunday Night Slam was a trainwreck. I have my original taped copy from when it aired and it was a shitshow with the fan call ins. All kinds of technical issued littered throughout and the one kid that said he thinks Tatanka sold out and they quickly cut him off.

  4. I almost brought him up to. Makes me wonder if this heyman thing is short lived and they are waiting for a face turn to change his music.

  5. I bet it was that Reddit guy in his early teens.

  6. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 11, 2014 at 8:39 AM

    "Was there something on that Monday night? Tennis or something?"

    If this was 2 weeks before SS that would put it right around the time of the U.S. Open, so probably.

  7. I don't get the backlash against Breeze's new music. It's so over-the-top obnoxious that it works perfectly.

  8. They Heyman pairing will obviously be short lived. It's pretty obvious because Heyman spends about 95 percent of his mic time talking up Lesnar.

  9. Yea but they are doing a good job not over playing their hand so far. Cesaro hasn't been acting pissed and Heyman has been all in for Cesaro when you get to the actual match.

  10. Apparently, Heyman is the 1 behind the 1 in 21-1. Because from what I heard, his client, Brock Lesnar, conquered the Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania. But again, that's just what I heard.

  11. I agree, they have done a nice job of slow burning it. Can't wait for Cesaro/Lesnar to happen, that match has a ton of potential.

  12. Of course with the nWo taking off they suddenly became the hipper company. At that point the group of wrestling fans that were at my school were smaller, but quite a few of them started watching WCW.

  13. People just cling to everything about their favorites in NXT and freak because the "man" is making then change it. It's indy fanboyism inside the WWE ecosystem.

    It only bugs me when they're clearly ripping off another theme, like Rose's. It just highlights how much better the original is, like all of Jimmy Hart's WCW grunge knockoff theme songs.

  14. Breeze's new music is great, reminds me of HBK's theme. "Sexy Boy" had the "Oh Shawn, Shawn" and Breeze's has "Look it's Tyler", although it's a dude, not Sensational Sherri. And, as noted, Breeze is singing his own theme. I have the feeling they are going to try to go all the way with this guy. I think he's the best thing going in NXT right now. I am eagerly awaiting this Neville/Breeze title feud.

  15. Because soundalikes are awful. They can't make it too similar or they'll get sued, so a soundalike always sounds like someone who has barely heard the original playing it out of tune and tempo.

  16. I like Breeze's theme. Clearly they were going for the over-the-top HBK 'Sexy Boy' vibe.

  17. I always loved the mid-week Survivor Series. No school AND some WWF? Sign me up!

    Now, probably wouldn't be very excited about it. I'm old and need to be in bed for work the next morning.

  18. Yeah, Kid suffered from Jeff Hardy syndrome circa 2000-2002 where he was over and protected and occassionaly put in high profile matches, but at the same time lost the majority of his matches.

  19. Yeah, I'm not saying there's any truth to the Steph rumor but something serious must have happened because Vince eventually forgives everyone and gives them a job.

  20. My biggest problem with the Kid-Owen match was that Kid clearly had Owen beat before the DQ and Owen was about to headline the biggest match of his life on the second biggest PPV of the year. It just didn't make any sense, especially as it didn't lead to anywhere. We never saw Kid feud with either Bret or Owen after Summerslam for instance.

  21. Plenty of fans wanted to see TNA's top guys like Angle, AJ Styles, Daniels, Kazarian, etc... against Daniel Bryan and other top WWE guys. The problem is, the WWE had no interest in hiring any of the people to make them happen.

    And I think WCW felt "bigger and better" than WWF well before the nWo angle. By early 96 there was an air of desperation around WWF where it felt extremely smalltime, and WCW felt like it was operating on the scale of 80s WWF.

  22. If both guys go all out it could be incredible.

  23. Yep, surprised Scott didn't mention that. Even as a mark kid I was confused by this decision because I thought for sure Owen was winning. It should have at least led to a rematch where they can have another awesome match before putting Owen over for real.

  24. My non-banging Stephanie theory is that Vince was annoyed at him in 2004 for joining TNA and then the Hall of Fame just didn't happen because Savage was insistent on inducting the Poffo family, which Vince didn't want to do.

    Every year after the Hall of Fame returned in 2004 (except 2007 and 2010) there is an alive "marquee name" that heads up the class. A lot of times Vince already had marquee names worked out (Austin, Hart, Hogan/Piper, Edge, Shawn Michaels all come to mind), so Vince didn't "need" Savage as the marquee name so didn't bother dealing with him. He probably was going to get to Savage sooner or later.

    Had Savage not died in May 2011, we could've had him heading the 2012, 2013, 2014 or a future classes. But Vince was able to make deals with Bruno in 2013 and Warrior in 2014 (and Edge's retirement made him the automatic headliner in 2012), so there still hasn't been the need for even a posthumous Macho Man induction because he'd still probably be treated as the headliner.

    But with Lanny on such bad terms with WWE -- and up until recently still insisting on the Poffo family being inducted -- who even shows up to accept the induction?

    ...Or he could've just banged Stephanie.

  25. Davey Richards used stock music for his ROH reference.

    I heard it on some show about an exterminator once and laughed out of my chair

  26. Yeah, I agree when the nWo took off WCW was the place to be, but before the nWo thing happened both companies were still treading water and basically even steven to one another and the ratings reflected that as it was a toss up on who would win that week's ratings. But the nWo thing happened and led to WCW dominating the ratings.

    I do agree with one of the posters on here that while WCW had the star power and a killer angle, WWF's tv production was still better than WCW's.

  27. I agree. Savage is probably always considered, but he HAS to go in as the
    headliner. You don't just put him in like Koko B Ware as an
    afterthought, at least when he was still alive. The Hall of Fame is
    solely about making money. A ceremony headlined by Macho Man around say
    2010 with full a merchandise and DVD push would've made a MINT for WWE. In fact, 2010 sticks out for not having a marquee name at all, with DiBiase as the biggest name (who is awesome, but certainly not a Hart, Michaels, Austin or Savage).

    year after year Vince had guys like Hogan, Hart, Austin, and Michaels
    to headline the ceremony instead. He never needed Savage as a headliner, and if the subject was even broached the whole "gotta put my dad and brother in too, dig it!" probably annoyed Vince or they just couldn't come to terms. Savage was ALWAYS a smart businessman and would've expected a large cut.

    Honestly, Vince still
    hasn't needed him since the ceremonies since Savage's death have been
    headlined by Edge, Bruno, and Warrior. Just wait until the next time he's without a headliner.

  28. The song in question

  29. Do we know for sure he's never been considered? There's a major difference between "not interested" and "not considered." Just look at Bruno. He was ALWAYS probably considered, but just didn't give a fuck until the money was right and he felt better about the company. But ESPECIALLY the moeny.

  30. Plus the boss had a hot daughter.

  31. I always loved it on Thanksgiving Eve because my birthday was early December, so in 1993 and 1994 it doubled as a mini birthday party.

  32. WWF's production graphics looked less small time and they were way less mistake prone, however, I think WCW looked better on TV. The Nitro set is still the all time best set for a wrestling TV show.

  33. The only time I liked Nitro's set was when they did something different. I vaguely remember WCW doing a show where there was a giant swimming pool inside the arena. That was pretty cool.

  34. I loved everything before the 99 set. It is so much easier on the eyes than the brightly lit white and red nightmare that is the current Raw candy cane set...and Smackdown has been an eyesore since day one. That blue color scheme...ughhhhh.

  35. Really the only variation of the current set I think isn't hideous is The Main Event. Which is usually their best television show every week. One hour, all matches, succint recaps of top storylines. I haven't really watched Raw since mid April and I'm a lot happier for it.

  36. The problem with WWE now is that their sets are stale. I remember when WWF debuted their ramp set back in 1997 and I got excited. I quite liked Smackdown's original set with the oval-tron and giant fist but eventually that morphed into looking more like Raw but with blue. I really loved TNA's 6 sided ring and was depressed when they went back to their small 4 sided ring again. I did notice that WWF's and WCW's rings were a lot different back then so I guess it was up to your personal preference on what you preferred.

  37. They haven't changed the sets at all since 2008. It's just ridiculous at this point. It's a lame cost cutting measure. A smaller set that blocked off less of the arena would probably be more attractive and also help them sell more seats at arenas that sell out.

    I never liked the Smackdown oval or the fist and it just hasn't improved. The Main Event is nice because of the throwback to SNME which always had a cool looking color scheme. The red, white, and blue stuff plays well as the WWF/E has always had a fetish for jingoist gimmicks.

    TNA's six sided ring was what set them apart and getting rid of it was the beginning of the end. Also, Hogan and Bischoff burying the last 8 years of a company they probably had watched maybe two hours of TV from in the process of killing it.

  38. It's amazing to think at the time of the scenario that WCW ran maybe 1-2 house shows a week, while WWF did at least 5-6 "A" shows. On top of more time to work and improve, the WWF's intent on pushing new talent was another big reason for his refusing WCW's offer to renew his contract.

  39. Yeah, there has to be a happy medium in there somewhere.

  40. Haven't watched Main Event in awhile, but I continue to read the reports, but Main Event is a simple show with some great booking. On last night's show they established and advanced a tag feud with Usos/Wyatts, gave someone a super push so we know who WWE are trying to push as their stars (Rusev) and gave as a nice competitive main event of the new hot heel of the company (Rollins). Compare this with TNA and I have no idea what's going on in TNA except everyone hates one another.

  41. Agreed. Other than KotR, I don't recall Owen beating one named wrestler. And the squashes haven't made him look like a world beater either.

  42. Yeah the weird thing was that Owen didn't get many squash victims during this time and most of the squashes went to Neidhart. You'd think it's the easiest thing in the world to book, but WWF were treating it like rocket science.

  43. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 11, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    ddp's "self-high five" and raven's "come as you are" soundalikes beg to differ, as does jericho's "evenflow" soundalike

    curt hennig's "surfing with the alien" soundalike agrees, though

  44. Hey, he beat Mo and injured his name. Mo defines Star Power!!

  45. Main Event is run by somebody who knows their shit. I imagine they took one of the pure wrasslin' guys in the company and said "We don't care about this show, we have an hour to fill before Smackdown - produce how you want" - I never watched it on ION and now it is one of the joys of having the network. It's replaced AM Raw for me as the best way to condense WWE into something worthwhile.

  46. Did Owen hurt Mo during the match or was Mo hurt originally and this was their way of writing him out. If Owen hurt Mo, I can see WWF not being keen on giving Owen the super heel push.

  47. I agree Raw is just too much for me now, even the good shows just seem way too long so watching any of their one hour recap shows is the way to go. Or youtube.

  48. CruelConnectionNumber2June 11, 2014 at 10:46 AM

    SCOTT --- Raw on 8/22 is an abbreviated form of Sunday Night Slam. You get a Bret promo, Diesel/Typhoon, and Lex/Crush. But 4 other matches are missing. Then Raw is pre-empted for two weeks by U.S. Open tennis coverage. 3 weeks of BS!

  49. Agreed. I like Zayn's as well. It's just that the upbeat ska vibe isn't something you hear all that much in WWE

  50. Oh yeah I just remembered there was also a Kid/Holly v IRS/Bammer match too. I remember that being a good match.

  51. Not sure, I'm guessing it was just an accident either way. But the match seemed so random when they announced. It's when they hyped it up 1 wrestler at a time, with a long description.... So like : "Owen Hart.......... This younger sibling is on the roll of a lifetime and is on a mission to be world champion..."


    (I was like WTF????)

  52. They did a history of Summerslam special on USA leading up to Summerslam 1997 and I remember Savage being featured pretty heavily in the early portion of it, so I think the rumor was basically some idea someone came up with in the late '90s when everyone realized how hot Steph was and the kind of guys that pro wrestlers are.

  53. Yeah I use to love those short hype videos they use to do and when it came to the B-shows it was pretty common that we got a wrestler getting a push facing some tag guy to put him over as the main event.

  54. I think it was just part of the era. Many also looked older. Paul Orndorff looked like he was pushing fifty in the late '80s due to the excessive tanning he and guys like Hogan would do. Beefcake never looked good after the accident. Earthquake was apparently born balding. And Honky was another guy who never looked young.

  55. Zayn's old theme was terrible anyway. Neither of his songs tells you anything about his character.

    I like both of Breeze's. The old one was awesome, but the new one is really funny. Both effective.

    They could give Mojo "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and it wouldn't help him any.

  56. Orndorff didn't just look old but he always moved around like a he had a pole shoved up his ass. And the trouble with Honky was that it was just a gimmick that belonged in the 80's. Not something WCW should have tried to push in the 90's. And I always liked Tenta so not only didn't I mind seeing him in WCW but actually wanted to see him pushed more.

  57. What shift? The only thing that changed was that all the washed-up WWE guys that used to wear bright colors "shifted" to being washed-up WWE guys that wore black nWo shirts.

  58. All of those soundalikes are terrible. They made WCW look bush-league.

  59. The woos and the thrusting worked.

  60. Ah Sunday Night Slam aka Friday Night's Main Event when they were pre-empted in 97......the 2 weeks of US Open coverage used to lead to crappier taped show than usual since they knew how small the audience was going to be

  61. Part of what i hate about Raw is that it's on so late. It's hard for me to understand since for about ten years of my life i stayed up until 3 AM every night but 11:15 is way too late.

  62. maybe its time for Vince's production team old-guard to hang 'em up

  63. Scott has a point, but you need to understand how production music typically works. In most instances, a prodco (in this case, WWE) will enter into a royalty free blanket license with a production music library (Universal Music has a variety of subsidiaries that do this).

    A TON of prodco's use the same vendors, which is why you heard the Breeze music on GMA, or why Lex Luger's WCW music was heard during Sportscenter highlights for years. The usage rights under those agreements are typically limited to "as incorporated" in the video product (e.g.: NXT, Raw, etc.) and, absent a negotiated fee, not permitted to be sold on a standalone basis, made available on Spotify, etc. Thus, if a character (like Breeze) has a chance at breaking out or moving to the next level, WWE will dragoon Jim Johnson to create a new theme, thus protecting WWE's ability to not only monetize that content, but to use that content in all media (Breeze's prior music, for example, probably could NOT be used in WWE 2015).

  64. In Regal's book he said WCW wasn't offering Hunter much of a raise for resigning which was a contributing factor for him jumping ship.

  65. It should be pointed out that Lanny has given his blessings to induct Randy without him or his dad.

  66. That Kid/Holly team was legit

  67. Savage was in negotiations to return in 1996 before re-signing with WCW, so the door was still open then. Maybe leaving was okay, but deciding not to return when given the chance is what pissed Vince off? Maybe Vince begged him to return and he said no, maybe negotiations got personal...I don't know, but his TNA "run" was in 2004, WCW closed in 2001. There's 3 years there that we don't know what was going on - maybe Vince tried to bring him back and he refused? I really don't think his TNA "run" was something Vince would hold against him, it didn't amount to anything more than if he did one of those one off wrestling All-Stars pay per views...the video being changed and him joining TNA in 2004 is probably just a coincidence.

  68. Probably just Vince fucking with Bret.

  69. Maybe Owen didn't shake Chief Jay Strongbow's hand with a firm grip that week?

  70. So basically: exactly what Scott said, plus all the jargon no one was really interested in anyway.

  71. CruelConnectionNumber2June 11, 2014 at 2:58 PM

    Same route as Hogan. Cashed in on the European tour for his last match (Hogan's last was in England) and then OUTTA THERE!

  72. I think that nobody was a young Matt Hardy...

  73. Even back in 1996, Matt Hardy did not die.

  74. I used to hear Booker T's theme song on various tv shows...and on a CD-ROM based trivia game. I always assumed that WCW used a lot of production tracks for entrances...

  75. I love NXT. I love how it presents itself. I love the execution.

    But, it does have a Husky Harris problem.

    Is it a developmental territory...there for the purpose of teaching wrestlers the game, for trying to find a character and approach that works for them, to let wrestlers make their mistakes when not in the bright lights of RAW/Smackdown? it a vital television property and device to build up interest in new characters that will soon debut on RAW/Smackdown?

    If it is a developmental territory...then throwing some Tyler Breeze spaghetti on the wall to see if it sticks makes perfect sense--and then, when they see that it DOES stick, they can work out the details of how to solidify it. If it didn't work, then nobody wasted their time creating an entrance track designed to be monetized.

    On the other hand...if the goal with NXT is to build up new, fully-formed characters for RAW/Smackdown...then they can't afford to have any false starts, missteps or minor repackagings, or they face the wrath of increasingly knowledgeable fans. (Thus, the "Husky Harris" chants when Bray Wyatt debuted on RAW.)

    My hope, though, is that when changes are made...that they're made for the better.

    So far, so good.

  76. I think Brutus Beefcake being revealed as the masked man was the official end of WCW as it had been known to that point, and when it officially became Rock'n'Wrestling relaunch

  77. WCW didn't look good visually until about Nitro started IMO. You're right that WWF was running ugly dinky arenas, but WCW crowds looked lifeless. It was Nitro with its fresh looking sets and lighting that finally made going to a WCW show look fun and cool (to a 12 year old)

  78. Its amazing what an oddly skewed perception us PWI readers have

  79. Its the Nitro set. To new eyes it was incredible: The dark lighting, the steal WCW letters, the pyro.

    Over in WWF they were coming out of a giant red Raw logo. It looked like it belonged on Saturday mornings, not prime time TV

  80. The wrestlers actually looked better against the set! The steel made them appear tall and built and tough. Coming out against that goofy red logo made the WWF wrestlers look like circus performers. Also the way the show was lit (and the unflattering hair and makeup styles of the time) made the wrestlers look older and more haggard than they were - it's not like the road schedule from White Plains, NY to Syracuse to Hartford was like the 80s cocaine to stay up and ludes and pot to come down schedule.

  81. They did that every year (including the very last Nitro). It was Spring Break Nitro

  82. Nailed it! It's soooo gaudy. I wish they would tone down the lighting and go with something more subdued. As is it looks like everyone other fake set from any awful reality TV competition show.

    Disagree on SD--I'm a fan of the FIST (it shot pyro out of its knuckles for crying out loud!)

  83. I think that has more to do with a bunch of those guys having cheap-knockoffs of their WWF gimmicks.

    Big Bossman becomes The Boss, then The Guardian Angel, so he's gone from cop to what, neighborhood patrol?

    Earthquake becomes Avalanche. A downgrade in natural disasters.

    Brutus was a barber, now a butcher (but only metaphorically, he butchered a friendship!)

  84. who was Hogan's last WWF opponent????

    Sucka's gotta know

  85. Hmmm, this also coincides with Macho's mid-life crisis rap career. Perhaps Vince found that beyond embarrassing and wanted to disassociate?

    For the record I really don't think the Savage/Steph rumors are true.

  86. That "He butchered a friendship" line I read in the voice of Roger from American Dad

  87. I really think it was the attempted rap career is part of it. That happened around 03, and he was taking blatant viscous shots at Hogan, who was on good terms with Vince at the time (fought Vince at WM 19, inducted in the HOF in 05).

    07 had a marquee inductee: Dusty Rhodes baybee!

  88. I'm pretty sure Vince would've been all for Randy's rap career. I can imagine Vince ringing him up just to say "Mah niggah".

  89. It's not just that he was rapping, he was going 2pac on Hogan. And wasn't Hogan on good terms with Vince at this time?

  90. Eh a lot of people hate Hogan. I doubt Vince would base his friendship on whether or not they like Hulk or not. Plus Vince/Hogan have also had a rocky relationship. I can't remember what Savage rapped about other than his tribute to Hennig, but I'm sure Vince didn't care one way or the other when it cam to his rap album.

  91. I lived in Lowell for 6's not as far from 8 Mile as you think, unfortunately. "The Fighter" gives you a pretty fair glimpse of it.

  92. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 11, 2014 at 7:03 PM

    God forbid someone offer an informed explanation of something.

  93. Yep. Worked all his singles matches with Yoko, all ending with Hogan winning by DQ, IIRC.

  94. True, but it wasn't until very recently (the last year or so, I think). And Lanny only said that saying he wants no part of it. Since Lanny won't show up, who accepts the induction? Savage's widow? Who knows what contact she has with WWE?

    Of course, a bag of money can change anything, as it did with Bruno and Warrior. A million bucks could buy Lanny a lot of frisbees.

  95. If WWE really wanted to troll the Internet, they'd make Stephanie induct him.

  96. Good point that I never thought of. I could see Vince not wanting to rock the boat with Hogan since Hogan was making him good money in DVD, merch sales, and PPV buyrates (SummerSlam 2005 did 650k, over 200k more than the previous year).

    True, Dusty was definitely the marquee of that year, even if he's not on the Austin-Hogan-Warrior-Bruno level of WWE importance/popularity. That tells me even more that 2010 (which was headlined by Ted DiBiase) probably would've been Savage's year if a deal was worked out.

  97. You make a compelling argument. Wasn't that the same HOF where Gorgeous George went in with almost no fanfare? You'd think they would've made a bigger deal about that one

  98. is Amy Adams really the only attractive woman in your city?

  99. I thought he was the poster was talking about Savage jumping.

  100. How come you refuse to acknowledge Hogan is not medically cleared to wrestle anymore?

  101. For the couple of months that she was in town filming the movie, yes.

  102. Absolutely. All about business.

  103. Do we know that he was never considered? I just can't even imagine what he would have to have done to not be considered for he HoF. (Let me save you the time: Stephanie can imagine it!) I think as fans we tend to assume that coming back for a HoF speech/ceremony and maybe a DVD would be a no-brainer, but that's the value in saving money and earning the right to be picky.

  104. Looking back, most of the attitude era sucked. Big time.


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