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cranky vince

Hi Scott,

I'm don't check Twitter a whole lot, but Cranky Vince is always my first stop when I do.  What happened to the account?  The few stories I've read imply that Cranky Vince was an insider and hitting too close to home, but that was said before when the account was briefly taken down.  Any guesses about why it's down again?  

Also, CM Punk.  


​I think it would be awesome if CM Punk WAS Cranky Vince.  Everything would make sense on so many levels.  

As to the question, no idea what happened to him.  ​


  1. Wasn't it JBL? Or was that debunked?

  2. I believe it was debunked, but he may have been trying to save face.

  3. Probably a burnt out writer blowing off steam. Either way, the account wasn't bad.

  4. I thought there was someone at some point who tweeted a cranky vince thing on their own account by accident then deleted it and posted it to cranky vince anyway. some former writer or something.

  5. There were rumors that it was JBL (and lots of evidence indicated it really was--like when he was mountain climbing the account would be silent) and another guess was that it was multiple writers (past and current) that all had access to the account (so it was more difficult for those to figure out which one person was responsible).

  6. It happened to JBL twice

  7. That would be the first time I ever thought well of JBL.

  8. Honestly, it was never the same after the JBL "reveal". The comments got
    a lot less inside and it seemed like it was slowly being phased out because if it was taken down immediately after the JBL "reveal" it would've raised even more red flags.

  9. According to Cornette, JBL hates the internet so it definitely can't be him.

  10. I still remember nearly everything about that Nitro and it's going on sixteen year. At least to me, they did just fine.

  11. I miss watching the Braves on TBS. Tyler Perry can go away forever...

  12. I'd say about the time Nitro started. Same reason why SNME didn't work today. Who needs it when you get star vs. star every week on Raw?

  13. Oh, all of that is bad too. I just used the two examples because Sting and Goldberg are the two biggest stars WCW ever built on its own and they completely blew both of their big moments.

    If WCW could screw up so badly with making money with Sting and Goldberg there was no way they'd figure out how to get money out of Guerrero, Mysterio, Benoit, Show, Jericho and Bret Hart.

  14. I like Cranky Vince but there was a time several months back where it just went berserk and took over my entire twitter feed for hours at a time...that got old real quick.

  15. He says it wasn't but the evidence against him is as good as you'll get given the nature of the internet

  16. TBS being replaced with Peachtree TV is identical with what happened in Philadelphia in the same year as this show when PRISM (a great channel that had new movies AND Philly baseball, basketball and hockey) was replaced by the godawful Comcast SportsNet Philadelphia.

    Although I didn't live near Philly in the 90's, I was still able to get the channel through my trusty C-band satellite and the channel itself was the second best premium channel (only behind The Movie Channel) and I was beyond pissed when it was replaced by CSN and CSN proceeded to show infomercials on the first freaking day.

  17. Yeah, seeing a Royals vs. Yankees game on TBS just seems so wrong. Almost as wrong as Joe Buck announcing baseball instead of Bob Costas and Al Michaels.

  18. "Fuck You, Enjoy The Trojan!".

  19. It could have been JTG.

  20. "I was having a match with Ric Flair, something you will never do..."

  21. Better yet is the new rumor that dolphins1925 on reddit was Brodus Clay, and him saying that he was flying to Japan to protest dolphin fishing was his shout out to the whole situation, without being obvious.

  22. Speaking of, if Bischoff didn't want to promote Starrcade as the top show then why did he wait till then to allow it to happen?

  23. The point is they could have done it on PPV and you would still remember it plus having actually paid money to see it.

  24. Did Alex Wright suffer a brain tumour then? That's really sad. He deserved a lot better in his career.

  25. Only thing is, wouldn't he essentially blacklist himself for working for any promotion if he's known as a guy that leaks results?

  26. Great note on the underrated "Monday Night War" DVD is guys like Mysterio and Guerrero noting that WCW had slews of talent to build up but for the exception of Goldberg, ignored them in favor of pushing Hogan, Piper, Flair and NWO constantly.

  27. I've seen some of the Cranky Vince tweets, but I'm not sure why he's relevant or what about him has made people interested. I'm assuming there are some interesting tweets that I have missed.

  28. And I think there was a contract agreement that kept Neidhart and Bulldog from associating with Bret anyways. If that was true, then they were better off staying in the E until they fired them anyways. If it wasn't true, then WCW was just being WCW - because you easily reform the Hart Foundation to battle the nWo and have Hogan vs. Hart - but yeah . . .

  29. Seriously, because the biker show is a better visual for a PPV. I am sad that Vince hasn't tried to do a version of it.

  30. Plus, I doubt that he was high enough in the company to know that much insider information. Most of the wrestlers don't know who's going to win a match until that day or in some cases an hour before hand. Because Vince.

  31. Supposedly it's funny to people who know Vince because it's how he talks. I don't get it either. It was unfunny.

  32. Also I'm not sure he's as good a typist as dolphins1925, judging solely on his Twitter account.

  33. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 12:45 PM

    Why not keep it a secret? I mean, if you're not in the match or somehow otherwise involved, then why do you need to know?

  34. Because Bischoff is a biker slut.

  35. Angry Jim > Cranky Vince

  36. This right here. Either than Cena, Big Show or someone thats in that tight with the company and know who's winning all of the matches days or even the day of the event


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